Agricultural Science Crops SBA 2017-2018
Agricultural Science Crops SBA 2017-2018
Agricultural Science Crops SBA 2017-2018
2. To investigate which manure produces a higher yield with a lower cost of production.
Statement of problem
Manure is a substantial expense in cultivating crops. The researcher has observed that within the past
few years the cultivation of crops was difficult to accomplish due to the use of substandard
manure. The crops produced were sold at a lower cost due to the lower yield produced by
former students.
The researcher is conducting a survey to determine which manure whether organic or inorganic is
better to use to produce a high yield of crops and also to see if this factor can lower the
The Pakchoi grown will be measured weekly and have their heights compared at the end of the six
weeks and will further be analyzed and placed for easier interpretation on graphs.
Experimental design
For the purpose of this investigation, a total of 60 Pak Choi will be planted. The researcher will
cultivate two beds “bed A” and “bed B”, both consisting of 30 Pak Choi each. On each bed
Bed “A” will be cultivated using organic manure (cow manure), while bed “B” will be
cultivated using inorganic manure (urea). Both beds will be cultivated for a period of 6 weeks
prior to reaping. Five seedlings will be selected randomly from both bed and their growth will
be measured and recorded weekly; after which a comparison and analysis will be made. The
researcher will further plot graphs using the results for easier interpretation.
Project Budget
In this project there was not a loss. In comparison between the projected budget and the actual
budget, the projected income was $12000 while the actual income was $14400.this is as a
result of an increase in the quantity and price of crop. This accounted for the increase in actual
The projected expenditure was $5170 and the actual expenditure was $5150 because some of
the materials on the projected budget were provided free of cost by the school.
The projected surplus was $6830 while the actual surplus was $9250. The actual surplus was
Upon completion of the project there was an increase of $2420 in the actual surplus, based on
for the production of high yields of Pakchoi while maintain a low cost of production. Both bed
of Pakchoi were grown for seven (6) weeks. The results obtained are shown below:
Throughout week one (1) there was a fluctuation in the height of the Pakchoi for both beds of
plant. At the end of the week plants growing with inorganic manure showed higher heights.
For week two(2) there was less fluctuation in the heights when compared to week one(1).both
bed of plants had steady heights but those growing with organic manure had higher heights.
Week three (3) shows a rapid increase for plants growing with inorganic manure but a slow
increase of height for the other plant when compared to the heights recorded for week two (2)
Throughout week four (4), five (5) and six (6) there was a rapid increase in both beds of plant
when compared to the previous results. From the results it was observed that growth rate of
plants growing with inorganic manure was more rapid than those receiving organic.
Table showing the comparison of the average growth of Pakchoi
1 0.62 0.58
2 1.92 2.62
3 2.56 4.12
4 5.02 6.46
5 8.06 11.96
6 11.58 16.56
Based on the results above it can be seen that the Pakchoi cultivated using inorganic manure,
grows quite faster when compared to those cultivated using organic manure. This occurred
The following findings/observations were obtained during the completion of this project:
● Plants that grew with inorganic manure had smaller leaves when compare to plants that
● Plants that grew with inorganic manure produce a high yield when compare to plants
● Plants that grew with inorganic manure grew faster than those that was cultivated using
organic manure.
● Plants that grew with organic manure had larger leaves when compared to the other
● The following limitations were obtained during the completion of this project:
● Incorrectly applied inorganic fertilizers caused damage to the plants that they were
applied to.
● Rain leached away the nutrients and minerals needed for the growth of the Pakchoi
● During marketing many consumers had problem with the appearance of the Pakchoi
● On sunny days transpiration exceeded absorption of water by the plant thus resulting in
Based on the results obtained in the experiment, the researcher recommends that:
● Plants should be watered daily to avoid wilting in the heat of the sun.
● Plants should be kept cool when the weather is warm and should not sit in direct sun.
Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that organic manure is better for the cultivation of
Pakchoi Since it produces a higher yield with a lower cost of production when compare to inorganic
Graph displaying results
Bar graph showing a comparison between the average growth of the Pakchoi using organic and
inorganic manure