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Government College of Nursing Jodhpur (Raj.)

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Subject-Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialty-I


GCON, Jodhpur GCON, Jodhpur
The Non-stress test monitors the fetal heart rate in response to fetal movement in order to assess fetal

There is an observed association of FHR acceleration with fetal movements, which when present, indicates a
healthy fetus. In NST, a continues electronic monitoring of the FHR along with recording of fetal movement
is undertaken.

1. It is used as a screening test.
2. It doesn’t involve external stimulation (e.g.Oxytocin stimulation)
3. It can be used in those women, who are contraindicated for CST
4. It is simple method
5. Absence of risk factors
6. May be done in outpatient setting

1. Previous cesarean section
2. Placenta previa
3. Threatened premature labor
4. Women who are contraindicated for CST
5. It includes all the indications of CST


 Women’s bladder should be empty to avoid disruption and promote comfort.
 She should be in either a semi fowler’s or left lateral position (to avoid supine hypotension
 Blood pressure should be checked to obtain a baseline recording.
 Mother should be explained the procedure properly.
 Its advantages, risk involved and consequence should be explained to the mother.

 FHR is monitored for approximately 20-30 minutes
 It is important that the fetus not be in a fetal sleep state for the entirely of the test as sleep may cause
decreased FHR variability.
 If necessary, an abdominal palpation can be used to rouse the fetus.
 During the test the women presses a button whenever she feels fetal movements which produces
mark on the monitor strip so that fetal movements and fetal heart can be correlated.

Based on patterns of FHR reactivity to fetal movement.
1. Normally the FHR decreases (with in the normal range of 120-160BPM) and variability increases
with gestational age, probability in relation to the development of the CNS.
2. Fetus normally has a transient accelerated heart rate with average baseline variability when moving
or to external stimuli such as abdominal palpation.
3. An abnormal fetal heart rate reactivity response to fetal movement is evidenced by a persistent
reduction in baseline variability with an absence of FHR acceleration.
4. This pattern may indicate a distressed fetus and occurs when the fetal CNS is depressed by narcotic
drugs, hypoxia or acidosis.
5. Thus, the accelerations of the FHR associated with fetal movement are presumably reflex medical
and takes accounts the overall utero-placental functions on the CNS of the fetus.

1. Reactive test: - Test is one in which a normal fetal reactivity pattern is demonstrated. This is
evidenced by FHR acceleration of 15 BPM above the baseline lasting for the 15-30 seconds in
association with fetal movements.

 Two or more occurrence of this acceleration pattern within a 10 minutes periods or five or
more acceleration within a 20 minutes period are considered normal.
 A normal fetus near term will also evidence a baseline fetal FHR between 10 and 25 BPM
and no deceleration of any type.

2. Non-reactivetest: - is one in which absence of the two accelerations in the two observation periods,
or a persistent decreased variability with an absence of acceleration in FHR in response to fetal

 This is evidenced by FHR acceleration of less than 15 BPM above the baseline or lasting less
than 15 seconds in association with fetal movement.

3. Suspicious (Equivocal)- in which there are definite FHR acceleration associated with fetal
movement but the number of accelerations, the increase in beats/minutes above the baseline, or the
length of their duration does not meet the criteria for being either reactive or non-reactive.

1. If the test is reactive it indicates fetal well –being and predicts a good outcome, if birth were to occur
within one week.
2. If non- reactive, further assessment of fetal status should be initiated to aid in determining fetal
3. If the test is suspicious, it should be reported in 24-48 hours.
4. The NST can be repeated or continued at any desired frequency without concern for adverse for
adverse effects to the fetus.

1. Nurse helps in the preparation of the mother and in counseling the parents, when finding are
2. Nurse involved from giving a simple explanation of measurements and gestational age to offering
support and advice when an abnormality is formed.
3. Nurse is involved in the preparation and positioning of the women before the test is stated.
4. Mother should be given a little information at time and should be told the results of the test later by
her general practitioners or nurses.
5. Nurse should apply their obstetric knowledge in interpreting the test, if they are trained.
6. Nurse should give findings to the mother immediately which eliminates the anxiety caused by delay.
7. As an operator she has a great responsibility for promoting good relationship between the fetus and
the family to make it pleasant experience.
8. Nurse must laid down definite guideline in advance of any such events in order to avoid difficulty.
9. Many questions may be asked by the parents to nurse after detection of abnormality, the nurse should
deal them patience fully.
10. Nurse in this way are always in a position to give empathy and support.
11. The nurse must keep themselves up to date on the latest prenatal diagnosis, the treatment available
and the possible outcomes of such pregnancies.

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