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(tH) bested stelle Dbkiles ills bettedot (14) Hesled) Udell wes blio bebe es |Ciferrey Bey ma Te I 2 BSG AVA VIM aay OR Bar NAA roel ert wna firm fe xe 0 Terra ME PS FTA YE At TT (He)-44 THY GMT MTS FIP AT | EWE GAGS BT HOS WN 93 TM fees ests | aaa APT AE AS GRA vo WA aPeT UPC wafkS | as aes are fet
FARA (Fa) Comat ES mee Recas sreTTS fee ea SIM AT | ATRIA GAM TEM, WA OAT Wal BAIS Fata YAY BOEATA TIS fetSS VI ATT | GUIA 0 TAT ALT ws TAR fer fefrwrA SIAC AVS | ANOS RICH A Y BA AAT ACATR (CHAT FRA wart) | aa for? ya cecreria sreroed sit arafacr-fee WH wee Sah 1 2 foatt ya fer- we, war fre o ATA 1 a AE CRRBTOTA TG) FRAT VARTA BA ee AGS | SAT WGA TG AAT, PICA BAA AGS Vout Tas fears GPA As SaTo-ahh ANSI TYAS ACF Wa 4S Retcas Tet Hes FIC YH SOM SA GTS © CIMA ANS YA ATS SUAS art Saver AA SAHA (Hs) Orewa “aT fara AAAET CHA A Wa CTA CH Ra TH fears cra 1 fee Sema ae CA SACS Bors Sa SA AV AA HASTA 1 At ST (Fis) Sta TR CATA afses eH Sree CTT OY ara AO | 9 SAR GTS BTS FT TACT “GH Ta RH AR A, TASH STATS AIC HATA” 19 TA HWA CS ote Ufaes frre Aa SAN (Az) ONss SrTARAS Fra Ft | 9 fea wear farts aerecrs AeheITIs A! Sr VSA PACH MSH ASA PTA GY BIAS GPR FATS AIH 1 GSS HMMA WaT Gra BIg SEs fea frat | WIZ SRA CGM BUS Waa Walahl safer | arerran saa Ay STG areca Soa iforer AWC ae CTA CHA MCS CRT | TZ BRA WEIS ACE CAT | Sat STG BIRT WS FERS STA CTA | RAS SAGAR BATA -APTSH (ats) Vio fers ufira aH BIT BIRT PCR SA PATA | ASMA AAS TOE GY TIA IT We Tees ACS RS Ve | MSR AWA SATA TH ASNT FBI-aTAR TH TAHT AAA (FRA FA) 1 (ate weer ere sue wa sak ase Raa stfaorr) We Os = AA SICH TETTR OF VAT 1 HATA ATH GSA, SA SR “TAT 8% RA GA 28 STS THAT WAC RCN PTAA TAT, deeBAA (Fe) ORI SAT | SPPTATTA We AS freA GPA We CHAT SIN COMMA ACT AZ | TAT BIS ATTICS AR CHA Ma 1 aa ales (Fis)-aa SHS VAS GAM (A12), VATS VTA (a2) 6 WAS SA (Ae) TST AAC SPAR | BIAS APM (Ale) as OMNESS MAIC ar SCA CRT | VAS TAN (Me) GETS faafSo Bq CHAT | BITS GAA (Hs) GSAT ANCA THR CVA BHR AT | VAS VA @ GTM (ars) Garis Va ouata Vis VT DIAI ae ONS MIS TAM | GSAS SAT OIG AVacrs a fer AST Ter GTA WH A Py Boa afore PcafereT 1 OF TAT erm (ats)-a4 share cra ea PHfaCH catcafet ae GTA GH OTH CRRA FCS ST ACT TT aR | BTSR TOT PTA for Acaa warn Rew PT cree corset ART WAHT AHhTT AMT 1 AS YR BAS Ve | ashe as Bora yf cara, SrRice oro OF Fite are waters TARA CARLA WleT SHAT RCA COHCHAT ¢ BS Wa VAS SFP (te) AIS SAS AMAA Seats Cory A | Aa se (Fe) Sree Claas Gate estat ora fren aa SAT abr fied Fa al | SA FANS CLA UIT Sava Seana fats RH CN | GR VNC ATT AT SA ATS’ AT STA FANT RAS Gert (as) Perea Be worn fea ya safer | ARITA! [ReAS TA (Gts)-44 Aor as wafer Get, GTA At sh (Fe)- GA AWA AIC CVLAA Ul AT PHMCST MMA | A CorMS aporta fawa fir ANG Fae FIP BATONS GTA OTT fans xcufee |] STAT RTS CHNGT TAA 8 SAA YR VTS TNT BTA WIAA (ae)-4a GAG IS SY BATTS 3a Reais waa arance favo ea TA TMS (se) Voor afew were 43 ofa (He)-ca coMATS BefeS Be | VA AF (At) ash 3a coarse arfica wee arn age era freA | Ae FM BS CUT FLA CMM | VAS BWI (sts) VS awe few 7 SFR BIAS GAMA (A2)-43 CVATHSHIA AEG CATH FACT 1 seoRA (Fe) (rena craters sift faa- 42) srs (2) Sraea afSe | Sa ALT STAR OI SRY CATA HAS MTA Fes 1 FOF faafew Be Oe FAS NAA | AI CGA US CHIR fate ea ATA | Ural AR FOIA ALA- WiaS BAL FATS 1] Was Sse s SALAS BCR IPAS CF 8 UA DH BA | WALT & OF Coe GR BVA SHA | SATE HA AR WT 40 TA PRAT EIS FAS VW AR Io GA TAY BW | PRorrs wUG feet BIZ BIE, OSA, SEM, “AI- SYA TST | TA Fo BAA Wey AT BT (Hs)-94 DIT UA, WS AMT STITT STS, PITS GE wise sae AaTHA- 4B Brae fecata AA ofa (H2)- GA SAT | AAA TR HATA GS AT AMT | Yad TATA FONTS 6 PAG AA GHA CHE Ula MAA FA | WIA AT- FI @ BSS OMS CTT GaSe AI UT | UIT CTA MaTECT erro from « wie fete a1 Dm aah Zor «fe fcr ngeren Fa STAR ORIEN was ee OIE eee Aor aes PETE PTA fa” Recs arene sae | FTAA VR EI AS 8 Waa CCS AT Shy (Hs) Gs AE waa AA pasos qq Gers Fs fea ya ace *ePTHS fies ACH Se | Be Ser ATE AFCA OA FAA ACG 1 ATS Stat MHOAIA ACT AA AAV ters AARAATG WOT 1 TET WTA 6 WHAT AAT TCT TA ALAA : a al sty 3 easly “& ape, WIT wey aes Rew safer wea OTA CET SOAP Forws Stay Vlas Ct SATA” | (Fat AAA) 1 (oan. aa ahaa (H2)-aa ASCH GTS Sra fAcesa Ao aay At ira (":)-0a ea Fores area oe fowl ART IPS ace a2 ofa (He) facia TET STATS US 6 Frees Serre a waa) aa ahaa (F2)-aa TTT SER orate ore =e @ >@8Aa (m2) PHAS SAM BATRA | “ANS SA STATA Sal, Ala FIG VEIN TT, aaa Sa Sates STM, Aas ANAT SrarRa AWAY ae Tala HELE areas Hele acm facafow” | FSA cor ores Us TAB aq! at since ofrered OI BAR @ Tea (TITS AA TH ares SGI) FT BT A Vea CHE SAR o AHA WT OM CORTES AS AT | OR BAA TH AB wre caterers aT PSGIA AA AA | WAH GAY UAL Ve Aco Gea cami ott enfrs aca ae | (fae FqS-VS aAMETR Guetfers TEA 961 xd-90 BEB) 1 Seay AA aA ATRs FCA STATS STAAL ards Fa 1 Ala ae @, ora yaa aH SF] We Cea Aa TAT (Fs)-98 FIT Xo BA RS CHATS GIOIA APY ate TS FC TA A | A STS “SIAC Ha’ A VA | AW AP foe sata feat va ad sha (Fe) Be Sa a esa Le AoA ACSI ACTA ATA CA IS PACT AAR FETT 8 Sra pane juss; Laws OU, 38 28a nis a ie JU BU SAS TALE HL THT CK THA I TF! GTR we Ets AI (Ha) corrtora ARS HH CH SATAT BeaRCA-OT FF coat Ay CHCA? BHATT Ace GTI I entet safes ST IY wey coca” 1 (ara) FAR OTOHACH FN eA STAG TATA ¢ - coll ghd 9 DIT ed Ch tl ay wd—“cy tSartettt cormtera TEatT BT FOR at AER TA SATAY NCHA AAC AUT AA AMT ART SCHAMA COTA TAIT fen aca sare” | (AT) OCHA Bat HH BUAS eta (ae) Ne Were farsa | fOfA ora saeA- Ba appa, Stats Fes YS area HMA Few Faq AACR? Sia feAa (He) SHAS HR SCA AA SAN (8) AMT HCA = AEG ony GS Be ak ie ad—SOTR aT Se COTTA WHEAT COTA CAA VATS AHR AT | PEW CHT BAT CTA AS aera GR” (gaat) | Bde YS Tierra Bat xe Sfroms ora wh, Fee Ts craTa MS. CrOTa erat RAR | AOR safe sagt. lat eRe fy cance ahs 1 ee tom walt ys afin wee Hew Gferra sera sacra anise wf eM AT | TS STeace UA GF ead MAS CAM BH, CAA TIA «A, TRS Pesca Aas AS CI GMa SS TAN Ol GTA VA GLH FCA AT Sars ATTN (ate), CAAT STA BA ase TET MATS rea Free Free aT BUTERN BRATEM CR, Rergte iter a afet WACEy j in py HM sk B51 Je Sena, asi Sia Le Sh wir ad—“oftay ORAPTR (GA VER) TIA HR PeRTS A W-Sey Seerces cocrarers Free Ret A aR PTAA FARR AIT CRAIC eal Stat SM FATS CAA aa WAS Bloor HE Stat Fe FSR CHATS 6 VATS AA” | (ftteTS) (nat tor THA AWS TS AI SNS TS arra TS vary Beal IAI FACS Aa, WER Aa STEAe WE ACTA TSR HAA THA CATS ae wa les vie Aes ae Boel var Taw ea | aa Praia faeaet ora arrepaa aye Fo MAR TEA’ ae Ba AGA “ars-srafeary” acy CFA |) BIaTA ffs For foots “Ars Ws o Fea BpAa"-g Sat CHM wis arcetioAl Seah HEA NOTA 94 WATASHI WT 1 Wad do fra ofa “NTA TCA gag wiface aa sa (ne) Fe ofS ps Rea UTM BAA ACARI (He) CH ROACH ALATA AS AAT CAT CAA | ACTH (2) AHA QT TAA, AN-SAM BIAS MBA (as) CH HVA BA CUCFA VS Pyar}RS (2) We Ca ACTH Sea Pea 1 IAS GAT (as) CH AA SATA (2) afar cate Fieaers-Ty FANS CTT ABT Ssld SAT | LRTI Olas HIS Bars Vira aera Gqais crm Bae | Gra Hay aca Wow Heras aca toy BA aay ACS AIA We ATS FAA Rrra Het Vaya TARA ACT CAA TEP s aa) afan (fs) Gaeng wha easy ser) Tere walter AIT FeIg BAA ToS cate aa VT TH SAT (s)-44 DTT BTS SHAP-aat AT STAT AAT | PEAR Ate refers | CATATCRS aia SITTER Rect Baik era a GT VIsw WAP Aer ory A Bea | aa fefracy Aa Sia (Fe) UIs YpIa a freA STAT CANS OM SAA GAT MIA Sea Gaal fare Sea oT feet Gierrgers RE 1 yea aa Ta GT tae Bigs Kaa | B, Creat i creas Reins ah sia (Fs)-4a Crm afta PRA BTRTAR ANY ATH TAS We WETS wl Aenea Biden acs stay Re | SAS Teas earad fog ffs Cras areca fSora fier TA Ba ROU | ware ee TaN eee TA STATS aT BAR | OR Aa ofa (is) FARMS AS STRATA SIA AL AANA TMG GATS BIA | RUAS GTA (M12) TACAA- “AN @ BrCTa PATA Sea Sal Vids ak Sri fe ea sigh wes Fras ane seq Fa Be) Sra FS AT CONS Sia Pre ANS For SavS HI STA Sta BR VSS VO FES 1 AW TA SY VRPT FOI FHS" | RAS BIg Tos Fifhrs (as) WAT SaCR—“Yrad SAT GIMTT Ba TANS ROG CHE AIS-ATS UIATS CHAS! @ Yaa Boyed-Boa frag PRT AI" 1 ad say (Ws) BIAS BIZ Aecad (As) TORTS eA ara ATNaTA waters Fat cars xo Bfem-TwTea 80 Bea Wa Tals HORT STAT Ft CRE CHR ey TS TRACTS WTA R-firaeS fae aren 1 ofetta wrqE gears aH Waa Bom oF sewers TS HOPS SAT “AA Sly (His) WRTACHATS eS AAA Qa rac” | GR Criaera afta genta Dre eihew BH | >e4aera) (2) ho aficrta yf «% oranef crm afer | AAT, Tara Ties “face faa ara qed ta aie ST WER UIT 4 San RAAS CIA (Aiz)-4F TAOS MEH TATA Uae BAT AAT staraela aisit afaction SPro fieafacas | few aaieiia ztfera Aaast FNAL EAT FRTI 8Ae GTS are Berd akeerew Cae CATT PLATA | set Naeiescan Sie sheen Buda: ie Set eR CAA TMT AAT | ATTA TAA WreTas PC HANGS FaCA-SAT CAA AS BA A CHET Gets TR CHe-eN wreT afs WRAY Sa, AI Wiens AST cars afSrt we” | (gat TAG 8 BTATS) RAR Fat WAI wa ARs HOSEA aRoGU UTTTETS FS BEF AAG MCA GIANG BA ATH |] AAR VTTS VeAcar erat Gert wtf ¢ OT WAY STATA HET | AA SAT (He) MATT GNA DIST WT (lz), GTS SGA Be, vIoTTST SR Aisa @ AeTHA- OF OTT FAC OF TAA | AN Shr Hs)-4a Fe THT VAS GA Gia Tt VIAS eafrey (as) aes Uowley wa oS TATA Vaal wile yea oT misc front 1 aa) ofey (m2) CePAE CE aaa Vafoer srafoe crac aay fa anfiet (ats)-aa Fu Tat wea Sma | sareratis fafa entire (a2)-9a TSU FaaT tet OIG Bree BFS few ORCA Sacer | AA} SAT (Ae) TTA Ba cHaw fica wert wa RAS Srace aia onfsca crara eS STATOTS WAS CAA | GAA Ter sie 6 qorwa—4a Bora Tay 20 UiFM Ba 80 Siem WOW 80 View aa vo Vira ae OKI Gea Bd vo BieRT anh BC CHE swo Bien ~afyy Wert oh Sea ode VAS STAIR (ats)-4a Bora a8 gers Grates From AT Se | (AF Bisa Bo chEAA (A) Garaa war-ofs fara acs aa Brera TTR-aIa (4% Diem) FAT weet coo Trt) 1 a2 feTaMe ovo USM FNM FTE WBA COOXIVO = o,000/- SI Bera TI) | [eames orate 68 Raid wecsa At OTT TAA AS fen TA AGE | OR aera “OTT ce fo Bat WF (bo HATA at as Reta Bret) brn ater wig eres ficae- at aces air fers water ATA ARB IATR | TANG TATA STA CHIR MAH CHR—AAWAT vo,coo/- (Sift Bata) Bratt aw faais wees Bert OME SIS nf AS eA (He) TCT — oes sua 5 peatllgly cu ethan dia ibd Jays ie én Joc Bt) ads sinjyiiviasj saint ad—“aR BART (Fe) THA VISTA, TA TET CC PATA TT ana vist Bae Facts FSS wht Reta Trt At vo Blea eAgRt TRS A SORT cae TeaRTT—-Ah SHR BR Hat AR, SRT MOTH SAT ASAT SAT CUACAT GAT WH FAC | NTA HIT TAR, ath Be af Byer Seas aR CHT PITS BPs TAR | Q WBMPeet tea?” | Wy VITAS TTR (als) TATA “A ST Sar Sake oa ihe wrata MH Cae war Vly Ota SS SIA wrt was star ak VA MTT St sea? TH (Fs) TATA sna) aa wR OTATCe wi Meme” 1 WIR wT 2 fies safer aI cocafe-ia AT BIRR” 1 RAS SANE (as) TA BY (we)-aa BACT MeMTA aT CATA RUS WA CONE 48 AMA FAL BAN at sae | fe vA farts weeg Wat 14S Sta DTA get CHT aN | fo FET MATE CUTS CONTA SA APTA AMTTTOA ae faces FATA ATA GaTAT ONY TACHA | ATCT STON A ACT AA BEA (He) Ss armcreora ane fit fret trea apts fireafacrs (Pret * ate @ CAAT) 1 ( CHL AMAT (SIRs) © TA SMAATA PATA TPMT CUE GY Way Te TSR aR eae freaks | ast eat ST farina GA] BCAA 1) esAa (Fi) (AR sta (H2)-aa BACT CMT eT CTH aR fren aa SRA (a12)-49 FAR TA Wen-ara TSaNAA aetna Racy Here Teta Sea HAA AT | AAT ANZ COT FTA 1 SY BUA A RATA AT STA TOIT CHAT SAA TAT GTA, GH AA SM Fa OR As Tels SHS WA Tele Tea HR OFM AA) BRT (Fis) -a44 VCH CAAT IGE AANA Rar fea @ AM ora (ws) Aaa ak Bercy tears Aes FATRA-TIG STMT CHET GUT BTAMTAAT GI AeaTs- FATS FBS 1 WH WE Sle SSA OTA FRA saas ATA ATIC Rarer afr carect ficafer— “arat wat sam (Fs)-aa Barca ICTS wry aH Fu Sata—Oral Shea” | UAT sane FMA afer TIE sat wrface tae Safeencaa cea ora fae fren a SIA Face wae safeara—few oF caretcaet weafa 1 Aaa Bees CHA wien ta oi Peas SOOM wes fra AAA Fara GR | OA CORITS-AUAS GAP (Als), Fata Fret @ BM ara (ws) Rats Face sews few wea S cafe? att afeare: ca-aery Fa Ate GMOS VRS CNTY BA GA A-aewy Na cates TATE fra 1 COTA Ata BAH mC CTA ETS Gfe sare ICA AL ONS SA FH FAI! MASMIS UIs For Fal ome! (cert *Tat) aI aA SCOTT RAS TRIO OTTPATA (ARs) Gla WHYS “CHA AAT LS Od0 FRA MEGA FHT (TAR ccc ccseeeecceseeeneeeeeennensnees ) TATA 8 “CN RM ACS OTT OUTTA BEAT STR WOT (OH Sta Reere Rete aA VALS Bra ACA” Ba A, TARA AR RACH Aes Cf 1 Val s HUTS FA BA, FAA ‘gfe aca, wera core fe AG wR, ara fafte HIATT de St TI Gar? Se ef Baca sews Hho Tater fom FA (Fs) TAPS TCHCRA (a1 GIA) | SA OTT SrRVIA WowrA Arca. “ara eat wh (H2)-44 Face oa PM SA-Sra FITHA” | Gs VCSTATATSR OTA wfaera SAT ATTA (ARs) TITHA ATT ACA ATCHRA 1 (ATO APTA!) Fas efter wraAhey oefereT yeqoke A AMT | GIR ow AalEta Rae ed Vara Wea A asa TEL o ete | vo
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4/5 (1217)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
From Everand
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
From Everand
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (831)