Formulation Ang Evaluationof Herbal Hanitizer Using Psidium Guajava Leaves Extract PDF
Formulation Ang Evaluationof Herbal Hanitizer Using Psidium Guajava Leaves Extract PDF
Formulation Ang Evaluationof Herbal Hanitizer Using Psidium Guajava Leaves Extract PDF
Research Article
Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Hand Sanitizer Using Psidium guajava Leaves Extract
Firdous Shaikh*, 2Priyanka Bhosale, 3Snehal More
1 Department of Pharmaceutics, 2Department of Pharmacognosy, 3Department of Pharmaceutics
Satara College of Pharmacy, Satara (Maharashtra), India.
*Corresponding author’s E-mail: [email protected]
4. The extract of guava leaves and Carbopol were two plates were kept for incubation for 24 hrs at 370 C.
added to denaturing alcohol with glycerin, Poly After the incubation period, the zone of inhibition was
sorbate 20, were mixed with aqueous phase. found on the petri plate. 7
5. Finally, methyl paraben was added as a The zone of inhibition of herbal hand sanitizer and pure
preservative and perfume was added. form of antibiotic Gentamycin was appeared. In image A,
the zone of inhibition of E. coli was appeared and in image
6. Mixed with slow stirring to obtain uniform
B the zone of inhibition of Bacillus subtilis was seen. Result
product. 6
of antibacterial test of herbal hand sanitizer against
Evaluation Parameters: standard of pure antibiotic Gentamycin was measured in
mm by scale.
1. Organoleptic Properties:-Tests like Colour, Odour
and clarity were carried out. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
2. Physical properties:- RESULTS
a) pH: The pH was determined by using pH paper. Evaluation Parameters:
b) Irritancy test: 5 healthy volunteers were selected. 1. Organoleptic Evaluation:
The herbal hand sanitizer was applied on palm and time
1. Colour: - Green
was noted. Irritancy, redness, dryness and itching were
checked. 2. Odour: - Characteristics
c) Evaporation rate: 5 healthy volunteers were 3. Clarity: - Opaque
selected. The herbal hand sanitizer was applied on their
2. Physical properties:
palm while rubbing the sanitizer on palm. Evaporation
took place and that time was noted. Evaporation rate a) pH: - 4 to 6
was below 1 min.
b) Irritancy test:- No irritancy
d) Antibacterial Test: The antibacterial activity of
herbal hand sanitizer using different solvents against
strains of aerobic and anaerobic micro-organism was
evaluated by standard cup plate method. For this
standard cup plate method, the nutrient agar medium
was used as a culture media.
Table 2: Composition of Agar medium
Sr. Ingredients Quantity
No. (gm)
1. Peptic digest of animal tissue 5 Figure 1: Irritancy test
2. Sodium chloride 5 In this particular evaluation test, the antibacterial of
3. Beef extract 1.50 herbal hand sanitizer was found to be safe and on the
basis of this information, we can say that the herbal
4. Yeast extract 1.50
hand sanitizer shows somewhat lesser activity than
5. Agar 8.5 pure antibiotic Gentamycin. But, definitely the
To perform antibacterial test, the pre-sterilized petri formulated herbal hand sanitizer has anti-microbial
plate was used. To pre-sterilize, the petri plate was activity against bacterial species like E. coli and Bacillus
incubated for 24 hrs at 37˚C. Then next to this, the agar subtilis.
culture media was poured on the petri plate uniformly
in aseptic condition. After spreading, the agar medium
was covered with another petri plate and kept aside for
24 hrs in refrigerator to solidify the agar medium. After
this, the plate was removed and on these plates the cup
was formed. On two particular plates, the standard
solution which contains microorganism strains i.e. E.
coli and Bacillus subtilis were uniformly spread in
aseptic condition. Now, in which the cup was formed
on two petri plates, the standard which is pure
antibiotic Gentamycin; 1ml was added by the pipette
and in the next cup, the formulated herbal hand
sanitizer was added in aseptic condition. Then these Figure 2: Image A (E. coli)