What Philosophy and Science Says About Self
What Philosophy and Science Says About Self
What Philosophy and Science Says About Self
• Activity
Socratic Irony
• Socratic/dialectic method – search for final understanding.
The Art of Good Living
▪ After a period in the spirit world, he thinks that the soul is born with
some residual knowledge of its own nature and the nature of reality
which can be recovered by appropriate questioning.
Aristotle Empiricist Aristotelian • Ideal is found inside the phenomena and the
Philosophy universals inside the particulars.
• Ideals are ESSENCE.
• Phenomena is MATTER.
• Matter has no form. Essence has no mass.
• Matter and Essence need each other.
Philosophy of the Self
Middle Agess
• All knowledge leads to God.
• Only the pure in heart can see God.
St. Augustine Platonism Neoplatonism • Love of God, faith in Him and
Understanding of his Gospel will
ultimately lead to Happiness.
Philosopher Orientation Philosophy Description
Philosophy of the Self
Descartes Rationalist Mind-body • “I think, therefore, I am.”
Dualism • The mind and soul can exist without the body.
• Establishing the distinction of soul from the body can
make people believe in the afterlife and the soul’s
Locke Empiricist Theory of • It is in consciousness alone that identity exists, not
Personal on the body and soul.
Identity • There is a distinction between man and person.
• The soul may change, but consciousness remains
Hume Empiricist Skeptical • All knowledge passes through the senses.
Philosophy • Separate ideas can be joined in the mind.
• There is no self, only a bundle of perceptions.
Kant Rationalist Metaphysics • Reason is the final authority of morality.
/ Empiricist of the Self • There is the inner self and outer self;
• The inner self includes rational reasoning and
psychological state.
• The outer self includes the body and physical mind,
where representation occurs.
Distinction bet. The soul and body according to
Rene Descartes
The Soul The body
2. It is known only to itself (only you know 2 It can be doubted; the public can
your own mental event and others cannot correct claims abut the body.
correct your mental states.)
• Personal identity is a concept about oneself that evolve over the course of
an individual’s life.
• It may include aspects of life that man has no control over, such as where
he grew up or the color of the skin, as well as the choices he makes like
how he spends his time and what he believes.
• Activity
▪ John Locke
2. Outer Self
▪ Includes our senses and physical world.
▪ It gathers information from the external world through the senses, which the
inner self interprets and coherently expresses.
▪ The common boundary between the external world and the inner self.
▪ Kant argued that mind is not just a passive receiver of sense experience but
rather actively participates in knowing the object it experience.
David Hume: The Self is the Bundle Theory of
• In the same manner, the self according to Hume is not just one
impression but a mixed and a loose cohesion of various personal
experiences. There is no constant impression that endures through
out your life.
David Hume: The Self is the Bundle Theory of
▪ A Scottish philosopher, economist, historian during the age of
▪ He does not believe in the existence of self.
▪ He stressed that your perception are only active as long as you are
▪ Once your perception is removed in the case of being asleep, you can
no longer sense yourself then you also cease to exist.
▪ Its like a light bulb that may be switch on or off.
▪ Self could not be verified through observation
▪ Self is the series of incoherent impressions received by the senses.
Modern Times
Ryle Empiricist The Concept of • “I act, therefore, I am.”
Mind • The mind is not the seat of self.
• It is not a separate, parallel thing to our physical
• The mind is a category mistake, brought about by
habitual use. The only way it can affect the other
is through the external world.
Churchland Empiricist Neurophilosop • A fully matured neuroscience will eliminate the
hy need for beliefs since “they are not real.”
• The physical brain gives us a sense of self.
Merleau- Existentialism Phenomenolog • Both empiricism and intellectualism are flawed
Ponty Empiricist y of Perception in nature.
• “We are our bodies.”
• Our bodily experiences do not detach the
subject/object, mind/body, rational/irrational.
Churchlands’ view
• Mental condition like depression is technically wrong to say that the
person is “out of his mind” because brain activity and shape appears to be
associated with mood disorder.
Ponty’s sense of self
Assignment No. 2
Metacognitive Reading Report (p. 18)
• Chafee, J. (2013) Who are you? Consciousness, Identity and the Self. In the
Philosopher’s Way: Thinking Critically about Profound Ideas. Pearson. 106-169
• Mahdi, M (1962). Alfarabi’s Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.
• Speaks, J (2006). Ryle’s behaviorist view of the mind.
Module 1: Unit 2
What Philosophy and Science
Says About Self
From the Perspective of
Biological and Social
Module 1. Introduction to Unit 2.a. What Philosophy
Says about the Self
Understanding the Self
This unit highlights how classical
This module tackles the fundamental and modern philosophical models
concepts and principles of the Self. This covers defined the Self, the evolution of
the different factors that contribute to one’s these philosophical frameworks
being, the philosophical and theoretical from ancient to contemporary
explanations about the self across generations times, and the relevance of the
of philosophers and theorists, as well as the philosophy of the self to how the
explanations of different fields of sciences younger generation define their
about the self and identity. own sense of self.
Unit 1. Social, Environmental, and other Unit 2.b. What Science Says
Life Factors (S.E.L.F) about the Self
This unit discusses the different
This unit introduces you to the journey of
aspects of science and how they
understanding the self. This will highlight the
explain the concept of the Self.
different factors (Social, Environmental,
Natural science and social
Biological, and other life factors) that contribute
sciences encompass a number of
to the development of the Self.
disciplines that have deliberated
on the nature of the Self. Such
discourses will be tackled in this
Unit 2.b. What Science Says About the Self
This unit discusses the different fields of science
and how they explain the concept of Self. Natural
science and social sciences encompass a number
of disciplines that have deliberated on the nature
of Self. Such discourses will be tackled in this
1. Define and explain the different scientific standpoints about the Self.
2. Synthesize and evaluate the different scientific perspectives of Self.
3. Come up with a comprehensive definition of self according to scientific outlooks.
✓ Learning Checkpoint
➢ Philosophy and Science share the same views about the Self.
➢ The physical aspect of the self is the only scientific standpoint that matters.
The Science of the Self
Science has invested much of its efforts in understanding
world phenomena, but none more so than in explaining
how human beings have evolved from its basic life forms to
its more complex make-up today. Science has been lexically
defined as “the intellectual and practical activity
encompassing the systematic study of the structure and
behavior of the physical and natural world through
observation and experiment.” Thus, attempts to explain
Self have been made from the perspective of scientific
methods. Further, scientific approaches to the study of the
Self is of two-fold: physical sciences and social sciences. The
former focuses on biological factors that make up the
human body, the underlying growth and maturational
mechanisms of people, and environmental influences that
contribute to human development, central focus of which is
the Self. On the other hand, social sciences is concerned
with institutions, society, and interpersonal relationships of
people living within society.
Biological Science
Science has made sufficient advances in explaining human
beings in the biological context. Beginning with the tenets of
Aristotle and his scientific approach to the study of human
experience, to the Natural Selection within the Evolutionary
theory of Charles Darwin, human development,
individuality, and inevitably the Self, has been defined,
analyzed, and explained according to specific mechanisms.
The study of Neurophilosophy is attributed to Paul and
Patricia Churchland. Neurophilosophy is concerned with the
association of the brain and the mind; in order to
understand the workings of the human mind, we must first
understand the brain, its functions, and wave activity. They
further argued that philosophical notions of free will,
common sense, and conscientiousness, we must be able to
explain it in the context of neuroscience as advances in this
field seemingly converge with how people think, feel, and
behave. In the context of the self, our consciousness,
worldviews, beliefs, and other human attributes are
distinctly connected to our brain physiology and
Biological Science
Psychoneuroimmunology draws its assumptions from how
our immune systems function, similar to the shaping of self.
Our body is made up of nucleotides, and its composition
make up our DNA. In the context of our immune system,
our human bodies “reject” foreign matter that can harm
our bodies and build up on the existing molecules, leading
to a healthy bodily system. However, there times when
foreign matter that enters our system can be helpful for our
bodily maintenance and thus, becomes a permanent fixture
within the body. In the context of the self, individuals
capitalize on their innate attributes and are likely to reject
environmental factors seen to be harmful to the body and
their well-being. In discovering our self, we are likely to
imbibe external experiences that are seen to be helpful to
us and reject those that we do not like or those we do not
derive pleasure from.
• Heredity – the transmission of traits from parents
to offspring.
Reproductive cells
• Sperm cells /spermatozoa • Egg cells / ova (ovum)
Reproductive Organs
• Ovaries (gonads) • Testicles /testes (gonads)
egg cell sperm cell
• 23 chromosomes • 23 chromosomes
46 chromosomes
• Ovulation – the release of an egg cell from a females ovary.
Types of Gene
Dominant gene - is one whose characteristic will be
dominant when paired with another
B b B b
- Brown eyes B (dominant ) Represents that 75
percent of the offspring
- Blue eyes b (recessive ) will have brown eyes
Gonosomes - sex chromosomes (23rd chromosome)
x x x
x yx y
x x x x x y
x x x x y x x
x y x y
x x x girl
Girl -XX xy
Boy - Xy boy
Social Sciences
Whereas physical science has devoted much
of its time to understanding the physical
nature of people, social science is concerned
with human functioning in the context of
society and social institutions. Psychology,
sociology, anthropology, politics, and
economics are some of the social sciences
that have contributed much to the study of
the Self.
Social Sciences
Psychology is one of the most popular social
sciences, defined as “the study of human behavior”. A
number of theoretical perspectives have been introduced
within this field of interest to explain the “self”.
Psychology has contributed a lot in the study of the self as
a theoretical construct. In fact, the development of the so
called Science of Self is significantly rooted from various
psychological theories and principles. In many
psychological theories (e.g., social and personality
psychology), the term self has been used as a predicate of
several psychological constructs (e.g., self-awareness, self-
construal, self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-regulation, etc.).
Such usages of the term indicate not only an acceptance
of its existence but also signify its importance in
characterizing human psychological and personal
Sigmund Freud:
3 Levels of Consciousness/Mental Life
1. conscious- deals with the awareness of
▪ present perception
▪ Feelings
▪ Memories
▪ Fantasies at particular moment
▪ The conscious contains information, thought and ideas that we are aware
of. According to Freud, it is only a small portion of the mind. It may be
about 10% of the overall content of the mind.
▪ For instance, you are pretty much aware of what you are doing right now
or where you are going. Since it’s within the limit of your awareness, it is
anything that someone is aware of at any given point in time.
3 Levels of Consciousness /Mental Life
2. Pre-conscious/ subconscious
▪ Is related to data that can readily be brought to consciousness.
3. Unconscious
▪ Refers to data retained but not easily available to the
individual’s conscious awareness scrutiny.
▪ child state
2. The Ego (reality principle)-
▪operates according to the reality principle, working out
realistic ways of satisfying the id’s demands, often
compromising or postponing satisfaction to avoid
negative consequences of society.
▪adult state
3. The superego (moral principle)
Assignment No. 2
Metacognitive Reading Report (p. 29)
• Blaisedell, A. (2009). A Biological Definition of Self.
• Golubović, Z. (2010). An Anthropological Conceptualisation of Identity.
• Gallagher, S. (2000). Philosophical conceptions of the self: implications for
cognitive science.