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First Pendulum Clock: crcrfl©3 Mo6ni8 Ooj@ai Wwoum

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crcrfl©3 2014 mo6ni8 13 ooj@ai wwoum



(c)kingdom fungi (c) Calcium, Hydrogen, Oxygen 23. Which staternentisincorrect- teachingscience
(d) kingdom plantae (d) Sodium, Oxygen Sound is a mechanical wave (a) Providingintegratedexperiernes
10. Rana tigrina is the scientific name 17. The concept of Triads in periodic Light is a transverse wave (b) Positive transfer of teachbig and
of table proposed by Light is a mechanical wave learning
(a)Kingcobra (a)Mendaleev Sound wave cannot travel through (c) Make the subject simple and clear
(h) Common frog (b) Dobereiner vacuum (d) The teacher has to balance her
(c) Flying lizard (c) Lavosier 24. Which one is incorrect about teaching skills with the use of the
(d) Chameleon (d) Mosly 'evaporation? multimedia
11 \Vhodesigned the firstpendulwn 18. Blood Consists of a fluid medium : (a) Evaporation increases with an 29. Which statementis not trueabout
0 Jock° called increase of surface area the teachingaidMagicLantern.'
'I (a) Newton (a) Plasma (b) Evaporation increases with an (a) This is the earliest known
teachingaid +
(b)Galileo (b)Lymph increase of temperature
(c) Edison (c) Tissuefluid (c) Evaporation increases with a (b) Itiscalled Stereopticon
Find out t lie trw r toiseni (2) Now ,ftix abuse (c) It was a precursor of the modern
(d) BeqjaminFranclin (d) haejnoglobin decrease in humidity
light isa transsersease 6. Select the truestatementahoutthe slideprojector
12. Anobject of mass m moving with 19. The Xylem in plants are (d) Evaporation decreases with a
) light isa longitudinal wave complextissues (d) It cannot project pictures
velocity V has a kinetic ener' of responsible for decrease in humidity
light is an electromagnetic wave (a) Consplextissues are made of more
(a) my2 (a) Transport of water 25. Which of the following have 30. Which statement is incorrect
1)1)0th a and care correct than one type of cells
An anther contains (b) All the cells are co-ordinate to (b) I my (b) Transport of food highest calorillc value? about evaluation?
(c) - mv2 (c) Transport of aminoacid (a) Coal (a) Evaluation process occurs in four
sepals perform a common function phases: Prepar-ation?Assessment,
(d) - m2v2 (d) Transport of oxygen (b) LPG
carpels (c) Xylem and phloem are examples evaluation and reflection
13. We can describe a sound wave by 20. Which of the following is a plant (c) Diesel
c) ovules of complex tissues (b) Assessment and measurement
its hormone (d) Wood
d) pollen grans (d) All are correct are the terms while dealing with
(a) frequency (a) Insulin 26. Which is the aim of teaching
Brass is a mixture of 7. The Lining of kidney tubule and evaluation
(b) amplitude. Thyroaln science?
a) 30% Tin and 70% Copper ducts of salivary glands are
speed (c) Oestrogen (a) Acquisition of scientific. (c) There are three types of
30% Copper and 70% Zinc provided with evaluation diagnostic, formative
(d) all the above (d) cytokinin knowledge
:10% Zinc and 70% Tin (a) cuboidal epithelium
14. Organism that causes'kala- azar' 21. ....... is the information source for (b) Inculcation of scientific habits andsummative
(l) 30% Zinc and 70% copper (b) squamus epithelium
(a) Leishmania making proteins in the cell (c) Developing scientific attitude and (d) 'Achievement test is not
I Name the colloid, which have (c) columnar epithelium
(6) 'l'rypanosoma (a) cellular DNA training in scientific methods essential constituent in the
lipertion phase is liquid and (d) stratified squamous
(c)Ascaris (b) Cellular RNA (d) all of these process of evaluation
::'lpertionmediumissolid 8. Greek thinkerAristotle classified
(d) Stephylococcus (c) Ribosomes 27. Which is not a step in inductive
'am animals according to +
15.Aseelisahybridof (d)RER approach? ANSWERS
I l (a) Whether they lived in land, in 4.(d),
(a) Chicken 22. Which seperation technique will (a) Sensing the problem 1(d), 2.(d), 3(d),
lidsol wateror in the air
(b) Cow apply for seperating different Analysing the problem 5(d), 6.(d), 7. (a), 8.(a),
ii (;l (b) autotrophs and heterotrophs
10(b), 11. (b), 12(c),
goat pigmentsfrom an extract of flower Org anizing of information 9(c),
5 (amillo Golgi related to the (c)motileandnonniotile
(d)dog petals (d) Review of principles and 13(d), 14. (a), 15(a), 16. (a),
discoveryof eukaryotic and prokaryotic
16. Give the names of the elements (a) Chromatography generalization 17(b), 18. (a), 19. (a), 20(d),
(a) Plastids 9.Aspergillus belongs to
present in quicklime (b) Sublimation (e)Verification 21(a), 22.(a), 23(c), 24.(d),
(6) Lysosorne (a) Kingdom monera

(a)Calcium, Oxygen (c)distillation 28. One of the following is a 25(b), 26(d), 27(d), 28(d),
(c) Ilibosome b)kingdom Protista
(6) Calcium. Hydrogen : (d) filtration disadvantageofaudiosisualaidsin: 29(d). 30(2).

opportunities that comeyourway. 50. When you come across a difficult 40.setaside 46. called on
25Two of her sons resembled their word.ppplt a dictionary. 41. keep away 47. brought out
grandfather. 42. backed out of 48. bring forth
29 The police asked the crowd to ANSWERS 43. get along 49.standsfor
disperse. l.onend 44. given up 50.lookup
10. To go to Kovalam iht at 2.putupwith 45. came across
Thsandrum. 3. gave in
11. An injection was given to him to 4. leave out
reduce the temperature. 5. given to CONCORD or AGREEMENT
:l2.Someinsectscanassume the colour 6.makegood
of their surroundings. 7. turned up
Agreement ofVerbwith Subject
:63. Man becomes wise when he 8.gowith Pick out the verbthatagree.s with the suhject.
overcomes his passions. 9. take in 1. Democracy and Socialism ............together (go/goes)
K.AJ1.ALA RAUSAN :14. Schools are closed owing to an : 10. called uponup . LOUL lrIt,Ltu and SOUL SOIL ............ ULILLLC trtaLe, ttaaj
- epidemic. 11. call off 3. The famous saint and philosopher ............ no more (is/are)
.3o. My servant will attend to your 12. at sea .......... no (is/are)
Replace the words underlined with 14 Green leaves absorb carbon 4. The famous saint and the famous philosopher....
needs. 3.PaSSY 5.He and l ............ together at the function (were/am)
right Phrasal Verbs dioxide from the atmosphere.. 36 nes er thoughttha this eviill e in
lnJulyitrainscontinuously. 15. We must be careful to maintain 6. The great poet and dramatist .............written this (has/have)
_df im. eep U)
7. Time and tide............for no man (waits/wait)
lcannotfugfe his behasiour. our health .37. The price ofsugar has fallen. : 16.gotaround
The thiefsurrenderedaftermuch 16. With the help of his teacher. Arun 38 Flowers bisons after rain : 8. Slow and steady ............ the race (win/wins)
17 given up
resistance. overcame the problems he had in Ariargumentstattedbetweenthe 18: setup 9. Milk and water..............his only food (is/are)
Ifyoupptasingledetail,youwill learning. 19. brought about 10. Bread and butter .............. what they want (is/are)
two friends.
be punished. 17. The plan was abandoned asi twas 40. The High Court rejected the death 20. carried out liThe father as well as the son .................wrong (is/are)
She is in the habit of quarrelling not practicable, sentence of the prisoner. 21. gave away 12. The house with the furniture ..............been sold (have/has)
with her husband now and then. 18. A committee was f.rintti to look 41. The younger generation must 22. turned up 13.Afine of Rs.1, inadditionto the fee ...............to bepaid (have/has)
The school worked on Sundays to into the matter. abstain from bad habits. 23. puts across 14. The sons as well as father................generous (is/are)
compensate the lost working 19. His mothers death caused a i 42. Hewithdrewfrom his promises. 24. wentfor 15. The fatheraswell as the sons ................ genei-ous (is/are)
days. tremendous change on him. i43. No one can age with him, 25. make out 16. Sunil, rather than Ram ............... the real villain (is/are)
Only a few members were present 20. The Government executed the because he has such a temper. 26. keep back 17. The secretary along with the treasurer ..............disappeared
for the function. courts order. 44. The ideawas abandoned as itwas 27. let slip (have/has)
These curtains don't match the 21. The Chief Guest distributed the not practicable. 28. took after 18. The news .............disappointing (is/are)
carpets. awards. 45. 1 happened to meet an old friend 29. break away 19. Politics ..............divided the nation (has/have)
We cannotadmit anymore 22. The minister promised to come, of mine. 30. get down 20. Measles.............a disease (is/are)
members here. but has not arrived yet. 46. The winners t&d their master 31.10 bring down 21. His wages............Rs.200 aday (is/are)
The leader reciuested his 23. The new teacher communicates to thank him for his 32. take on 22. The wagesof sin ............. death(is,Jare)
followers to stand united. his ideas well, encouragement. 33. get around 23. The United States............a country (is/are)
Cancel the match if theweatheris 24. The dog attacked the boywhen he 47. He has publishedanew edition of 34. on account of 24. The 'Arabian Nights. ............. written long ago (are/is)
bad. entered the compound. his novel. 135. see to 25. The people ............the ultimate authority (is/are)
Hart was perplexed when he saw 25. We could not understandwhat he 48. The farmers have decided to 36. turn him over 26. The machinerywe bought ............new (is/are)
the questions. was saying. produce more grains. 37. came down 27. The dead ............. not going to tell anysecrets (are/was)
I cannot disregard the matter 26. I shall hide nothing from you. 49. We dislike communalism and all 38. come out 28. The ships crew.............in good spirits (was/were)
without a protest. 27. Do not waste the golden thatitrepresents. 39.sprangup

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