Fin 1 Principles of Money, Banking and Credit

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Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum,

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Department: Accountancy

I. Course Code: Fin 101

II. Course Title : Principles of Money, Banking and Credit
III. Course Description:
This course is designed to discuss the basic principles and concepts, policies and programs of money, credit and banking. It also covers the role and
functions of the financial institutions, the importance of the financial intermediaries as the key planner towards the development of economy.
The subject creates awareness on the significance of money, credit and banking in the Philippine Monetary and Financial system. Likewise, it
explains the role of money, credit and banking in the economic growth and development of the country.

IV. Credit Time Allotment

3 units
54 hours (18 weeks)

V. Course Goals:
A. General Objective:
At the end of the course, the students are expected to have gained knowledge and understanding about the basic principles, concepts and policies of
money, credit and banking and financial markets.

B. Specific Objectives:
Specifically, the students must be able to:

 Explain the core concepts, principles and policies of money, credit and banking.
 Cite the significance of money, credit and banking in the Philippine business activities.
 Describe the development of money, credit and banking and the activities of the country's financial system.
 Display appreciation of the government activities in building the nation's financial system.
 Mimic banking roles and activities in class.

VI. Course Requirements

1. Quizzes
2. Long Examinations
3. Recitation
4. Learning Exercises


Grades are computed as follows:
Preliminary Average = (C.S. x 2) + Preliminary Exam
Mid-Term Average = (C.S. x 2) + Mid-Term Exam
Final Average = (C.S. x 2) + Final Average Exam
Final Grade = (C.S. x 2) + Preliminary Exam

The class standing is the sum of recitation, quizzes, group activity, projects, assignment and attendance.
The following formula is used on grade transmutation.
Raw Score x 50 + 50
Number of Items
VIII. Course Content
Values Teaching Instructional Time Expected
Topic Objectives Subject Matter Evaluation
Integrated Method Materials Frame Output
Enumerate the I. Philippine Money Awareness Lecture/ Whiteboard Marker Recitation Quiz Enumerated the
kinds and functions a. Money Discussion Power point Written/oral report kinds and functions
of money. b. Functions and Film showing/ Presentation Seatwork of money.
Importance of Assignment Tour to Multimedia Tools Projects
Money Honesty BSP Museum (the
c. Characteristics of Philippine Casa de
Good money Moneda) or the
d. Coinage Philippine Mint
e. Commodity,
Metallic, Paper and Accountability
Coins Money
f. Classifications of Flexibility
Explain monetary g. Legal Tender and Explained
standards, theories Currency 1st - 4th monetary standards,
and laws. 2. The Monetary Week theories and laws.
Standards and
3. Characteristics of Nationalism
Philippine Currency Conservation of
4. The Philippine resources
Numismatic History Diligence
5. The Monetary
theories and laws
regarding our
6. The Exchange
7. Government
8. Philippine Credit
Enumerate the core Systems Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes 5th week Enumerated the
concepts and. a. Credit Trust and Discussion presentation Written/oral report core concepts and.
classifications of b. Foundation and confidence Whiteboard Marker classifications of
credit. "C"‘s of Credit credit.
c. Characteristics
and Uses of Credit Differentiated the
d. Sources and Bases Efficiency sources and bases
Differentiate the of Credit of credit.
and bases of credit.
Relate the 9. Credit Instruments Accuracy Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes Relate the
necessary a. Classifications Discussion presentation Written/oral necessary
instruments used in and uses Exhibits of Credit Exhibits materials instruments used in
credit transactions b. Endorsement Instruments credit transactions
c. Types of Bank Discovery
Related the 6th-7th week
used in credit
Point out the basic 10. Basic Compliance Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes Point out the basic
requirements of an Requirement of an Discussion Presentation Assignments requirements of an
8th week
effective financial Effective financial Seatwork Projects effective financial
system system system

9th week

Explain credit risk 11. Managing Analytical Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes Explained credit
and its management Credit Risk a. thinking Discussion Presentation Assignments risk and its
The Unpaid Seller, Realism management
Rights and
10th week
b. Contract of Loan
c. Interest Payment
d. Pledge and
e. Credit Insurance
Describe the 12. The Philippine Creativity and Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes 11th week Described the
Philippine Money Money and Bond Flexibility Discussion Presentation Assignments Philippine Money
and Bond Market Market Seatwork and Bond Market
Enumerate 13. Philippine laws Objectivity Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes Enumerated
Philippine laws governing credit Discussion Presentation Assignments 12th week Philippine laws
governing credit Seatwork governing credit
Illustrate the 14. The Philippine Confidence and Lecture/Discussion Power point Recitation Quizzes Illustrated the
Philippine Financial Systems Trust Actual financial Presentation Assignments Philippine
Financial Systems/ institutions visit, Seatwork Projects Financial Systems/
its regulations, the its regulations, the
Monetary Board, Monetary Board,
15. History of Nationalism Interview with some Exposure trip or 13th week
Relate the history Philippine Banking Perseverance key persons regarding tour Related the history
of banking. financial services of banking.
16. Banking Theory
Discuss the Efficiency Discussed the
banking theories banking theories
COMMUNITY 17. Functions of Creativity and Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes Explored the
SERVICES Banks Flexibility Discussion Presentation Reaction paper possibilities of
INTEGRATION: Seatwork procuring funds for
Explore the Projects business in the
possibilities of community through
14th week
procuring funds for the different
business in the functions of bank
community through
the different
functions of bank.
Distinguish the 18. Bangko Sentral Conservation of Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes 15th week Distinguished the
New from the Old ng Pilipinas resources Discussion Presentation Assignments New from the Old
Central Bank a. Old and New Seatwork Projects Central Bank
Central bank .
b. Monetary Board
and Policies
State the policies c. Quantitative
and instruments of Instruments of Stated the policies
monetary control Monetary control and instruments of
by the Monetary d. Qualitative monetary control
Board. Instruments of by the Monetary
Monetary control Board
Compare private 19. Depository Value of service Lecture/ Power point Recitation Quizzes Compared private
and public banking Institutions, Discussion Presentation Assignments and public banking
from private and Classifications and Seatwork Projects from private and
public non-banking services offering Efficiency public non-banking
institutions 20. Non-depository institutions
according to: Institutions, according to:
a) Classifications and a) services/
services/functions services offering functions
b) capitalization 21. Government b) capitalization
c) objectives banking Institutions c) objectives
d) laws and a. Microfinance Diligence d) laws and
policies b. Thrift Banks Honesty policies
c. Rural Banks
22. Other Financial
Classifications and
services offering
23. Laws on:
a. Secrecy on Bank Social
Deposits Responsibility
b. Foreign Currency
Act of the
c. Philippine Deposit
Insurance Act
18th week

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:



Acting College Secretary Vice President for Academics Student Affairs
and Extension Services

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