Residual Stress of Steels For Structure and Fillet Weld Zone After Laser Peening

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Transactions of JWRI, Vol. 36 (2007), No.

Residual Stress of Steels for Structure and Fillet Weld Zone

after Laser Peening†

SAKINO Yoshihiro*, SANO Yuji** and KIM You-Chul***

Laser peening is an innovative surface enhancement technology to introduce a compressive
residual stress in metallic materials. Experimental results showed that laser peening was effective
in preventing SCC and enhancing fatigue strength. However the effects of laser peening on steels
for structure and their welded zone are not completely clarified.
In this paper, laser peening conditions for four grades of steels for structure were examined.
Moreover residual stress of the fillet weld zone after laser peening was investigated by comparing
it with that before laser peening. X-ray diffraction was used to measure the residual stress.
Main results are summarized as follows. 1) Laser peening affects steel hardness up to the depth of
0.6mm. 2) Laser peening conditions for over 400kN/mm2 grade steels were selected as 200 mJ
laser pulse energy, 8 ns pulse duration, 0.8 mm spot diameter and 3600 pulse/cm2 irradiation pulse
density. 3) Laser peening can change tensile residual stress to large compressive residual stress
in the welding zone. The nearer to the welding toe, the larger this effect by laser peening became.

KEY WORDS: (Laser Peening) (Residual Stress) (Fillet Weld) (Steel for Structures) (Vickers Hardness)

surface3). X-ray diffraction study showed that the

compressive residual stress, nearly equal to the yield
1. Introduction

Laser peening is an innovative surface enhancement Laser pulse

technology to introduce a compressive residual stress in
metallic materials1). Fundamental Process of laser Lens
peening is summarized as follows (Fig.1).
Water Plasma
When an intense laser pulse is focused on the
material, the surface absorbs the laser energy and a
submicron layer of the surface evaporates
instantaneously. Water confines the evaporating
material and the vapor is immediately ionized to form During irradiation
During irradiation
plasma by inverse bremsstrahlung. The plasma absorbs
subsequent laser energy and generates a heat-sustained
shock wave, which impinges on the material with an
intensity of several gigapascals, far exceeding the yield Compression
strength of most metals2). The shock wave loses energy After irradiation
After irradiation
as it propagates to create a permanent strain. After the
shock wave propagation, the surface is elastically
constrained to form a compressive residual stress on the Fig. 1 Basic process of laser peening

† Received on December 14, 2007

Transactions of JWRI is published by Joining and Welding
* Assistant Professor
Research Institute, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047,
** Toshiba Corporation
*** Professor

Residual Stress of Steels for Structure and Fillet Weld Zone after Laser Peening

So it seems that laser peening can be widely used in

Plasma factories as well as in field sites.
In this study, laser peening conditions for four
grades of steels for structures were examined.
Moreover, residual stress of fillet weld zones after laser
peening were investigated by comparing them to those
before laser peening.
er p
2. Laser peening condition for 490kN/mm2 grade steel
Sample Water To decide the laser peening conditions for the steels
film for structures, 12mm thickness of 490kN/mm2 grade
Lens steels (SM490, σY=400MPa, σU=556MPa) were peened
with four conditions of laser peening and residual
stresses of surfaces were measured by X-ray diffraction
Fig.2 Laser peening process
(XRD). Cr-Kα (17kV, 2.0mA) was used as the X-ray
with water jet from nozzle
source and the sin2ψ method was used.
The laser peening conditions are shown in Table 1.
Irradiation frequency was 60Hz and irradiation area was
strength, was imparted to the surface of the material. 10mm x 10mm. It took about 1 minute to perform laser
Laser peening was effective to prevent the initiation and peening under this condition.
propagation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Taking Results of residual stress measurement are shown in
advantage of the inertia-less process of laser peening Table 1. σξ and ση indicate a residual stress component
over mechanical treatment, a remote-controlled process in parallel and normal to the scanning direction of the
system has been developed and applied to nuclear power laser beam. Values before ± show most provable values
reactors as a preventive maintenance measure against which are found by the sin2ψ method and values after ±
SCC4). show confidence intervals (1σ) in table 1. It can be
Laser peening changes tensile residual stress to said that residual stress was measured accurately because
compressive. So it seems that laser peening will be the confidence intervals were smaller than 30MPa.
very effective in enhancing the fatigue strength, because Residual stress was compressive in all conditions. The
tensile residual stress is one of the most important factors values of compressive stress were in the same range
to reduce fatigue strength. Recent studies have except σξ of No.3. There was trend that the values of σξ
revealed that laser peening dramatically improved the are larger than the values of ση. This tendency was
fatigue properties of austenitic stainless steel5), observed in research used other materials and more
aluminum alloys6), 7) and titanium alloys8), in spite of the consideration will be needed.
increase in surface roughness. Vickers hardness over the thickness was measured
But the effect of laser peening for “steels for to study the depth of the effect of laser peening in each
structures”, that are widely used for steel structures like condition.
bridges, buildings and so on, are not well clarified, much Results are shown in Fig.3 (a) – (d). Test load
less the effect for their welded zones. If laser peening was 1.96kN. The hardness values near the surface were
can impart compressive residual stress to the steels for about 200Hv and increased by about 40Hv compared to
structures and its welded zone, fatigue lives of the steel untreated areas for all laser conditions. The hardened
structures will be largely extended. Laser, which were area was depth of 0.6-1.0mm from the surface. So it
used in this research, can be delivered by an optical can be said that laser peening affected the hardness of the
fiber9). As shown in Fig.2, a type of laser peening steels for structure up to depth of 0.6mm for any laser
process with water jet from a nozzle is already developed. conditions.

Table 1 Laser peening condition and residual stress measured by XRD

Specimen Pulse energy Spot diameter Irradiation Residual stress (MPa)

No. (mJ) (mm) Density (Pulse/cm ) σξ ση
No.1 200 0.8 3,600 -237±5 -360±11
No.2 200 0.8 10,000 -231±5 -361±21
No.3 300 1.0 3,600 -161±12 -387±12
No.4 300 1.0 10,000 -240±10 -323±24

Transactions of JWRI, Vol. 36 (2007), No. 2
Vickers hardness (Hv)

Vickers hardness (Hv)

240 240
220 220
200 200
180 180
160 160
140 140
120 120
100 100
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Distance from surface (mm) Distance from surface (mm)

(a) No.1 (b) No.2

Vickers hardness (Hv)

Vickers hardness (Hv)

240 240
220 220
200 200
180 180
160 160
140 140
120 120
100 100
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Distance from surface (mm) Distance from surface (mm)

(c) No.3 (d) No.4

Fig.3 Results of Vickers hardness test

As described above, residual stress and Vickers which is the smallest laser energy invested among four
hardness at the surface were not affected by the laser conditions, was used. Irradiation frequency was 60Hz
peening conditions in the case of the 490kN/mm2 grade and two spots of 10mm x 10mm area were irradiated in
steel. each steel. Residual stresses were measured by XRD
on two different points in laser-peened area and on single
point in unpeened area. The XRD conditions were
3. Effect of material strength of steels same in section 2.
To clarify the effect of material strength (yield Results of residual stress measurement are shown in
stress and tensile stress) of the steels for structure on Table 3. Even in the unpeened area, small compressive
changes of residual stress by laser peening, four grades residual stresses were imparted in all steels. It seems
of steels were peened by laser and residual stress of the that these were imparted during the cooling process in
surface were measured by XRD. Table 2 shows tensile roll forming. In the case of SM400, SM490 and HT780,
test results and chemical compositions of the examined large compressive residual stresses were imparted in
steels. The laser peening condition of No.1 in table 1, laser-peened area. The material strength was not

Table 2 Tensile test results and chemical compositions of steels for structures

Tensile test results Chemical composition (%)

σY σU δ YR C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Cr Mo V B Ceq
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) ×10 -2
×10 -3 -2
×10 ×10-3
HT780 789 842 19 94 19 23 145 9 1 - - - - - 1 44
SM490 400 556 23 72 16 36 136 11 5 - 2 4 4 0 - 41
SM400 374 452 32 83 11 22 98 12 4 - 1 2 1 0 - 28
LY 91 265 56 34 0 1 16 13 4 - - - - - Ti 40 3

Residual Stress of Steels for Structure and Fillet Weld Zone after Laser Peening

Table 3 Residual stress of steels for structures measured by XRD

Unpeened area Leser-peened area

(MPa) Point ① (MPa) Point ② (MPa) Means (MPa)
σξ ση σξ ση σξ ση σξ ση
HT780 -44±18 -35±30 -171±6 -304±11 -178±6 -321±6 -174±6 -312±8
SM490 -125±14 -169±17 -271±11 -417±12 -271±10 -459±6 -271±11 -438±9
SM400 -92±12 -69±14 -208±7 -335±11 -202±6 -340±9 -205±7 -338±10
LY -72±22 -41±42 -81±19 -162±20 -79±18 -156±26 -80±18 -159±23

directly correlated with the values of residual stress. In

the case of LY, the values of ση increase slightly from
about 40 MPa to 160 MPa, but the values of σξ were not 4. Change of residual stress in welding toe
changed. It can be said that the large compressive To clarify the effect of the change of residual stress
residual stress cannot be imparted in the steels, which in the welded zone by laser peening, welding toes of a
have low material strength like LY, by this laser peening rib-plate were peened by laser and residual stresses of
condition. surfaces were measured by XRD both before and after
In any steels, the values of residual stress in two peening. As shown in Fig.4, a fillet-welded rib-plate
spots of laser-peened area agreed well. It seems that specimen was prepared by welding a 9 mm thick rib
this indicates the high reliability of the laser peening (SM490, σY=419MPa, σU=541MPa) to a 12 mm thick
plate (SM490, σY=380MPa, σU=561MPa) with a length
As described above, it can be said that material
of 180mm and a width of 50 mm. Carbon-dioxide
strength of the steels for structures did not affect the
(CO2) gas shield welding was used with a JIS Z 3312
compressive residual stress imparted by laser peening in
the case of over 400kN/mm2 grade steels. And Laser
peening conditions for over 400kN/mm2 grade steel can
be decided as the smallest laser power condition in this
research (200 mJ laser pulse energy, 0.8 mm spot
diameter and 3600 pulse/cm2 irradiation pulse density).
In this case, pulse duration was 8 ns, scanning speed of
laser was 10mm/sec. And the peak power density was
50 TW/m2, which generated plasma with the peak
pressure of about 3.2 GPa. X

Fig5 Laser-peened toe of fillet weld


Fillet weld Laser-peened area

point by XRD

25 25 30
50 X
Laser-peened area
Fig.4 Specimen for residual stress measurement Fig.6 Measuring point by X-ray diffraction

Transactions of JWRI, Vol. 36 (2007), No. 2

400 400

Residual stress (MPa)

Residual stress (MPa)

before Laser Peening before Laser Peening

after Laser Peening after Laser Peening
200 200

0 0

Welding Toe
-200 -200
Peening Area Peening Area

-400 -400

-600 -600
- 2 5 - 2 0 - 15 - 1 0 - 5 0 5 1 0 15 2 0 2 5 - 2 5 - 2 0 - 1 5 - 1 0 - 5 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5

Measuring point Measuring point
(a) X-direction (b) Y-direction

Fig.7 Residual stress distribution of upper side welding toe (σy)

400 400

Residual stress (MPa)

Residual stress (MPa)

before Laser Peening before Laser Peening

after Laser Peening after Laser Peening
200 200

0 0

Welding Toe
-200 -200

Peening Area Peening Area

-400 -400

-600 -600
- 2 5 - 20 - 1 5 - 1 0 - 5 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5

- 2 5 - 2 0 - 1 5 - 1 0 - 5 0 5

1 0 1 5 20 2 5

Measuring point Masuring point
(a) X-direction (b) Y-direction

Fig.8 Residual stress distribution of lower side welding toe (σy)

YGW11 filler wire.

Laser-peened area is shown in Fig.4 and Fig.5.
Vickers hardness (Hv)

Laser peening was performed to cover an area of 20 x 30 350
mm around the welding toe where stress concentration
was evident. The laser peening condition, described in 300
section 4, was used. Welding toes (the upper and lower 250
in Fig.4) were irradiated. The rib-plate was cut by
electrical discharge at a height of 8mm, because the 200
rib-plate disturbed residual stress measurement of a 150
Y-direction stress component (σy) by XRD.
Figure 6 shows measuring points of the residual 100
stress in the fillet-welded rib-plate. The XRD 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Distance from surface (mm)
conditions were the same as in section 2 and 3.
Residual stress distributions (σy) are shown in Fig.7 Fig.9 Vickers hardness distribution of welded toe
and Fig.8. At unpeened points (A, E, H, I), residual
stress did not change at all by laser peening. But at
laser-peened points (B, C, D, F, G), residual stress thickness at point C are shown in Fig.9. Test load was
changed from tensile stress to large compressive stress. 1.96kN. The hardness values near the surface were
The nearest point to the welding toe (C) changed more over 300Hv and increase about 100Hv compared to the
than the other laser peened points (B, D, F, G), and unpeened area. The hardened area was at a depth of
compressive residual stress of point C was nearly equal 1.5mm from surface. Hardness of the surface and
to or more than the yield stress. So it can be said that affected thickness increased compared to those of the
the nearer to the welding toe, the larger the effect to steel plate without laser peening. It seems that these are
residual stress by laser peening became9). caused by both welding heat input and laser peening.
Results of Vickers hardness measurement over the

Residual Stress of Steels for Structure and Fillet Weld Zone after Laser Peening

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from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
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