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.A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree

Master of Science

McMaster University

October 1969

To MOM and DAD

on Your 25th Anniversary

(Ghemi stry) Hamilton, Ontario.

TITLE: The Photochemistry of some Substituted 2-Cyclohexenones

and the Excited States Involved

AUTHOR: Floyd Frederick Snyder, B.Sc. '(University of Alberta)

SUPERVISOR: Dr. J. J. McCullough


The photoadditions of 3~phenyl-2-cyclohexenone to bicyclo [2.2.1] ­

hepta-2,5-diene, bicyclo [2.2.1] hept-2mene and cyclopentene have been

studied. In all cases £.!1! fused cyclobutane products were obtained.

Quenching and sensitization experiments indicated a singlet excited

state to be active in photocycloaddition. Phosphorescence and

fluorescence emission were observed from 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenoneo

Energy transfer to the lo~.rest triplet of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone was

evident from the quenching of Michler's ketone phosphorescence. Two

norbornene dimers were detected in the photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclo­

hexenone and norbornene giving evidence for a higher triplet excited

state of the enone. The photoaddition of 3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone to

cyclopentene l.ras studied for comparison and both .£!..! and !.r..!.U! fused

adducts l-Tere obtained. In photolyses with bicyclo [2e2el] hepta-2,5­

diene or cyclopentene, 2-phenyl ... 2-cyclohexenone lvas unreactive.


It is a pleasure to express my gratitude to Dr. J. JG McCullough

for his guidance and encouragement throughout this worke I also thank

Dr. c. W. Huang and Dr() Po \{o Rasmussen for enlightening discussions

and their jovial company.

An Ontario Graduate Fellowship from the Province of Ontario and

financial assistance from the Department of Chemistry, McMaster

University, are gratefully acknowledged.



A. General Introduction 2

B. Theory and Behaviour of the Excited State 4

c. Perturbed Excited States in Photoreduction 9

D. Photoadditions of ~J3- Unsaturated Ketones 12

E. Pertinent Olefin Photochemistry 18


A. Photoaddition Reactions and Product Identification 23

Photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone

and norbornadiene · 23

Photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone

and norbornene 29

Photolysis of 3ephenyl-2-cyclohexenone

and cyclopentene 32

Photoaddition of 3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone

and cyclopentene 34

Photolyses with 2·phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 37

B. Examination of the Excited States of

3-phenyl-2~cyclohexenone 38


A. Mechanistic Implications of the Structure

of Photoadducts 48

Photoadditions of. 3-phenyla2-cyclohexenone 48

Reactivity of 2-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 51

Origin of the 3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone and

cyclopentene adducts 51

B. The Nature of the Excited States of 3-phenyl-2­ 56



Materials 65

S~1thesis of 2-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 66

Photolyses 67

Spectra 68

Photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone and 68

norborn.ad i ene .

Hydrogenation of Photolysis Mixture 70

Quadricyclene detection in 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 71

and norbornadiene photolysis

Photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 72

and norbornene

Isolation and identification of the exo-trans-exo. 73

and endo~transQexo norbornene dimers

Photoadditio~3=Pfienyl-2~cyclohexenone 74

and cyclopentene

Photoaddition of 3umethyl-2-cyclohexenone 76

and cyclopentene

Equilibration of the adducts 78

Investigation of Naphthalene quenching the addition 79

reactions of 3-phenylQ2Gcyclohexenone

Naphthalene sensitized photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2-cyclo­ 79

hexenone and cyclopentene

Sensitization Experiments with Michler's ketone 80

and l~naphthaldehyde

Phosphorescence and Fluorescence spectra ·80

Quantum Yield Determination of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 81

and cyclopentene photoaddition



1. Typical Energy Level Diagram 5

2. Photoadducts of 3-Phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 24
and Norbornadiene

3. Photolysis Products of 3-Phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 29

and Norbornene

. 4. Photolysis of 3-Phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 33
and Cyclopentene

s. Photoadducts of 3·Methyla2wcyclohexenone 35
and Cyclopentene

3aMethyl-2Qcyclohexenone - Cyclopentene Adducts 52

7. Energy Levels 3-Phenyl-2ucyclohexenone 63


1. 100 Mcps NMR Spectrum of Adduct 12 26

100 Mcps NMR Spectrum of Adduct lQ 30

3. Quenching of Michler's Ketone Phosphorescence 45

by 3-Phenyl-2-cyclohexenone at 77°K

4. Plot of Relative Fluorescence Intensity of 3-Phenyl- 46

2-cyclohexenone against the square of the
Cyclopentene Concentration

5. Calculations by Santry and Ohorodnyk 55

of Triplet State Geometries


1. Investigation of Naphthalene Quenching 39

2. Investigation of Biacetyl quenching 39

3. Investigation.of Naphthalene Sensitization 40

4. Sensitization Experiments with Michler's ketone 41

and luNaphthaldehyde·

s. Quantum Yield of 3-Phenyl-2-cyclohexenone 42

and Cycl~pentene photoaddition

6. Quenching of Michler's Ketone Phosphorescence 44

by 3-Phenyl-2ncyclohexenone

7. Fluorescence of 3-Phenyl-2ecyclohexenone 44
in the presence of Cyclopentene

B. Location of the lowest noTI* and ~-TI* Triplet States 62



Long before being recognized or appreciated, photochemical

reactions have been operative. Light induced reactions have an

integral role in:maintainlng the balance in transformations between

plants, bacteria and animals in our environmento

Several examples catch ones attention which illustrate the

fundamental nature of light induced reactions. Experiments simu­

lating primitive earth conditions have shown that short ultra­

violet irradiation of mixtures of methane, ammonia and water,

produces amino acids1 , the molecular building blocks of living

matter. More remarkable is the example of photosynthesis in plants.

In converting carbon dioxide ru1d water to oxygen and carbohydrates,

plants use sunlight for the production of food and power. With the

availability of sunlight, perhaps energy storing photochemical

reactions can be developed, not requiring plants and fertile soil.

Other examples are related to our sense of vision. In the

retina of the eye are light sensitive pigments~ one of which is

rhodopsin 2, vital to our vision mechanism. The application of the

sensitivity of silver salts to light has been the basis of the

photographic process. Investigators such as Schultz (1727),

Beccarius (1757) and Scheele (1777) beg&l photochemical studies of

silver salts as early as the eighteenth century •

It is, however, the last decade which has produced an

awesome volume of knowledge in the field of photochemistry. Several

factors have made this advancement possible. A difficult practical


problem in the early days was the barrier of isomeric or complex

product mixtures often obtained in photochemical reactions. This

problem is now successfully being handled by a v&riety of chromato=

graphic techniques. Of paramount impact was the development of qu~ntum

theorye Once the theoretical foundation of quantum mechanics was

laid, coupled with its application in electronic spectroscopy, the

mechanism of photochemical processes began to be unravellede



Organic photochemistry encompasses the reactions of carbon
based compounds having absorbed visible or ultraviolet light.

Molecules absorbing light have their normal electronic configuration

(ground state) promoted to an electronically excited state. The

magnitude of the excitation energy is given by the equation:

E 2 - E1
= h'lc = 2.86X10 5
where E2 .. E1 is the energy difference betlveen the excited and

ground states (expressed in kilocalories per mole), his Planck's

constant, c is the velocity of light, 'V the wave number and A the
wavelength (in angstroms) of the absorption •
Absorption of light by organic molecules having singlet

ground states s (paired electron spin), as required by the Pauli

principle. results in singlet to singlet electronic excitation since

transitions involving a change in multiplicity are forbidden.

Conversion from higher to the lowest excited singlet s1 is rapid.

Fluorescence is the emission of the short lived excited singlet

returning to ground state, sl to so, the lifetime of sl being about

10·8 seconds. Intersystem crossing from an excited singlet state

ean lead to the triplet state (unpaired electron spins). At lower

frequencies or longer wavelength than fluorescence, the relatively

. -3
long lived phosphorescence emission (10 seconds or greater) is

observed from the triplet returning to ground state, in the forbidden

T1 to s0 transition. Reactions in solution generally proceed from


either the s1 . or T1 states but often the triplet has a better chance

of reacting becsuse of its longer lifetimeo




Ground State


Two types of electronic excitation are described by molecular

orbital theory and are easily illustrated-with the carbonyl group.

The lowest_ excitation is of a non..,bonding n oxygen electron to an

antibonding ffk orbital which is the lowest unoccupied orbitalo This

is the n~~ transition which is forbidden on the basis or orbital.


symmetry, hence absorption bands are of lot;7 intensity. The second

type of excitation is of an electron in the bonding earbonoooxygen 1T

orbital to the antlbond1ng 11* orbital, a 'IT•'IT* transition allo"t;¥ed by

symmetry rules.

Organic photochemistry is therefore concerned with singlet

and triplet n-~* states and the singlet and triplet 1Toff* states.

This study deals with ~,)9-unsaturated ketones and their transitions

· are generally analogous to those of the carbonyl group, differing

only insofar as excitation is into a delocalized four centre anti·

bonding 11* orbital.•

The processes of bimolecular energy transfer are important

in understanding the mechanism of photochemical reactions... When two

molecules are present in solution, one of which absorbs light (D),

the other being transparent (A), it is often possible for an excited

state molecule D1 to transfer energy to ground state A0 , ~rovided

the process is thermodynamically favorable. If the excited state

1 3

singlet A1 or triplet A1 of the nonabsorbing molecule is reactive,

then the reaction is being sensitized by the acceptance of energy

1 3
from the excited donor moleculec If the singlet D1 or triplet D1

species of the light absorbing molecule are reactive, then A0 will

quench the reaction by dissipating energy via nonreactive pathways.

The mechanism of energy transfer may be outlined in the following


lD lD
0 + h\) ----+ 1

lD + lAo ---+ lD 1A
1 0. + 1

lD 3
~ D1

3D lD 3A
1 + lAo ----)-
0 + 1

1 or 3A1 ---)> products (Sensitation)

lD 3D products (Quenching)
· l or 1 ~


It is known that the quenching of donor triplets occurs at a

diffusion controlled rate if the ncceptor triplet level is lower in

energy 5 • In practical experiments the appropriate choice of sensitizer

or quencher provides information regarding the multiplicity and

energy level of the reactive excited stateo Control over the

. 6
reactive excited state can also be of synthetic utility •

The geometrical structure of an electronically excited

molecule may differ appreciably from the ground state. Bond lengths

generally become longer and valence angles ·change. These basic

changes should alter the reactivity of the excited molecule and each

excited state is potentially unique. While experimental measurement

of the size, shape and charge distribution of an exelted,molecule ·

remain very difficult, correlation between theoretical calculations


of the excited state and the stereochemistry of photoadducts !s


·concerning the equilibrium geometries of the excited stat®s of

re,f3 ~unsaturated carbonyl compounds •

acrolein and c!nn~maldehyde have b~en performed in this department

and '\fill be presented with the discussion of rewltso


reduction ldll be favored by an n-11* excited state. Porter has sho'tvn

·that the quantum yield of pinacolization is unity for benzophenone
9 10
in isopropanol solvent ' •

In the case of 4-amlnobenzophenone a charge transfer state,

C-T, in which electrons are donated from the amine group is proposed.

0 0

~ +~
The charge transfer state is stabilized in the polar solvent

isopropanol, strongly inhibiting photoreduction. If, however,

_cyclohexane is used as solvent, the na~ state remains lowest in

energy and photoreduction occurs. In tha casa· of 4 ...hydroicybenzophe...

none, the excited state apparently looses the hydroxyl proton,

leaving negatively charged oxygen, again a strongly electron

donating substituent.

When the carbonyl group is conjugated with a naphthalene

nucleus, normal photoreduction reactions do not occur. The low

reactivity, relative to benzophenone, of 1-naphthaldehyde and

2-acetonaphthone has been attributed to their lowest triplet state

. 12
having the ~-11* configuration • By conjugating the carbonyl group

with the naphthalene nucleus, the ~-1P~ state is lowered to a larger

extent than the n-~* st~te. One example from the benzophenone series,
p-phenylbenzophenone, also having a ~-~ lowest triplet , has the
reduced quantum yield of 0.1 for pinacolization •

The following conclusions can be dral7n from these studies.

When the lowest triplet level is n-u*, the quantum yield of

pinacolization is near unity, whereas if the lowest triplet level

is CcT, the quantum yield is zeroc In cases where the ~-u* triplet

state is lowest in energy, photoreduction does not readily oceure

Thus the surrounding molecular structure and effect of substituents

on the carbonyl group are shown to determine the reactive excited

state, thereby altering the reactivity in the photoreduction reactione



Irradiation of an ~~-unsaturated ketone commonly gives a

cyclobutane photodimer, or irradiation in the presence of a high

olefin concentration gives cross-photoaddition products. Due to the

variety of enone and olefin reactants possible, their photoaddltion

is a very general reaction. Significant application of this photo•

cycloaddltion reaction has been made in syntheses such as that of

14 15 16
«-caryophyllene alcohol , caryophyllene ' , and other bicyclic
and polycyclic molecules • The eyAct stereochemistry of photo-

dimers is often difficult to detet-mine, but those which have been

studied make comparison worthwhile.

The dimcrization of cyclopentenone leads to approximately

equal amounts of head-to-head and head-to-tail products in several

solvents • Each ha\~ the £1!-!n!l·£1! configuration aboHt the

cyclobutane ring. Evidence for a reactive triplet species was

obtained from quenching and sensitization experiments. Similarily,

Hammond 20 has shown that cyclohexenone gives predominantly two

dimers, 1 and z, whose ratio varies with solvent.


6 +


A triplet mechanism is supported for the dimerization since the

reaction is quenched by piperylene •

In contrast to the two previous examples, 3-phenyl-2mcyclohex­

enone gives one dimer having the head-to-head 'and £1!-~m£1!

configuration •

Variation in solvent polarity does not affect the dimer formation.

The dimerization is also found to be a reversible photolytic process

which apparently is not the case with cyclopentenone • A p~methoxy

or a p-nitro group on the phenyl ring of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohaxenone

did not alter the mode of dimerization, giving in each case a single
dimer corresponding in structure to 122. While no info~nation

regarding the m~ltiplicity of the reaction was advanced, the formation

of a sole head-to-head dimer suggests the possibility of a stepwise

biradical mechanism proceeding through the more stable benzyl radical.

A similar explanation is offered for the photodimerization of

23 24
1ndenes , •

The· photodimerization of coumarin gives different products

from direct and sensitized irradiation. Direct irradiation of

coumarin in polar solvents leads to almost exclusive formation of

the ~ dimer (~) in lou yield • An excited state bimolecular

complex deriv~d from the excited state singlet of coumarin is proposed·

as the reactive species.. • The anti dimer {.2,) is formed when coumarin

is irradiated in the presence of a triplet_ sensitizer such as benzophenone.

In this latter case, the reaction may be quenched by piperylene giving

further evidence that the dimer 1 is formed via monomeric triplet

species. Thus, a change in the multiplicity of the reactive excited

state is sho~m to result in the formation of a different photodimer

of coumarin.


polar solvents

Corey was the first to systematically study the photoaddition

of 2-cyclohexenones with substituted olefins7 • Several important trends

are apparent in his re~ults. Electron donating substituents at the

double bond of the olefin promote high reactivity, thus t.he relative

rate in decreasing order of photoadditlon is l,l~dimethoxyethylene,

methoxyethylene and cyclopentene. A degree of ortentational specificity

was observed in the products as shown in the case of l,l~dimethoxy.

ethylene, ·where the major products ~ and l have 7, 7adimethoxy substi tutiotl•·•.

The orientation is such that the ~-carbon of 2-cyclohexenone

apparently becomes attached to the most nucleophilic carbon of the

double bond. The formation of trans fused bicyclo [4.2~0] octanone

adducts is quite general and the major product (~) has a trans fused

ring juncture.

::o 0 0

.2 (49%) l (21%)

The photoaddition of both £!!• and trans-2-butene to 2Gcyclo­

hexenone gave the same produets7 • To account for these products a~

complex of the na1P~ excited state of 2-cyelohexenone and ground state

olefin was postulated. The complex would itself have stereospecific

orientation arising from the dipole inter~ction of olefin and excited

enone. With bond formation a diradicsl may form which subsequently

leads to the observed products.

It is also of interest to note that a 2-methyl-substituent


on cyclohexenone greatly diminishes the rate of photoaddition as

compared to a 3-methyl-substituent which in turn is nearly as reactive

as 2-cyclohexenone 7 •
The multiplicity of the reactive excited state was not estab...

lished by Corey, but recent studies by de Mayo and Chapman have been

devoted to this questiono In the case of the observed trans products,

a diradical intermediate may be a reasonable postulate but different

excited forms or states of the enone are viable alternates.

Irradiation of 4,4-dimethyl-2acyclohexenone and 1,1-dimethoxy­

ethylene gave products~, 2, and !Q27 •


+ +

Chapman and co-workers 27 reported the interesting result that the ratio

of £!! to trans fused adducts, i and ~' varies considerably with solvent

and all three adducts can be formed by sensitization with triphenylamine,

indicating triplet excited states are involved. Quenching experiments

with dlatebutylnitroxide lead to differential quenching of the adducts,


the formation of the £!! adduct (10) being queuche~ faster than the

trans adduct (2)• Chapman concluded that two distinct triplets gave

rise to the £!! and trans adducts respectively. This interpretation

itself encompasses alternatives. Is a single triplet electronic

configuration reactive having variable structure or geometry, or are

two distinct triplet states involved?

Evidence for a reactive higher triplet state has been reported

'by de Mayo in the photoaddition of cyclopentenone to cyclohexene 28 , 29 •

Benzophenone (triplet energy, 69 kcal/mole) is unable to sensitize the

photoaddition alth~ugh triplet energy is trsnsfered to the cyclopent­

enone$ Energy transfer was demonstrated by cyclopentenone quenching

both the photoreduction reaction and phosphorescence of benzophenone.

- Cycloaddition can be sensitized, however, with high energy sensitizers

such as acetophenone (triplet energy, 74 kcal/mole) giving evidence

for a higher triplet T 2 of cyclopentenone, which is reactive.,


In the preceding examples, results indicate that with cyclo­

hexenones, ·differing stereochemical products have been associated

with different excited species. This is illustrated in the two modes

of coumarin dimerizstion and the ana~ysis of £!! and trans fused

photoadducts from 4,4adimethyl-2-cyclohexenone (isophorone was demon­

strated to be similar ). Cyclopentenone apparently has tuo distinct

triplets, only the higher being active in photocycloaddition with

cyclohexene. With regard to higher triplet states, Liu also reports

reactions from a higher triple~ state of anthracenes, sensitizing

the rearrangement of rigid and nonrigid molecules30 t 31 , 32•



A resume of the photochemistry of the olefin reactants used ln

this worlc: will serve as a basis for later discussion. In the photo..

addition reactions studied, the following olefins were used:

blcyclo [2.2.1Jh~pta-2,.5-diene, (norbornadiene); bicyclo [2G2.1Jhept-2-ene,

(norbornene); and cyclopentene.


The photoaddition reaction with norbol~adiene has sholnt to be

more the.n a potent·ially interesting reaction. Reactions involving

rearrangement from 2,6-nortricycle bridging or cycloaddition giving

the homo DielsmAlder products are possibilities. The photoaddltion of


2-cyclohexenone, 3-methyl- and 2mmethyl-2scyclohexcnone has been studied

33 34
in this laboratory by McCullough, Kelly and Rasmussen ' • The

unusual a: andfo substituted cyclohexenone products were obt?ained in

the photoaddition along with the normal cyclobutane adducts.

Norbornadiene irradiated in the presence of benzophenone,

acetophenone or acetone undergoes efficient internal addition to afford

quadricyclene (12) •


Molecular orbital calculations of the excited state of this diene


indicate an appreciable 2-6 bond order37 , a consequence of the

spatial relationship of the double bonds. The reaction is reversible

and irradiation of quadricyclene with low energy sensitizers such as

fluorenone (triplet energy 54 kcal/mole) gives a photostationary

state containing !l and !l •

. Few examples of the photosensitized dimer1zation of-simple

alkenes are known. The photosensitized dimerization of norbornene

gives the !,li2.-tra.ns-!.!2, (j]) and .2!!&2.-trans-!.!2. (!,2,) isomers in the

ratio 12:88 • The ratio of ~ to !1 is independent of the sensitizer

used provided its triplet energy is sufficiently high to transfer

energy to the norbornenee \~hen benzophenone is used as sensitizer

(triplet energy 69 kcal/mole), addition occurs giving the oxetane (!1) •


(ET, 74 kcal)


(ET' 69 kcal)


A rather precise estimate of the triplet energy level of

norbornene is available from the following data. Tripletmtrlplet

energy transfer of an excited carbonyl to norbornene causes dimerization.

The formation of oxetanes, however, has been sholnt to be quite general

with ketones whose n~* triplet energy levels lie below that of the
40 41,42 .
olefin substrate • Arnold has shol7n that a difference in triplet

energy of only about 0.5 kilocalories is determining in the photolysis

of norbornene.

Irradiation of norbornene with 4-chloroacetonaphthone as

sensitizer (triplet energy 72el kcal/mole) gave almost exclusively

the two dimers; whereas 3-trifluoromethylacetophenone (triplet energy

71.6 kcal/mole) gave the oxetane to the extent of 92%. Thus the

dimerization of norbornene requires a sensitizer having a minimum

triplet energy level v~ry close to 72.0 kilocalories per mole. This

figure should be of value in establishing the energy level of a

sensitizer l<rhose triplet energy is unknolm or difficult: to measure.

Irradiation of tha cuprous chloride complex and norbornene

showed high stereoselectivity in the products giving 13 to the extent

of 97% •
Norbornene also readily undergoes mixed photosddition reactions

forming cyelobutane ad?ucts. For example, the photoaddition of

dimethyl maleate to norbornene gave t·wo .!.!2. substituted cyclobutane

adducts · , indicating the strong preference of norbornene to

undergo~ attack rather than.~ attack. The preferential addition

is thought to arise from the steric shielding of the ~ hydrogens

on the opposing ethylene bridge •

Cyclopentene is also known to d1merize giving !,2 in-55% yield

along with cyclopentyl cyclopentenes when irradiated with acetone as

sensitizer •

0 h\J

Several cross<=>addition reactions with cyclopentene are knot-m, notably

that with cyclopentenone giving predominantly a single isomer having

the £!!-~-£!! configuration ~bout the cyclobutane ring o



Photoaddi tion of 3...phenyl-2.... cyclohexenone and norbonladiene

The photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone and norbornadiene

gave three major adducts as shown by gas chro~atograpby (vpc) and

infrared monitoring. Products were separated by silica gel column and

vpc as described in the E~~erimental section. The two major products

have been assigned the structures shO\in in Diagram 2, which are

.£.!£-!!'!tl... .! li2.""l... phenyl tetracyclo [ 6.lt-.0~0 2 ' 7 ~.l 3 ' 6]

tridec-4,S-en-9...one (!7)
. 2 7 3 6
and ~-!X.U..,~-l ...phenyltetracyclo [ 6".4.0.0 ' .1 ' J tridec-4,5-en-9caone

(12)• While tert-butyl alcohol was normally used as solvent, the same

.products were obtained using benzene or glacial ace~ic acid.

Structural identification was based upon spectroscopic data

and a comparison of the hydrogenated derivsti ves 20 and li \-11th the

photoadducts of 3-phenylm2acyclohexenone and norbornene.

Isomer 17., melting point (mp) 75 .. 83°C, l>1as obtained from prepar­

ative vpc. Infrared absorption at 5.8Bf indicated a~ fused cyclohexGnone7

. 48
and bands at 13.20f and 14e24f a monosubstituted phenyl group •

The nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectrum showed aromatic

resonance centered at 7.12 ppm (5 hydrogen, multiplet) and vinyl protons

at 5.92 ppm (2H, tripl~t) characteristic of the remaining norbornene

double bond. Resonance at 0.98 ppm (2H) was attributed to endocyclic

cyclobutane ring protons in an ~ fused norbornene. Norbornene has

endocyclic protons at 0.95 ppn1

49 and the !!2•trans-~ norbornadiene


dimer has ~protons at 1.13 ppm • The vinylic tt·iplet at 5.92_ ppm



ll (3.5%)

ll (20%)

C6H5 PdmC

l l (45%) .n



was consistent with ~ substitution since norbornene vinyl protons

remain at higher field with an exocyclic juncture (5.,82 .. 5e97 ppm)

than l>:rith an endocyclic juncture • A multiplet Glttending from

1.6 ppm to 2o9 ppm bounded the remaining protonse

Catalytic reduction of the norbornene double bond in 11 gave

were analogous to the precursor !lc Compound ~ hfid coincident

retention time on vpc and the· same nmr and infrared sp~ctra as the

norbornene (see below)G A mixed melting point of the reduced isomer

and the major photolytic product of the latter reaction gave

mp 85 e 88°C, indicating th~t they wexe the same isomere Coupling

constants of a cyclobu~an~ ring proton in isomer lQ. (presented l~ter)

suggested .!U~i ring systems about the cyclobutane, thus defining the

The minor photolytic product (~) was inseparable from 11

and !2? both on silica gel colunm end preparative vpce Product ~ is

tentatively assigned as a cyclobutane ~dduct on th~ basis of spectra·

of fractions containing l§.e These spectra showed infrared absorption

at 5~88]1 (£i! fused system7 ), vinylic proton resonance at 6e0 ppm

(2 hydrogens) and aromatic resonance centered at 702 ppm (5 hydrogens).

absorption at So85f~ near the lower limit for a~ fused cyclohexanone ~

Equilibration on basic alumina produced no change in the infrared or tunr

spactra giving support for the .£!.e. structure.

The nmr spectrum of 12 (Figure 1) sho'tored sharp aromatic resonance



N •


tt:M ~
co ~
• ~

\0 ...,.


\() •

_,~~===U----=~-:r:>=-···"*'"_. - - - ·




at 6.87 ppm (SH) and a vinyl multiplet centered at 6.16 ppm (2H).

The laclt of proton resonance above 1.65 ppm suggests the absence of

endocyclic hydrogense Since an endocyclic juncture shifts vinyl

protons to lol1'er field (isomer .!l has vinylic resonance at 5.,92 ppm)

the vinyl multiplet at 6$16 ppm is consistent with ~ substitution.

The vinyl protons of !2 are not a simple triplet as in the case of

!1 and this difference·has also been suggested as a means of distin­

. 50,51
guishing ~- and !!2-norbornene substitution • The above

spectral data is compelling evidence for an endo substituted norbornene


Irradiation of the vinyl multiplet at 6.16 ppm caused the peak

at 3.20 ppm to sharpen. This shows the peak at 3.20 ppm to be resonance

(H )~
from a bridgehsad proton 6 In ~-norbornadiene dimers the bridge­
head protons have been·assit 1 at 2.72 or 2e82 ppm • Thus the single

proton peak at 2.79 ppm was assigned to the other bridgehead proton (H3 ).

A doublet of triplets centered at 3.01 ppm (lH, J= 11.0 cps)

was assigned to the cyclobutane ring proton (H 8) adjacent to the carbonyl

group and the carbon bearing the phenyl group. This is reasonable

since this proton appears at 3.53 ppm in the dimer of 3-phenyl-2ucyclo­

hexenone (lit. 3.60 ppm ).

The magnitude of vicinal £!! hydrogen coupling constants is

knol~ in many cases to be greater than that for !!!nS hydrogens in

the cyclobutane system. In substituted chromones the £if coupling

52 53
constants are 9 cps and 8 cps for ~ and 23 respectively • Schenck

also provides examples of £1! couplings between vicinal hydrogens on

the cyclobutane ring ranging from 7 - 11.5 cps. The trans coupling

' -)52
constant in ~ lvas much smaller (J 12- 3 .·s cps • The observed coupling

constant-of 11.0 cps for H8 is therefore attributed to a vicinal.£!.!

hydrogen establishing a !Xll orientation of ring junctures about the

cyclobutane ring in !2• The complete stereochemistry of the adduct is

now defined by the preceding arguements.

The !ln structure also provides a rationale for one bridgehead

being shifted do'ijmfield. Holecular models show the carbonyl group to

lie under the bridgehead proton H • EY~mples of the deshielding

effect of the carbonyl group, are of the order of 0.3 pp~ and 0.73 ppm •
Thus the observed difference of 0.4 ppm between bridgehead protons H
and H6 is plausible.

Hydrogenation of crystalline 12 gave lit mp86mS9.5°C with a

molecular ion of m/e 266 as the base peako The nmr showed aromatic

protons at 6.97 ppm (5 hydrogens) and the absence of vinyl protons.

A multiplet extending from 1.0 ppm to 3.0 ppm contained the remaining


Analysis of the photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone and

norbornadiene by vpc, qualitatively showed that quadricyclene was

formed during the irradiation.


Photolysis of 3-phenYJ-2dcxclohexenone and norbornene

Irradiation of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone and norbornene in

~-butyl alcohol two major cross-addition products, lihich are


. 2,7 3 6
assigned as ~... ant.!_-~-1-phenyltet:racyclo [ .1 ' J­
2 7 3 6
tridecan-9-on0 (]Q) and £12-~N~-1-phenyltet~acyclo ( ' .1 ' ]·
tridecan-9-one (~), shown in Diagram 3. Tuo norbornene dlmers

were al~o found in the photolysis.
(13 and .......

Chromatography on a silica gel column gave the norbornene

dimers in the initial fractions. The major adduct could be obtained

from the photolysis mixture by crystalization. The minor adduct was

tJ;btained by preparative vpc.

+ )

l.Q. ( 90%)

24 (9%)





' I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I ' I ' I I I I ' I I ' I I I I' ' I I I I I I I Io.o
7.0 3.0 2.0 1.0



the same spectroscopic properties as.a reduced derivative of product

!l• The nmr of 11 pointed to an !!2 fused norbornene fragment. An

£!2 structure for the major adduct, 20 is.also in accordance with the
kno~m preference of norbornene to undergo .!.!2. addition in ground
45,55 39 43 44 .
state and photochemical reactions ' ' •

Adduct ~ has carbonyl absorption at 5.8~ indicating a

.. 7
cyclohe,~anone which is .£!...! fused • The mass spectrum showed a

molecular ion of m/e 266 and base peak m/e 173, the latter corres­
ponding to cleavage of the cyclobutane ring.

The nmr spectrum of ~ is shown in Figure 2 snd the single

proton peak at 2.84 ppm (doublet, J=3.6 ppm) was assigned to the

cyclobutane proton (H ) adjacent to the p~enyl substituted carbon and

carbonyl group. A coupling constant of 3$6 cps is consistent with
trans coupling of vicinal hydrogens as in .zl, where J
3(15 cps • =
Thus the norbornane and cyclohexa.none rings are assigned the .!ntl
configuration about the cyclobutane ring.

The minor adduct (~) was also a £!! fused cyclohexanone

having carbonyl absorption at SeBBf• Resonance centered at 7.17 ppm

(SH, multiplet) from aromatic protons and a peal-e at 2«>87 ppm (lH)

characterized the nmr spectrum. The signal at 2.87 ppm, assigned the

cyclobutane proton (H ), was distinguishable as a doublet (J= 3 cps)

which again· is char~cteristlc of ~ ring junctureso Thus isomer ~

Column chromatography separated the norbornene dlmers from the

other components and v-pc shcn;yed that dimers 13 and J..!± were formed in

the ratio 10:90. The major component (14)-was obtained pure by

preparative vpc and its mass spectrutn had a molecular ion m/e 188

as required for a norbornene dimer. Its nmr spectrum was identical

. 38
to that published for the ~-trans-~ dimer • Both the nmr and

infrared spectra were identical to those of an authentic sample of the

!n22-transD~ dimer prepared by using acetophenone as sensitizer.

Acetophenone is knorrn to sensitize the dimerization of

norbornene and this reaction gave the ~-trans-!!2 (!1) and ~-

tranS-.2,2£2. (li) dimers in the ratio 10:90 (lit. 12:88 ). From

analytical vpc, both retention times and ratio of l1 and ~ in the

photolysis of 3mphenyl~2-cyclohexenone and norbornene were the same

as the products of the acetophenone sensitized dimerization of norbornene$

Photolysis of 3wphenyls2-cyclohaxenone an~ cyclopentene

Irradiation of 3-phenyl~2-cyclohexenone and cyclopentene gave

two mixed addition products in the ratio 90:7, which are 1)3,2~,60C,~a
2 6
1-phenyltricyclo [ s.4.0o0 ' ] undecanm8eone, l l (77%); and lfl, 2f3,6fl, 7f3- .
2 6
1-phenyltricyclo [5.4eO~O ' J
undecan-8sone, ~ (6%). The photo-
dimer (2)was also isolated and these products are shown in Diagram 4.

The photo-dimer of 3-phenyl-2mcyclohexenone (!1) was isolated

in 12% yield, mp 195 - 199°C (lit. 204 - 205°C) • Its mass spectrum

had a weak molecular ion at m/e 344, showing that lt was a dimer of

3-phenyl-2~cyclohexenone, and a base peak at m/e 172. Infrared

' 7
absorption-at 5.86~ indicated a£!! fused cyclohexanone rlng and

bands at 13.8~ and 14o3~ are_ in accord with monosubstituted phenyl

groups o

ll (77%) ~ (6%) 2 (12%)



The nmr. spectrum was the same as that given by Yates and
21 "
co...workers sholdng a singlet at 3.53 ppm (2H)_ for the cyclobutane

protons. aromatic protons at 7.36 ppm (lOR) and multiplets centered

at 2.4 ppm (4H) and 1.7 ppm (8H). Yates 21 has established the structure

of the photo dimer as the £1!-~-£12 headetophead cyclobutane

derivative (1,).

The major cross-addition product (~, mp 59.5- 61°C, had

carbonyl absorption at 5.9YL for the six membered ring fused £1! to

the four membered ring. The mass spectrum shol>1ed that Jl,. was a cross-

addition product having a parent peak at m/e 240 and base peak at

m/e 173.

The nmr spectrum of 11 had the following signals in the high

field region: a multiplet at 2.79 ppm (3H) including the cyclobutane

ring protons; ·a multiplet at 2.3 ppm (2H) assigned to the gemlnal

protons adjacent to the carbonyl; multlplets centered at 1.9 ppm (4H)

and 1.4 ppm (6H) contained the remaining protons. Aromatic proton

resonance extended from 6.9 • 7.4 ppm (5H).

Since 12'was unchanged by equilibration on basic alumina a

·£!! 4-6 ring fusion is indicated and supported by the carbonyl absorption.

Presumably the geometry at the 4 • 5 ring fusion is also £!!, as

implied by the fact that only two isomers were formed in the photolysis.

On the basis that the preferred stereochemistry for ring

junctures is~ to one another, as established in the photodirner (3),

·the major adduct has been assigned the s!!·!ll£1·£1! configuratione

The minor adduct (£2), obtained as an oil, was shown to be a

one to one adduct ha\~ng a molecular ion at m/e 240 and base peak of

m/e 173o Infrared absorption of 1§., which was unchanged on equilibration,

showed a band at 5.85)1 for £!! 4 • 6 ring fusion. Having assigned the

major adduct, this component was assigned the £1!-!IU·£1! structure.

The carbonyl absorption at 5.85/{ is identical with the absorption of

the syn structures assigned photoproducts 12 and 21.

Photoaddition of 3... mathyl ... 2..,cyclohexenone and cyclopentenc

The photoaddition of 3Amethyl-2ecyclohexenone and cyelopentene

in ~~butyl alcohol gave three products to which the structures

shown in D~agram 5 have bean assigned. These structures are

~,2«,6~,~-1-methyltricyclo [ 2 '~ undecan-8eone, l2 (52%);

1J3,~~6fl,7fl·1Rmethyltricyclo ( 2 '~ undecanQ8aone, 1& (71o);

and yB,~,6ft,7~-l-methyltricyclo [5.4.o.o 2 ~~ undecan-8-one, ~ (41%).

+ 0

0 0

+ +
CH 3 CH 3

A1 2o

t 3 r
1§. (1.31 ppma, 7%) l2. (1.,06 ppm 8 , 41%)

a Chemical Shift of t-1ethyl Singlet in the NNR.



Analysis of the photolysis mixture by vpc indicated the formation

of three adducts. Two bands of near equal intensity at 5.8~ and 5.9~

. ­
in the infrared suggested products having trans and cis 4-6 ring fusion.

Product ratios were established by nmr since three unsplit methyl peaks

were visible, each corresponding to a photoadduct. The relative

percentage of each adduct are given following the chemical shift of the

methyl protons: 0.95 ppm, 52% (If); 1.31 ppm, 7% (28); 1.06 ppm, l~l% (29).

All three adducts 'tvere separated by prepara.ti ve vpc and were obtained as

co1ol."'less oils_.

Equilibration of the photolysis mixture (12, ~ and 12) with

basic alumina caused the methyl signal at 1.06 ppm to disappear. An

infrared spectrum after equilibration· showed only one carbonyl band at

5.9~, while the nmr showed two remaining methyl resonances at 0.95 ppm

(52%) and 1.31 ppm (48%). Analysis by vpc also sho~red two peaks in the

ratio 52:48.

The mnjor adduct (lZ) had carbonyl absorption at 5.9~ for £!!
4-6 ring fusion and methyl resonance at 0.95 ppm (3H) as a singlet.

Other resonance was confined to a multiplet extending from 1.4 - 2.8 ppm.

The mass spectrum had a molecular ion of m/e 178 and base peak at m/e

112 confirming 11 to be a cyclobutane adduct of 3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone

and cyclopentene.

This component is assigned ~-!n!l·£1! ring systems on the

basis that it is the major isomer and should prefer the orient~tion of

minimal steric interaction. A similar photoadduct of knolnl stereochemistry

supports this conclusion. The major product in the photoaddition of

3-methyl-2-cyc1ohexenone and 4,4-dimethylcyclopentene is a £!!o~-£!!

adduct as required in Corey's synthesis of OCacaryophyllene alcoho1 14 •

The structure of OC-caryophyllene alcohol has been assigned on the basis

of x-ray diffraction and chemical studies 57 •

·The minor adduct (2&) also had carbonyl absorption at 5.91)4

indicating £!! 4~6 ring fusion. A methyl singlet at 1.31 ppm (3H) was

characteristic of this isomer ~nd there was no proton resonance below 2.5

ppm. Its mass spectrum was the same as that of ll~ Havtng assigned the


Isomer 12 had infrared absorption at 5.82f characteristic of

trans 4-6 ring fusion7 • The nmr spectrum had a methyl singlet at 1.06 ppm

(3H). Equilibration of pure lion basic alumina gave a product having

infrared absorption at 5.9~ and a methyl singlet resonance at 1.30 ppm

as in isomer 1§,. Other features of the nmr liere also identical to those

of l§.o Thus isomerization of l2, to l§. showed that these ketones di'ffer

only in configuration at the methine carbon adjacent to the carbonyl

group; isomer l2 has a trans 4o6 ring fusion and ~ a £!! 4-6 fusion.

Photolyses with 2aphenyl·2~cyclohexenon~

The synthesis of 2wphenyl-2acyclohexenone as described in the

Experimental section, appears to be an improvement over other methods

which have been reportedSS,59.

Irradiation of 2-phenyl~2Qcyclohexenone and an excess of

cyclopentene gave no significant reaction in 45 hours. Similarily the

photolysis of 2-phenyla2-cyclohexenone and norbornadiene for 46 hours

resulted in no appreciable product formation as indicated by vpc



To determinine the multiplicity of the excited state of 3-phenyl­

2-cyclohexenone which gives rise to photoadducts, the effect of several

triplet energy acceptors and donors was examined. A standard photolysis

solution without quencher or sensitizer present was simultaneously

irradiated for comparison in each case. In all runs ~-butyl alcohol

containing 5% methanol was used as solvent. The ratio of products to

starting enone was measured by \~c (column A) giving the e~~ent of

reaction. Interpretation of the following results will be presented.in

the Discussion.

The photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone with cyclopentene and

norbornene respectively was conducted in the presen~e of naphthalene.

The results for various concentrations of reactants are given in Table 1.

A similar eXperiment was conducted using biacetyl as quencher and the

results are given in Table 2. No retardation in the rate of reaction

was observed with naphthalene or biacetyl present in the photolysis



REACTANTS ( Molar Concentration )

3..pheny1 ..2.... cyc1opentene norbornene naphthalene Hours Extent of

cyclohexenone Irradiated Reaction

1 0.025 o.so 11 .. 0 96%

2 Oo025 o~so 0.050 11.0 98%

3 0.025 1.00 2.0 '96%

4 0$025 1.00 o.oso 2.0 98%

5 0.020 0.80 3.5 98%

6 0.020 0080 0~06 3.5 98%


REACTANTS (Holar Concentration)

3-phenyt . . 2... cyclopentene biacetyl Hours Extent of

cyclohexenone I-rradiated Reaction

·1 0.025 0.507 1.5 93%

2 Oe025 0.507 0.050 loS 98%


In a subsequent photolysis of 3-phenyl-2...cyclohexenone and

cyclopentene, the concentration of naphthalene was increasedsuch that

naphthalene absorbed a fraction of the incident light. The rate of

reaction was increased with naphthalene present as shown in Table 3.


REACTANTS (Molar Concentration)

3-phenyl-2­ cyclopentene naphthalene Extent of Hours

cyclohexenone Reaction Irradiated

1 0.025 o.so 871. 1. 75

2 0.025 o.so 0.126 86% 1.25

Sensitization experiments using p,p-dimethylaminobenzophenone

(Hichler's ketone) and 1-naphthaldehyde as energy dot;lors were performed

for the photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone with cyclopentene and

with norbornene. The results given in Table 4 indicate that the photo-

addition reaction was not sensitized, but rather, diminished in

proportion to the amount of light absorbed by the sensitizer.

In the case of the photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone

and norbornene, the mixture was analyzed for the norbornene dimerse This

was achieved by chromatography of the mixture on a silica gel column

followed by analysis of the initial fraction by vpc. The norbornene

dimers were shown to be present in the standard irradiation (Run 3, Table 4)

but absent in the photolysis containing Michler's ketone (Run 4, Table 4).


A. Michler~s ketone as energy donor

REACT&~TS ( !-tolar Concentration )

3aphenyl-2"" · cyclopentene norbornene Michler's Hours Extent of

cyclohexenone ketone Irradiated Reaction
1 0.0145 0.475 1.,5 96%

2 0.0145 0.475 0.0056 2.0 26%

3 '0.020 o.so 3.5 99%
4 Oe020 o.so OG0158 3e5 3%

Be 1-Naphthaldehyde as energy donor

REACTANTS ( Molar Concentration )

3ephenyl""2'"' cyclopentene 1-naphth... Hours Extent of

cyclohexenone aldehyde Irradiated Reaction

1 0.025 0.50 ll\75 87%

2 0.025 o.so 0.125 lo75 2%


The quantum yield of the photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone

and cyclopentene was measured by the method described in the Experimental

section. In two determinations corresponding to 8.5% and 5.3% conversion

of starting enone, only adduct 11 was formed as indicated by vpc. The

quantum yield was calculated from the ratio of the moles of cyclobutane

adduct (12)formed to the light absorbed by 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone as

given in Table 5. The results for a quantum yield determination having

Michler's ketone in solution are also given.



Moles of Light absorbed Quantum
Enone Cyclopentene 11 formed by Enone 8 Yield

1 0.0110 0.48 9.32><10-

4 3.66Xl0• 2 E ~

2 0.0107 0.48 5.66X10• 4 2.30Xlo• 2 E 0.025

3b 0.00485 0.24 2.28Xl0• 4 5.42><10­ E 0.004

a Light absorbed is given in Einsteins.

b Quantum yield determination with 0.0112 M Michler's ketone

in solution

Phosphorescence spectra were measured in ethanol-ether 2:1,

at 77°K. The solutions were not degassed. The emission band maximum
for 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone was observed at 5310 A corresponding

to a triplet energy of 53.8 kcal/mole. The emission maximum for

2-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone was observed at 4720 A corresponding to a

triplet energy of 60.6 kcal/mole.

The phosphorescence spectrum of Michler's ketone l~as ·measured

in the presence of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone. Phosphorescence emission

from a 0.0231 M solution of Michler's ketone, measured at 4970 A, was
used as the emission intensity reference (I 0 ). Excitation by 3700 ~

(log € = 4.69 fol" Michler's ketone) ensured that all incident light was

being absorbed by Michler's ketone. The phosphorescence intensity

(I) of solutions ldth increasing concentration. of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone

was measured (see Table 6). A plot of Io/1 versus the concentration

of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone is given in Figure 3.

The fluorescence spectrum of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone was

measured at 25°C in ethanol giving a maximum at 5120 A. The solution

was not degassed.

The effect of cyclopentene on the fluorescence emission of

3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone was studied at the concentrations given in

Table 7. The solutions were not degassed for these determinations.

A plot of Io/I versus the square of the cyclopentene concentration is

given in Figure 4.



cyc1ohexenone 1o/I


0.0058 M 1.062 .

0.0097 }1 1.108

0.0194 M 1.354

0.0291 M 1.443

0.0466 M 1.595

0.0583 M 1 e 785 ·

a All solutions '~ere 0.0231 M Michler's ketone



cyclopentene [ cyclopentene] 2 I 0 /I


1.025 1.050 1.020

1.882 3.541 1.059

2.605 6.786 1.084

3.50 12.25 1.148

4.23 17.89 1.213

4.83 23.33 1.264

a All solutions were 0.136 M 3-pheny1~2-cyc1ohexenone


·Io 1.6




0.01 Oo02 0.03 0.04 o.os Oe06

Molar Concentration of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone



1 .. 26




0 4 8 12 16 20

[ Cyclopentene ] 2






Photoadditions of 3Gphenyl-2-cyclohexenone

The photoaddition products of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone are

shown in Dlagrams 1, 2 and 3. All photoadducts are cyclobutane deriva...

tives of the enone and have ~ 4-6 ring fusion. In the photolysis

with norbornene and also that with cyclopentene, a single adduct

corresponded to 90% of the cross-addition products. The major product

with norbornadiene is derived from~ addition (!i, 45%) and the

other isolated product from exo addition (17, 35%).
The head .. to... head structure of the photodimer (~) and the single

. addition product reported 60 with 1,1-dimethoxyethylene (lQ) suggests

the following mechanistic pathway~. Addition may occur through an

oriented ~ complex of the excited enone and ground state olefin • The

complex may subsequently undergo concerted addition to pPoducts or

alternately collapse to a diradical intermediate which gives rise to

products. Cycloaddition by w~ of the stable benzyl radical appears

possible if the ~-carbon of the enone is initially involved in bond


c6 H5 OCH

The photoaddition with norbornadiene provides some information·

' '

on this point. Products resulting from the rearrangement of an

intermediate (probably biradical) species have been reported in the

. 33 34
2-cyclohexenone and norbornadiene photoaddition ' • Neither of the

two major products in the photolysis of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone and

norbornadiene appear to be rearrangement products. Two such s·tructures,

ll and ll, for which one can tvrite a biradical mechanism, were considered

in assigning the structure of the major adducts., but have been ruled

out on the basis of the nmr spectra of isolated adducts (see Results)$

In the photoaddition of cinnamaldehyde and 2-methyl-2-butene,

oxetane (~ and cyclobutane aldehyde (11) products were obtained 61 •

Dihydropyrans (~_2) were not detected and Yang suggests that these

results indicate free radical intermediates are unlikely in the


+ ~

R'++ H


If the photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone is the allo~ed

concerted cycloaddi ti on , than one trust invoke the arguement of an

oriented 'fT comple}: to account for the e>~clusi ve formation of products

1 and 1Q..
The exclusive formation of .£.i.e. fused photoadducts may be

attributed to a preference of the phenyl group to remain in the same

plane as the enone system@ It has also been suggested that a coplanar

phenyl group 'Hould not be expected to exert a large blocking effect in

the addition reaction •

There is no apparent solvent effec~ in the photoadditions of

3-phenyl-2"cyclohexenone. This is indicated in the results of this

work where photolyses in ~mbutyl ·alcohol, benzene or glacial acetic

acid gave the same products. A single photodimer is obtained in ethanol,

benzene or cyclohexane • Other mixed photoadditions have been performed
in ethyl ether •



Reactivity of 2-phenyl~2acyclohexenone

The lack of reactivity of 2~phenyl-2~cyclohexenone with cyclo~

pentene or norbornadiene is not readily apparento A comparison of the

effect of a 2mmethylasubstituent on cyclohexenone photochemistry is

availablee In photoadditions to norbornadiene, Rasmussen has found

that 2~cyclohexenone reacts about 6 times as efficiently as 2~methyla

2Acyclohexenone 63 ~ Corey also observed the retardation in the rate of

·addition of 2-methy1Q2acyclohexenone G If the phenyl group is not

coplanar with the enone system, perhaps a significantly larger steric effect

is operativeo

The appropriate choice of olefin may facilitate photoadditionc

Relative to cyclopentene~ acrylonitrile reportedly adds 8 times faster

to 3~methyle2~cyclohexenone and l,l~dimethoxyethylene is more reactive

than cyclopentene by a factor of 18 in adding to 3=phenylw2acyclohexenone 60 •

It would therefore be of interest to examine the photolysis of 2~phenyl~

2acyclohexenone with acrylonitrile, which can act as an acceptor in an

excited complex~ and also with l,l~dimethoxyethylene, a donor.

Origin of the 3-methyl-2~cyclohexenone and cyclopentene adducts

Three cyclobutane adducts were isolated from the pho~olysis of

3~methyle2mcyclohexenone and cyclopentene as shown in Diagram 6. A

trans fused adduct comprised a very significant percentage of the

adductso The traQ! fused isomer (li) could be isomerized to the minor

photolytic ~ isomer (~) showing that they differ on~y in configuration

at the methine carbon adjacent to the carbonyl~ Thus a comparison of

the photoaddition to cyclopentene of 3=phenyl-2~cyclohexenone, giving

only two cis fused adducts~ and that of 3~methylm2~cyclohexenone~


giving a trans fused adduct· in 41%, shows ~emarkable differences.

The photolysis of 3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone and cyclopentene has

now been reported by other workers • Their results differ in some

respects from those reported in this stu.dy. Notably, the isomer which

they have identified as having trans ring fusion, reportedly has infrared

absorption at 5.89)1 for the carbonyl. Equilibration of the pure trans

isomer was not reported. In contrast, the infrared bands of products in

this work correspond to those reported by Corey for fused cyclohexenones ,

namely 5.82f for the trans fused isomer (29) and S.9lf for the.£..!§. isomers,

JJ_ and 1§..

J:1.. (52%) 12 (41%)

Not Observed .?.§. (7%)



The or.igin of trans fused cyclohexanone photoadducts has

generated consJ.derable interest. Corey has suggested that diradical

intermediates are sufficiently energetic to produce the trans system7 •

Chapman has advanced the alternative explanation, which Corey also

recognized, that two triplets may be involved in the formation of the

~ and trans adducts. He reached this conclusion from the differential

quenching of the £1! and trans products observed in the addition of

1,1-dimetho~tyethylene to isophorone and 4,4-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone 27 •

The nature of the active triplets remained an open question.

Information concerning the equilibrium geometry of the lowest

triplet excited states of acrolein, a model for ~f3uunsaturated ketones,

has been provided by Santry and Ohorodnyk • The equilibrium geometry

of the n-~( triplet state of acrolein was found to be planar. Of great

interest was the result indicating the energy minimum for the 1T-1T')'(

triplet occurs at approximately 72° twist about the cro- cJ3 bo~d as

shown in Figure 5. It is reasonable then to suggest that the origin of

the trans fused adduct may be a t"t~isted 1T·'fP'<' triplet excited state.

Another question is raised by the observation that the trans

fused product (12_), formed in the photolysis, isomerizes to the minor

£!.§.isomer (1§,), while the trans isomer which would equilibrate to the

major £!! isomer (12) ~as not formed in the photolysis~ The formation

of a single trans fused isomer which isomerizes to the minor photolytic

~adduct was also observed by Corey and Nozoe in the,photoadducts

of 3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone and 4,4-dimethylcyclopentene.

If one assumes that the re-carbon of the excited enone is


initially involved in bond formation, examination ·of 2:1. and ll·shows

that the cyclohexenone and cyclopentene moieties have the ~ orientation

about this bond. Although this initial mode of bond formation may be

common, the two differing products would result from subsequent cycloa

butane ring closure. Unfortunately it is difficult to envisage experi­

ments lihich may qualify these ideas.

H~ ~
6 CH fo


0 15 30 45 60 75

Twist about the ere -eft bond ·(degrees).





A very interesting description of the excited states of

3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone can now be extracted' from the study of the

photoaddition reactions and emission spectra. This discussion will

serve to interp~et the experimental results, leading to an energy level

diagram for the aromatic enone.

Phosphorescence emission from 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone provides

an estimate of the lowest triplet energy level. The shortest wavelength

emission maximum at 5310 A corresponds to a triplet energy of about

54 kcal/mola. The extended ~ system apparently lowers the triplet

_energy relative to that of 2-cyclohexenone. Although phosphorescence

from 2-cyclohexenone is seemingly unobserved, the lowest triplet energy

level has been e~tlmated at 61 kcal/mole by non-spectroscopic methods7 , 20 •

The cross conjugated~ system of 2-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone doesonot

appreciably alter the lowest triplet state as the observed emission

maximum at 4720 A corresponds to a triplet energy level of about

60.6 kcal/mole.
The photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone with cyclopentene

and that with norbornene could not be sensitized. Both Michler's

ketone (ET, 61,kcal/mole) and 1-naphthald~hyde (ET, 56 kcal/mole)

failed to sensitize the addition reaction, even though the triplet

energy level of these donors is greater than the lowest triplet energy

level of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone. It has been shown when the triplet

energy level of the donor is equal or greater than that of acceptor,


65 66
energy transfer can occur at a diffusion controlled rate , • Thus

the lack of reactivity in the presence of Michler's ketone arid 1-naphth­

aldehyde suggests the lower triplet of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone is

unre~ctive in cycloaddition.

The quenching of Michler's ketone phosphorescence by the enone

demonstrated that triplet energy was in fact being transferred to

3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone. If the quenching effect may be represented

by the following equation:

D* + A D + A*

where D represents Michler's ketone and A 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone,

than the effect· of added quen.cher is given by the usual Stern-Volmer


1 + Kqt [ A J
1 and I are the phosphorescence emission intensity of Michler's ketone
in the absence and presence of acceptor, Kq is the bimolecular quenching

constant for deactivation of the donor by energy transfer, ~is the

measured lifetime of the donor excited state (~= 0.27 seconds for

Michler's ketone 1 ~) and A is the concentration of acceptor (enone).

From the slope of the plot in Figure 3 ( 13.9 litre/mole), the quenching

constant (Kq) was calculated to be 52 litre/mole-sec. Ermolaev and

Terenin report simil~r rate coefficients for the sensitization of

naphthalene pho~phorescence by benzophenone ( 160 sec- 1) and diphenyl­

amine ( 0.54 sec- 1 ) at 78'?K. Thus although Michler's ketone is shown

to transfer triplet energy to 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone, this lowest

triplet state (T1) does not undergo cycloaddition.


Further attempts were made to_quench the photoaddition reaction

with triplet energy acceptors because cyclohexenones have been shown to

20,27,34,67 ,68
react via triplet states • In experiments with naphthalene

( ET, 61 kcal/mole ) or biacetyl ( ET, 55 kcal/mole ) in solution no

retardation in the rate of·reaction was observed. Naphthalene is known

to accept tr i p 1et energy13,67,68 so the results i ndi cate t h at tr i plets

of the e.none higher in energy than naphthalene or biacetyl are not

involved in the addition reactions studied.

After the completion of the work presented in this thesis, it

was suggested by other workers that xanthone ( ET' 74 kcal/mole ) is

capable of sensitizing the photoaddition of 3-phenylp2-cyclohexenone and

cyclopentene • They found the extent of conversion of photoadducts

after irradiation as compared to the convers~on in the absence of

sensitizer to be 0.38. Equimolar ratios of xanthone and 3-phenyl-2­

cyclohexenone were irradiated, the light being filtered by pyrex. A

comparison of the absorption spectra of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone with

that of xanthone and the transmittance of pyrex indicates about 35% of

the light may be absorbed by 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone, thus accounting

for the observed extent of reaction. A definitive experiment would be

helpful using an increased molar concentration of xanthone relative to

enone such that 3...phenyl-2-cyclohexenone could not absorb a significant

fraction of the light. It seems unlikely that this is a triplet reaction

for the reason that no quenching effect was observed with naphthalene.

In an irradiation where naphthalene absorbed a fraction of the

incident light (see Table 3), the rate of reaction was increased. This

effect was presumed not to be due to triplet energy transfer since


Michler's ketone, having the same triplet ~nergy level as naphthalene,

is shol~ to be ineffective in sensitizing the photoaddition. · Naphthalene

fluorescence has been quenched by cyclohexenones which suggests

singlet-singlet energy transfer from naphthalene to 3-phenyl-2-cyclo­

hexenone may account for the increased rate. Naphthalene has a &Jfficiently

high singlet energy level (91 kcal/mole) 70 to accomplish such energy


The absorption spectrum of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone extends to

about 3950 A and the onset of fluorescence emission occurs in the same

region giving an approximate lowest singlet energy level of 72 kcal/mole.

This apparently is the first case of fluorescence being observed from

a cyclohexenone, the lack of fluorescence from 2-cyclohexenone being

attributed to rapid intersystem crossing from singlet to triplet states7 •

The effect of cyclopentene on the fluorescence intensity of 3-phenyl~

2-cyclohexenone is indicated by the plot in Figure 4.

Direct energy transfer to cyclopentene from the enone would be

a very unfavorable endothermic process because the lowest excited

singlet of cyclopentene is certain to be significantly higher in energy

than that of 3-phenyl-2~cyclohexenone.

The quenching is most readily
rationalized on the basis of an excited state complex of excited

3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone and cyclopentene, two molecules of the latter

perhaps being involved. The magnitude of the observed quenching was

small and therefore difficult to measure experimentally; further

interpretation of this result is perhaps not warranted. Nevertheless ,

the sum of the evidence obtained points to a singlet state of 3-phenyl­

2-cyclohexenone being active in photoaddition.


The presence of the norbornene dimers (11 and ~) in the

photolysis of 3ophenyln2-cyclohexenone and norbornene was a surprising

result. Consequently a higher triplet (T ) of 3-phenyl-2ccyclohexenone


is proposed which nrust be of sufficient excitation energy for triplet

energy transfer to norbornene. As already indicated, the dimerization

of norbornene requires a sensitizer having a minimum triplet energy

. 38,41,42

level very close to 72 kcal/mole • It appears that the lowest

·triplet of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone (T , 54 kcal/mole) should be unable

to sensitize the dimerization of norborneneo Verification of the inabil­

tty of the lo~est triplet to sensitize the dimerization was obtained by

selectively exciting T of the enone ,.;rith Nichler' s. l~etone. No norbornene


dimers lvere obtained in this photolysi Se

De Mayo has reported a higher triplet state (T ) of cyclopentenone


which is active in photoaddition. The lower triplet of cyclopentenone

28 29
is apparently unreactive ' •

A low energy pathway of excitation involving twisting of the

double bond (nonMvertical excitation) is not available with a rigid

molecule such as norborneneo Liu has studied the photosensitized

30 32
rearrangement of the rigid molecules, benzonorbornene and norbornadiene ' •

In his studies, triplet...triplet energy transfer from the second triplet

states of anthracenes has been found.

The dimerization of norbornene in the presence of 3-phenyla

2-cyclohexenone uas shown to give two dimers in the same ratio as those

formed when using acetophenone (ET' 74 kcal/mole) as sensitizere The

specific ratio of ~-trans-~ to ~atrsnp-~ dimers (about 10:90)


is apparently independent of the triplet sensitizer used (for example

acetophenone, benzene, acetone, dicyclopropyl ketone and cyclopropyl

phenyl ketone ). This specific dirner ratio adds further evidence to

the postulate that triplet-triplet energy transfer from excited 3-phenyl­

2-cyclohexenone to norbornene occurs.

The detection of quadricyclene in the photolysis with norborna­

diene may also be attributed to energy transfer from the higher triplet

·of the enone. Both benzopheno~e (ET, 69 kcal/mole) and acetophenone

(ET' 74 kcal/mo1e) have been shown to efficiently sensitize the isomeriza­

tion of norbornadi~ne to quadricyclene •

From these studies a rather descriptive picture of the excited

states of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone has been.obtained. Calculations in

this department have shol~ that the n"~ state is lower in energy than
the n-~( state for a planar geometry of cinnamaldehyde • If these
energetics are applied to the cyclic enone, 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone, ~

they suggest that T (54 kcal/mole) is a ~-~* triplet state and T

1 2
(about 72 kcal/mole) is a n-~~ state. The n-~ state is also thought

to be the lowest triplet for other ketones conjugated with aromatic

systems. Recall that the lowest triplet states of 1-naphthaldehyde and

2-acetonaphthone, sho'vn to be unreactive in photoreduction are thought

to be u-~* states • Spectroscopic evidence also points to a u-TI*
lowest triplet state for 2-naphthaldehyde, 4-methoxy- and 4-hydroxy­

acetophenone72 •




n-11'* 11'-11*

2-naphthaldehyde 3820 4780 4900

acetophenone 3780 3850

4-methoxyacetophenone 3650 3940 4050

4-hydroxyacetophenone 3610 3950 4000

a Position of the 0-0 band

It appears that 2-naphthaldehyde, 4-methoxy- and 4-hydroxy­

acetophenone may have suitable energy states to sensitize the dimeriza­

tion of norbornene from their T2 excited states (see. Table 8). This

would be an interesting experiment. particularily in the case of

2-naphthaldehyde where the observed triplet level splitting is comparable

to that proposed for 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone.

In su~nary, two triplet excited states of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohex­

enone are apparent, the lower being assigned from the phosphorescence

spectrum and the higher being active in sensitizing the dimerization

of norbornene. From quenching and sensitization experiments, it appears

that a triplet excited state is not involved in the photoaddition reaction.

Fluorescence has been observed from 3-phenyl-2-~yclohexenone and a

singlet excited state active in photoaddition accounts for the results

of this study. Other l<etones in which adduct formation results from sn

excited singlet are coumarin and fluorenone 73 • An energy state diagram
for 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone is given in Diagram 7.

S (n...,-y-lr)
-72 kcal/mole - T2 (n-1T*)
energy transfer ~72 kcal/mole
to norbornene

T ('1Te'£'f'~'r)
54 kcal/mole








All solvents and reagents for photoaddition reactions 't<Tere

distilled prior to use.

Bicyclo [2.2.1 J heptam2,5-diene (Aldrich reagent) was distilled

at atmospheric pressure, bp 89-90°C, and used immediately since it

polymerizes on standing. Bicyclo [ 2.2.1 J hept-2-ene (Aldrich reagent)

had mp 45a47°C. Cyclopentene (Aldrich reagent) was distilled at atmos­

pheric pressure, bp 44°C.

~-butyl alcohol was Baker Analyzed reagent, bp 82°C.

Methanol was Mallinckrodt Analytical Reagent, bp 64.5a65°C. Benzene

for column chromatography was Mallinckrodt Analytical Reagent.

Naphthalene, mp 80°C (Fischer purified), benzophenone, mp

47.5... 48°C (Eastern Chemical Corp.), and Hichler's ketone, mp 173.5­

174°C (Matheson, Coleman and Bell) were recrystallized from ethanol.

Aldrich reagent 3-methyl-2-cyclohexenone had bp 58°C/10 mm.

The method of Gannon and House 74 was used in preparing 3-ethoxya2•

cyclohexenone, bp 110$113°C/3 mmo From this 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone

75 76
was prepared by the method of Woods and Tucker ,Allen and Converse ,
and had mp 63.5..,64°C (lit 64-65°C ). The ultraviolet spectrum of

3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenon'e has Amax (EtOH) 222 mf (€=14,200) and

. 21
284 mf ( 6 = 17 , 200) •

~ynthesis of 2-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone

A modification of the method of Warnhoff, Martin and Johnson77

was used in the synthesis of 2-phenyl-2~cyclohexenonee To 15G50 g

(Oe089 mole) of 2aphenylcyclohexanone, mp 50-52°C (Aldrich), in dry

carbon tetrachloride (100 ml), with one drop of concentrated HCl, was

added during 90 min, sulfuryl chloride (12.03 g, 0.0891 mole) in dry

(15 ml). The reaction was stirred for an additional 3 hours and

·maintained at 25°C throughout. After successive washings with 2X25 ml

distilled water, 2X20 ml saturated NaHC03 solution and 25 ml saturated

sodium chloride so~ution, the solution was dried over anhydrous

magnesium sulphate. A clear pale yellow solution remained after solvent


To this residue, N,N-dimethylformamide (25 ml) and lithium

chloride (2.34 g) was added. After flushing with nitrogen~ the reaction

flask was heated to 100°C for 40 min with stirringe The mixture was

then cooled, ether (100 ml) and 3% H so (100 ml) added, and stirred
2 4
for 4 hours. The aqueous layer was separated and el..tracted lV'i th

2X50 ml portions of ether. The combined ether fractions were washed

with 40 ml saturated NaCl solution, 40 ml saturated NaHC0 solution,

and dried over anhydrous magnesium sulphate. The product solidified

upon removal of the ether. Recrystallization from hexane gave 2-phenyl~

2-cyclohexenone (6.78 g, 44% yield) as pale yellow needles, mp 91-94°C

( lit 94=94o5 0 C58)



All photolyses lvere run under nitrogen, C~"1.adian Liquid Air

certified grade, further purified by successive passage through vru1adous


sulphate solution , concentrated sulphuric acid and over potassium

hydroxide pellets. The lamp lvas a Ha.novia Type L 450W, fitted with a

pyrex sleeve in a water cooled quartz immersion apparatus.


Column chromatography l·Tas on silica gel, Grace, grade 923 (100·

200 mesh). Analytical vapour phase chromatography (vpc) was performed

on a Varian-Aerograph Model 204..B dual control instrument, having flame

ionization detectors. The follouing columns were used with helium

carrier gas at 30 ml/min;

Colunm A: 3'>t.l/8H 10% FF/cP on 60 ...70 Chromosorb H

Column B: 10 1Xl/8" 12% FS1265 on 60 .. 70 Chromosorb w

Column C: 10 9 Xl/8° 10% Carbo wax on 60-70 Chromosorb H

Preparative vpc was conducted on a Varian~Aerograph dual column instrument

with thermal conductivity detectors. The following columns were used

with a helium flow rate of 60-80 ml/min:

Column D: 10 1X3/8u 20% FS1265 on 45-60 Chromosorb \v

Column E: 5'X3/8" 20% 1"51265 on lJ-5-60 Chromosorb W

Column F: 4'X3/8" 20% FFAP on 45-60 Chromosorb W

~ting poi~ were taken on a Reichert hot stage and are reported.


~ental ~ ware by Spang Hicroanalytica.l Laboratory, Ann Arbor,



Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (nmr) spectra were run on a Varian

A-60, T-60 or HA-100 instrument, in spectral grade CC1 , using tetra­

methylsilane as internal standard and chemical shifts are given in

parts per million (ppm) downfield from this standard.

Infrared spectra were recorded l<7i th a Beckman IR 5 or a Perkin­

Elmer Model 337 instrument, using cs (Fischer spectroanalyzed) as


Ultraviolet spectra were recorded on a Cary 14 spectrophotometer

using ethanol as solvent.

Mass spectra '\cTere obtained using an Hi tach.i Perl< in-Elmer RMU 6A


PhosphorescGnce and fluorescence spectra ,.rere recorded from

an Aminco... Bo"'·nnan Spectrophotofluo:rometer.

Photoaddition of 3... phenyl-2-cyclohexenone a.nd norbornadi~

Irradiation of 3-phenyl-2Gcyclohexenone (2.279 g, 0.0132 mole)

and norbornadiene (26~86 g, Oe292 mole) in ~-butyl alcohol (375 ml)

and methanol (20 ml) for 10 hours resulted in reaction of 98% of

3-phenyl-29cyclohexcnone, as determined by vpc (Column ·A, 245°C). The

vpc analysis shovred that three major products were formed, 'tt7i th

retention times: 6.5 min, Q; 9.0 min, !§.; 11.5 min, 12.• They were in

the ratio; 34:20:46.

After solvent distillation, 1.848 g of the residue was chromate­

graphed on a 4X83 em column of silica gel, slurry packed in benzene,

and 200 ml fractions were collected. The column was eluted by successively

increasing the percentage of ethyl acetate in benzene: 3.6 litres of 1%,


3.0 litres of_ 1.5%, 1.8 litres of 2%, 1.0 litre of 6%, 0.6 litre of 10%,

and 1.2 1itres of 20%. Fractions were monitored by infrared and vpce

Fraction 22 contained mainly~ (526 mg), fractions 27a42 contained

mainly 11 (248 mg) and no fraction contained ~ as the major component.

Recovery from the column was 1.655 g (90%).

Identification of 11,

2 7 3 6
i i
£_!-!ll!_Q~- 1 -p h eny1 tetracyc 1 o [ 6. 4. 0 • 0 , • _1 ' ] tr i d ec- 4 , 5-ena 9 ~one

This component wasseparated by vpc on column E (245°C), having

a retention time of 21 mine Crystallization from ether - light petroo

leurn, bp 30-60°C, gave mp 75-83°C. The infrared showed bands at 3.4~,

7 .
5. 8~ (.£!.! fused 6-4 ring system ) ' 13 20)L' and 14. 24fL (monosubstituted

benzene ). Also nmr resonance at 7.12 ppm ( 5H, aromatic protons),

·5.92 ppm ( 2H, vinylic proton triplet) and 0.98 ppm ( 2H, endocyclic

protons) indicated a cyclobutane adduct.

This product was formed in approximately 34% yield, as indicated

by vpc and column chromatography~

C, 86.30; H, 7.63.

Found C, 86.36; H, 7~74.

Identification of 1.2,
~q~o~-1-phenyltetracyclo 4 0.0 2,7 .1 3,6] tridec- 4 ,5-en-9~one
[ 6 ••

Fraction 22 from chromatography was dissolved in ether - light

petroleum, bp 30w60°C, from which crystalline 1£ (180 rug) was obtained,

mp 104.5-106.5° C. The infrared showed absorption at 3.l~tp, 5.8~

(carbonyl), 13.3YA and 14.15Jl (monosubstituted benzene ). In the nmr

spectrum, resonance at 6.87 ppm ( SH, aromatic protons), ·6.16 ppm

( 2H, vinylic protons) were observed and from decoupling eXperiments


(see Results) further proton assignment was made. The mass spectrum

had a molecular ion, m/e 264 (73); base peak, m/e 143 (100); and intense

peak, m/e 121 (53).

The infrared and nmr spectra of compound 12 were shown to be

unchanged after attempted equilil;lration. A solution of the adduct

(35.0 mg) in 20 ml ether, was stirred with basic alumina (2.0 g) for

8 hours. This indicated· that 12 has a £!! fused cyclohexenone ring.

T~1is component was formed in approximately 45% yield.

Analysis Calculated for c19H20o : C, 86.30; H, 7.63.

Found : C, 86.40; H, 7.63.

pydrogenation of the photolysis products

The photolysis mixture (880 mg) was dissolved in 95% ethanol

(150 ml), to which 92 mg of 5% palladium on charcoal (Englehard Industries

Inc.) was added, and agitated for 18.5 hours under a hydrogen atmos­

phere (55 psi). Complete reduction was indicated by the absence of

vinyl proton resonance in the nmr~ Analysis by vpc (column A 245°C)

showed both retention times and proportion of !2, ~ and 19 remained

unchanged after hydrogenation. Preparative vpc of the hydrogenated

mixture on column E at 245°C gave isomers 20 and 21.

- -
Identification of 20

This isomer is the product of reducing the norbornene double

bond in compound 11, having the same retention time on vpc (6.5 min).

The fraction of 22 min retention time from prep-arative vpc, gave 1Q.,

mp 72-79°C, having mp 86-88°C from ether - light petroleum, bp 30 ...60°C.

Infrared ·absorption at 3.4~, 5.88f, 13.16f and 14.25jt (monosubstituted

benzene) were analogous to the precursor ll• The infrared and nmr

spectra were identical to that of the major product of the photoaddition

of 3-phenyl-2~~yclohexenone and norbornene (see below). A mixed melting

point with the major photoadduct, 85-88°C, further demonstrated that

the reduced and photolytic compounds '\vere in fact the same isomer.

Analysis Calculated for c19H22o : C, 85.65; H, 8.32.

Found : c, 85.45; H, 8.39.

Identification of 11
Reduction of the norbornene double bond in ~ gave isomer 11,
both having the same retention time on vpc, 11.5 min. From a fraction

collected at 30 min on preparative vpc or reduction of pure 12, was

obtained 11, mp 86~89.5°C, crystallized from ether - light petroleum,

bp 3Q..,60°C. The nmr shovmd resona.nce at 6.97 ppm ( SH, aromatic protons)

and the absence of vinyl protons. Infrared bands ·were at 3o41)A, 5e81J.t

(carbonyl), 12o 74)1, l3c3~ and ll~o.30JL (phenyl group). The mass spectrum

had a molecular ion, m/e 266 (100) and intense peak, m/e 141 (66).

~alysis Calculated for cl9H220 : c, 85.65; H, 8G32.

Found : c, 85.50; H~ 8.46.

Quadrlcyclene detection in 3 ... phenyl ... 2... cyclohexenone and nor.QQ_1.~adiene


Pure samples of norbornadiene and quadricyclene had retention

times of 6.0 min and 10e8 min on column C at 48°C (injector, 116°C;

detector, 112°C). Analysis of the solution to be photolyzed sho\red

no peak corresponding to quadricyclene. After a standard irradiation

to 95% reaction of 3-phenyl~2~cyclohexenone, a peak at 10~8 min, the

same retention time as quadricyclene, '\vas detected in the photolysis


Photolysis of 3..phenyl-2...cyclohexenone and norbornene

Irradiation (in a pyre~: tube) of 3-phenyla2...cyclohexenone (0.,30lg,

0.,00175 mole) and norbornene (6o578 g, 0.070 mole) in


(65 ml) and methanol (5 ml) for 2 hours resulted in 96% reaction of

3-pheny1 ... 2-cyclohexenone, as determined by vpc analysis on column A

(245°C). The vpc indicated three products, whose retention time and ratio

lTere: 4o3 mint 1%; 5.0 min, 90% (20); and 7. 5 min, 9% (24)" After

distillation of the solvent, chromatography of the photolysis mixture

(580 mg) on a 3X27 em column of silica gel slurry packed in benzene,

yielded a mixture of two nol"bornene dimer.s in the first 2Xl00 ml fract.ions,

eluting with benz·anee Folloning ··t'Ho additional 100 ml fractions using

benzene, the column 'tvns eluted l7ith l~OO ml-:ether giving quantitativa

recovery€) Fractions v?"cre moni tol..ecl for the dim,3rc by v-pc on Column C

. (185°C) & From the fractions eluted with ethel", the major edduct 1Q.


Identifi~!L2f lQ.
£!E~~-~~laphenyltetracyclo [ 6o4e0~0 2 ,7~1 3 ~~ tridecan-9oone
This adduct was obtained by crystallization from the photolysis

mixtureo Recrystallization from ether - light petroleum gave colorless

plates, mp 87Q88~5°Ce The infrared had absorption at 3e40JA , 5o88~

(.£!.! fused cyclohexenone); 13 e 18)4 and l4e 24p. (monosubstituted b~nzene)"

The nmr sho~ved a single proton reson~nce at 2t:~84 ppm (doublet) and

complex aromatic resonance at 7o10 ppm (see Results). A molecular ion

of m/e 266 (46), base peak m/e 173 (100), and strong peak m/e 144 (67),

lvare exhibited in the ma.ss spectrumo

This adduct was formed in 90% yielde


Analysis Calculated for c19H o : C, 85.65; H, 8.32o

Found : c, 85.58; H, 8.39.

Identification of 24

~-~-~~1-phenyltetracyclo [ 2 ' 7 .1 3 '~ tridecan-9~one

From preparative vpc of the photolysis mi)tture on column E (245°C),

comp·.G'und l!t vras obtained (retention time, 29 min). The infrared sho"tved

absorption at 3.4~, 5.8~ (£!!fused cyclohexenone) 7 , 13.29~'(d) and

14. 2SJL (monosubstituted benzene). Complex aromatic ( SH ) resonance at

7.17 ppm, single proton at 2.87 ppm and two proton peak at 1.00 ppm

character! zed tho xttnr spectrum.

Compound ~ was formed in 9~~ yield~~

Found : C, 8 5 e 57 ; H, 8 • l:.O"

Isolation and Identification of th~ exo-trans-e:Ko and endo..,trans...el;o

norbornene dimers

From the first t'l:·7o fractions of chromatography, a mixture of the

photodimers of norbornene (about 100 mg) was obtainede The retention

dimers l1ere: 6.8 min~ 10%; 8oS min, 90%e Preparative vpc of the mi~ure

on column F (180°C) gave pure ~wtransw~ dimer (retention time, 12 min)e

Its nmr and infrared spectra l1ere identical to those published and the

mass spcctt'Um had a molecular ion at m/e 188, and mp 35...36.5°C(lit_ 38-39°C38).
§mthesi s of the oxo... trtms...exo and en.do..,.trnns-el~O dimers of norborn~ne

A pyrex tube contalning norbornene (28.24 g, Oe30 mole) and

acetophenone (3e617 g, 0.031 mole) in benzene (40 ml) '~as irradiated for

22 hourso Sol vent and unreacted norbornene '\·7et"e removed by distillation


and the remaining mixture lvas chromatograp~ed on a 3X28 em column of

silica gel slurry packed in benzene. The first 2X100 ml fractions,

eluted with benzene, contained the dimers (5.661 g). Analysis of these

fractions by vpc (column c, 185°C)~ indicated two peaks with retention

time and ratio: 6.8 min, 10%; 8.. 5 min,_ 90%.

Separation of these was afforded on column D (167°C). The peak

at 16 min was not readily obtained, but had mp 51-57°C (lit 63.5-64°C )

corresponding to the minor !!2-trans~~ dimer.

The major fraction
collected at 21 min had mp 37e5-38o5°C (lit 38-39°C ) and nmr identical

to that published for the ~-trans~!!2 norbornene dimer.

Photoaddition of 3-phenyl-2ecyclohexenone and cyclopentene

Irradiation of 3-pheny1~2acyclohexenone (1.663 g, 0.0097 mole)

and cyclopentene (11.06 g, 0.163 mole) in ~-butyl alcohol (375 ml)

and methanol (20 ml) for 7 hours, resulted in reaction of 97% of 3-phenyl­

2-cyclohexenone, detenninad by vpc analysis (column A, 245°C). The vpc

analysis showed that two products were formed having retention times:

7.4 min (ll) and 12.3 min (26), in the ratio 90:7 as measured from vpc
peak areas. After removing the solvent by distillation, the residue

(1.873 g) was chromatographed on a 3X28 em colutnn of silica gel slurry

packed in benzene, collecting 200 ml fractions. Fractions 1 to 5 were

eluted with benzene, 6-10 with·o.S% ethyl acetate- benzene, 11-20

with 1%, 21-25 ldth 2%, 26 and 27 with 4%, ·28 l-Tith 8% and fractions

29-30 with 15% ethyl acetate - benzene. Fractions 14-16 contained the

major photoadduct (25), 959 mg, and fractions 29-30 contained the photo-

dimer of 3-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone. Recovery from the column was

essentially quantitative.

Identification of l1
~,20C,6~,7J.1-laphenyltricyclo [S.4.0e0 2 '~ undecan-8-one
Fractions 14-16 were combined and by successive crystalizatlon

from pentane and aqueous ethanol were obtained colorless prisms, mp

59.5-61°C. The infrared absorption bands were at 3.41JL , S.9l)l {£!!

fused cyclohexenone7), 13.19jl and 14.2~ {monosubstituted benzene) and

the nmr _showed the aromatic proton's resonance as a broad multiplet

centered at 7.15 ppm. The mass spectrum had a weak molecular ion,

m/e 240; a base peak, m/e 173 {100); and-additional strong peaks of

m/e 144 (66), m/e 115 (23). This product was formed in 77% yield in

the photolysis.

Attempted equilibration of 11 (20 mg) on basic alumina (2o8 g)

in 15 ml ether with stirring for six hours, produced no change in the

infrared and nmr spectra, thus confirming the ~ 4~6 ring fusion


Analysis Calculated for c17 H20o : C, 84.95; H, 8.39.

Found : c, 84.99; H, 8e30.

Identification of 26

tJ3,2fJ-,6fl, 7j3-l-phenyltricyclo [ 5.4.0~0 2 ' 6] undeca.n..8-one

Preparative·vpc of the photolysis mixture separated the photo-

adducts ~ and 12, having retention times of 14 and 19 min on column

E (242°C). A 25 mg quantity of 26 collected from vpc, had infrared

absorption bands at 3.4~, S.BSjL-(cis fused 4-6· rings ), 13.2~ and

14.23JL (monosubstituted benzene). The nmr showed the aromatic protons

at 7.05 ppm. The mass spectrum had a molecular ion peak at m/e 240, a

base peak at m/e 173 (100) and additional intense peaks at m/e 144 (55),

m/e 141 (49), and m/e 115 (33)e This adduct was formed in 6% yielde

Isolation of the photodirner of 3:.Pheny1.... 2...cyclohexenone

Fractions 29 and 30 of the chromatography (223 mg, mp 188-197°C)

were recrystallized from ether - light petroleum, bp 30m60°C, raising

the melting point to 19Sml99°C (lit 204~205°C) 21 e The infrared and nmr

spectra were identical to that of the headeto-head, £!!~~~£!! dimer

. 21

of 3aphenyle2-cyclohexenone • The mass spectrum had a weak molecular

'ion, m/e 344, base peak, m/e 172 (100) and additional intense peaks

m/e 144 (94) and m/e 115 (30)e Yield of the dimer based on its

isolation by chrom~tography l.Yas 12%~~

Photoaddition of 3-methylm2acyclohexenone and cyclopentene

Irradiation of 3Qmethylm2acyclohexenone (2.374 g, O~Ol33mole)

and cyclopentene (24e52 g, 0~360. 1 mole) in .!!.tt... butyl alcohol (375 ml)

and methanol (20 ml) for s.s hours resulted in reaction of about 99%

of the enone. The solvent was distilled !a vacuo at 30°C, into a receiver

at eo78°C., Infrared bands at 5.82jL (trans 6..,4 ring fusion ) and 5e9lf
(cis 6... lt. ring fusion ) indicated a near equimolar ratio of £!.!..,and trans
$~~ fused ringse Analysis of the photolysis mixture by vpc on column

B (194°C) showed three products of retention times: Bol·min, 9.5 min, and

10o5 min, but distortion of the peaks was symptomatic of isomerization

on the column.

The nmr of the photolysis mixture showed the disappearance of

the methyl signal at 1.97 ppm, from 3-methylm2-cyclohexenone, and the

appearance of three methyl singletsc By measuring the area of the

methyl peaks, product ratios were established and are given following

the chemical shift: 0.95 ppms 51c6% (ll); le06 ppm, 41o3% (l2);

1.31 ppm, 7el~ (28). The isomers were separated by preparative vpc
on column D at 183°Cc

Equilibration of the adducts of 3~methyl-2-cyclohexenone and cyclopentene

The photolysis mixture (leBO g) was dissolved in 150 ml ether to

which 35~0 g basic alumina were added, stirred for 9 hours, filtered and

the ether evaporated. Infrared showed only one carbonyl band at 5.9;u,

while nmr shot·red two of the methyl peaks remained at 1$31 ppm (48e4%)

and 0.95 ppm (51.6%), lvith the peal< at 1.06 ppm absente Analysis by

vpc sho~red the component of 10.5 min retel)tion time was gone, while peaks

at 8.3 and 9e5 min were in the ratio of 48:52.

Identification of 11.,
rB 2C:C,6CC, 'l,~
..,.. l ...methyl tricycle [ 5e4c0e0 26
'J undecan.... S...,one
This isomer was isolated by vpc on column D, having a retention

time of 38 min, as a colorless liquide Infrared absorption was at 304~

and 5. 9lf (.£.l! fused cycl ohexenone) e The nmr showed a methyl sl ngl et: at

Oe95 ppmo The mass spectrum had a weak molecular ion m/e 178 and a base

peak m/e 112e The yield was Sl.6%0

Found C, 80e84; H, 10el4e

Identification of 12,
~·~·6},7~-1-methyltr~cyclo [·5,4.o,o 2 •~ undecan-8-one
The peak of retention time 42 min was collected· and shol"-Ied
. 7
infrared ab~orpt!on at 3~4~ and S.82JL (trans 4-6 ring fusion ). The

rum: had a methyl singlet at lo06 ppme Product ~ was formed in 41.3%


Analysis Calculated for c1 2n18o : C, 80e84; H, 10el8•

. Found : C~ 80"64; H~ 10.,11.


Equilibration of 29

The photoadduct 29 (30 mg) '\ras dissolved in 30 ml ether, basic

alumina (2.0 g) added, and stirred for 3.5 hours. After filtration and

evaporating the ether, the infrared showed bands at 3~41f and 5.91JL and

the nmr had a methyl singlet at 1.30 ppm, characteristic of isomer ~

(see belolJ) c Analysis on column B (194°C) shoued the disappearance of

l2. (retention time, 10.5 min) and the appearance of a peak at 8.3 min

corresponding to 28.

Identification of 28,

~'?B'~'~el-methyltricyclo [5.4eOe0 2 • 6J undecan-8-one

A fraction of retention time 33 min was collected from column D.

Absorption at 3.4~ and 5.9ljt (~ 4-6 ring fusion) and methyl proton
resonance at 1.31 ppm were measured. The mass spectrum had a weak

molecular ion m/e 178 and a base peak at m/e 112. Isomer ~was formed

in 7.1% yield.

Analysis Calculated for c12H18o : C, 80.84; H, 10.18.

Found : c, 80.97; H~ 10. 20.

Photolyses with 2... phenyl-2=cyclohe>cenone

Irradiation of 2-phenyl-2-cyclohexenone (1.779 g, 0.0103 mole)

and cyclopentene (16.87 g, 0.248 mole) for 45 hours in ~-butyl alcohol

(380 ml) and methanol (20 ml) gave less than 5% cross-addition products

as indicated by vpc and recovery of starting enone. Similarily, irradia­

tion of 2Qphenyl-2-cyclohexenone (1.569 g, 0.0091 mole) and norbornadiene

(24.15 g, 0.262 mole) for 46 hours gave no significant amount of addition


Investigation of naphthalene quenchin.z. the addition reactions

of 3-phenyl-2~cyclohexenone

A solution of 3.,.phenyl-2...cyclohexenone (0.6031 g, Oe025 M) and

cyclopentene (4o769 g, 0.50 M) in tert-butyl alcohol (130 ml) and

methanol (10 ml) was divided in two equal portions and placed in pyrex

tubes. To one tube, naphthalene (0.4483 g, 0.050 M) was addede The

solutions were degassed by repeating three cycles of successively

freezing in liquid nitrogen, evacuating, admitting nitrogen and thawing.

The tubes were irradiated simultaneously for 11 hours and analyzed by

vpc on column A (218°C).

A similar experiment '1\U~S conducted l-Yith biacetyl in the photolysis


A solution of 3-pheny1-2~cyclohexenone (oe6011 g~ Oe025 M) and

norbornene (13el56 g, loOO M) in ~Gbutyl alcohol (130 ml) and methanol

(10 ml) "\UlS equally di vi dod in tl~o pyrex tub®Se Naphthalene (0.4482 g,

0.050 M) was added to one tubeu The tubes ware simultaneously irradiated

for 2 houxs with continuous nitrogen ebullition tlnd analyzed by vpc on

column A (220°C). The procedure was repeated u~ing different concentra­

tions (see Results)e

Naphthalene sensitized photooddit~9n of 3-phenyl~2=cyclohexenone

and cyclopentene

T't·Yo pyrex tubes containing 3-phenyl ... 2.. .: cyclohexenone (0*2875 g,

0.025 M) and cyclopentene (4"'122 g, 0.50 M), were irradiated simultaneously.

One tube contained naphthalene (0.9723 g, Oel26 M). The products were

analyzed by vpc on column A at 222°C.


Sensitization exoeriments with Michler's ketone and l-naphth3lrlehyde

Irradiation of 3~phenyl-2scyclohexenone with cyclopentene and

with norbornene respectively, was conducted using Michler's ketone and

1-naphthaldehyde as sensitizers. A standard photolysis without sensitizer

present was irradiated at the same time for comparison. Analyses were

by vpc on column A for the photosddition products. In the case of

norbornene as olefin, the reaction was analyzed for norbornene diroers

also. Details are given in th~ Results section.

Phosphorescence Sp?ctra

All phosphorescence spectra uere measured in ethanol "' ether

(2:1) at 77°KG The solvents were redistilled 95% ethanol and ether

(analytical reagent) distilled from sodium metal just prior to use.

The data obtained from the follo~1ing experiments is reported in the

Results section$

The phosphorescence emtssion of 3...pheny1 .... 2.,cycloh~}:enone

(excitation 350 mr) and 2~phenyln2scyclohexenone were me~sured.

'fhe quenching of Michler~ s ketone phosphorescence by 3""phenyl­

2-cyclohexenone was measured at various concentrations of enone.

Fluorescence see~t~a

The fluorescence spectrum of 3-phenyl-2Qcyclohexenone (excitation

395 mj> was measured in ethanol at room temperature. The effect of

cyclopcntene on the fluorescence emission from 3Qphenyl~2~cyclohex~none

l>Tas also studied (see Results) o


guantu~ yield determination

The light source was a Philips SPSOOW high pressure mercury arc

lamp~ placed at the focal length (12 em) of a quartz lens (llcm in

diameter) giving directed irradiatiorto Filter solutions p~ovided the

appropriate emission band and were contained in a three cell unit. Each

.cell had a diameter of llo7 cm 9 path length of· 5 em, and an internal

cooling coile Cell partitions and ends were gasketed quartz diskso The

filter solutions used were: cell one (nearest lamp), 160 g of cobalt

sulphate hepta~hydrate and 60 g of nickelous sulphate hexa~hydrate per

. 67
li t:re of 3 N_ H so4 ; cell two, le6 g of stannous chloride dihydrate
per litre of 15% hydrochloric acid; cell three, distilled l-7atere This

filter combination had a maximum transmission of 45% at 330 Irf' and 0%

at 29fL·and 375 mj!o A small amount of light (Oo5%) t-ras transmitted at

430 ID)le

It was found that the transmission properties of the cobalt ­

nickel mixture did not change significantly during irradiation~ The

stannous chloride solution was freshly prepared for each quantum yield


For quantum yield determinations a cell with qua.rtz windo"t-rs,

llo7 em in diameter by SeO em path length contained the solution of

enone and cyclopentenee Behind this, a duplicate cell contained Oo006 M

potassium ferrioxalt\te and l~as used to measure the 1ight output of the

lampa Each determination required three !rrtsdiations: the first t-with

only the ferrioxalate actinometer present, the second with photolysis

and actinometer solutions in place, and the third, as initially, with

only the actinometer() The first and third irradiations, which differed

by less them _5%, were used to calculate the light output during the

second irradiation and corrected for change in actinometer during that

runo This calculation assumed the quantum efficiency of conversion of

ferrioxalate to be le23 at 330 m;t79 ~· Fresh actinometer solutions were

used for each irrad!atione All cells were cooled with tap water main~

· taining the temperature at 9 ±1°Co

Duplicate quantum yields were measured on the photolysis of

3ophenylm2ecyclohexenone and cyclopentenee The photolysis of 3Gphenyl­

2mcyclohexenone (Oe0107 M) and cyclopentene (Oe48.M) in ~...butyl

alcohol (525 ml) and methanol (50 ml) was performed with continuous

argon (Canadian Liquid Air) ebullition() In a typical run, 3...phenyl ...

2Qcyclohexenone was irradiated for 180 min during which the enone absorbed

·2.30Xl0~2 Einsteins of lighto Analysis by vpc (using benzophenone as

. 4
an internal standard) showed the formation of 135o8 mg (5066Xl0o mole)

of adduct ~, thus giving the quantum yield of 00025 for adduct formationo

The quantum yield was also measured using Michler~s ketone as

sensitizer (see Results)o ·



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