How To Detox Your Body From Mold Dr. Pompa

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How to Detox Your Body From Mold

March 20, 2019 //  by Dr. Daniel Pompa (

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Detox Your

Mold is an insidious problem that is a growing concern in the modern health world. This mold isn’t the kind that grows on food, but rather the
biotoxic black mold that grows behind the walls and �oorboards, and wreaks havoc on the human body. This type of mold is a silent killer that
is triggering a host of hormonal problems, and driving autoimmune disease. Today we will explore the symptoms, how to test for and safely
remove mold from your home, as well as your body.

Symptoms of Mold Exposure

Mold exposure is almost impossible to detect because there are no reliable tests to measure mold toxicity in the body. We rely mostly on
symptoms at this point, which include:




Panic attacks

Join pain

Skin irritation (burning, itching, pain, ants crawling sensation)

Blurred vision

Chemical sensitivity




Postnasal drip

Water eyes

Food allergies


Weight gain

Body odour

Light sensitivity

Noise sensitivity

The low level underlying chronic stressor of mold toxicity can be that source of stress that’s slowly �lling up your cup until some speci�c event
triggers a full blown autoimmune reaction. All of a sudden when someone is faced with a new stressor (like a breakup, a pregnancy, or a new
job), their body faces a major breakdown. For this reason, it’s important to address all areas of stress in your life when you are trying to heal.
In addition, fatigue may be a symptom of mold exposure. Take our Why Am I So Tired Quiz (
tired-quiz/) to learn more about the causes of fatigue.

How to Test Your Home for Mold

Along with symptoms, one of the best ways to know if you are being poisoned by biotoxic mold, is to test your home (or of�ce). The average
mold testing company (or even worse, the reports from landlords or real estate agents) does not properly test for mold. Many companies test
the ambient air for mold, which generally yield negative results. The mold is not in the air, it lurks behind the walls and �oorboards. The air is
infested with mycotoxins, the airbound molecules that wreak havoc on our health, but they are not detectable by conventional mold testing.

Two better options for effective testing include:

An ERMI Test, which tests bits of dust that have been vacuumed out of key places (like behind the walls, the HVAC systems, and corners
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