Research Article: Modeling The Effect of Plants and Peat On Evapotranspiration in Constructed Wetlands
Research Article: Modeling The Effect of Plants and Peat On Evapotranspiration in Constructed Wetlands
Research Article: Modeling The Effect of Plants and Peat On Evapotranspiration in Constructed Wetlands
Research Article
Modeling the Effect of Plants and Peat on Evapotranspiration in
Constructed Wetlands
Florent Chazarenc,1, 2 Simon Naylor,2 Yves Comeau,2 Gérard Merlin,3 and Jacques Brisson1
1 Institutde Recherche en Biologie végétale, Université de Montréal, 4101 Sherbrooke St. East, Montréal, QC, Canada H1X 2B2
2 Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, École Polytechnique, Montréal, QC, Canada H3C 3A7
3 Laboratoire Optimisation de la Conception et Ingénierie de l’Environnement, Université de Savoie, Campus Scientifique,
Copyright © 2010 Florent Chazarenc et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Evapotranspiration (ET) in constructed wetlands (CWs) represents a major factor affecting hydrodynamics and treatment
performances. The presence of high ET was shown to improve global treatment performances, however ET is affected by a wide
range of parameters including plant development and CWs age. Our study aimed at modelling the effect of plants and peat on
ET in CWs; since we hypothesized peat could behave like the presence of accumulated organic matter in old CWs. Treatment
performances, hydraulic behaviour, and ET rates were measured in eight 1 m2 CWs mesocosm (1 unplanted, 1 unplanted with
peat, 2 planted with Phragmites australis, 2 planted with Typha latifolia and 2 planted with Phragmites australis with peat). Two
models were built using first order kinetics to simulate COD and TKN removal with ET as an input. The effect of peat was positive
on ET and was related to the better growth conditions it offered to macrophytes. Removal efficiency in pilot units with larger ET
was higher for TKN. On average, results show for COD a k20 value of 0.88 d−1 and 0.36 d−1 for TKN. We hypothesized that the
main effect of ET was to concentrate effluent, thus enhancing degradation rates.
in R3) and lowest in the unplanted control without peat TKN
(0.1 mm/d in U1). Maximal daily values were estimated at Figure 2: Treatment performances during the 30-day test.
20 mm/d in R3 and R4, which are in accordance with values
proposed in the literature [1, 3, 4].
Association between reed and peat generated the most
important ET rates (Table 2). The positive effect of peat on
ET can be explained on the one hand by the better growth there was little variation in D values between mesocosms.
conditions it offered to plants (presence of more plant This was probably due to the small size of the mesocosms
biomass). On the other, the effect of peat on mesocosms which led to a permanent bypass along the wall.
hydraulic behavior was hypothesized to be similar to accu-
mulated organic matter appearing in constructed wetlands 3.3. Effect of ET Rates on COD and TKN Removal, Modeling.
over time [18]. As observed between the two unplanted units, No TSS removal differences were found between the different
peat enhanced the retention by acting as a sponge. In absence mesocosms (results not shown). COD removal was higher
of peat, while the HRT remained fairly close to the theoretical in U1 than in U2, and this was likely due to the release
value in U1, it was up to 30% greater than the theoretical of organic carbon by the peat. This difference was less
hydraulic residence time value in pilot units with high ET pronounced between R1 and R2 (planted with reed) and R3
(those with large active macrophytes). Experimental HRT, and R4 (planted with reed and with peat). Overall, there were
determined using response curves (Figure 2), were always slight differences between performances of all the planted
greater than theoretical values (Table 2). This was a possible mesocosms for COD degradation (Figure 1), irrespective of
consequence of the non-ideal flow in the different reactors. ET and plant species.
Removal efficiency in pilot units with higher ET (more
3.2. Influence of Plant Presence and Species on ET Rates and than 50% of inflow) was greater for TKN (Figure 1). In R3
Hydraulic. Effects of Phragmites and Typha on ET rates were and R4 mesocosms, average net rate of N mineralization
similar (Table 2). The relationship between ET and plants values of 0.36 g m−2 d−1 were reported (which represented
seemed mostly related to plant biomass irrespective of plant almost all of the input) until in unplanted units it was
species. about 0.15 g m−2 d−1 . In similar pilot units and experimen-
The ratio of tracer collected at outlets was sufficient tal conditions, rates of 0.22 to 0.53 g m−2 d−1 have been
for a more detailed analysis in all cases except for the R3 reported [20]. Nitrification should have been enhanced by
and R4 mesocosms where less than 45% of the tracer was the presence of well established plant biomass associated to
recovered (Table 1). In the response curves of the R3 and high ET rates, furthermore the contact time between plants
R4 mesocosms, a small tracer peak was observed after which shoots (the principal oxygen supplier in HSSFCWs) and
lithium concentrations never returned to background levels, effluent was extended.
even after 30 days (not shown). This was most probably the Performance models (2) were used to predict treatment
consequence of the sorption of lithium by peat (also observed performances of pilots U1, R1, R2, C1, C2. The first step
in a minor extend in unplanted U2) followed by slow release was to determine the best k20 value for COD and TKN, to
back into solution [19] associated to ET cumulative effects. fit the model with experimental data. On average, results
Results from R3 and R4 were not further analyzed. show a k20 value of 0.88 for COD removal and 0.36 for TKN
The PFD and the TLM models (Figure 4) were used to fit removal. Large ranges of annual average values, from 0.06 to
the experimental response curve. System dispersion numbers 6.11 for BOD5 and from 0.06 to 0.16 for TKN are reported
(D), estimated by fitting experimental data with PFD model, for CWs [16]. Our results are on the same order for COD
were in the range of 0.14 to 0.36 (Figure 3) which is in the (while assuming a ratio of 0.25 for BOD5 /COD). High values
observed range of 0.009 to 0.48 for D values in HSSFCWs [1]. obtained for TKN kinetics are probably a consequence of the
In HSSFCWs it was shown that presence of high rates of ET favourable conditions (high temperatures, plant activities)
generally leads to a decrease of D values [4, 8]. In our study, during the experiment.
4 International Journal of Chemical Engineering
0.16 0.16
0.12 0.12
0.08 0.08
0.04 0.04
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (day) Time (day)
U1: Unplanted 1 R1: Reed 1
U2: Unplanted 2 (peat) R2: Reed 2
(a) (b)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (day)
C1: Cattail 1
C2: Cattail 2
Separation in surface
and bottom layer 0.1
0.7 1
1 e−sTd
2s + 1 2s + 1 x
1 1
0.3 1 1
2s + 1 2s + 1
Tracer impulsion
modelization (pulse)
Experimental data
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (day)
Experimental data
2 3 4 5 6 7
The authors would like to thank Marc-André Labelle
Damköhler number (−)
and Vincent Gagnon for technical assistance and Dwight
Figure 5: Relationship between Damköhler number and ET for Houweling for reviewing an earlier draft of the paper.
TKN degradation (except for R3 and R4). This research was financed by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
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