Flow Control June 2019
Flow Control June 2019
Flow Control June 2019
EASA 2019
Page 30
& Drives
Energy-saving technologies
for pump systems
Also Inside
Nominations for
Innovation Awards
Asset-specific apps
for plant operations
The effects of
temperature and
Also Inside
Performing a storage
tank risk assessment
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Nominations are in for our annual Innovation Awards
program. Help us recognize the best-of-the-best
breakthrough solutions for the fluid handling industry.
Cover Series
Motors & Drives
10 Maximizing energy savings through
pump unit VFDs
By Patrick Hogg, Nidec Motor Corporation,
and Jim Sanderson, Motion Industries
Motor manufacturers offer protections to mitigate
effects of pulse width modulation so that benefits
of adding a variable frequency drive to a pump
system can be achieved.
14 Motor management:
Intelligence made easy
By Stephen Zbytowski, Eaton
Better motor performance and advanced monitoring
can help save energy costs, protect systems and
improve safety.
16 Major causes of roller bearing failure
and prevention tools
By John Bernet, Fluke Corporation 20 23
Roller bearing reliability can be strengthened with
proactive maintenance strategies.
Flow Control (ISSN #2641-6735) is published 12 times a year © Endeavor Business Media, 2019. No portion of this publica-
by Endeavor Business Media, 1 Mt. Laurel Avenue, Suite 207,
Birmingham, AL 35242.
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of the publisher. Views expressed by the bylined contributors
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t/h lb/cf
Cryogenic, high temperature and high pressure
applications with one device
technology driven by KROHNE
• Coriolis mass flowmeter for liquids and gases, including LNG
• Entrained Gas Management (EGMTM): reliable indication of gas entrainments,
maintaining operation at all times
• DN 10...300 ( ½...12“), up to 1,000,000 kg/h (36,743 lb/min),
–200…+400 °C (–328…+752 °F), up to 200 bar (2,900 psi)
• Custody transfer: OIML R117-1, MID MI 002 & MI 005,
Measurement Canada and NTEP
his issue, Flow Control is proud motor and VFD. You’ll also find an arti-
[email protected]
to present the nominations for our cle from Eaton’s Stephen Zbytowski who MARIE MCBURNETT
annual Innovation Awards program. talks about motor management relays [email protected]
Read about the latest breakthrough solu- and advanced monitoring. Also, Fluke GROUP ASSISTANT EDITOR
tions in fluid handling applications on Corporation’s John Bernet discusses DANIEL GADDY
page 26, and then be sure to go online causes of roller bearing failure and pre- [email protected]
innovationawards. We will close the vot- Next, read about an effective way that DAVID W. SPITZER
ing on June 30 and present the honorees plants can make the jump into the inter-
in the October issue. net of things by using
Good luck to all of the purpose-built apps AMANDA PORTER
nominees! and software applica- [email protected]
Last month, I had the tions for specific plant DISTRICT MANAGER
opportunity to learn assets to improve con- JAY HAAS | 281-980-5831
more about a few of nectivity, help optimize [email protected]
Company news of AW-Lake Company, Exact Dispensing troubleshooting and light repair work.
Systems, KEM GmbH, Litremeter, There will be a crew of three on rotation
Orbital Gas Systems SignalFire Wireless Telemetry, and at all times with a service manager located
showcases new technologies Vogtlin Instruments. in Hempstead, Texas. Jim Trullinger, ser-
at open house vice manager, will be in charge of this
Orbital Gas Systems, a wholly owned New CEO at Siemens new service area.
energy subsidiary of CUI Global Inc., Oil & Gas
held a technology showcase and open Arja Talakar was appointed CEO of Siemens Ecogreen Tank Monitor
house for customers and suppliers at Oil & Gas. He is based in Houston, Texas, introduces a savings calculator
its Houston facility. The 39,000-square- the global headquarters for Oil & Gas and Ecogreen Tank Monitor introduced an
foot facility supports the growth of the its parent operating company, Siemens interactive savings calculator to help
upstream, midstream and downstream Gas and Power. Talakar was previously estimate how much money can be saved
product lines and services, including gas responsible for Siemens Saudi Arabia. He by deploying tank monitors. The Savings
metering, process control, telemetry, gas began his career with Siemens in 1996 Calculator, found on the company’s web-
sampling, environmental monitoring and as a rotating equipment and automation site, allows for the input of labor costs
biomethane systems. More than 150 systems engineer. of manually checking tank levels, plus
attendees, including midstream and the cost of run-outs that result in idled
downstream end users and service TUV SUD NEL launches JIP equipment and workers. The calculation
companies, viewed featured technolo- for oil-in-water analyzers results in an annual savings that can be
gies, including GasPT analysis units, VE TUV SUD NEL launched a joint industry compared to the cost of purchasing or
Technology sampling equipment, mercury project (JIP) to fill a significant knowl- leasing the Ecogreen Tank Monitor. Fuel
analyzer systems, Integration modules edge gap in the oil and gas industry’s distributors and suppliers of other liquids
and biomethane solutions. use of online oil-in-water analyzers to can also use the Savings Calculator to
help optimize oil and gas recovery. The determine delivery cost savings based on
ITT acquires Rheinhütte JIP will deliver a new set of regulatory cost per delivery or cost per mile.
Pumpen Group requirements for subsea produced water
ITT Inc. completed the acquisition of discharges as well as guidance for the Smith-Cooper International
Rheinhütte Pumpen Group, a designer acceptance of using online oil-in-water to merge with Anvil
and manufacturer of centrifugal and analyzers for unmanned and subsea International
axial flow pumps, from Aliaxis Group applications. It will also create a new set Anvil International, a designer, manufac-
S.A. The acquisition aligns with ITT’s of validation criteria for the use of oil-in- turer and provider of products that con-
focused growth strategies in target water analyzers for reporting purposes. nect and support piping systems, and
markets and provides the company’s This will help operators optimize their Smith-Cooper International, a global
Industrial Process (IP) segment with a production process, maximize the effi- designer and provider of pipes, valves
complementary portfolio of pump tech- ciency of oil and gas recovery and reduce and fittings, have entered into a defini-
nologies suited to corrosive, abrasive operational costs. It is intended that the tive agreement to merge. The combined
and high-temperature environments. JIP’s research work will enable the exist- company — majority owned by Tailwind
The acquisition also bolsters IP’s pres- ing online oil-in-water analyzer guidance Capital — will be a designer, manufac-
ence in Europe through enhanced pump from OSPAR, BEIS and Norsk Olje & Gas turer and provider of products that con-
engineering, manufacturing, testing and 085 to be updated and improved. nect and support piping systems with
channel-to-market capabilities. a portfolio of global brands including
Logan Industries expands AFCON, Anvil, Anvil EPS, Anvil-Strut,
TASI Group acquires ONICON services into West Texas Basic-PSA, Beck, Catawissa, Cooplok,
Measurement Solutions Logan Industries, a hydraulic repair, Cooplet, FlexHead, FPPI, Gruvlok, J.B.
TASI Group, a privately owned industrial manufacturing and rental company, Smith, North Alabama Pipe, Megawatt,
test, measurement, inspection and expanded its land rig equipment ser- SCI, Sharpe, SPF/Anvil and SprinkFLEX.
assembly business, acquired ONICON vices capabilities into West Texas. The Together, Anvil and Smith-Cooper will
Measurement Solutions, which includes new service will cover Midland, Odessa offer a comprehensive product portfolio
the ONICON, Fox Thermal, Seametrics, and the surrounding 100-mile radius, to national, regional and local distribu-
Greyline and Pulsar Process Equipment enabling Logan to offer quicker on-site tors across North America serving the
brands. The ONICON Measurement and on-call services to these remote industrial, commercial, fire protection,
Solutions companies will become part regions. Logan purchased a service energy and mining end markets. The
of the existing TASI Flow Group of com- truck outfitted with all required tools and transaction is expected to close in the
panies, which are currently comprised spares for the most common hydraulic second quarter of 2019.
CE 197
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hree situations come to mind that such that a small pressure reduction, such
most technical people should as piping losses, or a small temperature
carefully consider: operation increase can cause the liquid to boil.
under vacuum, measuring downward The installation of every instrument in
liquid flow and gravity flow. These situa- vacuum service should be analyzed in
tions may not be routinely encountered detail to determine if a problem could
by the majority of practitioners, but they occur. For example, measuring the level
can present significant issues that are of a tank operating below atmospheric
not readily apparent. Of course, if you pressure using a level probe installed in an
deal with these situations on a regular external stilling well might seem normal.
basis, you will likely be comfortable with However, ambient conditions may make
proceeding at normal speed. the stilling well slightly warmer than the
The vapor pressure of a liquid is the liquid in the tank — operating at the vapor
pressure at which that liquid will boil. pressure of the liquid — and cause the
Operating under vacuum conditions — liquid in the stilling well to boil, adversely
below atmospheric pressure — can cause affecting the level measurement.
ordinary liquids such as water to boil at Read more on this topic next month. FC
room temperature. Processes often use
this phenomenon to an advantage when David W. Spitzer is a principal at Spitzer
drying heat-sensitive products by remov- and Boyes, LLC, which offers engineering,
ing, say, water under a vacuum at room focused market research, writing/editing
temperature instead of potentially degrad- white papers, strategic marketing consult-
ing the product by heating it to over 100°C ing, distribution consulting, seminars and
under atmospheric conditions. expert witness services for manufacturing
Systems operating under a vacuum are and automation companies. Spitzer has
more likely than a pressurized system to written more than 400 technical articles
inadvertently operate below the vapor pres- and 10 books about flow measurement,
sure of the liquid. This is because liquids in instrumentation and process control. He
many process vessels in vacuum processes can be reached at 845-623-1830 or via
operate at or near their vapor pressure spitzerandboyes.com.
A. 0 diameters upstream and 0 diameters downstream B. 5 diameters upstream and 3 diameters downstream
C. 10 diameters upstream and 5 diameters downstream D. 40 diameters upstream and 5 diameters downstream
esponses from students in my Industrial Flow is installed. All of the answers can apply to one or more flow
Measurement seminar (and many others) would technologies and/or flowmeter designs.
indicate that the rule of thumb for installation is 10
diameters of straight run upstream of the flowmeter and 5 Additional complicating factors
diameters of straight run downstream of the flowmeter, so it The ramifications associated with not having one rule of thumb
would seem that Answer C would be correct. However, there are many. Consider that many flowmeters are installed in
Vijay kumar/iStock
is no valid rule of thumb for installation because every flow- locations where limited space does not allow for the required
meter has straight-run requirements that result from multiple amount of straight run. In such instances, flowmeter perfor-
considerations, including the flowmeter technology, flowmeter mance would be degraded so another technology and/or flow-
design and the geometry of the piping in which the flowmeter meter with shorter straight-run requirements should be applied.
ccording to the International speed. A 50% reduction in speed, in
Energy Agency (IEA), approxi- other words, produces a 50% reduction
mately half of the electricity used in flow. The pressure or head produced,
globally is consumed in electric motors. however, decreases by the square of the
Industrial motor systems account for speed. A 50% reduction in speed results
about 70% of the manufacturing elec- in a 25% reduction in pressure.
tricity used. Because power consumption is related
In the U.S., pump systems account for to work, the relative work required is
about 40% of all industrial motor systems greatly reduced when both the flow and
electricity. The trend has been to design pressure are reduced. The power reduc-
more efficient pump systems for the high- tion is the cube of the decreased speed.
est return on energy savings. So when motor speed is reduced by 50%,
In many applications, flow and pressure the power required is (0.5)3, or 12.5% of
are regulated using one of two ways. They the required motor torque and current,
can be controlled mechanically using compared to full-speed operation. This
throttle valves or by adjusting motor is known as the Affinity Law.
speed using variable speed drives. A
throttling valve, which mechanically limits Pump matching to the VFD
the flow in a system, is both mechanically Dramatic energ y savings can be
and electrically inefficient. achieved by reducing pump speed.
The preferred way to adjust pump However, it remains critical to select
speed and flow, therefore, is typically a the correct pump for the application
variable frequency drive (VFD). The VFD based on needed flow and pressure.
electrically changes the frequency to that As always, the pump speed-torque
of an AC motor. Motor speed is directly curve must be evaluated. There are
related to frequency, while motor current mechanical limitations as pump speed
is directly proportional to the required decreases. For example, volume
torque. As the speed of centrifugal pumps may be reduced to a point where
is lowered, the required torque and motor the pump is unable to meet
current drops dramatically. system requirements.
Variable speed motors pro-
Understanding pump vide more flexibility for using a
operation using VFDs pump that meets current needs, with
In centrifugal pump operation, flow possible increases in the future. A VFD
decreases in proportion to the drop in helps improve pump life by operating
(Left) The VFD in this below designed pressure limits. It also PWM switching waveform can affect a
system controls the provides the ability to ramp to speed, motor’s winding insulation and bearing life.
lead/lag operation,
maximizing efficiency
which reduces mechanical shock or More specifically, PWM can cause
and longevity of water hammers, and to match power motor windings to experience voltage
the pumps. to performance. spikes well above their standard voltage
Courtesy of While VFDs deserve credit for helping limits. On a three-phase AC line voltage,
Motion Industries
systems maintain peak efficiency, they for example, it takes about 8 milliseconds
also have the potential to damage the for standard sinewave power to transition
motors they drive — unless steps are from one peak to the next. PWM causes
taken to reduce their harmful effects. dramatic spikes in voltage, pulsing from
minimum to maximum in less than 0.001
Understanding the challenges millisecond, or 1 microsecond (µs).
of VFDs on motors Because these spikes exceed the limits
The challenges posed by VFDs are related of standard insulation, they can result
to the pulse width modulation (PWM) in rapid breakdown of motor insulation,
power waveform they use to modulate compared to what might be expected if
the frequency and voltage supplied to a windings did not exceed the rated maxi-
motor. That, in turn, controls motor speed. mum voltage.
In VFDs, a rectifier converts AC to a DC Wave reflection is another phenom-
voltage, and transistors (switches) — enon that can affect peak voltages and
known as the inverter section — create their effect on motor windings. Wave
pulses to output a waveform that mimics reflection is a function of the time it
a sinewave at the desired frequency. The takes a wave to rise and the length of the
Capitalizing on the benefits of adding a
VFD to a pump system is possible when
the entire system is reviewed for the
effects of PWM power before the proj-
ect is started. To achieve the greatest
protections, it is necessary to design and
install these components as an integrated
system. Understanding both the issues
and operational requirements of a VFD
system will lead to years of successful
operation. FC
Motor management:
Intelligence made easy
Better motor performance and advanced monitoring can help
save energy costs, protect systems and improve safety.
By Stephen Zbytowski, Eaton
otors are the single largest technologies into one product. The intel-
energy consumer — making ligence of the drives would be combined
power management increas- with the intelligence of the motor or
ingly apparent as energy continues to complement each other. They would no
increase and becomes costlier. Industrial longer be stand-alone components.
facilities look to automation as an inno- This is already happening with motor
vative method to better protect personnel management relays. Most industry play-
and equipment while minimizing down- ers have the intelligence built in, so they
time due to the complexity of startup can monitor things like temperature and
and shutdown procedures. torque, among others.
To address these challenges, new tech- For example, Eaton is introducing
nologies are improving operator safety logic into its PowerXpert C445 intel-
during commissioning and operation and ligent motor management relay, which
achieving better motor performance and provides a high level of monitoring accu-
system reliability to help companies power racy and protection for the entire power
their facilities efficiently and safely. system — from the incoming power
Modern motor protection solutions can source feeding the motor all the way to
provide added value compared to traditional the individual pump or load. It protects
motor-starting using conventional overload the motor, maximizes uptime, reduces
relays. Today’s motor management relays integration costs, enhances personnel
and drives offer advanced protection and safety and offers a communications fea-
monitoring options, alongside customized ture that allows for remote monitoring
starter control that can reduce wiring time, and troubleshooting.
complexity, space and material costs.
The bottom line is that products are Motor management relays:
getting smarter, allowing facilities to get Controlling and protecting
the diagnostics and intelligence needed the motor
to improve performance without the need A motor management relay can both
for a complete overhaul. control and protect the motor. This elimi-
nates the need to wire complex circuits
The future is here to achieve desired control functionality.
Imagine combining the motors and drives These relays can be configured for multiple All images courtesy of Eaton
control sources and starter profiles. interface provides control and status indi- productivity and reduce downtime. In new
All control signals are sent directly to cation. Control signals can also be sent technology such as motor management
the relay — with the contactor output directly to the device over the network. relays, real-time intelligence is being
changing state based on both control This is all achieved with a single cable paired with online monitoring. This pro-
and protection. connection to the user interface and the vides a platform for data analytics and the
A traditional overload relay has a fault network. Motor management relays and opportunity to proactively identify poten-
contact that only changes state and variable speed drives continue to save tial problems to perform diagnostic and
opens in the case of a fault. Many over- on wiring time, cost and complexity, even prognostic calculations, having an impact
load relays still offer comprehensive pro- when traditional pilot devices are pre- on uptime and performance — and ulti-
tection features, opening this contact not ferred for control. mately, the bottom line. FC
just due to a thermal overload, but also Even in basic starter applications, this
due to other current, voltage and power- simple technology can save facilities time,
based protections. money and space. Benefits increase as Stephen Zbytowski is
However, no matter the level of protec- starter logic becomes more complex, the product manager
tion offered, the wiring method relies such as two-speed or reverse applications for the soft starters and
on all control functionality taking place with multiple contactors or applications motor protection relays at
outside the relay. The overload relay is involving other devices. Eaton. He has worked with industrial cus-
simply a normally closed fault contact tomers to implement automation, motor
wired correctly in series with the control Conclusion management and safety products for
circuit so that a protection event will stop Motors are the single largest energy- more than 20 years. Zbytowski has expe-
the motor. Also, drives allow for motor consuming device, and controlling them rience implementing products for several
protection against short circuits, lightning to be more efficient can create untapped, major manufacturers of automation and
strikes and other factors, and they reduce relatively easily obtained energy savings. motor control products. His knowledge
energy costs by running the motor at the In fact, the two biggest savings are instal- of overall equipment efficiency/effective-
appropriate speed. lation costs and energy conservation. ness, IoT and uptime assists customers
A motor management relay removes The development of connected machines in selecting motor starters, communica-
the need for extra wiring yet achieves the is empowering users with real-time moni- tions, pilot devices, enclosed control,
same control requirements. A simple user toring along the production line to improve PLCs and relays.
istorians believe varying forms of is due to lubricant contamination from
rolling bearing elements have particles. To the naked eye, a lubricant
existed for ages and were likely sample might look clean, but in fact,
used to assist workers in constructing the contains tiny wear-causing contami-
Egyptian pyramids. One of the strongest nants, including dirt, dust, sand, metal
examples of early usage materialized in shards and other elements. Pollutants
1929. Roman ships from the first century can damage bearings, thus wearing them
were retrieved from the bottom of Italy’s prematurely. Furthermore, once the roller
Lake Nemi.1 Scholars examined a round bearing sustains damage, the condition
platform embedded with lead ball bearings is usually irreversible, and no amount of
and believe the mechanism was designed to maintenance, except replacement, can
rotate a life-sized statue on one of the ships. restore the bearing to its original state.
Today, roller bearing mechanisms are Particles can be introduced in countless
used in thousands of industrial, auto- ways, including during lubricant production.
motive, marine and aerospace applica- The amount of debris in newly produced oil
tions. Whether cylindrical, spherical, gear, or grease can differ by as much as a factor
tapered or needle, roller bearings work to of 1,000. Large quantities can contain
reduce rotational friction to support radial even higher amounts. Particles can also be
and axial loads (see Figure 1). introduced during maintenance or replace- and other proactive maintenance
ment, or because of wear, fatigue, aging methods to prevent wear.
Lubrication is critical and imbalance caused by leaks, worn seals 4. Ensure lubricant is clean. When
to roller bearing life and other breaches. replacing grease or oil, equipment
Roller bearing failure has the potential to Four principal ways to avoid particle should also be clean.
shut down running equipment and possi- contamination include:
bly entire plant operations. Roller bearings 1. Purchase lubricants from a repu- Indicators of emerging
require lubrication to reduce the metal- table company. Information about bearing failure
to-metal friction between the rolling and the product should be readily Regular preventive maintenance (PM) and
sliding contact areas. Letting lubrication- available including specifications. predictive maintenance (PdM) strate-
related tasks lapse can ultimately mean Depending on the application, evi- gies can help keep bearings operating.
catastrophic equipment failure. dence should show that standards, Although designed to last, roller bearings
Lubricating helps disperse heat from such as IEC, ASTM, ISO or DIN, are cannot rotate forever. Sooner or later,
the bearing, remove wear particles and up to date. they experience material fatigue.
contaminants from the rolling contact 2. Store lubricants indoors and keep Evidence of bearing issues appears in
areas, protect against corrosion and them away from heat and other many forms, including:
increase bearing seal bonds. possible sources of contamination. • Grooving: Contaminants wedged in
Four of the top reasons roller bearings fail Lay drums horizontally. Select lubri- soft cage material can incise grooves
results from poor lubrication or lack thereof. cant usage based on the purchase in rolling elements. Generates improper
date, i.e., oldest to newest. rolling contact geometry. Reduces
Lubricant contamination 3. Test equipment for imbalance, mis- bearing service life.
As shown in Figure 2, the prime reason alignment and other conditions. • Noise: Bearing damage can be distin-
roller bearings fail to reach life expectancy Use vibration analysis, thermography guished by unusual yet characteristic
(e) (f) (g)
Figure 1. Bearing shapes: a) deep groove ball bearing, b) angular contact ball bearing,
c) self-aligning ball bearing, d) cylindrical roller bearing, e) tapered roller bearing,
f) spherical roller bearing, g) needle roller bearing, h) thrust ball bearing
Illustrations from SKF Bearing Catalogue. Image courtesy of Solano-Alvarez, Wilberth.
(2015). Microstructural degradation of bearing steels, Fig. 2. https://www.researchgate.
fig1_281127914 [accessed 29 Apr, 2019].
False brinelling • Rapid movement of balls in a • Linear wear marks in the • Eliminate or absorb
raceway while equipment is idle axial direction at the rolling external vibration
wears away lubrication element pitch • Use lubricants containing
• Lack of rotation in the bearing • No raised edges, unlike marks anti-wear additives
prevents fresh lubricant from due to incorrect mounting
entering the bearing
Fatigue (spalling) • Overloading, excessive preload • Fracture of running surfaces • Replace bearings
• Tight inner-ring fits • Loss of small, discrete • Redesign using a bearing with
particles of material from greater calculated fatigue life,
the inner ring, outer ring or internal clearances and proper
rolling elements shaft and housing standards
• Increase in vibration and noise
• Spalling will spread with
continued operation
Fit • Tight fit: excessive loading of • Tight fit: heavy rolling-element • Make sure a proper clearance
the rolling element when wear path in the bottom of is selected to avoid fit issues
interference fits exceed the the raceway, overheating or • Refer to the manufacturer’s
radial clearance at operating an inner-ring axial crack installation guide
temperatures • Loose fit: note any generation of
• Loose fit: micro-motion fine metal particles, which
between fitted parts leaves a distinctive brown color
Misalignment • Bent shafts, out-of-square shaft • Overheating and • Inspect shafts and housings
shoulders, out-of-square separator failure for runout of shoulders and
spacers, out-of-square clamping • Wear path not parallel bearing seats
nuts and improper installation to raceway edges of the • Use precision-grade locknuts
due to loose fit nonrotating ring
Table 1. Causes, clues and cures for premature roller bearing failure
he industrial internet of things retrofitting existing equipment and the Stepping up to the future
(IIoT) is not a new concept, yet reliable functionality of the software. Many refineries and chemical plants operate
universal adoption has not been In weighing the options for IIoT adoption, with legacy equipment that does not nec-
seamless or quick. The adoption of new there are many points to consider, including essarily have digital capabilities. And while
technologies that enable wireless data whether there are smaller, less expensive the idea of going digital makes for a nice
gathering and analysis has been slow, changes that plant management can consider boardroom presentation, the reality is, in
especially in industries that deal with as a first step, as well as the measurable most scenarios, upgrading to an integrated
highly sensitive materials and processes benefits that justify the initial investment. and connected plant takes a considerable
or legacy equipment that is still func- One such low-cost option to consider investment, re-engineering of the plant lay-
tioning adequately. Primary concerns is the use of purpose-built apps that dis- out and upgrades to IT and equipment.
include the security of the data gathered play critical data on a dashboard for spe- When considering profit margins and
and where it will be stored, the cost of cific plant assets. operational costs, which are always top of
A winning proposition:
Software applications
In this data-driven world, a competitive
advantage is gained by those who can
harness and act on information the fast-
est. The ability to quickly and easily distill
data and translate it into clear, useful
and directly actionable information is key.
Leveraging the full potential of available
intelligence from plant assets can often
seem like a daunting proposition. That’s
where well-designed software applications
come into play. Software applications offer
intelligence, security, scalability and imme-
diate insights, which in turn will allow for
peak process optimization and protection
of plant operations and assets. FC
hen using controlled gas explo- components and avoided downtime. (BAM). Certified experts only prepare the
sions to clean industrial Another advantage: Plant components explosive gas mixture a few moments
plants, cleaning is carried out continue to operate during the cleaning before the detonation in the boiler to
while the plant is running and in com- process to avoid shutting down the plant, ensure plant and personnel safety.
pliance with strict safety regulations. thus saving costs.
This process has been used in almost Application: Emergency
every sector of industry where fuel-fired How it works cleaning near a nuclear
energy and power generation plants are With Bang&Clean’s explosive cleaning power plant
in operation. Examples include waste-fed system, first, the specialists introduce a Most of the company’s cleaning system
heating plants, biomass power stations water-cooled lance — prefitted with a deployments are planned well in advance,
and hazardous waste incineration plants, special bag — through the boiler’s doors but there are occasional emergencies or
as well as chemical and pharmaceutical or portholes near the heating surface to special assignments with only a few days or
facilities. Ash and slag deposits must be be cleaned. The bag is inflated with a hours notice. This is what happened when a
removed regularly from plant components combustible gas mixture, which is then U.S. plant operator contacted the company
such as boilers, catalytic converters and ignited to cause an explosion. This gener- with a request to clean its components.
reactors; otherwise, performance will be ates a highly dynamic pressure wave and “That really was a very special case,
reduced, faults will occur and operators causes vibrations in the pipes and walls because our customer’s facility was in the
will be faced with high outage costs. that dislodge deposits of ash and slag. immediate vicinity of a nuclear power plant,”
The Bang&Clean system for cleaning Throughout the process, the top priority said Markus Bürgin, founder and managing
with controlled and dosed explosions was is safety for people and machines. The director of Bang&Clean Technologies AG.
developed in 2000 for cleaning indus- cleaning equipment is CE-compliant, and “To obtain approval for cleaning the plants,
trial plants and components. Benefits it is inspected by the German Federal our customer had to submit advance proof
include long service lifetimes for plant Institute for Materials Research and Testing that the cleaning method was safe.”
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Pipelines Technology for offshore
oil and gas operations
Also Inside
Condition monitoring of
heat-transfer pumps
Badger Meter
Dynasonics TFX-500w Ultrasonic
Clamp-on Flow Meter
Micro Motion 4200 2-wire Transmitter
The Micro Motion 4200 Coriolis 2-wire flow and density transmitter offers up to a 4-inch
line size to accommodate larger flow rates that require a 2-wire Coriolis meter. Smart
Meter Verification is standard, along with zero verification. Real-time clock facilitates
troubleshooting by time-stamping process data, audit trails and Smart Meter Verification
reports. The touch control display provides ease of use and lowers commissioning time.
The transmitter also offers a remote mount option.
The 2-wire Coriolis meter uses the existing wiring without the need to run additional
wiring, scaffolding, conduit, AC panels and transformers, reducing complexity, length of
time and cost for retrofit or plant expansion projects. The transmitter housing is engi-
neered to provide easy access for installation, mounting and maintenance. The intuitive
interface allows full commissioning, configuration and operations through the display.
EXAIR Corporation
No Drip External Mix Narrow Angle Flat Fan Atomizing
Nozzle 1/8 NPT
The No Drip External Mix Atomizing Spray Nozzles positively stop liquid flow when com-
pressed air is shut off. They are ideal where no post-spray drips are permissible. Three
liquid patterns are available: round, narrow angle flat fan and wide angle flat fan pat-
terns. They are used for pressure-fed applications where precise liquid flow is needed.
External nozzles can be used on liquids up to 300 centipoise. The newest 1/8 NPT
versions come in 5 different flow rates.
EXAIR’s no-drip liquid air nozzles use the supply air to operate the liquid valve and
create the atomized liquid pattern. This eliminates the separate pilot line and the addi-
tional compressed air required to operate the liquid valve. Air and liquid flows adjust
independently without drips, which conserves resources and chemicals or coatings.
Fluke Corporation
Fluke 710 mA Loop Valve Tester
The 710 mA Loop Valve Tester features preconfigured valve tests for reliable, repeat-
able testing. The built-in routines include: manually changing the mA signal and
viewing the HART position and pressure variable information; full range ramping of
the mA signal from 4 to 20 to 4 mA while recording the 0-100-0 percent position
or the pressures applied that move the valve from 0-100-0 percent. It also includes
stepping the mA signal on the input to the valve in steps and evaluating the valve’s
response to the mA input changes.
Speed tests determine how fast the valve can open or close, and bump and partial stroke
tests help test valves over a portion of their range so they can be tested in a live process.
IoTH800 Smart Valve
The Internet of Things H800 Smart Valve (IoTH800) features constant monitoring,
management and control of position/state indication, pressure, flow, humidity and
temperature. Due to its array of sensors and capabilities, it can be activated by trig-
gering scenarios such as downstream pressure drop (line burst), high temperature
(fire) or vibration, simultaneously sending an alert to the control room.
The IoTH800 is compatible with a range of industry 4.0 standards (e.g., Modbus,
LoRa, BLE), easing interoperability with an existing system. Integrating with IoT cloud
platform allows immediate response for safety events, machine learning and opti-
mization, machinery and equipment protection and device tracking. As an all-in-one
product, the IoTH800 Smart Valve eliminates possible leakage sources cause by
other sensors and instrumentation used with a regular valve.
OPTISONIC 7300 Biogas Ultrasonic Flowmeter
The OPTISONIC 7300 Biogas Ultrasonic Flowmeter — for the measurement of dry
and wet (raw) biogas with variable composition — features a pressure sensor, along
with the standard temperature sensor, that can be ordered optionally and comes
mounted on the flow tube. Combined with the integrated flow computer, the addition-
al sensor provides advanced biogas measurement. A temperature sensor in combina-
tion with the measured velocity of sound enables direct measurement of methane
content via calculation of the molar mass. Using an additional pressure sensor, it can
provide calculation of gas flow volume to standard conditions.
The biogas flowmeter can be used for any gas flow measurement, including vent
gas applications in oil and gas production. The integrated sensor options simplify
installation, while the on-board flow computer allows the output to be set to a vari-
able, e.g., methane content.
VorTek Instruments
VorCone Meter
The VorCone Meter is a robust steam quality and mass flowmeter. It is a hybrid of the
vortex and cone meter designs. The combined use provides more information. With
two unknowns, i.e., steam quality and total mass flow, cross-referencing the two
primary meter signals produces the information to meter the quality and flow rate
in real time. The meter also has the option of a cone meter pressure field analysis
verification system.
Combining two metering subsystems produces two different primary signals, allow-
ing the production of two outputs, depending on the application. In single-phase
applications, the VorCone can output the mass flow and fluid density. In two-phase
flow, such as saturated steam, it can output steam quality and steam vapor flow.
his year’s Electrical Apparatus covered will include brush neutral, inter- • The importance of identifying
Service Association Inc. (EASA) pole polarity, compound wound machine the failure quickly
Convention will be held June 30– do’s and don’ts and lead markings. • Involving the customer in the
July 2 at the Mandalay Bay Resort and process to avoid confusion
Casino in Las Vegas. Kickoff Lunch and • Applying solutions to prevent
In addition to the exhibition hall, the Opening Remarks with future repeated failures
event will feature the New Product Keynote Speaker Mike Staver
Theater, which provides EASA exhibitors Author and leadership coach Mike Staver Industrial Economy
an opportunity to show attendees their will teach attendees how to influence 2019 and Beyond
latest products with demonstrations and their followers. Topics include: the pri- This session will discuss the business
presentations. The theater will be held mary motivator of all people, three things cycle status of the global economy and
1–3:50 p.m. on June 30 and 12:30–3:50 every leader can do to ensure leadership where it is heading. Some key takeaways
p.m. on July 1. failure and six steps that will ensure effec- will include:
EASA is an international trade organiza- tive execution. • Review of short- and long-term
tion of more than 1,800 electromechani- economic forecasts
cal sales and service firms in nearly 80 Open Forum on Emerging • How the forecasts will directly
countries. Through engineering and edu- Technologies and IIoT impact the EASA industry
cational programs, EASA provides mem- Topics of discussion will include: • Business cycle phases and what
bers with a means of keeping up to date • How will IIoT impact EASA members they mean to members
on materials, equipment and technology. • Why these topics impact all members • Leading economic indicators that
This year’s convention will feature doz- • Who owns the data? are most important to watch
ens of lectures, forums and presenta- • What about cybersecurity? • Economic insight on inflation,
tions — as well as a tour of the Hoover • How do you assess the technology interest rates and taxes
Dam and a behind-the-scenes tour of and which manufacturers or • Time-sensitive current events of
Mandalay Bay. Some of the sessions and distributors to work with public concern and how to expect
presenters include: them to impact the industry, as
Case Studies in well as recommendations for
Final Assembly and Testing Failure Analysis moving forward
of DC Machines This session will examine four electric
This session will teach attendees what motor failures and discuss the clues to Open Forum:
to do when assembling and testing a DC solve them. It will include: Management Topics
machine. Especially for those without a • How to evaluate evidence Topics run the gamut from recruiting and
dynamometer, there are specific tests correctly and avoid retaining employees to training new
that prevent the type of mistakes that common errors hires, safety practices, workplace poli-
can cause a motor to arc, spark or not • How to correctly determine the cies and employee benefits. FC
run when the customer installs it. Topics chronology of the failures
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32 | June 2019
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