Still Drumming at The Edge of Magic: by B. Michael Williams
Still Drumming at The Edge of Magic: by B. Michael Williams
Still Drumming at The Edge of Magic: by B. Michael Williams
By B. Michael Williams
percussive notes 12 NOVEMBER 2009
ickey Hart could have been
content being a rock
already in the planning stages for Global Drum
Project II, so stay tuned! Rhythm is at the
star. For nearly thirty
years, he was a driving
Hart’s enthusiasm for world percussion
was a natural outgrowth of his collabora- very center of our lives.
force behind the Grate-
ful Dead. The group was
tion with fellow Grateful Dead drummer Bill
Kreutzmann. Every concert included a half- By acknowledging this fact
inducted into the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame in 1994.
hour drum extravaganza by the duo dubbed
the “Rhythm Devils.” These extended percus- and acting on it, our potential
Throughout his tenure with the Dead, and
even in his earliest formative years, Hart trav-
sion experiences (one cannot call them simply
“drum solos”) introduced countless audiences for preventing illness and
eled his own path, fueled by an indescribably
powerful need to connect with the drumming
(known affectionately as “Dead Heads”) to
an ever-expanding collection of percussion maintaining mental, physical,
ancestry shared by all percussionists.
In his book Drumming at the Edge of Magic,
instruments from every corner of the globe
and fueled Hart’s curiosity and passion for and spiritual well-being
Hart describes his nearly fanatical timeline of
information pertaining to percussion instru-
learning all he could about the origin of his
instruments. is far greater.
ments from around the globe. Made up of Hart composed music for Francis Ford
index cards and photographs, the timeline Coppola’s blockbuster film Apocalypse Now in ways record catalog—over 3,000 LPs,” he said.
grew to over sixty feet long, meandering along 1980. He recalls, “Francis came to see one of “We’re in the process of converting all of them
the walls of The Barn (which housed a record- the [Grateful Dead] shows at Winterland, and into digital media.” In 1999, the Saybrook
ing studio, among other attractions) at his he wanted his movie to sound like the Rhythm Graduate School and Research Center in San
northern California home. Mickey called it his Devils, so he asked me to compose the percus- Francisco awarded Hart an Honorary Doctor-
Anaconda (with a capital A). Researching the sion score. I built special instruments for the ate of Humane Letters for his work in advanc-
world of this latest PAS Hall of Fame inductee, air strike scene and literally played the whole ing the preservation of aural archives.
I discovered another Anaconda: a complex and movie. Francis put the film on a loop and Hart credits Babatunde Olatunji with in-
driven drummer, scholar, author, composer, played it over and over while we put the music spiring his quest into world percussion. “He
recording artist, entertainer, archivist, activ- to it. It was more than fun!” was a pioneer; he set the example,” Mickey
ist, and perennial student named Mickey Since then, Hart has composed scores, remembers. “When I heard Drums of Passion,
Hart. soundtracks, and themes for movies and tele- Nigerian rhythms mixed with city sounds, it
Born September 11, 1943, Mickey received vision. In 1996, he was invited to compose put me on a whole other path of exploring the
a public-school music education grounded music for the opening ceremony of the 26th world’s rhythms. These were sacred rhythmic
in rudimental drumming. “My father was a Summer Olympiad in Atlanta. He remembers, signatures. The talking drum sound from that
drummer,” says Hart in Drumming at the Edge “They had my book, Planet Drum, and they first record was riveting. It opened a whole
of Magic, “my mother, too. They were rudi- said, ‘This is what the Olympics are all about. new world. Baba brought ritual trance music
mental drummers, which means they prac- It’s a gathering of tribes and rhythm. We want to the West. He gave me a rhythmic life that
ticed a type of drumming that evolved out of a to put that spirit into the opening ceremony. was invaluable. I can never repay him.”
military tradition.” We’d like you to compose the first ten minutes Asked about how he got so deeply involved
It seems prophetic that the young man for percussion.’” Hart composed the piece for with music and healing, Hart responded, “Al-
would grow to beat his swords into the plow- more than 100 percussionists playing dozens most thirty years ago, my grandmother was
shares of drumming for health, healing, and of instruments from six continents to create suffering from Alzheimer’s. She was in the
love. In 1991, he appeared before the U.S. “sounds of the Olympic spirits and tribes.” advanced stages and hadn’t spoken in quite
Senate Committee on Aging, speaking on As a Trustee of the American Folklife Cen- some time. I visited her and brought a drum
behalf of the healing value of drumming and ter of the Library of Congress, Hart is deeply to play for her and was astonished when she
rhythm to afflictions associated with aging. invested in the Endangered Music Project to said my name! Rhythm connects people with
A member of the Board of Directors of the preserve the library’s vast collection of sound the resonance of the universe. It’s all about
Institute for Music and Neurologic Function, recordings. “We’ve made lots of progress in vibrations. We’re now finding out what parts
he received that institution’s 2003 Music Has identifying rare and endangered collections,” of the brain light up when we’re ‘on music,’
Power Award, in recognition of his advocacy he said. “The materials on which these great and it’s incredibly exciting. For me, it’s very
and commitment to raising public awareness recordings were imprinted—wax, tin, acetate, personal. Watching my grandmother respond
of the positive effects of music. magnetic tape—are deteriorating. Our goal is so positively to sound and rhythm was a turn-
The author of four books, Hart published to transfer them into a digital medium before ing point.”
his seminal Drumming at the Edge of Magic: A they are no longer retrievable. The Library In his 1991 address to the U.S. Senate Com-
Journey into the Spirit of Percussion in 1990, of Congress houses the largest repository of mittee on Aging, Hart said, “What is true of
followed by Planet Drum in 1991. The compan- indigenous music in the world, and the money our own bodies is true almost everywhere we
ion CD, also titled Planet Drum, featuring Hart raised from the sale of these recordings goes look. We are embedded within a rhythmical
with a host of world-class percussionists, sat back into the culture, so it’s an important universe. Everywhere we see rhythm, pat-
at the number-one position on the Billboard project. The other challenge is to allow access terns moving through time. It is there in the
World Music Chart for 26 weeks and won to people. Some of the music is now available cycles of the seasons, in the migration of birds
the first-ever Grammy Award for Best World on the Internet at the website of the American and animals, in the fruiting and withering
Music Album in 1991. Fittingly, Hart won an- Folklife Center []. Pres- of plants, and in the birth, maturation, and
other Grammy this year, taking the 2009 Best ervation and access, those are the two chal- death of ourselves. Rhythm is at the very
Contemporary World Music Album award for lenges.” center of our lives. By acknowledging this fact
Global Drum Project with Zakir Hussain, Sikiru Hart is also on the Board of Directors of and acting on it, our potential for preventing
Adepoju, Giovanni Hidalgo, and computer the Smithsonian’s American Recorded Sound illness and maintaining mental, physical, and
sound wizard Jonah Sharp. Mickey says he is Project. “The Smithsonian has the entire Folk- spiritual well-being is far greater.”