Calculations 1 - ANS - KEY
Calculations 1 - ANS - KEY
Calculations 1 - ANS - KEY
1. Cr yst allizat ionoccur si nasol ut i
ont hati s a) dr ybul b c) dewpoi nt
a) unsat ur ated c) super sat ur ated b) wetbul b d) equi libri
um t emper atur e
b) sat ur at ed d) atanyconcent ration 22. In some r eact ion oper ation,by passi ng some amountoft he
2. I ti st he f ract ion ofa st ream t hati s by passed f r
om f urt
her react ant spr ev entwast efulpr ocessi ng.Todet ermi net heamount
processi ngi nor dert obesubj ectedt oanear lieruni tprocess oft heby pass, itisessent ial thatamat erialbal ancebet aken
a) By passr at io c) Pr oduct–Feedr ati
o a)insi det her eact or c)atov er allout put&i nputmat erials
b) Feed–Pr oductr at io d) noanswer b)att hef eed d)ar oundapoi ntwher emi xingoccur s
3. I ndi st i
llat ion,component swi thahi gherboi lingpoi ntar ei nthe 23. Thisi sast eady–st atet emper atur e,reachedbyasmal lamount
ov erheadpr oduct ofl iqui dev apor at i
ngi nt oal ar geamountofunsat uratedv apor–
a)t rue b)f alse c)noanswer gasmi xt ure
4. Av er ydi lut esol utioni spr epar edbydi ssol v i
ng' x1' mol eofsol ut e a)sat ur at iont emper atur e c)wetbul bt emper at ure
n' x2'mol e of a sol vent .The mol ef ract ion of sol utei s b)dr ybul bt emper at ur e d)dewpoi nttemper at ure
appr oxi mat elyequal to 24. Ani ndi cat i
onoft hemoi stur econt entofambi entai risi ts
a)x1/ x2 b)x2/ x1 c)1–( x1/x2) d)1/ x2 a)Dr ybul b b)Wetbul b c)Ambi ent d)Dewpoi nt
5. Ani deal gascanbel i
qui f i
ed, because 25. Cry st allizat i
onofasol ut ef rom asol utioncanbeaccompl i
a) i tsmol ecul arsi zei sv erysmal l anyoft hef ollowi ngexcept
b) i tscr i
t i
cal temper at ur ei smor et han0° C a) ev apor ationofsol ventatsat ur ati
onpoi nt
c) f or cesoper at i
v ebet weeni t
smol ecul esar enegl igible b) adi abat i
cev apor ation
d) i tget ssol i
di fieddi rect l
ywi thoutbecomi ngl iqui d c) cool i
6. Ther at eofmat erial_ _ ___ ____ _iszer oi ncaseofast eadyst at e d) sal tingout
sy stem. 26. Whatdoesequi libr ium moi stur econt entmeans
a) Pr oduct ion c) React ion a) Moi stur econt entatwhi chdr y i
ngr atei sconst ant
b) I nput d) Accumul at i
on b) Moi stur econt entatwhi chdr y i
ngr atei snegl igible
7. Themat er ial, whi chr emai nsunchangedi nt hepr ocess c) Moi stur econt entatt heboundar yofCRPandFRP
a) t i
er eact ant c) excessr eact ant d) Fr eemoi st ur econt ent
b) pr oducty ield d) l i
mi ti
ngr eactant 27. Separ at ion ofmi xt uresbased on di fferencesi nv olat il
8. Thebasi sofal l massbal ancecal culations uti
lizi ng v apor and l iqui d phases at essent iallyt he same
a) l awofmassact ion temper at ur eandpr essur ef ort hecoexi sti
b) l imi tingr eact ant a)Gasabsor ption c)Di sti
c) t emper at ur eandpr essur econdi tions b)Ev apor ation d)Scr eeni ng
d) l awofconser vat i
onofmass 28. Theeaseordi fficul tyofsepar atingcomponent sbydi still
9. CaCO3cont ains_ __ __ ___ __per centofCabywei ght . deter mi nedby
a)12 b)40 c)48 d)96 a) Rel at i
v ev ol atility c) Vaporpr essur e
10. Pr ocesscondi tionsar echangi ngwi tht ime b) Vi scosi ty d) Rel ativesol ubi lity
a) st eady–st ate c) bat ch 29. Thesear emat er ialswhi chdonotdi rectl
ypar ticipat ei nt heact ual
b) unst eady–st at e d) cont inuous processbutt heydonotcomeoutaspar toft hepr oduct .
11. Inl i
qui dext ract i
on, thet r ansf erofsol utebet weent woi mmi scible a)pr emi um mat er ials c)auxi li
ar ymat erials
iqui dsi spossi blewhent her ei sadi ff
er encei n b)anci ll
ar ymat er ials d)pr imar ymat erials
a)SG b)mass c)temp d)sol ubil
ity 30. Af lowdi agr am whi chgi vesi nf ormat i
onont hedi rect ionoff l
12. Incr easi ngt het emper at ur eofanaqueoussol ut i
onwi llcause mat er i
al sf oranequi pmentorpr ocess,t hecomposi t
ionsoft he
decr easei ni t s streamsandpr ocessv ar iabl esi nv olved
a)mol al ity b)mol ef ract ion c)wei ght% d)mol arity a)schemat icdi agr am c)pr ocessf l
owchar t
13. Sol ut i
onswhi chdi st il
l wi thoutchangei ncomposi t i
onar ecal led b)qual itat i
v ef l
owdi agr am d)quant itativef lowdi agram
a) i deal c) sat ur ated 31. Desor ptioni sanot hert er mf or
b) super sat ur at ed d) azeot ropi c a)dephl egmat ion c)flashdi stil
lat i
14. Amet aloxi dei sr educedbyheat i
ngi tinast r
eam ofhy drogen. b)st r ippi ng d)rect i
Af tercompl et er educt ion, itisf oundt hat3. 15gm oft heoxi dehas
yielded1. 05gm oft hemet al.Itmaybei nf erredt hatt he 32. Theboi lingpoi ntismeasur ed
a) at omi cwei ghtoft hemet al i
s4 a)abov et hesur faceoft hel iquid
b) equi val entwei ghtoft hemet al i
s4 b)int heboi li
ngl iqui di t self
c) at omi cwei ghtoft hemet al i
s2 c)int her ecei v i
ngf lask
d) equi val entwei ghtoft hemet al i
s8 d)wit hat her momet erext ernal tothedi stil
lationappar atus
15. Allmassi schar gedt ot hepr ocessandnot hingi swi thdr awnunt i
l 33. Inthisr eact ion,t her eact i
ngsubst ancesi nsteadofpr oceeding
theoper at ioni scompl et e alongonepat ht oy ieldagi vensetofpr oduct s,alsof oll
a) st eady–st ate c) bat ch mor eot herpat hst ogi v edi f
fer entpr oduct s
b) unst eady–st at e d) cont inuous a)consecut iver eact ions c)par allelreactions
16. Pr ocesswher einasol utei sr emov edf rom al i
qui dbybr ingingt he b)rev ersibler eact ions d)chai nr eactions
iqui di ntocont actwi thani ner tgas. 34. Hotai rfact ort hatcoul di ncreasedr yingr at e
a) gasabsor pt i
on c) gasdesor pt ion a)lowt emper at ur e c)highhumi dit
b) l iqui dext ract ion d) ev apor at i
on b)lowv eloci ty d)lowhumi dity
17. Bat chpr ocessesar eal sost eady–st atepr ocesses 35. _________ ___i sast ageoper ationwher ecomponent sofasol i
a) t rue b) f alse c) noanswer phasecanbesepar at edbysel ecti
velydi ssolv i
ngt hesol ublepar
18. Equal massesofCH4andH2ar emi xedi nanempt ycont ainer .The ofthesol idwi thanappr opriat esolvent .
par tialpr essur eofhy dr ogeni nt hiscont ainerexpr essedast he a)adsor ption c)equi li
brium st age
fract ionoft ot al pr essur ei s b)electr odi al
y sis d)leachi ng
a)1/ 9 b)½ c)5/ 9 d)8/ 9 36. Balancest hatdescr ibeswhathappensbet weent woi nstantsof
19. Theoper at ionwher et hemechani sm oft ransf eri sequi mol ar ti
count er cur rentdi ffusi on a) Di ffer ential balance c) Bat ch
a) Gasabsor pt ion c) Di still
at ion b) I ntegr al bal ance d) Cont inuous
b) Dr ying d) Humi dificat i
on 37. Ther atiooft hedi ff er enceoft her eact anti nputt opr ocessand
20. Rat io oft he mol es ofdesi red pr oductt ot he mol es oft he reactantout putf r
om t hepr ocess,andt her eact anti nputt othe
undesi redpr oductorby -product process.
a) Degr eesofcompl etion c) Sel ectivit
y a)single- passconv er sion c)t wo- passconv ersion
b) Ov er al lconv er sion d) Yi eld b)ov erall conv er si
on d)t otal conv ersion
21. Ref er st ot het emper at ureatwhi chv aporpr essur ei sequalt othe 38. The act ualgas- vapor mi xt uret emper at ure whi ch coul d be
par tial pr essur eofv apor measur edwi that her momet erwhi chi snotf it
tedwi t hawi ck.
a)Wetbul bt emper at ure c)Dr ybul bt emper atur e minut
b)At mospher i
ct emper at ur e d)Dewpoi nt a)400 b)800 c)32000 d)6400
39. Expr essi onf orr adi oact iv edecay
a)N=NOekt b)N=NOe-kt c)NO=Nekt d)NO=Ne-kt
40. Forbal ancesonat omi cspeci es,whi choft hef ol
lowi ngmat erial
balancei sappl ied?
a) i nput=out put
b) i nput+gener at i
on=out put
c) i nput+gener at i
on=out put+consumpt i
d) i nput=out put+consumpt ion
41. Thespeci est ransf erredt ot hel i
qui dphasear er efer
redt oas
solut esor_ ___
a) Adsor bat e c) Adsor bent
b) Absor bat e d) Absor bent
42. Thef ormat ionofsol idpar ticleswi t
hi nahomogeneousphase
a) Cr yst allizat ion c) Di sti
at i
b) Dr yi
ng: Car rierGas d) Gasabsor pt i
43. Theoper at i
onofr emov ingt heabsor bedsol ut ef rom t hesolvent
a)St rippi ng b)Leachi ng c)Ext ractiond)Adsor pt
ion 52. Inabat chprocess,10000poundsof20%solut
44. Itinv ol vest her ev er set r ansf erwher ebywat erv apori str
ansferred waterisdist
from t hev aporst atet ot hel iqui dst ate. dist
econt ai
ns10% wat er
. Whati st
a) Humi di f
icat ion c) Absor ption dist
b) Dehumi di ficat ion d) Cr ystalli
zat ion a)6584 b)1950 c)2167 d)2222
45. Ter mf orat wo- phasemi xtureofmot herliquorandcr yst
a)sl ur ry b)mai nl iquor c)magma d)
46. Ther at i
ooft heamountofmoi sturecur rent l
yi nt heai randt he
maxi mum moi stur et heai rcoul dhol dbef or econdensat i
a) Rel at i
v ehumi dity c) Humi dit y
b) Per centhumi di ty d) Humi dv olume
47. Bal ancest hati ndi cat ewhati shappeni nginasy stem atani nstant
nt ime.
a)Di fferent ial bal ance c) Bat ch
b)I nt egr al bal ance d) Cont inuous
48. Expr essi onf orbact erial growt h
kt -kt
c)NO=Ne d)NO=Ne-kt
a)N=NOe b)N=NOe
49. Awel lknowr eact iont ogener at ehy drogenf rom st eam i stheso
calledwat ergasshi ftr eact i
CO +H2O CO2+H2.
Ifthegaseousf eedt ot her eact orconsi stsof30mol esCO,12
mol esCO2 and35mol esofst eam perhourat8000C.Whi le18
mol esofH2ar epr oducedperhour ,thel i
mi tingr eact antis
53. Humi dai
ratt emper
ature6000Fandat ot
alpressur eof1atm
a)CO b)st eam c)CO2 d)H2 3
passedthroughahumi di
eratt herateof1000f t /mi
essureofwatervaporinairisreducedf r
om 45mm Hg
to10mm Hg.Howmanypoundsofwat erisremov edperhour
a)1.09 b)82.
6 c)76.3 d)65.2
51. Atanki
tom.Thev olume
=5(100– t
),whereV i
si nli
tersandti nminutes. Af