T2 UDFS Book 2 v11.01 20171030 PDF
T2 UDFS Book 2 v11.01 20171030 PDF
T2 UDFS Book 2 v11.01 20171030 PDF
Version 11.01
30 October 2017
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
11 Introduction ............................................................... 1
11 Introduction
Aims This document aims at presenting the User Detailed Functional Specifica-
tions (UDFS) of the optional modules of the TARGET2 system. It comes in
addition to a first book dealing with the core services of TARGET2, to a third
book providing additional information for central banks and to a fourth book,
which describes the formats of XML messages. The fourth book is com-
pleted by the schema files provided in an electronic form. Furthermore, de-
tailed information on ICM screens is provided in the ICM User Handbooks.
These books constitute the whole set of UDFS for TARGET2.
The optional modules described hereafter are offered to the users of a
banking community through SSP modules if their central bank (CB) decided
to opt for such modules. Each CB can decide either to adopt such modules
or to offer the corresponding services through a proprietary application.
When a CB has opted for an optional module of the SSP, its use by the
banking community of the country considered is either mandatory (eg:
Standing Facilities (Module), Reserve Management (Module)) or optional
(Home Accounting Module).
Mandatory Optional
Services provided to all users subject that the relevant CB has opted for these
Mandatory Optional
Mandatory Optional
HAM accounts: The following diagram shows the transactions allowed from/to HAM ac-
Transactions counts:
CB 1 Other CBs
RTGS accounts
HAM accounts
CB customer’s “CB customer’s accounts“ can be used to settle domestic and cross-border
accounts payments (both customer and interbank) within “CB customer’s accounts“
and towards PM (transfers between CB customer’s accounts held at differ-
ent CBs and between CB customer’s accounts and RTGS accounts held at
different CBs are allowed).
CB customer’s The following diagram shows the transactions allowed from/to “CB custom-
accounts: Trans- er’s accounts“:
actions allowed
CB 1 Other CBs
RTGS accounts
CB’s customer
• MT 103/103+
• Information and Control Module (ICM) at the initiative of the CB on behalf
of the account holder (backup transactions)
The functional architecture of HAM is illustrated in the following slide:
"HAM accounts "CB customer’s
holders" accounts holders"
FIN msgg
FIN msgg FIN msgg MT 202/202 COV/
MT 202/900/910/940/950 MT 202/900/910/940/950 103/103+/900/910/940/950
€ €
(Browse/InterAct/FileAct, € € €
Reporting, Browse/InterAct € (Browse/InterAct €
Administration, Cash reporting) Cash reporting)
Monitoring, data for
general ledger, central
bank operations)
SWIFT Interface
Liquidity bridge
FIN msgg
Liquidity transfer MT 202/2502 COV/103/103+
€ €
€ €
€ €
Co-management For HAM accounts, a co-management function between the RTGS account
in PM held by the direct participant (the co-manager) and the HAM account
of another credit institution (co-managed account) is possible. In this case,
the co-manager is able to manage the account of the co-managed, having
both the possibilities of:
• debiting the HAM account and crediting its own RTGS account (direct
debit between participants) or the RTGS account of another participant
• debiting the HAM account and crediting another HAM account (same CB)
The co-management function will be available also on a cross-border basis.
Other features For both HAM accounts and “CB customer’s accounts“ a storing function for
future value date payments is provided (up to five TARGET working days in
advance). The storing function is not available in case of HAM Internet-
based participant which can only use the ICM liquidity transfer (other ac-
count) functionality.
CBs are able to debit and credit all the accounts held by their “CB custom-
er’s/HAM account holders“ both via SWIFTNet FIN (using the MT 202 “Sim-
plified“ for HAM accounts and the MT 202 “Standard“, MT 202 COV and MT
103/103+ for CB customer’s accounts) and via ICM (HAM Internet-based
participant can only use the ICM liquidity transfer (other account) functionali-
Banks holding both a HAM account and an account in the PM have access
to an automatic transfer function for start-of-day (either for the whole bal-
ance or for a specific amount) from HAM account to RTGS account, as well
as end-of-day transfers from RTGS account to HAM account. In this case it
is needed to have the same BIC-11 for the accounts held in PM and HAM.
No. Operation
1 Interbank transfer between HAM accounts (held at the same central bank) includ-
ing operations with the own central bank (eg cash withdrawals and deposits, etc.)
2 Interbank transfer between HAM accounts (held at the same central bank) initiated
by a PM co-manager
3 Liquidity transfer from HAM accounts to RTGS accounts (accounts held by the
same participant)
4 Interbank transfers from HAM accounts to the RTGS account (accounts of differ-
ent participants also in case the accounts are held by different CBs)
5 Interbank transfers from HAM accounts to the RTGS account (accounts of differ-
ent participants) initiated by a co-manager
6 Interbank transfers from HAM accounts to the RTGS account of the co-manager
7 Liquidity transfers from RTGS accounts to HAM accounts (both accounts held by
the same participant)
9 Transfers with the SF in order to have access to the standing facilities (only via
Interbank Interbank transfer between HAM accounts (held at the same central bank)
transfers between (No. 1):
HAM accounts
Bank A Bank B
MT 202 MT 202
MT 900 MT 910
"Simplified" "Simplified"
4 4
1 3
Participant Interface
2 Booking
Step Description
1 Sender (Bank A) generates a payment message (MT 202 simplified) and address-
es it to HAM, with beneficiary Bank B.
2 HAM debits Bank A’s account and credits Bank B’s account.
4 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to Bank A and the
credit notification (MT 910) is sent to Bank B.
Note: CIs have the possibility to choose separately whether to receive the
debit (MT 900) and/or credit notification (M T910) (Internet-based partici-
pants will get no confirmation via MT 900/910).
The Internet-based participants can use the existing functionality “Liquidity
Transfer other Accounts“ to transfer liquidity from the HAM account to other
HAM accounts (both SWIFT-based and Internet-based participants).
Interbank Interbank transfer between HAM accounts (held at the same central bank)
transfers between initiated by a co-manager (No. 2):
HAM accounts
initiated by a co-
manager Co-manager Co-managed Bank B
(PM participant) (HAM participant) (HAM participant)
MT 900
MT 202 MT 202 MT 910
"Simplified" MT 900 "Simplified"
4 4
1 3
Participant Interface
2 Booking
Step Description
4 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to the co-manager and
to the co-managed, and the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to Bank B.
Liquidity Liquidity transfer from HAM accounts to RTGS accounts (same participant)
transfers from (No. 3):
HAM accounts to
RTGS accounts in
PM (same partici- SWIFTNet FIN
pant) (SWIFT- 3
based) Bank A Bank A
MT 900
MT 202 7
MT 910
2 Booking 5 Booking
Step Description
1 Sender (Bank A) generates a liquidity transfer message (MT 202 simplified) and
addresses it to HAM, with beneficiary its own account in PM (the same BIC needs
to be used in PM and HAM).
2 HAM debits the HAM account of Bank A and credits the account of the CB.
3 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to Bank A and the
credit notification (MT 910) is sent to the CB.
5 PM debits the account of the CB and credits the RTGS account of Bank A.
7 On an optional basis, PM sends the credit notification (MT 910) to Bank A and the
debit notification (MT 900) to the CB.
2 Booking 5 Booking
Step Description
1 Sender (Bank A) generates a transfer message (MT 202 simplified) and address-
es it to HAM, with beneficiary PM participant (Bank B).
2 HAM debits the account of Bank A and credits the account of the CB of Bank A.
3 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to Bank A and the
credit notification (MT 910) is sent to the CB.
5 PM debits the account of the CB of Bank A and credits the account of Bank B.
Step Description
8 On an optional basis PM sends the debit notification (MT 900) to the CB.
Interbank Interbank transfers from HAM accounts to the RTGS account of another
transfers from participant initiated by a co-manager (No.5):
HAM accounts to
RTGS accounts
initiated by a co- (HAM participant)
Co-manager 3 3 Bank B
(PM participant) (PM participant)
MT 900 MT 900
MT 202 MT 202
1 7
22 Booking 5 Booking
Step Description
2 HAM debits the co-managed account and credits the account of the CB of the co-
3 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to the co-manager and
to the co-managed and the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to the CB.
5 PM debits the account of the CB of the co-managed and credits the account of
Bank B.
8 On an optional basis PM sends the debit notification (MT 900) to the CB.
Interbank Interbank transfers from HAM accounts to the RTGS account of the co-
transfers from manager (No. 6):
HAM accounts to
the RTGS
account of the co- (HAM participant)
2 Booking 5 Booking
optional message
Step Description
2 HAM debits the co-managed account and credits the account of the CB of the co-
3 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to the co-manager and
to the co-managed and the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to the CB.
5 PM debits the account of the CB of the co-managed and credits the account of the
Step Description
8 On an optional basis PM sends the debit notification (MT 900) to the CB.
Liquidity Liquidity transfers from RTGS accounts to HAM accounts (same participant)
transfers from (No. 7):
RTGS accounts in
accounts (same SWIFTNet FIN 2 1
participant) 10 MT 202
Bank A Bank A
MT 202 9
MT 202 2
MT 910
MT 096
MT 097
3 8
6 Booking message 4 Booking Acknowledgement
Payment processing Payment processing
optional message
Step Description
1 Sender (Bank A) generates a payment message (MT 202 with limitation in the
format according MT 202 simplified) and addresses it to PM, with beneficiary its
own HAM account.
4 PM debits the Bank A’s RTGS account and credits the account of the CB. On an
optional basis, PM sends the credit notification (MT 910) to the CB.
6 HAM debits the account of the CB and credits the HAM account of Bank A.
9 SWIFT sends the stored payment (MT 202) to PM (useless leg of Y-copy).
Interbank Transfers (interbank) from RTGS accounts to HAM accounts (different par-
transfers from ticipants) (No. 8):
RTGS accounts in
accounts (differ- SWIFTNet FIN 2 1
ent participants) 10 MT 202
Bank A Bank B
MT 202 9
MT 910 MT 202
MT 096
MT 097
3 8
message Acknowledgeme
6 Booking 4 Booking
optional message
Step Description
1 Sender (Bank B) generates a payment message (MT 202 with limitation in the
format according MT 202 simplified) and addresses it to PM, with beneficiary Bank
A in HAM.
4 PM debits the Bank B’s account and credits the account of the CB of Bank A.
Step Description
the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to the CB.
6 HAM debits the account of the CB of Bank A and credits the HAM account of Bank
9 SWIFT sends the stored payment (MT 202) to PM (useless leg of Y-copy).
11 On an optional basis, HAM sends the credit notification (MT 910) to Bank A and
the debit notification (MT 900) to the CB.
• Sender SWIFT-based PM - Receiver HAM Internet-based participant:
Sender must send the payment in SWIFT Y-copy mode to the receiver
“TRGTXEPMHAM“ in the header. The HAM account holder, whose CB
has to be credited will be specified in field 58 of the Y-copy payment by
filling in the BIC of the Internet-based participant. The CB will be credited
in PM and the payment will be forwarded to HAM, where the HAM ac-
count of the Internet-based participant will be credited in HAM (Internet-
based participants will get no confirmation via MT 900/910).
• Sender PM Internet-based participant - Receiver HAM account holder ei-
ther SWIFT-based or Internet-based participant:
Internet-based participants enter their payment instructions via the new
dedicated screen for MT 202 in their ICM Internet interface. In this case
the receiver (which is not transmitted to HAM) must be filled with the
PMHAM BIC TRGTXEPMHAM. Field 58 has to be filled with the BIC of
the HAM account holder. The ICM forwards the entered payment infor-
mation (fields will be similar to MT 202 message structure) to PM, where
the necessary booking information is extracted.
The payment will be credited to the HAM CB. PM will generate an inter-
nal 202 message according to the entered payment information and will
send this message to HAM, where the HAM participant is credited (Inter-
net-based participants will get no confirmation via MT 900/910).
MT 202/
MT 202/ MT 103/
MT 103/ MT103+ MT 910
MT 103+ MT 900 3 4
1 4
Participant Interface
2 Booking
Payment processing
optional message
Step Description
2 HAM debits CB customer A’s account and credits CB customer B’s account.
4 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to CB customer A and
the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to CB customer B.
• Sender SWIFT-based - Receiver Internet-based participan:
Only steps 1 and 2 applicable.
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver SWIFT-based:
The Internet-based CB customer can enter MT 103(+) and MT 202
(COV) via new dedicated ICM screens. The ICM forwards the payment
information (fields will be similar to MT 103(+)/202 (COV) message struc-
ture) to HAM, where the necessary booking information is extracted.
Then the rest of the SWIFT message flow will follow and the payment will
be settled.
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver Internet-based participant:
The Internet-based CB customer can enter MT 103(+) and MT 202
(COV) via new dedicated ICM screens. The ICM forwards the payment
information (fields will be similar to MT 103(+)/202 message structure) to
HAM, where the necessary booking information is extracted. Then the
payment will be settled and no other message will follow.
MT 202/ MT 202/
MT103/ 12
MT 103/
MT103+ MT 103+ MT 910 9
MT 202/
MT 103/
MT 096
MT 097
MT 103+
MT 900 4 6 8
MT 202/
MT 103/
MT 103+
Participant Interface
Participant Interface
2 Booking 10 Booking 77 Booking
optional message
Step Description
2 HAM debits CB customer A’s account and credits the relevant CB account (CB A’s
3 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to CB customer A and
Step Description
the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to the CB.
4 HAM sends the payment message (MT 202/202 COV/103/103+) to SWIFT, ad-
dressed to the BIC TRGTXECBccX (where cc is the country code representing CB
B + “X“).
7 PM debits the account of the CB of CB customer A and credits the account of the
CB of CB customer B.
9 SWIFT sends the stored payment (MT 202/202 COV/103/103+) to the BIC
12 On an optional basis the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to CB customer B and
the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to the CB.
• Sender SWIFT-based - Receiver Internet-based participant:
Steps 11 and 12 not applied;
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver SWIFT-based:
The Internet-based CB customer can enter MT 103(+) and MT 202
(COV) via new dedicated ICM screens. Then the rest of the normal
SWIFT message flow will follow.
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver Internet-based participant:
The Internet-based CB customer can enter MT 103(+) and M 202 (COV)
via new dedicated ICM screens. Then the normal SWIFT message flow
will take place except for the input SWIFT message from the sender and
the notification to the receiver.
MT 900
MT 096
MT 097
6 8
2 Booking 7 Booking
optional message
Step Description
2 HAM debits CB customer A’s account and credits the relevant CB account (CB A’s
3 On an optional basis the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to CB customer A, and
the credit notification (MT 910) is sent to the CB.
Step Description
7 PM debits the account of the CB of CB customer A and credits the Bank B’s ac-
• Sender SWIFT-based - Receiver Internet-based participant:
the normal SWIFT message flow will take place except for the notification
to the receiver.
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver SWIFT-based:
The Internet-based CB customer can enter MT 103(+) and MT 202
(COV) via new dedicated ICM screens. Then the rest of the normal
SWIFT message flow will follow.
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver Internet-based participant:
The Internet-based CB customer can enter MT 103(+) and MT 202
(COV) via new dedicated ICM screens. Then the normal SWIFT mes-
sage flow will take place except for the input SWIFT message from the
sender and the notification to the receiver.
Payments from Payments from RTGS accounts to CB customer’s accounts (No. 4):
RTGS accounts in
PM to CB 8
customer’s SWIFTNet FIN
2 1
accounts Customer MT 202/ MT 103/ MT 103+ 6 MT 202/ MT 103/ MT 103+ MT 202/ MT 103/ MT 103+
Bank B
MT 910
MT 096
MT 097
3 5
7 Booking 4 Booking
optional message
Step Description
4 PM debits the Bank B’s account and credits the relevant CB account (CB of CB
customer A).
Step Description
7 HAM debits the account of the CB of CB customer A and credits the CB customer
A’s account.
9 On an optional basis the credit notification (MT 910) is sent by HAM to CB cus-
tomer A and the debit notification (MT 900) is sent to the CB.
• Sender SWIFT-based - Receiver Internet-based participant:
The Internet-based CB customer will get no confirmation via MT 910
(step 9). All other steps are applicable as described above.
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver SWIFT-based:
The Internet-based PM participant can enter MT 103(+) and MT 202
(COV) via new dedicated screens. PM generates a Y-copy output to the
specific BIC of the CB in HAM according to the entered payment infor-
mation (instead of step 1). All other steps (steps 2 - 9) are applicable as
described above.
• Sender Internet-based participant - Receiver Internet-based participant:
The Internet-based PM participant can enter MT 103(+) and MT 202
(COV) via new dedicated ICM screens. PM generates a Y-copy output to
the specific BIC of the CB in HAM according to the entered payment in-
formation (instead of step 1). All other steps (steps 2 - 9) are applicable
as described above, except that the Internet-based CB customer will get
no confirmation via MT 910 (step 9).
Rejection of Overview
A payment or a transaction will be rejected and returned to the sender in
case of:
• an incorrect payment or transaction
• the debtor or the creditor or the sender participant has been excluded
from the SSP and the message has not been inserted by the related
home CB
• a lack of liquidity till the end of the payment processing
The SWIFT-based sender of a rejected payment receives an MT 103, an
MT 202 or MT 202 COV quoting the reason (error code and description) for
the rejection and the original message user reference within tag 72.
The error codes for possible rejections are listed in chapter 14.4.2 Error
codes, page 204.
Note: In case of an Internet-based participant as sender, the rejection is on-
ly visible via ICM.
Information in the ICM
The information on payments rejected at the end of the payment processing
is available for the sending, the debtor and the creditor participants. Incor-
rect payments are also displayed for the sending, the debtor and the credi-
tor participants.
As the ICM access is still possible for excluded participants, payments in-
volving an excluded participant are also available for both the sending and
the receiving participant.
Incorrect payments
Syntactical validations will be conducted in
• the SWIFT network and
• in HAM
These entry validations will be reflected in the list of error codes described
in chapter 14.4.2 Error codes, page 204.
Payments will be rejected if they are not made up according to these stand-
• System broadcast X X
• System status X X
Note: HAM account holders are not present in the TARGET2 directory as
account holders in HAM, but they can be included as indirect participants in
PM. CB customers can be registered in TARGET2 directory and addressed
through the CB where the preferred CB customer’s account is kept.
In general, participants have access to real-time information through the
ICM (pull mode); optionally real-time notifications (MT 900/910) can be sent
via push mode (not valid for Internet-based participants).
12.1.9 Administration
Administration CBs have the responsibility of the administration of the Home Accounting
via ICM Module with reference to their own “CB customer’s/HAM account holders“.
Through the Information and Control Module CBs have, furthermore, real-
time access to the administration functions listed in the table below regard-
ing the current business day (functions available for credit institutions/CB
customers are also available for CBs if acting on behalf of CI/CB custom-
ers). Obviously each CB is able to manage only the account of its own credit
Overview The Reserve Management Module (RM) enables the CBs to perform some
functionality for the reserve requirements management and for the excess
of reserve management.
The module is accessible through a SWIFTNet interface or dedicated Inter-
net access and can interact with PM, HAM and proprietary home accounting
The RM does not manage any kind of accounts. It only receives - automati-
cally at the end-of-day - from PM, HAM and proprietary home accounts the
end-of-day accounts’ balances in order to manage minimum reserves and
excess of reserve.
The RM will mainly:
• verify the minimum reserve fulfilment,
• calculate the interest to be paid to credit institutions for minimum re-
• calculate the penalties related to the reserve requirements infringement
to be submitted to the relevant CB’s validation process,
• calculate negative interest on excess of reserve (only the balance from
the account declared in SD as “Source of Minimum Reserve“ is taken in-
to account for the calculation of excess reserve),
• notify the CBs on the minimum reserve fulfilment, due interest and possi-
ble penalties for the pertaining credit institutions,
• create automatically the related credit and debit instructions for minimum
reserve fulfilment (the latter only after the CB validation process) and
send them to PM or HAM (at the end of the maintenance period).
• create automatically the related credit and debit instructions for excess of
minimum reserve and send them to PM or HAM (at the end of the
maintenance period).
Note: Interest for minimum reserve and for excess of minimum reserve are
credited/debited 2 working days after the closing of each maintenance peri-
od, taking as reference the TARGET2 calendar. Penalties related to in-
fringement of minimum reserve are sent for settlement immediately after the
validation process. No credit and debit instructions will be sent to PHA.
A CI using RM can maintain its reserves either on a PM account or on a
HAM/PHA account, but not on both.
Indirect reserve The RM offers also the possibility of managing indirectly the reserve re-
quirements and the excess reserve according to the “General documenta-
tion on Eurosystem monetary policy instruments and procedures“.
On the basis of the list of credit institutions that decide to fulfil indirectly min-
imum reserves and of the banks selected for its management, the RM is
able to verify the fulfilment of minimum reserves and to calculate the excess
In case of indirect reserve management the total amount of the due Com-
pulsory Reserve (Direct + Indirect) will be taken into account, albeit at the
end of the period the balance of the direct participant only (the one of the
indirect will not be summed) will be considered for the possible infringement.
The direct participant only will be debited in case of penalty.
Pool of reserve Within RM the so-called “pool of reserve accounts of a Monetary Financial
accounts of an Institution (MFI)“, which enables the fulfilment of reserve requirements for a
MFI group of participants (which are part of the same MFI) can be used.
In this case, the fulfilment of reserve requirements by the MFI is evaluated
on the basis of the sum of balances of all the participant accounts (either in
PM, HAM or in PHA) belonging to the pool, even if from a technical point of
view the minimum reserve of the MFI is linked only to a single pre-defined
account indicated by the MFI (ie MFI leader).
End-of-day balances €
Management Minimum reserve
HAM/PM Module Remuneration rate
Payment order
(at the end of the maintenance period)
- interest
- penalties für infringement after
CB validation process
Overview The Standing Facilities Module (SF) enables the CBs to manage the stand-
ing facilities (deposit facility and marginal lending facility).
The module is accessible through a SWIFTNet interface (only via ICM) or
dedicated Internet access and can interact with both PM and HAM. No in-
teraction with proprietary home accounts is envisaged.
For the CI with account both in PM and in HAM (or PHA) it is necessary to
indicate which is the account to be used for the settlement of SF operations;
only this account will be used for the settlement of SF operations and of the
related interests. Obviously for the automatic marginal lending only PM ac-
count will be used since intraday credit is not provided in HAM.
The SF module manages two kind of accounts:
• overnight deposit accounts
• marginal lending accounts, for marginal lending “on request“ and auto-
matic marginal lending (automatic transformation of intraday credit in
overnight credit at the end of the day)
The collateral management function is managed outside the SSP and under
the responsibility of the relevant CB. The SSP acts therefore executing in-
structions received from the collateral manager empowered by the relevant
CB to provide collateral management services. As a consequence the SSP
does not perform any control on the collateralisation procedure (eg evalua-
tion process accuracy) carried out by the collateral manager. The SSP only
checks the formal correctness of the message sent by the collateral manag-
er. A single collateral manager can act on behalf of more CBs but in this
case different BIC11 have to be used by the collateral manager.
Overnight deposit
Overnight deposit €
End-of-day transfer to SF
(business day d
Account Transfer of capital and inte-
rest to HAM/PM
(start ob business d+1)
Marginal lending Collateral management
Marginal Lending account for marginal lending
Transfer to HAM/PM
(business day d)
Overnight deposit As to the overnight deposit, credit institutions can transfer, via ICM, liquidity
from HAM or PM to the SF module. It is also possible to activate the reverse
transaction in order to reduce the amount deposited in the overnight ac-
count; the SF calculates the interest to be paid on the overnight deposit and,
at the start of the next business day, sends automatically the capital amount
and the interest to PM or HAM. In case of a negative interest rate the SF
module calculates the interest to be paid by the credit institutions on the
overnight deposit and, at the start of the next business day, sends automati-
cally the capital amount to PM or HAM and debits the interest from PM or
The process related to the overnight deposit is described in the following di-
agram and tables:
€ 1 € 1 €
Modify Modify
2 2
ICM Transfer ICM Transfer ICM
order order
3 1
Liquidity Liquidity
SF Direct SF transfer
SF transfer
4 4 2
4 ACK 2
MT 900 (HAM) MT 910 (HAM) MT 910 (HAM)
Setting up
Step Description
1 The credit institution (CI) sends (via ICM) an order with an indication of the ac-
count to be debited in order to transfer liquidity from HAM/PM to overnight deposit
account. The possibility to make overnight deposit via SWIFTNet FIN is not envis-
Setting up
Step Description
3 The SF sends a direct debit internal message to PM/HAM. PM/HAM debits the CI
account and credits the CB account.
Reverse transaction
Step Description
1 The CI sends (via ICM) an order to transfer liquidity from overnight deposit ac-
count to the HAM/RTGS account.
3 The SF debits the CI account, credits CB account and sends a distinct internal
message to PM/HAM. PM/HAM debits CB account and credits CI account.
4 PM/HAM sends a notification to SF and (optionally) the MT 910 to the CI and the
MT 900 to the CB.
Step Description
1 SF calculates the interest to be paid on the overnight deposit. At the start of the
following business day, the CI account is debited and the CB account is credited
for the capital amount. The same happens for the interest in case of positive OD
rate. In case of negative OD rate the CI account is debited and the CB account is
credited for the interest. Two distinct internal messages to PM/HAM (capital
amount and interest) are sent.
2 PM/HAM sends a notification to SF and (optionally) the MT 910 to the CI and the
MT 900 to the CB.
Overnight deposit The overnight deposit function is available also for out countries. The pro-
for outs cess for the setting up and the refunding is the same described in the above
picture and tables but interest will be paid on a monthly basis instead that
on a daily basis: that means, that at the start of the following business day
SF module will send automatically to PM/HAM only the capital amount while
the cumulated interest will be credited only after the end of the month. Con-
sidering that interest can be credited not the first business day of the follow-
ing month but some days later, they will be inserted within warehoused
payments, with settlement date five business days later; the respective out
CB will have the possibility to check the interest calculated and to cancel
them from the warehoused payments if the calculation is not correct (using
the functions envisaged for the cancellation of warehoused payments via
Furthermore, as regards the liquidity transfer from PM/HAM to SF, a control
will be in place in order to verify that the total amount envisaged for each
country will not be exceeded. Each CB will decide whether the access to the
function will be allowed only for CB on behalf of the CI or directly to the CI.
Marginal lending The process related to marginal lending “on request“ is described in the fol-
facility “on lowing diagram and table:
€ €
Collateral Collateral
manager 1 CI manager
ICM Transfer ICM
3 4 Notify
SF Liquidity refunding
SF 1 2
transfer MT 910 Direct
debit MT 900
4 2
Setting up
Step Description
1 The Credit institution deposits collateral to the relevant collateral manager, who,
after the collateral evaluation procedures, sends an order to ICM for the setting up
of the marginal lending facility transfers.
Setting up
Step Description
3 SF debits the CI marginal lending account, credits the CB account and sends an
internal message to PM/HAM. PM/HAM debits the CB account and credits the CI
In case of errors the SSP operator will be able, on behalf of the Collateral
Manager, to operate a reverse transaction from PM/HAM to SF. After the
settlement a notification of the refunding of the marginal lending facility will
be sent, via ICM, to the relevant collateral manager, which releases the col-
Step Description
1 SF calculates the interest to be paid by the CI on the marginal lending and, at the
start of the following business day, sends two distinct internal messages to
PM/HAM for debiting the capital amount and the interest (direct debit); PM/HAM
debits the CI account for capital and interest and credits the CB account.
2 PM/HAM sends a notification to SF. SF debits the CB account for capital amount
and credits the CI marginal lending account; PM/HAM sends (optionally) the MT
900 to the credit institution and the MT 910 to the CB.
3 SF sends a notification of the refunding of the marginal lending facility, via ICM, to
the relevant collateral manager, which releases the collateral.
Automatic The process related to the automatic marginal lending facility is described in
marginal lending the following diagram and table:
Collateral € €
CB Collateral
manager manager
ICM Notify ICM
spillover 3 Notify increase
credit limit and
Notify decrease MT 900
refunding marginal
credit limit 2 lending
and setting up 3
of marginal lending Credit
SF 2
SF transfer 1 Direct debit
and decrease 3 and increase MT 900
credit limit credit limit
1 3 MT 910
Notify 2a 2
intraday ACK
credit not ACK
returned PM
Step Description
1 At the end of the business day, a specific PM function singles out the amount of
intraday credit not returned by each credit institution and communicates it to SF
through an internal message.
Step Description
2a SF, if the credit institution is endorsed to access the marginal lending facilities,
debits the CI marginal lending account, credits the CB account and sends an in-
ternal message to PM in order to transfer the liquidity to the RTGS account and
simultaneously decrease the respective credit line (connected payment).
2b If the credit institution is not allowed to access the automatic marginal lending
facility SF notifies, through an interact message the spillover to the relevant CB
responsible for applying the penalty procedure.
Step Description
1 SF calculates the interest to be paid by the credit institutions on the marginal lend-
ing and, at the start of the following business day, sends automatically to PM a
debit instruction for the interest and a connected payment for the refunding of the
capital (debit of the RTGS account and increase of the intraday credit line).
2 PM debits the CI account for the capital amount and the interest and credits the
CB account and simultaneously increases the respective credit line. PM sends a
notification to SF which credits the CI marginal lending account for the capital
amount and debits the CB account. Moreover, PM sends (optionally) an MT 900 to
the credit institution and the MT 910 to the CB. SF sends a notification, via ICM, to
the relevant collateral manager, who attributes the collateral already posted as an
overnight guarantee to the intraday credit guarantee.
In all the cases described, the SF module does not send to the CI neither
settlement notification (MT 900/910) nor statements of accounts at the end
of the day (MT 940/950) since all these notifications are sent by PM or HAM
(settlement notification on an optional basis).
12.3.2 Interaction
Overview Through the ICM credit institutions have access to the information listed in
the following table, regarding the current business day:
Through the ICM CBs have access to the functions listed in the following ta-
ble, regarding the current business day:
14 Technical Specifications
14.1 SWIFTNet FIN related issues
14.1.1 SWIFTNet FIN - General aspects Business Identifier Codes (BICs) for SSP
Overview The SSP uses several BICs for different purposes. The following diagram
gives an overview of all BICs (SSP core and optional modules):
S: BIC of participant
TRGTXEPMASI / S: BIC of participant
participant participant
TRGTXEPMLVP / R: BIC of participant
R: BIC of participant
no BICs used
no BICs R: BIC of CB
S: BIC of CB
Proprietary Home
liquidity transfer
ccc SWIFT service code
ccX country code + X
S Sender
R Receiver
BICs of PM The following table lists the different purposes and the BICs used:
BICs of HAM The following table lists the different purposes and the BICs used:
Payments from HAM TRGTXECBccX ccX: country code + “X“ of the permanent;
to PM and vice ver- different central banks used as: member of the
sa for CB customer • Receiver in the HAM for the PM Y-copy
payments payments sent by the CB CUG
• Sender in the HAM for the
notification of the payments
received from PM partici-
• Sender/receiver in the mes-
sages exchanged between
HAM and PM for the CB
customer traffic
• MT 940
• MT 950
• MT 103/103+
• MT 202/MT 202 COV
BICs used by CBs The following table lists the different purposes and the BICs used:
Usage of the TARGET2 supports the use of STP rules envisaging the use of format A for
format D in bank all bank fields. Nevertheless, in order to avoid operational difficulties for the
fields processing of payments coming from /sent to outside the EU the use of for-
mat D is allowed in specific fields.
Use of PKI in the The SSP uses the core PKI provided by SWIFT, no additional information is
SSP environment provided in the User Detailed Functional Specifications. All information
needed is available in the documentation provided by SWIFT.
The SWIFTNet FIN access control and user-to-user security mechanisms is
based on PKI while the relationship management capability is based on the
Relationship Management Application (RMA) service on a BIC8 basis. Con-
sidering that the Closed User Group feature can effectively prevent unsolic-
ited traffic and in order to reduce the operational burden for the users, the
bilateral relationships provided by the RMA is not be requested for the user
to user messages MT 103/202/204 in the FIN Copy service for TARGET2
(RMA by-pass). Like for the BKE, RMA bilateral relationships are necessary
vis-à-vis the SSP BICs, therefore, in order to properly manage all the as-
pects of the FIN security for TARGET2 the users have to exchange the
SWIFT RMA between their BIC8 and the SSP BICs both in live and T&T
environments depending on the used modules.
RMA policy The following rules are applicable for the RMA exchange with the SSP:
Live T&T
PM users
HAM users
CB customers
Live T&T Structure
General SWIFTNet FIN messages are structured in blocks. Each block of a message
contains a special type of data.
Definition of the Each block begins and ends with a brace ({}). The first two characters
structure of in a block are its number and the separator (:).
A SWIFT message therefore has the following structure:
• {1: Basic Header Block}
• {2: Application Header Block}
• {3: User Header Block}
• {4: Text Block}
• {5: Trailer}
Building up of Header and trailer are always build up following the same schema. For the
header and trailer different message types they differ only slightly.
The building up of the header and trailer is described in chapter 14.1.2
SWIFTNet FIN Messages - Details, page 69.
The specific message is contained in the text block. It is described for each
message type in a separate chapter.
General For describing the message formats in this document the same conventions
as in the SWIFT User Handbooks are used. The individual fields are speci-
fied by their length and the permitted contents.
Specification of The following table summarises the display formats for the field length:
the field length
n Maximum n characters
n! Exact n characters
Specification of The following table summarises the display formats of the field contents:
the field content
n Digits from 0 to 9
x Any character of the SWIFT character font, capital and small letters
h Hexadecimal number:
Digits from 0 to 9 and capital letters from A to F
Field Status The following table summarises the display formats for the field status:
Status Meaning
M Mandatory field
O Optional field Header
Basic Header
M Block Identifier 1: -
M Service Identifier 01 -
Structure when The following table describes the structure of the application header when a
sending a participant sends a message to the SWIFT network. (It is an outgoing pay-
message ment from the participant’s point of view.)
Application Header
M Block Identifier 2: -
Application Header
O Obsolescence 3!n -
Structure when The following table describes the application header when the participant
receiving a receives the message from the SWIFT network. (It is an incoming message
message from the participant’s point of view.)
Application Header
Block Identifier 2: -
Message Type 3!n 012, 019, 103, 202, 204, 900, 910, 940, 950
Message Input 6!n4!a2!a2!c1!c Input date, local to the sender, LT address of sender,
Reference 3!c4!n6!n session and sequence number of sender
Usage The user header is basically optional, but it is used in all message types of
It has a different format depending on whether the participant delivers a
message to, or receives one from the SWIFT network. Every field in the us-
er header is put in braces ({}).
Note: The individual fields are described in detail in the SWIFT User Hand-
book “FIN System Messages“.
Structure when The following table describes the user header when the participant sends
sending a the message to the SWIFT network (It is an outgoing payment from the par-
message ticipant’s point of view):
User Header
M - Block Identi- 3: -
User Header
User Header
User Header
O 111 Service type {111:3!n} This field identifies the applicable global
indentifier payment service type.
Use in MT 103, MT 103+, MT 202, MT 202
COV, MT 204.
Use in MT 103, MT 103+. This field is ac-
cepted but not forwarded.
Note: Sender must be member of GPI
closed user group when populating field
111. In that case field 121 must be populat-
ed too: a message that contains only one of
these two fields will not be accepted.
User Header
Note: The third and fourth characters of the field 113 are not used (and not
checked by the SSP). Based on an agreement at national level they can be
used to support specific needs like the indication that in the payment mes-
sage the ordering and/or the beneficiary are non-resident in the country of
the sender (regular reporting purposes).
Structure when The following table describes the user header when the participant receives
receiving a the message from the SWIFT network. (It is an incoming message from the
message participant’s point of view.)
User Header
- Block Identifier 3:
User Header
113 Banking Priority {113:4!x} Banking Priority as set by the sender of the
message. It can be ignored by the receiver.
MT 012, 019, 900, 910, 940, 950 will contain
no field 113.
For CB customers it is set to “NNNN“ by
HAM. For HAM account holders, in case of
payments from PM to HAM, it is set to
“NNNN“ by HAM; in the other cases (pay-
ments between HAM accounts) HAM sends
what was set by the sender of the message.
It can be ignored by the receiver.
108 Optional Mes- {108:16x} Only present when filled by the sender of the
sage User Ref- message.
erence HAM:
For messages sent by HAM it is automatical-
ly generated by HAM. It is always equal to
the TRN (tag 20).
111 Service type {111:3!n} This field identifies the applicable global
identifier payment service type.
User Header
User Header
119 Validation Flag {119:8c} Use in MT 103: The participant may request
SWIFT validation according to the rules of
the MT 103+ by using {119:STP}. If this field
is not available, MT 103 core will follow.
Use in MT 202 COV:
The placement of field 119 with code COV is
{119: REMIT} is not allowed in SSP.
If used by the sender of the message, it will
be present in messages received by CB
115 Addressee In- {115: This field is present when the receiver re-
formation HHMMSS ceives this message via Y-copy service. This
HHMMSS is synonymous with settling the payment in
2!a the PM.
16x} It contains information from the PM:
User Header Trailer
Structure when The following table describes the trailers when the participant sends the
sending a message to the SWIFT network. (It is an outgoing payment from the partici-
message pant’s point of view.)
- - Block Identi- 5: -
Structure when The following table describes the trailers when the participant receives a
receiving a payment message from the SWIFT network. (It is an incoming payment via
message via Y-copy from the participant’s point of view, User Header contains
Y-copy {103:TGT}.)
M - Block Identi- 5: -
Structure when The following table describes the trailers when the participant receives a
receiving a message via the SWIFT network from the SSP. (It is an incoming message
message via from the participant’s point of view, no Y-copy.)
normal FIN
(no Y-copy)
M - Block Identi- 5: -
PDM Trailer (Pos- PDM trailer is set by SWIFT. It is used to warn the receiver that the same
sible Duplicate message may already have been delivered by the SWIFT. The reason for
Message Trailer) sending a message with PDM trailer is, that SWIFT does not know whether
the payment message was already sent.
If PM or HAM receives a message it checks in addition to the double entry
check whether the payment message is delivered twice (without PDM trailer
and with PDM trailer):
• If the payment message without PDM trailer was already delivered then
the message with the PDM trailer will be discovered by PM or HAM. It will
get a final status (“closed - duplicate input“) without any further pro-
cessing. The message with PDM trailer will not be delivered to the re-
• If the payment message without PDM trailer was not yet delivered then
the message with the PDM trailer will be processed and delivered to the
receiver after settled successfully.
• If the message without PDM trailer is delivered after the message with
the PDM trailer it will be discovered by PM or HAM and will get a final
status (“closed - duplicate input“) without any further processing. It will
not be delivered to the receiver.
PDE Trailer (Pos- PDE trailer is set by the sender of the message. It is used to warn the re-
sible Duplicate ceiver that the same message may already have been received. The reason
Emission Trailer) for sending a message with PDE trailer is that the sender is not sure,
whether the payment message was already sent.
If PM receives a message it checks in addition to the double entry check
whether the message is delivered twice (without PDE trailer and with PDE
• If the original payment message (without PDE trailer) was already deliv-
ered, the message with PDE trailer will be discovered by PM. It will be re-
jected. PM will send a negative MT 097 to SWIFT and consequently the
sender will receive an MT 019 with a unique error code.
Note: In case of PDE trailer HAM will behave as in case of PDM trailer.
PDE processing
- payment message (without PDE trailer) was already delivered
1 MT 103/103+&/202 COV/
204 4 MT 103/103+/202 COV/204
Bank A Bank B
MT 103/103+/202 COV/204
6 (PDE)
2 MT 096
7 MT 096 (PDE)
3 MT 097
8 neg. MT 097
MT 019
Participant Interface (Y-copy)
PDM/PDE processing
first message
second message
Step Description
3 PM checks whether the same payment message with PDE trailer already arrived.
Because it is not the case PM settles the payment, creates a positive settlement
Step Description
confirmation (MT 097) and sends it to SWIFT
8 PM recognises that the message was already received without PDE trailer and
creates a negative MT 097 with a unique error code
• If the payment message without PDE trailer was not yet delivered, the
message with the PDE trailer will be processed in PM and delivered to
the receiver after settled successfully.
Bank A Bank B
1 MT 103/103+/202 COV/204 4 MT 103/103+/202 COV/204
2 MT 096 (PDE)
3 MT 097
5 MT 012 (PDE) (opt.)
Participant Interface (Y-copy)
PDM/PDE processing
first message
second message
Step Description
2 SWIFT delivers the settlement request (MT 096) with PDE trailer to PM
Step Description
3 PM checks whether the payment message without PDE trailer already arrived.
Because it is not the case PM settles the payment, creates a positive settlement
confirmation (MT 097) with PDE trailer and sends it to SWIFT
4 SWIFT delivers the payment message with the PDE trailer to Bank B, which has to
check in the result if he has already received the original message (see SWIFT-
User Handbook FIN Service Description, Chapter 5 Message Structures 5.10.5)
• If the payment message (without PDE trailer) is delivered after the mes-
sage with the PDE trailer then the message without the PDE trailer will
be discovered by PM. It will create a negative settlement confirmation
(MT 097).
9 MT 019
1 MT 103/103+/202 COV/204
Bank A Bank B
5 MT 103/103+/202 COV/204
2 MT 103/103+/202 COV/204 (PDE)
7 MT 096 (PDE)
3 MT 096 (PDE)
6 MT 012 (opt.)
MT 097
neg. MT 097 PM
Participant Interface (Y-copy)
PDM/PDE processing
first message
second message
Step Description
2 After a while Bank A sends the same payment message with PDE trailer
3 SWIFT delivers the settlement request (MT 096) with PDE trailer to PM
4 PM checks whether the same payment message without PDE trailer already ar-
Step Description
rived. Because it is not the case, PM settles the payment with PDE trailer and
creates a positive settlement confirmation (MT 097) with PDE trailer
5 SWIFT delivers the payment message with the PDE trailer to Bank B, which has to
check whether it has already received the payment message without PDE trailer
(see SWIFT-User Handbook FIN Service Description, Chapter 5 Message Struc-
tures 5.10.5)
7 In the meantime SWIFT creates an MT 096, which is based on the payment mes-
sage without PDE trailer (see step 1)
8 PM checks whether the same payment message without PDE trailer already ar-
rived. Because it is the case, PM creates a negative settlement confirmation (MT
097) with a unique error code
9 SWIFT sends an Abort Notification (MT 019) with a unique error code to Bank A MT 103
Usage This message type is used to execute a payment order if the ordering party
or the beneficiary, or both, are non-financial institutions.
In the following table the standard validation profile for MT 103 is described.
The STP validation profile (MT 103+) is separately described (see chapter MT 103+, page 98).
HAM Operations settled through “CB customer’s accounts“ can be triggered via
“MT 103“:
• payments of CB customers to and from RTGS accounts
• payments between CB customer’s accounts, in the same central bank or
in different central banks
Structure The following table describes the structure of MT 103 (standard format)
used in SSP:
M 20 Sender’s M 16x
• /FROTIME/hhmm+/-iinn
• /REJTIME/hhmm+/-iinn
hhmm must be before the cut-off
time for customer payments (17.00
under normal circum-stances)
Note: This field has to be filled in
according to the SWIFT standard. ii
and nn are the hours and minutes
of UTC shift whereas the “hhmm“
are to be filled with the local time of
the user. This is valid for the code-
If TILTIME and REJTIME are both
mentioned only the first one is
used by SSP.
However, the codeword / CLS-
TIME/ has to be used in field 72
and not according to the SWIFT
standard in field 13C.
In the outgoing messages it con-
tains the Settlement Time.
The format is:
• /SNDTIME/hhmm+iinn
Note: ii and nn are the hours and
minutes of UTC shift t
M 32A Value Date/ M 6!n3!a15d Payments can be sent for the cur-
Currency/ rent business day and up to five
Interbank TARGET working days in advance.
Settled Payments must be denominated in
Amount euro only.
Value date check is switched off for
the sender‘s RTGS account by the
responsible CB or SSP-OT.
M 70 Remittance M 4*35
----| MT 103+
Usage This message type is used to execute a payment order if the ordering party
or the beneficiary, or both, are non-financial institutions.
In the following table the STP validation profile of MT 103+ is described.
The standard validation profile (MT 103) is described separately (see chap-
ter MT 103, page 91).
HAM Operations settled through “CB customer’s accounts“ can be triggered via
“MT 103+“:
• payments of CB customers to and from RTGS accounts
• payments between CB customer’s accounts, in the same central bank or
in different central banks
Structure The following table describes the structure of MT 103+ (STP format) used in
M 20 Sender‘s M 16x
are allowed.
M 32A Value Date/ M 6!n3!a15d Payments can be sent for the cur-
Currency/ rent business day and up to five
Interbank TARGET working days in advance.
Settled Payments must be denominated in
Amount euro only.
Subsequent delivery of individual
Value date check is switched off for
the sender‘s RTGS account by the
responsible CB or SSP-OT.
O 70 Remittance O 4*35x
---| MT 202
Usage This message type is used to transfer credit balances between financial in-
HAM Operations settled in the HAM accounts can be initiated via “simplified MT
202“ (= an MT 202 message with a limitation in the format):
• HAM to HAM payments
• cash withdrawals
• HAM to PM payments
• PM to HAM payments
The message must quote dedicated HAM BIC in block 2 (receiver). Only
Tag 58a (Beneficiary Institution) is used to identify the creditor institution.
The latter is the addressee of the MT 202 message which the HAM sends to
notify the transaction (not in case of Internet-based participant).
A co-management agreement can be reached between the holder of an
RTGS account (co-manager) and a holder of a HAM account (co-managed).
The institution quoted in Tag 53a (Sender’s Correspondent), is the debtor.
Only Tag 58a (Beneficiary Institution) is used to identify the creditor institu-
M 32A Value Date, M 6!n3!a15d Payments can be sent for the cur-
Currency rent business day and up to five
Code, TARGET working days in advance.
Amount Payments must be denominated in
euro only.
• Value date check is switched
off for the sender‘s RTGS ac-
count by the responsible CB or
• Messages with future value
date may not be addressed to
TRGTXEPMT2S. Warehoused
liquidity transfers to T2S are not
supported. (Standing orders
may be used/adjusted instead.)
• Messages with future value
date may not be addressed to
liquidity transfers to ASI are not
• Messages with future value
date may not be addressed to
liquidity transfers to HAM are
not supported.
Option D:
If field 56A and 57A are not pre-
sent, it is the BIC of the account to
be credited.
Option D is accepted only if field
57A is present.
Usage This message type is used to transfer credit balances between financial in-
It must only be used to order the movement of funds related to an underly-
ing customer credit transfer that was sent with the cover method.
The MT 202 COV must not be used for any other interbank transfer or li-
quidity transfer addressed to any PM BIC (eg TRGTXEPMT2S). For these
transfers the MT 202 must be used.
MT 202 COV in connection with HAM can be used only for CB customer
M 20 Transaction M 16x
M 21 Related M 16x
M 32A Value Date, M 6!n3!a15d Payments can be sent for the cur-
Currency rent business day and up to five
Code, TARGET working days in advance.
Amount Payments must be denominated in
euro only.
Value date check is switched off for
the sender‘s RTGS account by the
responsible CB or SSP-OT.
O 72 Sender to O 6*35x PM
Receiver /BUP/ = codeword to indicate
Information backup payments.
If hhmm is present it must be be-
fore the cut-off time for bank-to-
bank payments (18.00 under nor-
mal circumstances). Automatic
notification is triggered via ICM 15
minutes prior the defined time. But
note that codeword CLSTIME is
ignored by SSP, if codeword
TILTIME or REJTIME is used in
field 13C.
/MANPAY/ = codeword to indicate
a mandated payment.
O 70 Remittance O 4*35x
O 72 Sender to O 6*35x
M 32A Value Date, M 6!n3!a15d Payments can be sent for the cur-
Currency rent business day and up to five
Code, TARGET working days in advance.
Amount Payments must be denominated in
euro only.
Messages with future value date
may not be addressed to
liquidity transfers to HAM are not
supported. MT 204
Usage This message type is used by banks, central banks and ancillary systems to
withdraw money from the account of counterparties that agreed on in ad-
The sender of the message is the creditor and the receiver is the debtor.
In case of an Internet-based direct participant as receiver (receiver in the
header of the SWIFT message is "TRGTXEPMLVP" and BIC of Internet-
based direct participant is quoted in field 53 of sequence B) repetitive se-
quence B can only be used once.
This message cannot be used to pull liquidity from a Dedicated Cash Ac-
count in T2S. To initiate such a transfer an MT 202 has to be used.
M 20 Transaction M 16x
M 20 Transaction M 16x
O 21 Related O 16x
O 72 Sender to O 6*35x
----| MT 900
Usage This message type is used to show the account holder the debit entry in the
• RTGS account in PM as a consequence of a liquidity operation, a backup
payment made by the account holder, a payment instruction sent by an
ancillary system, mandated payment or a liquidity transfer to T2S not ini-
tiated via MT 202 or camt.050 sent by the account holder himself (ie
standing orders, ICM current orders, MT 202 Mandated Payments or
camt.050 sent by another entity on behalf).
• sub-account of an RTGS account in PM as a consequence for a liquidity
operation or a payment instruction sent by an ancillary system.
• HAM account.
The message is sent out after debiting took place on the respective account.
The booking is confirmed again on the account statement. Debit entries
from payments processed via the FIN-copy service of Payments Module
(PM) are not confirmed with MT 900. When FIN-copy is not used, issuing of
MT 900 is optional (a global parameter can be selected by the participant
and a special parameter for T2S related business).
HAM HAM sends, if requested, an MT 900 message to the debtor and to the co-
manager (and to CB too, if it is not the debtor but the sender of a generated
The first line contains the time.
• /HAMINT/ for “HAM interest“
(managed within HAM)
• /INTERMOD/ for transfer of
liquidity from PM to HAM ac-
count of different participants
(sent to the CB)
As a general rule the remaining 5
lines will contain the first 5 lines of
The complete information provided
by RM and forwarded by PM/HAM
For the compulsory reserve:
For the excess of reserve:
DD MT 910
Usage This message type is used to show the account holder the credit entry in the
• RTGS account in PM as a consequence of a liquidity operation or a
payment instruction sent by an ancillary system.
• sub-account of an RTGS account in PM as a consequence of a liquidity
operation or a payment instruction sent by an ancillary system.
• HAM account.
The message is sent out after crediting took place on the respective ac-
count. The booking is confirmed again on the account statement. Credit en-
tries from payments received via the FIN-copy service of Payments Module
(PM) are not confirmed with MT 910.
When FIN-copy is not used, issuing of MT 910 is optional (a global parame-
ter can be selected by the participant).
HAM HAM sends, if requested, an MT 910 message to the creditor and the co-
Codewords If debtor (or field 52) and creditor (or field 58) are filled, they are sent in field
72 with the following codewords:
• In the MT 900: /ASDEBT/ (debtor or 52)
• In the MT 910: /ASCRED/ (creditor or 58)
If RemittanceInformation (field 72) is filled, it is sent in field 72 with the fol-
lowing codeword:
• In MT 900/910: /ASINF/ (RemittanceInformation or 72)
Normalization for Debtor and creditor contain the following optional elements:
/ASDEBT/ • Debtor
and/ASCRED/ – Name (62x)
– BIC (11x)
– DomesticAccountIdentification (35x)
• Creditor
– Name (62x)
– BIC (11x)
– DomesticAccountIdentification (35x)
The separator “+“ is used to distinguish the 3 optional elements of debtor
and creditor.
The maximal length of each allowed data combination for debtor or creditor
parameters is:
Name+BIC+DomesticAccountIdentification 100x
Name+BIC+ 74x
Name+DomesticAccountIdentification 99x
Name++ 62x
+BIC+DomesticAccountIdentification 48x
+BIC+ 12x
++DomesticAccountIdentification 37x
/ASINF/Document XYZ MT 940
Usage This message type is used to show the account holder the bookings in the
• RTGS account in PM
• sub-accounts of the RTGS account
• HAM account
• CB customer’s account
• Contingency Module account (in case the Contingency Module has been
• Issuing of MT 940 is optional for the account holder and for the co-
O 61 Statement O 6!n[4!n]2a[1
Line !a]15d1!a3!
3 2a Sign:
• C - Credit
• D - Debit
• RC - Reverse Credit
• RD - Reverse Debit
5 15d Amount
----| MT 950
Usage This message type is used to show the account holder the bookings in the
• RTGS account in PM
• sub-accounts of an RTGS account
• HAM account
• CB customer’s account
• Contingency Module account (in case the Contingency Module has been
Issuing of MT 950 is optional for the account holder and for the co-manager.
O 61 Statement O 6!n[4!n]2a[1
Line !a]15d1!a3!
Sub- For- PM
Information about a single transac-
tion in the following:
3 2a Sign:
• C - Credit
• D - Debit
• RC - Reverse Credit
• RD - Reverse Debit
5 15d Amount
----| MT 012
Usage This message type is used to show the sender of a payment message that
the payment has been released by the Payments Module (PM). An MT 012
is always sent by the SWIFT system.
If a MT 202 is used to pull liquidity from T2S, the MT 012 will not confirm
settlement in TARGET2 but it will indicate that the transfer order has been
forwarded and - possibly partially - settled in T2S. Settlement on the RTGS
account is only done after reception of the LiquidityCreditTransfer XML
message from T2S. The only reference in this LiquidityCreditTransfer from
T2S, which refers to the instructing message sent by TARGET2 (EndTo-
EndId) may not be unique. Therefore, PM cannot check correlation with an
existing business case. Consequently, the account owner has to check his
RTGS booking entries if the expected credit entry has been settled. He may
use ICM screens or GetTransaction XML requests for this.
For each payment, the presenting party can specify whether an MT 012 is
required. In field 113, the flag in the second byte of the user header of the
relevant payment must be set to “Y“ (= MT 012 required) or “N“ (= MT 012
not required).
If the presenting party leaves the field blank, an MT 012 is issued as stand-
ard. It is also issued even if the flag is set to "N" by the sender, if the mes-
sage is used for initiation of pull liquidity transfer from T2S and if the pay-
ment is only partially executed by T2S. So this important information is al-
ways reported via an MT 012. MT 019
Usage This message type is used to show the sender that the message could not
be passed on to the receiver. An MT 019 is always sent by the SWIFT sys-
Returning the message can either be initiated by the SWIFT system or PM.
The reason for the return is specified by an error code in MT 019.
The receipt of MT 019 cannot be precluded.
In certain select situations the SSP has accepted to settle the transaction,
but SWIFT is not able to deliver the original message to the intended re-
The sender is aware because SWIFT generates an MT 019 containing one
the following error codes:
11 Message is too old, but was authorised
Therefore should the sender receive an MT 019 with the above mentioned
error codes, the payment has to be considered settled by the SSP. It should
also be highlighted that there is no guarantee that the MT 012, if requested,
will arrive before the MT 019.
Should the above situation happen (whatever the underlying reason) then
the sender must contact the National Service Desk that will take care of in-
forming the receiver and the SSP Operational Team.
Addresses in In PM, since the FIN Y-copy service is used, payments will be addressed to
TARGET2 the receiving direct PM participant by indicating the BIC in the respective
field of the header. Payments for indirect PM participants will have to be
sent, in general, to the respective direct PM participant. The information
needed for the correct addressing is provided in the TARGET2 directory
(see chapter 9.3 TARGET2 directory in book 1).
In HAM, payments are issued to HAM via normal FIN (V-shape). Using this
method, FIN messages (MT 103, MT 103+, MT 202 and MT 202 COV) are
sent directly from the sender to the SSP. The same message types are sent
from the SSP to the receiver HAM account holders or CB customers for no-
tification purposes (after the settlement).
The following table shows details of the recipient’s address in the SWIFT
Application Header of the payment record from a PM participant’s point of
BIC Explanation
BIC Explanation
Sender direct PM In the following examples the direct PM participant (BKAAFRPP) sends the
participant SWIFT message (MT 202).
Note: The payment will be delivered to HAM via an internal link. In HAM the
account of the CB will be debited and the account of the HAM account hold-
er will be credited.
Note: The payment will be delivered to HAM via an internal link. In HAM the
account of the CB will be debited and its own account in HAM will be cred-
Note: The payment will be delivered to HAM via SWIFT. In HAM the ac-
count of the central bank customer’s CB will be debited and the account of
the central bank customer will be credited.
Sender direct PM In the following examples the direct PM participant (BKAAFRPP) sends the
participant co- SWIFT messages (MT 202) to the HAM to transfer funds from the co-man-
manager of a aged account to the PM.
HAM account
Case Receiver Field Entry Effect
Note: The presence of tag 57 means that the receiver is in PM. The pay-
ment will be delivered to PM via an internal link. In PM the account of the
CB will be debited and the account of the RTGS account holder will be cred-
Note: The presence of tag 57 means that the receiver is in PM. The pay-
ment will be delivered to PM via an internal link. In PM the account of the
CB will be debited and the account of the RTGS account holder will be cred-
Sender is direct In the following examples the direct PM participant (BKCCDEFFXXX) uses
PM participant a second BIC (BKCCDEFF425) for sending SWIFT messages (MT 202).
using a second
Case Receiver Field Entry Effect
Note: The payment will be delivered to HAM via an internal link. In HAM the
account of the CB will be debited and the account of the HAM account hold-
er will be credited.
Note: The payment will be delivered to HAM via SWIFT. In HAM the ac-
count of the central bank customer’s CB will be debited and the account of
the central bank customer will be credited.
Note: The payment will be delivered to HAM via an internal link. In HAM the
account of the HAM account holder’s CB will be debited and the account of
the HAM account holder will be credited.
Note: The payment will be delivered to HAM via SWIFT. In HAM the ac-
count of the central bank customer’s CB will be debited and the account of
the central bank customer will be credited.
Sender HAM In the following examples the HAM account holder (BKEEITRRXXX) sends
account holder the SWIFT message (MT 202).
Sender central In the following examples the central bank customer (BKFFITAAXXX) sends
bank customer the SWIFT message (MT 202).
Sender HAM In the following examples the HAM account holder (BKEEITRRXXX) sends
account holder the SWIFT message (MT 202).
Sender RTGS In the following examples the RTGS account holder (BKBBITRRXXX), co-
account holder manager of the HAM account holder (BKEEITRRXXX) sends the SWIFT
co-manager of a message (MT 202) in favour of another HAM account holder (BKM-
HAM account MITSSXXX).
Case Receiver Field Entry Effect
Sender central In the following examples the central bank customer (BKFFITAAXXX) sends
bank customer the SWIFT message (MT 202).
Note: It is also possible for the central bank customer to send payments in
favour of central bank customers of other CBs than its “home“ CB. In this
case the tag 57 has to be filled in with the BIC TRGTXECBccX referring to
the other CB.
Sender direct PM In the following example the direct PM participant (BKAAFRPPXXX) sends
participant the SWIFT message (MT 202).
Note: In the proprietary home accounting system the account of the CB will
be debited and the account of the account holder in the proprietary home
accounting system (BKFFLULUXXX) will be credited.
Sender direct PM In the following example the direct PM participant (BKCCDEFFXXX) sends
participant using the SWIFT message (MT 202) using its second BIC.
a second BIC
Note: In the proprietary home accounting system the account of the CB will
be debited and the account of the account holder in the proprietary home
accounting system (BKFFLULUXXX) will be credited.
Note: In the proprietary home accounting system the account of the CB will
be debited and the account of the account holder in the proprietary home
accounting system (BKFFLULUXXX) will be credited.
Sender In the following examples the proprietary home account holder (BKFFLU-
proprietary home LUXXX) orders its CB to send the SWIFT message (MT 202). The field en-
account holder tries describe how the message has to be filled in by the sending CB.
Note: The way the account holder in the proprietary home accounting sys-
tem has to send the payment instruction to its CB is outside the scope of
SSP. Therefore it is not described in the User Detailed Functional Specifica-
Sender In the following example the proprietary home account holder (BKFFLU-
proprietary home LUXXX) orders its CB to send the SWIFT message (MT 202) as liquidity
account holder transfer. The field entries describe how the message has to be filled in by
(liquidity transfer) the sending CB.
Note: The way the account holder in the proprietary home accounting sys-
tem has to send the payment instruction to its CB is outside the scope of
SSP (also the booking in PHA: debit PHA account holder, credit CB account
in PHA). Therefore it is not described in the User Detailed Functional Speci-
General aspects Participants have the possibility to connect their back office to the ICM using
the application-to-application approach. This is possible by using SWIFTNet
InterAct and SWIFTNet FileAct exclusively. The back office must be linked
via a host adapter with SWIFT’s Secure IP Network (SIPN).
The processing of the use cases requires an application, which can “inter-
pret“ the various XML messages. This application can be developed by the
participant or can be bought from software providers.
XML structures The various information and control options are setup as XML messages.
A detailed description of these XML elements and data type definitions will
be provided in book 4 of the UDFS. Schema files will be made available via
Internet for download.
Use of SWIFTNet In the following table an overview is given for what purposes the XML mes-
services sages are transferred via SWIFTNet InterAct and/or SWIFTNet FileAct:
System require- The system requirements, which must be fulfilled to implement an applica-
ments tion-to-application solution, vary a lot depending on the solution sought by
the individual SSP participant.
Access to the Secure IP Network (SIPN) of SWIFT is required for using
SWIFTNet InterAct/SWIFTNet FileAct.
To secure communication and data, SWIFT’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
is used.
Further details of the various SWIFTNet services and the required infra-
structures are available on the www.swift.com homepage or from a regional
SWIFT branch.
It is up to the participants to setup these infrastructures with SWIFT or with
any other provider of SIPN access software.
Tests The applications developed for the A2A approach must be tested in accord-
ance with the specified extent prior to being used.
Aim It is used to manage the standing order for the transfer of funds from HAM
to RTGS account in PM of the same participant at the start of day.
Aim It is used to transfer funds from the HAM account to the RTGS account of
the same participant.
• Date
It is used to know the current status of the system, the events planned dur-
ing the HAM operational day and when they will take place.
According to the requestor nationality, in addition to the common PM daily
events, information about the specific cut-off envisaged by its own CB it will
be provided.
Aim It is used to request information about the value of the minimum reserve, the
end of day balance, the running average and the adjustment balance.
Aim It is used to transfer funds from a PM/HAM account to the SF account of the
same participant (setting up of overnight deposit) or from the SF account to
the PM/HAM account of the same participant (reverse transaction of over-
night deposit).
Aim It is used to request information on the balance of the overnight deposit ac-
count and of the marginal lending account.
– Transaction type
– Transaction Identifier
– Amount
– Status
– Date
Precondition • The user is logged in and is allowed, thanks to his pre-defined role, to
use this transaction.
• The requestor must know precisely the responsible Central Bank and
BIC-11 identifying either the related participant, owner of the HAM ac-
count, or the Co-Manager, a direct participant able to manage the HAM
• Data used by requestor to get information on HAM account may be:
– Account status (eg active, future, archived/rejected, ...)
Postcondition The information on the requested HAM account or co-managed HAM ac-
success counts is delivered to the application.
Precondition • The user is logged in and is allowed, thanks to his pre-defined role, to
use this transaction.
• The requestor must know precisely the BIC-11 identifying the related par-
ticipant, owner of the SF Account and the responsible Central Bank.
• Data used by requestor to get information on SF account may be:
– Account status (eg active, future, archived/rejected, ...)
Postcondition The information on the requested SF accounts is delivered to the applica-
success tion.
Usage Internet-access banks will not receive statement files by TARGET2 in push
mode. The Internet-based participant will get the account statement contain-
ing the booking information of the HAM account of the previous business
day in a file, which can be downloaded via the ICM Internet interface at start
of day. The SWIFT string of the textblock (Block 4) of incoming payments
from SWIFT-based participants as well as a generated SWIFT string of the
textblock (Block 4) for incoming payments from other Internet-based partici-
pants will be saved in the file (field 86 in the repetitive statement line) and
provided to the participants for download and archiving (see structure de-
scription for details). The file will be formatted on the basis of the structure
of an MT 940 with usage of full SWIFT character set. The file will be provid-
ed in ASCII format.
The file is divided into repetitive sequences (because statement file genera-
tion is based on SWIFT MT 940 generation). All repetitive sequences of one
account are stored in one file.
The download of the statement files will be available for the last 10 business
days. After this period the statements will be deleted. It is in the responsibil-
ity of the Internet-based participant to download and store the files before
Structure The following table describes the structure of the account statement file:
Sub- For- PM
field mat
3 2a Sign:
• C - Credit
• D - Debit
• RC - Reverse Credit
• RD - Reverse Debit
5 15d Amount
Details The details are gathered from the following fields of the SWIFT message
15 Test procedure
General remark The optional modules will be tested according to the same testing proce-
dures as mandatory modules.
4CB network The 4CB network is the common internal technical network of the TARGET2
and T2S providers Banca d'Italia, Banque de France, Deutsche Bundes-
bank and Banco de Espana.
A2A Application-to-application
In this approach, communication is directly between applications customer's
back office and the ICM of the SSP. Information and messages can be
transferred to in-house applications and used further. Control activities are
also automated.
Adjustment End of day balance of the current day which is necessary to fulfil minimum
Balance reserve under the condition that all following end of day balances are exact-
ly the minimum reserve.
Ancillary System The Ancillary System Interface (ASI) is a standardised interface to the Pay-
Interface ments Module (PM) which can be used by ancillary systems (ASs) to per-
form the cash clearing of their business.
Ancillary system By means of the ASI the AS manager initiates the settlement procedures of
manager an AS.
Authentication The methods used to verify the origin of a message or to verify the identity
of a participant connected to a system and to confirm that a message has
not been modified or replaced in transit.
Available liquidity Credit balance on the account plus collateralised credit line for overdraft (if
Backup payments Owing to a breakdown a direct PM participant's system may be unavailable
for the rest of the business day. In order to avoid liquidity concentration on
his account or rather to enable him to fulfil his payment obligations against
CLS, EURO1 or STEP2, the respective PM participant has the possibility to
make backup payments. Backup payments are initiated via ICM. Two kinds
of backup payments are available:
• Backup liquidity redistribution payments are used to realocate the liquidi-
ty that has accumulated on the defaulting participant's account. As soon
as the defaulting PM participant is once again able to do so, the original
single payments belonging to the backup liquidity redistribution payments
previously made are submitted to the PM and the recipients of such
backup liquidity redistribution payments have to return the backup liquidi-
ty redistribution payments.
• Backup contingency payments are used to fulfil obligations arising from
settlement or pre-fund payments on time. The backup contingency pay-
ment replaces the original payment.
BIC-8 The first 8 characters of the BIC, when used for addressing purposes, are
called destination.
BIC-11 In addition to the first 8 characters of the BIC, an optional branch code of 3
characters is used to identify any branch or reference of an institution.
BIC directory Directory published by SWIFT. It contains the business identifier codes
(BIC) of the credit institutions.
Bilateral Key A SWIFT service for the exchange of bilateral keys between correspondents
Exchange over the SWIFT network, using enciphered data carried with dedicated
Blocked amount In PHA certain amounts may be blocked for future debits, eg in the context
of bulk payments.
A blocked amount also refers to funds on a sub-account notified to an AS
for settlement of the respective AS.
Business case Any kind of order of a participant (eg liquidity transfer, payment etc.) and all
the associated messages (eg MT 096, MT 097, ACK from SWIFT, ...).
Business Payment system's arrangements which aim to ensure that it meets agreed
continuity service levels even if one or more components of the system fail or if it is af-
fected by an abnormal external event. Include both preventative measures
and arrangements to deal with contingencies.
Business day The business day in PAPSS starts at 18.45 (d-1) with the Start-of-day pro-
cessing and ends at 18.45 (d) with the completion of the end-of-day pro-
camt-Cash Standard for XML messages to be used by participants to manage their
management TARGET2 business.
Cash clearing A method for clearing futures contracts in which positions are periodically
marked to market and resulting obligations are satisfied by cash payments,
known as variation margin.
CB Central bank
Central securities An entity, which holds and administrates securities and enables securities
depository transactions to be processed by book entry. Securities can be held in a
physical but immobilised or dematerialised form (ie so that they exist only as
electronic records). In addition to safekeeping and administration of securi-
ties, a central securities depository may incorporate clearing and settlement
and assets servicing functions.
Clearing The process of calculating the mutual obligations of market participants for
the exchange of securities and money. It may include the process of trans-
mitting, reconciling and, in some cases, confirming payment or securities
Clearing house An entity hosting a clearing system, which consists of a set of rules and pro-
cedures whereby financial institutions present and exchange data and/or
documents relating to funds or securities transfers to other financial institu-
tions at a single location. The procedures often also include a mechanism
for the calculation of participants' mutual positions, possibly on a net basis,
with a view to facilitating the settlement of their obligations in the settlement
Closed User A subset of customers grouped for the purpose of their use of the relevant
Group SWIFT services and products when accessing the Payments Module.
Collateral An asset or a third party commitment that is accepted by the collateral taker
to secure an obligation to the collateral provider vis-à-vis the collateral taker.
Collateral arrangements may take different legal forms; collateral may be
obtained using the method of title transfer or pledge.
Collateral A system managed by the central bank or by a third party (on behalf of the
manager central bank) that interacts with the SSP in order to manage the intraday
credit line in PM and the access to the marginal lending function in the
Standing Facilities (Module).
Collateral pool Assets owned by members of a transfer system that are collectively availa-
ble to the systems collateral to enable it to obtain funds in circumstances
specified in its rules.
Co-Management The aim is to allow small banks to manage directly their reserve require-
function ments, but delegate cash flow management to another bank. Such a bank
has to be a direct participant in the SSP and is the so-called co-manager.
Contingency Common mandatory tool for the CBs for the management of the emergency
Module situations in order to process critical and very critical payments.
Country Code Two letter code to identify the country where the respective entity is located;
eg a country code is used in the SWIFT BIC (digits 5 and 6) of the 8-digit or
11-digit BIC.
CRAKS1 SSP block of services dedicated to CBs and to be used on an optional basis
by them, which provides services of queries and reports on historical data.
CRAKS3 SSP service dedicated to CBs and to be used on an optional basis by them,
which provides support to the CBs in their business relationship with their
customers. It consists of the customer support and of the Events & Com-
ments services.
Credit institution The definition given to a “bank“ in the European Union. The First EC Bank-
ing Directive defines it as an undertaking whose business is to receive de-
posits or other repayable funds from the public and to grant credits for its
own account.
Credit line Maximum collateralised overdraft position of the balance on an RTGS ac-
count in PM or on the PHA.
The respective participants can get information about changes regarding
their credit lines via the ICM. Changes of credit lines will be executed imme-
diately. In case of a reduction of a credit line this change has a “pending“
status if the reduction would lead to an uncovered overdraft position. The
change will be executed when the overdraft position is covered by the re-
duced credit line.
Credit transfer A transfer of funds made on the basis of a payment order or sometimes a
sequence of payment orders made for the purpose of placing funds at the
disposal of the payee. The payment order may be processed via several in-
termediaries and/or via one or more funds transfer system.
Cross AS Procedure enabling an Ancillary System (normally CSDs) using ASI proce-
settlement dure 6 to move dedicated liquidity of a settlement bank to another.
Ancillary System using ASI using procedure 6. The settlement takes place
on the technical account – procedure 6 real-time for real-time AS and on the
sub-accounts for interfaced AS.
Cross-PM Payments between one participant of a CB on the SSP and another partici-
payments pant of an external CB which migrates later on (use of the interlinking).
Customer Entity which is not a participant (direct or indirect) and which uses the ser-
vice of a participant to exchange transactions in the system. The CBs as
participants can also have customers.
Daylight See Day Trade Phase
Day trade phase Period of time in PAPSS between 7.00 and 18.00.
Dedicated Account in the PM on which dedicated liquidity for ancillary system settle-
account ment is held. This can be either a sub-account (interfaced model) or a tech-
nical account – procedure 6 real-time (real-time model).
Delivery versus A link between securities transfers and funds transfers system that ensures
payment that delivery occurs if, and only if, payment occurs.
Deposit facility A standing facility of the Eurosystem which counterparties may use to make
overnight deposits at a national central bank, which are remunerated at a
pre-specified interest rate.
Depository An agent with the primary role of recording securities either physically or
electronically and may keep records of the ownership of these securities.
Direct debit An authorised debit on the payer's bank account initiated by the payee.
Direct participant A participant in a system that directly carries out transactions with other par-
ticipants in the system. He can perform all activities allowed in the system
without intermediary. In some systems direct participants also carry out
transactions on behalf of indirect participants.
DN Distinguished name
DN Suffix The first part of a complete DN which is used to assign a BIC-8 or BIC-11 to
a requesting DN. Therefore, in general the DN suffix consists of the first two
levels of the DN tree in case of BIC-8 (ie o=swift o=BIC8) or up to the level
of the branch identifier in case of BIC-11 (eg o=swift o=BIC8 ou=branch
identifier or o=swift o=BIC8 ou=orgunit ou=branch identifier).
ECB mirror Account held by the ECB for each CB in the PM on which the bookings
account done on the NCBs‘ ECB accounts will be “mirrored“.
Encryption The use of cryptographic algorithms to encode clear text data (plaintext) into
ciphertext to prevent unauthorised observation.
EU European Union
Favourites Counterpart BICs which are dealt with very frequently. Users of a direct SSP
participant are able to define them as “favourites“. Those favourites are valid
for all users of the respective participant. In case a participant BIC has been
selected via the Profile Selection of ICM, the favourites of the selected par-
ticipant BIC are displayed.
FIFO First In, First Out: processing sequence in which the payment orders are
treated in the same sequence as they arrived (ie: the first payment arrived is
treated first, the latest one is treated at the end). The relevant timestamp of
each payment is arrival in the SWIFT Interface of SSP
FIFO by-passing The system tries to process the first transfer in the queue, but if that cannot
be executed owing to lack of funds it then tries to settle the next transfer in-
stead; also called Bypass FiFo.
Final settlement The discharge of an obligation by a transfer of funds and a transfer of secu-
rities that have become irrevocable, irreversible, or not annullable.
GARI MT Component of the SWIFT Interface. Communication software for the ex-
change of SWIFT FIN messages.
GARI NT Component of the SWIFT Interface. Communication software for the ex-
change of XML messages.
General Ledger The General Ledger sometimes known as nominal ledger, is the main ac-
counting record of a business which uses double-entry bookkeeping.
Gridlock A situation that can arise in a funds or securities transfer system in which
the failure of some transfer orders to be executed (because the necessary
funds or securities are unavailable) prevents a substantial number of other
orders from other participants from being executed.
Gross settlement A transfer system in which the settlement of funds or securities transfer or-
system ders occurs individually (on an order by order basis).
Guarantee fund Mechanism to provide the complementary liquidity needed according to pre-
mechanism defined rules in case an AS cannot settle using the settlement banks liquidi-
ty only.
Guarantee funds Account held on the SSP for maintaining or collecting funds allocated to the
account settlement of balances of an ancillary system in case of failure of settlement
Home Accounting The Home Accounting Module (HAM) is an optional module. In the case, a
Module central bank opts for the use of this module different standardised account
services are offered for the central bank and its customers.
Host CB CB, via which a direct participant uses the possibility of remote access.
Identity and Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the evolution of the current ESCB
Access Manage- Directory Services and provisioning tool (namely EUMIDES). IAM is created
ment as a comprehensive platform for managing secure access and associated
rights to Eurosystem and ESCB applications. TARGET2 uses the security
services for user authentication and authorisation as well as the certificate
management provided by IAM to access the Contingency Network and the
CRSS reporting services via CoreNet.
Indirect Indirect participants are distinguished from direct participant by their inability
participant to perform some of the system activities performed by direct participants, in
particular they do not hold RTGS accounts. Indirect participants require the
services of direct participants to perform those activities on their behalf (set-
tling the payments input to the transfer system).
Information and Mandatory and unique functional interface between the direct participants
Control Module and the Payments Module (PM) and the other optional modules like
• Home Accounting Module (HAM)
• Reserve Management (Module) (RM)
• Standing Facilities (Module) (SF)
• Static Date (Management) Module (SD)
Internet-based An entity which is connected to the SSP via Internet. ICM offers via U2A
participant customised functions with regard to the needs of the Internet-based partici-
Intraday credit Credit extended and reimbursed within a period of less than one business
day; in a credit transfer system with end-of-day final settlement, intraday
credit is tacitly extended by a receiving institution if it accepts and acts on a
payment order even though it will not receive final funds until the end of the
business day. It can take the form of:
• a collateralised overdraft or
• a lending operation against a pledge or in a repurchase agreement
Intraday liquidity Funds which can be accessed during the business day, usually to enable fi-
nancial institutions to make payments on an intraday basis.
Legal entity Credit institution directly participating in the SSP through (also AS when par-
ticipating as a direct participant) one or more participants/accounts in the
PM and/or HAM is called a legal entity. This allows to group general infor-
mation about this credit institution in the Static Data (Management) Module.
Limit Amount for normal payments a direct PM participant is willing to pay to an-
other participant (bilateral limit) or to the other participants (multilateral - limit
towards whom no bilateral limit is defined), without having received pay-
ments (that are credits) first. For a direct participant it is possible to establish
standing orders or current bilateral (respectively multilateral) limits.
A normal payment can only be settled if it does not breach the respective
limit. Setting limits is only possible vis-à-vis RTGS account holders (in case
of a group of accounts: only possible vis-à-vis the virtual account) in the
SSP. It is not possible to use limits vis-à-vis participating CBs. Incoming ur-
gent payments from a participant towards whom a bilateral/multilateral limit
is defined also affect the bilateral/multilateral position.
Liquidity pooling A facility, based on the idea of allowing TARGET2 participants to pool their
functionality RTGS accounts in an account group. Such an account group consists of
one or more account(s) held by a direct PM participant(s) which has a capi-
tal and/or management link.
The following three options are offered:
• virtual accounts (only for euro area participants) and
Liquidity transfer Transfer of funds between accounts of the same participant or between two
accounts of a group of accounts.
There are two kinds of liquidity transfers available:
• current:
transfers executed immediately after entry if sufficient liquidity is available
• standing order
transfers of fixed amounts executed regularly at certain points of time, eg
liquidity injections from HAM accounts to RTGS accounts at the start of
the business day. Changes of standing orders become effective on the
following business day.
It is also a generic settlement procedure (procedure 1), where liquidity is
transferred from/to a technical account – procedure 6 real-time to/from a
settlement bank’s RTGS account.
Note: Although still present in TARGET2, procedure 1 should not be used
anymore since it is limited to daylight processing only. For details please re-
fer to the Guideline on TARGET2 and its amendments
MAC Message Authentication Code
Mandated Payment initiated by an entity that is not party to the transaction (typically by
payment a CB or an AS in connection with ancillary system settlement) on behalf of
another entity. A CB sends a credit transfer (with specific message struc-
ture) on behalf of the failed direct participant (only in case of contingency
Marginal lending A standing facility of the Eurosystem which counterparties may use to re-
facility ceive overnight credit from a CB at a pre-specified interest rate against eli-
gible assets.
In general possible options:
• Marginal lending on request
Use on request of the participant in general needed for the fulfilment of
reserve requirement.
• Automatic marginal lending
Automatic transformation of intraday credit in overnight credit at the end
of the day.
NCB‘s ECB Account which is necessary to record the CB‘s asset/liability position vis-à-
account vis the ECB in respect of cross-border transactions.
Netting by An agreement where obligations from individual transfer orders are netted
novation and replaced by new obligations. The parties to the new obligations may be
the same as those to the existing obligations, or, in the context of some
clearing house arrangements, there may be additionally substitution of par-
Non-SWIFT-BIC The business identifier code of a financial institution not connected to the
SWIFT network. Non-SWIFT-BICs are identified by a 1 as the eighth char-
Offsetting Offsetting in TARGET2 aims to increase the capacity of the system to settle
payments, thereby reducing queues, speeding up the settlement process
and reducing the need of intraday liquidity. A bilateral or multilateral offset-
ting mechanism considers payments in the queues of participants and tries
to settle them simultaneously on a gross basis within one legal and logical
PAPSS Payment and Accounting Processing Services Systems
One of the two technical configurations of the SSP (the other one is the
CRSS). The following modules of the SSP are implemented on the PAPSS:
• Contingency Module (CM)
• Home Accounting Module (HAM)
• Information and Control Module (ICM)
• Payments Module (PM, including the interface for ancillary systems)
• Reserve Management (Module) (RM)
• Standing Facilities (Module) (SF)
• Static Data (Management) Module (SD)
Parts of the following services are also implemented on the PAPSS:
Payment In the SSP two general kinds of payments are possible for direct partici-
• customer payments (MT 103, MT 103+)
• bank-to-bank payments (MT 202, MT 202 COV, MT 204)
Payment An order or message to transfer funds (in the form of a monetary claim on a
message/ party) to the order of the beneficiary. In TARGET2 the order may relate ei-
instruction ther to a credit transfer or a direct debit.
Payments Module Mandatory module which allows the settlement of payments in the RTGS
account, held by all direct participants. In addition, it offers advanced ser-
vices for liquidity management, for the communication with participants and
ancillary systems.
Queuing An arrangement whereby transfer orders are held pending by the sending
participant or by the system until it can be processed according the rules of
the system.
RAD Restart after disaster
Real-time gross The continuous (real-time) settlement of funds or securities transfers indi-
settlement vidually on an order by order basis (without netting).
Real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system
A settlement system in which processing and settlement take place in
realtime on a gross basis. An RTGS system may provide centralised
queues for orders which cannot be settled at the time of the submission due
to insufficient funds or quantitative limits on the funds.
Remote A direct participant in the SSP which does not have any representation in
participant the SSP country via he takes part in the SSP.
Reservation With the usage of the reservation facility liquidity can be reserved by RTGS
account holders for the execution of special transactions with a certain prior-
ity class. HAM account holders can use the reservation facility to reserve li-
quidity for the execution of cash withdrawals. Reservations can be effected
and adjusted using the ICM.
Reserve holdings Liquidity intraday and overnight maintained on the RTGS account at the
Reserve Module enabling CBs to perform some functionalities for the reserve re-
Management quirements management, eg verify the minimum reserves fulfilment or cal-
(Module) culate the interest to be paid to credit institutions for minimum reserves.
Reserve The obligation of euro area credit institutions to hold minimum reserves on
requirement reserve accounts with their home NCBs. The reserve requirement is deter-
mined in relation to certain elements of the credit institutions' balance sheet.
Institutions' holding of required reserves are remunerated at the rate of the
Eurosystem's main refinancing operations.
RM Interest and Account held by a CB for performing bookings related to the payment of in-
Penalty Account terest on minimum reserves and to the payment of penalties of a CI which
has not fulfilled minimum reserve requirements (optional).
RTGS account Account managed within the PM and maintained by a direct participant to
settle all transactions submitted to and processed by the PM (except for
transactions of the AS settlement procedure 6 which are settled on sub-
Securities The full set of institutional arrangements for confirmation, clearing, settle-
settlement ment, custody and registration of securities.
Settlement bank Direct participant which pertains to one or more AS and manages the AS
settlement process (eg the determination of settlement positions, monitoring
of the exchange of payments, etc.) not only for own purposes but also for
other AS participants on its RTGS account (main/sub-accounts).
SF Interest Account held by a CB for performing bookings related to the payment of in-
Account terest on Standing Facilities (optional).
Single Euro Term to describe a statues where the euro area has achieved the same de-
Payments Area gree of integration of payment systems, payment instruments and payment
infrastructure as that which is usually in a single-country currency area.
Single Shared TARGET2 is based on a single technical platform, known as the Single
Platform Shared Platform which includes the PAPSS (Payment and Accounting Pro-
cessing Services Systems) and the CRSS (Customer Related Services Sys-
Standing The Standing Facilities (Module) is an optional module and enables to man-
Facilities age the overnight standing facilities (deposit facility, marginal lending facili-
(Module) ty).
Standing facility A central bank facility available to counterparties on their own initiative. The
Eurosystem offers two overnight standing facilities:
• the marginal lending facility and
• the deposit facility.
Standing order Instruction of a direct participant to transfer regularly a fixed amount from his
home account to an RTGS account (PM) and also from the RTGS (main)
account to the sub-accounts (interfaced model) or to a technical account –
procedure 6 real-time (real-time model) or to a T2S Dedicated Cash Ac-
Static Data This module ensures a proper and reliable management of static data by
(Management) storing all statistic data actually used. It caters for data consistency between
Module all modules of the SSP. Inter alia the Static Data (Management) Module is
used to generate the TARGET2 directory.
SWIFT-based An entity which is connected to the SSP via SWIFT's Secure IP Network.
SWIFTNet Browse SWIFT service based on the “https“ internet standard protocol, enabling us-
ers to browse remote web servers. In SSP the use of the Browse service
provides access to the Information and Control Module (ICM) via the Secure
IP Network (SIPN) of SWIFT.
SWIFTNet FileAct File transfer service provided by SWIFT, typically used to exchange batches
of structured financial messages and large reports. In the SSP, eg the
TARGET2 directory is transferred via the Secure IP Network (SIPN) by
SWIFT using the FileAct service.
SWIFT payment An instruction to transfer funds; the exchange of funds (settlement) subse-
message quently takes place over a payment system or through correspondent bank-
ing relationships; used for all payments and the related transactions on the
T2S See TARGET2-Securities
T2S Actor in The T2S Actor in TARGET2 is special type of participation in A2A mode
TARGET2 which gives CSDs and other credit institutions (eg regional institutions of
credit cooperatives or Landesbank for saving banks) which are authorised
by the direct participant to offer the service to submit current order liquidity
transfers to T2S using XML messages on behalf of TARGET2 direct partici-
pants. The T2S Actors in TARGET2 are registered by linking their DN with
the BIC of a direct participant in Static Data.
T2S Dedicated The euro denominated Dedicated Cash Accounts in T2S are used for the
Cash Account settlement of the cash leg of security transactions in central bank money
(euro). They are opened by a CB for itself and for the T2S participants un-
der its responsibility and are linked to the respective RTGS accounts of the
direct participants in TARGET2. A direct PM participant can send current
and standing order liquidity transfers to any euro denominated Dedicated
Cash Account in T2S, except DCAs belonging to an excluded participant. At
the end of the business day all T2S DCAs must have a balance of zero. The
available liquidity on the T2S DCA is automatically transferred to the linked
RTGS account in TARGET2.
T2S transit The T2S transit account is an offset account in PM used for the routing of all
account current and standing order liquidity transfers to T2S and vice versa. The
T2S transit account is under the responsibility of the ECB.
T2SI The T2S interface is a dedicated interface build in PM for the processing of
pushed and pulled liquidity transfers to T2S using XML messages in the
standard required by T2S.
TARGET2- The single technical platform of the Eurosystem providing core borderless
Securities and neutral securities settlement services in central bank money to central
securities depositories and NCBs in Europe.
TARGET working The TARGET working day (d) equals the calendar day with the exception of
day the days when the TARGET system is not operated.
TARGET2 Directory used by participants to find out where a payment has to be ad-
directory dressed by SWIFTNet Y-Copy mode. On a domestic level, it could be used
to find the relation between the national sorting codes and the related BICs.
TARGET2 Fees Account held by a CB for the collection of TARGET2 fees of direct partici-
Account pants (optional).
Technical In fact specific RTGS accounts opened to CBs for the specific use of ACHs,
account – with the real-time model funds held on the technical accounts – procedure 6
procedure 6 real-time are mirrored in the books of ACHs. It is debited or credited in case
real-time of liquidity transfer between a participant‘s RTGS account in PM and its ac-
count in an ACH.
U2A User-to-application
The objective is to permit direct communication between a participant‘s us-
ers and the ICM. The information is displayed in a browser running on a PC
system. Control activities are performed manually by the user.
Virtual account Method for aggregating data among accounts within a group of accounts
that are held on the books of euro area CBs. Payments made by holders of
an account within a virtual account are checked against the global liquidity
of the virtual account, which is the sum of the available liquidity of all ac-
counts composing it.
V-shape Type of transmission of SWIFT messages on the SSP which is mostly used
in the context of payments processed via HAM.
Wildcards In Select Criteria screens and Select screens of the ICM it is possible to
search with the following wildcards:
• “*“ = one or more characters are missing
• “?“ = one character is missing