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Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy

Subordinate Oers - Part I Made Easy
1. Which of the following provisions empowers a Drawing and Disbursing officer
to deduct income tax from employee's pay bill: (Q.ld. 5012241)
. Art.84 Financial Code 2. Art.85 Financial Code
Ans: 3. Art86 Financial Cod.
4. Art.87 Financial Code.
2. Recovery effected from the salary of an employee should not ordinarily be more
than of, his pay. Which of the following provisions provides this security
(Q. Id. 5012242)
1 Art.56 of Financial Code.
2. ArtS 7 of Financial Code.
ns: 3. Art.58 Financial Code.
4. Art.60 of Financial Code
3. "unless in any case it be otherwise distinctly provided, the whole time of
Government Servant is at the disposal of the
Government '. Which of
the following proviso mandates this: (Qid. 5012242)
I Rule-3 of APCS (Conduct)
Rules, 1964
2. Rule.9 of AT
Fundamental Rules
4. It is a permanent post, but an individual Government cannot hold for more than a
limited period. Such a post is; (Qid. 5012244)
1. Tenoiry post
2. Substantive post
Ans; 3. Tenure post
4. Officiating Post.
(Rule 9(30), Fundamental Rules)
5. Payment made to a Medical Officer for loss of a private
practice is a (Q.Id. 5012245)
1. Special pay
3. Personal Pay
4. Miscellaneous allowance. (Rule 9(5), Fundamental Rules) 6. A Government Servant
cannot claim Daily allowance in the following situations: (Q. id. 5012246)
1. He performed a journey
2. on a public transport. He performed a journey on an official conveyance.
ns: 3. His absence from
headquarters is less than six hours.
4. He availed leave while on official tour.
(Rules 37(2) (ii) (C). A. P. TA Rules)
7. Lodging charges per a day admissible to a Government servant of Grade.!/ on an
official tour to New Delhi is: (Q.ld. 5012247)
Ans: L. Rs..785 2. Rs. 525
3. Rs. 1300 4.Rs, 875
G.O.Ms.No.150, Finance (HR.V1-TFR-A&L-TA) Dept., Dt.; 11-12-2015.
8. Which of the following is not correct with reference to on official tour of a
Government Servant to New Delhi: (Qid. 5012248)
1. He is eligible to claim reimbursement of lodging charges.
Ile is eligible to claim auto fare from arrival point to place of stay.
3. He is eligible to claim conveyance charges for going to place of official work
from place of stay.
:flS 4. Ile is eligible to claim conveyance alLoance, but there shall he
proportionate reduction in Daily allowance,
9. Which of the following Municipal
Corporations is not listed as eligible for City Compensatory Allowance in RPS.2015:
(Q.ld. 5012249)
1. Rajahniundry
2. Kakinada.
3. Vijayawada
Us: 4. Machilipatnam
10. Doily allowance admissible to an officer drawing a pay of 47330 in a pay scale
of 16400-49,870/or tours within the state Is (Q. Id. 50 122410)
1. Rs. 600 2.Rs. 450
Ans: 3. Ks. 300 4, Rs. 225
G.OMs.Nô,150. Finance (}-IR.VI-TFR-A&L-TA) Dept., Ot.: 11-12.2015
11. The ratio fixed between the Central Government and the State Government scales
to arrive at the D.A rate of State Government in G.O.Ms.No. 47, Finance (HR-V-PC)
Department Vt. 30.04.2015: (Q. Id. 50122411)
1. 1:3.921 Ans: 2. 1:0.524
3. 1: 8.908 4, 1: 3.668
12. Subsistence allowance payable to government servant shall be reviewed after -
months from the date of suspension: (Q,ld. 50122412)
'1.. One
2. Two
Us: 3. Three
4. Six
13. Minimum service that a Government is required to put in to avail study leave
is; (0,.! d. 50122413)
1. lyear
2. 3 years
Ans: 3. 5 years
4. 2 years.
Ans: 3. RuIe,11 of A.P. Fundamental Rule
4. Ru!e.9 of A.P.C.S (CC&A)
Rules, 1991
G.0.Ms.No.4, pin. (HRM.V-PC) Dept. Ot. : 304-2015
SU-•1-25 -1 MAY 2017-APPSC(CBT)_
17. Medical allowance payable to the Pensioners was enhanced from 200 to 300 with
effect from: (Q.ld. 50122417)
1. July, 2013
Ans: 2. Dec 2015
3. Feb, 2016
4. June, 2014
18. Minimum pension as per Revised Pay Scales, 2015 is (Q. Id. 50122418)
1. Rs.3350/- Per month.
2. Rs.5750/ per month.
Ans: 3. Rs.6500!- per month.
4. Rs.7250/- per month.
G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.Vl-Pension)
Department, Dated: 08-05-201.
19. Which of the following Head of account denotes savings fund
under GIS: (Q.ld. 50122419)
1. 8011-106-01-001
Ans: 2. 8011-106-01-092
3. 8011-107-01-001
4. 8011-107-01-002
20. What is the maximum entitlement of HRA in areas other than Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation as per RPS-2015: (Q./d. 50122420)
1. Rs.12000/-
Ans: 2. Rs.15000/
3. Rs.18000/-
4. Rs,20000/-
G.O.Ms.No.48, Finance (HR-V-PC)
Department, Dated: 30-04-2015
21. Minimum amount payable as obsequese charges on death of a pensioner is (Q-1d.
GO.Ms.No.39, Finance (HR-S-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 08-03-2016.
22. Which of the following statements is not correct with reference to Honourarium:
(Q.kJ. 50122422)
ns: I. 1-lonourarium is admis Able for temporary increases in work even though it
form part of the legitimate duties of a Government servant.
2. It is not admissible to temporary employees with less than three years of
continuous service.
3. It should not be
granted when over time allowance is paid in connection with the same work.
4. It should not be granted in case a Government servant perform s duties ot
another sanctioned in addition to his own post
23. Which of the following claim is not admissible as per Travelling
allowance rules: (Qid.
I AGovernrnentServantwho made a journey, in public interest, while on leave has
claimed Travelling
Made Easy 5
Allowance for the journey as a journey on tour.
2. A Government Servant, who is summoned to attend a departmental enquiry into his
conduct, while he is On leave has claimed
travelling allowance.
Ans: 3. A Government Servant whose services are erminated, has claimed
ravelling allowanc
o his place residence,
4. A Government Servant, whose leave is curtailed by a recall, has claimed
travelling allowance.
24. Which among the following Head of account is prescribed for drawing leave
benefit granted at the time
retirement in respect of
pro vincialized Municipal
employees? (Q. Id. 50122424)
1. M.1! 2071-115-(14)-001
2. M.H 2071-115-(14)-002
ns: 3. M.11 2071-115-(14)-003
4. M.H 2071-115-(14)-
25. Who among the following are
eligible to avail Leave Travel
Concession: (Q.ld. 50122425)
1. Industrial employees.
2. Contingent employees.
3. Part-time employees. Ans; 4. 1'mployees on contract of five years or more.
14, Special Adhoc Promotion
Post Scale is awarded to a Government servant when; (Q.ld. 50122414)
1. A temporary vacancy arises in promotion post.
2. He is stagnated in present for six long years.
ns: 3. He is stagnated in present post for a prescribed period and there is no
promotion post under relevant service rules.
4. He is stagnated in present post, but his junior was promoted
15. Which of the following rule deals with 'Transfer of lien? (Q.ld. 50122415)
1. ER.12-A
2. F.R.13 :3. F,R.14[a]
ns; 4. F.R.14-13
16. A Government department assigneda work undertaken fro a Non-Government
organization, to a Government servant in its rolls and paid him certain amount for
that Such a payment is called: (Q.ld. 50122416)
1. Wage 2, Fee
Ans: 3. Honorarium
4. Ad-hoc payment
(Rule (9), Fundamental Rules)
4 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy Subordinate Officers - Part I -
1. Rs.10000/-
2. Rs. -12000/-
3. Rs. 13000/-
ns: 4. Rs. 15000/
50-1-260 -
N01-2ô1 -H MAY 2017-APPSC(CBT)
26. if expenditure head of account of Medical and Public Health is 2210, its loan
1-lead of account: (Q-1d. 50122426)
1. 001 0 2. 0110
3. 4210 ns:4. 621
27. Sub-head (75) denotes: (Q.Id. 50122427)
1. Training
Ans: 2., Lump-sum provision
3. Suspense
4. Adhoc-payment
28. Which article of the Constitution of Indio lays down that accounts of the Union
and the States Should be kept in the form as advised by the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India: (Q.ld. 50122428)
I. Art-142 ns:2. ArtiSO
3 Art.152 4. A rt. 167
29. Expenditure on construction of Buildings, irrigation Projects is accounted for
under (Q.ld. 50122429)
1. Revenue A.couiit ns: 2. Capital Accoun . Loan Account
4. Public account.
30. A Government servant on completion of 16 years in a Time scale has been
appointed to SPP-! Scale on 1.7.2007. When he is eligible to be appointed to SPP.I
(b) (Q-Id. 50122430)
1. 1.7.2009 ns:2, 12.2010
3. 1.7.2015 4. 1.2.2016
31. A Government servant who is drawing a pay of Rs.40270/- as
6 Subordinate Officers - Part I Made Easy
Subordinate Officers - Part I
34. Medical examination is required to commute pension in which of the following
contingencies: ( 50122434)
n: 1. When the request is made after one year frorn.dat
01 superannuation.
2. When the pension is not sanctioned pending
disciplinary action.
3. Pensioner became eligible to further commute a part of his pension due revision
of his pay/pension.
4. All the above.
(Rule S (a) (1) under Appendix IV, AP Revised Pension Rules)
35. A person who is working as Jamedar from 1.7.2007 and subsequently promoted as
record Assistant on 25.7.2010 has applied for Special Grade appointment in the post
of Record Assistant. He is eligible to be appointed to Special Grade Scale as on:
(Q. Id. 50122435)
;is: 1. 1.7.2013
2. 25.7.2016
3. 1.7.2015
4. He is not yet eligible to get the benefit.
36. A Government servant on superannuation is entitled to commute a maximum 40% his
pension subject to drawal of a minimum pension. When his eligible pension under
RPS-2015 is Rs.8750/- . The maximum pension he can commute is (Q.ld. 50122436)
on 1. 7.2016 has been promoted to the next higher cadre in the time space of
R5.42490-95110 as on 25.9.2016. What is his pay as on 1.7.201 7. (Q. Id. 50122431)
ns:l. Rs. 4368
Rs. 42490
3. Rs. 44870
4. None of these.
32. When from the family pension is to be payable in case where the where abouts of
a Pensioner are not known. (Q.ld. 50122432)
1. Next month of the month Upto which pension was paid
2. From the date of
reCeiVUlg request from the Fain ily pensioner.
3. 11-111 the date of filing of
Revised Pension Rules)
33. A Government servant
appointed on compassionate grounds and drawing family pension is eligible for DA
(Q.ld. 50122433)
1. On both salary and
Lamil pension
2. On Lamily pension only
ns 3. On Salary only.
4. On either of these
whichever is higher
Rule 11 (b) under Appendix VIII, Al' Revised Pension Rules read with G.O.Ms.No.125
F&P (FW.Pen.I) Dept., cit. 1-9-2000
Made Easy 7
1. Rs. 2750
3 Rs. 3500
Ans: 2. Rs. 2000
4. Rs, 3000
37. A temporary Governmentservant is entitled to avail the following leave(S).
(Q.ld. 50122437)
Ans: 1. Farned leave, 2. Half pay leave
3. I3oth 4.None.
38. A Government servant, who is having a balance of3O days Earned leave at his
credit, has availed E.01 for 24 days from 2.8.2015 to 25.8.2015. What should be his
Earned leave balance as on 1.1.2016. (0.1d. 50122438)
1. 45 clays .1.44 days
3. 30 days ns:4. 43 days.
39. Which of the following
provisions of Fundamental rules deals with the matter of willful/ unauthorized
absence; (Q.ld. 50122439)
1. F.R,11.
Ins: 2. FR. 18
3. 1-R.'14 4. F.R.17
40. Which of the following is not Correct with reference to Leave not due. (Q.ld.
1. It shall be debited against
future earnings of 11 PL
2 It shall be based on the
left over service of the Government servant.
31 it shall he sanctioned only on satisfying that the Government servant resumes
duty after leave
Ans: 4. No recovery of leave salary need be affected even if (lie Government
servant fails to resume duty.
us; 4. One year from the date of filing FIR.
(Rule 14 -B-(v) under Appendix I, AP
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8 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
41. Which of the following is not correct with reference to Half pay leave. (Q.ld.
1. A credit of2O days shall he given for every completed one year service.
Us: 2. Temporary Government Servants are also eligibi to get credit.
3. E.O.L availed by a Government servant does not attect the credit oil I P L.
4. Dies-non and Suspension treated as not duty affects credit of HPL.
42. A Government Servant whose date of increment ison25.4.2016 has availed E.01 for
38 days from 1.52016 to 7.6.2016. His next increment falls on: (Q.ld. 50122442)
1. 25.4.2017
2. 8.5.2017
4. 2.6.2017
43. A Government servant is entitled to be granted House Building Advance on
completion of a service of (Q.ld. 50122443)
1. 5 years 2. 6 years
3. 7years ns: 4. 8 years
44. Penal interest prescribed in cases of misuse of House Building Advances; (Q.ld.
1. 7.5 Percent
2. Equal to normal rate
ns: 3. 1.5 times the normal rate
4. 2 t!mes the normal rate
45. Recovery of House Building Advance sanctioned to a Government Servant for the
purchase of a site cum construction commence from: (Q-1d. 50122445)
1. 3rd month oldrawal of 1st instalment.
2. 4th month of drawal of 1st instalment.
3. 61.11 month of drawal of 1st instalment.
kris: 4. 19th month of drawal of 1st instalment.
46. The sub sector 'pensions' comes
under (Q.Jd. 50122446)
Ans: I. General Service
Economic Services
3. Social and Community Services.
4. None.
47. Which of the following does not form 'General Services' under Expenditure
classification: (Q. Id. 50122447)
I. Fiscal Services
2. Organs of State
3, Pension Services
Ans; 4. Agriculture Service.
48. The Major Head 'Information and Publicity' is grouped under Sector (Q.ld.
1. General Services
2. Economic Services
Subordinate Officers - Part I -
49. Expenditure on Non-
conventional Sources of Energy
(Renewable energy) is classified
under sub-sector: (aid.
1. Science, 'lechnology and Environ ment
Us: 2. Energy
3. Social and Community Services.
4. Miscellaneous services.
50. Which of the following is not a Major Head under 'Education' (Q.ld. 50122450)
1. General Education
;n: 2. Primary Education
3. Technical Education
4. Sports and Youth Services.
51. As per FR.54-6, the period of suspension of a Government servant shall not be
treated a duty, when (Q.ld. 50122451)
1. He dies before
conclusion of disciplinary proceedings.
Ans: 2. It is considered that the suspension is justified
3. It is considered that the suspension is unjustified
4. The disciplinary
proceedings against him ended in punishment.
Made Easy 9
52. Maximum period of deputation allowed on a foreign service is (Q.ld. 50122452)
1. 3 years
2. one year
3. 2 years
Ans: 4. 5 years.
53. Which of the provisions in Fundamental Rules mandates production of medical
certificate of Health for getting appointed substantively to a permanent post:
(Q.ld. 50122453)
1. F.R.6
2. F.R.49
Ans: 3. F.R.10
4. F.R. 18
54. Maximum period of
'Extraordinary leave on other than medical grounds' that counts as qualifying
service for pension is (Q.ld, 50122454)
1. 180 days
2. 12 months
3. 24 months
Ans: 4. 36 months
55. Maximum period of weightage that a Government servant can add to his qualifying
service to get full benefit of pension is (Q.ld. 50122455)
1, Two years 2. Three years
Ans: 3. Five year
4. Seven years.
&ns: 3. Social community Services
Fiscal Services.
SO-1-264 -1 MAY2O17-APPSC(CBT) -
) SO-l-265
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10 Subordinate
56. Which of the following is not true in respect of Voluntary retirement
(i) Government servant shall give notice three months before the date on which he
wishes to retire.
(ii) He is at liberty to withdraw such a notice before the date on which he wishes
to retire.
(iii) He is entitled to add a maximum of 5 years weightage to his
qualifying service, (Q.ld.
Officers - Part I - Made Easy
59. Which article of 4P Financial Code speaks about 'Standard of Financial
Propriety'. (Q.!d. $0122459)
Ans: 1. Art, 3 2. Art. 5
3, Art.9 4.Art. 11
60. 'The fact that a Government Servant has been misled or deceived by a
subordinate will in no way mitigate his personal responsibility.' Which provision
of AP Financial Code says this: (Q.ld. 50122460)
1. Art. 273 2.Art. 300
Ans: 3. Art. 5 4. Art. 9
61. A fund placed at the disposal of the Governor to facilitate advances to meet
unforeseen expenditure is: (Q.ld. 50122461)
1. Revolving hind
2. Consolidate fund
:%fl%: 3. ContingeneN fund
4. Sinking fund
62. The method adopted to execute a work when no contractor is available or when it
is considered most economical: (Q.ld. 50122462)
1. Piecework contract method
us: 2. Departmental method
• Lump-sum contract method
4. Schedule contract method
Subordinate Officers - Part I -
63. Initial record of labour engaged by the department on each day of a work is
(Q.ld. 50122463)
1. Attendance Register
.ns: 2. Muster rol
• Wages 1)00k
4. Contingent register.
64. Which of the following is not correct (Q.ld. 50122464)
1. Separate Muster Roll should he kept for each work.
2. Separate Muster Roll should be there fir each period of payment.
3. Unpaid items should 1)1.' carried forward
\iis: 4. Muster Roll should be prepared in duplicate.
65. Which of the following provisions of AP Financial Code provides for payment of
advance to a contractor: (Qid. 50122465)
1. Art. 169 2. Art.165
3. Art. 168 ns: 4. Arti77
66. Powers delegated to
subordinate authorities to sanction expenditure is listed in (Q.!d. $0122466)
1. Appendix I of AT
Financial code.
2. Appendix 3 of A.P
Financial code.
3. Appendix 11 uI AP
Financial code.
\tis: 4. Appendix 12 of AT Financial code.
Made Easy 11
67. Annual expenditure on ordinary repairs to a Government building should be
limited to (Q.ld. 50122467)
1. 1% of budget provision us: 2. 1 % of capital cost of buildin
3. 2% of budget provision.
4. 21Y6 of Capital cost of building
68. Rate of leave salary contribution that a foreign employer shall pay for the
services of a Government servant borrowed: (Q.Ici. 50122468)
1. 71N.) ofthe pay drawn
2. 91X, of the pay drawn
3. 10(1/,) of the pay drawn
ns: 4. 1.1% of the pay drawn.
69. A Government servant is not eligible to seek fixation of his pay under FR.22-B
in case his promotion is after availing
Automatic Advancement
scheme for (Q. Id. 50122469)
1. Special Grade
2. Special Promotion Post-1(a)
3. Special Promotion Post Ii h)
ns: 4. Special Promotion Post-II
70, A Government servant injured while on duty is entitled to seek sanction of
(Q.ld. 50122470)
1. Hospital leave
2. Leave not due
Mw 3. Special Disability Leave
4, Noneofthcsc.
Ans: 2. (ii)
3. (iii)
4. Both (i) and (ii)
.57. There is scope for a dismissed Government Servant to receive: (Q.ld. 50122457)
4. Compulsory retirement pension.
58. A Government Servant whose date of superannuation falls on 30.9.2019 has been
voluntarily retired on 30.4.201 7 on completion of 25 years of service. What is the
maximum weightage that can be add to his qualifying service: (Q.lcl. 50122458)
Ans: 1. 2.5 years 2. 3 years 4.5 years.
3. 3.5 years
.ns: 1. Compassionate allowance
2. Compensation pension
3. Subsistence allowance
SO-I-266 -H AV 2017 - APPSCCBT)
12 Subordinate
71. The General principles for enforcing responsibility of a Government servant for
a loss sustained on account of a criminal offence committed by him is listed out in
the following Article of Financial code (Q.ld.
1. Art. 273
2. Art.299
Ans: 3 Art 300
4, Art.302
72. Transfer of savings from one unit of appropriation to another unit of
appropriation within the some grant and under the some section is (Q.ld. 50122472)
1. Budget transfer
Ans: 2. Reappropriation.
3. Revenue transfer.
4. Receipt transfen
73. The Major head 2217 represents (Q-1d. 50122473)
1. Receipts of Urban
Ans: 2. Expenditure of Urhaii I)eeIopnient.
3. Capital Outlay on Urban
4. Loans for Urban Development.
74. Provisional pension sanctioned under Rule.52 of A.P. Revised
Pension Rules, 1980 (Q. Id.
Ans: I. shall not exceed normal pension entitled to.
2. shall not exceed 75% of normal pension entitled
Officers - Part I - Made Easy
3. shall not be more that the amount of Anticipatory pension entitled to.
4. Shall be equal to eligible subsistence allowance.
75. Jamedors working in Peshis of Ministers are entitled to a
Special Pay of Rs. as per
RPS-201 5. (Q. Id. 50122475)
1. 150 2.200
Ans: 3.. 300 4, 350
76. Maximum amount of claim towards transport of personal effect on transfer that a
Grade. 11 Government Servant can prefer on his transfer to a place for off at a
distance of 260 k. m, is (Q. Id. 50122476)
2. Rs,5200
3. Rs.6500 4.Rs.5800
77. A Government servant
authorizedtodraworcountersign cheques or bills payable at the treasury or bank is
required to send specimen signature to the Treasury Officer or bank. Which
provision provides for this. (Q. Id.
1. Treasury Rule.30
2. Treasury Rule.28
Ans: 3. Treasury Rule.2
4. Treasury Rule.31
78. if a Government servant is reduced to alowerstoge in a time scale, as a measure
of penalty, his pay shall be regulated as per provisions of (Q./d. 50122478)
1. F. R. 22 2.F,R. 28
ns:3. F.R.29(1) 4. FR. 29(2) Subordinate Officers - Part I
79. Which of the following Treasury
Rule authorizes a Treasury
Officer to correct an arithmetical inaccuracy in a bill pre. en ted to him for
payment. (, 50122479)
1. Treasury Rule 11
2. Treasu ' Rule 17
3. Treasury Rule 23
\iis: 4. Treasury Rule 26
80. Which of the following expenditure does not come under TR.27.
I) Pension.
II) Personal claims of Government Servants,
Ill) Claims of Urgency. (Q. Id. 50122480)
3. (iii) Ans: 4. Both-(I)
and (ii)
81. Who is authorized to prescribe the procedures of monetary management and
accounting to be adopted by Government Servants? (Q.ld. 50122481)
1. The Governor
2. The Chief Minister
\ii: 3. The Finance Ministe
4. The Accountant General.
12. Which of the following provision authorizes a Treasury Officer to advise a
claimant to refer the claim to the Accountant General. (Q.ld. 50122482)
1. Treasury Rule 11
2. Treasury Rule 13
3. Treasury Rule 16
ns: 4. l.reasurv Rule 18
-MadeEasy 13
83. Challan form prescribed for a remitting money into treasury is in (Q-1d.
1. Form TA. S
2. Form TA. 4
n.s: 3. Form T.A. 10
4. Form TA. 11
84. A Government servant supplied with funds for expenditure shall be responsible
for such funds until they are accounted for to the satisfaction of the Accountant
General. Which Treasury Rule mandates this. (Q-1d. 50122484)
1. Treasury Rule 16
2. Treasury Rule Ii
Ans: 3. 'Freasuiry Rule 32
4. Treasury Rule 1$
85, Bill Form used for drawing Abstract Contingent Bill; (Q.Id. 50122485)
Ans: I. A.P.T.(. Form No. .57
2. A.P.T.C. Form No. 62
3. A.P.T.C. Form No. .103
4. A.P.TC. Form No. 108
86. An endorsement recorded on the margin of a bill specifying that its value of a
bill is 'Under is known as (QJd. 50122486)
1. Payment endosenient
2. Pass order.
3. Pay order.
Añ's:21. Protective endorsement
14 Subordinate
87, A Drawing and Disbursing Officer is required to review the Treasury Bills
Register of his office (Q.ld. 50122487)
1. Weekly
ns: 2. Bi-weekly
:. Monthly 4. quarterly
88. In which among the following. a Government servant is not eligible for
commuting a part of his pension (Q.ld. 50122488)
1. When the Individual is retired compulsorily
Ans: 2. When the individual is dismissed and allowed compassionate allowance
3. When the individual has not opted for commutation within 06 months
4. None of the above
89. Additional Quantum of pension entitled to by a pensioner of age.92 years is
(Q.ld. 50122489)
1. 25% of basic pension.
Ans: 2. 30'Yto of hasic pension
3. 35% of basic pension.
4. 500/o on basic pay.
90. Who among the folio wing is not eligible to receivefamily pension for life
time. (a. Id. 50122490)
1. Spouse out of marriage consummated after retirement
2. Mentally retarded child
Officers - Part I- Made Easy
3. Widowed daughter who has no livelihood and dependent on pensioner.
Ans: 4. Minor son.
91. Which among the following claims should be presented in the Treasury in
'duplicate not payable' copies of bills:
(I) Pay and allowances of Government servants.
(ii) Grants-in aid to local bodies.
ON Pay and allowances of Government servants whose services lent to Local Bodies.
(iv) Scholarships and Stipends. (Q.Id. 50122491)
2. (ii) and (iii)
Ans: 3 (ii)(iii) and (iv)
4. All of the above.
92. A Drawing and Disbursing Officer presenting bills at a Treasury is required to
keep Treasury Bills Book inform (Q. Id. 50122492)
2. F'orm.70-A
3. Form.75
4. Form-76
93. When a Government servant, receiving provisional pension, dies before
conclusion of disciplinary proceedings against him, his family is entitled to
receive (Q..ld. 50122493)
I. Provisional Pension.
2. Anticipatory Pension.
Subordinate Officers - Part I-
94. The procedure to be followed by a Drawing Officer in case of a lost cheque is
prescribed in (Q.ld. 50122494)
1. S.R.13 ofTR.16
2. S.R.44ofT.R1n
Ans: 3. S.R5O .fT.R.16
4. S.R.48 ofT.R.16
95. Both Husband and wife in state service are transferred from two different
stations to one and some station within a period of 6 months. (Q.ld. 50122495)
Ans: 1. Both are entitled to duass travelling aIlo%ance for transport of personal
effects independently.
2. Anyone of them is
entitled to draw it.
Anyone of them who se claim is advantageous is
entitled to draw it.
4. Anyone of them whose claim is less is entitled to draw it.
96. Payment of pay and allowances in the middle of a month is permissible in the
following contingency.
(1) When a government Servant proceeds on long leave.
(ii) When a government servant transferredfromonedepartment to another department.
(iii) When a Government servant finally quits service.
Made Easy 15
(iv) When a Government servant is transferred to a Foreign Service. (Q.ld.
1. (i) only
2. (ii) and (iii)
3. (iii) and (iv)
us: 4. 004 iii) and (iv)
97. Which among the following is not correct ? (Q-1d. 50122497)
An: I. L01, on private affairs upto 3 years is counted for the required age of 20
years for voluntary retirement.
2. EOL on medical grounds
counts for increment
3. LOL availed for prosecuting higher studies co u rits for increment.
1. E(}l.. on private affairs upto 3 years counts as qualifying service for the
ptirpose rib pension.
98. Competent authority to pre-audit lapsed Deposit repayment bill (Q. Id.
ns 1. District Treasury )fficer.
2. Accountant General
. Director of Treasuries
and Accounts. 4. Government
Ans:3. Family Pension,
4. Not any.
MAY 2017. APPSC (çBT)
SO-1-271 -i MAY 2017 - APPSC çj_
16 Subordinate Officers - Part I Made Easy
99. A Government Servant the5 after completion of one year of qualifying service
but before completing five years of qualifying service, the amount of gratuity
shall be calculated on the basis of (Q.ld, 50122499)
1. 1 year servi(:e
2. 5 years
3. 7 years
:fl% 4 9 8 ears.
SO-1-272 MAY 2017 - APPSC (CBT)

The Accounts Test for

Subordinate Officers,
Part - I
(With Books)
Time: 2 hours Marks: 100
This Examination is WITH BOOKS that means Candidates are allowed
to use TEXT BOOKS (BARE ACTS) in the Eiamination Hail.
can be used at the Examination Hall
A.P. Fundamental Rules. Manual of Special Pay & Allowances (T.A.Rules), A.P.
Revised Pay Scales, 2010
Treasury Code, Volume I, Treasury Code, Volume II Financial Code, Volume I, Account
Code, Volume Budget Manual, Revised Pension Rules,
A. P. Leave Rules, L.T.C. Rules
Note: Every effort has been made to ensure an u p-to-date and correct publication
in the hands of the readers by carrying out or following the amendments issued by
the Government from timeto time. Sincere effort has been made to furnish correct
answers to the Questions in this Guide.
However without taking any responsibility out of escapes or errors, the sale of
this Book is made with the clear understanding and the condition that neither the
authors nor the publisher or printer shall be liable in any manner to any person,
whether purchaser or not for reasons of any error or omissions in this book or for
the result of any action taken or omitted to be taken on the basis of the
of this Book. Publishers.
)) SO-1-273 HNVEMBER 2017- APPSC (CBT)
100. Gratuity payable to a retired Government Servant and to be apportioned to the
residuary state of Telangana is claimed under H04: (Q.ld. 501224100)
2. 2071-01-104-00-(24)040/042
3. 2071-01-104-00-(14)040/042
4, 8658-00-129
2 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
1. Boy's service means service rendered prior to the attainment
of years of age. (Q.ld.
'1.16 2.20
ns: 3. 18 4.25
• The Maximum limit up to which the earned leave can be accumulated by a
Government servant is
appointed under Rule 10 (a)(i) (Q.ld. 213792202)
. 300 days 4. 100 days
The leave salary contributions payable in case of deputation
to Foreign Service is on
the pay of Government servant drawn from time to time? (Q. Id. 213792203)
1.15 % .&ns:2. 11 'Vo
3.12 %
4. 10 %
1. 240 days
4. The maximum limit for the grant
of retirement gratuity .... (Q.kl. 213792204)
1. Rs-.7.00 Lakhs
2. Rs. 8.00 Lakhs
3. Rs. 10.00 Lakhs
ns: 4. Rs. 12.09 Lakh,
4G.O.Ms. No.6 Firi(HRMVPensions) Dept., Dt.11.01.2016)
5. The fitment benefit given for fixation of pay in Revised Pay Scales 2015 is
(Q.ld. 213792205)
1. 27 Percent 2. 29 Percent Us: 3.43 Percent 4. 40 Percent
6. The minimum qualifying service required to earn pension is (Q. Id. 213792206)
1.7 years
Am,: 2.10 Years
3. 15 Years
4. 33 Years
7. The age of retirement of a superior Government servant in AP State is (Q.ld.
1.58 years
Us: 2.60 years
3. 56 years
4. 62 years
8. There are Main divisions
of Budget or Annual Financial Statement (Q.ld. 213792208)
2. ',wo
3. Four 4. Five
9. capital expenditure and revenue expenditure is defined in AP Accounts code Vol-i
under Article (Q.Id. 213792209)
1. Article 28
3. Article 32
4. Article 34
10. Standards of financial propriety is explained in chapter-I of AP financial code
Vol-I under (Q.ld. 213792210)
ins: 1. Article 3 2. Article 4
4. Article 6
3. Article 5

Subordinate Officers - Part I

11. increment should ordinarily be drawn unless it is withheld on account of
misconduct as per fundamental Rules under (Q.Id. 213792211)
1. Rule 22 (a) (1)
2. 22 (B)
Ans: 3. Rule 24
4. Rule 31
12, The earning capacity of E.I. by a Government servant in superior service
appointed regularly is (aid. 213792212)
1. 25 days in a calendar year
ns: 2.30 days in a calendar 'ea
3.35 days in a calendar year
4. 40 days in a calendar year
13. When a Government servant retired on superannuation on 31.03.2015, what is the
pension that can be commuted whose pension is Rs.67,990/ - ( 213792213)
1. Rs.20,397
2. Rs.33,995
4. Rs. 16,998
14. Number statements are
explained in of AP Budget
under (Q.ld. 213792214)
1. Para 10
2. Para 12
3. Para 14
Us: 4.Para 16
- Made Easy 3
15. Anticipated pension is payable as per APRPRs 1980 under (Q. Id. 213792215)
1. Rule 50 (A)
3. Rule 52 (A) deals in AP under (Q.ld.
4. Rule 53 (A)
16. Tenders system Financial code
1. Article 120
An: 2. Article 125
3. Article 130
4. Article 135
17. Fixed Traveling Allowance is defined in AP.T.A. Rules under (iId. 213792217)
1. Rule 1() &ns;2. Rule 12
3. Rule ii 4. Rule 9
18. When pension calculated
according to the formula works out to Rs.40,254.10 how to round off (Q. Id. 213
,kns: 1. Rs.40.255/
2. Rs.40,254/-
3. Rs.40,250/-
4. Rs.40,260/-
19. Every employee to produce fitness before reporting to service as per rule of
FRs (Q.Id. 213792219)
1. Rule 8
2. Rule 9
4. Rule 11
4 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
20. Fees means (Q.!d. 213792220) 22. An officer while drawing a 11 'ees received by
Medic.d Practitjoner on superannuation. Had he
Pay of Rs. 73,270/- on foreign service retired on 31.07.2012
trr)n! patienis of Medical not been deputed, his pay in
Treatment, parent department would be Rs.
Subordinate Officers - Part I -
25. Invalid pension is granted under rule ofAP Revised Pension Rules,
1980 (0.1d. 213792225)
2.33 Made Easy 5
2. Head of the Department
3. Pension sanctioning authority
Ans: 4. (,overnmen
ns:2.111ecurring or non
21. A Government servant was made to wait compulsorily after relief from old
station for want of posting orders for 40 days. Who is component authority to treat
the period as duty? (Q.ld. 213792221)
I . I lead of the department
2, head of the Office Vns: 3.Government in
epartment with the
oficurrence with finance
4. A.G
SO-1-276 -, NOVEMBER 201
67,990/-. What is the pay to be
token for calculation of pension
and gratuity. (Q.ld. 213792222)
1. Rs.73,270
Ans:2. Rs.67,990
3, Rs.69,000 4. Rs.69,750
23. Fixation under FR 22 B arises in cases 'Q.Id. 213792223)
1. When promoted to higher post involving higher responsibility from the lower post
according to the option of Government servant.
2. When promoted to SPPI post while drawing pay in Spi. Grade post according to the
option of Government servant.
Ans: 3. In both the above cases.
4. When deputed to foreign services in the time scale.
24. The procedure for control of contingent expenditure against appropriation is
defined in A.P Financial Code Vol-I under (Q.ld. 213792224)
1. Art- 99
2. Art- 100 Ans: 3.37
26. What is the maximum Weightoge to be given to a Government servant on his
retirement on superannuation on 30-06-2015 AN with a total qualifying service of 27
years 2 months 6 days (Q. Id. 213792226)
2. 3 years
3. 5 years 10 months 4,4 years
27. The Death Relief payable to a superannuation Pensioner drawing apension of Rs.
37,100/-Whose wife died on 10.11.2013 is (Q.ld. 213792227)
Ans: 1. Rs. 10,000 2. Nil
3. Rs.7,660 4. Rs.5,000
28. Cash verification are defined in treasury code under treasury rule. (Q.ld.
1. T.R-10
\ns: 2.T.R-1 I
3. T.R-16
4. TR-19
29. Who is competent to sanction the interest on belated payment of Retirement
gratuity is. (Q.ld. 213792229
1. Head of the Office
30. Contingency Fund is held by the (Q.ld. 213792230)
ns: 1. Secretary to Government, Finance Dept on behalf of Governo
2. Governor
3. Legislature
4. Comptroller and audit Genera] of India
31, No Government servant should be granted leave of any kind for continuous period
exceeding (Q.Id. 213792231)
Ans: L.years 2.4 years
3. 6 years 4. 7 years
32. Stoppage increment for a Period of two years without cumulative effect, whose
pay as on 01.04.2015 is Rs.36,070
in the scale of Rs.1 7,890-
53,950, what would be his pay on 01.04.2017 and 01.04.2018 whose periodical
increment is Rs.1030/- (Qid. 213792232) - 36,070/-
1.4.2018 - 37,100/-
3. 1.4.2017 - 37,100/-
1.4.2018 - 38,130/- - 36,070/-
1.4.2018 - 38,130/-

recurring payment

received by the Govt.,

Servant from source othe
than consolidated fund o
state with the permission
f Govt.,
3. Amounts paid by students to the colleges
4. Fees received by the advocate from clients.
Ans: 3. Art-1 18
4. Art- 125
6 Subordinate Officers - Part 1- Made Easy
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 7
37. Verification of stores is defined in AP Financial Code Vol-i under
articles.. (Q.ld. 213792237)
Ans: 2.143-144
3. 145-146
38. Methods of Accounting for transactions pertaining to more than one major head
of Account is defined in A.P Accounts Code Vol-F in (Q.ld. 213792238)
1. Art- 40
2. Art- 41 us: 3. Art- 42
4. Art- 44
39. Advances has to be drawn on bill (Q. Id. 213 792239)
1. Form No.47
2. Form No.22
Ans: 3. Form No.40
4, Form No.62
40. The time limit for the purpose Of claiming tour TA is? (Q.Id. 213792240)
'I . 6 Months from the date of
completion of Journey
us: 2.3 Months front the dale of completion of Journey
19 Months from the date of
completion of Journey
4. 1 year from the date of cniipktiiin of Journey
4. 10 Percent
42. If the sealed cash chest deposited to safe custody is taken back and is not
redeposited into the
Treasury for over at
a sub treasury, the authority competent to order for the closure of such item in
the register of safe custody articles is (Q.ld. 213792242)
1.2 Years by the DTA
2. 3 Years by the DTO
Ans: 3.1 Year by the 1)1 ()
4.1 Year by theA.G.
43. The earning capacity of earned leave that is earned by Government servant in
superior service appointed regularly is (Q.ld. 213792243)
1. 25 days in a calendar year
2. 40 days in a calendar year
Ans: 3.31) days in a calendar year to he credited 15 as on 1st January and 15 days
on Is! July in installments as advance credi
4. 50 days in a calendar year
The transit pay and allowances of a Government servant deputed to Foreign service
both ways will be debited to (Q.!d. 213792244)
1. For onward journey to borrowing foreign employer
2. For return journey to the department to which he has been repatriated
Ans: 3.Both onward and return iourneys debitahie to borrov ing foreign employe
4. Roth onward and
return journeys to the department from which he has been deputed
45. Number statement in Form A should be prepared and
sent by to the Finance
Department by. (Q.Id.
1. Head of Office to the Head
of Dept., by 1 St August
tim: 2. Head of Department to Finance Department by is! Augus
3. Head of Department to the AG by 1St August
4. Head of Department to Finance Department by 1st December
33. An officer has toured by Government vehicle from one station to another
starting from Head quarters at 8 AM and reached back at 8 PM. The total distance
travelled is 25 kms. 411 the stations are with the radius of 8 kms. What is the
claim admissible for that day. (Q.ld. 213792233)
1. 1/2 of DA
2. One full DA
Ans: 3. No claim is admissible
4. Mileage allowance for the total distance o125 kms
34. The wages paid to the work charged establishment for maintainance of civil
works is debitable to (Q.ld. 213792234)
1. 02() Wages
2. 05() Other Expenses 1010 Salaries
Ans: 4.180 Maintainanc
35. In how many sectors were consolidated fund accounted for (Q.Id. 213792235)
1. 4 Sectors
Ans: 2.3 Sectors
3. S Sectors
4. 2 Sectors
36. If a Government servant while officiating in a temporary post, if he is
appointed to a post on the same time scale, the past service counts for increment
under FRs in Rule (Q.Id. 213792236)
1.22(R) 2.22 (a) (i)
3.25(R) ins: 4. 26 (B


41. if the claim for the avalirnent of 44.
LTC is not preferred within the
time limit, the claim is admitted
subject to of cut. (Q.ld.
1. 20 Percent
2. To be summarily rejected
SO-1-279 -i NOVEMBER 2017 - APPSC (CBT)
Ans: 1.Rs.450/-
2. Rs.400/-
3. Rs.500/-
4. Rs.550/-
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 9
8 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
46. A Government servant in a service had following events (1) kept under
suspension for one year adjusted as specific penalty (ii) deputed to foreign
service for a period of 2 years (iii) deputed to undergo in-service training for a
period of 6 months. What is the non qualifying service. (Q-1d. 213792246)
1. 2 Years
2. 3 Years
3. 3 Years 6 Months
47. Budget Memorandum is
prepared by (Q. Id. 213792247)
1. Head of Department
2. A.G.
3. Head of Office
48. Permanent advance is defined in AP Financial Code Vol-1 under Articles. (Q.ld.
.ns: 1.94 to 98
2.101 to 105 3. 88 to 93
4.106 to 110
49. The rate of D.A. of for tours to any place outside the State to the Grade-11
officer from 11-122015 is (Q.ld. 213792249)
51. The rate of lodging charges per day admissible to Grade-I Officer for the halt
out of the state at Mumbo i/Chennai / Ko!kata/ Bang/ore we.f 11-12-
2015 is (Q1d. 213792251)
1.. Rs. 150(J/-
tns: 2. Rs. 130tJ/-
4. Rs.525/-
52. The earned leave can be accumulated up to a maximum of(Q.ld. 213792252)
1.400 days 2.240 days 3.200 days
W: 4.300 days
53. What is the weightage admissible, if a Government servant retired on medical
ground after putting a total qualifying service of 30 years (Q-1d. 213792253)
1. 1 Year 2.2 Years 3.5 Years
ns; 4. Ni
54. The minimum pension payable is (Q. Id. 213792254)
1. Rs.3,350/-
2. Rs.3,500/-3, Rs.5,000/-
Ans: 4. Rs.6500J-
55. Authority competent to
order the additional charge arrangements in respect Of non gazetted establishment
upto o period of 3 months is (Q. Id. 213792255)
1. Head of the Office
2. Regional Office
Aiis: 3. Plead of the Departmen
4. Government
56. What is the maximum period upto which a Government servant can be deputed
for Foreign Service (Q. Id.
1. 3 years
2. 4 years
Am: 3. Initially 3 ycars can be extended upto 5 years
4. 10 years A register of all pad locks and keys belonging to District Treasuries
and Sub Treasuries should be maintained in Form No. (Q.Id. 213792258)
3. 4 Government servant while drawing a maximum pay of Rs.67,990/- from 01.06.2015
in the time scale of Rs.23,100 - Rs.6 7,990 retired on 31.05.2016. The rate of
increment after Rs.67990/- is Rs.!, 760/- in MasterScale. The pay to be taken into
account for calculation of pension is (Q.Id. 213792259)
Aii': 1. Rs.69.750/-
2. Rs.69,650/-
3. Rs.67,990/-
4. Rs.68,000/-
4. (.o%'erflrnent in Finance Depa rtmen
50. What is the maximum pension can be commuted? (Q./d, 213792250)
1. 3() Percent
ns: 2.40 Percen
125 Percent 4. 35 Percent
SO-l-280 -H' NOVEMBER _2017--APPSC (CBTJ
57. Periodical verification of cash held in District Treasury and deposit accounts
once in half year by (Q. Id. 213792257)
Ans: 1. UT/S or any Officer uthorized by him
2. Government
3. Accountant General
4. None of the above
60. The conditions to which the service counts for increments and which will not
count for increments is defined in FRs under (Q./d. 213792260)
Ans: 1. Rule 2
2. Rule 28
3. Rule 30
4. Rules 32
1) SO-I-281 -H NOVEMBER-'2017 - APPSC (CBT)
10 Subordinate
61. The responsibility of Chief Controlling Officer in regard to reconciliation of
expenditure and receipts are defined in A.P Budget Manual in (Q.ld. 213792261)
4. Art- 67
64. Provisional pension is defined in APRPRs under rule 213792264)
Ans: 3.52
Ans: 3. Art- 74
63. The procedure to be followed in respect of recoveries by one Govt., from
another is defined in A.P Financial Code Vol-I in (Q.ld. 213792253)
1. Art- 56
2. Art- 72
7tm: 1. Rule 55
62. Leave should not be granted to on employee while under suspension as per
Fundamental Rules as per (Q.fd. 213792262)
Ans: 1. Para 19.7.1
2. Rule 56
3. Rule 57
4. Rule 58
2. Para 14.1
3. Para 16
4. Para 18
Officers - Part I- Made Easy
65. A Govt., servant while officiating in a temporary post, if he is appointed to a
post on the some time, the past service counts for increment under Fits in Rule. -
(Q-Id- 213792265)
1. FR 22 (B)
2. FR 22 (a) (i)
3. FR 31 (1)
66. A Governmentservant retired on superannuation on 3103.2002 AN. He has commuted
maximum pension admissible and received the commutation value with other pensioner
benefits simultaneously. What is the due date of restoration of pension
commutation? (Q.ld. 213792266) Lwiih
67. Presumptive pay of a post is defined under FR in Rule (Q.ld. 213792267)
Ans: 4.9(24)
68. Personnel pay defined in FRs under Rule (Q.ld. 213792268)
1.9(21) (a)
Ans: 2.9(23)
4.9(24) Subordinate Officers - Part I
69. The procedure of action to be taken in respect of losses of stores is defined
in Financial Code Vol-i under Article (Q.ld. 213792269)
1.290 2.292
Ans; 129 4.300
70. The date of birth of an officer in AP Government is 01.02.1957, what is the
date of retirement
on superannuation. (Q. Id.
1.31-01-2015 AN 2.31-12-2014 AN 3.31-01-2017 AN
ns: 4.31-12-2016 AN
71. The millage allowances
admissible to Grade-I Officer to
travel on official duty in own car
is As if it is run by petrol.
(Q.ld. 213792271)
1. Rs9/- per KM
2. Rs.5/- per KM
,tns: 3, Rs. 13/- per KM
4. Rs.10/- per KM
72. How do you round of the total qualifying service of 31 years 9 months 1 day
worked and after adding weightage for the purpose of calculation of pension and
gratuity (Qici. 213792272)
1. 31 years 9 months 2.31 years
3. 31 years 6 months
Ans: 4.32 vear Made Easy 11
The competent authority to order for allowing the deposit of a Municipality a
sealed packet containing duplicate keys of cash chest in a sub treasury for safe
custody is (Q.ld. 213792273)
1. D.T.A
Ans: 2. D.T.()
3. A.G
4. Government
74. Loss of cash in a department ordered to be written off by the competent
authority should be debited to (Q. Id. 213 792274)
1. Miscellaneous Expenditure
of the Department.
Ans: 2. Contingent charges of the Department concerned
3. Suspense Account
4. Separate head deducting the expenditure of the Department
75. Whenever a sealed packet or cash chest of a departmental officer is deposited
for safe custody, under the orders of competent authority, a receipt should be
issued by the Treasury in Form No. (Q.ld. 213792275)
1. 19 2.26 3.52 Ans: 4. 10
SO-1-283 NOVEMBER 2017 - APPSC (CBT)

Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 13

82. Who is competent authority 85. The 1st list of payments along
12 Subordinate
76. The EL that can be encashed on the date of retirement or death
is up to ci maximum of days
subject to availability in Leave account ( 213792276)
1. 240 days
Officers - Part I - Made Easy
79. What is the maximum limit up to which the half pay leave can be accumulated.
(Q. Id. 213792279)
1. 300 days
2. 240 days
3. 180 days
80. Any article / packet / chest etc., lying in the Treasuries and Sub Treasuries
not claimed for
years shall be treated
as unclaimed articles and action taken to its disposal as per Treasury Rules.
(Q.ld. 213792280)
1. 5 Consecutive Years
.kns: 2. 10 Consectilive Yeats
3. 3 Consecutive Years
4. 7 Consecutive Years
81. If a continuous halt is made at a particular station by a Government servant
with in a state exceeding 10 days which is the authority to allow DA for the period
exceeding 10 days (Q.ld. 213792281)
1. State Government
2. Countersigned authority
3. Head of the office Arts: 41101) with 314 rate
xceeding 10 dabs
to treat the compulsory wait period of 40 days on duty (Q.ld. 213792282)
1. Head of the 010cc
2. head of the Department
3. Accountant General
Arts: 4. (;oerrinient
83. The role to be played by the District Treasury Vis . a - Vis by the Bank in
cases where the PD Accounts are kept at the bank is defined under note 3 & 4
instructions 22 of T.R. (aid. 213792283)
2. 11
Arts: 3.16
84. The responsibilities of
Government servant in
recovering amounts attached by civil courts from their pay and allowing of
employees is briefed in AP Financial code Vol-I Under (Q.Id. 213792284)
MTLW iti4I
2. Article 86
3. Article 84
4. Article 82
with paid vouchers should be Sent by RP on 10th of every month to (Q.ld. 213792285)
1, DTA
Arts: 2. A(
3. Government
4. DT()
86. Subsistence grant is defined under FR in Rule (Q-1d, 213792286)
Atis: 4.9(27)
87. Combination of appointments are defined in FR under Rule (Q.Id. 213792287)
Ans: 1.F.R.49
2. F.R.33
3. F.R.2
4. F.R.25
88. Special pay defined in
Fundamental Rules under Rule (Q.Id. 213792288)
Arts: 1.9(25)
3. 9(27)
4. 9 (2 8)
Arts: 2.300 days
3. 180 days
4. 120 days
77. The establishment paid voucher should be preserved. (Q.ld. 2137922 77)
Arts: 1.3 sears after the expiry of the sear in which the transaction has occurred
2. 6 years after the expiry of the year in which the transaction has occurred
3. 5 years after the expiry of the year in which the transaction has occurred
4. To be permanently retained
78. What is the earning capacity of half Pay leave by a Government servant
appointed regularly. (Q.ld. 213792278)
1. 5() days after completion of every year of service
Arts: 2.20 da's alter completion ofevery year of service
130 days alter completion of every year of service
4. 15 days after completion of every year of service
S0-1-284 - NOVEMBER,2O17-APPSC(CBT) "l
89. What is the provision dealing under which certain items of Departmental
receipts which can be appropriated towards payments. (Q.ld. 213792289)
1. TR 10
Us: 2. 'FR 7(2)
3. TR 16 4.TR 11
90. Authority competent to
interpret rules under FRs is (Q.ld. 213792290)
1. Comptroller & Auditor General of India
2. ilead of the Department
Ans: 3. State 4;oer,nwnt
4. Accountant General
91. The Treasuries should maintain a Register in Form No showing the particulars of
all sealed parcels and cash chest received for safe custody? (0, Id. 213792291)
1.26 Ans: 2.19
Officers - Part I - Made Easy
92. A Government servant retired at Hyderabad on 30.06,2013 AN on superannuation.
His home town is Srikakulam. He wants to go to his home town for settlement along
with his family and PEs. What is the time limit with which he can avail this
concession? (Q.ld. 213792292)
1. 30th Sept 2013 2.30th June 2014
Ans: 3.39th Dee 2013
4. 30th Oct 2013
93. An expenditure of Rs.50,000/-for the construction of office building is
accounted for
in Accounts. (Q.ld.
1. Revenue Accounts
2. Deposit Account
.ns: 3.( apilal Accoun
4. Loan Account
94. Manner of payment of pension and identification of pensioners is prescribed in
Treasury Rule 16 under (Q.kl. 213792294)
1. S.R. 62
2. S.R. 63
Ans: 3. S.R. 64
4. S.R. 65
95. Leave cannot be granted continuously for a period exceeding 5 years as per FR.
(Q.ld. 213792295)
i. FR, 10 2.FR.11
3. FR. 17 Ans: 4. F11.18
Subordinate Officers - Part I
96. The lapsed deposit statement should be prepared by
and sent to the . after close
of every financial year. Q.ld. 213792296)
1. By the STO to 1 11 10
2. By the DTI) to the DTA
3. By the DUA to the AG
Ans 4. By the DTO to the AG
97. Leave travel concession availed by a Government servant Is debited to detailed
head. (Q.ld. 213792297)
1. 040 Travelling Expenses
2. 020 Wages
%ii: 3.010 Salaries 919 LTC
4. Encashment of E.L
98. The authority for fixation of the rate of pension contribution and leave salary
contribution for the purpose of their recovery from the foreign employer is? (Q.ld.
1. Accountant General
2. State Government - Made Easy 15
99. There is no complete information on record with regard to Date of Birth of the
Government Servant, in the Service book only the year i.e., 1960 was found to have
been recorded. Then the date of birth should be fixed as.. (Q.Id. 213792299)
1. 1st Jan 1960
Ans: 2. 1 st.fuly 1960
3.1st Sept 1960 4. 15th July 1960
100. If the date of birth of a Govt., Servant was recorded in the service book as
August, 1957 and if there is no other record to show the date of birth, the date of
birth should be fixed as..? (Q-1d. 213792300)
1. 1st Aug 1957
2. 1st Jan 1957
3. 15th Aug 1957
ns: 4.16th Aug 195
Ans.: 3.
Head of the Dcparlmen
4. Head of office from which the Government servant was deputed
2 Subordinate Officers Part I - Made Easy
Subordinate ('i' ,ers - Part I - Made Easy 3
3. Special Promotion Post Scale lB
4. 1 and 2 as above
4. Obtaining the Advance Stamp Receipt is exempted for payments made through (Qn.ID
2. Revised Pay scales. 2005
3. Revised Pay scales. 2015
4. Revised Pay scales. 1993
2. What is the Maximum Earned Leave that may be granted at a time to a regular
Government servant in superior Service is
- - (Qn.ID 3948132)
1. 120 days 2. 60 days
3. What are the benefits entitled by an employee under Automatic Advancement
Scheme, who has completed 20 years of service, not yet attained the age of 45
years, and did not pass the tests prescribed for promotion under department service
rules, till date? (Qn.ID 3948133)
1. Special Promotion Post Scale IA
1. The rate of anticipatory Pension has been adopted at 90% of the pension in
Revised Pay Scales
? (Qn.lD 394831)
ns: 1. On line credit to the respective beneficiaries bank account.
ns:2. Special Grade Post Scat
ns: 3. 180 days 4.300 days
ns: 1. Revised Pay scales. 2010
2. Demand Dra
3. By issue of Cheque
4. In Cash.
S'0-1 -290 -H
5. Vehicle Hire charges payable to an officer of the rank of MRO is? (Qn.113
1. Rs.45,000 p.m. (Rs.12/- per KM over &above 2500 KMs)
ns: 2. Rs.35,000 p.m. (Rs. 10/-per KM over and above 2500 KMs)
3. Rs.25,000 p.m. (Rs.12/- per KM over and above 2500 KMs)
4. Rs.30,000p.m.(Rs.12/- per kM over and above 2500 KMs)
6. The minimum remuneration entitled, by the (functionaries) contract employees
shall be not less than (Qn.ID 3948136)
ns: 1. RsiZOO
3. Rs.8000 4. Rs.15000
7. Up to which date the services of existing out sourcing employees are extended by
the Government? (Qn.ID 3948137)
ns: 1. 31.07.2018 2. 31.03.2019
3. 30.06.2018 4. 31.12.2018
8. What is the amount of Medical allowance payable to the Pensioners and Family
pensioners? (Qn.ID 3948138)
1. Rs.500 Per Month
ns: 2. Rs.300 Per month
2. G:iriment
3. Head of the Office
ns: 4. Head of the Department
10. Non Drawl certificate shall be attached to /recorded by the DDO for arrears
claim as per Treasury
Rule (Qn.ID 39481310)
1. SR. I under TR. 16
ns: 2. SR 14 under TR 16
3. FR. 34
4. SR. 2 under TR. 11
11. The Subsidiary Rule 28 under
Treasury Rule.16 contains
instructions about? (Qn.ID 39481311)
1. Survey department bills
2. Repayment of deposits
'ns: 3. Drawl of Loans & Advances
4. Refund of Revenue
12. The Treasury Officer shall not make any payment on a bill without obtaining
adequate information as to its nature. This condition is stipulated in Treasury
Rule ? (Qn.ID 39481312)
ns: 1. SR 32 under TR 16
2. SR 35 under TR 16
3. SR 36 under TR 16
4. SR 29 under TR 16
13. According to which proviso of AP Financial code the Increment certificate need
to be attached to the bill on which increment in pay of a Government servant is
drawn? (Qn.ID 39481313)
1. Article 73
2. Article 74
ns: 3. Article 75
4. Article 67 SO-1-291
14. The Treasury Rule which contains the instructions, and procedure of first drawl
of Pay of a Government servant? . (Qn.ID 39481314k
ns: 1. SR 12 undrTR 1
2. SR 15 under TR 16
3. SR lG under TR 16
4. SR 19 under TR 16
15. Find out the Treasury Rule which prescribes a condition that arrears pay shall
not be clubbed with regular monthly Pay bill? (Qn.ID 39481315)
1. SR 22 under TR 16
ns: 2. SR l4 under lR 16
3. SR 18 under TR 16
4. SR 24 under TR 16
16. If any amount is drawn in excess of what is due, the drawing officer is
primarily responsible to make good the excess amount so drawn. Find the Article in
AP Financial code in which this condition is laid down? (Qn.ID 39481316)
1. Article 53 2, Article 54
ns: 3. Article 56 4. Article 52
17. As per Article 58 of AP Financial code recoveries may not ordinarily be made at
a rate
exceeding of Pay of a
Government servant (Qn.ID 39481317)
ns: 1. One third
2. Half the Pay
3. Iwo third
4. Three fourth
2. Rs.10000
3. Rs.200 Per Month
4. Rs-1000 Per Month
9. Who is the competent authority to issue sanction orders for delayed (beyond six
years) arrears claim? (Qn.ID 3948139)
1. Accountant General MAY 2018 - APPSC (CBT)
MAY 2018 - APPSC (CBT)
4 Subordinate Officers - Part 1- Made Easy
18. What is the minimum service (continuous) required to avail the LTC facility by
a Government employee? (Qn.ID 39481318)
1. 1 year =M=
13 years 4. 2years
19. Advance Pay shall be restricted to one month's pay drawn in previous post
before transfer or one month's pay of the new post whichever is less as per AP
Financial Code Proviso
(Qn.ID 39481319)
1. Article 239(c)(2)
2. Article 239(b)
ns: 3. Article 239(c)(1)
4. Article 240(1)
20. Which of the following condition is Not True for drawl of Festival Advance
(Qn.ID 39481320)
1. The advance should be drawn two weeks immediately preceding the Festival
2. It is admissible to those who are on duty or on leave
3. The first installment shall be recovered from the pay of the following month in
which it was drawn
ns: 4. The second advance ma be sanctioned in a Financial ear if the previous
advance is fully recovered
21. Identify the FR Provision, as per which a certificate of Non employment /Non
engagement in any business or profession, shall be furnished of by a suspended
Government to draw
subsistence allowance ? (Qn.ID 39481321)
ns: 1. FR 53 (2) 2. FR 53 (1) (a)
3. FR. 54 (1) 4. FR.54 (2)
22. As per which Treasury Rule the tour bill shall be countersigned of by the
competent authority? (Qn.ID 39481322)
ns: 1. SR.16 under TR 1
2. SR 15 under TR 16
3. SR 18 under TR 16
4. TR ii
23. A lapsed sanction requires renewal
as per Proviso of AP Financial
code? (Qn.ID 39481323)
1. Art. 54 ns: 2. Art. 5
3. Art. 99 4. Art. 49
24. "No detailed bill shall be rendered for the secret service expenditure drawn on
AC bill". Identify the relevant Treasury Rule. (Qn.ID 39481324)
1. SR 18(d) Under TR 16
2. SR 19 (1) Under TR 16
Ans: 3. SR 18 (f) Under TR 16
4. SR 18(c) Under TR 16
25. Abstract contingent bill bearing
APTC Form No is used for
contingent expenditure, which requires counter signature after Payment? (Qn.ID
Ans: 1. Form 5 2. Form 58
3. Form 56 4. Form 52
26. Permanent advance should be recoupment atleast twice a month as per Article -
of APFC ? (Qn.ID 39481326)
1. Art. 96 (f) ns: 2. Art. 96 (e)
3. Art, 92 4. Art. 94
Subordinate Officers - Part I
27. All appropriations lapse at the close of the financial year as
per Proviso of AP Financial
Code? (Qn.ID 39481327)
ns: 1. Art. 39. 2. Art. 38
3. Art. 40 4. Art. 42
28. In which Article of AP financial code, the procedure is detailed, as to the
payment of Pay and other allowances due to a deceased Government servant? (Qn.I0
1. Art. 82. 2. Art. 83
3. Art, 40 ns: 4. Art.8
29. The Treasury Rule which insist up on furnishing of a certificate of non
exemption of Central or State Sales tax, where charges on sales Tax on Purchase of
goods included in the claim? (Qn.ID 39481329)
is: 1. SR.19(v) under TR.16
2. SR.19(i) under TR.16
3. SR. 19(x) under TR.16
4. SR.19(ii) under TR.16
30. As on 02.01.2017 an employee is having 280 days of Earned leave at credit. He
was granted COL on private work for 25 days in the month of April 2017, and 12 days
EL in the month May 2017, What will be the balance of leave in his Earned leave
account on 02.01.2018 (Qn.ID 39481330)
1. 300 days ns:2. 295 days
3. 298 days 4. 290 days
31. An employee entered into Government service on selection by APPSC on
05.06.1984.He did not avail any Half Pay Leave during the service. He retired on
Made Easy 5
30.06.2016. What is the balance of leave at credit in his Half Pay leave account,
as on 30.06.2016. After-Noon. (Qn.ID 39481331)
1. 440 days 2. 600 days
ns: 3. 640 days 4. 520 days
32. How many days are allowed for preparation, apart from journey period, to change
the residence, when an employee is transferred from one station to another
station on administrative
grounds. (Qn.ID 39481332)
1. One day ns: 2: Six days

3. Five days 4. 15 days

33. The Fundamental Rule where it is mentioned, that a government servant who does
not join his post with in his joining time, is entitled no pay or leave salary at
the end of the joining time is? (Qn.ID 39481333)
1. FR.105 2. FR.107
Ans: 3. FR 108 4. FR.110
34. No Government servant may be transferred to foreign service
against his will as per (On.
ID 39481334)
1. FR. 102 2. FR.110 (b)
3. FR. 108 ris:4. FR 110(a)
35, List of authorized courses of instructions and training treated as duty under
FR 9 (6) (b) (I) are mentioned in FR in (Qn.ID 39481335)
2. Annex. 1-A of Subsidiary Rules
3. Annex. VII of Subsidiary Rules
4. Annex. IV of Subsidiary Rules
SO-1-293 I MAY 2018- APPSC (CBT)
SO-1-292 -4
MAY 2018 - APPSC (CBT)
6 Subordinate Officers - Part 1 Made Easy
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 7
36 Which of the foowing statement is TRUE as to the sanction of child care Leave to
Women Government employees (On.lD 39481336)
I. It should be sanctioned in one spell
2. it should be sanctioned to look after the children up to the age of Eight (8)
years only
ns: 3. LTC cannot be availed during child care leave
4. Child care leave shall be debited to Half Pay Leave account
37. The Maximum distance can be travelled by an employee on LTC to any place in
India once in the service is? (Qn.ID 39481337)
ns: 1. 3500 Kilo meter
2. 3500 meters
3. 200 Kilo meters
4. 5500 Kilo meters
38. Identify the employee from the following, who is eligible for protection of his
last pay of the previous post, on appointment to another post in AP Government, on
selection byAPPSC under Rule 22 (a) (iv) of AP Fundamental Rules,? (Qn.ID 39481338)
1. Previously an employee of a University
2. Previously an employee of other State Government
ns: 3. Previously an employee o iUa Parishad (Local Body) in Andhra Pradesh
4 Previously an employee of a Corporate body of AP Government.
SO-I-294 -
39. Rule 26 of AP Revised Pension Rules 1980 pertains to (Qn.ID 39481339)
2. Additions to Qualifying service
3. Emoluments considered for fixing the Pension
4, Family Pension
40. The Family pension in respect of a deceased Government servant, who rendered
more than 20 years of service and, later died while in service, shall be fixed at?
(Qn.ID 39481340)
ns: 1. Enhanced FP at 50% of he Pay up to 7 years or till the date he/she ould have
attained he age of 65 years had he alive whichever is earlier and 30 % of last Pay
thereafter. subject to ot less than Minimum pension.
2. 50% of Last Pay subject to not less than Minimum Pension with no time limit
3. 30 % of last Pay subject to not less than Minimum Pension
4. 90 % of Service Pension received had he/she alive.
Which of the toilowing Item of Pay counts for Pension? (Qn.lD 39481341)
1. Special Pay drawn for performing arduous nature of dutes
2. Personal Pay sanctioned as an incentive for
undergoing Family
Planning Operation
ns: 3. Un absorbed portion o emoluments treated as personal pay for having reached
maximum time scale of the post held during he course cPf Pay fixation in Revised
Pay Scales.
4. All above
42. The competent authority to issue administrative sanction for drawl of the time
barred arrears of Pension / Family Pension, when claimed by the eligible
beneficiary is (Qn.ID 39481342)
1. Finance Department in AP Secretariat
2. Head of the Department
4. Pension disbursing officer
43. Where appointment to a new post does not involve assumption of duties and
responsibilities of greater Importance the pay shall be fixed applying Rule? (Qn.ID
1. Rule 22 (a) (I) of Al' FR
ns: 2. Rule 22 (a) (ii) of AP
3. Rule 22 (B) of Al' F.R.
4. Rule 22 (a) (iv) of AP Fundamental Rules
44. Where there is no channel for promotion to a higher post in department service
rules, an employee who has completed 18 years of service counts
for increments, is eligible for
the benefit under Automatic
Advancement Scheme for
(Qn.ID 39481344)
1. SPP Scale 18
2. SAP Post Scale. II 3,SPP Scale 1A
ns: 4. Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale. lB
45. The amount of obsequies (Funeral) Charges payable to the family of a deceased
Pensioner is? (QnJD 39481345)
ns: 1. One month Basic Pension subject to minimum of Rs.1500
2. 1 month Residuary Pension
3. Rs. One Lakh
4. Higher of Rs. 10000 or One
month Basic pension
46. As per instructions issued in G.O.M.No.145 (Finance. FR.1I) Dept
dated.19.S.2009,if an employee does not exercise option for pay fixation on
promotion, within One month from the date of promotion, the payshallbefixed
authority ? (Qn.ID 39481346)
1. Under Rule.FR 22 (B) from
the date of Promotion
2. Under Rule.FR 22 (B) from the date of accrual of increment in the lower post
ns: 3. By adopting the method whichever is most beneficial to the mployee
ns: 1. Forfeiture of service on esignatio
ns: 3. Administrative Department in AP Secreta na
-11 MAY2018 - APPSC (CBT)
SO-1-295 -[ MAY 2018 - APPSC (CBT)
8 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
Subordinate Officers - Part I -
Made Easy 9
4. Under RuIe.FR 22 (a) (i) from the date of Promotion and be re fixed under FR 31
(2) on the date of accrual of increment in the lower post.
47, Conveyance allowance admissible to the prescribed category employees for
maintenance of Bicycle those drawing pay in 2015 Revised Pay scales is ? (Qn. ID
1.Rs.lSO0 ns; 2. Rs.30
3. Rs.500 4, Rs.1050
48, is the amount of
Conveyance allowance payable to the Blind and Physically handicapped employees in
RPS 2015? (Qn.ID 39481348)
ns: 1.. 10% of the basic pay restricted to Rs.1350/- per month.
ns: 3. Head of the Departmen
4. Governor
54. As per Rule---- of AP Revised
Pension Rules 1980, all
extraordinary Leave granted on Medical Certificate counts for Pension? (Qn.ID
Ans: 1. Rule 21 2. Rule 26
3. Rule l6 4. Rule 22
55. What is the full form o "NABARD"? (Qn.ID 39481355) 1. National Bonds for
Agriculture and Rural
ns: 2. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Developmen
3. National Board for Agriculture and Rural Development
4. National Bureau for Agriculture and Rural Development
56, Major Head 6003 under Public Debt signifies? (Qn.ID 39481356)
2. Internal Debt of Central Government
3. External Debt-suspense
4. Loans and Advances from
Central Government
57. Major Head 7610 under Loans and Advances stand for? (QnJD 39481357)
1. Loans and Advances to
State Government
3. Miscellaneous Loans
4. Inter State settlement
58. Major Head 8009 under Public account stand for? (Qn.ID 39481358)
1. Insurance and Pension Funds
ns: 2. State Provident Fund
3. Public Provident Funds
4. Special Deposit accounts
59. In the following given Non Plan
expenditure classification,
Sub Head 03 stand for ? Major Head 2210 Medical and Health Department;: Sub Major
Head 06 Public Health Minor Head 101 Drug Control Group Sub Head 00:: Sub Head
03 ; Detailed Head 010
Salaries ;; Sub detailed Head 011 Pay. (Qn.ID 39481359)
1. Regional Offices
2. Headquarters
ns: 3. District Offices
4, Salaries
60. Identify the correct sequence of distribution of funds provided in
Budget? (Qn.lD 39481360)
ns: 1. Finance to Chief
Controlling Officer to Sub
Controlling Officer to OD
2. Chief Controlling Officer to Sub Controlling Officer to DDO
3. Finance to Sub Controlling Officer to DDO
4. Finance to DDO
ns: 1. Internal Debt of State Governmen
ns: 2. Loans to Government ervants
of Judicial proceedings? (Qn.lD 39481350)
1. Salary last drawn
its: 2. Subsistence allowance as per FR.53
3. Not eligible for any emoluments
4. Minimum pay of the Time scale attached to the post last held
5.1. Full rate HRA and CCA shall be allowed during all kinds of leave up to? (Qn.ID
1.240 days 2. 120 days
ns: 3. 4. 60 days
180 day

52. An employee worked in Government service beyond the date of superannuation by

mistake shall be paid? (Qn.tD 39481352)
1. Salary
ns: 2. Shall not be paid Salar
SO-1-297 MAY 2018- APPSC (CBT) 1
3. The responsible officer who has not taken any action for getting the employee
discharged on retirement. Shall pay his/her salary
4. The employee shall not be sanctioned benefits of Pension
53. Who is the competent authority to permit the Extraordinary leave granted on
Medical Certificate for a period not more than six months to be counted for the
purpose of allowing increments Under FR.26 (b)(ii)? (Qn.ID 39481353)
1. Head of the office
2. Government
2. 10% of the basic pay -No ceiling
3. Higher of 10% of the basic pay or Rs.1500
4. Rs. 1350
49. No Pay and allowances shall be drawn at old station after issuing Last Pay
Certificates as Per Treasury Rule? (Qn.ID 39481349) 1. AP Treasury Rule 15
ns: 2. AP Treasury Rule 23
3. AP Treasury Rule 16 SR 11
4. AP Treasury Rule 12 SR.4
50. A Government servant lodged in prison and suspended is eligible
for until finalization
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 11
10 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
61. The statement prepared by the Accountant General ,compiling combined finance
and revenue accounts of a State Government, for a financial year is? (QnJD
1. Annual Accounts
2. Profit & Loss Account
3. Receipts and payments statement
ns: 4. Annual General Financial tatemen
62. The Government accounts of a financial year are kept open after 31st March, in
the following Financial year for a certain period by the Accountant General, for
the purpose of? (Qn. ID 39481362)
1. Carrying out certain inter Departmental adjustments
2. For closing of several Provident funds and suspense heads
3. To rectify the
misclassification of that financial year noticed after 31st March
ns: 4. All abov
63. Government accounts shall be maintained on Cash basis as per
Article of AP Accounts
code? (Qn.lD 39481363)
1. Article 21 2. Article 23
Ans: 3. Article. 2 4. Article. 24
64, As detailed in Article 24 of AP Accounts code, the Section "expenditure heads"
in second division of consolidated fund
ns: 2. Expenditure met from borrowed funds for increasing concrete assets of a
material and permanent characte
3. Repayment of loans raised by the government as internal debt
4. Transactions relating to transfers from consolidated fund to contingency fund
and inter State settlements
65. The four digit code allotted as Major Head for Contingency Fund in Part.11 of
Government accounts is? (Qn.lD 39481365)
3.4000 4.6001
66. Directions regulating the exhibition of recoveries of expenditure in Government
accounts are enunciated in AP Accounts code Volume.1
in ? (Qri.lD 39481366)
ns: 1. Chapter. 5 Article 73 to 7
2. Chapter. 3 Article 27 to 30
3. Chapter. 2 Article 18 to 202.
4. Chapter. 4 Article 60 to 67
67. Remuneration paid to the examiners and invigilators for conducting examinations
shall be
charged to detailed Head
(QnJD 39481367)
1. 010 Salaries
2.130/132 other office expenses
68. When a Government servant is transferred from one govern ment to another
government the expenditure on transit Pay and allowances including Transfer TA
shall he borne by_ (Qn.ID 39481368)
ns: 1. The Government to which he is transferred
2. The Government from which he is transferred
3. The Employee him self
4. None of the above
69. A Government servant while on foreign service is transferred to another foreign
service without reverting to (parent department)
Government service the
expenditure on transit Pay and allowances including Transfer TA
shall be borne by ? (On.
ID 39481369)
ns: 1. The Foreign employer o whom the employee proceeds on Transfe
2. The Foreign employer from where the employee proceeds on Transfer
3. The Government (Parent Department)
4. Employee shall bear the expenditure
ns: 3. 280 professional service charge
4.300 other Contractual services
70. A permanent government servant had 287 days of leave at his credit in EL
account as on 30.06.2017.He has surrendered 15 days of out of the above balance on
01.07.2017. Calculate the balance of leave at credit in his EL account as on
02.01.2018? (Qn.JD 39481370)
1. 282 days ns: 2. 300 day

3. 287 days 4. 215 days

71. A government servant who retired on 28.02.2018. After-Noon had 215 days of EL
and 116 days of HPL at credit as on 31.01.2018. How many days of Leave he is
eligible to encash on retirement? (Qn.ID 39481371)
1. 215 days of Earned Leave
2. 215 days of Earned leave and 85 days of HPL
4. 215 days of Earned leave and 58 days of Half Pay leave with full pay
72. A government servant who retired on 31.03.2018. After-Noon had 300 days of EL
and 350 days of HPL at credit on the date of his retirement. His Last pay is
Rs,52590 DA drawn on that date is Rs.12676 and HRA is Rs.10518. What is the amount
of Leave encashment he will get on retirement.? (Qn.1D 39481372)
1. Rs.7,57,844
ns: 2. Rs.757,84
3. Rs.11,99,913
4. Rs.9,48,199
ns: 3. 218 days of Earned leave and 82 days of HP
accounts of the Government ,deals with ? (Qn.ID 39481364) 1. Revenue expenditure
on administration of Government
ns: 2. 8000
SO-1-298 H. MAY 2018-APPScjçBTJ
SO-1-299 H - MAY 2018-APPSC (CBfl
12 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
75. What kind of pension is received by a government servant ,where disciplinary
proceedings are pending on the date of his retirement ? (Qn.l0 39481375)
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 13
service for fixation of pension.? 181. Which bill form is used for drawl
(Qn.lD 39481378) of Festival Advance ? (Qn.lD
1. Five Years 39481381)
73. What are the details to be filled in Descriptive rolls in Annexure 1 of Pension
Papers for drawl of Service Pension? (Qn.lD 39481373)
1. Photo of the pensioner and his/her specimen signatures only
2. Photo of the pensioner, Joint photo of the pensioner with spouse and their
specimen signatures
3. Photo of the pensioner, Joint photo of the pensioner with spouse their specimen
signatures, and finger prints (in case of illiterate / for others optional)
Ans: 4. Photo of the pensioner, oint photo of the pensioner with spouse their
specimen signatures, heir identification marks and finger prints (in case of
illiterate / for others optional)
74. In which part of the Pension papers the nomination details are to be furnished
by the retired / Retiring Government servant to enable the nominees to draw life
time arrears, in case of demise of pensioner before he/she receive the pensioner
benefits? (Qn.ID 39481374)
1. Part. II A
2. Part. 11 B
3. Annexure.l
ns: 4. Annexure.Il
I- - ll Ans: 1. Provisional Pension
2. Superannuation Pension
3. Anticipatory Pension
4. Retiring Pension
76. What is the commutation factor (value expressed in number of years of purchase)
applicable in respect of a government servant who retired in the year 2017 on
superannuation on attaining the age of 60 years, and opted to commute 40% of his
pension? (Qn.lD 39481376)
ns: 1. 8.194
3. 10.46 4, 8.287
77. Last Pay of a Government servant on the date of his retirement on 31.03.2018 is
Rs.71510 DA admissible as on that date is 24.104%. His qualifying service is 33
years . Calculate retirement gratuity ? (Qn.lD 39481377)
1. Rs 14,64,326
2. Rs 14,64,330
3. Rs.11,79,915
ns: 4. Rs.1200,000
78. An employee is permitted to retire from Government service voluntarily from
31.01.2018 After Noon. In normal course his superannuation retirement is due on
31.05.2021 ,He entered in to Government service on 02.08.1993.What is the quantum
of weightage to be added to his
Ans: 2. Three Years Four Months
3. Three Years four months four days
4. Four years
79. Calculate the Enhanced Family Pension, and Family Pension of a Government
servant who died on 08.04.2018 while on duty and who has completed 20 years of
service. His last Pay is Rs.44870. (Qn.ID 39481379)
ns: 1. EFP Rs.22435 Per Month Normal FP is Rs.13461 Per Month
2. EFP Rs.22435 Per Month Normal FP is Rs.6731 Per Month
3. EFP Rs.33924 Per Month Normal FP is Rs.13461 Per Month
4. EFP Rs.22193 Per Month Normal FP is Rs.13461 Per Month
80. Monthly Service Pension of a Government servant who retired in the year 2016 is
fixed at Rs.32335. He has received commutation value on 40% of the pension.
Dearness Relief on pension is at 24.104% as on date. Find the monthly emoluments of
pension he will receive adding Rs 300 Medical allowance (Qn.ID 39481380)
1. Rs.24377. Per Month
Ans: 2. Rs.27495 Per Month
3. Rs.24077 Per Month
4. Rs.27195 Per Month ns: 1. APTCForm4 2. Form 52
3. APTC form 48 4. Form. 42
82. Which bill form is used for drawl of Leave Salary ? (Qn.ID 39481382)
1. APTC Form 40
2. APTC form 52
ns: 3. APTC form 47
4. APTC Form. 42
83. Which bill form is used for drawl of encashment of Earned Leave? (Qn.tD
1. APTC Form 40
ns: 2. APTC form 4
3. APTC form 48
4. APTC Form 42
84. Alastgrade Government ern PlOyee is drawing Pay of Rs.21820 in the time scale
of Rs.14600-430 15460-470-16870-510-18400550-20050-590-21820-64023740-700-25840-760
-28120 -820 -30580 -880 -33220-95036070-1030-39160-1110-424901190-44870. His next
increment is due on 01.05. 2018. He retired on 30.04.2018 After-Noon. His Total
service till retirement is 27 years 7 months. Calculate the Qualifying service for
pension and fix his service pension? (Qn. ID 39481384)
2.Qs33years/Pension Rs.11230
3. Qs. 32 years! Pension Rs. 10890
4. Qs. 32 years 6 months / Pension Rs.10745
Pension Rs.1106
MAY 2018 - APPSC (CBT)

SO-1-301 - MAY 2018 - APPSC (CBT)

14 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy

Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 15
85. Upto what extent the financial powers have been delegated to a District Office
Head for procuring Water Coolers if budget is available? (Qn.ID 39481385)
1. Not exceeding Rs.25000
2. Not exceeding Rs.20000
ns: 3. Full Powers
4. Not exceeding Rs.10000
86 Calculate Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity in respect of deceased Govt servant who
died after completion of 28 years 4 months service and drawn last pay of Rc.43680
and 24.104% DA there upon (QniD 39481386)
1. Rs.772478 2. Rs.772480
ns: 3. Rs.772479
87. What is the prescribed for materials and e- procurement 39481387)
ns: 1. More than Rs.One Lakh
2. More than Rs. Ten thousand
3. More than Rs. Ten lakhs
4. More than Rs. Five lakhs
88. The time scales attached to two different posts are determined as identical
time scales? (Qn.ID 39481388)
1. If the Minimum of the Time scales are identical
2. If the Maximum of the time scales are identical
3. If the Minimum and
Maximum of the time scales are identical
91. Quote the TA Rule to claim tour TA by an employee who is holding full
additional charge of another post at other place, for attending the duties of that
post? (Qn.ID 39481391)
1. TA Rule 45 (6)
ns: 2. TA Rule.47 (6)
3. TA Rule.78 (2)
4. TA Rule 83(2)
92. Mr. Ravi Teja was appointed to the post of Senior Assistant in Public Health
Department through selection by APPSC on 04.01.2012. He passed the tests prescribed
for declaration of probation, in the examinations held in November 2014 last
examination date was 18.11.2014. Find out the date of drawl of his first increment
and second increment assuming that his probation was declared as per AP state and
subordinate service Rules in vogue. (Qn.ID 39481392)
ns: 1. First increment from 01.01.2013 Second increment from 19.11.2014
2. First increment from
01.01.2013 Second
increment from 01 .11 .20 14
3. First increment from 18.11.2014 Second increment from 19.11.2014
4. First increment from 01.01.2013 Second increment from 01.01.2014
93. An employee working as Senior Assistant in a Government Department was awarded
the Punishment of stoppage of One Annual increment for two years through orders
issued on 05.01 .2013.His last increment date was 01.01.2013.He was on duty till
date. Find out the date on which the withheld increment is restored. (Qn.ID
1. On 01.01.2014
2. On 01.01.2015
Ans: 3. On 01.01.2016
'ns:4. If the Minimum, Maximum, the period and rate of increments of the ime scales
are identical
89. Date of last increment of a Government servant is 01.06.2017.Totat period of
£01 without MC, Suspension and dies non, together after the above date arrived to 3
months 22 days. Fix the date, from which he will draw next increment with monetary
benefit? adopting the Rule FR 26 (a). (Qn.ID 39481389)
1. 23.09.2018 2. 24.09.2018
ns: 3. 01.09.2018 4.01-10.2018

90. Miss. Rekha was appointed as Senior Auditor in Treasuries Department on

01.04.2005 After Noon. She has completed 13 years of service by 01.04.2018. She has
passed required Tests for promotion to the post of STO/JAO held in June 2017. She
attended the last examination on 24.06.2017. Fix the dates from which she is
eligible for Special Grade Post Scale and Special Promotion Post Scale IA, since
there are no vacant posts available to grant promotion. (Qn.ID 39481390)
ns: 1. SG scale from 02.04.2011 PP..iA from 25.06.2017
2. SG scale from 02.04.2011 SPP 1A from 02.04.2017
3. SG scale from 01.04.2011 SPP 1A from 01.06.2017
4. SG scale from 01.04.2011 SPP 1A from 25.06.2017
4. On 01.0 1.2017
94. An employee who has drawn pay of Rs.13390, and died after completing One year
of service which has been regularized. Fix the Family Pension payable from next day
to the date of death,
to the wife of deces€d
Government servant. (Qn.ID 39481394)
1. Not eligible for Family Pension
2. Rs.6695 Per month up to seven years
ns: 3. Rs.6500 Per month
4. Rs.4017 Per month
95 .Thedrawingofficer has to maintain a register of increments in APTC form 106 as
per instructions
issued under (QniD
1. SR. 11 under Treasury Rule 11
2. SR.11 under Treasury Rule 16
3. SR.11 under Treasury Rule 21
Ans: 4. Note.(3) of SR. 13 under reasury Rule 1
4. Rs.758926
monetary limit procurement of stores through platform (Qn.ID
- - MY201 §P
MAY 2018 - APPSC (CBT)
16 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
96. What information shall be 98. As per by AP TA Rule
furnished by the drawing officer 1996 if the journey does not
in column No.15 (Last one) exceed 32 KM, mileage allowance
of the Periodical Increment shall be restricted to one DA (Qn.
Certificate (APTC Form 49) (Qn. ID 39481398)
ID 39481396)
1. Scale of Pay
2. Rate of Increment
3. Nature of appointment
Ans: 4. Language test,
Departmental tests and other tests to be passed
97. From the following identify the relatives of a women government servant who are
not considered as dependent Family members for the purpose of transfer TA under AP
TA Rules 1996- (Qn.lD 39481397)
1. Dependent husband
2. Un married dependent daughter aged 26 years
3. Dependent Parents
ns: 1. TA Rule 24 (3)
2. TA Rule .34 (2)
3. TA Rule 27 (1)
4. TA Rule.3
99. Which category All India Service Officers are classified under Grade. II for
the Purpose of AP TA Rules. (Qn.lD 39481399)
1. Officers of AIS in Senior Time scale and below
4. All Officers of AIS are covered under Grade 1 only
100. Travelling allowance facilities (Special Rules) to Governor, Ministers, and
Chief Secretary of the State are incorporated in AP(CS) TA Rules.1996 under? (Qn-ID
Is: 1. Rule. 90 Annexure-V
2. Rule. 92 Annexure-V
3. Annexure, VI
4. Rule. 13 (A)
The Accounts Test for
Subordinate Officers, Part - I
(With Books)
APPSC -13-11-2018
Question IDs (Q.1d39481 331 301 to 39481331400)
Time: 2 hours Marks: 100
SO-1-305 j I
ns: 4. Dependent Mother-in-law and Father-in Law
ns: 2. Officers of AIS in Junior ime scale 3. Officers of AIS in Selection Grade
scale and below
1. As per the latest Government orders on CPS, the subscriber employees in case of
premature exits from CPS on invalidation may exercise option to?
ns: 1. Invalid Pension
2. Service Pension
3. Pro-rata Pension
4. Ex-Gratia amount
2. As per latest Government orders on CPS (NPS) in respect of deceased Government
servant who is covered underthe scheme, the family members may exercise option to?
Ans: 1. Family Pension
2. Ex-gratia allowance
3. Compassionate Appointment 4, None
3. What is the full form of PFRDA with reference to CPS?
1. Provident Fund Regulatory
Development Authority
ns: 2. Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority
3. Provisional Fund Regulatory Development Authority
4. Personal Fund Regulatory Development Authority
4. The Employees who are
covered by CPS and retired from Government service upon normal Superannuation are
eligible to withdraw % of
accumulated pension wealth?
1. 100 Percent
2. 40 Percent
5. In case of death before superannuation the family
members of deceased
Government servants are paid %accumulated pension wealth?
Ars: 1. 100 Percerr 2, 70 Percent
3. 40 Percent 4. 60 Percent
6. The subscribers who exit from CPS before the age of normal superannuation have
to compulsorily utilize %
of accumulated wealth for purchase of annuity from PFRDA empanelled annuity service
1. 20 Percent
Ans: 2. 210 Percen
3. 80 Percent
4. 60 Percent
Airs: 3. 60 Percent or less at their option
4. 90 Percent
MAY 21?PSc (CBT)
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 3
2 Subordinate Officers - Part 1- Made Easy
4. For 57 days EL and 57 days of HPL
22. The Pensiofl -,f mentally retarded child shall be paid to?
1. Sister
ns: 2. Legal ua.çdian
3. Elder Brother
4. To him or her only
23. On 30th June, 2018 an employee has 287 days of Earned Leave at credit. He has
availed 15 days Surrender Leave from the above balance 01/07/2018, without waiting
for completion of 12 months gap as per Govt. Instructions, in circular memo. He
retired from Govt. service on 3.11.2018. Calculate the leave balance at credit on
his retirement date, assuming he has not used any EL after 01/07/2018?
1. 300 days 2. 297 days
3. 287 days Ans: 4. 285 day

As a safeguard against fraud, the authority for repayment of deposit from.

Treasury, shall enter the name of the payee after the words "Passed for Payment'
to, in the repayment order, as per instructions issued in A? Treasury
Rules under ?
ns: 1. SR.31 TR.16
2. SR. 29 TR. 16 3, SR.33 TR.16
4. SR, 35 TR.16
25. An-employee who was awarded the punishment of withholding two annual increments
7. Total qualifying service for calculation of pension in respect of an employee
retired on 31.07.2018.AN,
on superannuation is arrived to 32 years 1 month. His last Pay is
Rs.55410.Calculate the commuted value of pension, if he opted to commute 40% of
placed before the general public for advise.
17. In some cases the Major Heads
are sub divided in to?
ns: 1. Sub Major Heads
2. Sub Heads
3 Group Sub Heads
4. Object Heads
18. In Classification structure of Government accounts object classification of
Expenditure is
represented by ?
1. Major Heads
ns: 2. Detailed Heads
3. Sectors
4. Minor Heads
19. The digital code/codes assigned for sub head, Deduct recoveries in AR Budget
Manual is/are?
1.80 ns: 2. 96to98
3.90to95 4.03
20. Which of the following retirement benefit will not be allowed to family members
of deceased government servant, who died while in service?
1. Family pension
2. Encashment of EL or HPL
3. Death gratuity
ns: 4. Anticipatory death gratuit
21. An employee who has 57 days of Earned Leave and 570 days Half Pay Leave at
credit on the date of retirement, can be permitted to encash?
1. For 57 days EL and 570 days of HPL
2. For 57 days EL and 285 days of HPL
'ns: l. Rs.1056633 2.Rs.1079457
3. Rs.993566 4. Rs, 1068625
8. Quote the Rule from AP Revised Pension Rules.1980, from the following, under
which service gratuity is allowed.
*Ans: 1. Rule 45 Ans: 2. Rule 46

3. Rule 49 4. Rule SO
*Both 1 and 2 are correct as per
Commission's Revised Key. Refer Page 16.
9. Quote the Rule under which AP Revised Pension Rules.1980 the amount of
Retirement gratuity is fixed,
1. Rule 45 ns: 2. Rule 46
3. Rule 49 4. Rule 50
10. According to which AP Revised Pension Rules.1980, the amount of Family Pension
is fixed.
2. Rule 51 4. Rule 38
11. An employee who has retired on 30/04/2013 is receiving service pension at Rs.
16600 in Revised Pay scales.2010. Fix the consolidated pension in RPS 2015 payable
from 2/6/2014.
1. Rs.16870 2. Rs.35120
3. Rs-32000 Ans: 4. Rs.34253
1. Rule 45
ns; 3. Rule
retired on attaining the age of superannuation on 30/09/2018 AN, who opted to
commute 40% of service pension.
Ans: 1. 40% of pension X 8.194 X 12
2. 40% of pension X 8.371 X 12 140% of pension X 8.197 X 12 4. 40% of pension X
13. Quote the rule in APRPR.1980,for payment of compassionate allowance to a
employee under special
1. Rule 39 2. Rule 38
ns: 3. Rule 40 4. Rule 45

14. The amount of membership subscription to be deducted from the first salary of
an employee for Employees Welfare Fund is.
1. Rs.20 2. Rs.19
3. Rs.10 ns: 4k- Rs.50
15. For which purpose an employee cannot avail the loan from Employees Welfare Fund
1. Children Education
2. Medical expenses
'ns: 3. House Construction
4. Marriage Expenses
16. What is the Draft Budget as defined in AP Budget Manual?
I. Final Budget to be placed before Legislative Assembly
2. Estimated expenditure and Revenues of a Department for the ensuing financial
3. Previous Year Budget.
ns: 4. The budget proposals for nsuing financial year
12. Select the formula for fixation of commuted value for an employee who was in
superior service and
4 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
two years, will earn his next fraud is come to the notice of the
increment? Head of an 'office?
1. After two years. He will loose two increments permanently
Ans: 2. These two increments are
ithheld for two years, and then restored after two
ears with third increment. No loss of increments.
3. Next increment will be arise after completion of twice the period of punishment
(four years)
4. Two Increment will be sanctioned as usual on notional basis until in normal
course. Third increment will be postponed. He will loose one increment permanently.
26. Drawing officers shall pay
special attention to the detailed instructiOns and certificates printed on
Travelling allowance bill farms according to AP
Treasury Rule ?
1. SR. 4 under TR. 16
2. SR. 8 under TR. 16
ns: 3. SR.16TR. 1
4. SR.15 under YR. 16
27. The Article in Financial Code which contains the instructions for payment of
pay and allowance due, in respect of a Government servant whose whereabouts are
1. Article 79 2. Article 82
ns: 3. Article 81 4. Article 44
28. The Article in Financial Code containing the instructions about procedure to be
adopted when a
SO-1-308 -c
Ans: 1. Article 302 2. Article 301
3. Article 303 4. Article 274A
Both 1 and 2 are correct as per
Commission's Revised Key. Refer Page 16.
29. The fundamental rule which contain the provision, for conversion of the
suspension period treated as not on duty, into leave of any kind due if Government
servant so desires.
1. Sub Rule 2 under Rule 52
2. Sub Rule 2 under Rule 53
3. Sub Rule A(I) under Rule 53
ns: 4. Sub Rule 7 under Rule 54 B
30. When the suspension period is treated as suspension itself on conclusion of
proceedings it will
1. Not count for increments
2. Not count for pension
3. Count for notional increments
Ans: 4. 1&2
31. Where a Government servant under suspension dies before conclusion of Court
proceedings instituted against him, the period of suspension till the date of death
shall be treated as duty for all purposes according to AP Fundamental Rule
1. Sub Rule 1 under Rule 53
2. Sub Rule I under Rule 54-A
3. Sub Rule 3 under Rule 54-A
ns: 4. Sub Rule 2 under Rule 54-B
32. Procedure of destruction of Government records connected with accounts is
described under
Article of AP Financial Code?
1. Article 323 2. Article 321
ns: 3. Article 32. 4. Article 329
Subordinate Officers - Part I -
33. A & B were appointed to the post of Senior Assistants in Health department
through APPSC selection. As per APPSC selection list "A" was senior to
But "A" joined the post on 3.8.2017. "8" joined the post 28.7.2017. The services of
both are regularized from the date of joining of "A". Who will earn the initial
increment first, after their appointment.?
1. A will earn increment first
'ns: 2. B will earn the increment first
3. A & B will earn the increment on the same day
4. Increment sanctioning authority will fix a date at his discretion for each of
34. Date of birth of Sri Bhaskara Rao. Assistant Engineer is 20.09.1958. He entered
into Government service on 3.9,1983 FN. He retired on superannuation in the normal
course. His last Pay drawn is Rs.66330 He has drawn DA at 24.104%. The period of
Non qualifying service is "nil". Calculate the Retirement gratuity
1. Rs.13,58,247
Ans: 2. Rs.12,00,00
3, Rs.8,00,000
4. Rs.10,00,258
35. Which of the following condition, need not be fulfilled, to step up the Pay of
a senior employee on par with that of his junior,
1. The status of senior and junior should be same in the feeder post and next
higher post after promotions.
Made Easy 5
2. The anomaly should have been as a result of junior promoted after enjoying the
benefit under automatic advancement scheme and senior should have been promoted
earlier without the benefit.
Ans: 3, The date of birth of Senior should be earlier than the .unio
4. Both shall have to belong to same cadre and covered in same Zonal seniority
36. Who among the following will get the benefit of special promotion post Scale.
IA, where some departmental tests are prescribed for promotion to next higher post.
I. "A" relinquished the promotion to next post forever.
Ans:2."B" possess academic qualification and passed Dept. tests but did not get
promotion until 13 years fo want of vacancy.
3. "C" who crossed 45 years of age. He has not passed the Dept. tests and does not
have necessary academic qualifications prescribed for next higher post.
4 "D" possess necessary academic qualification, further he crossed 45 Years of age.
This is first promotion after initial recruitment in his department. He neither
applied nor attempted the Dept. tests.
6 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy ..
37. In to how many sections the transactions relatingto consolidated fund are
accounted for?
1. Four sections
2. Two sections
ns: *3 Three sections
4. One Section
Option changed to 3 as per Commission's Revised Key. Refer Page 16.
38, Special Pay admissible in Revised Pay Scales 2015 to the Office Subordinates
possessing driving License, when their services are utilized as Drivers temporarily
is 1. Rs.500 Per month
ns 2. Rs.325 Per month
3. Rs.825 Per month
4. Rs.150 Per month
39. When a government servant is reduced to lower service, grade, or post to lower
time scale as measure of punishment, the pay in the lower service, grade or post,
or a lower time scale shall be regulated in accordance with
Rule - of AP Fundamental
1. Rule 30 of FR
2. Rule 22 (A)(ll) of FR
ns: 3. Rule 28 of F
4. Rule 31(2) of FR
40. The Fundamental rule in which it was mentioned that,' to arrive at the date of
next increment the total of all such periods that does not count for increments in
that time scale shall be added to the normal date of increment'?.
1. FR 24 2, FR 26 (aa)
ns: 3. FR 26(a) 4, FR 25 41, Trace the ruling from AP Fund a me ntal Rules, where
it has been described that where a Government servant passed prescribed test or
examinations in installments, any right, benefits,, or concession there to will be
deemed to have been occurred on the day following the last day of examination in
the subjects which he has passed.?
ns: 1. Ruting.2 under FR 26 (a
2. Ruling 2 'under FR 24 (a)
3. Sub Rule (1) under FR 31-A
4. Clause (iii), Sub Rule (2)
under FR 31-A
42. Choose from the following
options, the procedure to be followed for sanction of increments (first and second)
in respect of probationers as per the proviso of .AP Fundamental Rules?
1. First increment after puthng
the service necessary to earn an increment. Second increment after one year to the
date of first increment.
2. First increment after commencement of probation, after putting the service
necessary to earn an increment. Second increment from the date following the date
from which he is declared to have completed his probation satisfactorily.
flS: 3. First increment after
commencement of probation, after putting in
he service necessary to earn the increment. Second increment with effect rom the
date on which he is declared to have completed the probation satisfactorily.
4. First increment from the date on which orders of commencement of probation are
issued and second increment from date of issue of orders of completion of probation
43. Which Chapter of AP. Fundamental Rules, contains the Rules prescribed for
payment of House Rent Allowance to Government employees?
ns: 1. Chapter. 2. Chapter. III
4, Chapter. VI
3. Chapter. I
44. Norms and conditions for allotment of residences by Government to its employees
are Provided in AP Fundamental Rules Linder Rule
ns: 1. Rule 45
3. Rule 46
45. Government employees have no claim, for extra remuneration for temporary
increase in the work due to holding of special
conferences according to
Ruling under AP Fundamental Rules?
46. As per Article 25 of A.P Accounts Code the transactions related to Contingency
Fund are recorded
under Part ?
1. Part. 1
ns: 2. Part. II
3. Part. lii
4. Part. IV
47. Monthly accounts of Government payments and receipts are rendered to the
Accountant General. Andhra Pradesh by?
1. Heads of the Departments and Secretariat Departments Heads.
2. Finance Dept. in Secretariat.
ns: 3. District Treasury Officers and Pay and Accounts Officers
4. Director of Economics and Statistics
48. Chief Controlling Officers with regard to Government expenditure and receipts
1. Drawing and Disbursing
Officers in all offices
2. Director of Treasuries and Accounts
3. Accountant General. Andhra Pradesh
Ans:4. Heads of the Departments and Secretariat
Departments Heads
49. The monetary benefit of Pay fixed in Revised Pay Scales-2015 was allowed with
effect from
1. 1.7.2013
ns: 3. 2.6,2014
2. Rule 44
4. Rule 48
ns: 1. Ruling (4) under FR 46
2. Ruling (3) under FR 46
3. Ruling (2) under FR 45
4. Ruling (2) under FR 42
SO-I-310 -4
Subordinate Officers Part I - Made Easy
3. 14 days including public holidays
ns; *4. Should exceed one month
Both 2 and 4 are correct as per
Commission's Revised Key. Refer Page 16.
54. Find out the instructions issued under FR. 49 where it was laid down that an
employee shall not be granted additional pay unless previous incumbent of the
additional post held, has actually given over charge under the orders of the
competent authority?
'ns: 1. Inst. (2) issued under FR 49
2. Instructions (B) issued under FR 49
3. Instructions (3) issued under FR 49
4. Instructions (4) issued under FR 49
55. The Expenditure Major Head of Contingency Fund is?
1-7999 ns:2. 8000
3.8001 4.8121
56. Which category employees given below are eligible for placing to hold full
additional charge of another post?
1. Drivers
2. Record assistants
3. Class IV employees
ns: 4. Stenographers
57. The procedure of recording irregular and unusual payment in the accounts is
described in AP Accounts Code under
1. Article 85
ns: 3.' Article 83
Subordinate Officers - Part I Made Easy -
58. If the period of suspense has been prolonged due to reasons attributable to the
Government servant, the competent authority may reduce the subsistence allowancs as
per AP Fundamental
Rule ?
1. FR 53 (1) (ii) (a)
As: 2. FR 53 (1) (ii) (a) (ii)
3. FR 53 (1) (ii) (a) (i)
4. FR 53 (2)
59. Where prima-facie case is established on charge
of corruption, acceptance
of illegal gratification, and misappropriation the substance allowance shall be
restricted to
50% as per ruling under
AP Fundamental Rules?
1. FR 53 (1) (ii) (a) (i)
2. FR 53 (1) (ii) (a) (ii)
3. FR 54 (1) (ii) (a) (i)
Ans: 4. FR 53 (1) (ii) (a) (iv
60. Rule 52 of AP Fundamental Rules
stipulates that ?
1. The rate of DA will be based on increased or decreased amount of subsistence
2. A permanent post vacated by the dismissed, removal or compulsory retirement of a
Government servant should not be filled substantively until one year from the date
of such event
Ans: 3. The pay and allowances of a government servant who i dismissed or removed
SO-1-313 -[' NOVEMBER 2018- APPSC
50. The Decretal amount is defined in AP Budget Manual as -
1. The deficit in Government account
ns: 2. Expenditure on payment of decree or award of any Cou
3 Ways and means advances 4. Expenditure incurred over the appropriations
51. A Government servant shall not be appointed to (officiate) hold additional
charge of another post which is subordinate to the regular) post This condition is
stipulated in AP FR under?
1. Rule 49(c)
ns: 2. Rule 49(b)
3. Rule 45
4. Rule 44
52, When an employee is appointed to hold full additional charge of another Post,
he is entitled to draw the compensatory allowance ?
11. Of his own post
2. Second post which he is
appointed to whole full additional charge
ns: 3. Larger of the two allowances
4. Least of the two allowances.
53. What is the minimum required period to draw additional pay under FR 49?
1. Should exceed 10 working days
Ans: *2 Should exceed 14 working
days excluding public holiday
SO-1-312 -.----[ NOVEMBER 2O18-APpSC
2. Article 80
4. Article 15
he service ceases from th date of such removal o dismissed according to Rule of AP
4. Arrears of substances allowance due to a Govt. servant shall not be with held,
but be 'paid of adjusting, Government dues and demands.
61. Which Appendix in AP Financial Code, contains the authorities, who are
delegated with powers to sanction refund of Revenues is specified 2
1. Appendix-18
2. Appendix-7
3. Appendix-10
Ans: 4. Appendix-2
62. APTC form 40-A is used for drawl
1. Drawl of house Building Advance
2. Drawl of LTC advance
3. Drawl Pay and Allowances
ns 4. Withdrawal from GPF
63. According to which AP Treasury Rule, Form 16 appended to income tax rules 1952,
for the tax deducted from the salary of an employee should be issued annually?
1. TR 16 sub rule 2 (1)(ii)
2. TR 16 sub rule 2 (1)(i)
3. TR 16 sub rule 2 (n)
4. TR 11 sub rule 2 (k)
*None of the options given are correct-Question
orrectQuestion is deleted as per Commission's Revised Key. Refer Page 16.
10 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
64. No orders regarding promotions and similar changes shall be attached to any
bill or voucher as per instructions issued in AP
Treasury Rule
ns: 1. TR 16 Sub Rule 2 (m)
2. TR 16 Sub Rule 1(m)
3. TR 12 Sub Rule 2 (m)
4. 1k 31 Sub Rule 2
65. The schedule for recovery of an amount under court attachment in APTC Form 41-C
in Triplicate should be attached to establishment pay bill as per AP
Treasury Rule ?
1. 1k 16 SR (2)(m)
2. TR 12 SR (2)(k)
ns: 3.TR 16 SR (2)(k)
4. TR 12 SR (10)
*Option changed to 3 as per Comrnssion's Revised Key. Refer Page 16.
66. The unreduced pension due up to the day preceding the date of effect of
Commutation, shall be paid along with the commuted value, to pensioner as per AP
Treasury Rule ?
1. SIR 92 under TR 16
Ans: 2, SR 93 (b) under TR 1
3. SR 94 under TR 16
4. instructions 66 under 1k 16
67. Find the instructions issued under AP Treasury Rule, where it was stated that
the declaration shall be countersigned by the next higher competent authority in
case of the Gazetted officers, who counter signs their own TA bills?
ns: 1. Instructions 1 under TR -17
2. instructions 1 under TR 16
3. instructions 2 under TR 17 4, SR92 under TRl6
68. The Treasury Officer should not disburse the amount towards Grants-in-Aid
sanctioned by the competent authority having powers delegated to, until he has
received the sanction order from the sanctioning authority, and until the original
sanction received by the Grantee is enclosed to the bill, as per instructions
issued under Rule
of AP Treasury Rules?
1. TR 16 Instructions 1
2. TR 11 Instructions
3. TR 17 Instructions 1
Ans: 4. 1k 17 instructions 2
69. Treasury Officer shouldn't
undertake any correspondence with any authority in regard to a claim which he
considers to be disputable, on behalf of the client. Quote the appropriate Rule in
AP Treasury Rule?
Ans: 1. Instructions under TR 1:
2. Instruction (1) under TR 19
3. Instruction (2) under TR 18
4. Instruction (3) under TR 16
70. The Gazetted Government servant may at his options draw his pay at the District
treasury instead of at the sub treasury at his head quarters according to AP
Treasury Rule ? Subordinate Officers - Part I
71. Which Rule in AP Treasury code restrain the Head of an office to draw and
disburse any Pay or allowances of a Non- Gazzetted Government servant, to whom he
has granted Last Pay Certificate?
1. Instructions (11) under TR 22
2. Note (3) Instructions (1) under TR 23
ns: 3. Note (1) under, instructions (1) of TR 23
4. Instructions (3) under TR 16 72. The transfer TA of a Government
Servant who has been transferred on promotions shall be charged to?
2. To be previous office where he was relieved to join new post
3. Suspense account
4. To the office of the Head of the Department concerned
73. In case of transfer, If the emoluments of Government Servant are not drawn up
to the date of relief, at old station the DDO shall specify in Last Pay Certificate
the Head of account to which such emoluments are allocable, according to the
instructions under AP Treasury
Rules ?
1. Instructions 2 under Treasury Rule 29
Ans: 2. Instructions 2 under reasury Rule 23
Made Easy 11
3. Instructions 2 under Treasury Rule 27
4. Instructions 1 under Treasury Rule 29
74 A Last Pay Certificate should be granted to every Government Servant who retires
on pension as per instructions under AP
Treasury Rules ?
-ns: L instruction 5 under TR 23
2. Instruction 2 under TR 23
3. instruction 4 under TR 23
4. Instruction 5 under TR 30
75. The Treasury Rule which contains the instructions that no voucher shall be
treated as a valid voucher unless it bears a distinct pay order specifying the
amount payable in words and figures and signed or initialed, and dated by hand in
ns: 1. SR 3 under TR32
2. SR under TR32
3. SR 2(c) under TR 32
4. SIR 4 under TR 32
76. Last payment of pay, allowances, etc shall not be made by the disbursing
officer in case of a Government Servant who retire, dismissed, or placed under
suspension until he has satisfied himself, that no amount is due to the Government
from the Government servant. These instructions are issued in AP
Treasury Rules under ?
1. SR 4(a) under TR 32
ns: 2. SR 4(e) under TR 32
ns: 1. To the office to which he has been posted on promotion
Ans: 1. Instructions 1 under reasury Rule 1
2. inst. 6 under Treasury Rule 17
3. Inst. 3 under Treasury Rule 19
4. Instructions 2 under Treasury Rule 20
3. SIR 2 under TR 17
4. SR 4(c) under TR 32
12 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 13
77. Subsidiary Rule 26 underTreasury Rule 16 elucidate about?
1. Last Pay Certificate
2. Court attachments
ns: 3. Compensation awarded by courts out of fines to injured parties
4. Refunds of process and poundage fee by court of Law
78. Find out from the following, the relevant provision in AP Financial Code
according to which advance pay is not admissible in case of transfer, in which no
public interest is served?
1. Note 2 under article 238 of AP FC Volumed
3. Note 1 under article 238 of AP FC Volumed
4. Article 239 (b) of AP FC Volumed
79. No officer shalt be granted a fresh
car advance until years have
elapsed from the date he availed the previous loan?
1. 1 year 2. 3 years
3. 10 years ns: 4. 5 years
80. The advance drawn on transfer, may be categorized under?
Ans: 1. Objection book advanc
2. Advance of passage money
3. Interest bearing advance
4. Ex-gratia on transfer
81. Who is the competent authority to grant advance pay or transfer TA in respect
of temporary
Government servant likely to be discharged within four months?
1. Head of the Department
ns: 2. Drawing and Disbursing Officer empowered to draw pay and TA bill
3. Next superior officer to the Government Servant
4. Who draw this advance Government
82. The authorities who are competent to sanction advance pay and Travel Advance,
themselves on transfers?
1. Government servants authorized to draw pay and
TA bills of establishment
2. Joint Collectors
3. All Gazzetted Officers
Ans: 4. l and 2abov
83. The advance pay on transfer shall be recovered in - installments?
2. Five
3. Two
4. One
84. Any amount recovered from the Government servant in excess of advance Pay
drawn, shall be
claimed within a period of
otherwise it shall be credited as revenue to the Government?
1. 3 months
2. 6 months from the date of last recovery
85. Those regular employees in Government service if appointed to another Post
through APPSC by direct recruitment are entitled to the benefit of?
1. Protection of Pa drawn in previous post
2. Carry forward of leave accrued in the previous post
3. Counting of previous service for seniority in the new post
ns: 4. 1&2 above
86. As per the Article 98 of AP Financial code the sanctioning authority has to
maintain register of permanent advance
in Form No. which will
be scrutinized by the Accountant General during local audit?
ns: 1. Form 21
2. Form 19
3. Form 22
4. Form 25
87. Travelling Allowance advance on tour drawn in the month of March shall be
adjusted with in
the period of ?
1. On completion of journey or by 30th April whichever is late
ns: 2. On completion of journey or by 30th April whichever is earlie
3. Within 3 months from the
date of draw of advance
4. Within 3 months from the date of completion of tour
88. The procedure and instructions about recovery of civil court attachment to the
Pay and Allowances of Government employee are explained under
Article of AP Financial
ns: 1. Article 87
2. Article 88-B
3. Article 86
4. Article 91
89. The entitlement of junior lAS and PS officers to obtain advance for purchase of
furniture after their appointment into Civil Services, is provided in AP Financial
under Article ?
ns: 1. Article 244
2. Article 243
3. Article 240
4. Article 301
90. A Government officer authorized to draw money from Treasury and make payment is
1. Gazetted Officer
2. Accounts Officer
ns: 3 Disbursing Office
4. Treasury Officer
91. According which article of AP Financial Code, the sanction for any fresh charge
lapses, if it has not been acted on for a year, unless it is specifically renewed?
1. Article 47
Ans: 2. Article SO
3. Article 51
4. Article 43
Ans: 2, Note 3 under article 238 of AP FC Volume-1
ns: 3. 3 months from the date of last recove
4. 3 years from the date of last recovery
SO-1-316 - NOVEMBER 2018- APPSC 3
SO-1-317 H NOVEMBER 2018:APPSC --
14 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
92. Which Article of AP Financial 96. In classification of expenditure
Code, reveal that the Government the Minor Head" denote the?
financial transactions are grouped i. Functions
into broad classes of receipts and disbirsements?
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy . 15
99 The accounting procedure laid 100. Outstanding amount of Loans down in AP
Accounts code for
I. Article 308
2. Article 245
3. Artid 90
ns: 4. Article I
93. In which Article of AP Accounts Code the main divisions in which accounts of
the Government shall be kept, is explained?
1. Article. 19
ns: 2. Artkle.2
3. Article.35
4. Article.39
94. As defined in AP Accounts code
"Social Services." "General
Services" "Economic Services" are Known as
1. Minor Heads
2. Group sub Heads
3. Major Heads ns: 2. Programmes
3. Organizations 4, Activities
97. As per Article 69 of AP Accounts Code Registration Fee payable by a Government
department to Registration & Stamps department for registration of documents shall
be made by means of?
1. Drawl of Cheque
2. By way of Challan remittance
3. By preferring a contingent bill at Treasury, endorsing payment in favour of DDO
of Registration & Stamps Department
ns: 4. Preferring a contingent bill for adjustment by transfer credit to the
Registration & Stamps Department
recording the loss of money due to the Government, if embezzled or stolen after it
is received by a Government servant is?
1. Adding to the expenditure against concerned Head of account
2. Shown on the expenditure side by shown as loss under separate Head Lass
ns: 3. It shall be brought as receipt into consolidated fund o public account as
the case may be and then shown as expenditure under a separate Head as Loss
4. Reduction on the Receipts side
under concerned Head and advances granted to an employee if written off due to his
death while in service, under proper authority should be debited to the Major Head?
1. 2071: Pensions and other retirement benefits
2. 7610: Loans to Government servants
3. 2054: Treasury and Accounts Administration
Ans:4. 2075 : Miscellaneous
Cenerall Services
ns 4. Sector Heads
95. The main unit of classification in Government accounts shall be?
ns: L Major Head
2. Sector Head
3. Group Head
4. Sub Head 98, Which Chapter in AP Accounts Code deals with the directions to
regulate the exhibition and adjustment of losses in Government accounts?
1. Chapter. 1
4ns:2. Chapter.6
3. Chapter. 10
4. Chapter. 5
SO-1-318 -1
SO-1-319 C NOVEMBER 2018 - APPSC
The Accounts Test for
Subordinate Officers, Part- I
(With Books)
MAY 2019 - APPSC
DATE -13-06-2019 F.N.
Time: 2 hours Marks: 100
This Examination is WITH BOOKS that means Candidates areallowed
to use TEXT BOOKS (BARE ACTS) in the Examination Hall.
can be used at the Examination Hall
16 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
Commission - Vijayawada Departmental Tests - NOVEMBER 2018
As per the Commission's decision and Expert Committee recommendations on the
objections received during the November, 2018 session, the statement showing the
questions deleted and certain changes made in the key for paper code 8 mentioned
S. Paper Code No- of Que. ID on which objections received Question ID to
which key is changed Remarks
1 008
39481331316 39481331322 3948133 39481331328
L 39481331331
I 394813313341
h 39481331353
Both 2 & 4 options are correct. Commission's key -4 is correct None of the options
given are correct. Question is deleted 39481331365 I Correct option is 3 instead of
39481331375 Commission's key - I is correct.
394813313981 Co.-mission's key - 2 is correct.
9481331400 Commission's key 4 is correct.
308 Both -1 & 2 options are correct.
Commission's key - 4 is correct. Commission's key - 4 is correct. Commission's key
- 2 is corre.
1323 Commission's key - is correct.
Both -1 & 2 options are correoL Commission's key 4 is correct. Commission's key - 2
is correct.
Correct option is 3 instead of 2 Commission's key 3 is correct.
Commission's key 1 is correct.
Commission's key - 1 is correct.
A.P. Fundamental Rules, Manual of Special Pay & Allowances (T.A.Rules), A.P.
Revised Pay Scales, 2015
Treasury Code, Volume I, Treasury Code, Volume II Financial Code, Volume I, Account
Code, Volume I Budget Manual, Revised Pension Rules,
A. P. Leave Rules, L.T.C. Rules
Note: Every effort has been made to ensure an up-to-date and correct publication in
the hands of the readers by carrying out or following the amendments issued by the
Government from time to time. Sincere effort has been made to furnish correct
answers to the Questions in this Guide.
However without taking any responsibility out of escapes or errors, the sale of
this Book Is made with the clear understanding and the condition that neither the
authors nor the publisher or printer shall be liable in any manner to any person,
whether purchaser or not for reasons of any error or omissions in this book or for
the result of any action taken or omitted to be taken on the basis of the
of this Book. Publishers.
For Full Text of above Objections and Expert Recommendations go through the
following Eink: it- Iy/nov2Ol 8objections
SO-1-320 ___ - NOVEMBER 2018 - APPSC I
MAY 2019 - APPSC
Subordinate Officers - Part I Made Easy Subordinate Officers - Part I Made Easy
1. If the period of waiting for posting
orders of a Government servant on return from leave is treated as 'compulsory wait,
such waiting period shall be treated as: (Q.1d.207017 1501)
1. Not on Duty
2. On Leave
Ans: 3. On Out
4. None of the Above
(S.R. (13) wider Rule 9 (6)
sub-clause (b) (iii), Fundamental Rules)
2, A Monthly Grant made to a Government servant who is not in receipt of pay or
Leave salary is called as- (Q.1d.2070171502)
Ans: 1. Subsistence Allowance
2. Honorarium
3. Substantive Pay
4, Dearness Allowance
(Rule 9 (27), Fundamental Rules)
3. Under which one of the following clauses where a Government Servant shall be
deemed to have resigned from Government Service. (O..1d,2070171503)
1. F.R 17 ns: 2. F.R 18-A
3. ER 22-A 4. F.R 45-C
4. A Post which carrying a definite scale of pay and sanctioned for a
limited period is called as
(Q.1d.207017 1504)
1. Tenure Post
2. Permanent Post
ns: 3. Temporary Post
4. Substantive Post
(Rule 9 (30), Fundamental Rules)
S. If the date of increment of an employee fallen due on the day fuowing his date
of retirement, then which of the following actions took place (
1. Increment allowed in advance in the retirement month itself.
2. He loses the benefit of increment for all purposes.
ns: 3. Notional increment may be sanction purely for pension purpose.
4. None of the above
6. The" Probation period" for a newly appointed (direct recruitee) employee is
normally (Q.1cl.2070171506)
1. 1 year duty within a period of 3 years
2. 6 months duty within a period of 3 years.
3. 3 years duty within a period of 4 years
ns: 4. 2 years duty within a period of 3 years
7. Quote the rule under which the Full Additional Charge (FAC) Allowance is
sanctioned? .207017 1507)
Ans: 1. F.R 49
2. F.R 26 3, F.R 45
4. F.R 22 (a) (i)
SO-I-323 -f - MAY 2019-APPSC
Ans: 1. Rule 18
2. Rule 16
of Probation
ns: 3. Departmental Promotion Committee 4, Departmental Advisory Committee.
18. Change of
4. Rule 16(d)
19. The Commutation Value
of Pension (CVP) of a State Government Service Pensioner will normally be restored
completion of number of
years (Q1d.2070171519)
1. 12 Arts: 2. 15
SO-1-325 -H
SO-1-324 . MAY 2O19-APPsc
4 Subordinate
8. Deputation of a Government Servant out of India shall be permitted with the
approval of. (Q1 d .2070171508)
1. United Nations Organization
2. World Bank
ns 3. Government of India
4. State Government concerned.
(Rule 50, Fundamental Rule5)
9. Quote the rule under which states "Leave cannot be claimed as of
right" (Q.1d.2070171509)
1. F.R 54
ns: 2. F.R 67
3. F.R 78
4. F.R 82
10. While a Government Servant is in Foreign Service, The Foreign Employer will not
pay the
Contributions towards
(Q. Id .20701715 10)
1. Pension Contribution
2. Leave Salary
ns: 3. General Provident Fund
4. 1 & 2
11. A female Government Employee who underwent tubectomy operation is eligible for
casual Leave not exceeding
(O..1d.207017151 1)
ns: 1. 14 days
2. 12 days
3. 15 days
4. 42 days
(Exe. Inst. 7 (iv) Annexure VII, A.P. Fundamental Rules)
Officers - Part I - Made Easy
12. Under RPS-2015, an Employee is eligible for appointment to the post SPP
IB/SAPP-IB scale, after
completion of Years of
incremental service in a particular post. (Q.ld.2070171512)
1. 16 years
2. 12 years
Ans: 3. 18 years
4.24 years.
13. The maximum Period an
employee can be on Deputation is (Q.1d.2070171513)
1. 3 years Ans: 2. 5 years
3. 6 years
4. 10 years
14. Which ofthefollowingallowances does not come under the purview of "Compensatory
Allowances (Old .2070171514)
1. House Rent Allowance
2. Travelling Allowance
3. Uniform Allowance/Ration Allowance
15- The maximum number of
Stagnation of Increments
shall allowed under RPS 2015 (Q.1d.2070171515)
Subordinate Officers . Part I
16. The Declaration of Probation is
under Rule of AP State
and Subordinate Service Rules (Qld.2070171516)
3. Rule 13 4. Rule 10
* Question Deleted by Commission
17. A committee constituted to advise the appointing authority in regard to the
persons to be included in the promotion panel called as- (Q.1d.2070171517)
1. Departmental Selection Committee
2. District Selection Committee
comes under Rule of Al'
State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 (Q.1d.2070171518)
1. Rule 16(b)
2. Rule 16(c)
Ans: 3. Rule 16(h)
(Rule 18, Appendix 1V Revised Pension
Made Easy
20. Which of the following Pensions will be sanctioned to a person who has
departmental/judicial proceedings pending against him/her? (Qld.2070171520)
1. Invalid Pension
2. Service Pension 3, Anticipatory Pension
ns: 4. Provisional Pension
(Rule 52, A.P. Revised Pension Rules)
21. Which of the following
authorities is competent to issue Pension Authorizations in respect of superior
service (QicL2070171521)
Ans: 1. Accountant General
2. District Treasury Officer
3. Director of Treasuries
4. District Audit Officer
22. Which of the following rules of AP Revised Pension Rules, 1980 Family Pension
is Sanctioned. (Q.ld.2070171522)
1. Rule 45
Ans: 2 Rule S
3. Rule 35
4. Rule 33
23, The Minimum amount of Death Relief to be paid to the State
Government Pensioners
1. Rs.10,000/-
2. Rs.25,000 /-
3. Rs.20,000/-
Ans: 4. Rs.15,000/-
(G.0.MS.No. 39, Finance (HRM.V) Department Dated 08.03.2016)
Ans: 4. Dearness Allowance.
Ans-2. 05
6 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
24. The Maximum weightage that 27.1n case of Pensioners whose
shall be allowed for the purpose 'Whereabouts are Not Known',
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 7
of calculation of Service Pension
on Superannuation is
(Q.ld207017 1524)
r Ans: 1. 5 yearns
2. 3 years
3. 2 years 4.6 years
(Rule 29 A.P. Revised Pension Rules read with Para 6, G.0.Ms.r'o.100, Finance
(Pension-1) Dept. Dt. 06-04.2010.
25. Which of the among the officials listed below is not a member in District Level
Committee for scrutiny of retirement proposals
on Medical Invalidation.
(Q.ld .207017 1525)
1. District Collector
2. District head of department concerned
Ans: 3, District Treasury Office
4. District Medical and Health Officer
26. The family pension sanction to the spouse If an employee died while in service
after completion
of 7 years of service, is
ns: 1. 50% on last pay drawn
2. 40% on last pay drawn
3. 30% on last pay drawn
4. Minimum Pension
(Rule 50 (3) (a) (i), A.P. Revised Pension
then the Family Pension to be
sanctioned and commenced
from (Q.1d.2070171527)
ns: 1. From the date of lodging of Fl
2. From date of Disappearance
3. From the date of its Sanction
4. None of the above
(lnst.14 (B) (v) under Appendix I, Revised
Pension Rules)
28. What is the additional Quantum of Pension that shall be paid to the State
Government pensioner between the age group of 85 to 90 years (Q1d.2070171528)
1. 15% of Basic Pension
2. 20% of Basic Pension
ns: 3. 25% of Basic Pension
4. 10% of Basic Pension
(G.O.MS.No. 66, Finance (Hrm.Vl)
Department, Dated: 12-06-2015)
29. Quote the rule under which the pay of the individual will be fixed in promotion
post who is already drawing SPP-11 Scale (0. ld.20701 71529)
1. FR 22 (a)(ii) 2. FR 22 (B)
Ans: 3. FR 22 (a) (i) 4. FR 31 (2)
30. What is the additional pay allowed for holding Full Additional Charge for first
90 days (0,.0.2070171530)
1 1/10th of Substantive Pay
2 1/5th of Substantive Pay
3 1/10th of Officiating Pay
ns: 4 1/5th of Officiating Pa
(Inst. (1) and (2) under Rule 49, AP,
Fundamental Rules)
31. If an employee is on leave on the first day of his increment month, then the
monitory benefitallowed
from (Q.1d.2070171531)
1. From the first day of increment month
3. Postpone to next month
4. Postpone to next year
32. The Service of a Government servant who receives his pay and allowances from
other than Consolidated fund is termed as
1. Abroad Service
2. Domestic Service
Ans: 3. Foreign Service
4. Public Service
(Rule 9 (7), Fundamental Rules)
33. Please mention the Government Order number in which Maternity Leave was
from 120 to 180 days
1. G.O.438
Ans: 2. G.O.152
3. G.O.29 In
4. G.O.69
(G.O.Ms.No. 152, Finance (FR.!)
Department, Date:04.05.2010
34. What is the Minimum Pension RPS -2005 (Q.1d.2070171534)
2. Rs.6500/-
Ans: 3. Rs.1925/-
4. Rs.1295/-
(Rule 45 (5), A.P. Revised Pension Rules)
35. The Maximum House Rent Allowance eligible in RPS 2015 scales other than Greater
Hyderabad municipal Corporation. (QId.2070171535)
ns 1. Rs.15,000/-
2. Rs.12,000/-
3. Rs.10,000/-
4. Rs.20,000/-
(Para 2 (ii) G O.Ms.No.48, Finance (HR.V-
PC.I) Department Dated: 30 April 20151
36. Which of the following periods do not count for the Service for pension
1. Extraordinary Leave on Private affairs less than 2 years
2. Extraordinary Leave on Medical Grounds
3. Training Period
ns: 4. Dies-non
37, A Government Servant shall have the option to retire from service Voluntarily
after he has put in
not less than of qualifying
service (Q.1d.2070171537)
1. 15 years Ans: 2. 20 years
3. 25 years 4. 18 years
(Rule 43, A.P. Revised Pension Rules)
38. The authority competent to sanction Special Disability leave are? (Q.1d.207017
1. Head of the office
2. District Collector
3. Head of the Department
Ans: 4. Government
MAY 2019- A P P S C
(Rule 83, Fundamental Rules)
SO-1-327 -{ MAY 2019 - APPSC }
8 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
39. What is the percentage of 43. Male Government Servants, who admissible
Anticipatory Family
pension? (Qid.207017 1539)
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 9
46. What is the maximum number 51. Expand E.F.P (Q.1d.2070171551)
of days of Commuted leave 1. Early Family Pension
an employ can avail during the 2. Extra Family Pension
entire service (Q.1d.2070171546)
1. 180 days
2. 300 days
ns: 1. 75%
(Rule 51 -B, A.P. Revised Pension Rules)
40. Inter State Transfer of Pensions
should be routed through
1. Pay and Accounts Officer
2. Director of treasuries
3. Finance Department
ns: 4. Accountant General
41. Which of the followingauthorities are Competent to Sanction "Extraordinary
Pension" (Q.1d.2070171541)
1. District Collector
2. Head of the Department
Ans: 3. Government
4. District Treasury Officer
(Rule 211, Appendix V, A.P. Revised Pension
42. The Maximum Earned Leave that may be granted at a time to a
Government Servant is
1. 240 Days
2. 120 Days
ns: 3. 180 Day
4. 90 Days undergo vasectomy operation
underthe Family welfare Program
will be eligible for Special Casual
Leave (Q.1d.2070171543)
1. Not exceeding Three working days
3. Not exceeding Seven working days
4. Not exceeding Five working days
((Xe. Inst. 7 (iv) Annexure VII, A.P.
Fundamental Rules)
44. Which of the following document is not valid as Date of Birth Proof for Family
Pensioners for sanction of Additional Quantum of Pension in case, Date of Birth of
Family Pensioner is not available in Pension Payment Order. (Q.1d.2070171544)
1. Matriculation Certificate
2. Voter ID Card
1I1IIL!ffI 4. PAN Card
45. The Family Pension to a Minor should be paid to which of the following persons
2. Brothers! Sisters of the minor
3. Brother in law
4. None of the above
(Rule SO, A.P. Revised Pension Rules)
ns: 3:240 clays
4.120 days
47 Which ofthefollowingcOmPoneflt is not allowed while Surrender of Earned Leave.
1. City Compensatory Allowance
Ans: 2. Interim Relie
3. Typist Allowance
4. Family Planning increment
48. Quote the rule under which the suspended employee shall submit a certificate
that he/ she is not engaged in any other employment (Q.1d.2070171548)
1.FR54 2.FR44
3. FR 49 Ans: 4. FR 53
49. Which of the following leaves are available to the suspended employee
1. EL
2. HPL
3. EOL
ns: 4. None of the abov
50. Who is the competent authority for sanction of premature increments
1. Head of the Office
2. District Head
3. HOD
ns: 4. Government
ns: 3. Enhanced Family Pension
4. Every Time Family Pension
(Rule 50 (3) (a) (i), A.P. Revised Pension
52. Which of the following services rendered in two categories are allowed for
counting of service for Automatic Advancement Scheme? (Q.Id.2070171552)
ns: 1. O.S. & RA
2.0.5. & JA
3. JA. &SA
4. RA&JA
(G.O.Ms.No.68, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Dept., at.: 12-06-2015)
53. What is the joining time if transfer of employee is in the same station on
regular basis, (Q.1d.2070171553)
1. 6 days
2. 7 days
Ans: 3. No joining time
4. 8 days
54. Who will get the weightage
while calculating Pension
1. Family Pensioner
2. Retired on medical invalidation
(Rule 29 and Rule 43(5), A.P. Revised
Pension Rules)
Ans: 1. Guardian on behalf of the mino
ns: 3. Retired on Superannuation & Voulantaril
4. Provisional Pensioner
SO-1-328 --
MAY 2019-APPSC SO-1-329 - MAY
2019-APPSC .1

recoveries in pension?
57. Whether the
can be effected (Q. 1d.2070171557) 1. Yes
employees who are working on outsourcing/contract basis (Q.1d.2070171555)
Ans: 1. 17
(G.O.M5.No. 1.7, Finance (HR.l-Plg. & Policy) Department, Ot. 31-01-2019)
56. Whether the period of
suspension counts for pension? (Q.1d.2070171556)
Ans: 1. No
2. Yes
3. None
4. Only upto 2 years
(Rule 23, A.P. Revised Pension Rules)
ns: 2. No
3. None
4. If they are less than Rs.10,000/-
58. Un der which RPS, 6(g)(i) is allowed between Ordinary grade and Special grade
ns; 2. 1993
4. 2005
Ans: 1. Rule 17
2. Rule 16
3. Rule 18
4. Rule 6
* Question Deleted by Commission
60. What is the % of posts earmarked under rule of reservation in respect of ST
candidates (Q Id .2070 17 1560)
1. 15%
Ans:?. 6%
* Question Deleted by Commission
61. What is the % of posts earmarked under of rule of reservation
to disabled candidates
Ans: 3. 4%
* Question Deleted by Commission
62. How many sanctioned posts are required for observation of rule of reservation
to SC/ST while promotion in from one category to another? (Q.Id.2070 171562)
1. More than I
2. More than 3
3. More than 7
ns: 4. More than 5
10 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
55. State the GO. number in 59. Quote the rule under which
which the government allowed APSSS rule the probation will be
Maternity leave to the women extended (Q.1d.2070171559)
ns; 3. Rule 3
S 4. Rule 3D
ns: 1. 26
ns: 1. First Septembe
2. First January
3. First July
4. 1st December
64. Quote the rule under which
sexual harassment was
incorporated in the conduct rules (Q.Id.2070171564)
1. Rule 3A 2. Rule 313
65. Quote the rule which prohibit the bigamy in Government employees
ns: 1. Rule 25
2. Rule 26
3. Rule 27
4. Rule 3
66. The maximum limit fixed for DCRG from 1st April 2016 is (Q.Id .2070171566)
1. 8.5 Lakhs
2. 7.5 Lakhs
3. 10 Lakhs
Ans: 4. 12 Lakhs
G.O.MS.No. 6 Finance (HRM.V-Pension)
Department Dated 11.01.2016)
67. Under which rule of A.P.C.S.(CCA) Rules, 1991, the procedure prescribed for
minor penalties. (Q.ld .2 07017 1567)
1. Rule 20
2. Rule 14
n: 3. Rule 22
4. Rule 21
* Question Deleted by Commission
issued orders for removal from service if an employee unauthorized absence for more
than 1 year. (Q.1d.2070171568)
3. 262 4.263
69. The minimum pension
payable under RPS 2015 is (Q.ld.2070171569)
1. Rs.3 500
2. Rs.1925
3. Rs.5500
Ans: 4. Rs. 6500
(G.OMs.No.51, Finance (HRM.Vl-Pension) Department, Dated: 08-05-2015)
70. Under which rule the notional fixation allowed due to revision of seniority /
promotion (Q.ld.2070171570)
1. FR 22(a)(i)
2. FR 22(a)(ii)
3. FR 22(a)(iii)
Ans: 4. FR 26 (a)
71. A service rendered prior to attaining the age of 18 is termed as
Ans: 1. Boy Service
2. Adolescent Service
3. Special Service
4. None of the above
72. What is the minimum qualifying service to earn regular pension
1. 20 years
2. 15 years
Ans: 3. 10 years
4. 12 years
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 11
63. What is the cut off date 68. In which GO, the Government for preparation of
MAY 2019 - APPSC
2. At the end of F.Y
3. One year
4. 6 months
75. For which of
the following
purposes a loan under EWF is not sanctioned (Q.1d.2070171575)
ns:4. 6
76. Thepercentageofinterestordered by the High Court of Allhabad in "Prahalad Singh
Vs. State of U.P. (1983) (Qid.2070171575)
1.5 2.4
Ans: 1. 293
73. The following service does not counts for increment (Q.1d.2070171573)
1. Training
2. Leave
3. Deputation
Ans: 4. Suspension treated as not duty
74. The validity of the Surrender of earned Leave proceedings is (Q.Id.207017 1574)
Arts: 1. 90 days
Ans: 1. House Construction
2. Marriage
3. Medical
4. Education
77. Quote the GO number under which the Government servant is permitted to maintain
duplicate service register
1. 122
2. 133 3.214
Arts: 4. 216
[G.O.Ms.No. 216, Fin. (FR), Dept., Ot.
3.290 4.294
* Question Deleted by Commission
79. Provisional Pension is defined in APRPR -1980 under which of the following
rules Id. 2070171579)
1.50 2.51
80. Quote the rule under which the compassionate Allowance is defined in APRPR 1980
Arts: 4. 40
(Rule 40, A.P. Revised Pension Rules)
81. Under CPS if an employee dies while in harness the family is eligible for how
much percentage of accumulated pension wealth? (Q.1d.2070171581)
Arts: 1. 100%
2. 75%
82. Under which of the following rules of APRPR-1980 service gratuity is allowed
Arts: 3. 46
Subordinate Officers - Part I
83. Quote the rule under which the quantum of family pension is fixed in Al'
revised pension Rules 1980 (Q.1d.2070171583)
ns: 3. 50
84. How much amount is
deducted from the first salary of the employee towards Employees Welfare Fund (EWF)
Arts: 1. 50
85. The family pension to a mentally retarded children of the deceased employee is
payable to (Q.1d.2070171585)
Arts: 1. Legal Guardian
2, Sister
3. Brother
4. Only to the individual
(Rule 50 (5) B-(e), A.P. Revised Pension
86. Quote the article in APFC under which instructions were elaborated for payment
of pay & allowances in respect of employees whose whereabouts are not known
Arts: 2. 81
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
78. Underwhicharticleofcoristjtutjort the States are permitted to avail borrowings?
MAY 2019 - APPSC
Made Easy 13
MAY 2019 - APPSC
87. Quote the article under which instructions were laid out for the Head of the
office to be followed when he detected a fraud? (Q.1d.2070171587)
ns: 2. 302
88. Which of the following articles of APIC describes the procedure for destruction
of Government
records connected with
accounts? (Q.1d.2070171588)
n: 1. 326
89. Which article under Constitution of India authorizes expenditure to be charged
onto consolidated fund of the State without subject of vote of house of Assembly
Arts: 1. 204
90. Quote the article of constitution under which the Finance commission is
empowered t
o make recommendations 4t the President of India (Q.1d.2070171590)
ns1 281
* Question Deleted by Commission
ns: 4.6
Ans: 3. 5
3. Detailed Head
4. Group head
92. Which article denotes
procedure of recording
J rregular and unusual payments (Q- 1d.2070171592)
ns: 1. 24
Ans: 1. 87
2. 7
Ans: 1. 5
3.10 4.4
(Art. 230 (8). A.P. Financial Code, Vol. I)
99. The pay advance while an employee on transfer is subject to recovery in how
many instalments (Q.ld.2070171599)
1.12 Ans: 2. 3
Accounts (Q.1d.2070171591) 1. Minor Head
Ans: 2, Major Head
ns-. 3. 83
93. Appendix -2 of APFC contains the authorities who are empowered to sanction
1. Excess expenditure
2. Refund of deposits
Ans: 3. Refund of revenues
4. None of the above
94. Quote the articleofAPACin which the main divisions are explained to maintain
the Government accounts (Q.ld.2070171594)
326 4.23
95. What is the chapter of APAC in which the directions were explained to exhibit &
adjust the losses of Goveiment (Qld2070171595)
1.1 2.2
to be adopted while effecting the recovery from pay and allowances of a Government
employee through a civil court attachment (Q.1d.207017 1596)
3.22 4.36
97. Subsidiary Rule 26 under
Treasury rule 16 elaborates (Q.1d.2070171597)
1. Decretal Charges
2. Refund of revenues
3. Drawls from work deposits
ns: 4. None of the above
98. State the mandatory number of years which separate two Car loans of an
employee? (Q.ld.207017 1598)
100. Which of the following chapters under AP FR describe the payment of House Rent
Allowance to
Government employees?
1.7 2.6
14 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
91. What is the main unit of 96. Which of the following articles
classification in the Government of APFC described the procedure
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 15
OBJECTIONS ACCEPTED BY APPSC FOR MAY 2019 Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
- Vijayawada Departmental Tests - MAY 2019
As per the Commission's decision and Expert Committee recommendations on the
objections received during the May, 2019 session, the statement showing the
questions deleted and certain changes made in the key for paper code 8 mentioned
S Paper Question ID Remarks
No. Code to which key is changed
1 008 2070171509 Correct option is 2
2070171510 Correct option is 3
2070171516 Question is deleted
2070171528 Correct option is 3
2070171530 Correct option Is 4
2070171535 Correct option is I
2070171543 Correct option is 2
2070171551 Correct option is 3
2070171554 Correct option is 3
2070171559 Question Is deleted
2070171560 Question is deleted
2070171561 Question Is deleted
2070171567 Question is deleted
2070171578 Question is deleted
2070171582 Correct option is 3
2070171590i Question is deleted
(Chapter '/,. Fundamental Rules)
SO-1-335 -i MAY 2019- APPSC j
SO-1-334 H
Subordinate Of' - Part I - Made Easy 3
Subordinate Officers Part I - Made Easy
1. No Government servant should hold the stock in excess of the requirement in a
reasonable period as per (Q.Pcf. 1820374301)
1. Article 138 of AP Financial Code Volume-1
2. Article 139 of AP Financial Code Volume-11
3. Article 138 of AP Financial Code Volume-fl
2. Financial year is defined in - of AP Financial Code Volume-1 (Q.Id. 1820374302)
Ans: 1. Article 6
2. Article 7
3. Article 8
4. Article 9
3. Which of the following appendix of AP Financial Code Volume-II deals with the
regulations related to audit of receipts and stores and stock accounts (Q.ld.
Ans; 1. 10 2.11
3. 12 4.13
(Art. 37, Financial Code. Vol. I)
4. TA claims which are not preferred within three years of performance ofjourney
should not be admitted under (Q.ld. 1820374304)
1. Article 52 of APFC Volume-l'
2. Article 53 of APFC Volume-1
Ans: 3. Article 54 of APFC Volume-I
4. Article 55 of APFC Vol u me- I
Ans: 4. Article 139 of AP Financial Code Volume-I
5. The Introduction of New Major Head shall require the approval
of- fQ 1d. 1820374305)
1. Accountant General
2. Director of Treasuries and Accounts
3. Finance Department
ns: 4. Comptroller and Auditor General
(Art. 27, Account Code, Vol. I)
6. Sanctioning authority for a new pPrmaneflt advance to an office
is (Q-1d. 1820374306)
1. Director of Treasuries and Accounts
2. Head of the Department
3. Head of the Office
Ans: 4. Government
7. Guidelines for Retention of records
in the office is given in
(QId. 1820374307)
1. Art. 330 of APFC Volume-I
'ns: 2. Art. 326 of APFC Volume- I
3. Art. 325 of APFC Volume-I
4. Art. 320 of APFC Volume-I
8. The mortgage bond for a motor car on account of which a Government servant has
drawn an advance shall be in the form no
prescribed in Financial
Code. (Q.ld. 1820374308)
flSi 1.. 14
2.14 A
(Article 230(c)(3), Financial Code, Vol.1)
SO-1-338 -4 NOVEMBER 2019 - APPSC
4 Subordinate Officers - Part I Made Easy
9. The head of account fora particular item of expenditure is written as
2202011030004310318NVN, the minor head in the classification is
(Qid. 1820374309)
2. 011
ns: 3. 103
10. The head of accountfora particular item of expenditure is written as
2202021910004230231NVN, the object head of this classification
corresponds to (Q.ld.
1. Salaries of regular staff
2. Other contractual services
ns: 3. Diet charge
4. Either (2) or (3)
11. The following item of expenditure is charged on the consolidated fund of State
(Q.ld. 1820374311)
1. Salary of chief minister
2. Expenditure in Chief Ministers Office
ns: 3. Salary of chairman of legislative council 4. All the above *Question Deleted
12, The District Collector has power to make discretionary grants for the
construction, repairs and improvement of drinking water resources for poor classes
under APFC Volume-L. Article
no. (Old. 1820374312)
1.27 2.113
13. The arrears of pay shall be drawn in a separate bill and not in ordinary
monthly pay bill according to (Q.ld. 1820374313)
1. T.R.16, S.R.13
ns: 2. T.R.16, S.R.14
3. T.R.16, S.Ri.5
4. T.R.16, S.R.16
14. Certain officers are authorized to draw Lump sum amount from Government account
under real cases of emergency. Such amounts shall be drawn in
(Old. 1820374314)
1. APAC form 40
2. APFC form 48
Ans: 3. APTC form 57
4. All the above
15. Which of the following provision deals with rules regarding last pay
certificate (Q.ld. 1820374315)
Ans: 1. T.R. 23 of Treasury code
2. Art. 57 of Financial Code
3. Para 19.1.1 of Budget manual
4. T.R. 42 of Treasury code
16. The provisions in the Manual of Special Pays and Allowances
are called (Q.ld.
1. Articles
Ans: 2. Rules
3. Paras
4. Items
Subordinate Officers - Part I Made Easy 5
17. Procedure to be followed by 21. Rounding off transactions in
drawing officer in respect of Government accounts is given in
time expired cheques is given (Old. 1820374321)
in of AP Treasury Code. 1 Article 320 of APFC Volume-1
(ftld. 1820374317) 2. S.R. 2(g) of T.R-16 of APTC
1. T.R. 10, S.R.2 Volume-1
2. T.R.111 5.R11 ns: 3. Both (1) and (2)
ns: 3. T.R.16, S.R.4
4, T.13.32, S.R.2
18. Sanctioning authorities for Transfer Travelling Allowance is
mentioned in Article
of APFC Volume-1 (Old. 1820374318)
ns: 4. 239
19. As per the following provision, no municipal tax is payable on a public
building situated in a
contonement (Old.
1. Article 123 of AP Financial Code Volumed
2, Article 122 of AP Financial Code Volume-1
3. Article 121 of AP Financial Code Volume-,I
20. The authority under which the recoveries from pay bill shall not exceed 1/3rd
of the pay 'is (Old, 1820374320)
1. Article 35 of APFC Volume-1
2. Article 39 of APFC Volume-
3. Article 46 of APFC Volume-I
ns: 4. Article 58 of APFC Volume-I
4. None of the above
22, The rules regarding prosecution for embezzlement of public moneys or property
is given in
of APFC Volume-1 (Q-1d.
1 820374322) 1. Article 102 2, Article 202
ns: 3. Article 302
4 Article 329
23. The sub vouchers for amounts below Rs.1000 are cancelled, retained in the
office and need not be presented along with bill to treasury under
(Q.ld. 1820374323)
1. S.R.18(e) of T.R.32
Ans: 2. S.R.18(e) of T.R.16
3. S.R 32 of T.R.16
4. 5.R.16 of T.R.32
24. Every sub voucher shall contain distinct pay order by drawing officer both in
figures and words
according to (O.ld.
1. SR.2 of T.R.16
2. S.R.3 of T.R.16
3. S.R.2 of TR.32
n:4. SA3 of T.R.32
ns: 4. Article 120 of AP Financial ode Volume-1
.SO-1-341 NOVEMBER 2019 - APPSC

SO-1-340 i NOVEMBER 2019 - APPSC

4. Any one of the above
27. The major head corresponding to permanent cash imprest
is (
3.8793 4.8782
28. The object head for major works
is (Q.ld. 1820374328)
3.540 4.630
29. Contingent bills shall be prepared in accordance with the
instructions given in
(Q.Id. 1820374329)
26. GPF, GIS and APGU deductions from the employees shall be
credited to (Q.ld.
1. Consolidated fund
2. Contingency fund
6 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
25. The responsibility for the 3O. Register of bills shall bepresented
deduction of tax at source lies by DDO in the form prescribed
With (Q.ld. 1820374325)
1. Head of the office
2. Head of the Department
3. Employee himself
ns: 3. Public Account
2. S.R.65 of T.R.16 APTC Volume-1
3. S.R.45 ofT,R.16APTC Volume-I
4. S.R.55 of T.R.16 APTC Volume-I
Ans: 2. 530
Ans; 2. 8672
2. Heads of all departments
3. Governor
4. Director of treasuries and Accounts
34. Recovery of court attachment amount is done according to of AP Treasury Code
Volume-i (Old. 1820374334)
33. Budget memorandum will be
prepared by (Q. id.
Ans: 3. Receipts and expenditure
4. Number statements only
32. Lapsed deposits shall be remitted to (Q,id. 1820374332)
1. Public account
2. CM relief fund
31. Budget estimates are detailed
estimates of in a financial
year. (Old. 1820374331)
1. Expenditure only
2. Receipts only
ns: 1. S.R.2(k) of T.R.16
ns: 1.. Finance Department
ns: 3. Consolidated fund
ns; 4. AP Treasury Code
2. S.R.94 of T.R.16
3. S.R.3(b) of T.R.16
4. S,R.20ofT.R.30
4. Either (1) or (3)
by (QId. 1820374330)
I. AP Accounts Code
2. AP Financial Code
3. Fundamental Rules
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy 7
35. The salaries of Government 40. According to T.R. 16, S.R.14 of
employees under 010 are drawn AP Treasury Code., a DDO shall
from - according to AP Budget furnish along with a
manual, (Qid. 1820374335) claim (Q-1d. 1820374340)
1. Contingency fund 1. Sanction order
2. Specimen signature
3. Last pay certificate
Ans: 4. Non drawl certificat
41. The cashbook in the departmental offices is maintained in APTC form
(QJd. 1820374341)
1.4 3.6
42. Certificate of credit shall be issued in case of loss of original
challan under (Q.ld.
1, T.R.10, 5.R .4 2. TRIO, S.R.9
3. Adjustment amount only ns: 3. T.R. 10, S.R.6
4. All the above
38. Procedure to be followed for first drawl of pay and allowances of an employee
is given in - (Old. 1820374338)
1. S.R.10 of F.R.18
2. Art.330 of AP Financial Code Volume -1
3. Para 1.2.9 of AP Budget manual
Ans-, 4. S.R.Ans: 1. of T.R.1 44. A service expenditure which
is not contemplated in the appropriation act is called
(Q-1d. 1820374344)
1. Supplementary service
2. Additional service
Ans: 3. New service
4. Article 45 4. Revised service
ns: I. S.R.Ans: 1. of T.R,Ans: 1. APTC Volume-I
Ans: 2. Consolidated fund
3. Public account
4. Either (2) or (3)
36. The anticipatory pension shall be drawn by the DDO in form 47. It shall be
debited to which of the following Major Head? (Q.ld. 1820374336)
1-8009 2.8342
37. 000 shall write pass order in a pay
bill for (Old. 1820374337)
1. Gross amount only
Ans: 2. Net amount oni
ns: 3. 2071
4. T.R.10, S.R.2
43. Article 272 of AP Financial
Code deals with (Q.Id.
1. Lapsing period of deposits
2. Types of deposits
3. Procedure for lapsing of deposits
Ans: 4. Repayment of lapsed deposits
39. Classification of expenditure as charged and voted categories
is discussed in of AP
Accounts code Volume-I (Q.ld. 1820374339)
1. Article 25 3. Article 37
Ans: 2. Article 28
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Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
53. Match the following terms under 57. Receipts and disbursements which
Set-A with corresponding tier of do not form part of consolidated
classification under Set -B with fund of state are included in
regard to AP budget manual. - ( 1820374357)
ns: 3. Detailed head
4. Sub major head
47. Provisions regarding cancellation and destruction of sub vouchers are given in
instruction 2 of T.R.32. This provision is related to (Q.ld. 1820374347)
1. Part -1 of AP Treasury Code Volume-l'
Ans; 2. Part-it of AP Treasury Code olume-I
3. Part-i of AP Treasury Code Volume- Ii
4. Part-fl of AP Treasury Code VQIU me-Il
48. Art. 2.6-28 of AP Accounts Code Volume-i deals with - (Q.Id. 1820374348)
1. Principles of accounting
2. inter departmental adjustments
3. Inter government adjustments
ns; 4. Form of accounts
46 Object head
tier classification
1. Minor head
2. Group head
8 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
45. 5.R.4(c) of T.R.32 deals with the 49. The adjustment of municipal
subject of _(Q.Id. 1820374345) rates and taxes on Government
1. Aquittance register buildings shall be done according
2. Treasury bill register to of AP Accounts Code
ns: 4. Un disbursed pay registe
3. Permanent advance register Volume.i (Q.ld. -1 4v
1. Article 35
3. Article 48 4. Article 75
SO. Directions regulating the inter
departmental Transfers in
accounting are detailed under (Old. 1820374350)
in seven
is also
ns: 4. T.R.31 of AP Treasury Code Volume-1
Set-A Set -0
a. Function A. Group sub head
b. Programme B. Major head
c. Similar set of C. Minor head
schemes (Q.ld. 1820374353)
1. a - C, b - B, c - A
2. a - B, b - A, c C
3. a - A, b - 8, c-C
Ans. 4.a-B,b-C,cA
54. Which of the following is not a part of Organs of State (Q.Id. 1820374354)
1. State Legislature
2. Administration and justice
Ans:- 3. Administrative services
4. Elections
55. The current income and
expenditure of the state is known
as (Old. 1820374355)
Ans: 1. Revenue Account
2. Capital Account
3. Loan Account
4. Public Account
56. For successful financial
management, Government
needs (Q.Id. 1820374356)
1. Advance planning but not Accurate estimation
2. Accurate estimation but not Advance planning
ns: 1. Public Account
2. Centrally sponsored schemes
3. Minor works
4. Loans and advances
58. According to the definitions of Budget manual, Charged expenditure is related
constitution of India by
(Q.ld. 1820374358)
1. Art. 283 2. Art. 212
3. Art. 266 Ans 4, Art. 202
59. Which of the following is not a part of General Services as per sectorial
classification? (Q-1d. 1820374359)
1. Fiscal Services
ns: 2. Industry and Minerals
3. Administrative Services
4. Organs of State
60. The Budget publication for the year 2017-2018 contains (Qid. 1820374360)
1. Actual expenditure of 2016-17
2. Revised estimate of 2017-18
Ans: 3. Budget estimates of 2016-17
4. All the above
61. Under which rule the Treasury Officer shall obtain sufficient information as to
the nature of every payment is making, unless there are valid reasons. (Q.Id.
1.TR27 2.T.R10
3. T.R 30 Ans: 4. T.R 25
Ans; 3. Advance planning and Accurate estimation
4. Neither Advance planning nor Accurate estimation
Ans; 2. Article 40
ns: 1. Chapter4 Accounts Code Vol.-I
2. Chapter 10 AP Financial Code
3. Chapter 3 AP Treasury code
4. Chapter 6 AP Treasury code
51. Procedure of claiming payments of net proceeds of entertainment tax to Gram Pa
rich ayats is given in (O.ld. 1820374351)
1. Instruction 33 of T.R.16 of AP Treasury Code Vdume..l
2. Instruction 34 of T.R.16 of AP Treasury Code Volume-1
ns:3.instructiori 38A of T.R.Ans: 1.0 AP Treasury Code Volumed 4. Instruction 41 of
T.R.16 of AP Treasury Code Volume-]
52. Recoveries of sums ordered by AG shall be affected by treasury officer
immediately under (Q.ld. 1820374352)
1. T.R.18 AP Treasury Code Vol.-1
2. T.R.19 AP Treasury Code VoL-I .3. 111.23 of AP Treasury Code Volumed
SO-J-344 --4 NOVEMBER 2019- APPSC ]
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10 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
62. The Treasury Officer is responsible in recovering the amounts which was pointed
out by the AGAP Hyderabad in post Audit as excess drawn by the Drawing Officer
against the rules and the Treasury Officer shall recover the said excess amount
without delay. Indicate the Rule position (Qid. 1820374362)
1. T.R 20 2. T.R 10
ns: 3.. T.R 31 4. T.R.29

63. The latest instruchons 0(1 Classification of Accounts and Standardization of

Object Heads
is given in (Old.
1. G.O Ms No. 49 Fin(Budget-l) Dept., Dt. 14.08.2019
2. G.O Ms No. 59 Iin(Budget -I) Dept., Dt. 14.08.2019
ns: 3. G.O Ms No. 69 Fin(Budget
-I) Dept., Dt. 14.08.2019
4. G.O Ms No. 99 Fin (Budget-1) Dept., Dt. 14.08.2019
64. Leave encashment benefits
on retirement shall he booked
under major head (Q.ld.
Ans: 1. 2071-pensions and other retirement benefits
2. 2070-other administrative services
3.018-surrender of earned leave
4. 2075-miscellaneous general services
Ans: 4. Election
66. As per civil services (TA) rules,
1996; a day means (Q,ld.
1. 6 AM to 6 PM
2. 6 PM to 6 AM
4. Absence of more than 24 Hours but less than 36 Hours from Head Quarters
(Rule 2 (ii), A.P. T.A. Rules)
67. Which of the following kinds of travelling allowances is admissible during
Casual leave? (Qid. 1820374367)
'ns: 1. Fixed Travelling Allowance
2. Mileage allowance
3. Daily allowance
4. All the above
(Rule 11 (2), A.P. T.A. Rules)
68. According to Government memo No. 14500/78/TA/ A2/99 Fin & Pig (Fin-TA) dated.
28-04-1999, "Fixed Travelling Allowance and Conveyance Allowance are mutually
exclusive". This means
(Q.ld. 1820374368)
ns: 1. One allowance is not admissible when other is allowed
2. Both allowances are simultaneously allowed
Subordinate Officers - Part I
3. Both allowances are not allowed
4. Both allowances are allowed at half the eligible rates
69. The delegation of powers regarding the sanction of refund
of revenue are detailed in
(Q.ld. 1820374369)
ns: 1. Article 32 of AP Financial Code Volume-I read with Appendix-2
2. Article 33 of AP Financial Code Volume-I read with Appendix-2
3. Article 32 of AP Accounts Code Volume-1 read with Appendix-2
4. Article 33 of AP Accounts Code Volume-I read with Appendix-2
70. Which of the following article in AP I financial Code volume-I outlines brief
idea about the provisions under part-fl of AP Budget Manual? (Q.ld. 1820374370) 1.
Article 36 Ans: 2. Article 40
3. Article 51 4. Article 58
71. The guidelines for proposing a rate of pay for a new post created
are given in (Old.
2. Article 56 of AP Financial Code Volume-1
3. FR 22(B) read with FR 31(2)
4. SR 2(a) of TB 16 read with FR 49
72. Article 85 of AP Financial Code Volume-I deals with (Q.ld. 1820374372)
1. All deductions in pay bills
2. IT deductions in pay bills
ns: 3. Provident fund deductions
in pay bills
4. Court attachments to be
deducted in pay bills
73. As per AP financial Code, Contingent charges means
(Q.Id. 1820374373)
ns: 1. The incidental expenditure necessarily incurred in
running an office
2. Unforeseen expenditure not contemplated in the budget estimates
3. Miscellaneous expenditure incurred by secretariat departments
4. Loans and advances sanctioned to local bodies and their employees
74. The general arrangement of columns in a contingent register
shall be in (Q.ld.
1. APTC form 7
ns: 2. APFC form 7
ns: 1. Article 65 of AP Financial Code Volume-I
65. Which of the following sub sector is a part of organs of state? (Q.Id.
1. Treasury Administration
2. Education
3. District Administration
SO-1-346 -H NOVEMBER 2019-APPSC 1
- Made Easy
3. APAC form 7
It I 4.APAC form VII
SO-1-347 ---c NOVEMBER 2019 - APPSC
Ans: 4. Any festival given in the list of general and optional holidays of
(Art. 242-6 (hi), A.P. Financial Code) Vol. 1)
77. According to Chapter 5 of Accounts Code Volume-I, as a general rule, recoveries
from private persons should be treated
as (Old. 1820374377)
1. Deduction from expenditure
Ans: 2. Revenue
3. Interest on expenditure
4. Profit on expenditure
78. The net difference between the total receipts and the total payments shown in
the bank's daily statement should be posted
by treasury officer in
(Old. 1820374378) 1. Classified register
Ans: 2. Register of RBD
3. Instruction 4 under Treasury Rule 4, Volume-I
4. Instruction 7 under Treasury Rule 5, volume-I
80. Direct appropriation of
Departmental receipts for
Departmental Expenditure
is permitted in certain cases
according to (Old.
ns: 1.. Treasury Rule 7(2), AP reasury Code Volumed
2. Treasury Rule 10(2), AP Treasury Code Volume-I
3. Treasury Rule 9(2), AP Treasury Code Volume-I
4. Treasury Rule 16(2), A? Treasury Code Volume-I
81. According to AP Treasury Code Volume-I, Director of Treasuries and Accounts is
as (Qid. 1820374381)
1. Chief of the State Finances
2. State budget authoriser
ns: 3. Head of the Treasuries and ccounts Departmen
4. Pre audit authority of bills in State
12 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
75. The forms of security to be 3. Day book
taken from contractors for 4. Scroll book
due fulfilment of the contract
(Art. , Account Code, Vol. II)
are given in of AP
Financial Code Volume-I (Q.ld. 79. The detailed rules prescribed
18203743751 Government for inspection
Ans: 3. Art, 279
4. Art. 271 1. Appendix-2 of AP Treasury
76. Festival advances shall be Code Volumed
admissible on the eve of
(QJd. 1820374376)
1. Any festival given in yearly calendar
2. Any festival given in the list of general holidays of Government
3. Any festival given in the list of optional holidays of Government
1. Art. 130 2. Art. 125 Dktrict Treasuries are given
(Q,ld.. 1820374379)
Subordinate Officers - Part I
82. Quote the authority for the following:
"The particulars of the sanction orders shall be entered on the bill and a copy
shall be attached to the bill" (Q.ld. 1820374382)
1. SR 32(c) of TR 16, AP
Treasury Code Volume-I
3. SR 32(f) of TR 16, AP Treasury Code Volume-1
4. SR 34(i) of TR 16, AP Treasury Code Volume-I
83. Three Gazetted and two non-gazetted Government servants retired in the same
month in an office having their provident fund accounts maintained by AG. The final
withdrawal of General Provident funds - (Q. Id 1820374383)
ns: 1. Shall be drawn on separate
bills for each employee
2. Shall be drawn for all employees in a single bill
3. Shall be drawn in two bills one for Gazetted other for non gazetted
4. Shall be drawn on separate bills but in different months
84. Quote the authority for the following:
"No sub voucher shall be treated as valid until it bears a distinct pay order
specifying the amount words and figures and signed
Made Easy 13
by drawing officer" (Q. Id
1. SR 2(h) of TR 16, AP Treasury Code Volumed
2. SR 3(b) of TR 16, AP Treasury Code Volumed
*Answer revised to 3 by Commission
85. The list of non-gazetted Government servants who draw bills on treasuries is
in (Old. 1820374385)
1. Appendix 14 of AP Treasury code Volume- II
is: 2. Appendix Ans: 1. of AP reasury code Volume- II
3. Appendix 12 of AP Treasury code Volume- II
4, Appendix 11 of AP Treasury code Volume-11
86. Quote the authority for the following:
"The particulars of the sanction orders shall be entered on the bill and a copy
shall be attached to the bill" (Q.ld. 1820374386)
1. SR 2(a) of TR 16, AP Treasury code Volume-I
2. SR 2(c) of TR 16, AP Treasury code Volumed
Ans: 3. SR 26) of TR 16, AP reasury code Volume-1
4. SR 2(1) of TR 16, AP Treasury code Volume-I
ns: 3. SR 2(a) of TR 32, AP reasury Code Volumed 4. SR 3 of TR 32, AP Treasury Code
14 Subordinate Officers - Part I - Made Easy
87. The month and year of birth of a Government servant are known to be September
1965 but exact date of birth is not available, then his date of birth shall be
as (Q.ld. 1820374387)
I. 0109.1965 2. 1509.1965
Ans 3. 16.09.1965 4. 30.091965
Inst. 6 under part iii, Anrieure II, A.P.
Fundamental Rules)
88. A Government servant is on suspension on a charge of misconduct on the due date
of superannuation, then read the following statements and choose the option
A. He shall be allowed to retire from service
B. His suspension continues even after retirement
C. Heshall the completion of departmental proceedings (Old. 1820374388) 1. A and B
are correct
Ans: 2. Only A is correc
3. Only B is correct
4. Only C is correct
89. Invalid Pension cannot be less
than (Q.ld. 1820374389)
1. Service Pension
ns: 2. Normal Family Pension
3. Enhanced Family Pension
4. Pro-rata Pension
(Rule 45 (7), Revised Pension Rules)
90. Enhanced rate of Family Pension
shall be limited to (Q.ld.
1. 50% of service pension
2. 50% of Last Pay Drawn Ans 3. Service pension
4. (3/5)th of Last Pay Drawn
(1st Proviso under Rule 50 (31 (a) (ii),
Revised Pension Rules)
91. The extraordinary leave
sanctioned to a Government
servant on request for
regularization of suspension period after exhausting all kinds of available leave
may be counted
for (Old. 1820374391)
1. Increments notionally
2. Pension
ns: 3. Both (1) and (2)
4. Neither (1) nor (2)
92. Which of the following periods count for increments (Q.ld. 1820374392)
I. All kinds of leaves taken during probation
2. All kinds of leaves without pay and allowances
93. An Assistant Treasury Officer drawing a pay of Rs.39160 in the time scale of
pay 35120- 87130 from 01.02.2015 has availed EOL on private affairs for 25 days
from 01.12.2015. The due date of his
next increment will be (Old.
1. 26.02.2015
Am: 2 26.02.2016
ns: 1. 01.02.201
2. 25.02.2016
3. 26.02.2016 4: 01.03.2016
95, The balance of earned leave at credit of an employee in a non vacation
department on 01.04.2016 is 256 days. The employee permitted to retire voluntarily
on the AN of 31.10.2016. The balance of EL at credit on the day of retirement will
be (Old. 1820374395)
Ans: 1. 266 days 2. 270 days
3. 271 days 4. 260 days
96. Compassionate allowance should be lessthan (Old. 1820374396) 1. Invalid pension
ns: 2. Two thirds of invalid pension
3. 50% of invalid pension
4. One third of invalid pension
97. According to G.O 147 Fin (HRM. IV) dept. dated 30.06.2014 :-
"Every Government employee shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last
day of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years." This amendment to age
of superannuation is supported by (QId. 1820374397)
ns: 4. Head of the Departmen
99. Assume that the state of Tamil Nadu decided to adopt the DDO coding system of
Andhra Pradesh. Coimbatore District is given code 23 and Mettupalayam, a
subtreasury in Coimbatore district is given code 02. If the departmental coding
system is same as that of Andhra Pradesh, the code for the DDO in the office of
District Treasury, Coimbatore will be
(Old. 1820374399)
ns: 1. 23010702001
*Question deleted by Commission
100. On enhancement of age of superannuation from 58 years to 60 years, the maximum
insurable age under APGL( is enhanced from (Old. 1820374400)
4ns: 3. Periods treated as compulsory wait 4. Al? the above
4. 01.02.2016
94. An Assistant Treasury Officer drawing a pay of Rs. 39160 in the time scale of
pay 35120 - 87130
Subordinate Officers - Part I - Mane Easy
from 01.02.2015 has availed EOL 98. The following on private affairs for 25 days
from 01.12.2015. The monetary benefit of his next increment will be given from
authority is competent to count extraordinary leave on medical grounds for
increments if the period is not more than six months. (Old. 1820374398)
1. Head of the Office
2. Next superior Gazetted officer
3. District Officer
ns: 1. 53 years to 55 years
2. 58 years to 60 years
3. 48 years to 53 years
4. 48 years to 55 years
ns: 1. F.R.2
2. F.R.22(B)
3. F.R.48 4. F.R.117
SO-1-351 NOVEMBER 2019 - APPSC


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