Effect of Cracking On Corrosion of Steel in Concrete PDF
Effect of Cracking On Corrosion of Steel in Concrete PDF
Effect of Cracking On Corrosion of Steel in Concrete PDF
DOI 10.1186/s40069-018-0234-y
ISSN 1976-0485 / eISSN 2234-1315
Abstract: It is generally recognized that cracks provide easy access to ingress of chlorides in concrete and hence, the initiation of
corrosion of steel in cracked concrete occurs at early stage. However, wide variety of results on the effect of crack widths on
corrosion of steel in concrete are reported in many studies. Apart from crack width, the crack depths, cracking frequency and
healing of cracks also influence the corrosion of steel in concrete. This paper presents a comprehensive review and summarised the
results on the effect of cracking on corrosion of steel in concrete. The effect of crack widths on the diffusion of chlorides ions and
carbon-dioxide is also discussed in this paper. Among all available results, a correlation between the corrosion current and the
crack widths up to 0.3 mm can be established, however, no distinct trends are observed beyond that crack width. Conflicting
results on the effect of crack widths on chloride ion diffusion are also reported. The longitudinal crack causes more severe
corrosion of steel in concrete than transverse cracks of same width. Cracked concrete containing supplementary cementitious
materials exhibited superior corrosion resistance than cracked ordinary Portland cement concrete of same width of transverse as
well as longitudinal cracks. The same is also true in the case of lower water–binder ratios of cracked concrete. The increase in
crack depth increased the chloride diffusion; however, the corrosion test shows an opposite trend. Conflicting results on the effect
of crack frequency on corrosion of steel are also reported.
Keywords: corrosion, crack width, crack depth, crack frequency, chlorides, carbonation.
OPC concrete 0.55 28 Weeks 0.10 lA/cm2 0.31 lA/cm2 0.78 lA/cm2 0.93 lA/cm2
2 2 2
50% Slag 0.4 28 Weeks 0.04 lA/cm 0.07 lA/cm 0.26 lA/cm 0.38 lA/cm2
50% Slag 0.55 28 Weeks 0.05 lA/cm2 0.07 lA/cm2 0.41 lA/cm2 0.55 lA/cm2
Quero et al. (2010) OPC 0.3 4 Years - 400 mV - 600 mV - 440 mV - 500 mV - 400 mV
Sahmaran and Yaman OPC mortar 0.48 100 hours 1.3% Mass loss 1.5% Mass loss 1.6% Mass loss 2.3% Mass loss
Montes et al. (2004) OPC concrete 0.37 1 Year 0.15 lA/cm2 1.0 lA/cm2 2 lA/cm2
2 2
0.45 1 Year 1.2 lA/cm 1.7 lA/cm 3.3 lA/cm2
20% Fly ash 0.37 1 Year 0.45 lA/cm2 1.1 lA/cm2 1.6 lA/cm2
40% Fly ash 0.37 1 Year 0.15 lA/cm2 0.65 lA/cm2 1.0 lA/cm2
Schiebl and Raupach OPC concrete 0.6 24 Weeks 5 mg (loss) 15 mg (loss) 35 mg (loss) 100 mg (loss)
0.6 2 Years 90 mg (loss) 20 mg (loss) 70 mg (loss) 70 mg (loss)
Raupach (1996) OPC concrete 0.5 24 Weeks 1.3 mg (loss) 2.4 mg (loss) 3.7 mg (loss) 2.1 mg (loss)
cover 35 mm 0.6 3.5 mg (loss) 13.7 mg (loss) 26.4 mg (loss) 65.7 mg (loss)
0.5 2 Years 4.9 mg (loss) 38.8 mg (loss) 107.1 mg (loss) 83.5 mg (loss)
Fig. 2 Effect of crack widths on steel loss due to corrosion of steel in different concretes.
6. Effects of SCMs
Fig. 5 Effect of number of cracks on corrosion current of steel The effects of crack widths on corrosion of steel in SCMs
in concrete (Schiebl and Raupach 1997). modified cracked concretes are also evaluated by a number
of researchers and their summarised results are presented in
Fig. 7. It can be seen that the corrosion currents of cracked
SCMs modified concretes are lower than its counterpart
ratios is also reported (see Fig. 6). While no corrosion test ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete for all crack
results on the effect of widths of parallel-face cracks are widths. The better corrosion resistance of cracked SCMs
available, it can be argued that in real situation the corrosion modified concretes can be attributed to their denser
of steel will be less in V-shape cracks. This has been microstructure and lower porosity than OPC concrete.
reflected in Scott and Alexander’s (2007) study, where cor- Although in the crack area (anode zone) the access of
rosion current decreased with increase in concrete cover aggressive substances in both OPC and SCMs modified
depth or in other words cracks depth. It should be noted that concretes is same, the availability of oxygen and moisture in
in their study cracks in the concrete cover were formed the cathode region next to the anode region (crack area) (see
through three points bending of RC beam specimens, which Fig. 8) should be much lower in SCMs modified concretes
supposed to form V-shaped cracks. Therefore, appropriate due to its dense microstructure than in OPC concrete and by
experimental set-up is required to interconnect the impact of controlling the availability of oxygen and moisture in the
crack width, crack frequency and crack depth on chloride cathode region the corrosion of steel in concrete can be
induced corrosion in a simulated marine environment in significantly reduced.
0.4 mm on the chloride penetration in concrete and reported 9. Effect of Cracking on Oxygen Permeability
an increasing trend of chloride penetration in terms of total of Concrete
charge passed with increase in crack widths (see Fig. 9). In
another study, Win et al. (2004) and Ismail et al. (2008) also In addition to the presence of chlorides, CO2 and moisture
reported increasing trend of chloride ion penetration and oxygen is also essential for the formation of corrosion
chloride ion diffusion with increase in crack widths as can be products through reaction of free Fe2? in anodic region with
seen in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. Ismail et al. (2008) also the hydroxyl ions (OH–) in cathodic region. Therefore oxy-
reported no chloride ion diffusion below the crack widths of gen permeability of cracked concrete will also be useful to
0.03 mm with the ability of self-healing to impede chloride control the corrosion of steel in concrete as dense uncracked
diffusion at crack width below 0.06 mm. Djerbi et al. (2008) concrete cover generally reduced the availability of oxygen
also reported increase in chloride diffusion coefficient with on steel surface (Mohammed et al. 2003) and a slower
increase in crack widths up to about 0.25 mm (see Fig. 12). cathodic reaction is expected for the regions with low oxygen
They also observed that chloride ion diffusion is higher in availability. In a limited number of studies the oxygen per-
cracked OPC concrete than that containing silica fume for meability of cracked concrete and cementitious composites is
each crack width. However, Rodriguez and Hooton (2003) evaluated. Mohammed et al. (2001a, b) studied the oxygen
and Jang et al. (2011) did not observed any trends of chlo- permeability of cracked concrete beams containing plain steel
ride ion diffusion with different crack widths (see Figs. 13, bar and deformed steel bar. Both beams were subjected to
14). The chloride ion diffusion was found to be much lower same load to create flexural cracks on the tension side of the
in the case of cracked concrete containing slag for all mea- beams. Results show higher oxygen permeability in the
sured crack widths in Rodriguez and Hooton’s study with cracked beam reinforced with deformed bar than its coun-
almost same chloride diffusion for all crack widths up to terpart plain bar reinforced cracked beam. Bigger width of
0.6 mm (see Fig. 13b). cracks in the cracked beam reinforced with deformed bar than