Nonconsensual Sex Among Youth
Nonconsensual Sex Among Youth
Nonconsensual Sex Among Youth
help prevent coercion, support youth in making 6. Sodhi G, Verma M. Sexual coercion among unmarried adolescents of
an urban slum in India. In Jejeebhoy S, Bott S, Shah I, et al., eds. Towards
2101 Wilson Boulevard safe and appropriate sexual decisions, and Adulthood: Exploring the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents
Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201 USA provide counseling and treatment to those who in South Asia. (Geneva: World Health Organization, 2003) 91-94.
are victims of coercion. 7. Ellsberg M. Coerced sex among adolescents in Latin America and the
Caribbean. New Delhi Meeting.
(703) 516-9779
8. Koenig M, Lutalo T, Zablotska I, et al. The sequelae of adolescent
coercive sex: evidence from Rakai, Uganda. New Delhi Meeting.
(703) 516-9781
9. Ellsberg.
[email protected] 10. Im-em.
web site 11. Ellsberg.
12. Gupta A, Ailawadi A. Incest in Indian families: learnings from a support
centre for women survivors. New Delhi Meeting.
13. Erulkar AS. Sexual and reproductive health research and programming
for youth. New Delhi Meeting.
YouthLens is an activity of YouthNet, a five-year program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development to improve
reproductive health and prevent HIV among young people. The YouthNet team is led by Family Health International and includes
CARE USA, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Emerging Markets, Ltd., Margaret Sanger Center International, and RTI International.
March 2004