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Research Methodology This Chapter Presents The Research Method

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Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research method,

research design, respondents of the study, research locale,

sampling technique, research instrument and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

Research can be described as a systematic and organized

effort to investigate a specific problem to provide a

solution. Consequently, its output is to add new knowledge

and develop theories as well as gathering evidence to prove

generalizations. Research design is a procedural plan that

is adopted by the researchers to answer questions

objectively, accurately, economically and with validity. The

researchers used the comparative and experimental design

wherein it explains the difference between two subjects and

within subject experiments and the treatments compared to

each other.

Comparative method is used to describe similarities and

differences in variable in two or more groups in a natural

setting, that is, it resembles an experiment as it uses

manipulation but lacks random assignment of individual

subject. (Trek, 2018)

Experimental research is any research conducted with a

scientific approach, where a set of variables are kept

constant while the other set of variables are being measured

as the subject of experiment. (Bhat, 2018)

The researchers will compare the two hand sanitizers:

Synthetic Hand Sanitizers (Commercial Hand Sanitizers) and

Organic Hand Sanitizers (Guava Hand Sanitizers) to assess

the hand sanitizer’s best quality as its smoothness, scent,

stickiness, and its capacity to moisturize the skin.

Respondent of the Study

The respondents of this research are the Junior High

school in Liceo de Christ the King, INC. The researchers

will use the purposive sampling wherein the number of the

respondents is atleast 10. Purposive sampling, also known as

judgmental, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-

probabbility sampling in which researchers rely on their own

judgment when choosing members of the population participate

in their study (Foley, 2017).


a.Guava Leaves

b.Aloe Vera Gel

c.Essential Oil (Lavender Oil)

d.Measuring Spoon



g.Distilled Water


i.Clean Cloth

j.Empty Container


1. Take (6) guava leaves

2. Wash the leaves thoroughly.

3. Steam the leaves within (15) minutes.

4. Grind the guava leaves with the use of mortar and


5. Squeeze the grind guava leaves with the use of clean

6. Place the extract in a bowl.

7. Add the measured aloe vera gel and (3) drops of

essential oil then stir all of the ingredients.

Research Locale

In Liceo de Christ the King,Inc. formerly known as

Christ the King Academy located within the provincial road

of Talugtug Nueva Ecija (Magsaysay dist. Talugtug Nueva

Ecija) the researchers conducted this study entitled “Guava

(Psidium Guajava) leaves as an alternative hand sanitizer”.

Christ the king now Liceo de Christ the king is located

within the agricultural area of Talugtug Nueva Ecija, along

the provincial road.

The institution was founded as “Christ the king

institutute of agricultural” in 1950 by Rev. Henry Zegward.

The school building was built on a site approximately four

hectares in area the site was uneven/hilly as the general

topography of the whole town, However there some level

places which were improved for the playground of the

students. Rev.Fr. William Manoney was transferred to San

Clemente, Tarlac and the school was entrusted to Rev.Fr.

Hurley. In 1962 a religious priest (MSC) Rev.Fr. Cornelius

Swinkles took over and lasted for seven years from 1962-
1969. In 1970 a diocesan priest was assigned as parish

priest and school director in the person of Rev.Fr. Maximo

Gomez. In 1972, Rev.Fr. Remegio “Baby” Malgapo took over,

followed by Rev.Fr Miguel Adriosula. He initiated to offer

agricultural collage though Divina Pastora Collage Extension

Education Program. But unluckily it lasted only for two


In 1979 Rev.Fr.Dionisio Esluzar took over. He

organized the parent teacher association.

Rev.Fr.rolando Mabutol, a very young promising

priest was assigned parish priest and school director in

1984. It was Fr. Rolando Mabutol who initiated the

organization of the Christ the king Alumni Assocoation.

In 1988, a volunteer MSC priest came over in the

person of Rev.Fr. Henry lasted for ten years from 1988-1998.

On july 16, 1990 a killer earthquake wrought untold damages

to houses and buildings. One of the school buildings was not

spared and was totally damaged. Fortunately Fr. Henry was on

vacation in Holland that time, so he had a chance to solicit

funds for the construction of a new building the Fr. Henry

building. This is where the library and the finance office

is located.
On May 20,1998 another very young promising and

dynamic priest came over in the person of Rev.Fr. Rufo Ramil

H. Cruz. He initiated the star of a Pre-Elementary and

Elementary education but he stayed only for two years and

was transferred to Quezon,Nueva Ecija. On the jubilee year

of CKA-the director was Rev.Fr. Francisco Umalin- but did

not last long for he was taken by this creator. On his

death,Fr. Arleen Ragasa took his place.

Sometime in December 2008, Mr. Miguel de Guzman,

the private school supervisor requested all schools in the

division of Nueva Ecija who have existed more than 50 years

for Renewal of Government Recognition, CKA-from 1956-2006

celebrated its golden years. Due to processing of documents,

three names of the school found.

1. Christ the king Institute of Agriculture

2. Christ the king Academy of Talugtug

3. Christ the king Academy

Due to changes on names-SEC advised the school to apply

for another name to avoid penalty thus LICEO DE CHRIST THE

KING,INC. On January 9, 2009 Liceo de Christ the king has

three new buildings the two building was though the effort

of the Ursuline Sisters of Somasca. At present there are six

buildings of the high school department and three buildings

in the Elementary Department and a big gymnasium through the

effort of the alumni and her PTA/SBO.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use the survey questionnaires to

collect the data about their research. It is the easiest way

to gather information. The survey questionnaire is divided

into four parts wherein the researchers will determine the

effects and difference of the two groups.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used the independent t-test. According

to (Kenton, 2019) a t-test is a type of inferential

statistic used to determine if there is a significant

difference between the means of two groups, which may be

related in certain features. A t-test is used as a

hypothesis testing tool, which allows testing of an

assumption applicable to a population. A t-test allows us to

compare the average values of the two data sets and

determine if they came from the same population.

Apo Jose Catholic Educational Systems Foundation, Inc.

Liceo de Christ the King, Inc.

(Formerly: Christ the King Academy)
Magsaysay District, Talugtug, Nueva Ecija

“GUAVA (Psidium Guajava) as an alternative hand sanitizer”

An Investigatory Project

Presented to the


of the Basic Education Department

of Liceo de Christ the King, INC.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the on the subjects Practical Research 2, Research

Project and Inquiry, Investigation, and Immersion of the Grade 12 Senior High School Program

Academic Track: Science & Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Presented by:

Mina, Estefanie E.

Fronda, Kimberly V.

Jose, Kathlene Joy R.

Carganilla, Kenneth Kim P.

Caspillo, Almer John A.

Presented to:

Mr. Christopher M. Bal-ut, LPT

October 2019

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