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Verbal Ability - 2 Sentence Equivalence - 2 (Drill) Answers and Explanations

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CEX–3002/18 Verbal Ability – 2 GRE

Sentence Equivalence – 2 (Drill)

Answers and Explanations
1 B,C 2 B,E 3 A,D 4 D,F 5 A,B 6 B,C 7 C,E 8 A,C 9 E,F 10 C,E
11 B,C 12 A,F 13 C,E 14 D,F 15 A,C

1. B,C The clues in the sentence are ‘used to being feted’ Orwell was critical of it. Hence, mordant and scathing,
(fawned over, honoured) and ‘the cold reception’. The meaning bitter or acidic in its criticism, fit into this blank.
second part of the sentence states that he received a Hirsute means hairy, and impenitent means to not be
different kind of treatment from the one he was used regretful or sorry for one’s actions. Hortatory means
to. So, he would have been confused. Befuddled and urging and ignoble is the antonym of noble, so neither
discombobulated convey that. Buttressed means one is appropriate.
supported; emaciated means painfully thin; quailed
means to show fear. Naturally, he would not have 6. B,C The clue in the sentence is the preposition ‘with’ and
been ecstatic at the ‘cold reception’. the phrase ‘female qualities’. This conveys the idea
that the ‘spaces’ are ‘filled with’ the qualities. So, imbued
2. B,E The clue in the sentence is ‘impervious’, which means and infused would convey that idea. Exhort means to
incapable of being affected. The American race urge or caution earnestly or urgently; salvage means
system was not affected by anything, indicating that to save something from danger; maim means to deprive
it was inflexible. So, unbending and intransigent fit of some part of the body by wounding; extrapolate
into the blank. Redoubtable, which means to command means to infer from something that is known.
respect, may be considered, but there is no other
word that conveys the same idea. Also, the word 7. C,E The clue in the sentence is ‘discourages
‘impervious’ conveys a more negative connotation. light……….predators’. If the quality of the
Tendentious means biased; sweltering means microorganism discourages light-avoiding predators,
extremely hot; refulgent means radiant. then the quality must be production of light. So,
luminescence and effulgence convey that meaning.
3. A,D The clue in the sentence is ‘something she had never Abeyance means a temporary cessation in activity.
cooked with before’. She would have been afraid or Parity means equality; repartee means giving quick,
apprehensive about cooking with something that she witty replies; peccadillo means a trifling fault.
had never cooked with before. So, trepidation, which
means fear, and consternation, which means a feeling 8. A,C The words ‘tall………elongated hands and bony
of anxiety, fit into the blank. Solace means comfort features’ convey the idea that the person was thin.
and mendacity means falsehood, so they are ‘Spare’ and ‘gaunt’ convey the same idea. Austere,
unsuitable. Palpitation is used to convey a shaky which means severe in manner and appearance, may
motion or an irregular heartbeat. It doesn’t convey the have been considered, but ‘elongated hands and bony
exact emotion felt by her. Vexation means irritation. features’ make A & C more appropriate. Comely means
pleasing in appearance; droll means amusing; glib
4. D,F The clues in the sentence are ‘Even….rioters’ and means insincerely or thoughtlessly fluent.
‘instead, they assert….nation’. That indicates that
even people who are fighting against the country do 9. E,F The clues in the sentence are ‘reliably detect the
not reject their American identity, but fight for it. So, slightest trace’, ‘even if the scent is masked’ and ‘odors’.
the word in the blank should convey the meaning of If the dog can detect the smallest sign despite its being
reject and ‘shun’ and ‘abnegate’ do that. Concede and covered up by other odors, the other odors might be
concur mean to agree, which is the opposite of the very strong ones. The words pungent and pronounced
meaning required. Dissimulate means to attempt to convey that idea. Brindled means gray with darker
conceal or hide. Balk means to object to, but it should spots; detrimental means harmful; gratuitous means
be followed by ‘at’, so, it can’t be used here. without reason. Perspicuous means clear or lucid and
is generally used to describe the manner of expression,
5. A,B The clues in the sentence are ‘ironic analysis’ and ‘the so, is inappropriate in this blank.
details…..anger’. Since it is an ironic analysis and it
was created because there were certain details that
aroused Orwell’s anger, the other word to describe
‘analysis’ also will be a negative one, indicative that

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10. C,E Sometimes, as in this case, the sentence may not 13. C,E The clue in the sentence is ‘longest running’, which
provide with adequate clues to figure out the correct indicates that the magazine is still existent or extant.
answer choices. In such cases, it is best to look for Extinct is the antonym of the two words; fledgling
clos synonyms among the answer choices. So, means new or inexperienced; feasible means capable
exaltation and hypertrophy, which means enlargement of being accomplished; illicit means unlawful.
or aggrandization, fit into the blank. Exoneration is to
clear of an accusation; gratis means free of charge; 14. D,F The clues in the sentence are ‘curious’, meaning
petulance is sudden, impatient irritation; coquetry strange and ‘between’, indicating that there is either a
means flirtation. difference or similarity between the two things that
follow. But ‘contemplative enjoyment’ and ‘compulsion
11. B,C The clues in the sentence are ‘although to work to the limit’ indicate that there is a difference.
…………..watching’ and ‘12 ………..notice’. ‘Although’ So, variance and disparity fit into the blank. Harmony
implies a contradiction. So, if the machine eyes were and congruence convey the opposite meaning. Malaise
watching and had taken notice, the lifeguards must means a state of weakness or uneasiness; impunity
have been unaware. Oblivious and insensible fit into means exemption from punishment.
the blank. Pertinacious means stubborn; quixotic
means impractical; tangible means real or actual. 15. A,C The clue in the sentence is ‘whose………..broadly’. If
Attentive conveys the opposite meaning from the one they have left a ‘legacy’, they must have left a positive
required in the blank. impact with their pictures. So, ensorcelled and
enraptured, which mean bewitched or enchanted, fit
12. A,F The clues in the sentence are ‘cope with’ and into the blank. Elated means happy or proud (‘who had
‘disconnected information’. These words indicate that elated the world with their pictures’ is not appropriate
the disconnected information was something difficult usage); mollified means pacified or soothed; embroiled
that he had to handle. So, a negative connotation, means to involve someone in conflict; bedizened means
meaning ‘jumble’ is required here. Clamor and to decorate in a tasteless, showy manner.
cacophony convey that idea.
Diorama means a life-size display representing a scene
from nature, a historical event, or the like; ethnology
means the branch of anthropology that analyses
cultures; flippancy means a frivolous disrespect;
fiasco means a complete and ignominious failure.

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