Fire Code Reviewer
Fire Code Reviewer
Fire Code Reviewer
Any person who is authorized to act as an agent or representative of the owner of the
building and performs duties and responsibilities necessary for the effective management, maintenance, and proper
use of said building.
Collecting Officer. An accountable officer responsible in the collection, deposit and remittance of Fire Code
revenues from all Fire Code taxes, fees/charges and fines with AGDB or AGSB.
Community/Barangay Fire Brigade. A group of firefighters performing fire suppression activities within
a specified jurisdiction.
Customer Relations Officer (CRO). is an organic member of the Bureau of Fire Protection who is tasked
to attend to the immediate needs and concerns of the customer, applicants or any taxpayer transacting
business in a unit/station/office.
Dry Standpipe. A type of standpipe system in which the pipes are normally not filled with water. Water is
introduced into the system thru fire service connections when needed.
Ember. A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned, and is still oxidizing
without the manifestation of flames.
Fire Alarm. Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warn the occupants of the
building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of fire.
Fire Code Fees/Charges. Charges for regulation, inspection and other fire service activities in the
enforcement of the Fire Code and its IRR.
Fire Code Fines. Amount imposed for violators of the Fire Code and its IRR.
Fire Exit Drill. A practice drill for the orderly and safe evacuation of occupants in the buildings.
Fire Hazard. Any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of the
occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with fire fighting operations and the
safeguarding of life and property.
Fire Trap. A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits
or fire escapes.
Fire Lane. The portion of a roadway or public way that should be kept opened and unobstructed at all
times for the expedient conduct of fire fighting operations.
Fire Resistance Rating. The time duration that a material or construction can withstand the effect of a
standard fire test.
Fire Safety Constructions. Refers to the design and installation of walls, barriers, doors, windows, vents,
means of egress and other elements integral to and incorporated into a building or structure in order to
minimize danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes or panic before the building is evacuated.
Fire Wall. A wall designed to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance rating of not less than
four (4) hours with sufficient structural stability to remain standing even if construction on either side
collapses under fire conditions.
High Rise Buildings. Buildings, structures or facilities fifteen (15) meters or more in height.
Horizontal Exit. A passageway from one building to another, or through or around a wall in
approximately the same floor level.
Means of Egress. Is a continuous and unobstructed route of exit from one point in a building, structure or
facility to a public way.
Occupancy. The purpose for which a building or portion thereof is used or intended to be used.
Occupant Load. The maximum number of persons that may be allowed to occupy a particular building,
structure, or facility, or portions hereof.
1. Public Way. Any street, alley or other strip of land unobstructed from the ground to the sky,
deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for public use.
This IRR shall be interpreted in the light of the Declaration of Policy found in Section 2 of the
“It is the policy of the State to ensure public safety, promote economic development through the
prevention and suppression of all kinds, of destructive fires, and promote the professionalization of the
fire service as a profession. Towards this end, the State shall enforce all laws, rules and regulations to
ensure adherence to standard fire prevention and safety measures, and promote accountability in the fire
protection and prevention service.”
1. Allpersons;
2. All private or public buildings, facilities or structures and their premises erected or constructed
before and after the effectivity hereof;
3. Design and installation of mechanical, electronics and electrical systems relative to fire
4. Manufacturing, storage, handling and/or use, and transportation of explosives and/or combustible,
flammable liquids and gases, toxic and other hazardous materials and operations, and their
5. Fire safety planning, design, construction, repair, maintenance, rehabilitation and demolition;
6. Fire protective and warning equipment or systems;
7. G. All land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships or vessels docked at piers or wharves or
anchored in seaports; and
8. H. Petroleumindustryinstallations.
The Administration and Enforcement of the Fire Code and this IRR shall be under the direct supervision
and control of the Chief, BFP, through the hierarchy of organization as provided for in Chapter VI of
Republic Act No. 6975, the DILG Reorganization Act of 1990 as amended by Republic Act No. 9263, the
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
Professionalization Act of 2004.
The Chief, BFP, shall constitute a technical staff of highly qualified persons who are knowledgeable on
fire prevention, fire safety, and fire suppression.
1. All business establishments employing at least fifty (50) persons shall, in addition to the
requirements set forth under Section 7 of RA 9514 for the grant of Fire Safety Inspection
Certificate (FSIC), establish an organization of fire brigade to deal with fire and other related
emergencies. The head of the company, through its duly designated safety officer shall evaluate
the potential magnitude of a fire emergency within the company, and the availability of
firefighting assistance from the BFP to determine the nature of the organization to be established.
2. For buildings having various occupancies, the Building Administrator and/or owner shall initiate
the organization of a fire brigade in the premises irrespective of the number of occupants.
The organization of company fire brigades shall consist of the Fire Brigade Chief, which shall be
designated by the head of the company, and shall be assisted by selected personnel. In companies
where more persons are available, they must be organized into teams to function as a fire brigade
established according to its needs. The organization shall be such that a fire brigade is on duty or
on call at all times.
A. Certificate of Competency shall be issued to fire volunteers, members of fire brigades and fire safety
practitioners after completion of the mandatory training and competency evaluations conducted by the
BFP and upon submission of the following documentary requirements:
The BFP shall assist in setting up a training program for the fire brigade and fire volunteer organization.
Members of the fire brigade and fire volunteer organization shall be afforded opportunities to improve
their knowledge on fire prevention and suppression through attendance in seminars and special training
Members of the volunteer fire brigade organization shall wear proper identification cards duly signed by
the head of their organization and authenticated by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction
over the area.
During firefighting operations, the fire brigades and fire volunteer organizations shall be under the direct
operational control of the fire ground commanders of the BFP.
Upon request, the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall render necessary assistance to the Chief, BFP or
his duly authorized representative on the following actions:
1. Duringactualfirefightingoperationsandfiresceneinvestigations;
2. Business closure and summary abatement proceedings;
3. Installation of signs that the building/structure is a fire hazard and/or fire trap;
4. Obstructionofdesignatedfirelanesandfirehydrants;
5. Apprehension of violators/persons removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating warning signs
and similar abatement appurtenances; and
6. Such other duties and functions of the BFP which would essentially require police assistance.
Local Government Units (LGU) and other government agencies shall render necessary assistance on the
following duties of the BFP:
1. Strict observance of the requirement of fire safety measures for the issuance of Fire Safety
Inspection Certificate (FSIC) as a pre-requisite in the grant of and renewal of business, occupancy
and other related permits/licenses. For this purpose, the LGU and/or other government agencies
concerned shall refrain from issuing such licenses and/or permits without the applicant first
securing an FSIC from the BFP;
BFP personnel duly designated as Fire Safety Enforcers shall posses minimum required
qualification standard stated herein.
1. Licensed Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Sanitary and Electronic and
Communication); or Architect with at least one (1) year in the BFP service; or Graduate of any
baccalaureate degree course with at least three (3) years in the BFP service;
2. Shall have completed Fire Arson Investigation and Inspection Course (FAIIC); or have undergone at
least forty (40) hours of relevant seminars/workshops on the Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008and
other relevant fire safety seminars/workshops; and
1. MustbealicensedArchitectorEngineer;and
2. Shall have undergone at least forty (40) hours of relevant training on the Fire Code of the
Philippines of 2008 and other relevant fire safety seminars/workshops.
The following shall be the main duties and responsibilities of Fire Safety Inspectors:
1. Inspect any building, structure or facility and/or any part thereof, hazardous operations, storage
facilities and transportation vehicles of hazardous materials to ensure compliance of the Fire
Code of the Philippines, this IRR and other related laws, regulations, standards and ordinances
within the area of responsibility;
2. Assess compliance with the fire safety requirements, identify and recommend corrective actions
for violations/defects and deficiencies and inform the owner/building administrator/occupants of
such actions to comply with the provisions of the Fire Code of the Philippines, this IRR and other
related laws, regulations, standards and ordinances;
3 Testify in any judicial and quasi-judicial bodies regarding matters relating to the Fire Code of the
Philippines and this IRR, and/or the performance of his/her duties related thereto, when needed;
4. Conductfiresafetylectures,seminars/workshopanddrills;and
5. Prepare necessary documents and maintain files and/or records.
observed. He shall cause the correction of any defects/deficiencies noted, when necessary.
The City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction shall cause the conduct of periodic fire safety
inspection of any building, structure, facility or premises for the purpose of determining compliance with
the provisions of the Fire Code and this IRR. For this purpose, Inspection Order shall be issued by the
City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. Before leaving the place inspected, report shall be
prepared. Such inspection Order and After Inspection Report shall conform to the herein prescribed
format, prepared in three sets and distributed as indicated. Format of the After Inspection Report shall
follow the approved fire safety standard inspection checklist.
D. No FSIC shall be issued without the submission of Fire and Life Safety Assessment Report 3 (FALAR
3) in accordance with Division 3 of this Rule.
A. FSICforOccupancyPermit
1. EndorsementfromtheBusinessPermitLicensingOffice(BPLO);
2. Photocopy of Building Permit and Assessment of Business Permit Fee/Tax Bill for Business
3. CopyofFireInsurancePolicy,ifany;
4. Copy of Latest Fire Safety Inspection Certificate immediately preceding this application, if any;
5. Three (3) sets of FALAR 3.
Fire Safety Clearance shall be required for the storage, handling, installation and transportation of
hazardous materials, operations and processes as may be prescribed in other provisions of this