Health Education Plan - Case Study
Health Education Plan - Case Study
Health Education Plan - Case Study
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I. Topic: Maintaining Personal Cleanliness
II. Purpose: To provide patients information and ways in improving health conditions through personal
III. Goal: After 20 minutes of health teaching, the patients from the pedia ward will be able to practice
cleanliness within themselves.
1. Identify A. Definition
what is good a. Health Lecture and 8 mins PowerPoint Question and
hygiene and the b. Good hygiene Discussion Presentation, Answer
ways to achieve it. c. Grooming Pamphlets
d. Toothbrushin
e. Handwashing
A. Definition of Terms
Ini ang pisikal, emotional, ukon mental na ika-ayo sang tawo, kag indi ni siya basta lang ang pagkadula
sang sakit ukon pagkaluya
Good Hygiene
isa ini ka pama-agi na maka bulig patinlo sa aton lawas. Ini man ang pag preserbar sang aton katinloon
kag pag-padayon na pag pa bakod sa aton kaayong lawas
ini ang pamaagi na gina himo sang mga tawo para sila maging tinlo kag pagwapo/pagwapa
ini ang pagpatinlo sang aton unto gamit ang toothbrush na may toothpaste
Wash Your Hands Often to Stay Healthy You can help yourself and your loved ones stay healthy by
washing your hands often, especially during these key times when you are likely to get and spread germs:
● Before, during, and after preparing food
● Before eating food
● Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea
● Before and after treating a cut or wound
● After using the toilet
● After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
● After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
● After handling pet food or pet treats After touching garbage
References ( at least 3 textbooks & 2 internet sources only inclusive of the video) APA format
X. Evaluation of Objectives: