IN BRIEF ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Your Dissertation needs to be officially submitted on Canvas the latest by the date which
has been indicated as a deadline to you. Apart from this official submission, an exact copy of your
Thesis has also to be submitted electronically only to your supervisor as well.
The length should not exceed the word limit which is 15000 words excluding cover pages,
abstracts, contents, bibliography pages and appendices.
You have to use the specific word template to write your Dissertation (see the sample in
this Guide), which will be send to you electronically in due time.
You have to document all your sources in your Thesis and also sign, the "Academic Ethics
Form" (see the sample at the end of this Guide). You will receive the Form electronically.
If any of the above drafting and submission rules is not followed your Dissertation Thesis
will not be accepted.
Has to be around 200 words, and in essence it is the summary of your Introduction and
Conclusion. As it is rational this is the last thing we write when the whole Dissertation is complete.
2 pages minimum. It has to include, among other things, the following elements:
• Brief analysis of the research topic
• Trigger and Rationale (reason for research topic selection)
• Aims and Objectives
• Methodology (Primary or Secondary research?, methodological tools adopted and why,
limitations of research)
• Synopsis of the Chapters
Usually 4. Two for literature review, one for methodology and one for findings, analysis, and
discussion. Chapters should be numbered and have a Title as well. All Chapters should also have a
symmetry regarding size and start from a new page.
2 pages minimum. Here we summarize the results OF ALL our work of the Dissertation and not we
should not confuse the conclusion with the “discussion” part of questionnaire anaylsis (which is
different and should be included in a Chapter).
You can include more than one. They do not count towards the word limit (only the Introduction,
Chapters and the Conclusion count). Here you can include elements such as: questionnaires
template, legal documents, maps, statistical documents, photographs, charts etc. You can include
those elements that if you inserted them in the Chapters they will alter the structure and
character of the document. In other words, you can include graphs in the Chapters but not 30 of
them in a sequence. Similarly, you can include and comment parts of legislation in the Chapters
but not the actual law document.
B. Dissertation Structure
A. Beginning with your Dissertation
A.1. A few words about this guide
A successful dissertation will present a thorough and critical review of relevant literature
and of current subject knowledge. It will demonstrate high levels of analytical and critical
awareness, the ability to synthesize theories, and the ability to relate theory to practice. The
theoretical base will be tested against practical illustration(s).
This document covers your dissertation process and specifies the appropriate goals, as well
as information relating to your responsibilities and appropriate format.
You should use your Template (see the sample in this guide) from the beginning of the process in
order to save time and effort and also for organising your work better. Your Outline is practically
you “Table of Contents” so you can draft some provisional titles for your Chapters and
subchapters (you can of course change these later), in order to help yourself structure your
research. A brainstorming activity would also be helpful.
trouble generating ideas but find writing easy may benefit from starting to write early. Putting pen
to paper (or typing away at the keyboard) may be just what is needed to get the ideas to flow.
You have to find out for yourself what works best for you, though it is fair to say that at least some
planning is always a good idea. Think about whether your current practices are serving you well.
You know you're planning too little if the first draft of your essays is always a disorganized mess,
and you have to spend a disproportionate amount of time creating reverse outlines and cutting
and pasting material. You know you're planning too much if you always find yourself writing your
paper a day before it's due after spending weeks doing research and devising elaborate plans.
Planning provides the following advantages (Plotnick Jerry, 2005):
helps you to produce a logical and orderly argument that your readers can follow
helps you to produce an economical dissertation by allowing you to spot repetition
helps you to produce a thorough dissertation by making it easier for you to notice whether
you have left anything out
makes drafting the dissertation easier by allowing you to concentrate on writing issues
such as grammar, word choice, and clarity
Overplanning poses the following risks:
doesn't leave you enough time to write and revise
leads you to produce dissertations that try to cover too much ground at the expense of
analytic depth
can result in a writing style that lacks spontaneity and ease
does not provide enough opportunity to discover new ideas in the process of writing
B. Dissertation Structure
More specifically:
Title page
Table of Contents
Literature Review (2
Methodology (1 Chapter)
Findings, Analysis
Discussion (1 Chapter)
Concluding Remarks
Title page
Begin with the title of your dissertation.
You will find at the end of this guide the dissertation template with the exact type of the title page
you should use.
A summary of the dissertation
An abstract is a short introduction to the subject at hand. Whether it is for reading a paper, seeing
a poster, or attending a talk, a person wants to know if the subject is something of interest. That
abstract aims to give more information about the title of the dissertation and it is a bit of a
flirtation. The goal is to entice someone to want more. In this way, you do not want to give it all
away for free. Instead, a well-done abstract whets the reader’s appetite for more. So an abstract
should not be too long (two paragraphs is too much), nor too short (two sentences is usually too
little). (Robert W., 2000)
Some extra things to note for your abstract:
• References should not be given simply because you should not be going into such detail.
• It should be one paragraph summarizing the whole dissertation (not more than 200 words)
• It would be better to write the abstract the time your dissertation is completed.
• It should contain all the important points of the dissertation: (Daniel Kies, 1995)
o purpose
What is the reason for writing?
What is the main idea?
o scope
What is the focus in this piece?
Where do you concentrate your attention?
o method
What kinds of evidence do you provide?
How do you try to convince the reader of the validity of your main idea?
o results
What are the consequences of the problem or issue that you are discussing?
o recommendations
What solutions do you present to the reader to resolve the problem of issue
in the piece?
Do you recommend action or change in your piece?
o conclusions
Do you describe a 'cause and effect' relationship or explain the origins of
this issue or problem?
What conclusions do you draw from your study of the issue or problem?
Parents and friends
Don’t forget the Supervisor!!!
Thanks to those who have assisted you. First of all, write the names of people who in any way
were concerned with your dissertation writing task. You may include the following people in your
list: Supervisor, professors, advisors, librarians, laboratory assistants, colleagues, parents and
Now you need to narrow down the list to those names that played a major role in your
assistance and finalize them to include in dissertation acknowledgement.
Try to limit dissertation acknowledgement within one page. Use the page at the dissertation
Table of contents
Chapter names, numbers and
page numbers
Chapter sections
Tables and diagrams
Use word templates or devise
your own
It should include Chapters and/or sections & sub-sections with page numbers. Use the dissertation
Reasons for investigation-Research
Aims and Objectives of Research
Intro to Methods
Background or explanation of
project choice
Outline of chapters and structure
Writing the introduction to your dissertation is as important as any of your chapters, as it sets out
for the reader what you intend to cover in your dissertation. It sets out for the reader what is you
intend to do, the questions you are answering, how you propose to do it as well as background
information on your topic that the reader might need. While the format will be different
depending on what type of dissertation you are writing you should still cover some basic
information, including (Jade Wildy, 2010) General description of your topic
Providing a general description of your topic first "sets the scene" for both your thesis and
your introduction. It is essentially an introduction to your introduction that explains the general
field your dissertation belongs to.
1. background
The background provides the reader with the history of the topic your thesis is on. It may
include the historical lead-up to your dissertation, the specific scientific information for your
dissertation, or what the main theories or writers in your topic were (this would be elaborated on
in your Literature Review). It is also useful to include definitions, specific assumptions, equations
or other information that the reader will need to know in order to understand what you have
written. Essentially you are providing all the necessary tools for your dissertation to be understood
by the reader. You are also leading up to proving that there is a need for your research. Be careful
not to over simplify. Assume your reader is intelligent, somewhat knowledgeable in your field, but
does not know everything.
2. gap statement
Your "Gap Statement" is essentially the gap in the area in your field that your research is
intended to fill. It states clearly that there is a need for your research, as established in your
background and elaborated in your Literature Review. It states that there is a need for what you
are researching and sets out the problem, hypothesis or question that your research responds to.
Your "Gap" does not need to be Earth shattering, and can state that while your problem has been
discussed previously, no one has done it in this way or has used this technique. Your "Gap
Statement" may be comprised of several questions that your thesis will answer.
3. how you intend to fill it (aims and objectives)
This section sets out what you will cover in your dissertation and how you intend to do it. This
could include the methodology you use, framework, experiments. There is a key difference
between an aim and an objective. Aims are a broad intent like "investigating how the make-up
industry uses metals," where as an objective quantifies it, for example "investigating 20 samples of
products from company X, for metal traces."
4. structure of your dissertation (chapters)
It is useful to explain the structure you have used in your dissertation, and a general reference
to the content of your chapters, so the reader knows what to expect. This can be a chapter by
chapter statement or one that is more broad-based on the content of your thesis. Once you have
written your introduction, it is important to proofread it and check it against the actual content of
your chapters to avoid unnecessary mistakes which may have come about from the editing
process. This is especially important if you have written the introduction first, as you may have
changed the content of chapters, moved them about or changed direction. If you write your
introduction first, it can be useful to go back to your introduction to re-clarify in your own mind
what you set out to do, to measure if you are still on track.
5. an ending statement to lead the reader into your dissertation
Literature review
Demonstrates your knowledge of theory
Shows how you research relates to previous work
Explains main points of relevant theory
Critically examines / evaluates its usefulness and reliability
Discusses themes and contradictions
Identifies theory which will be analytical tools used in your project
Reasons for investigation-Research Question
Aims and Objectives of Research
Intro to Methods
Background or explanation of project choice
Outline of chapters and structure
In writing the literature review for your dissertation, your purpose is to convey to your reader
what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and
weaknesses are. As a piece of writing, the literature review must be defined by a guiding concept
(e.g., your dissertation research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing or your
argumentative thesis). It is not just a descriptive list of the material available, or a set of
summaries (http://www.ukdissertations.com/dissertation-literature-reviews.php).
Besides enlarging your knowledge about the topic, writing a literature review lets you gain and
demonstrate skills in two areas:
1. information seeking: the ability to scan the literature efficiently, using manual or
computerized methods, to identify a set of useful articles and books
2. critical appraisal: the ability to apply principles of analysis to identify unbiased and valid
A literature review must do these things:
a. be organised around and related directly to the dissertation or research question you are
b. synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known
c. identify areas of controversy in the literature
d. formulate questions that need further research
A literature review is a piece of discursive prose, not a list describing or summarizing one piece of
literature after another. It's usually a bad sign to see every paragraph beginning with the name of
a researcher. Instead, organize the literature review into sections that present themes or identify
trends, including relevant theory. You are not trying to list all the material published, but to
synthesize and evaluate it according to the guiding concept of your dissertation or research
Some questions to ask yourself before including material:
1. What is the specific thesis, problem, or research question that my literature review helps
to define?
2. What type of literature review am I conducting? Am I looking at issues of theory,
methodology or policy? Quantitative research (e.g. on the effectiveness of a new
procedure)? Qualitative research (e.g., studies)?
3. What is the scope of my literature review? What types of publications am I using (e.g.,
journals, books, government documents, popular media)? What discipline am I working in
(e.g., nursing psychology, sociology, medicine)?
4. How good was my information seeking? Has my search been wide enough to ensure I've
found all the relevant material? Has it been narrow enough to exclude irrelevant material?
Is the number of sources I've used appropriate for the length of my paper?
5. Have I critically analysed the literature I use? Do I follow through a set of concepts and
questions, comparing items to each other in the ways they deal with them? Instead of just
listing and summarizing items, do I assess them, discussing strengths and weaknesses?
6. Have I cited and discussed studies contrary to my perspective?
7. Will the reader find my literature review relevant, appropriate, and useful?
Literature review is an in depth analysis of the previous research accredited by scholars and
researchers which is usually the part of an introduction to an essay, report or thesis.
When conducting literature review, you are required to do a review on the work established by
the scholars while also highlighting its strength and weaknesses.
1. How To Do Literature Research
Conduct a brief research on what has been written on the subject. For this purpose, you can use as
many bibliographical sources as possible to find the pertinent titles, like, references and
bibliographies in relevant textbook and journal articles, if you are still confused ask your instructor
about it. Go for the abstracting journals, such as, library and information sciences abstracts. You
can also go through all the relevant electronic reference library, expanded academic etc.
2. Write Down The Bibliographical Details:
Noting all the important bibliographical details of articles and books as soon as you find the
references will save your time a lot. But note down the ones which you will be utilizing in your
literature review otherwise, it will be much difficult for you to find the bibliographies later on.
3. Going Through The Material:
Now, that you have all the pertinent material in your hands, you should read it thoroughly and
understand what it is saying in order to effectively utilize it in your review. You should read them
with a very keen eye to outline the positive and negative aspects of each and take the notes as
you move along the text.
4. Start Writing A Literature Review:
Just like the other types of academic writing, writing a literature review also has an introduction,
body and conclusion.
Your introduction should include:
The topic of your discussion that is your dissertation statement. The topic parameters, that is,
what should a reader expect in the coming body paragraphs.
Your Body paragraphs should include:
Historical background about the topic. Comparison between alternative viewpoints and the
current one. Different approaches to the subject, like, historical, empirical, philosophical etc.
Definitions. Research studies. Methodologies employed. General perception about the topic.
Discoveries about the topic.
You conclusion should include:
Short summary of all the arguments and counter arguments in the review. Short summary of the
general conclusion in the review.
And a short summary of your thesis statement and it’s stance in the review.
The methodology chapter of a dissertation is an important component that essentially
maps out the methods that you will utilize when researching and writing this lengthy chapter.
Therefore, your methodology chapter must include a general definition or some type of overview
of the approach that you will use in conducting your research. You will also need to provide a
thorough description of how you will go about collecting the necessary data, as well as the
analytical procedure that you will use to draw conclusions based on this information.
The methodology chapter of your dissertation is not necessarily meant to provide so much
detail that the reader can completely recreate the process that you used to conduct your research.
At the same time, it should be thorough enough that the reader can plainly see that you were
thorough in your methods and that the methodology you utilized was sound. In other words, it
should demonstrate that you took various variables into account and that you can be reasonably
assured that the results are accurate.
Explains research methodology and justifies your choice and why
other methodologies were rejected.
Identifies and discusses the methods of data collection chosen and
explains why.
Identifies the prospective methods of data analysis:
o Quantitative – statistical
o Qualitative – categorisation, relationships
Explains practicalities of research
Identifies and discusses limitations of the methodology, methods
As with any type of writing, your methodology chapter should include an introductory
paragraph that describes the problem that you will be addressing through your methodology. The
subsequent paragraphs should not go on to further address the issue, however. Rather, the
paragraphs that follow should provide an explanation of the methods you will utilize to gather the
data necessary to address the problem. In addition to describing these methods, you might also
provide justification for selecting this method of data collection.
When providing justification for the method of research you are using, you might also
provide an explanation for deciding not to utilize certain commonly accepted research methods.
Or, you might provide an explanation for purposely including or excluding certain groups from
your research
When discussing the methods you will utilize to conduct your research, you should also
discuss certain variables that may have an impact on the outcome of your research. As such, you
should develop a dissertation methodology that will account for these variables in order to still
conduct useful research that will have a true impact upon the field.
Findings… Analysis of findings
Research Quantitative –
results statistical
Main Qualitative –
findings categorisation,
Use of existing theory
Development of new
Concluding Remarks
Harvard system
Do not mix
Bibliography is a complete list of your sources, correctly formatted. You should use the Harvard
System that you will find in this guide.
Any supporting muterial.
Do not omit any of these:
Description of the work………….details, so that others can follow what you did
References……….Cover the field; examiners will look for the key references
C. Other General Guidelines
Take a look at some basic advice about academic-essay writing (Anderson Silber, 1987)
A. Miscellaneous observations on a topic are not enough to make an accomplished academic
essay. An essay should have an argument. It should answer a question or a few related questions
(see 2 below). It should try to prove something—develop a single "thesis" or a short set of closely
related points—by reasoning and evidence, especially including apt examples and confirming
citations from any particular text or sources your argument involves. Gathering such evidence
normally entails some rereading of the text or sources with a question or provisional thesis in
B. When—as is usually the case—an assigned topic does not provide you with a thesis ready-
made, your first effort should be to formulate as exactly as possible the question(s) you will seek
to answer in your essay. Next, develop by thinking, reading, and jotting a provisional thesis or
hypothesis. Don't become prematurely committed to this first answer. Pursue it, but test it—even
to the point of consciously asking yourself what might be said against it—and be ready to revise or
qualify it as your work progresses. (Sometimes a suggestive possible title one discovers early can
serve in the same way.)
C. There are many ways in which any particular argument may be well presented, but an
essay's organization—how it begins, develops, and ends—should be designed to present your
argument clearly and persuasively. (The order in which you discovered the parts of your argument
is seldom an effective order for presenting it to a reader.)
D. Successful methods of composing an essay are various, but some practices of good writers
are almost invariable:
They start writing early, even before they think they are "ready" to write, because they use
writing not simply to transcribe what they have already discovered but as a means of
exploration and discovery.
They don't try to write an essay from beginning to end, but rather write what seems
readiest to be written, even if they're not sure whether or how it will fit in.
Despite writing so freely, they keep the essay's overall purpose and organization in mind,
amending them as drafting proceeds. Something like an "outline" constantly and
consciously evolves, although it may never take any written form beyond scattered,
sketchy reminders to oneself.
They revise extensively. Rather than writing a single draft and then merely editing its
sentences one by one, they attend to the whole essay and draft and redraft—rearranging
the sequence of its larger parts, adding and deleting sections to take account of what they
discover in the course of composition. Such revision often involves putting the essay aside
for a few days, allowing the mind to work indirectly or subconsciously in the meantime and
making it possible to see the work-in-progress more objectively when they return to it.
Once they have a fairly complete and well-organized draft, they revise sentences, with
special attention to transitions—that is, checking to be sure that a reader will be able to
follow the sequences of ideas within sentences, from sentence to sentence, and from
paragraph to paragraph. Two other important considerations in revising sentences are
diction (exactness and aptness of words) and economy (the fewest words without loss of
clear expression and full thought). Lastly, they proofread the final copy.
C.2. Research
research requirements, and be guided by the adage ‘the narrower and more specific the better’. If
you are unsure consult your supervisor (Developing on Academic Skills, 2003).
i. Choosing your topic: the hunt for an idea
So how do you choose a topic in the first place? You will probably already have inkling about
the kind of topic that appeals to you, and it’s likely that you will have been asked to engage in
background reading before the start of the term or semester in which you begin your dissertation
unit. This should narrow down the possibilities. Finding a topic of particular interest is a bit like a
treasure hunt – you pick up an interesting idea, perhaps from something you have read or
discussed in class, and follow it up through published texts such as books, journals, and websites
by following up references, until you fix on a particular aspect which you feel needs to be
addressed. Keep the following points in mind:
• Is the topic of academic significance, and not trivial?
• Is the topic really manageable in the time available? It is a common mistake to imagine
that you can cover far more than is actually feasible, so keep a suitably narrow focus. Do
not ask too big a question. Make sure that you take advice from your supervisor on this.
• Be aware of your own standpoint – your own take on the topic. How do your own
attitudes, values and beliefs affect your research? No one can be entirely objective – be
honest about your own interests and values.
• As early as possible, write down your thesis – the proposition that you are investigating.
Keep this to hand whenever you are analysing evidence or writing out your argument, so
that you do not fall into the trap of simply collecting facts rather than unfolding a clear
argument relating to a narrowly defined issue.
ii. Conducting a literature search or review
In order to write with confidence about your topic, you will need to read what members of
the academic community have already been said about it. Take advice from library staff on this to
ensure that you know how to access relevant material in a variety of formats. Always ask for
guidance from staff – do not avoid looking at a particular resource because you are not sure how
to access it. Library staff is there to help you do exactly this.
Remember to look for up-to-date references to the topic. There may well be classic texts,
particular relating to underpinning theories, but you should also see what has been said in recent
years. The availability of electronic journals will help greatly with this, as they are easily
iii. Researching and exploring your topic: methods and methodologies
Research is a form of learning, or finding out. When you find out anything, you do it in a
particular way, or using a particular methodology, even if you are not aware of it. If you are a third
year student, and particularly if you are a Masters level student, you should be aware of the
methodology you are adopting in your search for evidence, and of where that methodology fits in
the spectrum of possible approaches. For example, it is common to read about quantitative
research and qualitative research:
The following points are guidelines for evaluating specific resources you find on the Net
((MacDonald W. B. & J. Seel, 1998). If you ask these questions when looking at a Web site, you can
avoid many errors and problems.
1. Authority
Who is the author?
Is the author's name given?
Are her qualifications specified?
Is there a link to information about her and her position?
Is there a way to contact her (an address or a "Mailto" link)?
Have you heard of her elsewhere (in class, or cited in your course text or in Library
Has the author written elsewhere on this topic?
2. Affiliation
Who is the sponsor of the Web site?
Is the author affiliated with a reputable institution or organization?
Does the information reflect the views of the organization, or only of the author? If the
sponsoring institution or organization is not clearly identified on the site, check the URL. It may
contain the name of a university or the extension .edu, which is used by many educational
institutions. Government sites are identified by the extension .gov. URLs containing .org are
trickier, and require research: these are sites sponsored by non-profit organizations, some of
which are reliable sources and some of which are very biased. Sites with the .com extension
should also be used with caution, because they have commercial or corporate sponsors who
probably want to sell you something. The extension ~NAME often means a personal Web page
with no institutional backing; use such sites only if you have checked on the author's credibility in
print sources.
3. Audience Level
What audience is the Web site designed for? You want information at the college or research
level. Don't use sites intended for elementary students or sites that are too technical for your
4. Currency
Is the Web site current?
Is the site dated?
Is the date of the most recent update given? Generally speaking, Internet resources should
be up-to-date; after all, getting the most current information is the main reason for using the Net
for research in the first place.
Are all the links up-to-date and working? Broken links may mean the site is out-of-date;
they're certainly a sign that it's not well-maintained.
5. Content Reliability/Accuracy
Is the material on the Web site reliable and accurate?
Is the information factual, not opinion?
Can you verify the information in print sources?
Is the source of the information clearly stated, whether original research material or
secondary material borrowed from elsewhere?
How valid is the research that is the source?
Does the material as presented have substance and depth?
Where arguments are given, are they based on strong evidence and good logic?
Is the author's point of view impartial and objective?
Is the author's language free of emotion and bias?
Is the site free of errors in spelling or grammar and other signs of carelessness in its
presentation of the material?
Are additional electronic and print sources provided to complement or support the
material on the Web site?
The literature review will include the following qualities (Nigel Coates, 2010):
The topic of the dissertation will derive from a systematic body of knowledge;
The review of this knowledge is made as current as possible;
The knowledge is organised into a comprehensible and explicit structure;
All major points are included and extraneous information omitted;
Critical theoretical analysis/evaluation informs choice of research approaches/methods;
A summary is produced outlining the current state of the knowledge.
It is further implied that the result of the literature review will be used either in 1) a
situation for which the student has collected primary data OR 2) to critically examine and assess
the operation of this knowledge in an existing case study OR 3) to re-evaluate existing published
data or knowledge to derive new knowledge or meaning. The main points of the body of
knowledge being synthesised are to be i) critically selected and analysed and ii) the strengths and
weaknesses of the synthesis itself are to be discussed and appropriate conclusions drawn.
Research stage
Stage Problem Data Data Analysis and Public presentation
Characteristics formation collection evaluation interpretation
Research What What What What What information
questions asked evidence procedures retrieved procedures should be included in
should be should be evidence should be used the review report?
included in used should be to
the to find included in make inferences
review? relevant the about the
evidence? review? literature as a
From “Scientific Guidelines for Conducting Integrative Research Reviews,” Review of Education Research, 1984, 52, pg. 293.
Copyright 1984 by Sage Publications.
Introductions and conclusions play a special role in the dissertation, and they frequently
demand much of your attention as a writer. A good introduction should identify your topic,
provide essential context, and indicate your particular focus in the dissertation. It also needs to
engage your readers' interest. A strong conclusion will provide a sense of closure to the
dissertation while again placing your concepts in a somewhat wider context. It will also, in some
instances, add a stimulus to further thought. Since no two dissertations are the same, no single
formula will automatically generate an introduction and conclusion for you. But the following
guidelines will help you to construct a suitable beginning and end for your essay.
Some general advice about introductions (Freedman L., Plotnick J., 2008):
Some students cannot begin writing the body of the dissertation until they feel they have
the perfect introduction. Be aware of the dangers of sinking too much time into the introduction.
Some of that time can be more usefully channelled into planning and writing.
You may be the kind of writer who writes an introduction first in order to explore your own
thinking on the topic. If so, remember that you may at a later stage need to compress your
It can be fine to leave the writing of the introduction for a later stage in the dissertation-
writing process. Some people write their introduction only after they have completed the rest of
the dissertation. Others write the introduction first but rewrite it significantly in light of what they
end up saying in the body of their dissertation.
The introductions for most dissertations can be effectively written in one paragraph
occupying half to three-quarters of the first page. Your introduction may be longer than that, and
it may take more than one paragraph, but be sure you know why. The size of your introduction
should bear some relationship to the length and complexity of your dissertation.
Get to the point as soon as possible. Generally, you want to raise your topic in your very
first sentences. A common error is to begin too broadly or too far off topic. Avoid sweeping
If your essay has a thesis, your thesis statement will typically appear at the end of your
introduction, even though that is not a hard-and-fast rule. You may, for example, follow your
thesis with a brief road map to your essay that sketches the basic structure of your argument. The
longer the paper, the more useful a road map becomes.
How do I write an interesting, effective introduction (Freedman L., Plotnick J., 2008)?
Consider these strategies for capturing your readers' attention and for fleshing out your
Find a startling statistic that illustrates the seriousness of the problem you will address.
Quote an expert (but be sure to introduce him or her first).
Mention a common misperception that your dissertation will argue against.
Give some background information necessary for understanding the dissertation.
Use a brief narrative or anecdote that exemplifies your reason for choosing the topic. In an
assignment that encourages personal reflection, you may draw on your own experiences; in a
research dissertation, the narrative may illustrate a common real-world scenario.
In a science dissertation, explain key scientific concepts and refer to relevant literature.
Lead up to your own contribution or intervention.
In a more technical dissertation, define a term that is possibly unfamiliar to your audience
but is central to understanding the essay.
In fleshing out your introduction, you will want to avoid some common pitfalls:
Don't provide dictionary definitions, especially of words your audience already knows.
Don't repeat the assignment specifications using the professor's wording.
Don't give details and in-depth explanations that really belong in your body paragraphs.
You can usually postpone background material to the body of the dissertation.
Some general advice about conclusions (Freedman L., Plotnick J., 2008):
A conclusion is not merely a summary of your points or a re-statement of your dissertation.
If you wish to summarize—and often you must—do so in fresh language. Remind the reader of
how the evidence you've presented has contributed to your dissertation.
The conclusion, like much of the rest of the dissertation, involves critical thinking. Reflect
upon the significance of what you've written. Try to convey some closing thoughts about the
larger implications of your argument.
Broaden your focus a bit at the end of the dissertation. A good last sentence leaves your
reader with something to think about, a concept in some way illuminated by what you've written
in the dissertation.
As with introductions, the length of the conclusion should reflect the length of the
How do I write an interesting, effective conclusion (Freedman L., Plotnick J., 2008)?
The following strategies may help you move beyond merely summarizing the key points of your
If your dissertation deals with a contemporary problem, warn readers of the possible
consequences of not attending to the problem.
Recommend a specific course of action.
Use an apt quotation or expert opinion to lend authority to the conclusion you have
Give a startling statistic, fact, or visual image to drive home the ultimate point of your
If your discipline encourages personal reflection, illustrate your concluding point with a
relevant narrative drawn from your own life experiences.
Return to an anecdote, example, or quotation that you introduced in your introduction,
but add further insight that derives from the body of your dissertation.
In a science or social science dissertation, mention worthwhile avenues for future research
on your topic.
important than others, but this is a generic overview of the kinds of criteria markers use for
dissertations. Make sure that you also have in front of you a copy of the specific marking criteria
for your dissertation. Clearly, for this checklist to be of any real value, you need to be use it while
there is still time to address those questions where your answer is ‘no’, or seek further guidance
where your response is ‘not sure’.
Questions Yes/No/
Not sure
1 Dissertation topic
Is the topic clear and well defined? Does it involve a problem,
question, or hypothesis that sets the agenda and points precisely to
what needs to be explored or discovered?
2 Literature review
Have you accessed the most recent literature of relevance to your
topic, as well as seminal sources from the past?
Does the literature review hang together, to show how the ideas
and findings have developed, or is it merely a shopping list of books
and articles?
3 Theoretical underpinnings
Does theory permeate the structure from beginning to end, from
statement of problem to conclusion? Are you asking yourself a key
question, presenting a thesis, or defending a statement? Be clear
about your approach.
4 Methodology
Two chief criteria:
Is your choice of methods and research techniques well suited to
the kind of problem you are studying? Methods work if they
provide a persuasive response to your question, positive or
5 Results
Are your findings faithful to what you actually found – do you claim
more than you should? Don’t ‘massage’ your evidence or findings…
6 Conclusions
Have you answered the question ‘So what?’. What should we do
with your findings and conclusions? What do they imply?
From: Developing on Academic Skills, 2003 the University of Southampton, available online at
The Harvard Style:
This part will help you to use the Harvard Style correctly
(taken from the Center for Academic Writing, Coventry University 2005)
Why reference? Dangers of not referencing well
I. In-text citations
In the body of your paper, give the surname of the author and
the date of publication. Also give the page number if you
quote a passage directly or if you paraphrase (put the idea into
your own words).
Use the Harvard Style to document all the sources you cite when writing an academic paper,
assignment, report, dissertation, thesis, or other publication.
Some tutors and subject groups may require you to use an alternative referencing style. If
you are unsure, ask your module tutor.
It is your responsibility to find out whether your tutor requires you to use a different
referencing style.
Why reference?
Display intellectual honesty about the information you have borrowed
o You risk plagiarising, which means presenting someone else’s work as your own
The penalty for proven plagiarism is a mark of zero. The maximum penalty is exclusion from the Program.
Part I. In-text Citations
You must cite every source you refer to in the main body of your writing. This is known as
giving in-text citations.
Your in-text citations must state the author or website producer and the date of publication,
plus the page number if you quote or paraphrase.
If you summarise what an author has argued in an entire book or article you do not need to
give the page numbers.
Figure 1. Every source to which you refer must be given an in-text citation.
More information about in-text citations
1. If you have mentioned the author’s name in your writing, give the date and page number
in brackets.
For example:
Shah maintains that in recent years Coventry has become Britain’s most important
industrial city (2005:66).
2. If a source has multiple authors, give all their names in the order stated in the source, up
to three authors. (No page number is given in this case because the argument is made
throughout the source).
For example:
Cox, Patel, and Pavliotis predict that Britain will adopt the euro in the future (2004).
3. If a source has more than three authors, give the first author and then write et al, which
means ‘and the others’.
For example:
Fletcher et al suggest that in this century, global climate change has caused billions of
pounds worth of damage (2005:88).
4. If you have not mentioned the author’s name in your writing, state the author, date, and
page number in brackets. If you give more than one in-text citation to support your
argument, separate the entries with a comma.
For example:
Health informatics will radically change the nature of the National Health Service by the
year 2010 (Cox 2002: 3, Padda 2005: 14).
5. If you cite an internet source, give the organisation which produced the site as the author
and give the date the site was created or last updated.
For example:
The Lanchester Library is a highly environmentally friendly building (Coventry University
For guidance on providing full publication information in the List of References, see the List of
References section in Part II of this booklet.
Citing Secondary Sources
Check the List of References in the book you have read. This should provide full publication
information of any sources.
The original source may have been misquoted or
misunderstood by the author you have read, so it is vital to
try to
find the original source.
Without the original you could be in danger of reproducing a
The staff at the University Library will help you to find the
original source. Ask at the enquiry desk.
Citing Secondary Sources
If you find the original source, read it and cite the material from the
For example:
Concern about climate change is becoming a ‘force for good’ in international politics (Patel
2004: 88).
If you cannot find the original source, complete your in-text citation
of a quote in this way:
a. Give the surname of the author whose original work you have NOT read.
Then write ‘cited in’ and give the surname of the author whose work you HAVE read (in which
the reference to the first author appears). Then give the date and page number.
For example:
Concern about climate change is becoming a ‘force for good’ in international politics (Patel
cited in Brown 2005: 6).
b. If you do not quote directly, but instead you paraphrase (put the idea into your own words)
you are still required to give an in-text citation for both the original source and the source you
actually read.
For example:
There are positive effects of the growing concern about climate change regarding
international politics (Patel cited in Brown 2005: 6).
For guidance on giving secondary sources in your List of References, see the List of References
section in Part II of this booklet.
Citing Statistics and other Data
Every time you include a date, statistic or other number which is taken from a source in the
main body of your writing, you must give an in-text citation.
For example:
The number of heart attacks has risen dramatically in recent years; in fact, there has
been an increase of 10% since 1992 (Department of Health 2005: 65).
1. A personal interview
a. When you reference a face-to-face interview you have conducted yourself, ensure that you
state the name of the person you have interviewed. Also, give the initials and surname of the
interviewer, a comma, then the date of the interview in brackets followed by a full stop.
For example:
In a personal interview Nitika Dhuria, Manager of Manor House, stated that she was
‘shocked and surprised by the committee’s decision’ (L. Pabla, 6.6.05).
b. Note that you must use quotation marks to indicate the exact words of the person you have
interviewed. If you put the interviewee’s comments into your own words you must also cite
the source.
For example:
In a personal interview Nitika Dhuria, Manager of Manor House, stated that she was not
pleased by the committee’s unexpected decision (L. Pabla, 6.6.05).
For guidance on giving spoken sources in your List of References, see the List of References
section in Part II of this booklet.
2. A personal communication
Use the same format to document a personal communication, such as a letter. Introduce your
For example:
In a personal communication Androulla Athanasiou explained that she was ‘completely
against’ recent moves to erect a new football stadium in Coventry (K. Stevenson, 10.7.05).
Citing Visual Sources
Make sure you provide an in-text citation for every image you borrow from either printed or
internet sources.
To prepare
myself for To show
the world of understanding
work of the subject
Figure 1. Seven good reasons why students should think about their writing (Patel 2005:
If you are writing a long document such as a dissertation, include a list of figures and / or
tables after the contents page.
Each in-text citation for a figure or table must also be included in the List of References at the
end of your assignment.
In the example above the image is borrowed from a book, so the page number is given in the
in-text citation.
If you borrow an image from a printed source, give the full publication information in the List
of References, as shown in the List of References section in Part II of this booklet.
2. Citing figures or tables from an internet source
If you borrow an image from a website you must also provide an in-text citation. Give the
organisation that produced the website as the author, and give the date that the site was
produced or last updated.
For example:
(Coventry University 2005)
For images borrowed from a website, make sure that the full internet details are included in
your List of References, as shown in the List of References section in Part II of this booklet.
Remember to record a Government Bill in your List of References, as shown in Part II of this
Part II. List of References
You must make a list containing all the citations in your writing, which is called the List of
Give full publication or internet details of every source you have cited. This list goes on a
separate page at the end of your assignment.
There should be a line space between each entry, and you should indent every line after the
first line so that the author’s surname stands out. See the example of a List of References on
page 12.
Do not put a full stop at the end of each entry because you are making a list.
Figure 2 is an example of the List of References:
If you include more than one publication by the same author in your List of References write --
-. to show that this author’s name is repeated. List the publications in alphabetical order. If
there is more than one publication by an author in the same year, include a, b, c etc. after
each date in chronological order, starting with the earliest publication.
For example:
Examples of entries in the List of References
1. A book
Give the author’s surname and initials, then the year in brackets and the title in italics followed
by a full stop. Give the series or volume number if relevant. Give the edition if it is not the
first. Give the place of publication, a colon, and finally the publisher.
For example:
Biggs, G. (2000) Gender and Scientific Discovery. 2nd ed. London: Routledge
Collins, A. (1999) Particle Physics in the Past. Monograph Series 5. Manchester: Manchester
University Press
Ong, E. , Chan, W. , and Peters, J. (2004) White Noise In the Balance. 3rd ed. Coventry:
Coventry University Press
Pabla, A. (2005) Physics as the Force of the Future Science and Tomorrow Series, 3.
Coventry: Coventry University Press
Give the surname and initials of the author you want to reference, then the year the book was
published in brackets. Give the title of the author’s article, essay, or chapter in quotation
marks followed by a full stop. Write ‘In’ and give the title of the book in italics followed by a
full stop. Give the surname and initials of the editor, then write ‘ed’ in brackets. Give the
place of publication followed by a colon, then the publisher, and finally all the pages of the
For example:
Aggarwal, B. (2005) ‘Has the British Bird Population Declined?’ In A Guide to Contemporary
Ornithology. A. Adams (ed.) Coventry: Coventry University Press: 66-99
Secondary Sources in the List of References
Check the List of References in the book or article you have read. This should provide full
publication information of any sources.
If you find the original book or article, use this and reference it as
If you cannot find the original book or article, complete the List of
References entry in this way:
Journals in the List of References
1. A journal article
Give the author’s surname and initials then the year in brackets and the title of the article in
quotation marks followed by a full stop. Give the title of the Journal in italics then the volume
and part number in brackets, then all the page numbers of the article.
For example:
Padda, J. (2003) ‘Creative Writing in Coventry.’ Journal of Writing Studies 3 (2) 44-59
4. A newspaper article
Give the author’s surname and initials then the date in brackets followed by the title of the
article in quotation marks followed by a full stop. Give the title of the Newspaper in italics,
then the date, a colon and finally the page numbers.
For example:
Anderson, E. (2002) ‘Biology is Britain’s Best Discipline.’ The Independent 20 July: 4-5
Other Sources in the List of References
Give the editor’s surname and initials then write ‘ed.’ in brackets. Give the year in brackets,
then the title in italics followed by a full stop, then the place of publication, a colon, and the
For example:
Chohan, C. (ed.) (1990) Derrida Exposed. Coventry: Coventry University Press
3. A translation
Give the author’s surname and initials then the year in brackets, followed by the title in italics
and a full stop. Write ‘Translated from the …[language of original] by’ then give the
translator’s initials then surname followed by a full stop. Give the place of publication, a colon,
then the publisher.
For example:
Grimalda. G. (2003) Black Women Writers. Translated from the Italian by B. Giordano. Rome:
4. A conference paper
Give the author’s surname and initials then the year in brackets and the title of the paper in
quotation marks followed by a full stop. Write ‘In:’ then the initials and surname of the editor
of the Conference Proceedings followed by ‘ed.’ in brackets. Give the title of the Conference
Proceedings in italics in quotation marks followed by a full stop. Give the date and place of the
Conference, then the place of publication, a colon, and finally all the page numbers of the
For example:
Shah, A (1990) ‘Neuro-rehabilitation Services in the Midlands.’ In: P. Wood (ed.) Proceedings of
the Coventry Conference on Local Psychology Provision, “Practical Psychology: How to
Improve.” Held March 7-9 1990 at Coventry University. Coventry: Coventry University
Press: 8-20
5. Conference proceedings
If the conference paper has been published in a collection, give the surname and initials of the
author then the date of the conference in brackets. Give the location of the conference and
the date of publication in brackets. Give the title of the conference paper in italics followed by
a full stop. Give the author or editor of the paper followed by a full stop. Give the place of
publication, a colon, then the publisher.
For example:
EWCA Conference on International Writing Centres (2004) Halkidiki (2005) Translation as a
Metaphor in Academic Writing. F. Dilek. Istanbul: MI University Press
6. A thesis or dissertation
Give the author’s surname and initials then the year in brackets. Give the title in italics
followed by a full stop. Write ‘Unpublished PhD thesis’ (or ‘Unpublished dissertation’) and give
the name of the University.
For example:
Jones, M. (2000) An Evaluation of Learning Through Writing. Unpublished Phd thesis, Coventry
7. The Bible
Give the name of the book of the Bible in its abbreviated form followed by the chapter, then a
colon and the verse/s. References to other sacred works are also referenced in this manner.
For example:
2 Kings 10:3
8. An encyclopaedia entry
Give the author’s surname and initials, then the year in brackets and the title in italics followed
by a full stop. Write ‘In’ and the title of the encyclopaedia in italics followed by a comma, the
volume number, and the edition. Give the place of publication, a colon, then the publisher.
For example:
Pavliotis, G. (2000) Dairy Farming. In The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 20, 3rd revised
ed. London: Woodfords
9. A dictionary
Give the title of the dictionary in italics then the year in brackets. Give the volume number if
appropriate, then the edition number. Give the place of publication, a colon, then the
For example:
The Oxford English Dictionary (2001) vol. 3, 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon
Technical Documents in the List of References
1. A patent
Give the originator (company or designer) followed by a full stop. Give the year in brackets
then the title of publication in italics followed by a full stop. Give the series designation.
For example:
Walk-on Inc. (2000) Non-slip stiletto heel. BG 3356754
If the patent is not British, indicate this after the title as relevant by writing ‘European Patent’
or other origin.
For example:
Borg Warner Inc. (2005) Control Devices for Clutches and / or Gear Actuators of an Automated
Gearbox or an Automatic Transmission. European Patent EP 1519081 –2005-03-30
2. A standard
Write ‘British Standards Institution’ then the date in brackets. Give the title followed by a full
stop, then write ‘British Standard’ and the number followed by a full stop. Give the place of
publication, a comma, then the publisher.
For example:
British Standards Institution (2004) Quality Assurance: Frameworks for Success. British
Standard BS EN ISO 8005: 2004. London, British Standards Institution
3. A technical paper
Give the name of the author or organisation then the date in brackets, followed by the title of
the paper in quotation marks, then a full stop. Give the paper number and conference title,
then the date and location of the conference. Give the name of the conference organiser.
For example:
Society of Automotive Engineers (2004) ‘Airbag benefits, airbag costs.’ Paper no. 2004-01-0840.
SAE 2004 World Congress Exhibition, 3 August – 3 November 2004, Detroit, Mich.
Warrendale, Penn. Society of Automotive Engineers
4. A (company) report
Give the author’s surname and initials (or the name of the company or organisation) then the
year in brackets. Write the title in italics followed by a full stop. Give the place of publication,
a colon, then the publisher. Finally, give the report code and number if relevant.
For example:
West Midlands Health Authority (1984) A Report on the Inquiry into the treatment of Paul Isitt.
Coventry: Coventry Health Trust
Internet Sources and Other Media in the List of References
Give the date the site was last updated. Use < and > to
indicate the start and end of a web address.
1. A website
State the author’s surname and initials or the name of the organisation that produced the
website then the year it was created or last updated in brackets. Give the title in italics, then
write ‘online’ in square brackets. Write ‘available from’ and give the full URL starting with <
and ending with > then write the date of access in square brackets.
For example:
Centre for Academic Writing (2005) The List of References Illustrated [online] available
from <Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.> [20 July 2005]
3. An electronic book
Give the surname and initials of the author then the year in brackets and the title in italics.
Write ‘online’ in square brackets, then give the edition, place of publication, a colon, then the
publisher followed by a full stop. Write ‘Available from’ and give the full URL starting with <
and ending with > followed by ‘accessed’ and the date of access in square brackets.
For example:
Potter, H. (2005) An Introduction to Human Anatomy [online] 4th ed. London: Adam Arnold.
Available from <http://anatomy/introduction/human/> [27 March 2005]
4. An email
Give the author’s surname and initials then her / his email address in brackets. Give the date
of the email in brackets, then the title or subject of the email in italics. Write ‘email to …’ in
square brackets, then give the address of the email recipient in brackets.
For example:
Brown, B. ([email protected]) (20 October 2005) How to Harvard [email to A.
Edwards] ([email protected])
Give the name of the author / organisation then the year in brackets and the title in italics
followed by a full stop. Give the place of publication, a colon, then the publisher, and finally
write ‘CD-ROM’ in square brackets.
For example:
Forum for Universities in the West Midlands (2000) Teaching and Learning. Birmingham:
Higher Education Forums [CD-ROM]
7. A computer database
Give the author’s surname and initials then the year in brackets and the title in italics. Write
‘computer file’ in square brackets then give the place of publication, then the distributor
followed by ‘distributor’ in square brackets if appropriate. Give the date accessed in square
For example:
Edwards, P. (1999) Music for the Masses [computer file] Coventry: Coventry University Data
Archive [distributor] [25 July 2005]
Official Documentation in the List of References
2. A Government Bill
Write ‘Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons / Lords’ then give the year in brackets
followed by the title in italics and then a full stop. Give the place of publication, a colon, then
the publisher followed by a full stop. Write ‘Bill: Great Britain. Parliament. House of
Commons’ and the Bill number in brackets.
For example:
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons (2005) Children (leaving care): A bill to make
provision about children and young persons who are being, or have been looked after by a local
authority; to replace section 24 of the Children Act 1989; and for connected purposes.
London: Stationery Office (Bill: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons; 124)
3. A Statutory Instrument
Give the title in italics followed by a full stop. Give the year in brackets then write ‘SI’ and
give the statutory instrument number followed by a full stop. Give the place of publication, a
colon, then the publisher
For example:
National Emergency Regulations. (2002) SI 2002/4651. London HMSO
4. An Act of Parliament
Give the name of the Act and the Chapter Number in italics followed by a full stop. Give the
place of publication, the publisher, and the year of publication.
For example:
National Health Service and Community care Act 1990. Chapter 19. London: HMSO. 1990
5. A Government Green / White Paper
Write ‘Great Britain’ and then the name of the department / organisation then give the year in
brackets, followed by the title in italics then a full stop. Give the place of publication, a colon,
then the publisher, then the paper number in brackets.
For example:
Great Britain. Department of Health (1998) Our healthier nation: a contract for health. London:
Stationery Office (Cm 3854)
Spoken Sources in the List of References
2. A video
Give the title in italics then the year in brackets and write the type in square brackets (e.g.
‘VHS video’). Give the organisation which produced the video, a comma, then the channel and
date if appropriate.
For example:
Pedigree Cattle (2005) [VHS video] Tomorrow’s World, BBC1, 27 March 2005
3. A sound recording
Give the name and initials then the year in brackets followed by the title in italics, then a full
stop. Write the type in square brackets (e.g. ‘CD’) then the place of publication, a colon, and
the publisher.
For example:
Strange, L. (2005) Understanding Fresian Cows. [CD] London: Jones
4. A radio broadcast
Give the title of broadcast in italics then the year in brackets. Give the station followed by a
full stop. Give the date, month, year, a colon, then the time.
For example:
The Big Debate (2005) Radio 4. 3 April 2005, 20:00
Visual Sources in the List of References
If you have cited a particular image or work of art in your assignment, document this as an
individual item in your List of References.
a. Give the artist’s surname and initials then the year in brackets followed by the title in
italics. Give the material type in square brackets, then write ‘held at’ and give the location of
the gallery or exhibition.
For example:
Stange, P. (2000) Victoriana [ceramic] held at Oxford MOMA
b. If the work of art or image is reproduced from a book, give the reference for a book as
usual, but use a colon then include the page number so that your reader can easily locate this
source, a comma, then write ‘illus.’ To indicate the location of the illustration in this source.
For example:
Sanders, D. (1990) Pop Art and Society’s Discontents. London: Macmillan: 55, illus.
2. An exhibition catalogue
Give the name of the artist or the gallery, then the date in brackets followed by the title of the
work in italics and a full stop. Give the place, a colon, then the gallery.
For example:
Museum of Modern Art (2005) The Udder. Oxford: MOMA
3. An exhibition stand
Give the name of the author or organisation which produced the stand, then the year of the
exhibition in brackets. Give the title of the stand in italics followed by a full stop. State the
material type/s in square brackets, followed by a full stop. Write ‘exhibited at’ then give the
name of the exhibition in quotation marks followed by a full stop. Give the location of the
exhibition followed by a comma, and finally the date of the exhibition.
For example:
Centre for Academic Writing (2005) The Harvard Style. [Poster display and projected website].
Exhibited at the ‘Enhancing Learning and Teaching Environments’ Conference. Coventry
University, 14 June 2005
5. A music score
Give the surname and initials of the composer then the year in brackets followed by the title in
italics then a full stop. Give the initials and surname of the editor or arranger and write ‘ed.’
or ‘arranger’ in brackets. Give the place of publication, a colon, then the publisher.
For example:
Grimalda, G. (2005) Symphony no. 2, A minor, op. 43. M. Poyner (ed.) Coventry: Coventry
University Press
6. A map
Give the name of the cartographer / compiler / editor / copier / maker / engraver then the
year in brackets followed by the title in italics and a full stop. Give the scale of the map then a
full stop. Give the place of publication, a colon, then the publisher.
For example:
Elms, J. (2005) Coventry Cycle Paths. 1:40000. Coventry: Warwickshire Guides
et al
This is an abbreviation of the Latin et alii, which means ‘and the others’.
This is used in the Harvard referencing Style when there are more than three authors. You
should give the surname and initials for the first three authors.
If you are using et al because there are more than three authors, just give the first surname
followed by ‘et al’.
For example:
Disaster Management is the ‘discipline of the future’ (Patel et al 2005: 9).
This is an abbreviation of the Latin tem ibidem, which means ‘in the same place’.
This is sometimes used to indicate that information is repeated in a reference. However, this
is not recommended in the Harvard Style.
For example:
British politics will ‘never be the same again’ (Grimalda 2005: 3). The right wing has
completely transformed since the end of the Twentieth Century (ibid.).
op. cit.
This is an abbreviation of the Latin term opere citato, which means ‘in the work cited’. This is
sometimes used after the author’s name to refer again to the work previously cited.
However, this is not recommended in the Harvard Style.
For example:
Research is becoming increasingly multi-disciplinary (Padda 2005: 51). This is ‘putting
great pressure on individual departments’ (op cit.: 63).
Remember !
Give an in-text-citation every time you
refer to a source in your writing.
On the following page you will find a references record sheet to help you record the
information you need for your in-text citations and List of References. Print a copy and use it
to gather full information as you take notes.
Harvard Style Record Sheet
I. In-text Citations:
i. Published Source
Surname and initials of author/s……………………………………………………………………………….
Date of publication………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. Internet Source
Organisation / author of site………………………………………………………………………………………
Date of site / updated…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Dissertation Title:
Master Title:
Statement of compliance with academic ethics and the avoidance of
I honestly declare that this dissertation is entirely my own work and none of its part has been
copied from printed or electronic sources, translated from foreign sources and reproduced
from essays of other researchers or students. Wherever I have been based on ideas or other
people texts I clearly declare it through the good use of references following academic ethics.
(In the case that is proved that part of the essay does not constitute an original work, but a
copy of an already published essay or from another source, the student will be expelled
permanently from the postgraduate program).
................................................................................................................................... ....
Date: ........................./........../.........
I honestly declare that this dissertation is entirely my own work and none of its part has been
copied from printed or electronic sources, translated from foreign sources and reproduced
from essays of other researchers or students. Wherever I have been based on ideas or other
people texts I clearly declare it through the good use of references following academic ethics.
(In the case that is proved that part of the essay does not constitute an original work, but a
copy of an already published essay or from another source, the student will be expelled
permanently from the postgraduate program).
Date: ........................./........../.........
Anderson Silber, (1987). Some General Advise on Academic Essay Writing,
De2005partment of English, University of Toronto., revised 1995, available online
at http://www.utoronto.ca/ucwriting/handouts.html
Cooper, H. M., (1984). The integrative research review: A systematic approach. Applied
social research methods series (Vol. 2). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Center for Academic Writing, Coventry University 2005.
Daniel Kies,(1995). Writing an Abstract, Department of English College of DuPage,
available in http://papyr.com/hypertextbooks/comp2/abstract.htm)
Developing on Academic Skills, 2003 the University of Southampton, available online at
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