English Adjectives

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Trainee: Ahlam Topic or Theme: Adjectives


Class: Grade 3 Date & Duration: 17 November 2020/ 8:00 – 8:30 AM

Trainee Personal Goals

- I am working on teaching the students how to do use the adjectives in the sentences.

Lesson Focus

- The students will be able to use adjectives to describe the appearance of an object.

Lesson Outcomes

- I can identify and explain what an adjective is.

Links to Prior Learning

- They don’t have the knowledge of adjectives.

21st Century Skills

- Zoom

Key vocabulary

- Adjective

Possible problems for learners: Solutions to possible problems:

- Having difficulty with knowing the - The teacher put the adjective words on the side
adjectives words. in the PPT

Resources/equipment needed

- Notebook

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
- The students will name - The teacher will start with
and describe the nouns in showing the students picture
Time spend: 15 the picture. and ask them to name and
minutes - The students will the describe the nouns in the
students some objectives picture.
and ask them to say a full - The teacher will explain what
sentence about it using adjectives are and show some
adjectives. objectives to the students and
- The students will share tell a full sentence about the
their answers together. objective using adjective.
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

Time spend: 15 - The students will choose - The teacher will start doing
minutes adjectives to fill the blank one activity with the students
and make a full sentence. before they do the
- The students will do the independent activity.
independent activity - The teacher will ask the
which is choose one students to choose some of
activity for the picture adjectives to put them into
that you can see, then sentences to describe the
create your own pictures below.
sentences using - The teacher will set the times
adjectives. for the students to start doing
their independent activity.
Differentiation activities (Support)

- The teacher will help low-level students with finishing/ answering the activities.
- Middle and high-level group students will finish their work independently.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

- Teacher will use the summative assessment to see the levels of the children, through
PowerPoint questions, after that she will check their work to see their understanding.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Time spend: 5 Students will Teacher will

- The students will do - The teacher will ask the students
assessment which is underline to do the assessment to check
the adjective words in the their understanding.
sentence. - The teacher will let the students
- They students will challenge challenge themselves to level up
themselves by drawing the their comprehension.
UAE flag and describe in their
own words.
Homework No homework

Assessment - Independent work

Strategies: - Teacher guiding
- Parents support
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



- This lesson plan was a challenge for me, the reason is the pupils was very confused about the
adjective. To make sure all of them on the right path, I can ask them to write some sentences in
their notebook so that I can check the student’s work and observe which areas they need to
improve. At the end of the lesson using drawing and describe the picture, it might give them
the option to reach the goal of understanding. To explore, speaking could improve the child's
understanding by (making sentences). 

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