The Young Scientist's Quick Guide: Science
The Young Scientist's Quick Guide: Science
The Young Scientist's Quick Guide: Science
Appropriate Trees
1. For hills and mountains:
- wide and deep root system Propagating Trees And Fruit Bearing Trees
- strong woods and enough leaves
2. Acacia, aguho, molave, narra, ipil-ipil, bamboo General Terms
and rattan 1. plant propagation - artificially and naturally
spreading plants
Successful People 2. tools - device to carry out mechanical functions
1. Senen Bacani - ex DA head, CEO of La Fuerta Ince 3. equipment - objects to achieve a particular
(bananas) objective
2. Joseph Calata - youngerst tycoon, The Calata 4. farm - for growing crops and rearing animals.
Corp (seeds, fertilizers, etc) 5. farm tools - to aid work, labor and improve
3. Desiree Duran - agribusiness seminar and effectiveness
trainings (tomato, fruits and vegetable plantation) 6. hand tools - without the help of animals and
4. Edith Dacuycuy - FREFMAD farm, dragon fruit machinery
5. Jose Mercado - Cafe de Lita, coffee business Tools and Equipment in Plant Propagation
1. bolo - cutting tall grasses and chopping
Layout Design Of An Orchard - fixing the position of branches of trees.
trees 2. crowbar - digging soil to plant
1. Square Method - same distance measurement 3. hand fork - crumbing the soil
4. hoe - digging or breaking into smaller pieces; - you need to analyze the information
loosening the soil and for weeding
5. rake - spreading of soil, gathering leaves,
separating big blocks of soil PROBLEM SOLVING
6. shovel - removing and transferring the soil Find the problem.
7. spading fork - removing soil or trash List your options/ideas to solve the problem.
8. sprinkler - for watering plants Decide if your idea is good or not.
9. thread - straightening the garden plot
10. trowel - short-handed tool with a curved blade REMEMBER: Work things out on your own.
used for cultivating or loosening the soil
11. wood or bamboo - fences to prevent animals
12. spade - removing trash. digging canals, mixing
soil media
13. sprayer - apply pesticides, and fertilizers on
agricultural crops
14. water pails - hauling water, manure and
15. hose - water plants, o convey water to a
16. wheel barrow - hauling trash,manures,
fertilizers, planting materials and other
Critical Thinking