The Copy Code Ebook PDF
The Copy Code Ebook PDF
The Copy Code Ebook PDF
The Copy Code will walk you through what you need to
start generating leads,
The Copy Code will show you the importance of
The Copy Code will deliver valuable techniques you can use
to write a successful advertorials
You’ll want to give this book your FULL attention, and take
notes when you find a golden nugget you can use right away
(I’m confident there will be plenty of them for you!).
Will you take action if I show you exactly what to do and how
to get results?
If you’re not going to take what I show you and put it into
action for your own business,
Copywriting? Isn’t that the little ™ at the end of the logo or
product name?
You see, you can have an AMAZING product, but if your copy
doesn’t speak to your audience or resonate with their current
life, then they won’t buy from you and you’ll lose their
interest completely.
Frankly, copywriting is the fundamental key to transitioning a
cold prospect into a loyal customer.
The thing is, you won’t have any returning customers if your
product is terrible and doesn’t deliver or solve the problem as
And if you give this book your full attention, I’ll walk you
through the aspects of copywriting, what it takes to convert
your audience using words, plus how to build a bond with
your audience using your copy.
Well, if you want your audience to like what you have to say,
then you’ll need to determine what it takes to resonate with
But once they get your website and your copy is downright
terrible, they lose interest.
If it’s choppy, too intelligent for them, too long, or even too
sales-y…you could lose their interest and lose the sale (or
The last time you visited a website where you were instantly
turned off by the headline or the story didn’t catch your
attention and you went back to google to search again.
This is why, you’ll need to take the time to think your content
through and ensure your copy speaks directly to your
audience without repelling them away from your website.
Walk them through the pain they’ve experienced, the life they
could have been experiencing and the dreams they’ve put on
Then once you have them right where you want them, ready
to take action and hanging on your every word…BAM!
This could mean, your giving them the best skin care solution,
or a master course on webinars, or even access to a monthly
membership where they get coffee mugs delivered to their
Now that you know what the key elements are, I’m going to
be diving deeper into each one to ensure you completely
understand the purpose and how to create them yourself.
It’s all about which stage in the sales process you’re at, where
this copy is going and what the purpose is.
No worries, I’ll show you every step, in detail and walk you
through what needs to be said to attract an audience.
Stay tuned and give your full attention to this next section.
Your target is someone who doesn’t know you….what do you
The rule of thumb is for your audience to: Know You, Like You,
Trust You To Buy From You
Before I reveal this, I want to say thank you for your feedback
and questions, it keeps me on my toes
Make sense?
Here's two quick tips for website conversions:
Tip #2: Make sure your website loads fast or your audience
will click away, fasterFrankly, the average attention span is
too short to consider staying on your website after a slow
They even track down what the stores they buy from, putting
ads from those stores right in front of them.
Lucky for us, we can tap into this data Facebook has
collected and target a specific person for our
You see, they want to make sure you’re not a SCAM or a robot,
looking to steal from people and cause mischief wherever
they go.
Let’s face it, most people LOVE buying objects and materials,
but they HATE being sold anything.
You can even use some of the news websites and popular
blogs to pinpoint the look that’s working with your audience
right now.
But remember, you want to give more value than you take.
So, keep any sales talk until the very end, where you subtly
ask for them to take action.
This will also help send the message that you’re real, making
people like and trust you.
Once they like it, ask them to share it with their friends.
The more people know about you, the more people will like
And as the saying goes, “If they know you, like you, and trust
you…they’ll over and over again.”
When you were reading it, did you feel like you were being
sold something?
The thing about an article is, it’s solely meant to inform your
audience, give them some valuable tips and maybe even,
deliver a “freebie” (but more on that later).
Conclusion/Call To Action
You see, your audience has landed on your article for one of
two reasons, you have the answers they were looking for or
you have something they want to learn about.
In fact, you’ll want your advertorial to do the exact same
Let me explain.
It’s like they knew exactly what to say to make sense to you.
This thought process leaves you feeling like you must read
the article and understand what they’re saying, and try it out
for yourself.
You’re talking to someone who has been there, done that and
is successful because of it.
If this is what you want in life, then you’ll definitely read the
article and figure out how to do it yourself, right?
Well, this is the way you want your audience to feel.
Just sit down, come up with a headline and ask for their
contact info. It’s not that hard.”
It may not be hard, but it’s definitely not something you want
to brush off as not important.
Now, you have their attention, you’ll need to use the headline
to drive them to want your book.
This is straight to the point and pretty short, but you can add
to it.
For example,
“To get instant access to your eBook, fill out the form
below and click the button to be taken directly to it –
You see, you’ll want the button to speak for the prospect not
TO the prospect.
Let me explain.
When you’re talking ‘to’ the prospect, your button would say,
Also here are 3 tips for making sure your landing page is
HUGE success:
But, if you look like a horse, you’ll be spotted right off the
bat. It’s all about standing out and being different, even if it’s
in the slightest way.
Sometimes it can be a color that stands out the most, like red
when everyone else is using blue.
To ensure this doesn’t happen, you can stand out but you also
need to resonate with them.
How can something they’re seeing for the first time seem
Simple, you can revolve your whole story and copy around
your audience’s life.
But you also need them to know, you’re steps ahead of them.
Once you have their attention, you can lead them on with
more valuable information, answers for other questions and
sell them on multiple products.
Use bright colors to capture the eye – colors like orange, red,
yellow and even blue have been seeing some great results
You’ll definitely want to take your time and give it you full
Your headline is the very FIRST thing your audience will see.
(if you don’t have a banner above it…)
You have 5 seconds to intrigue them and show them you have
something they would love to have.
You see, your headline is doing all the HEAVY work for you
and your copy.
How you can turn your life 180 degree with <benefit>
An introduction to <benefit>
6 too-simple-to-pass-up ways to _
The truth about <problem> you are kept away from till now
Why you could just be one pay check away from financial
Baby sleep tricks you haven’t tried yet How you can tell
he’s _
Cool _
Bad _? Can’t _? It’s not your fault -- here’s why, page XX
A smart way to _
How To By _
The hard part is, ensuring your banner is not too flashy and
you don’t want it to be too boring, either.
How can you create the perfect blend and make your banner
attractive to your audience?
Let me explain.
“Would losing a few pounds change the way you feel about
While you have their attention, you can try to get them to
take action without reading the full page (a good percentage
will take this offer, if they really want to solve their
This will help drive them to take action and get the answers
they’ve been looking for.
You want it to make you look like the authority figure with
valuable information, speaking directly to them (one on one)
and inspire them to act with your offer.
Once you have your banner, your headline and your sub-
headline…you’re next step is creating your opening and
telling a story.
Keep reading…
Why is a story important?
I was just talking about how a story can drop you into a
whole different world than the one you’re in right now……and
here’s what I meant.
You can literally place yourself in the scene, have empathy for
what the characters are feeling and can’t stop reading until
you find out what happens to this character you resonate
It’s all about the story, how it makes you feel and if you can
put yourself in the story somehow.
If you can write an awesome story, then you can charm your
way into any readers mind.
While she was still walking, I couldn't help myself and inched
my way into the room in front of me.
The thing is, I couldn't see right off hand what pulled me into
this room.
The guy sitting at the desk by the door told me with a small
laugh, "you must be smelling the donuts we brought in this
Yea sure, you girls better eat them before I eat the whole box.
I might not be able to get out of my chair after that.
When the "hot and ready" sign is on, the donuts are freshly
baked and still warm.
When you bite into them, they just melt in your mouth with a
sugary sweetness.
It's like, heaven covered in icing. Can you smell it? Can you
feel it? Can you taste it?
This is what storytelling is for......its to provoke the senses and
emotions of your readers.
Don't just sell your product, be a good “friend” and talk with
them a little while you try to subtly sell them.
Once they KNOW you, LIKE you, TRUST you - they will BUY
from you and become loyal customers.
The best way to open up an advertorial is with a story.
But how do you get started, where do you begin the story and
what do you say?
Remember how I said, the really good ones will start in the
middle of an “action” scene?
When you start in the middle, you can begin with a scene
that pulls on their emotional, heart strings. (ie. when your
main character is going through a life or death situation, or
going through a common but devastating experience, etc.)
Well, the thing about starting in the middle of the story is, is
gives the reader no opportunities to understand what is going
However, because of this - it’s very “life and death” for your
copy to ensure it’s interesting and overflowing with emotion.
Follow these techniques and before long, you’ll see how easy
it to create an incredible story for your audience!
Next up, I’m going to take you through the essential elements
of your body copy will need to convert your audience into a
subscriber or customer.
What should your advertorial say?
You have your audience on the edge of their seats, ready to
see what you have to say next, what do you do?
You may know how important a story is, but what should you
really talk about?
You see, after you grab their attention, open them up for
more, you’ll want to continue delivering valuable
Turn the page, and I’ll take you through each element plus
the 4 additional ones I haven’t even mentioned yet.
Act like you’re their best friend and just have a conversation
with them, on the topic at hand.
If you sit there and really think about it, you can probably
count at least 2 or 3 times this has happened within the last
week to you.
You may not have bought the item, but you’ve had a friend
refer one to you.
The best part is, these are some of the most profitable leads
for your business. How so?
They will continue to buy from you, until they no longer feel
like you’re their friend, rather you’re a sales person.
Another way to assure you make them feel like you’re their
friend is by using the “Us Against The World” method.
This means, you’ll have to make them feel like you’re on their
side and the opposing side will not win.
But lucky for you, you can tap into this selfishness and give
them what they’re looking for, while getting what you want in
return. It’s a win-win situation.
If you can seem like you’ve been through the same exact
situation or you understand how they’re feeling then they can
relate to you.
Once they relate to you, they feel like they have a personal
connection with you and your reading their “mind,” saying
what they’ve been thinking all along.
Let me explain.
You see, when you’re walking through the mall and the
salespeople standing outside the store tries to stop you…
But when your friend comes over, raving about the shopping
trip she did last week, you let her in and talk for hours.
And they need to feel like they can trust you and you know
exactly where they’re coming from in order to want more
from you.
You’ll want them to feel like you’re reading their minds, your
story is straight out of their life and they’re not alone.
For them to take the next step, they’ll need to admit they’re
having a problem, at this very moment.
Once they’ve admitted they have the problem, you can show
them there’s a solution (your product/service).
The thing is, knocking down their barriers is your main goal.
So, if you can make them feel as if you’re their friend and you
know where they’re coming from, then you have a loyal
customer for life.
So, you know where they’re at, in their lives right this second…
They may have a small goal in mind, but most people don’t
think far enough ahead to have bigger goals.
You can use a story to walk them through how their lives,
could be.
If they want to spend more time with their family, then you’ll
want to walk them through a story demonstrating MORE, free
(happy) time with the family.
If they want to buy a yacht and travel the world, walk them
through a story that will give them exactly this.
Element #4: Benefits
You see, a feature sells the product and a benefit sells what
you can get from the product.
For example, if you were to sell a car purely talking about the
engine, the style, the sound system, etc…
Have you ever felt like you have an epiphany and this one
idea will change your life, forever?
You were excited to see how this will make a difference and
ready to put it into action.
There was nothing that could hold you back and nothing
could get in your way, you were determined.
And this is what we like to call the “AHA! Moment” where your
life story took a turn for the better.
Simple, after you’ve walked them through the pain with your
story then you can connect it back to your product with an
AHA! Moment.
The turning point in the story where the main character finds
the answer to all of their problems.
Walk them through how it will solve their problems and what
exactly you can do for them.
These days, people want more results with less effort or work
to get them.
Make the work seem like it’s a piece of cake and the results
are more valuable than the effort it takes to get them.
This is IT!
Let me explain.
Again, make sure you make it seem effortless and risk free!
They may need another push to ensure they convert, and this
is where you can give them some “social” proof.
You see, social proof makes it seem like it’s real and it’s
possible they will see the same results. If they’re normal,
average people just like them, they can do it too – right?
The same thing happens when you include social proof with
your advertorial.
You see, if they can show your audience that it’s possible to
see the same results and average people just like them, have
seen amazing results, then they instantly feel like they can do
it too.
It’s like getting on a roller coaster for the first time.
You get the jitters and become a little nervous about it.
But then you see a little 9-year-old girl, in the line ahead of
And you instantly start to think, it she can do it, then I can do
it too!
All in all, it helps you push past the skepticism you had and
help you take the next step in the right direction.
Then, tell them what the next step is with a CTA (Call To
Whether you need them to click a button, give you a call, fill
out a form or go through a questionnaire…you’ll need to tell
them what to do or they won’t take action.
If your readers are confused in any way, they will start to feel
lost and click away from your advertorial.
You want to make sure they know exactly what they need to
do get access.
It’s super simple and straight to the point.
If they don’t take action right away, you can give them a little
boost with a “warning” about what happens if they don’t
If they don’t buy or subscribe, you can show them what their
life will be like if they don’t take action.
Walk them through how their struggles will just increase and
get worse by the day.
Show them how each problem they have can lead to another
one, and simply destroy their chances of having a happy day.
You can stretch it out with worse case scenarios and show
them they really don’t want to miss out on this!
You can guarantee they will get the help they need to make
it to the finish line.
You want them to feel comfortable with you, trust you have
their wishes in mind and you’re on their side.
You don’t want them to feel like you’re robbing them blind
and leaving them in your dust.
Simple, if you know if they dislike and why they dislike them,
then you can make sure you don’t follow in their footsteps.
It’s about having a crew, feeling safe and knowing you don’t
have to go through the struggle, alone.
They’ll look at you as not only their friend, but the authority
figure who is going to help them out of their dire situation.
Be a good friend, know who their enemies are and have their
back through their struggles.
Each of these questions will help you see a little deeper into
your audience’s life.
Simple, if you know who they want to be like, then you can
determine how to help them get there.
It’s more personal, which in turn helps you seem more real
and less “robotic” to your readers.
Plus, it’s the best way to build a connection, when you have
similar enemies…you can work together to take them down.
Like I said, you can automatically resonate with your
audience, by joining their “side” of things. When you have a
common enemy, it brings you closer together.
If they have you on their side, they can cut the work and time
in HALF. See where I’m going with this?
Figure out exactly why they hate these people and what
makes them an enemy.
Make it a little funny if you need to, laughter has always been
my favorite emotion. You can say something like,
“I’m not like other trainers…I don’t scream at you like a drill
sergeant, I won’t push to you til you puke, and I definitely
don’t leave you to your own demise. My programs revolve
solely around you. They’re made to cater to your needs, work
at a level bearable to you and still show you the results you
want.I promise to treat like you like family, show you the
easy way to ______, and never leave you in the dark. I’m here
every step of the way, you’re not alone and with me on your
side, you’ll have everything you need to succeed!”
You see, you’ll want them to feel like you’re giving them the
key to all of their problems without asking for them to put a
ton of effort into it.
You’re telling them, you’ll help them and they won’t have to
carry the weight of the world all on their own. If you can get
this point across to them, you’re golden and your conversions
will show it!
The moment that changes EVERYTHING!
Have you ever felt like you have an epiphany and this one
idea will change your life, forever?
You were excited to see how this will make a difference and
ready to put it into action.
There was nothing that could hold you back and nothing
could get in your way, you were determined.
And this is what we like to call the “AHA! Moment” where your
life story took a turn for the better.
Simple, after you’ve walked them through the pain with your
story then you can connect it back to your product with an
AHA! Moment.
The turning point in the story where the main character finds
the answer to all of their problems.
This is the moment, where you can connect your
product/service to the story in a more direct way. In example:
So, you can see now, this is how your story will transition into
your offer and ultimately help you convert a larger
percentage of your audience.
They CAN get answers, they’re life can change and they can
become happier!
If you can do it, or your speaker can then they can do it too,
right? Well, this is how they need to feel.
They need to know you can get them out of the slump they’re
When they found you, you turned their life around and
showed them the way out of the dark tunnel.
You gave them a path to follow and you were their sunshine
on a cloudy day.
They want to know, it will give them the change they’ve been
looking for.
If there life has to continue one more day, exactly the way it
is now…they may go CRAZY.
The most commonly made mistake here is, trying to sell with
only features and ignoring the benefits.
You want them to feel like you’re giving them the magic pill,
without over promising on results or outcomes.
If you can help smooth it all out, and show them people are
already seeing some amazing results, then you have them
Don’t forget to show them how you can change their life and
don’t just tell them about your product/service.
Chapter 19
Chapter 19:
Social proof is your credibility and it can either boost your
sales or cut your conversions.
Think about it, when your friend comes up, raving about an
awesome movie they just saw and recommended you go see
it right away… also, read through the reviews and probably even ask a
few friends if it’s any good.
It’s natural to want someone else’s opinion on something
before making a serious decisions about it.
You see, social proof makes it seem like it’s real and it’s
possible they will see the same results.
The same thing happens when you include social proof with
your advertorial.
You see, if they can show your audience that it’s possible to
see the same results and average people just like them, have
seen amazing results, then they instantly feel like they can do
it too.
You get the jitters and become a little nervous about it.
All in all, it helps you push past the skepticism you had and
help you take the next step in the right direction.
Then, tell them what the next step is with a CTA (Call To
Have a Facebook group where your customers can link up and
build a community around your product/service?
It takes less than 10 minutes and will give you the perfect
place to build a list of people who will buy up anything you
put in front of them.
It’s always better when you have friends, who will do it with
With this in mind, you can create a Facebook group where all
of your customers can get together and give advice, ask
questions, or just feel like they’re a part of a community.
All you have to do is, link your Thank You page with your
Facebook group and invite people to join your tight-knit
You can even find a few mediators who will volunteer to help
you manage the group and ensure everyone gets along, post
for you to keep engagement up and even message for you so
you don’t have to reply to every message yourself.
A group could only benefit your business and give you a pot
of buyers to dip into when you have a new promotion or deals
going on.
You see, it’s all about what you’re looking to do with your
It’s literally the first thing they’re going to think when you
start to offer your product/service.
Think about it, the last time you went to see a movie…was it
just because of the trailer?
This means, your walls are down and you absorb what is
being said to you.
Well, this is what you want your readers to feel.
You can even use some of the news websites and popular
blogs to pinpoint the look that’s working with your audience
right now.
But remember, you want to give more value than you take.
So, keep any sales talk until the very end, where you subtly
ask for them to take action.
They want to see if you have all the answers, and if it’s within
their “budget” to get them.
You have to make your offer seem like you’re delivering more
value which is worth WAY more than what your asking for it.
Plus, keep in mind words like payment, transaction, or cost
will repel your audience and turn them off from the sale.
If you can make the investment look like it’s chump change
compared to the way their life will be about they buy, then
you have them in the bag.
You’re GOLDEN.
Another great way to make your price seem like it’s a piece of
cake, is by showing an “original” price and showing a
discounted price.
They will think they were saving money and got the best
Plus, if you flood it with value then your price is even smaller
in their minds.
Don’t forget to keep the corny and cheesy phrases out of the
You want them to feel comfortable with you, trust you and
eventually, buy from you (over and over again)!
It’s to hold you over, keep you happy and increase the value
of the restaurant in your eyes, as the consumer.
If you can help them out without asking for an arm and a leg
in return, they’ll think you’re the most generous person
they’ve ever met.
So, when you get to the point of asking for money, they’ll feel
like you’ve given them so much already, they’re confident
whatever you’re offering is worth the money.
And when you ask for their contact info, they’ll think it’s such
a small price to pay to get the free gift from you.
You can use a free report, eBook, or cheat sheet to give them
a taste of the answers you have and the results they could get
access to.
Giving them a step by step plan to act on, taking away the
confusion and showing them the right path to mirror.
You can even give them access to the tools you use, or the
resources you have. It doesn’t have to be an eBook or report.
But what they’re really saying is, I don’t see the value in what
you’re offering.
They think it’s not worth the money and therefore they’ve put
themselves on a budget to worm you down to a lower price.
They need to see, you’re not going to give them the first
couple steps and leave them there, wondering where to go to
They want to know, you’re going to give them more than their
dollars worth and they need something to give them a reason
to not even blink at the price you give them.
How can you increase your value? It’s pretty simple, and I’ll
explain each one for you.
Well of course, it’s the boost in status the brand name items
give them.
It’s the looks they get from people, the compliments they get
from their friends and the uplifted mood from feeling
“popular” or attractive to the world.
You can also make it more convenient to get and use your
Let me explain.
You see, if you make it easier for them to buy and use your
product/service, most of the work is taken out of the equation
for them.
Who doesn’t like FREE stuff? Look, we both know you’re really
just trying to decrease the fears of your readers.
You see, there a die hard sceptic and their looking for ANY
reason to brand you as a scammer.
The more you GIVE, the more they LOVE you, the more they’ll
BUY from you.
Here are just a few of the ways you can use the sidebar to
your advantage:
It’s not the MAIN focus, but it can encourage your audience
to take action and stay within your business’ circle.
If you want them coming back for more, then keep delivering
valuable information.
The best way to see what’s “Trending” in your niche and what
will grab attention, is by visiting some of the online magazine
in your niche.
You can check out the headlines that are currently working,
and what topics are catching people’s attention.
This gives you a better idea of how your article or blog should
You see, with an article you would still want them to take
…you’ll want to tell them exactly what you want them to do.
Have relevant products or services your audience may be
interested in?
It’s a great way to link your advertorial with your sales page
and to ensure there’s traffic visiting your page.
And if they’ve bought from you once, they’re even more likely
to buy from you again.
If you have relevant products/services to the topic at hand,
then you should definitely promote them in the sidebar of
your advertorial.
There are plenty of people who will give you complete access
to sell their products/services and even give you a cut of the
It’s super easy and gives you the opportunity to sell without
being in their face with it.
It’s just on the side, asking for their attention if they want to
give it.
Very subtle, and more personal than being selling with more
hype and demands.
They’ll give you emails, banner ads, facebook ads, sales pages,
and even keywords to use in your advertorial to ensure it’s all
This just makes it easier than ever for you to promote just
about anything you want without creating a product yourself.
This works in more ways than one and give you a boost to
generate a few extra dollars each month.
If you don’t tell your audience exactly what you want them to
do, then you can’t expect them to take action in anyway.
Again, if you don’t tell them what you want them to do then
they’ll mosey on their way and you’ll miss the opportunity to
collect another lead.
You can tell them to click here or click below with it.
Or you can use the words already in your sentence like this
one, and hyperlink it.
Here are some proven stats by many well-known marketers, to
think about when it comes to your CTAs:
Neil Patel found that users prefer to learn about the offer
before clicking a CTA - placing his CTA above the fold
decreased conversions by 17%. (QuickSprout)
Just keep in mind, what works for other people - may or may
not work for you.
Your results can always improve, and if you find the one small
key to massive improvements then you’ve hit the jackpot and
the testing was worth it!
With this in mind, you’ll need a call to action but you’re not
asking for money.
Well, once you have a long list of email subscribers, you can
promote any of your products/services through your emails.
You see, people like to keep their personal info close to their
hearts and not share it with anyone.
Or so they think.
You better have a great reason for them to give you their info.
What better reason, than to get access to something they
You can even make it a contest, where they join the contest
for an opportunity to win something that is relevant to your
You can analyze what makes them work, use them as your
own (after you edit them to make them uniquely yours) and
remember to test what works best for your audience.
As you can see, some of the CTAs tell the audience to click on
something but other push them in the direction of taking
action without directly saying it.
Include your opt-in forms above the fold – and keep them as
simple as possibleUse images to show what you are offering –
images capture the eye much faster
This is the moment, the one where your audience still has
some doubts and you’ll need to reassure them.
Then when you throw a curveball, telling them there are only
5 left - they instantly go into desperation mode, and they
can’t LIVE without your product/service.
They act much faster when they think they could miss out on
this amazing opportunity you’re presenting them.
There’s plenty of ways to light the fire under their seats and
drive them to make a move.
You can always say things like, “we only have enough spots
for 5 people, so if you’re the 6th person I’ll have to turn you
away…and I definitely don’t want to do this.
Let’s make sure you don’t get left behind and get started
right now by________...”
If they feel like you have the answers to their problems, then
they definitely don’t want to be left out.
They don’t want to be the loner who’s kicked out to the curb
just because they didn’t sign us fast enough.
It’s like being the person who doesn’t keep up with current
events, and doesn’t realize their town is on fire because they
don’t watch the news or listen to their emergency alerts.
So, trigger this emotion in your reader and inject scarcity into
your advertorial to ensure they convert into a customer or
They are handing over money to you, and they want to feel
like it’s MORE than worth it for them.
You want your prospects to feel like the risk is all on you,
even if they’re not the type to ask for a refund.
Plus, if they don’t like it for some un-godly reason, they can
get their money back. But follow this up with a confidence
They were just introduced to it, and they’re not fully sold.
You want them to feel comfortable with you, trust you, see
you as a friend and someone who is on their side.
Your guarantee can portray this or it can make them feel like
you’re just slapping it on there to make them feel better.
You don’t want to be cheesy with it, and you definitely don’t
want to, just slap a badge on there and hope it just a great
You need reassure them you’re not just there for their
I would like to show you how they actually look when they’re
put together.
Most people just “don’t know, what they don’t know” and
never crack the code which could earn them millions.
<Insert Button>
At first I was scared to use them and little unsure about them
being in the house.
But, this quickly changed after I shot the AK-74 and the AR-
15, which are now my FAVORITES.
What more could a sign do, which their guns or dogs couldn’t
I was over loaded with curiosity and had to ask them about it.
Before you start to worry, this doesn’t mean you need to move
into the ugliest house on the block to safe your family and
But what if you could stop them BEFORE they mess up your
door locks, break down your door or worse, trash your
house? Yes, this is possible!
You see, this is where the warning sign comes into play.
Before, seeing the dogs, hearing the barks or setting off the
alarm…they’ll see the sign which shows them the exact
animal who will be chasing them down the driveway while
taking a chunk out of their thighs.
So, I invited her in for some tea and to see if she wanted to
talk about it.
She went on to say, this man was fidgeting with our door
trying to get in and she was just about to call the police.
But, all of a sudden the man froze while looking down then
darted off toward the street like his feet were on fire.
Then she asked me where I got it so she can get one for
herself and her daughters who moved out.
You see, this mat saved my life and my house many times
now. Even when you don’t even know it.
The best part is, it doesn’t take a dog or more work on your
part…it will effortlessly guard your house for you.
His style sense, watch and general ease about life suggested
a level of financial and professional success that one would
expect from a successful Doctor.
David chokes out with tears in his eyes. Talking about her
clearly still makes him emotional all these years later. What
David was saying seemed reasonable. And if he was right, it
made sense why people claimed they eliminated their
diabetes in just days.
“Patricia, I can see you're skeptical, and I know there are a lot
of dishonest people taking advantage of sick and scared
people, so I don't blame you. But think about this, I didn't
tell anyone about this program until spending years of
research and my own money to discover this amazing
program and prove it works.”
He is the sweetest dog who ever lived and who ever will live
(although admittedly, I am biased).
He just turned twelve this year, and I have been afraid he may
develop the notorious Lab hip problems, so I have always
kept a close eye on him.
It broke my heart.
I discovered that there are many diseases that affect the
joints of dogs, so many, in fact, that there are 10 major
How It Works
The directions say to give the dog 2 pills a day for the first
month, and then go down to 1 pill a day after that as a
maintenance dose.
That means this one bottle will last Chucky 2 months after
the initial treatment, which is very convenient for us and our
wallets (although I would gladly spend any amount of money
to make my Big Brown Boy feel better).
I’m sure you can relate.It has been 3 and a half weeks since
starting this supplement. Chucky is a whole new dog.
Now, Chucky goes up the stairs for bed with ease, and we are
confident that his golden years will have a much better
quality of life.On top of that, one of the main ingredients in
this miraculous supplement is glucosamine.
Here’s what dog owners just like you and I are saying:
<Insert Testimonial>
<Insert Testimonial>
<Insert Testimonial>
But what the experts don’t mention is, all the hard work it
takes to make it to the top.
It’s much harder to pick up and go, let’s say for a vacation, if
you have to be tied down due to physical products.
The worst part is, having to fork over more of your money to
pay for the product in the first place.
But, I’m going to let you in on a secret. Think you can handle
keeping it to yourself?
Frankly, you can share this one but keep it to your close
friends and family - we don’t want to the whole world
knowing our secret.
You can do this with a banner ad, facebook ad, google ads,
It’s better to give this to them for free, in exchange for their
contact info (name, email, phone number, etc).
By the time they reach the bottom of the page, they’re dying
to order their very own [INSERT YOUR PRODUCT].
So, they’ll click over to your checkout page where they can
put in their payment information, confirm they want the
order and actually, purchase your product.
It’s simple, to the point and does ALL of the work for you. It
looks a little like this:
Recurring Products:
Monthly Membership
Monthly Box Subscriptions
Event Promotion
Reader’s Choice
Look, we both know this is way more than enough info to
help you make a decision…so, you have two choices.
You could ignore what you’ve just seen - continue down the
path you’re on, only making money through shopify with
physical products, more work and expensive overhead costs
(practically giving a HUGE chunk of your profits away)….
...or you can take advantage of what I’ve shown you, choose
which template works best for you, set your funnel up to run
sales on autopilot, and put more of the profits into your
account and (& not the factory’s pocket).
The best part is, you can sign up for a 14 day trial completely
FREE, to give you an insider’s look and feel, without investing
upfront.If you hurry, you’ll get instant access to the sales
funnel templates and have a funnel created before the end of
the day.
You see, diatoms are over 30 million years old and are formed
from the cementation of tiny, algae-like plant remains into
the earth’s surface.
The best part is, after using this, consumers are claiming
that their skin looks 15… even 20 years younger!
That means, if for some reason you don’t like Gaia Gala Skin
Smoother you can get a full refund within 30 days.
If it’s worked for all these other people, chances are high,
that you’ll see incredible results as well.
DATELINE-Do you or your partner have a snoring problem?
Most of the time, the person snoring isn’t the one who’s
It’s the person next to them… hiding under the pillow, trying
desperately to drown out the snore violating their ears.
You see, when you sleep, muscles in the soft palate, tongue
and throat naturally relax.
”In fact, Dr. Gupta warns that “poor sleep can change the
hormones in your body, which affects the way fat is stored.”
Listen, the last thing you want to is to have someone you care
about get heart disease because they didn’t think there was a
She told her husband to try SnoreGuardian and after the first
night, they were hooked.
The best part is, it’s portable so you can take it on your
vacations or when traveling.
When you own a Shopify store, chances are good that you
also sell physical products.
You see, when you use funnels to sell your products, you can
easily lead your prospects down a proven pathway for long
term customer sustainability. Even Shopify agrees!
In fact, you can create your funnel in less than an hour and
start driving targeted traffic towards it.
If your subject line doesn’t capture their eye, then they won’t
even open the email. So, the only thing they’ll see is your
subject line and NOTHING more.
You see, most often than not, your audience will scan through
their email box filled with 127 emails and only look for the
ones that stand out.
When you have a list of subject lines to look at, what helps
one subject line stand out more than another one?
Well, I’m about to reveal a few simple techniques you can use
to get your emails opened and increase your click through
rates as well!
Let’s start with your subject line and what you can do to
make them POP.
Don’t “tell” them - give them a taste but not the whole
candy bar
Offer valuable tips - you could give them one major tip or
multiple small tips, but they need to feel like you’re
helping them without asking for anything in return
Make them feel like you understand - you want them to feel
like you understand where they’re coming from, like you’ve
been through something similar
Don’t ALWAYS sell something - use the 80/20 rule and only
pitch after deliver a ton of value, for every 3 value emails,
send a pitch email
Don’t forget your P.S. - this is the perfect place to ask for
feedback, get your readers to connect on facebook, grow
your group, or make another subtle offer
You see, the best way to get your audience to hand over their
personal information is by offering something in return.
This will reestablish, you don’t want them to miss it and gives
you an opportunity to email them without spamming them.
It will help keep them on the edge of their seats waiting for
your next email.
Once you have their attention, and they see you so highly,
then you can start to subtly pitch them.
I’ve personally seen some great results from both short form
and long form, it all depends on your audience and what
they’re looking for from you.
I would test both and see which is best for your specific list.
You may find it’s the exact opposite of what you’re thinking.
Keep this in mind, and continue testing what works best for
your audience.
How much are you leaving on the table?
...sales and orders you’re leaving out. You know, like when
your prospects make it ALL the way to your cart but don’t buy
from you.
So, now you just need to find out what made them click away
at the last second and how you can get them to come back
for another chance at getting your product/service.
You can spark their memory but going through the multiple
steps of your funnel, you’ll lose them along the way.
“I saw you made it all the way to the cart, but for some insane
reason you didn’t buy…...and I was just wondering, after all
the raving reviews I’m getting about it, why you wouldn’t
want it as well.”
Look over the email samples I’ve provided and make sure you
keep this is mind when you’re creating your own “abandoned”
cart emails.
Chapter 38
Chapter 38:
Don’t forget to mix your email sequence or campaign up with
a little more value than promotion.
Hey <Firstname>,
“Insert Name Of Bribe” gives you the tools necessary for you
to succeed.
Most people fall flat on their face… using the strategies I’ll
reveal to you, I rarely lose money.
So, when you keep reading, you’ll pleasantly discover that it’s
much easier to take in and has been broken down into
smaller sections to make it easy to soak in.
Sooner or later though, you’ll blow right past the terminology
and master the “art of the trade.”
To Your Success,
If you stepped the wrong way, you’d run into the stampede of
people scrambling to get to their offices, you can hear the
loud (overbearing) voices from all of your co-workers on the
The only good thing was the smell of coffee coming from the
break room.
This is why we’ve all set up exchange offices, where you can
turn your U.S. dollars in and change them out for the
currency of that particular country.
You can join the trading world and do all your trading
And this is why, I want to share with you, exactly how I’ve
made millions through trading and how you can too!
The best part is, this course if filled with step-by-step lessons
showing you how to make money in the trade market.
I’ve already made millions with them and now it’s your turn. I
just want to make sure you reach millions faster and without
making the same mistakes most beginners make.
You see, if you have goals in life, the only person who is going
to push you to reach them is - yourself.
I’ve been able to tap into my true potential and show the
world, what I’m really made of.
If I can do it, so can you. To give you a little taste of what I’m
talking about here’s a few pointers you can start with:
Step 4: Visualize what you want and what it will take to get it
- write down small, everyday tasks you can do to get you
closer to your end goals (don’t slack off, turn your dreams
into a reality)
These aren’t set routines, and they aren’t going to work for
everyone. You have to want it so bad, you would do anything
to make it a reality. Are your dreams enticing enough?
Then get started, before you realize months have gone by and
you’re still doing the same boring thing everyday.
P.S. You can massively improve your life, just by making small
changes in your daily routine. If it this simple, I don’t know
why you would wait on taking the first step.
You know, like wearing your “thinking” cap, except there’s one
for just about everything.
The only problem you’ll have is when your cheeks get sore
from smiling so much
I’ve been where you might be at and if I can come back from
it, accomplishing my version of success, then you can too!
1 - Write out your to-do list the night before, when you wake
up the next morning - you’re ready to go with a list to follow
Try it out, sit down tonight and start #1 and have fun with it!
It’s not everyday, someone hands you the key to turning your
life around. Take this opportunity while you still can.
P.S. Don’t let this email disappear. If you ignore it, it will hide
behind all the other emails you get and ultimately be
forgotten. ==>LINK
You may have a long list of tasks to do, but how many of
those tasks are actually meant to help improve yourself?
The thing is, to enhance how you see yourself, how you feel
about yourself and overall your entire mindset…
And then, figure out who you want to be, where you need to
go to become this person and what you need to do to get
But it’s completely worth it. You see, your actions and habits
are what will create results, whether they’re the results you
want or not.
If you make the wrong turns more often than not, your days
will continue to drag you down, never allowing you a single
day of success.
P.S. Look, you can ignore this email and move on with your
Have you ever invested your last dollar into something that
failed? I have.
I’m looking to help people just like you and me, avoid this
crisis and manage a successful life.
In fact, here are just a few of the ways your day could be
“ruined” and go downhill:
1. Bad hair day
2. Angry people at work
3. Deadlines coming up
4. Stressed at home
5. Not getting enough food
They might sound silly to you right now, but at one time or
another these small little things have ruined your day before
it has even begun.
You see, your attitude and mood will impact your success,
health, business, happiness and your relationships.
I’ve been where you might be at, I dug myself out and I had
help getting back to the top.
This is why I’m giving you a helping hand, to ensure you get
to the top and live your dream life, with less hassles and
stress than it took me.
You’ll get the inside scoop on what to avoid, what is essential
to your success and what to do next to get you closer to
the finish line.
I want to see you succeed. I don’t want you to get left behind
and be stuck on the outside - looking in.
~ Email Sequence 3 ~
SL 1- How to better your life and make a fortune...
SL 2- Shhh… don’t tell anyone I said this...
Well, great!
And to help you take the right path, you can follow this well-
laid out plan of action:
Don’t miss out on it, it’s changed my life around for good and
it can do the same for you, too.
P.S. I would love to know how this has impacted you most.
Send me a message with a couple of ways this has changed
your life.
Then, take back control and discover what you can do when
you’re at your BEST.
You literally just have to click this link and follow along as we
show you what to do to take your life to the next level.
email 3 -
SL 1- How to “Go BIG!”
SL 2- Why settling is your BIGGEST enemy...
And if you’ve made this far - you feel the same way, right?
Well, get a look at how this guy turned his life around,
became a self-made millionaire and trained countless other
“ordinary” people how to do it, too.
What you’re about to see is going to SHOCK you.
Email 4 - [day 4: email 1]
SL 1- Poor Vs Rich (which do you choose?)...
SL 2- (Urgent) It’s up to you...
But it’s even worse, when you’re in the same boat and you
can’t help them out.
And I can assume, since you’re reading this - you want to see
some of the same results I’ve seen.
After this, your email will be forgotten and this link won’t
work anymore.
===> LINK
Email 5 - [day 4: email 2]
SL 1 - Did you miss this?
SL 2 - Oops… this missed you?
So, to make sure you don’t get left out, I wanted to send it to
you again.
Here’s what I’m talking about, the last email I sent you:
In fact, it’s the same exact path I’ve taken to turn my life
around, build myself into a self-made millionaire, and find
the [woman/man] of my dreams.
And I can assume, since you’re reading this - you want to see
some of the same results I’ve seen.
After this, your email will be forgotten and this link won’t
work anymore.
===> LINK
~ Email Sequence 4 ~
SL 1 - Why didn’t you start this sooner?
SL 2 - Why the wealthy get richer...
You see, your mindset and attitude towards yourself, will have
a huge impact on your actions, as well.
The thing is, when you become overwhelmed with your work,
it shows in your performance.
Keep your head up, life can always get better for you.
No, I’m talking about improving your life and taking it to the
next level.
In fact, I’ve followed this simple strategy for years now and
the results still blow me away.
You can reach past your personal limitations and break out of
the chains you feel have been holding you back.
It’s time to turn your life around and finally see what
happiness can bring you.
P.S. It may sound like a giant leap, but I can promise you -
you’ll be AMAZED with the results.
If you’re ready for a change, then this was made for you.
Or vise versa.
You see, it’s not about working as many hours as your body
will allow.
I want to take you to the next and show you exactly what it
takes to get there.
If you see even 1/10 the results I did, you’re life will get an
extreme makeover and you’ll experience some massive
enhancements where you need them.
Get started now and start living the lifestyle you’ve dreamed
You could take what I just said, make the first step and
discover what it takes to tap into a powerful strategy for
turning your dream life into a reality...
...or you could ignore it ALL, keep living your life and 2 weeks
down the road, you’ll be sitting at your computer wondering
why you didn’t start sooner.
You can either take action now or kick yourself in the butt
for not doing sooner!
He’s been through the roughest times and came out on top
because he didn’t let any of get him down.
If you can’t keep yourself on track, you’ll start to veer off the
path and slowly fail along the way.
P.S. Look, you can either waste your time running yourself
thin, exhausting your health, generating the bare minimum in
...or you could turn this all around and follow the steps
you’ll see on the next screen.
You may not know this already, but I can’t keep it a secret
any longer.
Now it’s your turn to tap into your true potential and
discover true happiness for a change.
You can’t just put in half the effort and expect 100% of the
You can join the club and become a happy camper yourself.
Ready to make a change?
[NAME] here,
Well, here’s your chance to get what you’ve been waiting for
and finish your order for your Luna Serum, right now.
But, you may want to be quick about it, life may throw you
another curve ball at any moment and I wouldn’t want you to
miss out on this.
Are you ready to rejuvenate your skin, feel younger - and look
like it too?
[NAME] here,
This is why, I’m stopping by to make sure you get the chance
to complete your order - at a better time for you.
P.S. Here’s the link again, quick before they’re sold out:
And before you start to freak out, thinking I’m crazy for
showing you this again…
And they’re selling out pretty fast, quick get yours now
before they’re all sold out!
What is the first thing someone sees when they look at you?
The bad new is, your skin can show the world how unhealthy
you are.
Have you noticed your face and neck breaking out when
you’re super stressed out?
Or how about the small red spots that show up when you’re
anxious, excited and even when you’re upset?
When you start to feel like you’re stressing out, try to take a
step back and explain to yourself why you’re really upset or
Then ask yourself if you could use some help.
If you can get the work done in half the time and cut the
workload in half, then I would suggest asking for help.
This can easily reduce the anxiety you feel when you’re
drowning in tasks to do and can’t seem to get it all done, by
You start to get baggy eyes, wrinkles, and your color will start
to fade, making your look sick.
But, most women have a hard time falling asleep and staying
asleep for the right amount of time. Frankly, it’s damaging
their health.
You see, your body needs time to heal and rejuvenate itself,
We can easily say, this is terrible for your body and mind.
Give it a try!
You see, when your organs are unhealthy, your skin shows it.
You can start to look sickly, pale and feel drained of energy.
But the worst part is, when the wrinkles start to show up.
1. Lemons
2. Oranges
3. Grapefruit
4. & Pineapple
You may have noticed these are all tropical/citrus fruit.
The reason for this is because these are all filled with Vitamin
C and will help increase the benefits of your detox while
replenishing the nutrients your body needs to thrive.
Yes - massage!
The best part is, this little trick will kick your circulation into
gear and will help your skin feel healthier than ever.
You see, your skin is very delicate - it can only take so much
torture until it starts to crack.
But if you overdo it, you can get some serious burns, causing
your skin to fry and put you in severe pain.
You see, the itchiness is actually your skin healing itself and if
you start to scratch, you’ll interrupt the healing process -
making your body start all over again.
If you’re anything like me, you have to wash your face daily
and sometimes two, three times a day.
Simple, oily skin can turn into dirty skin, real quick.
No joke.
The worst part is, when my skin is super oily or I sweat too
much, I’m prone to get acne.
You see, when you’re having sex - your endorphins are in high
drive, which helps you release bad toxins and give your skin
the natural glow every woman is envious of.
The best part is, it helps boost the natural protection your
skin gives you and easily helps you avoid “adult” acne.
Don’t just take my word for it - test it out for yourself.
It’s been proven to give you the same natural glow you can
get from a simple “exercise” without actually doing all the
So, you need to be very careful with how you treat a zit.
Step #1: Give the spot a gentle squeeze - ONLY if it's white on
top - using two cotton swabs, gently press on both sides until
it pops
Step #2: Once you've cleaned off the gunk, dab a little bit of
salicylic acid treatment on top
Make sure you’re washing your face daily, and keeping up
with a moisturizer to help your skin become healthier
without damaging your skin in the process.
Talk soon!
Email 3 -
SL: Drink this for refreshed, glowing skin all day long...
Some teas can even help lower risk of heart disease and
reduce cholesterol, while some other teas have anti-bacterial
qualities and some help fight sleep issues.
The best part is, there’s so many options to choose from and
each one has it’s own powerful benefits.
The weird thing is, you can drink them, apply them directly to
your skin or even use extracts to see significant results.
Well, it’s the one thing almost every woman craves and is told
to avoid.
It’s frustrating to clean your face on a daily basis and still feel
like your skin isn’t healthy.
You see, my best friend had the perfect skin - flawless and
One day I got up the courage to ask her how she does it and
here’s what she said.
And I have to tell you - it worked like crazy, even for me.
This face cream isn’t like the rest, it’s not going to clog your
pores or cause more acne - it actually helps relieve your skin
of dark spots, reduce acne, improve wrinkles and even help
protect against the sun’s harsh rays.
You really need about 10-16 glasses of water per day to boost
your health and enhance your skin’s natural glow.
The worst part is, if you don’t drink enough water you may
even experience some headaches due to a lack of electrolytes
and dehydration.
It happens more often than you think. And you may not even
notice the headache is coming from a lack of water.
And you may not even notice the headache is coming from a
lack of water.
With just a small dab of it, you can massage it onto your face
for extra protection against the relentless sun and added
moisture during those extra hot days!
Now you can enjoy your time in the sun without worrying
about the effects it will have on your skin.
If you’re anything like me, every time you look in the mirror
you question what you can do to make your appearance look
a little better.
It’s even better when you don’t have to smell the harsh
chemicals in a salon or listen to all the loud customers
coming in and out of those places.
This way, you have a quiet and calm atmosphere to help put
you in a positive mood.
Remember, the happier you are, the happier your skin is too!
P.S. What else would you include in your next “spa day?”
I prefer to start with my toes, let them dry and then put on
my face mask. What do you do? Quick, send me a message
before you forget and something distracts you.
~ Email Sequence 11 ~
Subject Line #1: here’s your free book....
Subject Line #2: you asked for a free book, here it is….
It’s not too long but it’s filled to the rim with useful
information and powerful techniques to help you trim the
extra pounds you’ve been carrying around.
I’ve made it my mission to help you see the results you want
without putting you through bootcamp to get them.
Follow along, take action where needed and enjoy the side
effects of weight loss like, more energy and a positive
I want to help you cut this workload in half, and give you a
solution I know will work for you. You’ll discover the full
details within this book: [INSERT LINK HERE] Dig in and
Email 2 -
Subject Line #1: Did you get the book, revealing weight loss
secrets yet?
Subject Line #2: Have you read this book yet?
Sound familiar?
Take your time, read each chapter carefully and take action
where needed.
What you’re about to discover will change the way you look at
“dieting” and make your journey to slim & fit...much easier!
Give it your complete attention: [INSERT LINK HERE]
Over the next few days, I’m going to be sending you some
helpful weight loss hacks, dieting tips, and even some tools
you can use to lose weight, effortlessly.
In fact, one the best substitutes you can use is Almond Flour.
And when you use it for pancakes, it’s literally out of this
world good.
Almond flour has fewer carbs and fiber than coconut flour
Give it a try.
You never know how much better it is, until you try it for
P.S. It’s better when you have people pushing you to the
finish line, and have friends there to keep you on track as
Join our FREE group of weight loss enthusiasts, just like you,
challenging themselves to lose a few extra pounds and
become the healthiest version of themselves.
Did you know you can lose weight by drinking more water?
It’s less calories than soft drinks, it has less sugar and it’s
better for you.
Dear friend,
Frankly, more water in the long run, means less body fat.
And when you start seeing the pounds melt away, you’ll start
feeling better about yourself.
If you drink just a little more, you can see some pretty
incredible results.
I know it’s hard to imagine, water being such a big help with
your weight loss goals.
P.S. Tell me all about your success and how these tips have
helped you personally.
Dear friend,
If you don’t get started now, you’ll regret it in 2-3 weeks when
you beat yourself up for procrastinating.
These next ones will give you an insight into an even easier
way to lose weight.
Pay close attention to your inbox, you don’t want to miss this.
I promise it’s worth it!
Email 6 -
Subject Line #1: Simpler ways to trim fat without stepping
foot in...
Subject Line #2: Sculpt your body to be the perfect
“beach”body, the easy way...
You see, your body can only take so much stress before it
starts to close down.
You can get sick easier, you can gain weight easier, and you
can start having severe mood swings...all from working out
too much.
Before you freak out, there’s plenty of ways to help you lose
weight without stepping foot in a gym.
One sure way to help you lose weight and even balance your
blood sugar levels is with Lean Health. [INSERT LINK HERE]
You could have the body of your dreams, all without doing a
single push up to get it.
P.S. If you’re vitamin levels are low, your body won’t have
what it needs to break down the foods you eat and will
instantly start converting it into fat to store for later.
Then this was made for you! Here’s how you can get started:
You can increase your levels of Vitamin D, Magnesium and
Phosphorous to help your stomach break down food into
energy and avoid storing it as fat.
This means, more pudgy rolls, jiggly arms and not a slimmer,
healthier body.
Click the link below, get the full details and start building
your dream body, right now.
However, since you’ve made it this far – I can safely say, I’m
confident you’re NOT the type to ignore what you’ve seen
The ethical part comes along when you get the money but do
the work and turn it in anyways.
That covers most people’s rent for the month and it would
only take about half a day to do it. (2 days max)
And it’s not the only thing that can be written in 20 minutes
or less...emails are pretty quick to.
You can start with emails and ads, but once you have the
hang of it - there’s formulas for every piece of copy you can
Actually, there's over 118 Videos Total and much more in this
But when you enroll through this exclusive link, you can get
started for just $497/mo for 12 months or the more popular
option which is only $2,497 LIFETIME Membership.
Simply visit the link below, enter your billing details into the
form you see on the next page to get started right now RISK-