Water Resource Eng. Report

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Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)


Water Resources- origin of water that are  Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
essentially required by living beings  Master’s Degree in Water Systems
Engineering- the action of working artfully to
 Establish State Licensure in
bring something about.
Environmental Engineering (Depends
HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING  Practical Experience in the Field
-Specific kind of CE that involves the design of WHAT DO THEY DO?
new systems and equipment that help manage
human water resources  Before beginning a hydraulic
engineering project, a WRE must figure
-Work on projects at all stages, from conception, out how much water is involved.
planning, completion and handover  The WRE is concerned with the
ROLES transport of sediment by the river, the
interaction of the water with its alluvial
 Understand the natural processes of the boundary, and the occurrence of scour
water cycle to plan, procure, build, and deposition.
manage and operate infrastructure to  The WRE must analyze all the data from
meet the demand of domestic industry. the relevant areas and must come up
 Responsible for the sustainable return of with a suitable plan/design or suggestion
water to the natural environment to the project.
 Produce designs, both initial outlines
and full plans of sewage, water
treatment and flood defense structures Common topics of hydraulic engineering
such as pump systems and pipe includes:
• hydraulic structures
SKILLS NEEDED • water distribution networks
• water collection networks
• sewage collection networks
1) Analytical Skills
• storm management
2) Leadership Skills
3) Problem-solving Skills • sediment transport
4) Time management • various topics related to transportation
5) Mathematical and Scientific Skills and geotechnical engineering
6) Communication skills
Related branches includes hydrology and
1) Development of conceptual and
numerical models of the hydrological It also includes:
cycle • hydraulic modeling
2) Assessment of uncertainty and risks
• flood mapping
including extreme events e.g. floods and
• flood management plans
3) The ability to demonstrate a genuine • shoreline management planes
knowledge and interest of the water • flood alleviation
industry and environmental issues • wave analysis

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

HISTORY OF WATER RESOURCE scale canal irrigation during

ENGINERING the Warring States period
(481 BC-221 BC).
 The earliest uses of hydraulic
Hydraulic Engineering in the
engineering were to irrigate crops and
dates back to the Middle East and
Africa.  Hydraulic engineering
developed specially in the
 One of the earliest hydraulic machines,
Island of Luzon, the Ifugaos of
the water clock was used in the early
the mountainous region of the
2000 BC.
o A water clock is any timepiece by Cordilleras built irrigations,
which time is measured by the dams and hydraulic works and
regulated flow of liquid into (inflow the famous Banaue Rice
type) or out from (outflow type) a Terraces as a way for assisting
vessel, and where the amount is then
in growing crops around 1000
 Other early examples of using gravity to
move water include the Qanat Water
Management System in ancient Persia Hydraulic Engineering in Ancient
and the very similar Turpan water Greek
system in ancient China as well as
 An important feat of both civil and
irrigation canals in Peru.
hydraulic engineering was achieved by
Eupalinos of Megara who built the
Hydraulic Engineering in Ancient Tunnel of Eupalinos on Samos in the
China 6th century B.C. The civil engineering
 Hydraulic engineering in aspect of this tunnel was the fact that it
ancient China was highly was dug from both ends which required
developed, and engineers the diggers to maintain an accurate path
constructed massive canals with so that the two tunnels met and that the
levees and dams to channel the entire effort maintained a sufficient
flow of water for irrigation, as slope to allow the water to flow.
well as locks to allow ships to
o Grand Canal - the longest as
well as the oldest canal or
artificial river in the world PROJECTS EXAMPLES
and was built beginning in
605 during the Sui dynasty 1) Katse Dam
(581–618). 2) Emscher River Master Plan
 Important Engineers: 3) Grand Melen Project
o Sunshu Ao - first Chinese
hydraulic engineer and was WATER RESOURCE ENGINEERING
entrusted with many PROJECTS EXAMPLES IN THE
endeavors of the state PHILIPPINES
because of the
large dam, reservoir, 1) Bulacan Bulk Water Supply
and irrigation projects he had 2) Pampanga Delta Development
o Ximen Bao - was credited of
starting the practice of large 3) Lower Agusan Development Project

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)


 The general name used in
1) Check Dams Jamaica for flexible structures
of variable thickness and length,
 These are small gravity dams,
composed of galvanized wire
usually constructed with rocks
mesh, stone, wild-cane and
and mortar/ concrete, of variable
riverbed materials.
height and width.
 This type of structures are  It is used to prevent bank
located in small/ medium sized erosion and landslips and to
gullies to stabilize riverbed protect agricultural lands form
slopes and prevent soil erosions. being flooded.
 It protect gullies from being
eroded by rainfall and runoff

4) Sausage Groynes

2) Retaining Walls  These are long, cylindrical,

slightly flexible structures of
 These are rock/concrete block variable thickness, composed of
structures built on steep slopes wire and rocks.
anywhere in the watershed,
where the erosion of the base  These are placed at the foot of
foundation threatens lands the banks along small, slow-
and/or homes. moving streams, where there are
signs of undermining and
threats to permanent structures.
 These are designed to stop such
action by allowing bank to
collapse to an angle of repose in
such a manner as to form a
moderate slope, which
encourages the growth of

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

- U-shaped concrete structures

designed to quickly remove water from highly
susceptible erodible areas such a road sides,
under-bridges and steep slopes.
o Levees- served the purpose of
confining flood waters to the stream
and to portions of the flood plain.
 Flood Walls of Reinforced
Concrete - used to protect cities
and developed areas, very costly
to construct but involve minimal
maintenance costs
 Channel Alterations--reduced
5) Gabion/ Mattress Groynes
flood by deepening and
 These are long, flexible widening the channel by
structures of variable thickness, cutting meanders.
composed of wire and rocks.
 Detention Ponds- can minimize
 These are placed on the shaped the damage to downstream
banks of large, fast-moving structures by reducing peak
streams where severe erosion is flows.
occurring and many pose a
 Dams- used to control flood
danger to permanent structures.
peaks, provided that suitable
 These are designed to prevent impounding sites can be found.
the further erosion of the
riverbank. It traps soil particles
to allow a build-up of soil;
thereby encouraging the growth
of vegetation.

7) Reservoirs
 One of the most direct methods
of flood control through storing
surface runoff, flood waves and
storing flood water to be
6) Paved Drains
distributed without exceeding
downstream flood conditions.

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

-refers to the variance

in pressure between the two
positions of the fluid flowing in the
particular channel. It depends on the
frictional shear force and the
velocity of fluid flowing inside the
5) Surface Tension
-the property of the surface of a
liquid that allows it to resist an
external force, due to the cohesive
nature of the water molecules.
6) Flow Visualization
-is the art of making flow patterns
7) Discharge (Flow Rate)
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF WRE -is the volume rate of flow that
passes a given section in a flow
1) Properties involving mass/ weight of
8) Laminar and Turbulent Flow
 Mass Density- a quantitative
 Turbulent Flow- -fluid motion
expression of the amount
characterized by chaotic
of mass contained per unit
changes in pressure
and flow velocity.
 Specific Weight- the weight 
 Laminar Flow- -a flow regime
per unit volume of a material.
characterized by high
 Specific Gravity - the ratio of the
momentum diffusion and low
specific weight of a given liquid
momentum convection.
to the specific weight of water.
2) Viscosity
-is the measure of water's resistance UPDATES
to shear or angular deformation
What Is the Job Demand for Water Resource
 Ideal Fluids- one that is
incompressible and has no The number of open positions for Water
viscosity.  Resource Engineers is projected to grow 20% in
 Real Fluids- the fluid which the next 10 years, which is faster than average.
deforms continuously for certain Infrastructures are constantly aging, requiring
amount of shear stress and it repair and rebuilding.
consists of viscosity. 
3) Elasticity What Is the Average Water Resource
-characterized by the bulk modulus Engineer's Salary? (US)
of elasticity (E), which is defined as Water Resource Engineers make an average of
the ratio of change in volume due to $79,340 a year.
a differential change in pressure.
4) Pressure and Pressure Variation How much does a Water Resources Engineer
make in the Philippines?

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

The average salary for a Water Resources

Engineer is Php 13,146 per month in the


 It is vital and you make a real difference to
people’s lives and to the environment.
 Your work impacts on hundreds/thousands
of people and this can be extremely
rewarding especially in developing countries
where reliable water resources may be
 You will work as part of a multi-disciplinary
team and in partnership with other engineers
and specialists
 Filled with opportunities to work across the
glove due to its universal reach.



Mays L. (2010) “Water Resources Engineering” Tempe, Arizona.

Hamilton Printing Company. NJ07030-5774, (201)- 748-6011



Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)



Rooberson, J.A., Cassidy, J.J., Chaundhry, M.H (1998). Hydraulic

Engineering. 2nd Edition.

Julien, P. Y (2002). River Mechanics, Cambridge University Press,


Group 6 (Water Resource Engineering)

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