Lesson 1 Ancient Egypt Year 7 Hass Week 7
Lesson 1 Ancient Egypt Year 7 Hass Week 7
Lesson 1 Ancient Egypt Year 7 Hass Week 7
Year Level: 7 Time: P5 Date: 8/6/20 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)
Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the
segment where they will
be introduced.
1:35pm Students enter and stand behind desks
Students are seated, roll is called
1:40pm Recap and Intro: What do you know about Ancient Egypt “Crumple and Scrap paper
Group sorting system
Using scrap paper, students write down a point they know about the following (team colours page)
topics relating to Ancient Egypt.
Students divided into groups (vertical rows Left- Blue, Middle- Yellow, Right-
Red). Each group will be asked for one answer under each of the topics.
Students raise their hand and read the answer aloud. If the answer is correct,
they may throw their paper into the bin/box for paper. (probing questions if the
answer is unclear). At the end
The number of ‘baskets’ each group gets is tallied and the group wins the Tally on board (marker)
1:50pm Activity 1:
Fill in the blanks on a map: Identify the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians on PowerPoint slides
an ‘Ancient World Map’ (whiteboard and worksheet) ‘Ancient Egypt’
1. Teacher is to display a blank map on the board of the World (with
numbers in significant locations.) Worksheet ‘Egypt in the
2. Students are to identify each of the locations and label the map in Ancient World’
their worksheet from the board.
3. Teacher Led: as a class each group will be asked to identify the
location and its corresponding number.
4. As a class discuss the time periods in which the Mediterranean world
Key Questions:
a) What continent is Egypt on? (Africa)
b) What continent is Greek and Rome on? (Europe)
c) Does anyone know what this section of the world is called
2:15pm Activity 2:
Main Geographical Features and Key Sites: ‘Ancient Egypt Map’
(Jacaranda HaSS WA p.321) Identify the key sites in Egypt for the Ancient Worksheet ‘Egypt in the
Egyptians (Nile, White and Blue Nile, ‘The Black Lands’ floodplains) and label Ancient World’
blank map in the worksheet.
Key Questions: Jacaranda ‘HaSS WA’
a) Locate the Delta of the Nile (What is a Delta?) textbook
b) Describe the shape of the Nile
c) Explain the geographical features of the Nile, and its surrounds
d) Suggest some of the uses of the Nile (list 3)
e) What is the green on the map representing?
f) What does fertile land mean?
g) What activities would the Ancient Egyptians do with this land?
h) Why do they call this the Black Lands? (silt)
i)What is inundation? (flooding into the floodplains, used for agriculture
Exit Tickets: students are to tell the class one interesting thing about Ancient
Egypt that they learned in the lesson (if short on time select a few)
Before next lesson students are to complete the worksheet for homework.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)