Part 2 Rqs Solved
Part 2 Rqs Solved
Part 2 Rqs Solved
The decision to replace an existing amalgam restoration should be made as soon as the
restoration exhibits
A- Creep
B- Recurrent caries
C- Corrosion and tarnish
D- Ditching around occlusal margins
2. A child’s behavior problem can be managed by desensitization if the basis of the problem is
A- Pain
B- Fear
C- Emotional
D- The parents
3. A 9 year old presents with acute gingival pain of four days duration. There are small, round
ulcers on the interproximal gingival and buccal mucosa. Which of the following is the most likely
A- Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
B- Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
C- Aphthous stomatitis
D- Gingival abscess
4. Which of the following has been most strongly implicated in the cause of aphthous stomatitis?
A- Cytomegalovirus
B- Allergy to tomatoes
C- Herpes simplex virus
D- Staphylococcal organisms
E- Human leukocyte antigens
6. One advantage of using a fiber-reinforced post for restoring an endodontically treated tooth is
that it
A- Has a modulus of elasticity similar to stainless steel
B- Has a modulus of elasticity similar to dentin
C- Is highly radiopaque and easy to visualize on a radiograph
D- Is stronger and more resistant to fracture than a cast metal post
7. A patient with Stage I medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) with exposed bone
in the maxilla is best treated with
A- Radiation therapy
B- Hyperbaric oxygen
C- Debridement of the area
D- Chlorhexidine rinses
8. If a particular test is to correctly identify 95 out of 100 existing disease cases, then that test
would have a
A- Specificity of 95%
B- Sensitivity of 95%
C- Positive predictive value of 95%
D- Validity of 95%
9. What percent of hydrogen peroxide should be used for debriding and intraoral wound?
A- 3 percent
B- 10 percent
C- 20 percent
D- 37 percent
11. Auxiliary resistance from features in fixed dental prostheses such as boxes and grooves should
ideally be located?
A- Facially
B- Lingually
C- Occlusally
D- Proximally
12. Which of the following factors does NOT impact the development of xerostomia in an aging
A- Chronological age
B- Medications
C- Radiation therapy to the head and neck
D- Systemic disease
16. Mandibular hypoplasia, coloboma of the lower eyelid, and malformations of the prinna of the ear
are fracture of which of the following diseases?
A- Apert Syndrome
B- Cleidocranial dysplasia
C- Mandibulofacial dysostosis (Treacher Collins Syndrome)
D- Crouzon syndrome (craniofacial dysostosis)
18. The water supply of a community has 0.28 ppm fluoride. Which of the following procedures is
appropiate for a 4-year-old child exhibiting moderate caries risk?
A- Prescribing a fluoride mouthrinse
B- Prescribing a systemic fluoride supplement
C- Applying fluoride topically at each visit
D- Additional fluoride is unnecessary
19. Phenytoin is most often recommended for controlling which of the following seizures?
A- Status epilepticus
B- Tonic-clonic (grand mal)
C- Absence epilepsy (petit mal)
D- Myoclonic seizure in childhood
20. Which of the following is a interference during working movements for a posterior complete
crown restoration?
A- The lingual inclines of mandibular teeth contact the buccal inclines of maxillary teeth
B- The lingual inclines of mandibular teeth contact the lingual inclines of maxillary teeth
C- The buccal inclines of mandibular teeth contact the buccal inclines of maxillary teeth
D- The buccal inclines of mandibular teeth contact the lingual inclines of maxillary teeth
21. The purpose of scaling is to remove acquired deposits on the teeth.
Scaling can be performed on both enamel and root surfaces
A- Both statements are true
B- Both statements are false
C- The first statement is true, the second is false
D- The first statement is false, the second is true
22. Which of the following would be LEAST likely to lead to the development of root surface
caries on facial surfaces?
A- Low salivary flow
B- Elevated levels of sucrose consumption
C- Streptococcus sanguis dominating adjacent plaque
D- History of head/neck radiation therapy
23. A patient’s mandibular canal is positioned lingually to her mandibular third molar. In what
direction would the canal appear to move on a radiograph, if the X-ray tube were moved inferiorly
(i.e., if the x-ray beam were pointing superiorly)?
A- Apically
B- Mesially
C- Distally
D- Occusally
26. Each of the following is a common cause of denture gagging EXCEPT one. Which is the
E- Inadequate posterior palatal seal
F- Excessive vertical dimension
G- Bulkiness of denture
A- Excessive anterior guidance
27. Which of the following will allow transillumination of the light throughout the crown?
A- Crack extending into denting
B- Crown-to-root fracture
C- Craze line
D- Split tooth
28. Plaque microorganisms produce extra-cellular substances that separate one bacterial cell from
another and that form a matrix for further plaque accumulation. This “matrix” is made up of
dextrans and
A- Levans
B- Mucoproteins
C- Disaccharides
D- Monosaccharides
29. What is the most common side effect when administering nitrous oxide and oxygen?
A- Allergic reaction
B- Respiratory depression
C- Tachycardia
D- Nausea
30. A displaced fracture of the mandible courses from the angle to the third molar. This fracture
is potencially difficult to treat with a closed reduction because of
A- Injury to the neurovascular bundle
B- Malocclusion secondary to the injury
C- Compromise of the blood supply to the mandible
D- Distraction of the fracture segments by muscle pull
31. Each of the following is a common cause of denture gagging EXCEPT one. Which is the
A- Inadequate posterior palatal seal
B- Excessive vertical dimension
C- Bulkiness of denture
D- Excessive anterior guidance
32. What is the minimum amount of bone needed between 2 adjacent implants?
A- 1mm
B- 2mm
C- 3mm
D- 4mm
33. Which of the following statements is true about setting expansion of plaster, stone, and
improved stone (Type IV)?
A- The setting expansion of improved stone is the highest
B- Increasing the spatulation decreases expansion
C- Increasing the water/power ratio decreases the setting expansion
D- Adding water to surface during setting decreases expansion
34. Which of the following represents the best way to increase a patient’s pain tolerance?
A- Stress that pain does not signify damage
B- Tell the patient that the procedure will be completed soon
C- Tell the patient that he/she should be able to tolerate the pain
D- Increase the patient’s sense of control over the denture of the pain
35. Which of the following explains why the fovea palatini are not used as landmarks for
determining the precise posterior border of maxillary denture base?
A- They have no relation to the vibrating line area
B- They are inconsistent in their relationship to the vibrating line
C- They are opening of mucous glands that should not be covered y the denture border
D- They are located on the horizontal hard palate
36. Which of the following is the most reliable method for determining the pulp responsiveness of
a tooth with a full coverage crown?
A- Radiographic examination
B- Electric pulp test
C- Thermal test
D- Palpation
37. Which of the following is an indication for removal of a maxillary torus to fabrication of a
maxillary denture?
A- Inadequate inter-arch space exists
B- Tissue covering torus is thin
C- It interferes with posterior palatal seal
D- Denture is to be placed immediately
38. A new patient presents with severe chronic periodontitis and has a history of two heart
attacks. The patient is not sure when the heart attacks occurred or the severity. The dentist’s
next step in treatment should be to
A- Complete gross scaling to decrease the bacterial load
B- Have the patient rinse with chlorhexidine gluconate (Peridex)
C- Request a consult from the patient’s physician prior to any treatment
D- Confine the treatment to simple restorative procedures
39. Which hematologic disorder represents a malignancy of plasma cell origin?
A- Burkitt lymphoma
B- Hemophilia
C- Thalassemia
D- Multiple myeloma
41. Which of the following most closely resembles normal parotid gland histologically?
A- Pleomorphic adenoma
B- Monomorphic adenoma
C- Acinic cell carcinoma
D- Adenoid cystic carcinoma
42. The most dominant emotional factor in management of 4-to-6-year-old children is fear of
A- Pain
B- The unknown
C- The dentist
D- Being separated from parents
43. Gingivectomy is NOT indicated when the base of the pocket is located
A- Apical to the alveolar crest
B- Below the free gingival groove
C- Coronal to the cementoenamel junction
D- Apical to the cervical convexity of the tooth crown
44. Which of the following neuralgias is correctly associated with its cranial nerve?
A- Tic douloureux – XII
B- Bell palsy – VII
C- Auriculotemporal syndrome – VI
D- Eagle syndrome – X
47. A dental office employee wishes to verify that instruments have been sterilized. Which of the
following methods is most accurate?
A- Place indicator tape on the instruments
B- Use biological monitors
C- Examine the sterilizer packages for color changes
D- Observe the temperature gauge on the sterilizing unit
48. A normal unstimulated salivary flow rate for an adult dentate patient should be
A- 0.01 mL per minute
B- 0.1 mL per minute
C- 1.0 mL per minute
D- 10.0 mL per minute
49. Which of the following represents a common side effect of the alkylating-type anticancer
drugs such as mechlorethamine (Mustargen)?
A- Ototoxicity
B- Nephrotoxicity
C- Bone marrow depression
D- Accumulation of uric acid
54. A dentist will make impressions for a patient who has an excessive salivary flow. To decrease
the flow, this dentist might appropriately prescribe which of the following drugs?
A- Propantheline (Pro-Banthine)
B- Salsalate (Disalcid)
C- Pilocarpine (Salagen)
D- Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
55. At 90 kVp and 15mA at a BID distance of inches, the exposure time for a film is 0.5 seconds.
In the same situation, which of the following should represent the exposure time at 16 inches?
A- 0.25 seconds
B- 1.0 second
C- 2.0 seconds
D- 4.0 seconds
56. Which of the following study designs is the best suited to control for both known and unknown
A- Case-control study
B- Cross-sectional study
C- Cohort study
D- Randomized clinical trial
57. A dentist has planned in-office-bleaching and porcelain laminate veneers for a patient’s
maxillary anterior teeth. What would be the best sequence of treatment?
A- Bleaching, 2 week delay, tooth preparation, bonding procedures
B- Bleaching and tooth preparation, 2-5 day delay, bonding procedures
C- Tooth preparation, 2 week delay, bleaching, and bonding procedures
D- Tooth preparation, 2 week delay, bonding, and then bleaching procedures
58. A 14-year-old female has gingival tissues that bleed easily on gentle probing. The color of the
gingiva ranges from light red to magenta. Probing depths range from 1 - 3mm. Some of the
interdental papillae are swollen. Which of the following represents the most likely diagnosis?
A- Gingivitis
B- Localized aggressive periodontitis
C- Herpetic gingivostomatitis
D- Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
59. A 65-year-old white male smokes 2 packs of cigarretes per day. He had a heart attack six
weeks ago and continues to have chest pains even while at rest. He is transported to the office by
wheelchair because be becomes extremely short of breath with even mild exertion. The physical
status that best describes the above patients is
A- P.S.I
60. Which of the following substances is contraindicated for a patient taking ginseng?
A- Penicillin
B- Digitalis
C- Aspirin
D- Alcohol
61. What is the indicated treatment for a primary molar with a carious pulp exposure and a
furcation radiolucency?
A- Formocresol pulpotomy
B- Indirect pulp cap
C- Extraction
D- Direct pulp cap
62. The pathogenic microorganisms of chronic periodontitis includes each of the following EXCEPT
one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
A- Porphyromonas gingivalis
B- Prevotella intermedia
C- Tannerella forsythensis
D- Actinomyces viscosus
63. Compared with high noble alloys for metal-ceramic restorations, base metal alloys are best
used for which of the following?
A- Optimum esthetics
B- Single crowns
C- Long-span bridges
D- Patients with allergies to metals
64. Adolescents undergoing orthodontic treatment often have problems with home oral hygiene
regimens. The MOST effective management plan is to
A- Educate the patient about the importance of oral hygiene when wearing braces
B- Develop a plan of contingent reinforcement for brushing and flossing
C- Refuse to continue treatment unless oral hygiene improves
D- Have parents remind adolescents to brush
E- Provide limited praise for small progress made at each visit
65. In attempting to correct a single tooth anterior crossbite with a removable appliance, Which of
the following is the most important for the dentist to consider?
A- Making periodic adjustments
B- Incorporating maximum retention
C- Patient’s overbite
D- Making sure there is adequate space
67. Which of the following represents the most significant finding regarding ectodermal dysplasia?
A- Multiple osteomas
B- Supernumerary teeth
C- Multiple impacted teeth
D- Sparse hair
68. Surgical flap access therapy is indicated and most beneficial when used
A- For those early to moderate defects not resolved with initial therapy
B- As the initial treatment for patients having extremely heavy subgingival calculus
C- To eliminate pocketing more rapidly so the patient can proceed with treatment
D- To improve plaque control effectiveness in patients having difficult achieving good plaque
71. A ‘W” in front of the rubber dam clamp number indicates that the rubber dam clamp
A- Is made from work-hardened metal
B- Has a non-reflective surface
C- Has a wing
D- Is wingless
73. Most dens invaginatus defects are found in which of the following types of teeth?
A- Maxillary central incisor
B- Maxillary lateral incisor
C- Mandibular first premolar
D- Maxillary first premolar
75. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a modified Widman Flap procedure?
A- Submarginal incision
B- Replaced flap
C- Inverse bevel incision
D- Flap margin placement at the osseous crest
76. A developmentally-disabled patient should be treated with
A- Flattery
B- Deference
C- Consistency
D- Permissiveness
77. Which of the following is the best choice to avoid the effect of metamerism?
A- Select a porcelain shade using light only
B- Select the shade that looks optimal under multiple light sources
C- Avoid fluorescent lighting when selecting a porcelain shade
D- Add additional layer of opaque porcelain prior to placing body porcelain
78. A 55-year-old male patient, who is currently prescribed warfarin (Coumadin) 5 mg daily,
requires surgical therapy. What is the most appropiate pre-surgical laboratory test?
A- Fibrinogen time
B- Partial thromboplastin time
C- International normalized ratio
D- Bleeding time
79. Which term refers to a physician or dentist performing an operation for which there was no
A- Assault
B- Nonmaleficence
C- Disclosure
D- Battery
80. Blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins does NOT produce which of the following conditions?
A- Antipyresis
B- Increased gastric mucous production
C- Decreased platelet aggregation
D- Decreased renal blood flow
81. Leukemia is suspected when a patient demonstrates which of the following sighs or symptoms?
A- Red sclera
B- Pale conjuntiva
C- Splinter hemorrhage under the finger nails
D- Spontaneous gingival bleeding
82. During clinical evaluation of a complete crown on a mandibular right first molar, a premature
contact causes the mandible to deviate to the patient’s left. One would expect to see the
interfering contact marked on which surfaces of the crown?
A- Mesial marginal ridge
B- Buccal inclines
C- Mesial inclines
D- Lingual inclines
83. The best time perform oral surgery on a patient receiving dialysis 3 times per week is
A- Day of dialysis
B- 1 day before dialysis
C- 1 day after dialysis
D- 2 days after dialysis
84. Infections arising from the periapical region of the mandibular first premolars perforate
through the lingual cortex to the
A- Pterygomaxillary space
B- Submental space
C- Sublingual space
D- Submandibular space
85. Which of the following represents the 3 essential factors for the initiation of the carious
A- Bacteria, polysaccharides, and enamel
B- Bacteria, suitable carbohydrate, and susceptible tooth
C- Lactobacilli, easily fermentable carbohydrate, and susceptible tooth
D- Lactobacilli, suitable substrate, and enamel
86. Causality (cause and effect) may NOT be inferred from which of the following studies?
A- Cross-sectional
B- Cohort
C- Case-control
D- Clinical trial
87. Which teeth are the most susceptible to recurrence of periodontal disease after active
periodontal treatment is completed?
A- Maxillary premolars because of lateral occlusal forces
B- Mandibular premolars because of non-working interferences
C- Maxillary molars becauses of anatomy of their furcations
D- Mandibular molars because of increased number of cervical enamel projections
88. What is the LEAST likely reason for postoperative sensitivity after a Class I occlusal
composite restoration is placed?
A- Gap formation which allows bacterial penetration into the dentin tubules
B- Gap formation which allows an outward flow of fluid from through the dentin tubules
C- Direct toxic effects of a 15 second acid etc on the pulp
D- Cuspal deformation due to contraction forces of polymerization shrinkage
89. Which area of the mouth has the LEAST amount of keratinized tissue on the buccal aspect?
A- Maxillary incisors
B- Maxillary premolars
C- Mandibular incisors
D- Mandibular premolars
90. Pain referred to the ear derives most often from which teeth?
A- Maxillary molars
B- Maxillary premolars
C- Mandibular molars
D- Mandibular premolars
91. During a routing examination, the dentist sees a large radiolucency at the apex of the maxillary
right first premolar. The tooth is not painful, does not respond to pulp testing, and has no evidence
of a sinus tract. The most probable diagnosis is
A- Asymptomatic apical periodontitis
B- Symptomatic apical periodontitis
C- Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
D- Chronic apical abscess
92. A 32-year-old male patient reports a history of having been hospitalized for psychiatric
evaluation, and is currently taking taking lithium carbonate on a daily basis. Which of the following
diseases does this patient most likely have?
A- Parkinsonism
B- Schizophrenia
C- Bipolar disorder
D- Psychotic depression
E- Paranoia with delusions
93. To achieve ideal overjet and overbite in an adult patient with a 16 mm pretreatment overjet,
orthodontic treatment would most likely require
A- Orthodontic tooth movement only
B- Orthognatic surgical treatment only
C- Combined orthodontic/surgical treatment
D- Premolar extraction therapy only
94. A patient has only the mandibular anterior teeth remaining. The treatment plan calls for a
maxillary complete denture and mandibular removable partial denture. Which of the following is
desirable in the occlusal scheme?
A- Bilateral simultaneous contact of anterior and posterior teeth in centric relation position
B- Canine guidance with posterior disclusion during excursive movements
C- Bilateral balanced contact during excursive movements
D- Unilateral group function during excursive movements
95. An edentulous patient is to be treated using maxillary and mandibular complete dentures. The
patient is healthy and the ridges are well healed. A maxillary torus is present and extends beyond
the area of the proposed posterior palatal seal. Which of the following represents the treatment
of choice?
A- Removal of torus, followed by fabrication of maxillary and mandibular complete dentures
B- Extension of maxillary denture base onto the moveable soft palate to achieve adequate seal
C- Fabrication of a maxillary denture with an open/horshoe palate which avoids the torus
D- The use of relief over the area of the torus during maxillary and mandibular denture fabrication
96. The patient should sign the informed consent for surgery
A- At the time of filling out history and insurance forms
B- After medical history and physical examination
C- After formulation by dentist of a surgical treatment plan
D- After a full discussuion of the surgical treatment plan
97. Which of the following is the single most important factor affecting pulpal response to tooth
A- Heat
B- Remaining dentin thickness
C- Desiccation
D- Invasion of bacteria
98. Metastatic disease to the oral region is most likely to occur in Which of the following
A- Tongue
B- Posterior maxilla
C- Posterior mandible
D- Floor of the mouth
99. Glossitis and angular cheilitis are oral manifestations of what type of nutrient deficiency?
A- Calcium
B- Vitamin D
C- Iron
D- Zinc
100. Distinctly blue color of the sclera is a feature of Which of the following conditions?
A- Gardner syndrome
B- Osteogenesis imperfecta
C- Hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia
D- Stuge-weber angiomatosis
101. A 16-year-old patient has a long history of mild pain in the area of the mandibular left first
molar. Radiographs reveal deep caries in the tooth with an irregular radiopaque lesion apical to the
mesial root. Which of the following represents the most likely diagnosis?
A- Periradicular granuloma
B- Condensing osteitis
C- Asymptomatic apical periodontitis
D- Periapical cyst
102. Diagnostic radiology is based on which of the following interactions of X-radiation with
A- Thompson effect
B- Pair production
C- Photoelectric effect
D- Photonuclear disintegration
103. Each of the following would be included in a differential diagnosis of the palatal pigmentation
EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A- Lentigo
B- Melanotic macula
C- Melanocytic nevus
D- Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor
104. Paresthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve is most often seen after the fracture of which area
of the mandible?
A- Angle
B- Condyle
C- Symphysis
D- Coronoid process
105. A patient says, “I have been avoiding coming to see you because there is an ugly, red sor spot
on the roof of my mouth”. Which of the following responses by the dentist best exemplifies a
reflective response?
A- “Has you diet changed lately”
B- “You really shouldn’t worry about it”
C- “Don’t be afraid, I’ll take a careful look”
D- “You should have had something like that looked at right away”
E- ‘It sounds as if you’re quite concerned about this condition”
108. What is the maximum recommended dose of acetaminophen that can be prescribed in a 24
hour time period?
A- 2.5 grams
B- 3 grams
C- 3.5 grams
D- 4 grams
109. Although the results of a diagnosis test are NOT necessarily accurate, they are consistent.
This test has high
A- Generalizability
B- Specificity
C- Reliability
D- Validity
112. A 6-year-old patient exhibits defiant behavior at a recall examination. Which of the following
techniques is indicated for the examination?
A- Conscious sedation
B- General anesthesia
C- Physical restraint
D- Voice control
113. Hypotensive effect and itching from oxycodone is due, in part, to its
A- Allergenicity
B- Release of histamine
C- Antispasmodic effect
D- Cardiac depressant effect
E- Excitation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone
114. Xray shows caries on distal and mesial on one primary tooth, pulp is not involved, cannot detect
lesion clinically, how do you tx?
a) MOD amalgam
b) MO and DO composite
c) MOD composite
d) Stainless steel crown
115. What is the most common side effect when administering nitrous oxide and oxygen?
A- Allergic reaction
B- Respiratory depression
C- Tachycardia
D- Nausea
116. The prostaglandin analog misoprostol (Cytotec) is most commonly used in treating gastric
ulcers associated with
A- Chronic use of anti-inflamatory drug
B- Chronic use of tobacco products
C- Hypersecretory conditions such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
D- Hyperactivity of the gastrin-secreting chief cells
117. At 90 kVp and 15mA at a BID distance of 8 inches, the exposure time for a film is 0.5 seconds.
In the same situation, which of the following should represent the exposure time at 16 inches?
A- 0.25 seconds
B- 1.0 second
C- 2.0 seconds
D- 4.0 seconds
118. A patient’s mandibular canal is positioned lingually to her mandibular third molar. In what
direction would the canal appear to move on a radiograph, if the X-ray tube were moved inferiorly
(i.e., if the x-ray beam were pointing superiorly)?
A- Apically
B- Mesially
C- Distally
D- Occusally
119. Which of the following is diffivult to accomplish with extrinsic characterization of metal
ceramic restorations?
A- Increase chroma
B- Change hue
C- Decrease value
D- Increase value
121. Which of the following is responsible for creating a green discoloration in the marginal area of
the metal ceramic restoration?
A- Copper
B- Silver
C- Cobalt
D- Palladium
124. The area that provides long-term maxillary denture support with minimal resorptive changes
include the posterior residual ridges and which of the following?
A- Rugae region
B- Horizontal hard palate
C- Posterior buccal flanges
D- Anterior residual ridge
125. Which of the following has the greatest impact on the success of a periodontal flap
A- Type of initial incision
B- Position of the flap at closure
C- Level of postoperative plaque control
D- Postoperative width of attached gingival
126. Which of the following contributes most to a successful pulp capping procedure?
A- An isolated field
B- Absence of bleeding
C- An exposure of less than 0.75 mm
D- Use of calcium hydroxide
127. A patient has a severe tooth-size/arch-length discrepancy in the maxillary arch. Which of the
patient’s permanent maxillary teeth are most likely to be blocked out of the arch?
A- Canines
B- First premolars
C- Second premolars
D- Second molars
130. Which of the following is difficult to accomplish with extrinsic characterization of metal
ceramic restorations?
A- Increase chroma
B- Change hue
C- Decrease value
D- Increase value
132. The most common form of periodontal disease seen in school-aged children is
A- Aggressive periodontitis
B- Marginal gingivitis
C- Primary herpetic gigivostomatitis
D- Gingival hyperplasia
133. For a prominent maxillary frenun accompanied by large midline diastema, treatment should be
A- Immediate, when the problem is identified
B- Delayed until treatment centrals and laterals erupt
C- Delayed until centrals, laterals and canines have erupted
D- Started once all permanent teeth have erupted
135. If the 4 maxillary incisors were to be replaced by partial removable denture prosthesis,
Which of the following would be desirable?
A- Protrusive contact on the maxillary incisors only
B- Contact of the maxillary incisors in centric relation
C- Contact on the canines in lateral excursions
D- Balanced occlusion for stability of the prosthesis
1- The patient
A- Is at increased risk for bleeding
B- Is at increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma
C- Is a potential carrier for hepatitis A
D- Had a disease that does not involve a bloodborne pathogen
2- Which side-effect of sertraline (Zoloft) has implications for the patient’s oral health?
A- Gingival inflammation
B- Salivary hypofunction
C- Tissue hyperplasia
D- Aphthous ulcers
3- The patient states that “all of my teeth are sensitive to hot and cold, and my gums bleed
whenever I brush my teeth”. The initial treatment should involve each of the following EXCEPT one.
Which one is the EXCEPTION?
A- Full-mouth scalling and root planning
B- Prescription for a desensitizing toothpaste
C- 4 quadrants of periodontal surgery
D- Home care instruction, then follow up visit
4- The most likely cause of the V-shaped radiolucency between the roots of the teeth 2 and 4
would be
A- An idiopathic bone cavity
B- A maxillary sinus pseudocyst
C- Maxillary sinus
D- A radicular cyst
5- Which would NOT be included in a differential diagnosis of the right mandibular radiolucency?
A- Keratocystic odontogenic tumor
B- Ameloblastoma
C- Periapical (radicular) cyst
D- Lateral periodontal cyst
6- Which side-effect of sertraline (Zoloft) has implications for the patient’s oral health?
A- Gingival inflammation
B- Salivary hypofunction
C- Tissue hyperplasia
D- Aphthous ulcers
11- Preventive oral health behavior is influenced by each of the following factors EXCEPT one.
Which one is the EXCEPTION?
A- Public policy
B- Social context
C- Psychological factors
D- Access to preventive measures
12- What is the most likely cause of the chalky-white appearance of the enamel of this patient’s
A- Fluorosis
B- Ectodermal dysplasia
C- Amelogenesis imperfecta
D- Dentinogenesis imperfecta
14- The lesion between teeth 30 and 31 is treated by enucleation and curettage. Each of the
following are risks with this procedure EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A- Devitalization of teeth 30 and 31
B- Damage to the lingual nerve
C- Post-operative infection
D- Damage to the inferior alveolar nerve
E- Lesion recurrence