The Drawback Effect of Technology To The Academic Performance of Senior High School Students
The Drawback Effect of Technology To The Academic Performance of Senior High School Students
The Drawback Effect of Technology To The Academic Performance of Senior High School Students
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Galia, Elbert V.
Morales,Princess Angelica D.
Teologo, Jovelyn P.
Villanueva, Angelyn A.
February 6, 2020
Chapter 1:Introduction
As time passes, more and more inventive technologies are being developed for
the new generation. Technology or technology has more than one meaning. One of the
Page meanings
|3 is the advancement and application of tools, machines, tools and processes
that help in the healing of human problems. As a work of art, technology is far more
than engineering. The term technology is often associated with inventions and gadgets
using recently discovered scientific processes and principles. However, technology also
describes even the oldest invented like a wheel. In another sense used by the economy,
technology is seen as the current state of our knowledge of how to develop the
capabilities to produce a desired product. Thus, we see technological change as we
increase our knowledge of it. One of these is the gadgets. As they grow. It can be said
that it helps people just like students and in the future it can be said that it is harmful.
The second is It is the duty of the youth to study. When young people get tired of their
studies, they can do two things. The first is to rest so that they are strong enough to
continue their education. Secondly they can continue to work with the help of their
friends and allies whenever possible.
According to Bertillo (2011) in the history of education, technology has
contributed significantly. In fact, it is one of the main ways that learning becomes easy
and effective so many students refer to technology for their learning.
The gadget is a small piece of technology, something that is easy to use and fun to use,
and can be considered expensive when the gadget is so versatile. It can be said that
gadgets are more helpful to students in their studies. It is the duty of the youth to study.
When young people are tired of their studies, reviewing a few examples of their value,
they can now make the choice of many modern tools. With this tools to students stop
relying to book, stoped reading because they can get everything on the internet using
this gadgets.
Theoretical Framework
This social theory is based on the observations of Albert Bandura (1977). It is here that
every individual learns things through their observations or the influence of the
environment or society in action. socialism, this theory addresses the importance of
each individual to something. Bandura (1997) "the study would be very laborious not to
mention dangerous, if the person would rely solely on the eccentricity of their own
actions to let them know what to do" Every person is learning, obsessed and as time
passes they become addicted to computer games. In keeping with this theory, it is only
through observation that an individual learns to play computer games without even
knowing it or trying it.
Concensus theory
According to Durkhiem, Parsan and merton this theory is that every individual in society
is based on the society he or she plays in. Just like how social mobility can influence a
young person to play computer games. To know why a lot of people are obsessed with
computer games, they to try it so that they can find out why other teens are obsessed
with computer games.
Need theory
This theory was developed by psychologist David McClelland (1960) and is based on
Maslows's observation of the need theory. it focuses on the need for an individual's
daily routine. So in this theory they can learn something because of what they need in
the daily routine. just like in the computer, because they need the computer especially
like us students they learn how to play computer games because while they do some
homework they keep playing and sometimes they are skiping so they can continue to
play computer games.
Statement of the Problem
performance of senior high school students”. Researchers want to know what the
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negative effects of technology have on an individual. The purpose of this study is to
B. Age
C. Gender
D. Education Level
4.)do you think computer games or mobile game is worth losing grade for?
5.) can you study and still do good and play games at the same time?
Scope and Limitation of the study
The topic of Drawback effect of technology to the academic performance of senior high
school students seeks to inform the impact of computer and mental health on students.
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Respondents of this topic and senior highschools only.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual paradigm shows the process of gathering feedback from respondants
The Significance of the Study
The importance of this study will serve as a way to account for each of the negative
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consequences of computer overload on the mental and physical aspects of an
Definition of terms
to computer users, with permission, to retrieve information and data from other
computer users.
Reference List
(Citations must be in APA Style Format)
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