A History of Army Aviation 1950-1962

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The key takeaways are that the book provides a history of the development of Army aviation from 1950-1962, covering topics like planning, training programs, and the evolution of different types of aircraft.

The purpose of the book is to document the history of Army aviation from 1950-1962. It discusses topics like the separation of the Army and Air Force after World War 2, the establishment of training programs, and the planning/proposals for organic air transport capabilities.

The book describes the evolution of Army aviation as a gradual process. It discusses early planning efforts, the proposals and projects considered, the establishment of training agreements and schools, and the development of rotary wing and fixed wing aircraft over this time period.

P1(5t'DOC Historical Monograph Series


AVI T - 1950-1962

by Richard P. Weinert, Jr.

Officeofthe CommandHistorian
V.niteaS tates .!itnny Traininqand'DoctrineCommand
TRADOC Historical Monograph Series


AVIATION - 1950-1962


Richard P. Weinert, Jr.

edited by

Susan Canedy

Office of the CommandHistorian

United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

Fort Monroe, Virginia



Henry O. Malone and John L. Romjue, General Editors

TRADOC Historical Monographs are published by the Office of the Command

Historian, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. These studies of training and
leader development, and doctrinal and combat developments subjects provide his­
torical perspective to support the Command's mission ofpreparing the Army for war
and charting its future.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Weinert, Richard P.

A history of army aviation, 1950 - 1962 / by Richard P. Weinert, Jr.

edited by Susan Canedy.

p. em. - (TRADOC historical monograph series)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. United States. Army-Aviation-History. 1. Canedy, Susan.

11. Title. 111. Series.
UG633.W36 1991
358.4-dc20 91-8199


General John W. Foss Commander

Major General James W. van Loben Sels Chief of Staff
Dr. Henry O. Malone, Jr. Chief Historian
Mr. JohnL. Romjue Chief, Historical Studies and Publication

Table Of Contents

Foreword xi

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Chapter I • Early History of Army Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1

Balloons and Dirigibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1

Development of Military Aviation 2

Establishment of Organic Army Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

World War II Training 6

The Separation of the Army and the Air Force. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10

Joint Regulations 10

Training Agreements " 11

Flight Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11

Endnotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14

Chapter Il'- The Evolution of Army Aviation " 15

Planning for Organic Air Transport 16

Department of the Army Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16

Army Field Forces Board No.1 Projects 18

The Memorandum of Understanding of 1951 19

Development of a Long Range Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chief of Transportation Study 22

Endnotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25

Chapter ill . The Formative Years " 27

Helicopter Units 27

Unit Activations 27

Field Training 29

Materiel Requirements Review Panel 33

Memorandum of Understanding of 1952 38

OCAFF Review of the Army Aviation Program 39

Army Aviation Plan 41

Endnotes 45

Chapter IV· Research, Development, and Procurement 47

Early Procurement Activities 47

Army Observation Aircraft 48

Fixed Wing Utility Aircraft 49

Rotary Wing Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

H-13 Sioux 51

H-23 Raven 51

H-19 Chickasaw 52

Development of the Cargo Helicopter 53

Procurement Planning 56

Endnotes 58

Chapter V - The Organization of Army Aviation 59

Army Field Forces 59

Army Field Forces Board NO.1 61

Staff Organization 63

Organization in the Field Army 64

Corps Aviation Organization 65

Army Aviation within the Division 65

Tactical Aviation Units 66

Medical Service Helicopter Ambulance Detachments 66

Light Cargo Fixed Wing Aircraft Company 67

Division Combat Aviation Company 67

Cargo Helicopter Units 69

Supply Support 72

Division of Responsibility 72

Expansion of Responsibility 72

Shortage of Parts 72

Incompatibility of Army and Air Force Supply Structures 73

Depot Transfer 73

Endnotes 75

Chapter VI - Early Aviation Training 77

The Impact of the Korean Conflict 77

Helicopter Pilot Training 79

Expansion of Courses 80

Liaison Pilot Training 81

Fixed Wing and Helicopter Mechanic Training 82

Development ofInstrument Training 84

Endnotes 87

Chapter VII - The Foundation of the Army Aviation School 89

Planning for Expansion 89

Establishment of the Army Aviation School 93

Organization of the School 94

The First Year of Operation 95

Class Schedules 95

Estimated Training Requirements 96

Suspension of Transfer of Air Forces Training 97

Duplication of Training Activities 98

Shortage of Fixed Wing Pilots 98

Training of Mechanics 99

Movement of the Army Aviation School 99

Endnotes 102

Chapter vm - Plans and Programs 103

Army Aviation Plan 104

Department of Defense Policies 109

Personnel Policies 112

Review of Officer Grades for Army Aviators 112

Recommendations for Warrant Officer Aviators 114

Aviator Requirements 114

Planning for Future Development 115

Army Aircraft Requirements Review Board 115

Rogers Committee on Army Aviation 119

The Berlin Crisis .121

Aviator Shortages 122

Mobilization of Reserve Aviation Units .122

Deployments to Europe 123

Southeast Asia Deployments 124

Accomplishments of the Period 124

Endnotes 126

Chapter IX - Organizational Development 129

Organization Changes in the Department of the Army 130

Organization Changes in the Transportation Corps 130

Organization Changes in CONARC 133

Establishment of Army Aviation Section 133

1962 Reorganization 137

Establishment of the Army Aviation Center 137

Aircraft Systems Management 138

Doctrine on Employment of Army Transport Aviation 139

Army Aviation in the New Division Organizations 140


Aviation in the Pentomic Divisions 141

Fixed Wing Light Transport Companies 144

Medium Helicopter Aviation Company .144

Army Aviation in the ROAD Organization 145

Development of the ROAD Concept 145

Basic Concept for Assignment of Aircraft 147

The Army Aviation Battalion 147

Aviation in Separate Brigades 148

Army Organization for the Period 1965-1970 148

Composite Aviation Battalion 149

Special Warfare Aviation Detachment 149

Anny Aviation Air Traffic Operations 150

Army Aviation Operating Detachments 150

Use of Restricted Airspace .152

U.S. Army Tactical Air Navigation and Landing Aids 153

Common TA for Army Airfields 154

OrganizationalProgress 155

Endnotes 156

Chapter X - Development of Aircraft Armament 159

Weapons System Development 159

Project ABLE BUSTER 159

Army Aviation School Experiments 160

Aerial Combat Reconnaissance Company 163

Formal Armament Program 164

Airborne Troop Test of the SS-10 Missile System 167

Adoption of the Armed Helicopter 168

CDEC Experiments 169

Army Aircraft Armament Ad Hoc Committee 174

Armament and Airmobility 177

Endnotes 179

Chapter XI • The Beginning of Airmobility 181

Development of the Air Cavalry Concept 181

Sky Cavalry 182

Exercise SAGE BRUSH 183

Exercise SLEDGE HAMMER 187

The Annair Brigade Study 190

Helicopter Carrier Tests 193

OrganizationalDevelopments 195

Endnotes 197

Chapter xn - Materiel Development 199

U.S. Army Aviation Board 199

The Development and Procurement Cycle .200

Developmental Objectives for Army Aviation 202

Helicopter Development 203

HU-l Iroquois 203

Light Observation Helicopter 205

Cargo Helicopters 207

Flying Crane 209

Development of Fixed Wing Aircraft 209

T-37 Troop Test 210

AO-l Mohawk " .214

AC-l Caribou 216

Convertiplanes and Vertical Lift Research Vehicles 219

Convertiplanes 219

Flying Saucer 220

The Status of Aircraft Development 221

Endnotes 222

Chapter XIIT - Development of Aviation Training 225

Transfer of Training from the Air Force .225

Early Interest in Training Consolidation 225

Army Assumption ofTraining Responsibility 226

Army Aviation Unit Tactical Training 231

Revision in Helicopter Company Activation Schedule .232

Growth of the Army Aviation School 235

Organization 235

Operations 236

Training Developments 239

Courses for Senior Officers 239

Mountain Flight Training for Army Helicopter Pilots 240

Instrument Training 240

Army ROTC Flight Training Program 242

Endnotes 244

Chapter XIV - Supply and Maintenance 247

Transfer of Depot Responsibility 248

Army Aviation Depot Plan .249

Provisions of the Plan 249

Implementation of the Plan 250

Army Procurement of Aircraft 252

Maintenance Personnel Problems 252

Depot Maintenance Support 254

Fifth Echelon Maintenance .254

Fourth Echelon Maintenance .256

Maintenance Training .257

Army Aviation School 257

Transportation School 261

Endnotes 264

Chapter XV - Summary 267
List of Abbreviations 275
Appendix 277
Fixed Wing Aircraft 1942-1962 278
Rotary Wing Aircraft 1942-1962 279
Convertiplanes and Vertical Lift Vehicles 1953-1962 280
Army Aviation School Courses 281
Army Aviation School Maintenance Courses 282
Transportation School Maintenance Courses 283
Headquarters, CONARC 1 Feb 1955 284
Headquarters, CONARC 10 Oct 1957 285
Headquarters, CONARC 1 Jan 1959 286
Aviation in the ROAD Division .287
United States Army Aviation School .288
Army Aviation Organization 289
Directors of Army Aviation 290 - 293
Pictorial Display of Army Aircraft 294 - 313
Index , 315

List Of Dlustrations

Piper Cubs used during 1941 maneuvers 5

L-4 Grasshopper during Carolina Maneuvers in 1942 6
L-20 and two L-19 aircraft in flight near Ft Monmouth 7
Wounded trooper evacuated during Exercise Southern Pine 30
Division Support helicopter & tanks on Exercise Longhorn 31
509th Transportation Company airlifting troops during
Exercise Flashburn 34
First attempt to fire rockets from H-13 helicopter 162
H-25 Army Mule firing 1.5 inch rocket 164
Armed H-34 166
UH-l helicopter armed wI SS-l1 antitank rockets 170
Friendly infantry troops boarding an H-34 for Exercise Sage Brush 184
Headquarters, USA primary helicopter school and Camp Wolters 227
Ozark Army Airfield, Ft Rucker, 1955 238


Since their publication in the 1970s, the two separate works, The History of Army AViation.
Phasel: 1950-1954. and The History ofArmy Aviation. Phase Il, 1955-1962. have been in steady
demand by U.S. Army and other military researchers in the Army aviation field. Appearing in
June 1971 and September 1976, respectively, those volumes were written by Mr. Richard P.
Weinert, Jr., a staff historian in the Historical Office of the U.S. Continental Army Command
until 1973, then Deputy Chief Historian in the Historical Office of the Army Training and
Doctrine Command. The two volumes detail the early, formative years of Army aviation
following the separation of the ground and air forces of the United States Army and the
establishment of the United States Air Force as an independent service by the National Security
Act of 1947. The call for this documented study has repeatedly exhausted printings of the two
works. Prior to his retirement from federal service in 1988, Mr. Weinert took initial steps to
organize his earlier work into a single publication. Since then, Dr. Susan Canedy, Research
Historian and Archivist in the Office of the Command Historian, edited the combined
manuscripts and completed the many other tasks necessary to bring the work to publication. The
resulting volume is a reorganization of the two volumes, in which only redundancies of
introduction and conclusion have been deleted. This single volume provides a useful record of
the earliest stages of the battlefield function that would come into its own so dramatically in
Vietnam and that would eventually be designated an Army branch in 1983.


Author's Preface

Army aviation has grown dramatically in both size and breadth of activities since its inception
in 1942. No comprehensive history of this growth has appeared. This monograph attempts to
delineate the activities of Army Ground Forces (AGF), the Office of the Chief of Army Field
Forces (OCAFF), and the United States Continental Army Command (CONARC) in the
development of the aviation program from 1950 to 1962.
The period from 1950to 1954 witnesseda critical phase in the growth of Army aviation. During
this period the helicopter first began to perform a major tacticalrole, combat experience in Korea
pointed the way to future developments, and the formation of the Army Aviation School
provided a firm training base for expansion. Following 1954, Army aviation not only introduced
new aircraft which significantly improved its capability, but also began development of new
doctrinal concepts. The work on helicopter armament and airmobile concepts provided the
ground work for the large scale airmobile combat operations which the Army would conduct
during the following decade.
Because of the complexity of the subject, it has been necessary to organize this monograph
topically rather than chronologically. Cross references are inserted where it is considered
necessary to provide clarity.
Most of the primary documentary sources cited in the footnotes are located in the Civil Branch
of the National Archives in Suitland, Maryland. Copies of many of these documents have been
retained in the files of the United States Army Center of Military History and the lRADOC
Command Historian. The published reports and secondary sources dealing with the Transporta­
tion Corps may be found in the library of the United States Army Transportation School at Fort
Eustis, Virginia. The semiannual historical reports of AGF, OCAFF, and CONARC are in the
files of the TRADOC Command Historian and the Center of Military History. The annual
historical summaries of the Department of the Army staff elements are also located in the files
of the Center of Military History.
The preparation of this monograph would not have been possible without the cooperation and
assistance of the staffs of the Transportation Museum and library of the United States Army
Transportation School, the United States Army Aviation Museum, UnitedStatesArmyAviation
Digest, the library of the United States Army Aviation School at Fort Rucker, Alabama, the
National Archives, the United States Army Center of Military History, and the Historical Office,
United States Army Materiel and Readiness Command.
The cooperation and assistance of many individuals contributed significantly to the research
on this project: Mr. William D. Shaver, Jr., formerly of the CONARC Historical Office: LTC
Donald F. Harrison, formerly with the Office of the Chief of Military History; Mr. Thomas E.
Hohmann and Mrs. Ruth Nester of the Modem Military Records Division, National Archives;
Mr. James Craig of the Army Aviation Museum; and COL W. R. Mathews, Aviation Division,
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations and Reserve Forces, Headquarters, CONARC.


Chapter I


Army organic aviation augments the capability of the Army to conduct effective combat
operations. It is under the full and immediate control of, and subject to the direct orders of, the
commander responsible for ground operations. Army aviation as it is known today dates from
1942, although aviation in various forms has been used by the Army for reconnaissance and
observation since the Civil War. The capabilities of observation aircraft were developed during
World War II and following that war, the helicopter began to play an increasingly important role.
It was not until the Korean conflict, however, that Army aviation began to assume its present
form. The period from 1950 to 1954 saw the emergence of Army aviation as a separate entity.
During this period, the foundation was laid upon which the vast aviation structure of the Vietnam
War period was built.

Balloons and Dirigibles

Aerial observation had its beginning in the United States Army on 6 June 1861 when
Thaddeus S. C. Lowe brought his balloon to Washington to demonstrate its military potential.
On 18 June, Lowe successfully sent a telegraph message from his balloon which in the presence
of President Abraham Lincoln and War Department officials, he had maneuvered to an altitude
of 500 feet. The War Department then asked Professor Lowe to ascend his balloon near Falls
Church, Virginia, to determine the location of Confederate troops menacing the Capital. He
began making ascensions on 22 June and eased the tense situation in Washington by reporting
no offensive movement following the Confederate victory at Bull Run. He later used the balloon
for artillery spotting with some success. The Balloon Corps was added to the Army of the
Potomac on 25 September 1861. The corps expanded from four to seven balloons by early 1862
as operations spread out from Old Point Comfort, Virginia, west to the Mississippi River, and
south to Mobile. Despite the initial success of the Balloon Corps, it was disbanded in June 1863,
following a disagreement over placing it under the jurisdiction of the Signal Corps.
Balloons were not again used by the Army until 1892 at which time the Signal Corps had only
one balloon and no trained personnel. A balloon was in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.
Its observers provided the Army with valuable information concerning the roads to the front lines

Chapter II


Organic Army aviation had emerged from World War II with a vast amount of both training
and tactical experience. During the following five years the drastic reduction in the size of the
Army had caused a major curtailment in aviation activities. It was during this period, however,
that the Army began to give serious consideration to the use of the helicopter. Partially shackled
by agreements with the Air Force, the Army in 1949 began to take the first tentative steps in
expanding its aviation program. The outbreak of war in Korea gave an impetus to this expansion
which resulted in a rapid growth of Army aviation in both size and importance.
Late in 1949, the Office of the Chief of Army Field Forces (OCAFF) conducted studies which
indicated the need for various types of helicopters to provide short-haul air transport to corps,
division, and smaller tactical units of the ground forces. This proposal received strong support
in a Department of the Army G-3 study prepared in May 1950. It was therefore recommended
that the Army provide funds in the fiscal year 1952 budget for the organization and equipping
offive transport helicopter companies which would be placed with divisions in the United States
for the purpose of developing doctrine for their employment.
The Transportation Corps' role in organic Army aviation stemmed from the development of
this experimental program in the summer of 1950. Transportation Corps functions, largely of a
staff nature, involved planning and coordination with the Army Field Forces and the Army
General Staff regarding the activation, equipping, and formulation of doctrine for the employ­
ment of cargo helicopter units.
The outbreak of the Korean conflict resulted in quick action in the development of the
helicopter program. Provision was made for five Army helicopter transport companies in the
Emergency Supplemental Budget for fiscal year 1951. In order to organize such units as soon
as practicable and to gain combat experience in Korea, OCAFF was instructed on 9 August 1950
to undertake the early activation and training of four of the five units. These four companies
were to be equipped with the H-19 CHICKASAW helicopter. The fifth company was planned
to be organized in the latter part of fiscal year 1951 and would be equipped with H-21
WORKHORSE helicopters which were expected to become available in the fall of 1951.

Chapter ill


Army aviation in 1952 entered on a period of rapid expansion and change. After numerous
delays and difficulties, the first helicopter companies were organized, trained, and deployed. At
the same time, the entire aviation program underwent extensive review which resulted in a
significant expansion of the program. By the end of 1954, the aviation program had taken the
form which it was to retain until the development of the airmobility concept in the 1960s.

Helicopter Units
Unit Activations
The Army Field Forces in June 1952 revised its plan for the activation of twelve helicopter
ambulance detachments. Two units, the 37th and the 53d, were activated in July, earlier than
planned, in order to establish requirements for personnel and equipment The remaining ten
detachments also were to be activated sooner than scheduled. Only the 53d was to remain in the
continental United States for general use.'
Early in 1952, the XVIII Airborne Corps recommended to OCAFF that a helicopter company
be activated at Fort Bragg and attached to the corps. It was the opinion of the corps that the
establishment of tactics, techniques, and doctrine concerning the tactical employment of the
helicopter could be accomplished only by placing a helicopter unit at the disposal of tactical field
units. Despite the recommendations of XVIII Airborne Corps and Third Army, OCAFF
recommended that for the time being all transportation helicopter companies should be activated
and initially trained at Fort Sill or a helicopter training school. Units would then be moved to a
division station to complete their unit training. The Fort Bragg-Camp Mackall area was, in the
opinion of OCAPF, a suitable station because of the presence of a division and also the
availability of suitable facilities. The Department of the Army in May 1952 approved the
recommendation of OCAPF that all transportation helicopter companies be activated at Fort Sill.
A total of three companies in addition to the 6th and 13th Transportation Helicopter Companies
had been programed for activation at Fort Sill during fiscal year 1953. The Department of the
Army anticipated that the 6th Transportation Helicopter Company would be deployed overseas
upon completion of unit training, which it hoped would be under a tactical unit. In order to

Chapter IV


During the 1950s, research and development efforts and the resulting procurement programs
had a major impact on the Army Aviation Program. The fixed wing aircraft industry was well
established and had an extensive research and development background. The Army therefore
was able to rely principally on user tests and modifications of commercial types to meet its
requirements. Helicopters, however, were still in a relatively primitive state of development and
lacked a significant civilian market. For this reason, helicopter development, particularly of the
larger transport types, was heavily dependent on military sponsorship. Prior to 1952 most of this
support had been provided by the Air Force and the Navy. Army financial support to rotary wing
development had been limited to convertiplanes, small reconnaissance helicopters, and certain
power plant and supporting research projects. With the rapid expansion of requirements during
the Korean conflict, the Army had procured the best available helicopters, relying on future
developments to provide more suitable types.'

Early Procurement Activities

The 5-year period between the end of World War II and the beginning of the war in Korea
was a time of recession for Army aviation. The number of aircraft organic to the Army dwindled
considerably by 1948 and many of those aircraft which remained were obsolete. Plans to
completely replace the L-4 and the L-5 with the L-16 and the L-17 liaison aircraft were held in
abeyance and a number of the obsolete aircraft were stored at Fort Sill and not declared surplus
to the needs of the Army in view of possible future requirements.
At the beginning of the war in Korea, the Army had over 500 2-place fixed wing aircraft, 143
multiple passenger fixed wing aircraft, and 57 utility helicopters; by the end of the first year of
the war the overall strength of the Army's air arm had increased by one- fourth. The most notable
expansion occurred with the introduction of the utility helicopter. The growth in the number of
Army aircraft is as follows:
TYPE 6/50 6/51 6/52 12/52
Two-place fixed wing 525 843 1451 1534
Multi-passenger fixed wing 143 165 271 320
Utility helicopter 57 86 320 647
Cargo Helicopter o o I 72
TOTAL 725 1094 2043 2573

Chapter V


Following World War II, Army aviation, which up to that time had consisted only of organic
air observation for field artillery, was expanded to various other arms. In some cases, as in
separate battalions and regiments, the aircraft and men were made organic to the unit. In the
infantry and armored divisions, all aircraft and crews serving units other than artillery were
included in the division headquarters company. From 1945 to 1950, the allotment of Army
aircraft changed very little. With the outbreak of war in Korea, the expansion of aviation
organization at every level of command, from the Army Field Forces down to the smallest
medical service helicopter ambulance detachment, occurred very rapidly, causing constant
study, review, and change in the allotment of equipment and personnel.
Army Field Forces, the General Staff, and the Transportation Corps worked closely in the
planning and monitoring of the activation, training, and employment of the experimental cargo
helicopter companies. This work increased in importance with the adoption of the twelve cargo
helicopter battalion program. The Transportation Corps assumed similar functions pertaining to
the Army aircraft maintenance units transferred to it from the Ordnance Corps.

Army Field Forces

The Chief of Army Field Forces had overall responsibility for the organization and training
of Army aviation as it pertained to the Army in the field. Early in 1950, the G-3 Section of Army
Field Forces was the operating agency having general staff responsibility for training, with the
G-4 Section responsible for those matters pertaining to logistics. Within the G-3 Section,
responsibility for aviation training at the end of calendar year 1950 was divided between the Air
and Airborne Branch of the Joint Training Maneuvers and Special Projects Division and the
Army Aviation Branch of the Combined Arms Training Division.
Virtually no change occurred in the aviation organization within Army Field Forces from
1950 to 1952. On 20 March 1952, a revised version of Army Regulations 95-5, governing Army
aviation, was issued. Through the provisions of this regulation the Chief of Army Field Forces
exercised general direction, supervision, and coordination over matters pertaining to the training
of Army aviation personnel, Army Aviation Sections, and Army aviation units utilized by the

Chapter VI


The outbreak of the war in Korea imposed an immediate requirement for the expansion of
aviator and mechanic training. The Department of the Army increased the authorized over­
strength of Army aviators from 50 to 100 percent, began the activation of helicopter transporta­
tion companies, and started calling up Reserve Component units. In addition, a standing
requirement for twelve replacement pilots each month was established for the Far East Com­
mand. The recent transfer of 200 airplane and engine mechanics to light maintenance units had
left tactical units short of qualified mechanics. The activation of the helicopter transportation
companies and other new units would further increase the requirements for mechanics.

The Impact of the Korean Conflict

Even before the Korean conflict, the Department of the Army had asked the Air Force to
increase the class capacity of the Army liaison pilot course from forty to sixty students, but the
Air Force stated that no aircraft were available to meet that requirement. Possible solutions to
the training problem included the purchase of Piper PA-19 aircraft for training and utilization of
civilian contractors, as had been done during World War II. The utilization of civilian contrac­
tors seemed to be the best solution to the OCAFF G-3, as it would eliminate problems of men
and equipment.
The general feeling within the Department of the Army was that the Army could handle its
own training program. In August 1950, the OCAFF G-3 Section recommended that the Army
begin conducting all aviation personnel training and phase out Air Force training as early as
practicable. An Army training plan would be developed, the Air Force would be advised of the
proposed action, and plans would be made to phase out Air Force training and to withdraw Army
equipment then being used by the Air Force.!
The OCAFF G-3 calculated that at that time there was an immediate requirement for training
approximately 919 Army aviators to meet Regular Army needs alone-a 144 annual require­
ment in the Far East Command, 200 for helicopter transportation companies, and 575 to build
up to authorized strength. In addition, the National Guard Bureau had a requirement for 200
Army aviators per year, and the Organized Reserve Corps was short aviators. Although

Chapter VII


Army Field Forces had proposed even before the outbreak of the Korean conflict that the
Army assume the complete training of Army aviators. In late July 1950, OCAFF broadened its
proposal to include the training of aviators, helicopter pilots, airplane and engine mechanics, and
rotary wing mechanics at the Artillery School.
In August, General Clark wrote to the Chief of Staff of the Army regarding the necessity for
immediate expansion of training facilities for Army aviation personnel. He pointed out that the
Department of the Army was responsible for training which was peculiar to the Army, but did
not have direct control over the primary flight training and mechanic training then being
conducted for it by the Air Force. The training of Army personnel was of primary importance to
the Army, but was only of tertiary importance to the Air Force. The best training equipment and
facilities and the best instructors were utilized within the Air Force for other purposes. General
Clark pointed out the savings which would result from the consolidation of all training under
Army jurisdiction and requested that the phasing out of Air Force training be studied. The
opposition of the Air Force to any plan to expand Army aviation prevented action from being
taken on this this proposal at the time.'

Planning for Expansion

Despite the Air Force opposition, the Army continued to consider the question of consolidat­
ing all aviation training. In the following months, the rapid expansion of Army aviation in
response to the requirements of the war emphasized the need for such a consolidation. In October
1951, the Army Field Forces prepared a study to determine the best method to expand existing
facilities for the training of aviation personnel to meet current and anticipated requirements. It
pointed out that in the past few months the student load in aviation'courses at the Artillery School
had increased from a peak of 45 in residence to 378-a jump of 800 percent. This load was
designed to provide an output of approximately 1,200 per year. If fiscal year 1952 requirements
proposed by the Department of the Army were to be met, the output would be doubled, and the
student load would increase accordingly. Transfer of training responsibilities from the Air
Force, as had been proposed in August 1950, would more than triple the training load for fiscal



The development of Army aviation between 1955 and 1%2 must be viewed against the
general background of national defense policy during that period. The late 1950s were in many
ways a time of uncertainty and difficulty for the Army. Following the end of the Korean conflict
came a series of strategic decisions known collectively as the New Look. The basic premise of
this new strategic policy was defined by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in his massive
retaliation speech in January 1954.
The keystone of this doctrine was the threat of the use of nuclear force and the selected use
of weapons tailored to United States strategy rather than to moves or presumed intent of the
enemy. This strategy was based on the belief that the threat of the use of nuclear weapons against
an enemy's homeland or his armed forces could substitute for military manpower. Working
from this hypothesis, the United States placed greater reliance on strategic nuclear air power and
de-emphasized land, naval, and tactical air forces. For the Army, this policy meant that both
men and money would be hard to come by for the development of any new missions
or tactical concepts.
General Matthew B. Ridgway, the Chief of Staff of the Army, strongly opposed the New
Look. He believed that whether nuclear weapons were used or not, it was the ground soldier
who must finall y achieve victory. General Ridgway realized, however, that the Army which had
fought in World War II and Korea could not meet the challenge of the prospective nuclear
battlefield. One solution for the Army to the problem created by the atomic age appeared to be
a greater use of air power.
General Ridgway believed that if the Army was to become a streamlined, hard-hitting force,
as many elements as possible must be transportable by air, both between continents and on the
battlefield. Fixed land lines of communication and huge supply dumps would probably no
longer be possible. More than ever before, aircraft would have to provide the means of troop
transport, resupply, evacuation, and communications.
Of great concern to General Ridgway was the failure of the United States Air Force to make
adequate provision for the future requirements of the Army. With the New Look, the Air Force
devoted most of its attention to the formation of a strategic bomber force supported by high

Chapter IX


Since its beginning, organizational responsibility for Army aviation had been badly frag­
mented at all levels of command. With the rapid growth of Army aviation following the end of
the Korean War, a better organizational structure emerged. The key element in this reorganiza­
tion was the approval by the Chief of Staff of the Army in January 1955 of the establishment of
an aviation division in the Department of the Army G-3 for overall staff supervision. The
Director of Army Aviation in G-3 became the focal point of all Department of the Army actions
relating to the program. Army aviator assignment authority was also centralized in the Depart­
ment of the Army G-l.
At the CONARC level, most of the functions related to Army aviation were drawn together
into an Army Aviation Section in the special staff in October 1956. The Army Aviation Center,
including an aviation test board, was established at Fort Rucker in February 1955. Of vital
importance to the growth of Army aviation was the assumption by the Army of depot main­
tenance and supply responsibilities and certain changes in procurement control procedures.'
A significant expansion of Transportation Corps activities in regard to Army aviation also
took place. The assumption of depot responsibility from the Air Force led to the establishment
by the Transportation Corps of an extensive aviation maintenance and supply system. Manage­
ment of this system was centralized in the Transportation Supply and Maintenance Command at
St. Louis. The Transportation Corps also had a number of other field agencies which were
devoted to varying degrees to different aspects of aviation transportation.
The expanding tactical use of Army aviation was reflected in the organization of the combat
field elements of the Army. As the Army division evolved from the triangular organization of
World War II and Korea to the AFTA concept, the PENTOMIC divisions, and finally the ROAD
divisions, the aviation component in the division structure steadily increased. In addition to the
aviation expansion in division organizations, new separate Army aviation units were developed
in response to equipment improvements and new concepts in the employment of aviation.



The potential of the helicopter to provide the ground combat soldier additional mobility had
long been recognized. During the Korean War the first attempts to use airmobility had been
made mainly by the Marines, but the limited number of helicopters and their technical limitations
had prevented any conclusive demonstration. As helicopter units became available to the Army,
their use was included in field exercises. The first attempts to move units as such were made
during Exercises SNOWSTORM in March 1953 and FLASHBURN in April and May 1954. 1
These exercises proved inconclusive. Strong Air Force opposition to troop transport by Army
aircraft further delayed the development of airmobile doctrine. It was apparent that successful
airmobile operations required the use of armed helicopters. The arming of helicopters had been
proposed in World War II and various attempts had been made during the Korean conflict. The
development of a suitable helicopter-the UH-I-and the successful efforts to develop an aerial
weapons system laid the foundation of Army airmobility.

Weapons System Development

The Army's interest in arming helicopters and other light aircraft after the Korean War was
originally limited to the development of a flying tank destroyer. On 1 February 1955, the
Department of the Army requested that CONARC conduct necessary tests to determine the
desirability and the feasibility of employing Army aircraft as tank destroyers. The tests were to
establish requirements, doctrine, tactics, and techniques which, on confirmation of requirements
and feasibility, would lead to the establishment of military characteristics for aircraft more
suitable than those presently available to the Army. It was envisioned that these armed light
aircraft would be organized into Army Aviation Attack Companies operating in direct support
of regimental combat teams and combat commands. Operating against enemy armor, the attack
companies were to deliver aerial armaments in a minimum time following a request for support.
CONARC, on 15 April, directed the Army Aviation School to conduct tests, designated
Project ABLE BUSTER, during the period 15 April-l July, to determine the desirability and
practicability of the concept so that a decision as to the requirement for subsequent testing could

Chapter XI


At the same time that weapons systems were being developed for the armed helicopter,
experiments were conducted on airmobile tactical organization and doctrine. These two fields
of development were closely interrelated and led eventually to the Army's airmobility concept.

Development of the Air Cavalry Concept

In April 1954, Maj. Gen. James M. Gavin, the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, Department of
the Army, published an article entitled "Cavalry, and I Don't Mean Horses," which was to have
a profound impact on military thinking during the next few years. General Gavin stated that
armor was not sufficiently mobile to properly execute the missions historically associated with
cavalry. With the introduction of atomic weapons, it was apparent that armies in the future
would have to be deployed over a much larger area and that cavalry screening operations would
have to be conducted over much greater distances with much greater rapidity.
To achieve the mobility required on the modem battlefield, General Gavin advocated a new
type of cavalry: "I mean helicopters and light aircraft, to lift soldiers armed with automatic
weapons and hand-carried antitank weapons, and also lightweight reconnaissance vehicles,
mounting antitank weapons the equal (or better) of the Russian T·34s." General Gavin con­
cluded, "Today, even the most casual awareness of the historical lesson should suggest that in
ground combat the mobility differential we lack will be found in the air vehicle. Fully combined
with the armored division, it would give us real mobility and momentum."!
Maj. Gen. Hamilton H. Howze became the apostle of this new doctrine after he assumed the
position of Director of Army Aviation in early 1956. Speaking before the convention of the
Association of the United States Army that year he summarized the following functions of Army
aviation in providing aerial mobility as follows: observation; rapid movement of troops and
equipment; movement of critical supplies; air mobility for ground reconnaissance-the Sky
Cavalry concept; command, control, and liaison; and battlefield casualty cvacuation.t
By the following year, General Howze was ready to go beyond this somewhat conventional
view of the functions of Army aviation. He believed that the use of light aircraft should have a



The final link in the development of airmobile capability was the provision of suitable aircraft.
In 1957, General Howze wrote, "We expect improvement in our aircraft. While what we have
are now very useful, we need aircraft that are simpler and easier to maintain, with greater
capacities, better performance, and a greater ability to land and take off from very small
unimproved fields." I
Two years later, Brig. Gen. Clifton F. Von Kann, the Director of Army Aviation, said, "Our
goal in the immediate future is to simplify the models and types of Army aircraft to a minimum
in order to reduce their cost of procurement, operation. and especially maintenance.,,2 General
Von Kann went on to say that the Army had a requirement for new light observation aircraft­
3.000 aircraft by 197Q--and a flying crane. In 1959, the Army had about 5.000 aircraft with a
requirement for 6,500. Of this inventory, 68 percent were in the light observation area. General
Von Kann believed that the aviation budget must be increased at least threefold to make sure the
Army increased its mobility potential rather than experience a steady decline.
Many of the aircraft and equipment developments which took place between 1955 and 1962
have been described in the preceding chapters. The successful implementation of the ainnobility
concept required much more sophisticated aircraft than were in service in 1955. The introduc­
tion of the XG-40 helicopter-subsequently redesignated the UH-l-eventually proved to be
the key element in making real airmobility possible. Late in the period. the development of the
HC-l CHINOOK helicopter and the AC-l CARIBOU fixed wing transport further expanded the
Army's ability to move significant forces by air within the combat zone. The search for an
adequate reconnaissance aircraft produced the AO-l MOHAWK. and testing was well under­
way to choose a new light observation helicopter. Army aircraft during this period are shown in
Table 2.

u.s. Army Aviation Board

The Army Aviation Division of Army Ground Forces Board No.1 had been established in
1945 at Fort Bragg. To facilitate coordination and interchange of ideas. the division-by then
known as the Army Aviation Service Test Division-in June 1954 was transferred toFort



The Army had developed a finn foundation for its aviation training with the establishment of
the United States Army Aviation School at Fort Rucker. As 1955 began, the most aggravating
training problem was the continued sharing of Army aviation with the Air Force. The efforts to
consolidate all training under Army control bore fruit during the next two years. At the same
time, the Army Aviation School continued to grow, and new unit training commands
were established.

Transfer of Training from the Air Force

Early Interest in Training Consolidation
Attempts had been made to consolidate all Army aviation training under Army control since
before the Korean conflict. Financial problems and Air Force reluctance to transfer the respon­
sibility had aborted the effort of early 1954. In November, the Secretary of the Army noted in
a memo to the Secretary of Defense that the increased Army use of helicopters and fixed wing
aircraft made it essential to maintain maximum efficiency and flexibility in the training of Army
personnel. The Army was convinced that by managing all aviation training, its personnel would
be better utilized and more responsive to special needs. The Secretary of the Army therefore
urged that the Secretary of Defense transfer to the Army the primary pilot and mechanic training
of aviation personnel then being conducted by the Air Force at Gary Air Force Base.
The Secretary of the Army presented two possible solutions. The Army could use
contractor-furnished facilities for primary fixed wing training and for primary helicopter train­
ing, thus freeing Gary Air Force Base for Air Force use. Or, as an alternative, Gary Air Force
Base could be transferred to the Army for primary helicopter and fixed wing training if the Air
Force had no other requirements for the base. Either solution provided full utilization of existing
facilities without duplication.
Because the Air Force successfully contracted with civilian flying schools for all primary pilot
training of Air Force pilots, the Secretary of the Army believed that contract training was
economical and effective. If full responsibility for Army aviation training were assigned to the

Chapter XIV


Prior to 1955, the responsibility for supply and maintenance of Army aircraft was split
between the Department of the Army and the Department of the Air Force. The Army was
responsible for field maintenance of aircraft, computation of requirements, and funding for spare
parts. The Air Force was responsible for depot storage of aircraft and parts, and for major
overhaul maintenance. Because of this dual responsibility in a single logistics area, the Army
encountered several major problems which retarded proper support for Army aircraft. The lack
of adequate and timely stock status information required the Department of the Army to employ
an excessive administrative lead time in computing its anticipated requirements for replenish­
ment procurement. The nonavailability of inventory status reports made it impossible to
integrate properly the stocks on hand with requirements for provisioning spare parts support for
new aircraft coming into the system.
Another problem was the lack of issue experience and clear delineation between recurring and
nonrecurring issues that prohibited proper budgeting for procurement of aircraft parts returned
to Air Force depots from Army installations for rebuild. The excessive administrative lead time
between the critical supply situations at the depots and the reporting of such situations to the
Army agency competent to take corrective supply action resulted in additional difficulties.
There was no worldwide inventory report including quantities of available Army supplies in
overseas depots due to the lack of information from Air Force reports.
The Army maintenance concepts contained three echelons of maintenance-organizational,
field, and depot-located separately, while the Air Force, although recognizing these three
echelons, merged organizational and field maintenance at base shops. This dissimilarity in the
two maintenance systems caused difficulty in computing allowable lots of parts, technical order
compliance requirements for deport maintenance of parts, and funding for spare parts consump­
tion. The division of responsibility for aircraft maintenance and budgeting made it impossible
to develop reliable operational and cost accounts on the effectiveness and efficiency of Army
aircraft maintenance.'



Army aviation, as it is known today, has undergone a significant metamorphosis since its
inception in World War II. Its origins lie in the reconnaissance mission of the field artillery.
Field artillerymen, flying small fixed wing aircraft, established and validated the aviation
mission approved in June 1942. Since that time, Army aviation has made its mark under the
watchful eye of at least two Army branches and a sister service.
The National Security Act of 1947 separated the Air Force from the Army and formally
established Army aviation as a separate entity. Separate, however, was not equal, and Army
aviation shared an uneasy airspace with the developing Air Force. For instance, while the Air
Force provided primary fixed and rotary wing training for Army pilots, for many years advanced
training was conducted by the U.S. Army Department of Air Training at the Artillery School at
Fort Sill.
The separation of the Army and the Air Force naturally caused considerable organizational
flux, and both services spent time and effort attending the accompanying changes. The role of
Army aviation was of paramount interest to both. Joint Army and Air Force Regulation 5-10-1,
published in 1949, set forth the utilization criteria for Army aircraft and imposed weight
limitations on both fixed and rotary wing Army aircraft. Publication of AR 700-50 and AFR 65-7
on 23 March 1950 confirmed that basic understanding and officially assigned the major
responsibility for logistical support of Army aviation to the Ordnance Corps.
The procedures and responsibilities contained in the Joint Army and Air Force regulations
were the subject of continual discussions from the date of publication. The basic problem
stemmed from the two services' divergent views on close air support. By 1951, discussions of
the function and role of Army aircraft had reached the highest administrative levels of the two
services. As a result of these discussions, on 2 October 1951, a special Memorandum of
Understanding was signed which eliminated the aircraft weight limitations and substituted a
definition of organic Army aircraft in terms of the functions to be performed.
The need for further clarification of Army and Air Force viewpoints on Army aviation,
particularly regarding helicopters, required additional consideration and discussion at the
Department level. The discussions, which began in November 1951 and continued throughout


AAOD Army AviationOperating Detachment

AATRI Army Air Traffic Regulation and Identification
AAUTC Army AviationUnit Training Command
ACofS AssistantChief of Staff
AGF Army Ground Forces
AR ArmyRegulation
ARST Aerial Reconnaissance and SurveillanceUnit
ASR Army Study Requirement
ATFA AtomicField Army
ATP Army TrainingProgram
CDEC Combat DevelopmentExperimentation Center
CON ARC Continental Army Command
CONUS ContinentalUnited States
CORG Combat OperationsResearch Group
DA Departmentof the Army
DCSLOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
DCSOPS Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
DCSPER Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FASCOM Field Army SupportCommand
FECOM Far East Command
FM Field Manual
FOC Flight OperationsCenter
FW Fixed Wing
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
LASSO Light AviationSpecial Support Operations
MASL Master AuthorizedStockageList
MCA MilitaryConstruction Army
MOMAR Modem Mobile Army
MOS MilitaryOccupational Specialty
OCAFF Office of the Chief of Army Field Forces


Tables and Charts

TABLE 1 Fixed Wing Aircraft 1942-1962
2 Rotary Wing Aircraft 1942-1962
3 Convertiplanes and Vertical Lift Vehicles 1953-1962
4 Army Aviation School Courses
5 Army Aviation School Maintenance Courses
6 Transportation School Maintenance Courses

CHART I Headquarters, CONARC I February 1955

2 Headquarters, CONARC to October 1957
3 Headquarters, CONARC 1 January 1959
4 Aviation in the ROAD Division
5 United States Army Aviation School
6 Army Aviation Organization

Directors of Army Aviation

Maj Gcn Hamilton H. Howze 1 January 1956 - 15 December 1957
Maj Gen Ernest F. Easterbrook 16 December 1957 - 9 December 1958
Maj Gen Clifton F. van Kann 20 July 1959 - 16 October 1961
Maj Gen Dclk M. Oden 17 October 1961 - 10 March 1963

Pictoral Display of Army Aircraft


Adams, Paul D., 105

Army Aircraft Requirements Review

Aerial evacuation, 29-33, 50-52, 66, 67,

Board, 115-119

Army Airplane Mechanic Course, 96, 228

Aerial gunnery, 239

Army Aviation Battalion, 147-148

AFF Helicopter Pilot Course, 12, 13,79,

Army Aviation Board, 106, 151,167,176,


AGF Air Training School, 11

Army Aviation Center, 104, 105. 129,

Air cavalry, 115, 118, 119, 163, 181


Air cavalry combat brigade, 193

Army Aviation Corps, 63, 65

Air Force Helicopter School, 12

Army Aviation Depot Plan, 249-252, 256

Air Mechanic Course, 12

Army Aviation Electronics Program, 154

Air observers, 174

Army Aviation Flight Safety Board, 137­

Air Service, 3

Army Aviation Instrument Course, 86, 96

Air traffic operations, 150-152

Army Aviation Plan, 41- 44,104-109,234

Air Training Command, 81, 228

Army Aviation Program, 119, 120

Air Training Department, 79, 82, 86, 93,

Army Aviation Safety Program, 136

Air Training Detachment, 7

Army Aviation School, 35, 78, 80, 86, 89­
101, 122, 123, 137, 140, 142, 152, 155,

Aircraft Accident Review Board, 137


Aircraft Armaments, Inc., 220


Aircraft Maintenance Officer Course, 261


Aircraft strength, 47, 62

Army Aviation Starr Officers Course, 238

Airmobility, 159, 181-196

Army Aviation Tactics Course, 85, 86,

Airplane and Engine Mechanic Course,


Army Aviation Test Board, 200

Antiaircraft Command, 5
Army Aviation Training Program, 119

Armair Brigade, 190-193

Army Aviation transport company, 67, 70

Armor Association, 164

Army Aviation Unit Training Com­
Army Air Corps, 3,4 mands, 29, 231,233-234,240

Army Air Forces Liaison Pilot Course,

Army Board for Aviation Accident Re­


Army Airborne Center, 16

Army Field Forces Board No.1, 18-19,


Army Aircraft Maintenance Program,

Army General School, 91

Army Ground Forces Pilot Course, 12

Richard P. Weinert, Jr.
Mr, Rich ~rd P. weinert, Jr., who enlered fede ral servtce in 19~8 with tile National
An:hivcs, served a.~ a mili lary hi~ lor; an with !he United Slalcs Anny from 1963 W1tU hili
retire menlln 19RR, li e was born tn mtroe. and completed a bacc.ala\l~al C dcgrt:IC in
ime rnal;onal relati(lfll' al tbe U(l; vc ~ily of florid a and a ml"lcr's degree in hiAOr)' II
American Univenity. tic served as a histOrian In Lhe Offiox of !he Chief o f Military'
Hislory, Dcpanmcnl of the Anny and in ue H i~lO ri c;ll Oll"ou:o f !he U. S. Con.il'lO.'fll.al
Ann)' Command.then from 1973. as Deput y Olicf Hislori/lllof!he U. S. A nny T rn ning
:wld OocLrincCommand , IIc ;s !he amhor of DqrNie,qlhr CheJiJfJC6U; The Swry q
f'"" Mm" M . and the fnnhmm·
ing Thf C,mftdtrau Rrgwlar
Army. and lhiny joumrd anid e.~
nn ('jvi l War and cuer hislori ciil
lnpi c ~ , Mr. wene n ha.\ .... nnen

II L'lnrieal mOfl(lg~phs nn the

Arm y's v-emem bcucup Ind
reser ve m ubiH lI tl o n and
numerous MUd'C5 of Arm y train­
lnlt. A member oheveriil pro fei'
siunal 0tltanll at lon li. he se.....es
o n the Blnrd o f Di Il:C!(Il'$ of the
C('IUno;il on AmericlI' l Milil.ll l)'
PU I. In addil lon 10 prufcs doml
and Department of the Army
com mendati<lllS, he has n:«IVed
the Mon ca d o a nd O ond o .
a ,,'ar dl from the Ame ri c an
Milital'}' t....t;tu!e

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