The Connected Vehicle: Big Data, Big Opportunities: White Paper
The Connected Vehicle: Big Data, Big Opportunities: White Paper
The Connected Vehicle: Big Data, Big Opportunities: White Paper
Infotainment ....................................................................... 5
The opportunities from analyzing connected car data are Predictive analytics and optimization engines account for real-
numerous. We’ve arranged them into six categories, shown time feedback from clients while using historical purchase
in Figure 1. Now let’s explore these opportunities to use
connected car data to achieve new levels of customer loyalty,
efficient operation and revenue growth.
Market of one
Transforming the At Maruti Suzuki, Rajesh Uppal is Executive Director
customer experience of IT and CIO of the Information Technology
Division. He says that Maruti Suzuki decided to
Automakers have long understood how providing good experi- “Market to One,” where each of its 10 million
ences helps build affinity, trust and loyalty with their customers.
customers gets the individualized attention they
Personalized experiences through the web and call-center inter-
deserve. This approach has contributed to nearly
actions have brought great returns for a number of automakers.
3 percent growth in just seven months.
Now, the connected vehicle creates new opportunities to Learn more about their story.
expand these investments and deliver richer, more compelling
value propositions, turning their customers into advocates.
data, service history and interactions with the brand over time making money is balanced in favor of the service provider. But
across multiple channels to provide the most relevant and it’s a delicate balance that can easily leave a company’s ledgers
effective offer. in the red.
Imagine the opportunities to use real-time data from the A leading industrial manufacturer is using the Internet to monitor
vehicle. Complex analytical models running in the cloud or even equipment status, alerting the company to situations that drive
on board the vehicle can predict service events and notify the failures and costs. Understanding the variation and cost drivers
driver. In real time, drivers could be notified of an impending under certain operating conditions allows them to optimize
issue, in a safe and non-distracting way – and be directed to the contracts that are more competitive, yet remain profitable.
nearest dealership with an available service bay and parts in
stock – all for the convenience of the customer.
On-the-road diagnostics
Quality and reliability A leading heavy-truck maker wanted its transporta-
Quality has long been an element of competitiveness in the tion and logistics customers to experience zero
automotive industry. Today’s social media oriented world has downtime.
shifted power to the consumer and has raised the profile of
quality. Now quality is a key element – if not the key element – Its pilot project has proven successful at predicting
to building a strong brand reputation and customer loyalty. component failures up to 30 days in advance.
But no matter how good the manufacturing process, automo- What’s more, once its engineers had access to the
biles are complex machines, and issues are often uncovered telematics data, they had a revelation. They found
out in the field. It is critical that car companies find these issues three areas they could improve significantly:
quickly, prioritize them among other issues and resolve them
quickly to minimize the number of affected customers. In this On-road diagnosis
way, they reduce warranty costs and protect brand equity. • Reduced warranty cost 50 percent per repair.
• Reduced diagnostic time 70 percent per repair.
Warranty analytics has proven to be effective at identifying
emerging issues several months faster than traditional warranty • Increased customer uptime by 10 percent per
processes. Knowing the problem exists puts you on the road to repair.
success faster.
Campaign reduction
Volvo Truck is doing exactly that, and more. It strives to provide • Reduced disruption of customer operations by
service and maintenance before a breakdown. Downtime is a 25 percent.
killer for freight and logistics companies, so Volvo has adopted
• Reduced warranty cost of the software update by
an analytical solution to anticipate breakdowns and other
incidents and speed up repairs when necessary. 25 percent.
Volvo monitors quality and product warranties, analyzing more Predictive maintenance
than 100 parameters to predict the wear on a component, • Address critical repairs before failure occurs.
identify abnormal events and speed up the diagnostics of
• Increased uptime by 30 percent.
incidents affecting the vehicle.
• Accelerated root-cause analysis by 25 percent.
Service contracts often follow a one-size-fits-all model. The idea
Watch the video.
is that on average the risk of losing money or opportunity for
Location-based services
Point A to Point B. The whole purpose of a car or truck is to Location-based services:
move people and goods from one place to another. Whether
what’s analytics’ role?
it’s a mom trying to get her daughter to the soccer match or the
truck driver on a tight deadline to deliver her cargo, there are Most of us are familiar with graphs and reports that
many things they must consider and balance: show trends, ratios and rankings, such as line charts,
pie charts and Pareto charts. While this information
• Current location.
is useful in telling us what happened, it falls short of
• Destination.
telling us why it happened. And if you don’t know
• Schedule and timing. why something happened, you haven’t a clue of
• Traffic. what might happen next. So you are left to use intu-
• Construction. ition, deductive reasoning and past experiences
• Parking. – aka your gut – to make decisions about the future.
• Fuel level. Analytics will bridge that gap. It reveals correlations
• Driver routing preferences. and causations. It uses sophisticated math and
statistics to accurately forecast and predict what is
By using a partner ecosystem, many clients are extending that
most likely to happen. And it allows you to interject
experience beyond the vehicle to provide location-based offers.
your domain knowledge to assess unprecedented
The range of improvements to the driving experience through
what-if scenarios.
greater awareness of traffic, weather, parking, gas and charging
station locations are just the beginning of what will be possible In short, analytics lets you visualize location data to
in the future. provide insights that improve all aspects of your
Who wouldn’t want a discount on their favorite cup of coffee in
the morning driven by analytics and location?
Dealer services
Dealers are typically the only direct connection a consumer Streamlined procedures
will have with a brand. But even though dealers are indepen-
Earlier, we learned about a truck maker who is
dent businesses, consumers typically don’t draw a distinction
using telematics data to improve the performance
between dealer and brand. From their view the dealer, the
brand and the manufacturer are all the same. Connected
and reliability of its trucks, and improving the
cars and big data offer new opportunities for the OEM customer experience along the way.
and dealers to work together to provide the highest-level
While engineers were diagnosing emerging issues
customer service possible.
and rationalizing campaign candidates, they found
something else. Prior to seeing the telematics data,
Parts and services planning and optimization is a long-standing
challenge that OEMs and dealers have faced as they to strive to
they issued instructions for complicated and labo-
have the right part, in the right place, when the vehicle needs rious diagnostic procedures at the dealership due
repair. The connected car enables enormous opportunity to to the component system’s complexity.
revolutionize the service process and the customer experience.
Since the truck’s trouble codes could be analyzed in
advance, the procedures at the dealership could be
Remote diagnostics can assess when a service or repair is
needed. Then, through similarity analysis, the data pattern can
streamlined, shortening the visit and getting the
be compared to known issues, the needed parts identified, and truck back on the road sooner.
the closest (or preferred) dealer notified. When the customer
More efficient dealers and happier customers, all
arrives for his appointment, the technician with the right skills
through analytics.
is available, with the right parts to fix it fast and minimize any
inconvenience for the customer.
Infotainment This is just the beginning. While the opportunities evolve, one
thing is clear – analytics will be the foundation of providing
The average American commutes to work more than 25 unique and personalized experiences to drivers and passen-
minutes each way. However, in many communities, particularly gers to enrich their use of apps and technology. Analytics can
more densely populated areas, drivers can have commute times assess disparate data sources to understand the correlations
of more than an hour. Add in transporting the kids to activities, and patterns, then determine the next-best offer, in real time.
running errands and the annual family trip, and the tally quickly
rises to thousands of hours per year sitting behind the wheel.
Now, you can connect almost any digital device that plays audio Weve, part of O2, is a leading UK provider of
to your car’s infotainment (information + entertainment) system. mobile marketing and commerce. It combines and
And what parent hasn’t expressed thanks for built-in movie analyzes real-time data streams from 17 million
players that have brought peace and quiet to backseats all over mobile users for intelligent messaging and mobile
the world? commerce campaigns. Location data, along with
purchase history, daily routines and social data that
Mobile Wi-Fi connectivity is quickly becoming commonplace
users make public are used for:
and has brought streaming services for news and entertain-
ment into the car. Much like media and mobile companies are • Intelligent messaging.
analyzing consumption of content to understand and predict
• Targeted offers.
customer needs, in-car infotainment holds similar opportunities
to monetize usage data. • Mobile payments.
Pair the infotainment data with vehicle data – location, length of Read the story.
average trip, miles driven per week, number of passengers,
date, day of the week, etc. – and opportunities to provide richer,
more fulfilling experiences in (and out of) the vehicle become
possible (and profitable). Here are some ways to capitalize on
that data:
The driving experience factors could affect whether you are more or less likely to have
an accident under icy conditions. Analytics could assess all of
Programmable seats, preset radio stations, driver information the related factors, assess your risk and prompt you to take
centers, heads-up displays, adaptive cruise, lane departure action to reduce it.
notification – today’s cars are filled with technology aimed to
personalize the experience and help drivers operate their The problem is that the world is too unpredictable to account
cars more safely. All of these are wonderful, necessary innova- for every scenario and every factor. Analytics can help detect
tions. But they are either predetermined or need to be actively new patterns and offer a best decision or outcome.
managed in order to be personalized.
But what if the car learned the driver’s preferences? You like to
listen to the news in the morning to be informed on the way Saving lives
to work and classical music on the way home to relax. You take
more risks during the week commuting, and are more safety- More than 3,000 people die on the world’s roads
conscious on the weekends, or when the kids are in the car. daily. Israel decided to do something about it.
Most Fridays you take a detour on the way to work to meet a It commissioned a study to investigate the effec-
friend at the coffee shop. tiveness of a collision avoidance system (CAS) – an
auto-safety system designed to reduce accidents.
These patterns, and even more complex patterns, can be CAS uses radar, lasers and camera systems to
revealed through analytics and a new experience provided for detect imminent crashes. The system either warns
the driver. One that adapts to the driver’s needs. the driver or acts on its own to brake or steer
(or both) to avoid a collision.
So now, when the driver gets behind the wheel go to work on
Friday, the radio is set to public radio, the transmission is set to The results were startling:
sport mode and the navigation system warns her of an accident
• Insurance claims dropped by nearly 44 percent.
along the normal route and recommends an alternate to get to
the coffee shop on time. • Insurers could reduce the price of insurance for
CAS-equipped vehicles by up to 15 percent.
While providing a unique experience can make driving more
enjoyable, the priority is keeping the driver and passenger safe.
What if the navigation system could assess the accident risk for
your route and guide you to a safer path or alert you to be extra
cautious – or maybe adjust the onboard accident-avoidance
features to be more sensitive?
Streaming analytics For instance, SAS partnered with Duke Energy and North
Carolina State University to analyze data streaming off distribu-
drives success tion grid devices, called PMUs. More than 100 of these devices,
each of which generates about 30 readings per second, are
As we stated earlier, a single connected vehicle can produce
spread across most of the United States.
more than a terabyte of data per hour of operation. With tens
of millions of units in operation, how do you manage such a
Streaming analytics is able to forecast expected values just a
torrent of data? Where would you store it? How long would it
few seconds into the future, and compare actual to forecasted
take to process it? Even with cheap storage options, it is not
values to identify meaningful deviations that may indicate a
plausible to collect and store all of that data.
problem that will lead to power outages.
• 10 percent lower service cost for
connected fleets.
Analyze it on the fly. Rather than
• 10 percent operating cost reduction.
bringing the data to the storage
• 14 percent scrap reduction.
and analytics, bring the analytics
• 70 percent reliability increase.
to the data.
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