Gastricacidand Digestivephysiology: Philip T. Ramsay,, Aaron Carr

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G a s t r i c A c i d an d

Digestive Physiology
Philip T. Ramsay, MD*, Aaron Carr, MD

 Gastric acid  Stomach  Digestive physiology

The primary function of the stomach is to prepare food for digestion and absorption by
the intestine. Although various neural and hormonal mediators contribute to gastric
function, acid production is the unique and central component of the stomach’s
contribution to the digestive process. Liquids pass easily through the stomach and
into the small intestine. Solid components remain in the stomach until they are small
enough to be slowly released into the small intestine by the coordinated action of
the antrum and pylorus. Acid bathes the food bolus while stored in the stomach, facil-
itating digestion. An intact defense against mucosal damage by the stomach’s acid is
essential to avoid ulceration. This article focuses on the physiology of gastric acid
production, the stomach’s defense mechanisms against acid injury, and the most
common challenges to the gastric defenses. A brief description of the stomach’s
nonacid digestive capabilities is included.


The mucosa of the gastric body, and to a lesser extent the fundus and antrum,
contains the parietal cells. One function of the parietal cell is to produce gastric
acid, which activates pepsin from pepsinogen, aids in the digestion of protein, and
reduces bacterial colonization of the stomach and duodenum.1 The parietal cell
contains the hydrogen (H1)/potassium (K1)-ATPase, or proton pump, which trans-
ports H1 out of the cell into the gastric lumen and K1 from the gastric lumen into
the cell.2 Interestingly, the H1 gradient created in the gastric lumen is greater than
106 times that of blood.3 Because of the large amount of energy needed to run the
proton pump, the parietal cell has the largest mitochondrial capacity of any cell in
the human body.1 In the resting parietal cell, the proton pumps are contained within
the membranes of intracellular tubulovesicles.3 There is a constant basal level of
acid production, even in the unstimulated parietal cell.1 The basal level of acid secre-
tion is caused by histamine and acetylcholine.4 Basal acid output is approximately
10% of the maximal acid output of the stimulated parietal cell. There is diurnal

General Surgery Residency Program, Atlanta Medical Center, Graduate Medical Education, 303
Parkway Drive, North East, Atlanta, GA 30312, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Surg Clin N Am 91 (2011) 977–982

0039-6109/11/$ – see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
978 Ramsay & Carr

variation of basal acid levels, with night levels being higher than day levels.1 In the
stimulated state, the tubulovesicles fuse with the apical cell membrane, thus relocat-
ing the proton pumps to the apical surface of the parietal cell.1,3 The apical cell
membrane also contains cotransport channels for K1 and chloride (Cl-), which trans-
port both K1 and Cl- out of the cell into the gastric lumen. Therefore, there is a net
transfer of H1 and Cl- into the gastric lumen with stimulation of the proton pump.2


There are three stimulatory receptors on the parietal cell: the muscarinic (M3) receptor,
the type B cholecystokinin (CCKB) receptor, and the histamine (H2) receptor (Fig. 1).3
These receptors are located on the basolateral membranes of the parietal cell.4 The
M3 receptor is stimulated by acetylcholine and activates gastric acid secretion by
an intracellular calcium (Ca21) pathway that increases intracellular Ca21 levels.3
Acetylcholine is released from the stimulation of parasympathetic vagal nerve fibers.1
The CCKB receptor, or gastrin receptor, is stimulated by gastrin and also activates
acid secretion by an intracellular Ca21 pathway that increases intracellular Ca21
levels.3 The gastric antral mucosa, and to a lesser extent the duodenal mucosa,
contains G cells, which produce gastrin.1,4 Protein is the major stimulant for gastrin
release.1 Gastrin is produced in the endoplasmic reticulum and is released through
the basal membrane of the G cell.4 Vagal stimulation also causes the release of
gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), the equivalent to bombesin, from cells in the gastric
fundal mucosa.1,2,5 GRP then stimulates gastrin release from gastric antral G cells.2 In
addition to the stimulation of acid secretion, gastrin also has a trophic effect on both
parietal cells and enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells.1
The H2 receptor is stimulated by histamine and activates acid secretion by
a pathway that increases intracellular cAMP.3 Histamine is produced by ECL cells,
and its release is stimulated by gastrin and acetylcholine.1 The stimulatory effect of
acetylcholine and gastrin is thought to occur through or in combination with
histamine.3 The final outcome from stimulation of the M3, CCKB, and H2 receptors
is the activation of the H1/K1-ATPase.2 Activation of these receptors in any combina-
tion results in a greater amount of gastric acid release than with activation of any one
of the receptors alone. This effect is known as potentiation4. To completely block


H+ K+ Cl-
Acetylcholine + Ca+2
cAMP Somatostatin

Histamine + Ca+2

cAMP Prostaglandin E2

Gastrin + cAMP

Fig. 1. The parietal cell.

Gastric Acid and Digestive Physiology 979

stimulation of acid secretion through the activation of these receptors, all 3 receptors
must be blocked individually.2 However, the use of a proton pump inhibitor alone will
block acid secretion by inhibiting the final common pathway, the H1/K1-ATPase
Somatostain is produced by D cells present in the fundic and antral mucosa and in
the small intestine.1,4 Somatostatin has an inhibitory effect on gastric acid release.
Intraluminal acid has a stimulatory effect, and acetylcholine has an inhibitory effect
on somatostatin release. Somatostatin not only inhibits the parietal cell directly, but
also indirectly by inhibiting the release of gastrin and histamine.1 Direct parietal cell
inhibition occurs via the reduction of intracellular cAMP.3
The parietal cell also contains another inhibitory receptor for prostaglandin E2
(PGE2).2 PGE2 also inhibits gastric acid secretion by decreasing intracellular cAMP
levels.3,4 Additionally, PGE2 inhibits gastrin secretion and stimulates somatostatin


Gastric acid secretion can be divided into 3 phases: the cephalic, gastric, and intes-
tinal phases.2 The cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion is mediated by vagal exci-
tation stimulated by the thought, sight, smell, or taste of food.1,2 This can be elicited by
sham feeding. Vagal excitation causes the release of acetylcholine, which stimulates
gastric acid and pepsin secretion from mucosal parietal cells and chief cells,
The gastric phase of gastric acid secretion is mediated by gastric distention as food
enters the gastric lumen.1,2 The majority of gastric acid release occurs during this
phase.1 Gastric antral distention causes the release of gastrin from G cells. Distention
of the gastric fundus increases the effects of gastrin and histamine through a local
cholinergic pathway. Intraluminal acid inhibits the release of gastrin from G cells.2
The intestinal phase of gastric acid secretion is primarily inhibitory and begins when
food enters the small intestine.1,2 The least amount of gastric acid is released during this
phase.1 Intraintestinal acid inhibits gastric acid secretion through an enterogastrone.2


Mucus forms a protective layer over the gastric and duodenal mucosa.2 Mucus is
released by exocytosis from mucus neck cells and surface mucus cells in the stomach
and Brunner glands in the duodenum.2,5 Mucus contains mostly water and smaller
amounts of electrolytes and mucin glycoproteins. Mucin glycoproteins make mucus
a viscous gel. The main physiologic stimulus for the release of mucus is acetylcholine.
Secretin also stimulates mucus secretion, and prostaglandins increase mucus
viscosity and mucin glycoprotein content. Mucus slows the diffusion of acid from
the gastric lumen to the gastric mucosa. Mucus also contains bicarbonate (HCO3-),
which maintains a near-normal pH at the mucosal surface.2 This is known as the
unstirred layer.1 HCO3- is secreted by both active and passive processes. Mucus
also provides lubrication for the passage of food, thus protecting the mucosa from
mechanical stresses. Mucus is not broken down by gastric acid, but it is dissolved
by pepsin and N-acetylcysteine. It is easily penetrated by bile salts, ethanol, and
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which lead to mucosal injury.2
Mucosal damage is caused by offensive agents or decreased defense.1 After injury,
a mucus layer is formed containing fibrin and dead cells over the site of injury.
Degraded mucus is replaced by continuous mucus secretion.2
980 Ramsay & Carr

The apical membrane of the mucosal cell is impermeable to H1. However, H1 can
diffuse between cell junctions to reach the basolateral surfaces of the cell. High concen-
trations of H1 cause mucosal injury. The mucosa is protected from this by HCO3-. The
basolateral surfaces of mucosal parietal cells regulate pH through an HCO3-/Cl- anti-
porter. For every H1 transported out of the cell through the apical membrane during
acid secretion, an HCO3- is transported out of the cell through the basolateral
membrane.2 This phenomenon is known as the alkaline tide.5 This neutralizes any H1
that reaches the basolateral membranes. The HCO3-/Cl- antiporter can also be acti-
vated by prostaglandins, even without the stimulation of acid secretion. The parietal
cell basolateral membranes also contain an Na1/H1 antiporter that transports Na1
into the cell and H1 out of the cell. This transporter protects against intracellular
acidosis. The driving force for this transporter is a basolateral Na1/K1-ATPase.2
After mucosal injury, rapid repair, or restitution, occurs within minutes.1,2,5 Repair
occurs through the movement of already established mature mucosal cells over the
basal lamina.2 Therefore, repair does not require the generation of new mucosal cells
through cell division.1,2 This is an important mechanism for repair of the mucosa after
normal physiologic stresses. Repair can be impeded by luminal acid, calcium depletion,
low HCO3-, and altered cell motility. Delayed repair results in the formation of ulcers.2


Vagal stimulation, through the action of acetylcholine, causes vasodilation of the

gastric vasculature and increased blood flow. Histamine also causes vasodilation.
Therefore, stimulation of acid secretion is associated with increases in gastric blood
flow.2 Endogenous nitric oxide (NO) and PGE2 also cause vasodilation.4 Sympathetic
stimulation, as well as exogenous epinephrine, norepinephrine, and vasopressin,
causes vasoconstriction of the gastric vasculature and decreased blood flow. Hemor-
rhagic shock leads to decreased blood flow and increased susceptibility of the gastric
mucosa to injury by acid and bile salts. Aging is also associated with decreased blood
flow. Agents that increase gastric blood flow have a protective effect on the stomach.
The relationship between gastric blood flow and mucosal injury is due to the
acid–base balance of the tissue. Adequate blood flow prevents tissue acidosis and
mucosal injury. Autoregulatory mechanisms maintain a constant gastric blood flow
with changes in arterial pressure up to a certain point.2 Blood flow is an important
component in gastric mucosal defense by delivering nutrients and oxygen to mucosal
cells. Blood flow of 50% to 75% of normal leads to mucosal injury.1


The chief cells synthesize and release the proenzyme pepsinogen, the precursor to
pepsin2. The chief cells are the most abundant cells in the gastric mucosa. They are
found in the body, fundus, and antrum of the stomach, as well as in the duodenum.1
Pepsinogen is produced in the endoplasmic reticulum, and its release by exocytosis is
stimulated by acetylcholine, histamine, and CCK.2,4 Pepsinogen release is inhibited by
somatostatin.4 Active pepsin is formed in an acidic environment by cleavage of the
N-terminal amino acid sequence of pepsinogen.2 Pepsin, along with gastric acid, facil-
itates the digestion of protein.5


An additional function of the parietal cell is the synthesis and secretion of intrinsic
factor (IF).2 IF is the only essential substance produced by the stomach.5 It is
Gastric Acid and Digestive Physiology 981

necessary for adequate absorption of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) in the terminal

ileum.1,2 IF is produced in the endoplasmic reticulum and is released from the apical
surface of the parietal cell.4 The same factors that stimulate the secretion of acid also
stimulate the secretion of IF; however, acid secretion and IF secretion may not be
linked.2,5 The production of IF greatly exceeds that which is necessary for adequate
absorption of cobalamin. Most patients manufacture adequate IF after subtotal
gastrectomy, making vitamin B12 supplementation unnecessary.2


NSAIDs cause damage to gastric mucosa by direct injury and by affecting prosta-
glandin production, specifically PGE2.2,6 NSAIDS are lipophilic weak acids; therefore
they bind to gastric mucosa and induce local injury. Their major mechanism of action
is systemic inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme in the pathway of the
production of prostaglandins from arachadonic acid. Two isoforms exist: COX 1
and COX 2. Nonselective NSAIDs block both isoforms, but selective inhibitors block
only COX 2. The COX 1 pathway results in production of PGE2. PGE2 protects the
gastric mucosa by decreasing gastric acid secretion, increasing mucus production
and bicarbonate secretion, and increasing mucosal blood flow2. The net effect of
nonselective NSAIDS is reduction of prostaglandins (including PGE2), which leads
to mucosal injury. COX 2 is primarily expressed during inflammatory events, and the
prostaglandins produced by this pathway promote the inflammatory response. Selec-
tive NSAIDS block COX 2 but have little effect on COX 1, which results in an anti-
inflammatory effect without the deleterious effects on gastric mucosa. Synthetic
PGE2, or misoprostol, acts by inhibiting gastric acid secretion and enhanced mucosal
protection.6 This can be used in patients requiring long-term nonselective NSAIDS to
prevent injury to gastrointestinal mucosa.6,7 H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors
can also be used to reduce the risk of complications from nonselective NSAIDS.7


Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative flagellated rod that possesses the enzyme

urease. Urease converts urea into ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2), allowing
the organism to survive in the low pH of the stomach. Colonization leads to gastric
mucosal inflammation and injury.8 H pylori also produces enzymes that break down
mucus. In addition, patients with H pylori infection have a lower D cell population
than those without infection. This leads to lower somatostatin levels, higher gastrin
levels, and increased acid secretion. Only gastric mucosa, or gastric-type mucosa,
contains receptors specific for H pylori.1 Up to 50% of the population is infected
with H pylori.8 Patients infected with this organism may be asymptomatic or may
develop antral gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, or mucosa-associated lymphoid
tissue (MALT) lymphoma.1,2 Almost all cases of chronic antral gastritis and duodenal
ulcers and most gastric ulcers are associated with H pylori infection.9 Eradication of H
pylori restores the D cell population with the resultant decrease in gastric acid
secretion.1 Treatment shortens the healing time of ulcers and decreases the chance
of relapse.2


Gastric acid physiology is a complex process involving the parasympathetic vagus

nerve and a variety of hormones including gastrin, histamine, somatostatin, and pros-
taglandin. In addition to gastric acid, the stomach produces pepsin and intrinsic
982 Ramsay & Carr

factor. The gastric mucosa is protected by mucus and bicarbonate secretion. Mucosal
defense is adversely affected by H pylori infection and NSAIDs. Gastric acid produc-
tion facilitates digestion; however, damage from excess acid or inadequate mucosal
defense can result in ulceration.


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