Educ 105 Course Outline Tolentino Final
Educ 105 Course Outline Tolentino Final
Educ 105 Course Outline Tolentino Final
CC’s Voice: Good Day education students! Welcome to this course EDUC 105-
Assessment of Learning 1. This subject is one of the 10
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Let us begin!
Week 1-3: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are
expected to:
a. differentiate assessment of, as, and for learning;
b. identify the different kinds of test;
c. recognize the basic concepts and terms in assessment;
d. familiarize with the principles of high quality assessment.
Assessment is a professional education subject that focuses on
developing and utilizing different tools to improve the teaching- learning
process. There are many ways to assess as student performance but the
best way is to always focus on your objectives for it will reveal what are the
expected lesson that needs to be assess. Assessment plays a crucial role in
education and it is important that teachers should be familiar with the
different term associated with the subject.
This unit will focus on the definitions of the different terms that
surrounds assessment and how it plays an important role in the classroom.
Please proceed immediately to the “Essential Knowledge” part since the
first lesson is also definition of essential terms.
Essential Knowledge
The first lesson in this course focuses on definitions of basic terms
that surrounds this subject. Please note that you are not limited to
exclusively refer to these resources. Thus, you are expected to utilize other
books, research articles and other resources that are available in the library
e.g. ebrary, etc.
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Types of Measurement
Other terms less often used for criterion-referenced are objective referenced,
domain referenced, content referenced and universe referenced.
According to Robert L. Linn and Norma E. gronlund (1995) pointed out the
common characteristics and differences of Norm-Referenced Tests and
Criterion-Referenced Tests
2. Types of Assessment
Assessment for improved student learning and deep understanding
requires a range of assessment practices to be used with three overarching
3.Mode of Assessment
A. Traditional Assessment
1. Assessment in which students typically select an answer or recall
information to complete the assessment. Test may be standardized
or teacher made test, these tests may be multiple-choice, fill-in-
the-blanks, true-false, matching type.
2. Indirect measures of assessment since the test items are designed
to represent competence by extracting knowledge and skills from
their real life context.
3. Items on standardized instrument tends to test only the domain of
knowledge and skill to avoid ambiguity to the test takers.
4. One-time measures to rely on a single correct answer to each item.
There is a limited potential for traditional test to measure higher
order thinking skills.
B. Performance assessment
1. Assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world
tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential
knowledge and skills
2. Direct measures of student’s performance because task are design
to incorporate contexts, problems, and solutions strategies that
students would use in real life.
3. Designed ill-structured challenges since the goal is to help
students prepare for the complex ambiguities in life.
4. Focus on processes and rationales. There is no single correct
answer, instead students are led to craft polished, thorough and
justifiable responses, performances and products.
5. Involve long-range projects, exhibits, and performances are linked
to the curriculum
6. Teacher is an important collaborator in creating tasks, as well as in
developing guidelines for scoring and interpretation
C. Portfolio Assessment
1. Portfolio is a collection of student’s work specifically to tell a
particular story about the student.
2. A portfolio is not a pie of student work that accumulates over a
semester or year
3. A portfolio contains a purposefully selected subset of student work
4. It measures the growth and development of students.
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1. Speed Test- items have same difficulty taken with time limit
2. Power Test- items in increasing difficulty with no time limit
3.Diagnostic Test- created to identify the weaknesses and strengths of
4. Achievement Test- describes what a person has learned.
5. Aptitude Test- used to predict the likelihood of a student’s success in a
6. Standardized Test- made by experts and has a high validity.
7. Teacher-Made Test- made by teachers with low validity and sometimes
prone to errors.
8. Norm- Reference Test- one versus the whole class or takers
9. Criterion- Referenced Test- one versus a criterion or set criteria.
10. Objective Tests- yields with consistent results/answers.
11. Subjective Test- yields with different results/answers.
2. Appropriate Assessment Methods
• Traditional Assessment
• The pen-and-paper test used in assessing knowledge and
thinking skills.
• Performance Assessment
• It requires actual demonstration of skills or creation of
products of learning.
• Portfolio Assessment
• A process of gathering multiple indicators of student
progress to support course goals in dynamic, ongoing and
collaborative process.
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3. Balanced
• Sets targets in all domains of learning
• Cognitive
• Affective
• Psychomotor
• Takes into consideration the multiple intelligences
• Verbal-linguistic
• Logical-mathematical
• Interpersonal
• Bodily-kinesthetic
• Makes use of both traditional and alternative assessment
4. Validity
• The degree to which the assessment instrument measures what
it intends to measure.
1. Face Validity- is done by examining the physical appearance of
the test
2. Content Validity- is done through a careful and critical
examination of the objectives of the test so that it reflects the
curricular objectives.
3. Criterion-Related Validity- is established statistically such
that a set of scores revealed by a test is correlated with the
scores obtained in another external predictor or measure. Has
two purposes.
a) Concurrent Validity- describes the present status of the
individual by correlating the sets of scores obtained from
two measures given concurrently.
b) Predictive Validity- describes the future performance of an
individual by correlating the sets of scores obtained from
two measures given at a longer time interval.
4. Construct Validity- is established statistically by comparing
psychological traits or factors that theoretically influence scores
in a test.
a) Convergent Validity- is established if the instrument
defines a similar trait e.g. Critical Thinking Test that is
being developed may be correlated with a Standardized
Critical Thinking Test.
b) Divergent Validity- is established if an instrument can
describe only the intended trait and not the other traits.
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5. Reliability
• It refers to the consistency of scores.
1. Test Retest- Give a test twice to the same group with any time
interval between tests from several minutes to several years
2. Equivalent Forms- Give parallel forms of tests with close time
intervals between forms.
3. Split Half- Give a test once. Score equivalent halves of the test e.g.
odd- and even-numbered items.
4. Kuder Richardson- Give the test once then correlate the
proportion/percentage of the students passing and not passing a
given item.
6. Fairness
• It provides all students with an equal opportunity to
demonstrate achievement.
• Have knowledge of learning targets and assessment
• Are given equal opportunity to learn
• Possess the pre-requisite knowledge and skills
• Are free from teacher stereotypes
• Are free from biased assessment tasks and procedures
9. Authenticity
• Meaningful performance task
• Clear standards and public criteria
• Quality products and performance
• Positive interaction between the assessee and assessor.
• Emphasis on meta-cognition and self-evaluation
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10. Communication
• Assessment targets and standards
• Assessment results
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
understand the lesson:
Gabuyo, Y., (2007). Assessment of Learning I. REX Book Store.
Pp. 1 - 13
Let’s Check
Activity 1. Do as indicated
1. Define and differentiate the terms: assessment, test,
measurement and evaluation.
2. Compare the different types of assessment.
3. Differentiate norm-referenced form criterion referenced.
4. Why is assessment important?
5. What are the current issues associated to assessment of
student learning?
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In the first few lessons, we discussed about the different types of
assessment and test. We the concept of different types of test id also
included in those lecture. This time we will tackle a new concept and that is
creation of different assessment tools.
Essential Knowledge
Below are the different steps in developing a good assessment material
in the classroom. These steps will be the guide of every teacher in creating
assessment material.
Table of Specifications
It is chart or table that details the content and level of cognitive
domain assessed on a test as well as the types and emphases of test items.
(Gareis and Grant, 2008)
A TOS can come in different format but the essential parts will always
be present like the specific learning outcomes, topic, cognitive level, type of
test, item number and the total points.
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1. Begin writing items far enough in advance so that you will have time
to revise them.
2. Match items to the intended outcomes at appropriate level of difficulty
3. Be sure each item deals with important aspect of the content area.
4. Be sure the problem posed is clear and unambiguous.
5. Be sure that the item is independent with all other items.
6. Be sure the item has one or best answer on which experts would
7. Prevent unintended clues to an answer in the statement or question.
8. Avoid replication of the textbook in writing test items
9. Avoid trick or catch questions in an achievement test
10. Try to write items that require higher-order thinking skills.
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
understand the lesson:
Gabuyo, Y., (2007). Assessment of Learning I. REX Book Store.
Pp. 1 - 13
Let’s Check
Activity 2. Perform the different task asked below.
Classroom assessment comes in different forms and each of this form
has their strengths and weaknesses. In this lesson we will discuss the
different form of traditional assessment and the rules of when it will be used
and how to create it.
Essential Knowledge
1. Multiple Choice
A multiple choice is the most commonly used format in
assessment especially in standardized test because of its larger span
of coverage with regards to topic and cognitive process. It is composed
of three parts: the stem (the question), the keyed item and the
6. State the stem in positive form. Avoid using negative phrase like “not”
and “except”.
7. Avoid grammatical clues.
2. Matching Type
Matching Type questions is composed of two columns. Column A (left
side) contains the description while Column B (right side) has the
options or answers.
2. The descriptions must be written at the left side and marked with
Column A and the options must be written at the right side and
marked with Column B.
3. There should be more options than descriptions or indicate in the
directions that each option may be used more than once.
4. Matching directions should specify the basis for matching
5. Avoid too many correct answers
6. When using name, always include the complete name.
7. Use numbers for the descriptions and capital letters for the options
8. Arrange the options in a chronological or alphabetical order.
9. The descriptions and options must be written in one page
10. A minimum of three and a maximum of seven items for
elementary and a maximum of seventeen items for secondary and
tertiary levels.
3. True or False
True or False format of assessment is an objective format. It lets the
student to choose only one of the two options which is whether the
statement is true of false.
4. Completion/Short Answer
A format in assessment that requires the student to supply the answer
to the question.
5. Essay
It consists of few number of questions wherein the examinee is expected
to demonstrate ability to recall factual knowledge, organize knowledge and
present knowledge in logical and integrated answer.
Let’s Check
Activity 3. Perform the different task asked below.
After the conduct of a test and recording of result. It will be useless if
these data will not be used for interpretation. This week we will use the data
we gathered from the test we created to produce an analysis.
Essential Knowledge
Item analysis
Difficulty Index
= difficulty index
n = number of the students selecting item correctly in the UG and
Level of Difficulty
Discrimination Index
= discrimination index value
no. of students selecting correct answer in lower group.
Types of Discrimination
1. Positive Discrimination
2. Negative Discrimination
3. Zero Discrimination
3. Count the number of those who chose the alternatives in the upper
and lower group for each item and record information using the
template below: Note: Put asterisk for the correct answer.
4. Compute the value of the difficulty index and the discrimination index
and also the analysis of each response in the distracters.
Description YES NO
Distracter Analysis
1. Miskeyed Item
– There are more students from the upper group who choose the
incorrect options than the key
2. Guessing Item
3. Ambiguous Item
A class is composed of 40 students. Divide the group into two. Option B is the
correct answer. Based on the given data on the table, as a teacher, what would you
do with the test item?
Options A B* C D E
Upper Group 3 10 4 0 3
Lower Group 4 4 8 0 4
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Let’s Check
Activity 4. Analyze the item below
Options A B C D E*
This lesson will focus on the utilization of assessment data that will
help in analyzing student performance in the class or in a specific test.
Essential Knowledge
FREQUENCY TABLE – is tabular arrangement of data into appropriate
categories showing the number of observation in each category or group.
1. Class limit- is the categories of data defined either upper or lower limit.
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10 - 15
16 - 21
22 - 27
Lower class limit- smallest number in each group
Upper class limit- highest number in each group
9.5 10 – 15 15.5
15.5 16 – 21 21.5
21.5 22 – 27 27.5
4. Class Mark- are the midpoint of the upper and lower class limit.
3. Set up the class limits of each class or category. Use the lowest score as
the lower limit of the first class.
4. Set up the class boundaries.
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R = 35
n = 40 ci= 5.833
Solve the value of k ci= 6
k= 1+3.3 log n
k= 1+3.3 log (40)
k = 1 + 5. 286797971
k= 6
Start constructing the class limit with the lowest score as the
lower limit of the first category. The last category should contain the highest
score in the distribution. Each category should contain the number of class
width which is 6. Count the number of scores that falls to each category.
X f Class Boundaries Xm
15-20 4 14.5 – 20.5 17.5
21-26 9 20.5 – 26.5 23.5
27-32 3 26.5 – 32.5 29.5
33-38 10 32.5 – 38.5 35.5
39-44 4 38.5 – 44.5 41.5
45-50 10 44.5 – 50.5 47.5
21+20+20+18+16+17+15+13+11+9 = 160
= 16
Median = 16
X f Xm fXm
10-14 5 12 60
15-19 2 17 34
20-24 3 22 66
25-29 5 27 135
30-34 2 32 64
35-39 9 37 333
40-44 6 42 252
45-49 3 47 141
50-54 5 52 260
n=40 ∑ = 1 345
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X = 33.63
Properties of Mean
1. Easy to compute
2. It may be an actual observation in the data set
3. It can be subjected to numerous mathematical computation
4. Most widely used
5. Each data affected by the extremes values
6. It is easily affected by the extremes values
7. Applied to interval level data
̃ = median value
MC= median class /
LB = lower boundary of the median class
cfp= cumulative frequency before the median class if the scores are
arranged from lowest to highest value.
fm = frequency of the median class
c.i = class size
X f cf
10-14 5 5
15-19 2 7
20-24 3 10
25-29 5 15
30-34 2 17 cfp
35-39 9 fm 26
40-44 6 32
45-49 3 35
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50-54 5 40
= = 20
The category containing is 35- 39.
MC = 35-39
LL of MC= 35
LB = 34.5
cfp= 17
fm = 9
c.i. = 5
̃ [ ]
̃ [ ]
̃ [ ]
̃ = 36.17
Properties of Median
X f
10-14 5
15-19 2
20-24 3
25-29 5
30-34 2
35-39 9
40-44 6
45-49 3
50-54 5
̂ [ ]
̂ [ ]
̂ [ ]
Properties of Mode
Let’s Check
Activity 5. Solve for the Mean, Median and Mode
X f
23- 30 3
31-38 7
39-46 10
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47-54 8
55-62 11
63-70 4
71-78 4
79-86 3
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
understand the lesson:
Gabuyo, Y., (2007). Assessment of Learning I. REX Book Store.
Pp. 89-102
This lesson will focus on the utilization of assessment data that will
help in analyzing student performance in the class or in a specific test.
Essential Knowledge
The standard deviation is the most important and useful measures of
variation; it is the square root of the variance. It is an average of the degree
to which each set of scores in the distribution deviates from the mean value.
It is more stable measures of variation because it involves all the scores in a
distribution rather than range and quartile deviation.
Population Variance Population Standard Deviation
( ̅) ( ̅)
( ̅) ( ̅)
X f Xm ̅ ̅ ( ̅) ( ̅)
Population Variance
( ̅)
Sample Variance
( ̅)
Let’s Check
Activity 5. Complete the table and solve for variance and standard
X f
23- 30 3
31-38 7
39-46 10
47-54 8
55-62 11
63-70 4
71-78 4
79-86 3
This lesson will focus on the utilization of assessment data that will
help in analyzing student performance in the class or in a specific test.
Essential Knowledge
• Indicate the pupil’s relative position by showing how far his raw
is above or below average
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Example: P85 = 70 This means the person who scored 70 is higher than
85% of the examinees.
• tells the number of standard deviations equivalent to a given raw
it refers to any set of normally distributed standard deviation score
that has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.
Positively skewed when the curve is skewed to the right, it has a long tail
extending off to the right but a short tail to the left. It increases the presence
of a small proportion of relatively large extreme value SK˃0
Negatively skewed when a distribution is skewed to the left. It has a long tail
extending off to the left but a short tail to the right. It indicates the presence
of a high proportion of relatively large extreme values SK˂0.
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
understand the lesson:
Gabuyo, Y., (2007). Assessment of Learning I. REX Book Store.
Pp. 89-102