Dutch Cycling Vision EN

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Cycling Vision
Dutch Cycling Vision
Dutch Cycling Embassy, October 2018

This publication is produced

with the help of the following partners:
KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis
Tour de Force
Goudappel Coffeng
Loendersloot Groep
WOBS warm on bikes

Graphic Design: Goudappel Coffeng,

Dutch Cycling Embassy

Copyright © 2018 Dutch Cycling Embassy

Bike minded
Design Consulting

Cycling without frontiers 4

How come the Dutch cycle so much 5

Benefits of cycling 8

How to get there? 23

Let’s do it together! 27

Sources 28
Cycling without frontiers
The Netherlands is a country of bikes. We we’ve earmarked a quarter of a billion
have a population of around 17 million euros to encourage cycling and make it a
people, and almost 23 million bicycles! For serious transport option. And our Tour de
short distances ¬– especially in cities – Force Joint Bicycle Agenda 2017-2020 is
bicycles are a popular alternative to public bringing government, the private sector,
transport and cars. In fact, one quarter of NGOs and knowledge platforms together
all journeys in the Netherlands are made to make our country even more bicycle-
by bike. So, cycling rules! friendly. The agenda centres on flexibility
and an integrated approach, with special
Cycling has many benefits and helps focus on improving bicycle highways and
us achieve accessibility, liveability, and, for example, providing bicycle lockers
sustainability and health goals. The urban and racks at train stations to facilitate the
population will continue to grow in the first and last parts of longer journeys (the
coming years. Tackling climate change is ‘last mile’).
a key concern, and the role cycling plays
in this is increasingly important. The good Of course, the Dutch approach to cycling
news is that there are still gains to be can be applied in other countries too, so
made. For example, central government, cities and regions around the world can
working with employers, aims to get benefit from Dutch expertise. Our Dutch
200,000 commuters out of their cars Cycling Embassy experts are keen to share
and onto their bikes in the next few years their knowledge worldwide. So let’s face
by encouraging the use of bicycles and the challenges ahead together, and allow
e-bikes through tax incentives. everyone to enjoy the benefits of cycling!

Local, regional and central government Stientje van Veldhoven

are all keen to boost cycling. That’s why Minister for the Environment

How come the Dutch cycle so much
Cycling in the Netherlands hasn’t always yet and differences between cities were
been taken for granted. The Dutch have vast.
A brief history of been early adopters of building highways.
From the end of the 1950s, the car became As a result of public pressure, urban
dutch cycling the dominant mode of transportation and planning policies gradually evolved and
the number of cars on the road increased started considering the bicycle as part
continuously. The few bicycle paths built of mobility. The bicycle regained an
at that time were not aimed at bringing importance in city planning which led
comfort to cyclists but intended as a way to an effort to increase the density of
of moving them to the sides in order to urban development and the containment
create more space for cars on the roads. of urban sprawl. It also led to a bicycle
infrastructure construction programme.
What has changed then, to explain that
most people see the Netherlands as a As infrastructure for cycling was built,
cycling paradise these days? Several planners started to shift their thinking
factors came together in the mid to late from considering infrastructure in isolation
70’s. The high number of traffic casualties, to designing full networks of cycle paths in
particularly amongst children, was a reason cities. The city of Delft was one of the first
for public outrage and demonstrations. to create a whole network of cycle paths.
The oil crisis made everyone aware that These initiatives transformed cities into
society heavily depended on oil and of the places where children and the elderly, rich
risks that came with it. As a consequence, and poor, and even the queen cycled. As a
several grassroot movements were consequence, the number of people cycling
created and called for change. Grassroot started to increase again. Fast forward
movements also became stronger in their from there, a national cycling policy
pursuit of safer cities and safer cycling. was adopted in the 1990’s and cycling
But there was no national policy on cycling networks are now present in almost every

city in the Netherlands. This led to a large cycles. The older age group shows a rise growing use of electric assisted bicycles.
reduction in the number of cyclists killed in the distance travelled by bicycle every What happened in the Netherlands is
in traffic. Nowadays, even with a growing year. This increase is primarily due to the special and it delivers. But it is not that
population of people in their sixties and combination of an improvement of the special that it can’t be done anywhere else.
seventies, everyone in the Netherlands fitness-level of this age group and the
Benefits of cycling
Over the last few years, there has been a efficient way to move people in the
Why cycling is growing attention on cycling worldwide. An constrained physical space of cities than
increasing number of cities are elaborating for example by car. Furthermore, as the
beneficial strategies to increase levels of cycling. visibility of the effects of climate change
Although many cities set ambitious goals, increases, cycling helps us reduce our
progress is often slow and very localized. impact on the environment.
Despite these disparities, research on
cycling is clear: cycling is good for people Cycling is also beneficial to the economy.
and society as a whole. People cycling A bicycle is cheaper to buy and maintain
regularly live longer and healthier lives. than a car, which also makes it more
People also report feeling happier when equitable. Businesses in areas with higher
they commute by bicycle than with any levels of cycling tend to perform better
other form of transport. than the more car-oriented areas.

With an increasing proportion of people Taking cycling as a mode of transport

living and working in cities, the bicycle seriously, per example by developing
represents a practical alternative to the cycling friendly policies and comprehensive
current car-oriented societies we live in. bicycle infrastructure makes cycling easier
With the appropriate infrastructure and and safer for cyclists. Investing in cycling
bicycle-friendly policies to make cycling benefits not only cyclists, but also other
safe in cities, it is possible to reduce and road users, including car drivers, as cities
avoid traffic congestion and spend the become less congested and less polluted.
time saved on more meaningful activities.
Because of the small amount of space
required to cycle, the bicycle is a more

Cycling is a low-cost mode of
transport for both individuals
and society as a whole.
Cycling requires a lower
individual investment than
driving a car. Each trip is free
and maintenance is minimal.
Each kilometer cycled yields
a benefit to society whereas
each kilometer done by
car and public transport
generates a cost on society.

Cycling is beneficial for the economy
Riding a bicycle costs Society benefits from Cyclists spend more!
less! an urban km travelled Cyclists shop more locally, more
by bicycle often and are more loyal compared
The annual cost of riding a bike to car drivers. Although cyclists
is approx. 300 euros whereas the A kilometer covered by bike yields a spend less per visit, they spend more
annual cost of driving a car is approx. social benefit of 0.68 euro, whereas overall because they shop more often
8500 euros.1 cars and buses cost society 0.37 than people driving.3
and 0.29 euros per km travelled



€ 300,- 3x
€ 8.500,- €-,29
- 10 -
Cycling and walking are the
ways to move around which
have the least impact on
the environment. Switching
from driving to cycling
reduces carbon emissions
and improves air quality.
Cycling is good for the planet
and for the quality of life in

Cycling is good for our planet and our cities
Bicycle use reduces Cycling improves the Cycling helps to
CO2 footprint local air quality improve the quality of
our public space
Compared to cars and buses, the Local air quality improves drastically
product life cycle of a bicycle when switching from cars to bicycles. Public space will be improved by
generates minimal carbon emissions.4 Switching from car to bicycle reduces turning car parks into bike lanes
65% NOx pollution per km travelled.5 and playgrounds with green areas
to improve the local environment.
Cycling is silent and helps to reduce
traffic noise.6

271 Grams CO2 per

- 65% NOx
passenger per km


- 12 -
Cycling is good for you!
Riding a bicycle is a healthy,
fun and low impact form
of exercise for all ages.
Employees cycling to work
are less likely to call in sick.
Cycling keeps you fit longer
and your immune system
young. In conclusion, cycling
contributes to living a
healthy life.

Cycling leads to a healthier life
Cycling keeps you in Cycling prevents Cycling is an easy way
shape serious diseases to burn calories!
Cycling regularly boosts physical Cycling to work every day reduces Cycling is an efficient way to prevent
fitness and prolongs life expectancy the risk of serious diseases and obesity and reduce the incidence of
by 3 to 14 months. Cycling 30 depression.8 diabetes type II.9
minutes every day is equivalent to
the weekly recommended level of
physical activity.7

ute v
-40% -52% <40%
1 hour
ery y
30 min

Cancer Heart Premature Cycling


diseases death

- 14 -
People who cycle to work
associate cycling with hap-
piness. Cycling encourages
social interactions between
different road users. It
improves mental health,
wellbeing and helps reduce

Cycling increases happiness
Cycling is associated Cycling offers Cycling improves
with joy! freedom to children quality of life
59% of all cyclists associate cycling Dutch children are the happiest in the Cycling is associated with
with joy and only 2% dislike cycling.10 world. Cycling allows them to reach convenience, independence and
destinations safely and gives them flexibility.12
the feeling of freedom.11

59% Independence

Enjoyable Always on time

Convenient Flexibility

- 16 -
Cities are struggling for
space. As the number of
residents is continually
growing, there is increasing
competition for a limited
amount of public space.
Given that bicycles take
up less space than a car,
replacing cars by bicycle
frees up space in your city to
create more room for green
spaces and for people to
meet each other.

Cycling cities are pleasant cities
Cycling creates public Bicycle is the Cycling saves you
space easiest mean of time
Bicycles take up less space than cars, No need to search for a parking
both for driving and in the amount of Within the urban environment, spot. Within the urban environment,
space taken up by parking.13 the bicycle is the fastest mean of
locations are easier to reach by
bicycle or a combination of bicycle
and public transport than by car.14

The service area
of cycling is x
larger than for walking!
15 A P
5 km

parked parked
5 km

1 km walking
20 m2 2 m2
4 km cycling
And even more
with an E-bike

- 18 -
Planning for the promotion
of cycling and walking
creates cities safer for
cyclists and pedestrians but
more broadly for all road
users. Statistically, cyclists
are less likely to cause
deadly collisions.

Cycling leads to safer cities
Cycling cities have Separating cyclists Lower traffic speeds
fewer casualties from motorised traffic result in fewer deadly
among cyclists results in fewer accidents
Cycling cities embrace cycling in their accidents The likelihood of a deadly accident
policies and city planning. at speeds 30km/h or less is aprox.
They build a cycling culture by teach- Developing a clear road safety 75% less than at 50km/h.17
ing the future generations to cycle. program reduced 1.600 traffic
Cycling cities develop safe cycling casualities between 1998-2007 in
infrastructure.15 the Netherlands.16

Annual fatalities Risk of 10 30 50

per 10,000 bike death
-1.6 >80%

cas 00




New York

s! 50%

1.9 <10%
0.3 0.4 0.9
Speed (km/h)

- 20 -
Cycling is a democratic
mode of transportation. It
offers greater mobility to
virtually everyone regardless
of origin, age, income or
physical ability. The bicycle
increases social participation
and is an inexpensive
solution to transport

Social Equity
Cycling encourages social participation

Cycling allows people Cycling keeps the Cycling increases

to get access to more elderly socially social interaction
opportunities connected Cycling requires social interaction
with other road users to mediate
Cycling is more affordable than driv- Cycling allows the elderly to remain traffic flows or to prevent collisions.
ing a car and allows people to get ac- socially active for longer.19 As a result, cycling is experienced as
cess to a larger range of options for a social activity.20
jobs and activities.18



Guten Tag!
BINGO Hallo!

- 22 -
How to get there?
Cycling for everyone the optimal mix of transport of which the attract cyclists by working on the software
bicycle is an integral part. (campaigning, equity in traffic laws, etc).
The Dutch have not only created a safe An integrated cycling policy is based And the orgware (capacity building of the
and extensive network for cycling. They upon hardware, software and orgware. It different institutional actors) is needed
designed this network to make cycling is not enough to focus only on building to strengthen the strategy on a broader
safe and suitable for people of all ages, all the hardware (e.g. development of basis.
abilities and for different types of bicycles. infrastructure, cyclepaths). We need to
Cycling as a mode of transport is therefore
accessible to everyone. Stationweg 2016, The Hague (photograph Frank Jansen)

Take cycling seriously

The Dutch take cycling seriously and treat

it as a proper mode of transportation
on the same level as the car or public
transport. Transport policies should aim at

Stationweg 1990, The Hague (photograph Jos van Leeuwen)

- 23 -
Main barrier to cycling is safety To enable people to reach all destinations, safer by changing layouts or by adding
the Dutch have built an extensive network lights for cyclists, thereby reducing the
People are more influenced by perceived of cycling infrastructure adapted to the chance of conflicts with vehicular traffic.
safety than actual safety statistics. In environment to ensure safety and comfort Where the physical space is too small for
places where the chances of an accident for all cyclists. physical separation, vehicular traffic is
are statistically low, people will not slowed down by a change in the street
consider cycling a viable transport option if “Road safety is not a goal, it is a layout as well as signs. Dutch planners also
the physical environment looks dangerous. precondition for cycling!” create areas where cars are allowed to
Therefore, policies and design should enter but were they are guests and cyclists
create and promote a safe environment This effort not only focused on building and pedestrians have priority.
inviting to cycling. The Dutch have cycle paths but also making intersections
long preferred promoting active safety
(prevention of accidents) rather than Groothertoginnelaan 2016, The Hague (photograph Frank Jansen)

passive safety (softening the outcome of

accidents) through the creation of bicycle
infrastructure rather than recommending,
or enforcing, wearing a helmet and
reflective clothes.

Groothertoginnelaan 1995, The Hague (photograph Willem Vermeij)

- 24 -
Cycling and public transport 40% of train passengers arrive by bicycle. benefits are greatly increased when urban
Planning for the bicycle further increases areas are designed for proximity between
The bicycle is the ideal mode of trans- the catchment area of the station up to 15 different uses (residential, commercial,
portation for short distances. Its reach times compared to just considering walk- health services, shops ...). No large super-
can be increased when it is considered in ing. This model extends the TOD (Transit markets or ‘hypermarché’s’ on the edge of
association with other modes of trans- Oriented Model) concept into a HOD: ‘Hy- the town that can only be reached by car,
portation notably public transport (e.g. brid Oriented Development’. but a spread of smaller shops on a cycling
trains, trams or ferries). It is therefore distance.
important to ensure an easy transition Planning for density and proximity
between cycling and other modes of Cycle paths don’t have to be along-
transport (e.g. cycle path to and from the In denser neighborhoods the modal shift side roads
station, bicycle parking next to stations, for cycling is much higher than in more
shared bicycles at egress stations). We rural areas. The bicycle is a good mode of The Dutch don’t limit themselves to build-
talk about chain mobility. transport for short distances, therefore its ing cycle paths on or along roads. When
In order to make cycling a sensible trans-
Stationsplein station Hollands Spoor 2016, The Hague (photograph Frank Jansen)
port option, urban development should
be oriented around public transport
nodes, so that people can walk or cycle
to the station. In the Netherlands, around

Stationsplein station Hollands Spoor 1995, The Hague

(photograph Sjoerd van der Hucht)

- 25 -
planning new neighborhoods for example, bicycle, the car driver is liable by default. 20 percent. To do so, the agenda defines
planners will sometimes create cycle paths It is considered that due to its size and the different actions needed to reach the
completely isolated from roads for cars. power drivers should pay extra attention objective as well as the different actors re-
Usually, these cycle paths will offer a more to other, more vulnerable, road users. quired. This plan follows several other na-
direct route to interesting destinations. tional bicycle plans going back to the early
(e.g. Leiden Merenwijk to Leiden station, 1990s. These plans are then integrated in
Schippersbrug in Utrecht). Sometimes this Creating a bicycle agenda the regional and local plans. The national
is created by diverting traffic to other plan helps creating a continuity and con-
roads to create simpler, safer, faster paths The government sets out objectives to sistency of the bicycle infrastructure and a
for cyclists through neighborhoods. This is promote and increase the level of cycling. coordinated action for better cycling.
called ‘filtered permeability’. The current bicycle agenda is named ‘Tour
de Force 2020’. The objective of this plan
is to increase the number of kilometres
Protecting the cyclists in the law cycled over the period 2017-2027 by

In complement to building the infrastruc-

Javastraat 2016, The Hague (photograph Frank Jansen)
ture to making cycling safe, The Neth-
erlands also changed its laws to further
increase the protection of cyclists. In the
case of a collision between a car and a

Javastraat 2010, The Hague (photograph Claudia van Noord)

- 26 -
Let’s do it together!

No need to reinvent the wheel

Transforming the Netherlands into a cycling nation
required overcoming numerous challenges. There is no
need to reinvent the wheel: the Dutch cycling experts
who realised change in the Netherlands are more than
happy to help cities and regions around the world
making cycling an option for everyone!

The Dutch Cycling Embassy can help you by connecting

you with these experts in order to become a bicycle
friendly place.

Let us know what challenges you are facing and let us


Contact us via [email protected]

or call +31 15 202 6116.

- 27 -
1. Hendriksen, I. and R. van Gijlswijk (2010), Fietsen cities can stimulate the use of bicycles. [ebook] 11. Taskovski Films. (2018). Why We Cycle -
is groen, gezond en voordelig [Cycling is green, CIVITAS GUARD – Evaluation, Monitoring and Trailer. [Online Video]. Available at: https://vimeo.
healthy, and economical]. Leiden: TNO Quality of Dissemination for CIVITAS II. Available at: http:// com/246432864. [Accessed 12 Sep. 2018].
Life group. civitas.eu/sites/default/files/civitas_ii_policy_advice_
notes_03_cycling_and_walking.pdf [Accessed 5 Sep. 12. Harms et al. (2017), Stabiele beelden verdiept;
2. Decisio (2016), Waarde en Investeringsagenda 2018]. trends in beleving en beeldvorming van mobiliteit.
Fietsen Verantwoordingsrapportage [Justification [In-depth look at stable images; trends in
report on the social value of and investment agenda 7. De Hartog, Jeroen Johan, et al. (2010), “Do the perception of mobility]. The Hague, Netherlands
for cycling]. Amsterdam: Decisio. health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks?” Institute for Transport Policy Analysis.
Environmental health perspectives 118.8 (2010):
3. Decisio (2017), Waarderingskengetallen MKBA 1109. 13. 1 Fietscommunity [Cycling community] (2017),
Fiets: state-of the art [Rating indicators of cycling Van wie is de stad? [Who owns the city?] The
SCBA: state-of-the-art]. Amsterdam: Decisio. 8. Hans Nijland (2017): Fietsen leidt tot langer Hague: Platform 31.
en gezond leven [Cycling leads to a longer
4. European Cyclists’ Federation. (2016). Shopping and healthier life]. The Hague, Netherlands 14. Tetteroo, E. (Erik), 2015. Urban Cycling = HOD.
by bike: Best friend of your city centre | ECF. Environmental Assessment Agency. Master City Developer.
[online] Available at: https://ecf.com/groups/
shopping-bike-best-friend-your-city-centre 9. Harms, L. and Kansen, M. (2018). Cycling Facts. 15. Pucher, J. and Buehler, R. (2012). City cycling.
[Accessed 5 Sep. 2018]. [online] Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Management, p.11. Available at: https://english.
5. Harms, L. and Kansen, M. (2018). Cycling Facts. kimnet.nl/publications/publications/2018/04/06/ 16. Schepers, P., Methorst, R., Thüsh, M., van der
[online] Ministry of Infrastructure and Water cycling-facts [Accessed 11 Sep. 2018]. Voet, M. and Wegman, F. (2014). Ontvlechten van
Management, p.13. Available at: https://english. fiets en snelverkeer. [ebook] Available at: https://
kimnet.nl/publications/publications/2018/04/06/ 10. Harms et al. (2017), Stabiele beelden verdiept; library.swov.nl/action/front/fulltext?id=339618
cycling-facts [Accessed 11 Sep. 2018]. trends in beleving en beeldvorming van mobiliteit. [Accessed 5 Sep. 2018].
[In-depth look at stable images; trends in
6. Institute for Transport Studies, University perception of mobility]. The Hague, Netherlands 17. Archer, J., Fotheringham, N., Symmons, M. and
of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Institute for Transport Policy Analysis. Corben, B. (2008). The Impact of Lowered Speed
(BOKU), Vienna (2010). Cycle-friendly cities – How Limits in Urban and Metropolitan Areas. [ebook]

- 28 -
Monash University Accident Research Centre. Photography: page 11: photo by Goudappel Coffeng
Available at: https://www.monash.edu/__data/
assets/pdf_file/0007/216736/muarc276.pdf Front page: photo by Diga Verde Fotografie page 13: photo by Diga Verde Fotografie
[Accessed 5 Sep. 2018].
page 3: page 15: photo by Barbra Verbij Fotografie
18. Eur.nl. (2017). Hoe fietsen sociale participatie
2 3
kan verbeteren. [online] Available at: https://www. 1 page 17: photo by Chris Bruntlett
4 5

eur.nl/nieuws/hoe-fietsen-sociale-participatie-kan- 9
6 7
verbeteren [Accessed 5 Sep. 2018]. 13 page 19: photo by Goudappel Coffeng
10 11 12

19. VeiligheidNL (2018). Toolkit fietsveiligheid. photo’s: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 13 by Shirley Agudo page 21: photo by Chris Bruntlett
[online] Veiligheid.nl. Available at: https://www. photo 2 by Maurits Lopes Cardozo
veiligheid.nl/valpreventie/voorlichtingsmateriaal/ photo’s: 6, 7, 10, 12 by Chris Bruntlett page 23: photo 1 by Jos van Leeuwen,
toolkit-fietsveiligheid [Accessed 5 Sep. 2018]. photo 9 by Urban Arrow photo 2 by Frank Jansen
photo 11 by WOBS
20. Avila-Palencia, I., Int Panis, L., Dons, E., Gaupp- page 24: photo 1 by Willem Vermeij
Berghausen, M., Raser, E., Götschi, T., Gerike, R., page 6: by Jos van Leeuwen photo 2 by Frank Jansen
Brand, C., de Nazelle, A., Orjuela, J., Anaya-Boig,
E., Stigell, E., Kahlmeier, S., Iacorossi, F. and page 7: page 25: photo 1 by Sjoerd van der Hucht
Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (2018). The effects of transport photo 2 by Frank Jansen
2 3
mode use on self-perceived health, mental health, 4 5

and social contact measures: A cross-sectional and 6 7 9 page 26: photo 1 by Claudia van Noord

longitudinal study. Environment International, 120, 10 11 12 13 photo 2 by Frank Jansen

photo’s: 1, 13 by Diga Verde Fotografie page 27: photo by Shirley Agudo
photo’s: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12 by Shirley Agudo
photo’s: 6, 8, 11 by Mark Wagenbuur
photo’s: 9, 10 by Chris Bruntlett
page 9: photo by Chris Bruntlett

- 29 -
The Dutch Cycling Embassy About the Dutch Cycling Embassy
The Dutch Cycling Embassy is a public private network
for sustainable bicycle inclusive mobility. We represent
the best of Dutch Cycling: knowledge, experience and
experts offered by private companies, NGO’s, research
institutions, national and local governments.
Bike minded
Design Consulting

Would you like to know more about

the Dutch Cycling Embassy?

Visit: www.dutchcycling.nl
Dutch Cycling Vision

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