Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question
Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question
Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question
Essential Question Can the students use the graphic organizer to support their comprehension of the reading?
What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses? What is the core
purpose of the lesson that includes the
strategies and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
State Learning Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.2
Identify relevant grade level standards Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
and Learning Outcomes from the State
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Targets/Objectives Students will be able to use synonyms for tricky words to support their comprehension of the main idea.
What should the students know or be
able to do after the instruction? Use a
common format with a measurable verb
that matches the cognitive domain
standard. This should be a small piece of
the standard stated in measurable
Grouping Grouping
Describe how and why students will be The students will be doing many turn and talks throughout the lesson. The students will turn to a partner near
divided into groups, if applicable them and talk about the question that I ask them. The students will be grouped like this because it will get all
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random / the students engaged in what we are doing, give them all a chance to share their thinking, help me see the
based on ability, interest, social students use the strategy, and get them thinking about synonyms and how to find them/use the strategy. This
purposes, etc.) will allow me to see if the students know how to use the organizer and where any confusion is so that I can
Co-Teaching Strategy clear it up before they have to do it on their own.
How did you collaborate with your co-
teacher to plan, instruct, and assess Co-Teaching Strategy
learning? What Co-Teaching Model will
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you employ? N/A
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching
Differentiation Content: This text can be accessed online or with a paper copy. I can print out some copies for students who
Respond to your students’ needs and want a paper copy, and I will put it online (on google classroom) for students who prefer to read it online.
adjust the content, process, product, Process: Students can fill out their graphic organizer online or I can print them out a copy. This gives students
and/or environment to reach individual different options, because some students prefer using a computer, while others prefer paper and pencil. I
learners based on their readiness, could also “interview” students about their thinking, if this works better for them.
interests, and learning preferences Product: Students can fill out their graphic organizer online or I can print them out a copy. This gives students
(Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss planned
different options, because some students prefer using a computer, while others prefer paper and pencil.
supports here.
Students can also draw a picture to go with the tricky word for students who like having a visual.
Environment: I will put the reading online, along with the audio of me reading the article. This way students
who like or need texts read to them have that option, and then they can follow along with the text online.
Formative Assessment While the students are using the graphic organizer, I will be walking around the classroom to see how the
How will you monitor student learning students are doing. I will be looking for students to use and write on the graphic organizer whenever they
throughout the lesson? Be specific come to a word that they don’t know. This will inform me if the students found many words that were tricky
about how your chosen assessments for them and which words that the students don’t struggle with. I will also be able to see if the organizer is
connect with the objectives above. helping the students think about synonyms when they come to a word that they don’t know. Students who
Does your formative assessment
exceeded expectations will fill out the graphic organizer with complete sentences that have many details,
have/need evaluation criteria? If so,
attach a copy of your evaluation criteria.
which will show their thinking.
Summative Assessment The students will use this article on a writing piece in the future. They will write about the main idea and give
How will students demonstrate mastery supporting details to support their main idea. This will demonstrate mastery of the standard because the
of the standard? Note: This assessment students the standard that this lesson is addressing requires students to be able to determine the main idea
does not have to occur during/after this and give details that support this main idea. The students will then talk in a small group, where they will
lesson but in upcoming lessons. explain to their group members how their details support the main idea. Looking at their writing and listening
Evaluation Criteria to their discussions will show me where students are at, if they need to work on this standard more, or if they
What material(s) will you use to
grasp the standard.
evaluate learning? Please attach a copy
of your checklist, rubric, observation
criteria, or other measure. I will be using a rubric to evaluate the students learning. On the graphic organizer, I will be looking for the
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students to fill out the graphic organizer with many details and show their thinking by answering the
questions in complete sentences. This will help me see if the students are able to use this strategy well, or if we
need to keep working on it.
Here I will demonstrate how to use the strategy for the students. I will read the first two sentences of the
article aloud to the students: “Many different types of animals hibernate. To hibernate means to spend the
winter in an inactive state.” Then I will say, “I’m not sure what the word ‘inactive’ means. Let’s use the graphic
organizer to help.” “First, let’s look at the red box and ask ourselves, what’s going on here? What was
happened so far in the reading? And based on that information what might this word mean?” The students will
turn and talk to a partner about what is going on and what has happened so far in the reading. Then, we will
come back as a class, and I will ask the students what has happened so far and what is going on. Students may
talk about how “active” means moving around or fast, so “inactive” is lazy or slow. If the students don’t come
to this conclusion, I will point this out and write this under the question in each box. Then, we will go onto the
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orange box, and talk about which synonym we want to use for the word “inactive” and I will write that under
the “try a word” in the orange box. Then I will ask the class, “Does this word make sense in the sentence? Turn
and talk to a partner about why you think it does or doesn’t make sense and why.” We will talk about why they
students think it does or doesn’t make sense and why. Then, we will reread the sentence with the new word,
and if the students say it doesn’t make sense, we will find a new word, if it does make sense, then we will go
onto the blue box. We will stick with the word that makes sense (and write it under that sentence), and then
ask ourselves, “Would that word keep the meaning of the sentence?” Again, we would reread the sentence to
make sure it made sense, if it didn’t, we will find another word. Then we will talk about other words that the
author might have used that would still make sense. Then we will say the word we know, reread the sentence
with that word, and then keep on reading until we get to the next tricky word.
Depending on how the students did with the first example, we will do another one together, or the students
will do the same thing by themselves, this time for the word “state”. This will be done with the same process as
before. They will be given a white board, and the students will work on one box at a time. First, they will work
on the red box, then we will talk about it as a class and I will write what they said on the board. After the red
box, they will do the orange box, and then we will talk about it as a class once they are done, and I will write
what they said on the board. Finally, they will do the blue box, and once they are done, we will talk about it as
a class and I will write what they said on the board. Then we will reread the sentence with the two synonyms
and talk about if the synonyms helped us understand the passage better.
During (Lesson Progression) Here, I will tell the students that they are going to go back to their table spot/desk and they are going to read
In this portion of the lesson, you will be the rest of the article. I will tell the students that they are going to do the same thing that we were doing, but
letting go and letting students engage in that they will be doing it by themselves. I also will tell the students that they can use their Chromebook to read
productive struggle; engaging in gradual the article or they can use one of the copies that I printed out. I will also tell the students that they can fill out
release, inquiry, or other learning the graphic organizer on their Chromebook or they can have a paper copy. I will go over the directions with
methods. Please write what you are the students. I will tell the students to make sure they read the directions in each box of the graphic organizer.
looking for in terms of:
Then, I will tell them that they should fill out the graphic organizer any time they come to a word that they
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson
don’t know. I will tell the students to answer the questions in complete sentences, unless they’re just writing
● Provide appropriate support their synonym. I will then tell them that after they have finished the graphic organizer, they should reread the
(not explaining how to do it) article for meaning, using their synonyms to help them understand what the article is about. I will tell them
● Provide worthwhile extensions. that I expect them to be reading silently, and fill out the graphic organizer while reading.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using the Now, I will have the students go back to their table spots/desks. Here, the students will get their reading and
academic language. graphic organizer (paper copies or online copies) and start reading. While the students work, I expect them to
This is where you will be suggesting or be quiet and fill out their graphic organizer. I will walk around the room, looking at the students graphic
modeling specific strategies and organizers to see how they are doing, if the organizer seems to help, and which words seem to be tricky for the
helping students choose which strategy
kids. If students need help, I will walk them through the graphic organizer, using prompting questions like,
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makes sense to them. However, you “what is another word that might mean the same thing?” or “let’s try using this tricky word in a different
must make sure ideas come from sentence and see if that helps us.”
Wrap-Up and Extension Once the students have finished their graphic organizers we will talk about which words the students found
This is where you have students talk tricky. We will talk about why the students thought they were tricky, what synonyms they found, and what
about their thinking and share strategies they think/know the word means. As a class, we will talk about if this graphic organizer helped them figure
with the whole class. It’s important to out what these tricky/unknown words meant. We will talk about why it helped or why it didn’t help. Then, I
name strategies and use academic will tell the students that this is a good strategy for the students to use whenever they are reading. I will tell
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to the students that many adults, including me, use this strategy when we don’t know words. We will talk about
broader ideas.
how it is important to use words you know so that you can understand what you’re reading. After we talk
● Promote a community of
about the tricky words, I will collect them or have the students turn it in to me online.
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials, My rubric was created on another word doc, so the lesson
Equipment and Technology and rubric will be submitted separately. I will also attach
Attach a copy of ALL materials the the graphic organizer so that it is a larger image.
teacher and students will use during the
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to
answer, overheads, PowerPoint slides,
worksheets. List equipment or
technology that needs to be available.
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September 1, 2020