A Dish/engine Power Plant.: Solar Concentrator
A Dish/engine Power Plant.: Solar Concentrator
A Dish/engine Power Plant.: Solar Concentrator
Solar Concentrator
The solar concentrator, or dish, gathers the solar energy coming directly from the
sun. The resulting beam of concentrated sunlight is reflected onto a thermal
receiver that collects the solar heat. The dish is mounted on a structure that tracks
the sun continuously throughout the day to reflect the highest percentage of
sunlight possible onto the thermal receiver.
The power conversion unit includes the thermal receiver and the engine/generator.
The thermal receiver is the interface between the dish and the engine/generator. It
absorbs the concentrated beams of solar energy, converts the energy to heat, and
transfers the heat to the engine/generator. A thermal receiver can be a bank of
tubes with a cooling fluid—usually hydrogen or helium—that typically is the heat-
transfer medium and also the working fluid for an engine. Alternate thermal
receivers are heat pipes, where the boiling and condensing of an intermediate fluid
transfers the heat to the engine.
The engine/generator system is the subsystem that takes the heat from the
thermal receiver and uses it to produce thermal to electric energy conversion. The
most common type of heat engine used in dish/engine systems is the Stirling
engine. A Stirling engine uses the heated fluid to move pistons and create
mechanical power. The mechanical work, in the form of the rotation of the
engine's crankshaft, drives a generator and produces electrical power.