Activity 3 in CHN Module 2

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Activity 3 in CHN Module 2

For this assessment, an academic paper will be used as education for your nursing
peers on a given topic. A report is divided into headings and subheadings to present
facts about a situation or topic.

This assignment is a 2-page report using ARIAL, font size is 12, on the below topic:
Topic: Submit a 2 page discussion paper with introduction, body, and
Paper Title : The Anatomy of the Philippine Health Care System

Due date: 0800 Tuesday 06 October

When you submit your report to Schoology, please attach the MSWord or WPS file
(for those without laptop). Late submissions will receive a 5% penalty per day.

The format of your report and any innovative ideas you use to present your topic
should cover the following sections and also the points to consider below:

For this assessment you need to use the following headings

1. Introduction – background about a country’s health care system
2. Body – you will need to use sub headings under this heading (use the
WHO six building blocks of health systems as headings)
3. Conclusion – your synthesis and learning
6. References

TIPS in COMPLETING this assignment

A good introduction is interesting and tells the reader:
• what the report is all about- provide definitions and references
• A little bit about why this is important
• Outlines for the reader what you will be discussing in the rest of the report.

A ‘good’ conclusion should summarise all the points raised within the discussion.
Please note there should be NO references within your conclusion as no new
information should be presented here.
Reference list
This should include an alphabetical full end text reference list of all in-text references
used. You need to follow the APA style as per the CHS referencing guide attached in
this assignment. This assignment requires a minimum of 10 references with at
least 5 of these being academic journal articles. The references should be no
older than 5 years. All references need to be from reputable sources. Do not use
lecture notes as references.

General points:

 Only submit via Schoology, no hardcopy required.

 This assignment is all about the process of researching a topic and being able
to articulate your findings in a comprehensive and logical sequence.
 Make sure you use approved abbreviations and write in the third person.
 Your report should facilitate peer learning: use an appropriate language
level suitable for RNs, not mums and dads! Ensure that content is relevant
to nursing practice, i.e. sufficient depth of information but not too detailed
 Support your discussion with relevant and recent literature and websites. Use
peer-reviewed articles, evidence-based research and best practice guidelines.
Do not use public access medical websites designed for non-health
professionals, eg. eMedicine, MayoClinic, BetterHealthChannel,
GPNotes,etc. This assignment requires a minimum of 10 references with at
least 5 of these being academic journal articles. The references should
be no older than 5 years. All references need to be from reputable
sources. Do not use lecture notes as references.
 Read the marking criteria of the rubric; it is a good guide for how much
emphasis needs to be placed on each section.
 You will need to include title page and table of contents –Your paragraphs
need to be logical and clearly formed.

Marking criteria
Below you will find two tables: The first is the DYCI-CHS generic marking rubric, the
second is an interpretation of that rubric to help you recognise which areas are
The column on the left in table 2 is the high distinction column from the generic rubric
(table 1). The column on the right shows you what elements you need in order to get
full marks. The points in brackets show you how those elements are weighted,
naturally elements with more points require more words/paragraphs.
Table 1DYCI-CHS generic marking rubric

Well Below Average Below Average (26-49%) Pass/Average (50- Credit (60- Distinction (70- High Distinction
Content (<25%) 59%) 69%) 79%) (>80%)
Does not address assessment Does not or poorly addresses Assessment item addressed at a Most parts of the assessment item All parts of the assessment item Content fully addresses all parts of the
item. No evidence to support assessment item. Insufficient superficial level. Minimal evidence to addressed at a satisfactory level and addressed at a good level and assessment item. Thorough exploration
main ideas. Unable to evidence to support main ideas. support main ideas. Able to supported by adequate evidence. supported by quality evidence. Able of concepts and well-formed ideas,
demonstrate an understanding Unable to or poorly demonstrates an demonstrate an understanding of the Able to demonstrate an to demonstrate a solid supported by high quality evidence. Able
of the main ideas or concepts. understanding of the main ideas or main concepts at a basic level. Some understanding of the main concepts. understanding of the main concepts. to demonstrate an in-depth
No credible sources used to concepts. Ideas are not relevant to the ideas presented have relevance to the Most ideas presented have Most ideas presented have understanding of the main concepts. All
support main ideas. topic. Limited referencing to support topic. relevance to the topic. relevance to the topic. ideas presented have relevance to the
0-10 11-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32-40
Does not demonstrate Poorly demonstrates critical thinking Limited demonstration of critical Demonstration of critical thinking Very good demonstration of Excellent demonstration of critical
and of

critical thinking appropriate appropriate to required level. Poor thinking appropriate to level of appropriate to level of education. critical thinking appropriate to thinking appropriate to level of

to required level. No application of professional practice education. Limited application of Application of professional practice level of education. Very good education. Excellent application of

application of professional and/or evidence based thinking to professional practice and/or and/or evidence based thinking to application of professional professional practice and/or evidence
practice and/or evidence assessment item. evidence based thinking to assessment item. practice and/or evidence based base to practice in assessment.
based thinking to assessment item. thinking to assessment item.
Presentation Structure

assessment item.
0-5 6-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-20
The assignment does not Limited aspects conform to the Some aspects conform to the Complies with Assignment Writing Complies with Assignment Complies with Assignment Writing
conform to the structure of structure of the assessment item. structure of the assessment item Guidelines. Follows specific Writing Guidelines to a very high Guidelines to an excellent
the assessment item. No Poor introduction to the assessment. Assignment Writing Guidelines. assignment instructions as per Unit standard. Follows specific standard. Follows all specific
introduction to the Limited paragraphing. Omits or poor Limited introduction of topic and Semester Plan. Introduction assignment instructions as per assignment instructions as per Unit
assessment. Poor or non- summation of key points in conclusion. summation of key points in adequately introduces topic and Unit Semester Plan completely. Semester Plan. Excellent introduction
existent paragraphing. No Poorly complies with Assignment conclusion. Minimal paragraphing, summarises key points in Very good introduction of topic of topic and strong summation of key
logical/cohesive Writing Guidelines. Does not follow and logical/cohesive development conclusion. Paragraphing is and summation of key points in points in the conclusion that reflects
development of ideas. No specific assignment instructions as of ideas. evident, and there is a the conclusion that reflects the the student’s position and provides
summation of key points in per Unit Semester Plan logical/cohesive development of student’s position and provides clear insights into the issue. Excellent
conclusion. ideas in some of the assessment clear insights into the issue. Very paragraphing and logical/cohesive
Does not comply with item. good paragraphing, and development of ideas throughout.
Assignment Writing logical/cohesive development of
Guidelines. ideas in most of assessment
0-5 6-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-20

Referencing does not follow Referencing poorly follows instruction Mainly adheres to instruction in the Adheres to instruction in the Adheres to instruction in the CHS Completely adheres to all instruction in
instructions in the CHS in the CHS Referencing Guide. In text CHS Referencing Guide. In text and/or CHS Referencing Guide. In text Referencing Guide. In text and/or the CHS Referencing Guide. In text
Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has many end- text referencing has some errors. and/or end-text referencing has end-text referencing has very few and/or end-text referencing has no
and/or end-text referencing has errors. Includes references in few errors. errors. errors.
multiple errors. Includes conclusion.
Proficiency English Language

references in conclusion.

0-2 3-4 5 6-7 8-9 10

Low Proficiency Developing Proficiency Moderate High Proficiency

Multiple grammatical, spelling Many grammatical spelling and Mostly correct grammar, spelling Mainly correct grammar, spelling Grammar, spelling and punctuation Grammar, spelling and punctuation
and punctuation errors were punctuation errors were present and and punctuation evident and punctuation. Very few errors. were error free. Sentence structure were error free. Sophisticated use of
present throughout. Sentence needs improvement. Sentence throughout. Sentence structure was of a good of a high standard. Effective use of all sentence and paragraph writing
structure poor making it difficult structure needs improvement. Sentence structure acceptable but standard. all sentence and paragraph writing conventions were clearly
to determine meaning. needs improvement. conventions were clearly demonstrated. Logical application of
demonstrated. Logical application of arguments throughout paper.
arguments throughout paper.
0-2 3-4 5 6 7-8 9-10

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