Technical Data Sheet Gardobond G 4040

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Phosphating process for iron materials to reduce sliding friction.

Application by immersion.

SCOPE Gardobond G 4040 is a phosphating process for iron materials on the basis of
manganese phosphate.

Gardobond G 4040 is applied by immersion.

The phosphate coatings improve the wear resistance of moving parts.

The weight of the manganese phosphate coating amounts to 4 - 20 g/m².

Phosphate coatings produced by the Gardobond G 4040 process correspond to
specification DIN 50942, code Fe/Mnph g f.

During storage of the Gardobond G 4040 concentrate, a small amount of brown solids
may settle at the bottom of the tank. This does not affect the quality of the product.

CHEMICALS REQUIRED Gardobond G 4040 (make-up and replenisher solution)

Gardobond-Additive H 7050 (accelerator)
Gardobond-Additive H 7203 (neutralisation agent, manganese containing)

OPERATION PROCEDURE Cleaning - rinsing - pickling (if required) - rinsing (if parts are pickled) - activating -
phosphating - rinsing - rinsing - drying.

PRE-TREATMENT Prior to phosphating remove all contaminants from the part surface.

Cleaning and degreasing

Cleaning and degreasing can be done with alkaline cleaners.
Alkaline cleaners are supplied by us under the designation Gardoclean®.

Carefully rinse with water after cleaning with alkaline cleaners.

Rinsing after alkaline cleaning

Immersion time : 1 - 2 minutes (repeated immersion)
Bath temperature : without heating
Operate the rinsing bath with fresh water supply.

Chemetall Asia Pte Ltd · 12 Loyang Crescent · Singapore 508980 · Tel: +65 68857900 · Fax: +65 68857929
Email: [email protected] · Website: · Company Reg No. 197600891R

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Immersion time : 1 - 2 minutes
Bath temperature : room temperature - 50 °C with pre-rinsing agent
80 - 90 °C without pre-rinsing agent

For more detailed information, see the process instructions "Activating pre-rinse prior to
phosphating on the basis of manganese phosphate with Gardolene V 6560 A + V 6561
B or Gardolene V 6560 A + V 6562 C".

BATH MAKE-UP For 1000 litres of phosphating bath add

183 kg (140 litres) of Gardobond G 4040.

This make-up corresponds to a concentration of 80 total acid points and approx. 15 - 16
free acid points. The phosphating bath is ready for use after thorough stirring (e.g. with
oil free compressed air). After the material throughput the solution will show around 9 -
13 free acid points.

BATH OPERATION Immersion time : 5 - 20 minutes

Bath temperature : 75 - 80 °C
Bath concentration : 80 total acid points
9 - 13 free acid points
The ratio of free acid
points : total acid shall be of 1 : > 6

The optimum working conditions are established by our Technical Service upon the
start-up of the installation.

BATH CONTROL The bath concentration is controlled by determining the total acid pointage, free acid
pointage and iron pointage.

Determine the total acid pointage and the free acid pointage several times per day. Iron
separates from the bath solution during material throughput. Hence, the iron pointage
should be determined at least once per day.

Prior to sampling, fill the bath tank with water to operating level and thoroughly mix the

Total acid pointage

Pipette 5 mL of phosphating bath into an Erlenmeyer flask. Dilute the solution with
approx. 50 mL of distilled water and add 10 - 15 drops of Test Indicator 2
(phenolphthalein). Titrate with Test Solution 1 (0.1 M sodium hydroxide) until the colour
changes to red.

Chemetall Asia Pte Ltd · 12 Loyang Crescent · Singapore 508980 · Tel: +65 68857900 · Fax: +65 68857929
Email: [email protected] · Website: · Company Reg No. 197600891R

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The mL of Test Solution 1 consumed multiplied by 2 indicates the total acid pointage.

Free acid pointage

Pipette 5 mL of phosphating bath into an Erlenmeyer flask. Dilute the solution with
approx. 50 mL of distilled water and add 1 drop of Test Indicator 25 (dimethyl yellow).
Titrate with Test Solution 1 (0.1 M sodium hydroxide) until the colour changes to yellow.
The mL of Test Solution 1 consumed multiplied by 2 indicates the free acid pointage.

Iron pointage
Pipette 10 mL of phosphating bath into an Erlenmeyer flask. Dilute the solution with
approx. 100 mL of distilled water and add 5 mL of Test Solution 12 (a 50 % sulphuric
acid) and 2 g of Test Salt 21 (urea). Titrate with Test Solution 4 (0.02 M potassium
permanganate) until the faint red colouring persists for approx. 20 seconds.

The mL of Test Solution 4 consumed indicates the iron pointage.

Iron points x factor 0.56 = g Iron(II)/L bath solution

Max. value: 7 - 9 iron points (4 - 5 g of iron(II) per litre of bath solution)

ROUGHNESS When a lower surface roughness after phosphating is required, we recommend the use
of our additive Gardobond-Additive H 7050. With the addition of 5 g/L to the phosphate
bath, the pickling time and therefore the surface roughness will be considerably
reduced. When the pickling rate decreases, the Gardobond-Additive H 7050 can be
added again as described above.

BATH REPLENISHMENT Total acid pointage

The total acid pointage are maintained by adding Gardobond G 4040.

For each total acid point consumed add per 1000 litres of phosphating solution
2.3 kg (1.8 litres) of Gardobond G 4040.

Free acid pointage

With a total of 80 total acid points, the free acid points should be of 9 - 13. If the free
acid points exceeds 13, add Gardobond-Additive H 7203.

To reduce the acid pointage by 1 free acid point add per 1000 litres of phosphating bath
650 g of Gardobond-Additive H 7203, suspended in 10 times the amount of water.

Chemetall Asia Pte Ltd · 12 Loyang Crescent · Singapore 508980 · Tel: +65 68857900 · Fax: +65 68857929
Email: [email protected] · Website: · Company Reg No. 197600891R

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Iron content
The iron(II) content can be kept constant by adding finely effervescent, oil-free
compressed air or using a ventilation stirrer.

After iron precipitation it may be necessary to desludge the solution. Before continuing
the operation, titrate the total acid pointage and free acid pointage and replenish up to
nominal value or neutralize with Gardobond-Additive H 7203.

Optimum conditions can be worked out in co-operation with our Technical Service.

DESLUDGING The sludge accumulated during phosphating or during the iron precipitation must be
periodically removed.
This is done via a settling tank or a suitable filtering equipment. It is also possible to
pump the solution above the sludge into an empty rinsing tank.

After returning the clear solution, fill the tank with water to operating level and stir
thoroughly. Then determine the total acid points and free acid points and replenish with
Gardobond G 4040 up to nominal value.

RINSING Phosphating should be followed by a careful water rinse.

1st rinsing bath

Immersion time : 1 - 2 minutes (repeated immersion)
Bath temperature : without heating
The first rinsing bath should be operated with fresh water supply.

2nd rinsing bath

Immersion time : 1 - 2 minutes
Bath temperature : 80 - 90 °C
The second rinsing solution should be discarded several times.

DRYING After draining, quick and thorough drying of the parts is required. We recommend driers
with air circulation and fresh air supply.
Part temperature: 110 - 150 °C

AFTER-TREATMENT Protect the phosphated parts by lubricating or greasing within 24 hours after

Gardorol® corrosion protection oils are supplied by us.

Chemetall Asia Pte Ltd · 12 Loyang Crescent · Singapore 508980 · Tel: +65 68857900 · Fax: +65 68857929
Email: [email protected] · Website: · Company Reg No. 197600891R

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EQUIPMENT Gardobond G 4040 bath

Bath tank
General-purpose constructional steels to DIN EN 10025, with acid-proof rubber lining
Chromium nickel steel, material number 1.4541
Chromium nickel molybdenum steel, material number 1.4571
Butyl rubber

Heating elements
Chromium nickel molybdenum steel, material number 1.4571
Fluorinated plastics
Rinsing baths

Bath tank and heating elements

General-purpose constructional steels to DIN EN 10025
If pickling is required, the rinsing bath downstream of the pickling stage must be acid
proof, e.g. made of general-purpose constructional steels to DIN EN 10025 with acid-
proof rubber lining.


PROTECTION For transport, storage, use and waste treatment of chemicals in concentrates or
dilutions as well as bath solutions, the legal regulations have to be obeyed.

Further specific information on the products are to be obtained from the EC Safety Data
Sheets. For the used control agents the danger code on the label has to be followed.

WASTE DISPOSAL All waste waters must be treated in accordance with national legislation and local
regulations prior to discharge to the sewer.

VH/1/07/CM GmbH/09/02-2/S2

The above data have been compiled to the best of our knowledge on the basis of thorough tests and with regard to the current state of our long practical experience. No
liabilities or guarantee deriving from or in connection with this leaflet can be imputed to us. Reproduction, in whole or in part, only with our express permission.

Chemetall Asia Pte Ltd · 12 Loyang Crescent · Singapore 508980 · Tel: +65 68857900 · Fax: +65 68857929
Email: [email protected] · Website: · Company Reg No. 197600891R

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