Association of Hypertriglyceridemia With Ischemic Stroke, Study in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh
Association of Hypertriglyceridemia With Ischemic Stroke, Study in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh
Association of Hypertriglyceridemia With Ischemic Stroke, Study in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh
Background: Hypertriglyceridemia fosters the development of atherosclerosis via several mechanisms and
lead to ischemic stroke (IS) through its contribution to thrombogenicity. The association of
hypertriglyceridemia with ischemic stroke was evaluated in this study.
Methods: This was a case control study conducted in the Department of Medicine, Dhaka Medical College
Hospital and data was collected in a questionnaire from January to June’2013. Patients presented with
ischemic stroke, confirmed by CT scan of Head/ MRI of brain from 1 day to 6 months and other than
ischemic stroke patients were considered as case and control respectively.
Results: The mean age was found 61.0±8.3 years in case group and 60.5±8.1 years in control group. Male
were predominant in both groups which was 80 (80.0%) in case group and 84 (84.0%) in control group.
More than two third (68.0%) in cases and one fourth (25.0%) in controls patients had hypertension. 12
(12.0%) in cases and 2 (2.0%) in controls patients had heart disease. Normal triglycerides was found 52
(52.0%) in cases and 72 (72.0%) in control. The mean TG was found 179.9±62.8 mg/dl in cases and
148.0±51.9 mg/dl in controls. Desirable cholesterol was found 16 (16.0%) in cases and 25 (25.0%) in controls.
The mean cholesterol was found 238.0±4.0 mg/dl in cases and 213.0±42.0 in controls. Optimal LDL was
found 12 (12.0%) and 18 (18.0%) in case and control group respectively. Mean LDL was found 167.0±35.2
mg/dl in cases and 141.0±36.1 mg/dl in controls. Low HDL was found 64 (64.0%) in cases and 26 (26.0%)
in controls. Mean HDL was found 41.2±10.6 mg/dl in case group and 49.0±8.6 mg/dl in control group.
Conclusion: Ischemic stroke is significantly associated with a higher level of TC, TG, LDL and HDL
(inversely). Therefore, Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertriglyceridemia may be a risk factor for ischemic stroke.
ywor ds: Ischemic stroke, Triglyceride (TG), Low density lipoprotein (LDL), High density lipoprotein
C), as well as low levels of high-density lipoprotein AF, MI (within 6 weeks of acute stroke), prosthetic heart
cholesterol (HDL-C) are possible risk factors for IS.6-7 valve, endocarditis were excluded from this study.
Cholesterol and triglycerides are the 2 main lipids found in
Stroke was defined as a clinical syndrome characterized by
the body. Triglycerides (triacylglycerols) are the main storage
rapidly developing clinical symptoms and/or signs of focal
form of fatty acids. They are esters of fatty acids and
and at times global loss of brain function, with symptoms
lasting >24 hours or leading to earliar death, and with no
The metabolic pathways of triglycerides and HDL-C are apparent cause other than that of vascular origin.
related, and an increase in one will usually be accompanied Hypertriglyceridemia is defined as plasma levels of TG ≥200
by a decrease in the other (a rise in the HDL-C level will be mg/dL12. (it corresponds to a high hypertriglyceridemia
accompanied by a drop in the triglyceride level, and vice according to the ATP III).Serum total cholesterol, HDL
versa).8-9 cholesterol (HDL-C), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) and
triglycerides were measured by standard enzymatic
Hypertriglyceridemia may lead to IS through its contribution
to atherosclerosis and/or thrombogenicity. Studies suggest
that hypertriglyceridemia fosters the development of After collection of information, these data were checked,
atherosclerosis via several mechanisms. Postprandial verified for consistency and edited for result. After editing
hypertriglyceridemia in diabetic patients was found to and coding, the coded data were entered directly into the
produce endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress due to lipid- computer by using software. Data cleaning validation and
derived free radicals, and impairment of endothelium- analysis were performed using the SPSS\PC software and
dependent vasodilatation.10 Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, graph and chart by MS Excel. The result was presented in
including very-low-density lipoprotein and intermediate- tables in mean, standard deviation (SD) and percentage. A
density lipoprotein, in addition to LDL-C particles, become “p“ value <0.5 were considered as significant.
trapped in blood vessel walls and have been demonstrated
in human atherosclerotic plaques. 11 Transient Results:
hypertriglyceridemia, induced by intravenous infusion of a 100 patients with ischemic stroke and 100 control subjects
triglyceride emulsion, was associated with decreased were included in the study. It was observed that male were
vascular reactivity in young healthy men who had no risk predominant in both groups which was 80 (80.0%) in case
factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). 12 Chronic group and 84 (84.0%) in control group. The difference was
hypertriglyceridemia was independently associated with not statistically significant (p>0.05) between two groups.
endothelial dysfunction in an observational study of patients Among the study patients according to past medical history
with normal LDL-C.13 Increased expression of adhesion cell (n=200) it was observed that more than two third (68.0%) in
molecules is considered to be a marker of endothelial cell cases and one fourth (25.0%) in controls patients had
dysfunction.14 An increase in cell adhesion molecules has hypertension. Ten (10.0%) patients had diabetes in cases
been noted in patients with hypertriglyceridemia.14-15 Many and 4 (4.0%) in controls. Twelve (12.0%) in cases and 2
prospective epidemiological studies have reported a positive (2.0%) in controls patients had heart disease. Hypertension
relationship between serum triglyceride levels and incidence and heart disease difference was statistically significant
of CHD.16-18 (p<0.05) between two groups. In this Normal triglycerides
were found in 52 (52.0%) cases and in 72 (72.0%) of control.
Materials and Methods
The mean TG was found to be 179.9±62.8 mg/dl in cases
This case control study was carried out in Department of
and 148.0±51.9 mg/dl in controls. Desirable cholesterol was
Medicine, Dhaka Medical College Hospital from January
found 16 (16.0%) in cases and 25 (25.0%) in controls. The
2013 to June 2013. A total of 100 Ischemic stroke patients
mean cholesterol found was 238.0±4.0 mg/dl in cases and
who met the inclusion criteria were recruited as cases from
the admitted patient of Medicine Department, DMCH. Age 213.0±42.0 in controls. Optimal LDL was found 12 (12.0%)
and sex matched apparently healthy persons were recruited and 18 (18.0%) in case and control group respectively. Mean
as controls. Those who give informed written consent were LDL was found to be 167.0±35.2 mg/dl in cases and
finally enrolled in this study. All patients presenting with 141.0±36.1 mg/dl in controls. Low HDL was found in 64
ischemic stroke, confirmed by CT scan of head/MRI of brain (64.0%) cases and 26 (26.0%) in controls. Mean HDL was
from 01 day to 6 months were included as cases. Patients of found to be 41.2±10.6 mg/dl in case group and 49.0±8.6
venous thrombosis, severely ill patients, those who were mg/dl in control group. The difference was statistically
taking anti lipid drugs, history of Cardioembolic events – significant (p<0.05) between two groups.
JM Vol. 17, No. 1 Association of Hypertriglyceridemia with Ischemic Stroke, Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh
Table-I Table-III
Distribution of the study patients according to age Distribution of the study patients according to
(n=200) complications (n=200)
Association of Hypertriglyceridemia with Ischemic Stroke, Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh JM Vol. 17, No. 1
JM Vol. 17, No. 1 Association of Hypertriglyceridemia with Ischemic Stroke, Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh
In this study it was observed that optimal LDL was found Limitations of the study
12.0% in case and 18.0% in control group. Mean LDL was 1. The study population was selected from one selected
found 167.0±35.2 mg/dl in cases and 141.0±36.1 mg/dl in hospital in Dhaka city, so that the results of the study
controls, which was significantly (p<0.05) higher in case may not be reflect the exact picture of the country.
group. Tanne et al.11 found the mean LDL-C level was 2. The present study was conducted within a very short
157±38 mg/dL in Ischemic Stroke/TIA and 54±37 mg/dL in period of time.
No CVD. Similar findings also obtained by Hsieh et al.19.
3. Small sample size was also a limitation of the present
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study. Therefore, in future further study may be under
A low HDL-C level has been reported by Bowman et al.18 taken with large sample size.
to be associated with ischemic stroke in many studies. In
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