Notes On Risk Management

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The key takeaways are that risk management consists of risk perception, risk analysis, and risk preparedness. It also involves identifying risks, assessing risks, and implementing solutions and plans to manage risks.

The three elements of risk management traditionally are identification of risks, risk assessment and implementation of solutions and plans.

The steps involved in risk assessment are risk identification, risk estimation, risk evaluation, risk acceptance, and risk aversion.

Notes on Risk Management

Risk management consists of - risk perception, risk analysis, and risk preparedness.

Risks may be divided into three tiers. In the lower band, the public readily accepts risks
because benefits are felt to outweigh the disadvantages. In the upper band, risks are regarded
as completely unacceptable and must be reduced even at very high cost or, if not possible, the
activities must cease. The intermediate region is one in which decisions on risk reduction are
made by trading off associated costs and benefits.

Traditionally, the field of risk management has three elements - identification of risks, risk
assessment and implementaton of solutions and plans.

Risk Assessment consists of

Risk Management
Risk Assessment
Risk Control
Risk Determination Risk Evaluation
- protection works
Risk Risk Estimation Risk Risk Aversion - non-structural
Identification Acceptence measures
determine: determine:
identify: - probability of establish: - degree of risk
- new risks occurances - risk references reduction
- change in risk - magnitiude of - risk referents - degree of risk
parameters consequence value avoidance
Steps in Risk Management
Source: Keynote address by Roger Smook
at the Risk Assessment and Management Congress
in Ogaki, Japan - September 1997

Risk assessment is defined as "The overall process of risk identification, quantification,

evaluation, acceptance, aversion and management." Risk management is the managerial
response based on the resolution of various policy issues such as acceptable risk. Risk
management decisions are made by considering risk assessments within the context of
political, social and economic realities. Such decisions are frequently controversial due to the
difficulty in determining risks that are acceptable to the public.

Risk assessment includes risk determination and risk evaluation. Risk management includes
risk assessment and risk control.

Risk determination involves the related processes of risk identification and risk estimation.
Risk identification is the process of observation and recognition of new risk parameters or
new relationships among existing risk parameters, or perception of a change in the
magnitudes of existing risk parameters.

Risk, at the general level, involves two major elements: the occurrence probability of an
adverse event and the consequences of the event. Risk estimation, consequent-ly, is an
estimation process, starting from the occurrence probability and ending at the consequence

Risk evaluation is a complex process of developing acceptable levels of risk to individuals,

groups, or the society as a whole. It involves the related processes of risk acceptance and risk

Risk acceptance implies that a risk taker is willing to accept some risks to obtain a gain or
benefit, if the risk cannot possibly be avoided or controlled. The acceptance level is a
reference level against which a risk is determined and then compared. If the determined risk
level is below the acceptance level, the risk is deemed acceptable. If it is deemed
unacceptable and avoidable, steps may be taken to control the risk or the activity should be
ceased. The perception and the acceptance of risks vary with the nature of the risks and
depend upon many underlying factors. The risk may involve a "dread" hazard or a common
hazard, be encountered occupationally or non-occupationally, have immediate or delayed
effects and may effect average or especially sensitive people or systems.

Risk aversion is the control action, taken to avoid or eliminate the risk, regulate or modify the
activities to reduce the magnitude and/or frequency of adverse affects, reduce the
vulnerability of exposed persons, property or in this case urban systems, develop and
implement mitigation and recovery procedures, and institute loss-reimbursement and loss-
distribution schemes.
The term "Risk" has been used in many different applications. It can be applied
to safety and it can also be applied to business investment (business risk, project
risk etc.). Risk normally refers to something that is "uncertain" and that
uncertainty normally carries a loss or adverse effect. However, in the context of
health and safety management, the meaning of "risk" mainly refers to risk of
having accident, risk of having harms.

The term "risk management" in the context of safety is often used

interchangeably with the term "safety management" by many people. Although
they may mean the same thing to many people, there are in fact conceptual
differences between the two. The major difference is that the terms “hazard and
risk” are put into perspective in the "risk management" concept.

Risk Management should be integrated with other elements of the management

system to form a comprehensive health and safety management system. In
such a system, "Risk Management" can be regarded as the "Process Safety
Management", since it is regarded as the part of the management system that
deals with the actual control of risks in the processes or activities of an

The risk management concept emphasizes on the systematic identification,

analysis and assessment of all hazards inherent in an activity so that
effective measures can be established to control the risks.

Without an understanding of what needs to be control, it will be difficult for the

management to take the right actions to combat with the health and safety

Legal Requirements on Risk Assessment

There is no explicit requirement on adopting risk management in the local

legislation. However, the "General Duties" Clauses in the Factories and Industrial
Undertakings Ordinance do in fact imply such a system. The Hong Kong
Government is in the process of reviewing the existing occupational health and
safety system in Hong Kong and it is foreseeable that such a system will be more
explicitly enforced. In the UK, "Risk Assessment" has been explicitly required in
the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation” as well as the control
of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)”. "Risk management"
is also widely promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) of the US in its "Guidelines on Workplace Safety and Health Programme
Management. It is evident that the principles of "Risk Management" will become
the guiding principles in the legislation of most advanced industrialized countries.
Some Definitions

The principles of Risk Management can be better understood by defining the

following terms within the context of Risk Management: Safety Defined
The word "safety" in fact does not give too much meaning in safety management
and sometimes it can be quite misleading. The dictionary defines “safety” as:
"the quality of being safe; freedom from danger or injury". However, in reality,
attaining the state that is qualified by this definition seems impracticable. There is
no such thing as an absolute safe environment. It can be imagined that even if
every known safety concept, standard, or regulation was applied in a given
situation, there would still be the probability, however remote, of an injurious or
damaging event occurring.

Therefore, the dictionary definition is not applicable and should not be used in the
context of safety management. The word "safety" should be defined with such a
meaning that reflects the reality. There are a number of such definitions by
various academics and authorities. Some of these definitions are quoted on
below :

o U.S. National Safety Council --

"Safety" is the control of hazards to attain an acceptable level of risk.
o Gloss and Wardle in Introduction to Safety Engineering --
"Safety" is the measure of the relative freedom from risks of dangers. Safety is
the degree of freedom from risks and hazards in any environment.
o Willie Hammer in Occupational Safety Management and Engineering --
Safety is a matter of relative protection from exposure to hazards; the antonym to
o Lowrance in Of Acceptable Risk : Science and the Determination of Safety --
Safety is a judgment of the acceptability of risk ...... A thing is safe if its risks are
judged to be acceptable.

From the definitions quoted above, it is apparent that the word "safety" should
only be define as a _ elative and acceptable state” for which the risks are judged
to be acceptable.

The terms "risk" and "hazards" are commonly used in the above quoted definition
and they are in fact the key words in the context of risk management.

Hazards Defined
Hazards are defined as the "potential for harm or damage to people, property, or
the “environment" and are the "source of risk". Hazards include the
characteristics of things and the "actions" or "inactions" of people. They are the
"base" of all safety concerns, whether it is occupational safety, product
safety, environmental affairs, fire etc. In all of those fields of safety endeavor,
virtually all activities are to deal with the possible actions or inactions of people
and the characteristics of properties, equipment, machinery, or materials that
present the potential for harm or damage.

Risk Defined

As mentioned above, risk means something uncertain and the uncertainty carries
some adverse effects. In other words, risk is made up of probability of
occurrence (uncertainty) and severity of consequence (adverse effects).
Lowrance in Of Acceptable Risk : Science and the Determination of Safety
defines risk as "A measure of the probability and severity of adverse
effects". By this definition, when we talk about risk, we are actually talking about
how likely will an adverse effect (harm) will be realized, and if it is realized, how
serious (injuries, deaths etc.) will be the consequences. A classic example is the
risk of an aeroplane crash. The probability of an aeroplane crash is extremely
small (in terms of
crash per total flying hours of all aeroplane). However, the consequence of the
crash of an aeroplane will be catastrophic. The risk of traveling on aeroplanes
can then be calculated by taking into account the two factors of probability and

The Process of Risk Management

The risk management concept enables a systematic and realistic framework to

be established for accident prevention. It refers to the whole process of:
r hazards identification,
r risk estimation,
r risks evaluation,
r control measures establishment, and
r implementation of control measures.
This risk management process can be further divided into two distinct stages.
The first
stage concerns with the understanding of the "problems" (fact finding) while the
stage concerns with the "solutions" to the problems. The first stage encompasses
processes of hazards identification, and risk assessment.
r Hazard Identification
Hazards Identification is a very important and distinct step preceding all other
steps (hazards analysis, risk determination etc.) in risk management. This is in
a fact finding exercise. The objective is to reveal all possible potentials for harm
or damage that exist in a system or organization being analyzed. If this step is
conducted properly, the whole risk management scheme would be affected.
Many analytical methods have been developed for use in hazards identification.
The appropriate method or mix of methods should be selected to enable the
process be conducted "systematically" to achieve a better coverage of hazards.
r Risk Estimation
After hazards have been identified, they will need to be further analysed to define
their nature, the mechanism of harms, the groups of people that are particular at
risk and the consequence of the hazards being realized. This will provide
information on the relative severity of the various hazards and the groups of
to whom protections have to be provided.
As previously defined, risk is "a measure of the probability and severity of
effects". Therefore, in the "risk estimation process", the consequences as well as
the probability of occurrence of those hazards identified are assessed.
r Risk Evaluation (acceptability evaluation)
Risk Evaluation is the making of an overall judgement on the importance of a
to determine its acceptability.
On the basis of risk estimation, an evaluation is then made as to whether the
is acceptable or additionaly safety measures are necessary to reduce the risk to
acceptable level. Risk assessment is very much a subjective judgement.
by following certain principles, the subjectivity in risk assessment can be
r Establishment of Control Measures
Risks can normally be reduced through one or several safety measures. The
reduction can apply to either the consequences or the probability that they will
occur. The control measures may be by ways of "engineering control" or
"administrative" controls. "Engineering Controls" refer to hardwares such as
guards, barriers, and other installations. "Administrative Controls" refer to
software issues such as safe working procedures, safety systems etc. Measures
stipulated in the legislation, national standards, code of practice etc. can be very
useful sources of reference for establishing control measures.
r Implementation of Control Measures
Appropriate control measures are put to work at this stage. It may take a long
while to implement the measures because considerable time may be needed for
training, equipment purchases, installation work, and often the need for
overcoming resistance to change.
The process of risk management as mentioned above is a continuous process
which is
never ending. Some hazards may have been overlooked and need further
identification and
new hazards may be introduced in the course of time and the whole process will
have to
be performed again. Furthermore, the residual risk of certain hazards may also
need to be
assessed to evaluate their acceptability after appropriate control measures have
Quantitative Risk Measurement
For quantitative measurement, risk is normally expressed by the equation:
Risk = Probability of occurrence x Consequence of occurrence
where probability is expressed as the event frequency per unit of time or activity,
and consequence is expressed as loss in dollar value.
The above equation gives a finite, numerical quantification of risk. In the analysis,
calculated or estimated values of probabilities and consequences have to be
obtained. On
the basis of these values, an evaluation is then made as to whether the risk is
acceptable or
safety measures are necessary. The use of this equation presumes a knowledge
of incident
probability which is far more extensive and precise than seems to exist in reality.
In reality,
however, subjective judgments have to be used in many situations to
determine the
likelihood of the occurrence of a event as well as its severity. Therefore,
qualitative risk
assessment is used more often that not.
Qualitative Risk Estimation
However, there are also systematic approaches in estimating risk qualitatively
by using
appropriate decision making tools. One commonly used approach is the
development of a
"Risk Assessment Decision Matrix" which is adopted from the US Military
Standard --
System Safety Program Requirements, known as MIL-Std-882-B. This type of
can be employed to measure and categorize risks on an informed judgment
basis as to both
probability and consequence and as to relative importance. An adaptation of the
Matrix is
illustrated on below:
Risk Matrix
Severity of Occurrence Probability
Consequence Frequent Probable Occasional Remote Improbable
Critical (Major injury/
permanent disability)
(Minor injury)
(No injury)
1st rank action
2nd rank action
3rd rank action
acceptable risk/ no action
By using this Matrix, risks can be roughly classified into different categories
on the parameters on the two axes. The different categories of risks require
ranks of control action. Priority on control actions can be determined by adopting
kind of decision making tool.
Preliminary Hazards Analysis (PHA)
The PHA is also commonly used in System Safety Analysis. It is the initial effort
in risk
assessment during the system design phase of the system (project or operation)
life cycle.
Its purposes are to identify safety critical areas within the system, identify and
evaluate hazards, and begin to consider safety design criteria. PHA a very useful
tool in
analyzing the generic "hazard groups" present in a system, together with their
and recommendation for control. It is a first and most important examination of
the state
of safety of the system. PHA is usually preceded by the use of a preliminary
hazard list
(PHL). The identification of hazards on a PHL can occur through the use of a
variety of
methods, such as checklists, hazard matrices, lessons learned, equipment
accident/incident report data, review of other historical records, and also with the
aid of
the ETBA.
In the PHA, a "risk assessment code" (RAC) is introduced. This RAC determines
a risk
level of a given hazard and is used to assess the scope of the system safety
effort required.
The RAC is generated based on the probability and consequence of occurrence
of a
hazard, which bases on the same principle of the "Risk Matrix" as described
Specific PHA and PHL worksheets are developed to facilitate the analysis.
headings of these worksheets are shown on below. As can be evident from the
format of
the worksheets, the PHA is in fact an extension of the PHL.
Preliminary Hazard List
Item Hazardous
Cause Effects RAC Comments
Preliminary Hazard Analysis Worksheet
Item Hazardous
Cause Effects RAC Assessments Recommendations
Fault Tree Analysis
A fault tree is a graphical representation of logical combinations of causes that
may lead
to a defined undesired final (top) event or state. Examples of types of final events
are an
injury to a person, failure of equipment, the release of hazardous gases and an
to production.
A Fault Tree consists of a number of layers of events, the topmost layer is the
final event
mentioned in the previous paragraph. The occurrence of a event is caused by the
input of
a number of events at the next lower layer and so on. The events at the lower
layer are
controlled by "gates" which may be an "OR" gate or an "AND" gate. An "OR" gate
denotes that the occurrence of any one of the events will lead to the occurrence
of the
next higher event. An "AND" gate denotes that the higher event will only occur
when all
the inputting events at the lower layer have occurred.
Fault tree analysis can provide a very useful overview on how faults can lead to
consequences. The various causes / faults leading to the final undesirable event
can then be
examined individually. The logical sequence in the fault tree also provides a
useful insight
for management for focusing efforts on critical issues. Appropriate control
aiming at particular faults can be generated more readily. Probabilistic estimates
for the
occurrence of an undesirable event can be more accurately worked out by this
presentation of the precedent causes / faults.
Event Tree Analysis
An event tree can be regarded as the opposite of a fault tree. A fault tree is
constructed by
selecting a undesirable top event and then working downwards. An event tree
starts with
an initiating event and then describes the sequential consequences. For
example, what
happen when a fire breaks out? The break out of a fire is the initiating event.
events may be it is detected by the nearby fire detector, the fire alarm goes off,
the fire
station is alerted and firemen arrive and extinguish the fire. There may be a
system in place and the subsequent events will be different.
Every part of the sequential events contains the possibility of success or failure.
can be due to the malfunctioning of the detector or smoke not reaching the
detector. An
event tree provides opportunities for making probabilistic estimates. The initiate
event is
expressed as a frequency (event per year) and the other branch-off points are
expressed as
probabilities (the number of failures per trial or occasion of use)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
In this method, attention is concentrated on particular job tasks performed by a
person or
group. It is most appropriate for tasks which are well defined. The analysis is a
examination of a job task to identify hazards inherent with the job task.
A JSA process consists of four mains stages, namely: Structuring, Identifying
Assessing risks and Proposing safety measures.
The first stage of JSA is to break down the job being analyzed into a number of
detailed steps or sub-tasks. This requires basic understanding of the job.
Normally, the
persons who are experienced in the job should be involved. Besides the normal
job procedure, it is also important to take account of unusual tasks and those that
are only
seldom undertaken.
Identifying hazards
The next stage is to go through the sub-tasks one by one. The particular hazards
become more apparent in a sub-task suitably broken down. A number of relevant
questions may be asked to aid identifying hazards:
ú Which types of injuries can occur? -- A checklist of injuries / hazards may be
prepared for use.
ú Are hazardous materials, equipment, machinery etc. involved?
ú Can special problems or deviations arise in the course of the work?
ú Is the job task difficult?
ú Can other ways of doing the work arise?
Assessing the risks
Each identified hazard or problem is assessed with reference to the severity of
consequence, the number of people exposed and the likelihood of occurrence
Proposing safety measures
One of the major advantages of JSA is appropriate control measures can be
generate quite
readily. An attempt can be made in this stage to propose ways of reducing the
risks when
going through the hazards / risks shown on the record sheet. The measures can
apply to:
ú equipment and task aids.
ú materials to be used.
ú work routines and methods (employ alternative methods if practicable).
ú elimination of the need for a certain job task.
ú improvements to job instructions, training, etc.
ú planning how to handle difficult situations.
ú install safety devices such as guards, barriers, detectors etc.
ú use of personal protective equipment.
A typical Record Sheet is show on below:
Job task Hazards Evaluation Proposed measures Remarks
Energy Analysis
The idea that lies behind this method is that for an injury to occur, a person must
exposed to an injurious or harmful energy. An injury occurs when a person's
body is
exposed to an energy that exceeds the injury threshold of the body. In relation to
"energy concept", an accident is sometimes defined as "an unwanted energy
flow of
energy resulting from inadequate barriers that results in adverse consequences."
Harmful energies can take on many different forms and they can damage a
physically or chemically. The various forms of energies are listed in the checklist
In fact, most hazards are the result or effect of energy of one form or the other.
the acceptance and use of this energy concept provides a comprehensive
which encompasses virtually all possible kinds of hazards. The "energy checklist"
developed can actually be used as a "hazards checklist" for conducting hazards
Check list for Energy Analysis:
ú Person at a height
ú Object at a height
ú Collapse of structure
ú etc.
ú Flying objects
ú Vehicle impact
ú Moving machine parts
ú etc.
ú Compressed gases
ú Compressed liquids
ú Materials under tension
ú Steam boiler
ú Coiled spring
ú etc.
ú Hot or cold object / surface
ú Steam or gas
ú Chemical reaction
ú etc.
ú Flammable substance
ú Explosive substance
ú Dust
ú Chemical reaction
ú Pressure
ú etc.
ú Voltage
ú Current (also in association
with heating)
ú Battery
ú Static electricity
ú Capacitors
ú Magnetic field
ú Toxic
ú Corrosive
ú Contagious
ú etc
ú Ionizing
ú Laser
ú UV, IR
ú Sound
ú etc.
ú Movement machine parts
ú Rollers
ú etc.
ú Slips
ú Sharp edge
ú etc.
Energy Analysis is not merely a tool for identifying harmful energies or hazards. It
provides a very useful conceptual framework for deciding on appropriate safety
barriers as the term used, to prevent harm from being caused to persons by the
energies. In
fact, when using Energy Analysis, a model of systems containing the following
components should be looked at:
1. That which can be harmed, usually a human being, but possibly an object, a
piece of
equipment or a plant.
2. Energies, which can cause harm.
3. Barriers, which prevent harm from being caused, such as safety guards for
Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis (ETBA)
ETBA may be regarded as an extension of Energy Analysis employing the same
concept. However, ETBA is frequently used in associate with "System Safety
The ETBA has been designed as an investigative tool with which to focus
upon the following primary areas of concern:
1. Energy sources(s) within a given system;
2. The adequacy of any barriers or controls within the energy path;
3. The human factors interface; and
4. The eventual target(s) of unwanted or uncontrolled energy flow.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
This method is utilized for analysis of technical systems. It can be used at
different system
levels. In simple terms, it is designed to answer the questions: "How can the unit
fail?" and
"What happens then?". There are variations in the application of the method and
complexity of the systems analyzed. However, the analysis normally consists of
following main stages:
1. The system is divided up into different units in the form of a block diagram.
2. Failure modes are identified for the various units.
3. Conceivable causes, consequences and the significance of failure are
assessed for each
failure mode.
4. An investigation is made into how the failure can be detected.
5. Recommendations for suitable control measures are made.
A special record sheet is normally used for facilitate the analysis. The major
headings of the record sheet is shown in the table below.
FMEA Record Sheet
Identification --
function, etc.
Probability and/or
Criticality level.
Management Oversight and Risks Tree (MORT)
MORT was originally developed for conducting in-depth accident investigation
and is a
method that focuses on the safety work of organizations. Its area of application
has since
been extended. MORT emphasizes that when an accident reveals errors, it is the
which fails. People operating a system cannot do the things expected of them
directives and criteria are "less than adequate" (LTA), which is the phrase used
the analysis.
The MORT tree us a general problem description. It is rather like a fault tree and
the same
symbols are used. The tree contains around 200 basic problems. But, if it is
applied in
different areas, the number of potential causes it describes can raise to 1500.
The top event of the "Tree" may be an accident that has occurred. This can be
due to an
"oversight or omission", or an "assumed" hazard, or both. These are the two
branches of the "Tree". The branch "Oversight and Omission" has two subsidiary
branches, one is called "Specific control factors" and the other called
"Management system
factors". The "Specific control factors" focuses on what occurred during the
This is further divided into the "accident" itself and how its consequences are
reduced, e.g.
through fire fighting, provision of medical treatment, etc. The "Management
factors" focuses on the question "Why". It is further divided into three further
policy, implementation, and risk assessment systems. The various elements in
the tree are
numbered, These numbers refer to a list of specific questions for each element
which is
provided as a complement to the tree.
The analysis involves going through the elements in the tree and making an
assessment of
each. There are two assessment levels: "Satisfactory" and "Less Than Adequate
The assessments are in part subjective, but by asking specific questions for each
the degree subjectivity can be reduced. Colour coding is used during the
process. Green mean OK, red means LTA, and blue means no answer to the
question has
been obtained. Irrelevant questions are crossed out. The analysis is complete
when all
elements have been covered.
Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
HAZOP is normally used by the Chemicals processing industry. HAZOP is
applied on
hardware systems, i.e. chemical plant and set up in chemical industry. However,
method may also be used for smaller scale operations which may exist in
The basic idea behind HAZOP is similar to that of Deviation Analysis. A
systematic search
is made for deviations in a system model that may have harmful (often
Guide Words
Guide words are established for use in HAZOP for identifying deviations, these
words are summarized in the table below:
Guide Word Meaning
NO or NOT No part of the intention is achieved. Nothing else happens.
MORE Quantitative increase, e.g. in flow rate or temperature.
LESS Quantitative decrease.
AS WELL AS Qualitative increase. The intention is fully achieved, plus some
activity takes place, e.g. the transfer of additional material.
PART OF Qualitative decrease. Only a part of the intention is achieved.
REVERSE Logical opposite of intention, e.g. reverse direction of flow.
OTHER THAN Complete substitution. No part of the original intention is
Something quite different happens.
The procedure of HAZOP also consists of several main stages, they are:
Specifying intention, Identifying deviations, Specifying causes, and Proposing
The installation being analyzed is normally divided into different sections. In the
case of a
continuous process, the division is into tanks, connecting pipes, etc. The analysis
will be
repeated for each section, one at a time.
Specifying intention
The intention of each part to be analyzed has to be defined. This specifies how it
is though
that the part will function.
Identifying deviations
Using the guide words one at a time, the deviations from the specified intention
identified. The consequence of each of the deviation is also determined.
Specifying causes
The conceivable causes or reasons for each of the deviations are then
Proposing safety measures
For deviations that may have serious consequences, an effort is made to find
measures. The persons responsible for the measures are also specified in the
record sheet.
HAZOP Record Sheet
Guide Word Deviation Possible Cause Consequence Proposed
1. Lars Harms-Ringdahl. Safety Analysis -- Principles and Practice in
Occupational Safety.
2. Fred A. Manuele. On the Practice of Safety.
3. Institution of Occupational Safety & Health. Risk Assessment -- A Practical
4. Ted S. Ferry. Modern Accident Investigation and Analysis, second edition.
5. UK Health & Safety Commission. Approved Code of Practice -- Management
of Health and Safety at
Work Regulations 1992.
6. UK Health & Safety Commission. Approved Code of Practice -- Control of
substances hazardous to
health Regulations 1988.
7. UK Health & Safety Executive. Successful Health & Safety Management.
8. Jeffrey W. Vincoli, Basic Guide to System Safety
9. Harold E. Roland, System Safety Engineering and Management - 2nd Edition.

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