MS 3 - 11 Intro To CMO
MS 3 - 11 Intro To CMO
MS 3 - 11 Intro To CMO
The AFP’s vast experience in the conduct of internal security operations has
enriched its CMO activities. The experience has established that victory in this type
of conflict is very much dependent on the support of the people, and our ability to
weaken the will of the enemies to resist.
The National Internal Security Plan (NISP) recognizes that the AFP can
address all internal threats and, more importantly, assist in nation building. This is
not a new role for the AFP since traditionally it is a government institution that not
only deters aggressors but also assists in nation building and development.
It is in this light that this doctrine has been written to provide a clear and
concise understanding of CMO.
The AFP triad is composed of CMO, Intelligence, and Operations. It calls for
the three-pronged approach in fighting insurgency. Close coordination and co-equal
footing of the concepts in the AFP triad will lead to winning the war.
CMO plays a vital role in the AFP triad operations. It operates using a different
but equally important approach in dealing with the insurgents. It is sometimes
referred to as the “out-of-the-box” approach because of the non-traditional methods
applied to the enemy and their supporters.
As part of the triad, CMO synergizes its activities with the Intelligence and
Operations. Intelligence gathers and processes the necessary essential intelligence
information requirements while Operations focuses on the maneuver of combat or
attacking forces. CMO, on the other hand, manages the impact of the military
operations on civilians and enemy forces. It addresses different tasks in the
battlefield – Public Affairs in the rear; Civil Affairs and Information Support Affairs
(ISA) in the flanks and the main battle area. It counters enemy propaganda delivered
from all sectors of the battlefield. It assists Intelligence in gathering information from
people while it facilitates damage control of harmful effect of combat operations not
only to the people but also to the environment.
1) Military Livelihood Enhancement
2) Military Values Education
3) CI – Command Information
1) Public Information
2) Community Relations
3) Military Civic Action
1) Words PsyOps
2) Deeds PsyOps
3) Counter-Propaganda
3. New CMO Pillars (Present)
1) Public Information
2) Community Relations
1) Civil Relations
2) Civic Action
- Prop
Civil Public
Affairs Affairs
The entire triangle is an equilateral triangle that places the 3 CMO pillars, its
relationship to the target audience and its activities, which connotes equality in
importance to CMO as a whole.
The 3 CMO pillars, namely ISA, Civil Affairs, and Public Affairs are also in a
form of equilateral triangles, which are placed together with one touching the other,
and form a bigger triangle that constitutes the entire CMO Triangle.
The inverted triangle in the middle of the CMO Triangle represents the
interplay of the 3 pillars which compose the Civil Military Operations.
The ISA is red which signifies intensity and strength in dealing with the
enemy. It is placed at the topmost of the CMO Triangle which implies the urgency to
defeat the enemy.
The Civil Affairs triangle is green which implies cooperation and loyalty with
the civilian authorities. It is placed at the right side of the CMO Triangle which
implies the immediate and strong partnership with the civilian authorities.
The Public Affairs triangle is blue which indicates relevance and
responsiveness in dealing with the public or community. It is placed at the left side of
the CMO Triangle which indicates sincere relationship with the community.
The Civil Military Operations triangle being at the center is white which implies
strength of character especially in dealing with the enemy, while it implies
cooperation and relevance with both the civilian authorities and the public.
The side / perimeter nouns i.e. Action, Communication, and Relationships
signify the primary nature of activities for every pillar.
The three (3) target element at the edges of the triangle i.e. Enemy, Civilian
Authority, and Public/Community indicates CMO’s commitment and focus toward
these audiences.
The CMO triangle shows that the CMO pillars are complementing and
interrelated with one another. The triangle represents the three CMO pillars, its
program components, and target audiences. The perimeter specifies the emphasis
of each pillar on the efforts each has to contend with in the conduct of its activities.
1. Press releases
Information released to the media pertaining to AFP activities,
ISO and nation building accomplishments, and positions on national and
some international issues with relevance to national security.
2. Media appearances
Activities conducted by the AFP through TV appearances and
radio guesting of key AFP personnel to advocate AFP programs and
activities and give details on AFP positions on issues relevant to national
3. Press conferences
Press conferences are meetings of the media with key AFP
personnel who discuss AFP programs, activities, and positions on certain
issues and other matters significant to the organization.
5. Public symposium
Dialogues held with sectors of society regarding the relevance
of the AFP in national development and other issues in relation to peace and
6. Face-to-face dialogues
Dialogues conducted by the AFP with an individual or small
group of individuals to deliver AFP messages in a more personal basis.
7. Audio-Visual presentations
Activities conducted by the AFP using photo and static displays
and video-documentary presentations that highlight the AFP as a valuable
index of national history and development.
Its activities are designed to win the hearts and minds of the people; gain their
willing cooperation, support, and confidence; and induce their active participation in
the attainment of military objectives and national goals.
The conduct of Civil Affairs ranges from Civil Relations and Civic Action
activities and programs. It makes the AFP responsive to the needs of the society
which leads the public to respond in a favorable way towards the AFP.
CIVAC may include, but is not limited to, the following activities,
depending on the military objectives:
1. Medical and dental service - activities that include
treatment, consultation, and surgery. These are more often conducted in
remote areas to address health problems in the communities
Information Support Affairs (ISA) is a CMO pillar that aims to influence the
beliefs, emotions, attitudes, opinions, and behavior of target audiences (enemy and
its mass base and supporters) to redirect unfavorable attitudes and behavior into
favorable, and to transform neutral or passive attitude and behavior to favorable.
ISA is the planned use of activities and other measures, whether they are
military, political, economic, ethical or social, aimed at influencing the attitudes,
opinions, emotions, and behaviors of a target group.
The program components under the ISA are Words, Deeds, and Counter
Words Operations
Deeds Operations
Counter Propaganda
SCAME stands for Source, Content, Audience, Media, and Effects. Good SCAME
analysis will provide the ISA operator with valuable information in developing
4. MEDIA – What media was used and why? Media analysis is important
in determining whether the intended target audience received the propaganda or not.
5. EFFECTS – Analyze the effects based on the same direct and indirect
indicators stated in the evaluation phase of the propaganda development process.
Effects analysis is necessary to determine whether the enemy’s propaganda was
effective, partially effective or ineffective and consequently, whether to conduct
counter-propaganda activities or not.