Supervision of Education Improve The Quality of Teacher Professionalism

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Name : kamala putri

Npm : 1321110006

Classs : V. A

Task II

Thesis statement:

So that teachers can perform their duties effectively, teaching supervisors may choose
techniques of supervision that match the objectives to be achieved, there are a number
of tehniques that can be selected supervision and practiced supervisor.


I. The basic concept of teaching supervision

 Understanding educational supervision

 supervision function of education
 The purpose of educational supervision.

II. supervision relationship with professionalism

 supervision of the principal relationships with the professional ability of teachers

 Relations with the school superintendent supervising the professional ability of
 The techniques of supervision.

III. Conclusion


Supervision of Education Improve the Quality of Teacher Professionalism

Definition of supervision is the activities aimed at improving and enhancing processes
and educational achievement or assistance given to teachers and the entire staff to develop
better learning situation. From the definition of supervision there is also the general
supervision function of supervision function of education is one of the mechanisms to
enhance the professional capabilities in an effort to realize the learning process of students
better through better teaching as well. Specifically serves also to coordinate all business
schools, expand the experience of teachers, encouraging creative learning efforts, provide
continuous assessment, and provides the knowledge and skills of teachers. Then, besides
the function of supervision there is also the objective of supervision is to assist teachers in
planning, implementing, and assessing the activities of the unit learning program. as said
James Raths et al. (1996), it is assumed that a good teacher is a teacher who is able to create
a good lesson (PROF. DR. Oemar Hamalik, TEACHER EDUCATION Competency Based
Approach, 2002, p.24). In the goal to improve the quality of education supervision
professionalism of teachers, then the relationship of supervision principals with professional
ability of teachers is also very important because the principal is not just positions but a
professional career (Rebore, 1985), career profession in question is a job position that
demands the expertise to carry out the obligations and duties effectively. In performing its
duties the principal can act as an administrator and as a supervisor (Pof. Dr. Hj. Sri Banun
Muslim, M. Pd. Supervision of education improve the quality of teacher professionalism,
2010. P.176). In the language of Lovell and Wiles (1983: 201) stated "a principal could take
the leading role in shaping efforts to improve instruction". In this case the supervisor may
supervising or coaching that really fit the needs and problems faced by teachers in the field,
in addition to the relationship supervision of principals with professional ability of teachers,
relationships supervision of school inspectors with the professional ability of teachers is also
important because the main task The school superintendent is to assess and foster
education at a particular school, both public and private responsibility. In performing its
duties, the school superintendent must do more in the field than in the office that visits to
schools that are under supervision. The visit was particularly useful to provide assistance
and professional services to teachers to improve their teaching abilities. High professional
skills of teachers who will be able to manage teaching and learning activities are better
(MONE, 1994). And in turn will be able to also improve the quality of teaching and learning
results. In addition to supervising the relationship between the teacher and the supervisor,
there are also techniques that can be done in order for teachers can perform their duties
effectively, teaching supervisors may choose techniques of supervision that match the
objectives to be achieved , there are a number of tehniques that can be selected supervision
and practiced supervisor, (Harris, 1985, Alfonso dkk., 1981, dan Oliva, 1984) such as
classroom observation visits or class visit is the visit of a supervisor to class when the
teacher was teaching, meaning that supervisors witnessed in and observe teachers teaching
experts describe supervised classroom supervisors and teachers as a very important activity
and even very central in the process supervision ,as in the word (Oteng sulistina, 1983)
through class visits the supervisor can know what the advantages and what the teacher
shortage. Especially in the context of teaching. Therefore, the results of classroom visits can
be used and analyzed by a supervisor with the teachers in order to construct a suitable
program to improve learning conditions that exist. (Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Banun Muslim, M. Pd.
Supervision of education to improve the quality of professionalism of teachers, 2010, p.74).
Then the second technique is a teacher meetings (meetings supervision), That the intention
with the supervision meeting is organized by supervior meeting to discuss issues concerning
the business improvement and enhancement of the quality of education on generally and
quality of teaching in particular. Meetings supervision in holding a meeting could take
several forms such as discussions, panels, seminars, and other problems. Besides technique
done by supervisors in order to improve the quality of teacher professionalism, (See Irianto,
2002) teacher also apply competencies in learning, in order to achieve the necessary
competence standards efforts such as planned and concrete learning activities for students.
These activities should be designed in such a way so as to develop competence, both
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Therefore, the expertise of teachers in choosing
learning model in accordance with the standards of competence to be achieved, a strategy
centered learning students, and creating a fun learning environment, it is necessary (Masnur
Muslich. SBC competency-based learning and contextual, guides for teachers, principals and
the school superintendent, 2007, p.22-23).
The conclusion of the paragraph above is the importance of creativity and innovation of the
supervior to encourage teachers to become professionalism in the teaching and learning
process and then the teacher can make students active, creative, and affective.


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