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Module - I

TEST ON Lecture #2


4/8/2017 1
Sieve Analysis

Bulking of fine
Fine aggregate


Sieve Analysis
Test on

Specific gravity
and water

crushing Value

Impact Test
4/8/2017 Abrasion 2
Tests on aggregates (Cont’d)
Strength tests
• Aggregates crushing strength
• Los Angeles abrasion test
• Aggregates Impact value test
• Ten percent fine test

4/8/2017 3
Tests on aggregates (Cont’d)
Physical properties:
• Specific gravity: usually 2.6 or 2.7
• Water absorption test: aggregates absorb water
because of their porosity.
 If all the pores are filled with water the aggregates
are said to be saturated.
 If all the water inside the pores are removed by
drying, the aggregates are said to have maximum
dry weight.

4/8/2017 4
Grading of aggregates:
 Coarse and fine aggregates to be used for making
concrete should be well graded.

 Gradation means the particle size distribution of


 Test for grading of aggregates is carried out using the

sieve analysis method.

4/8/2017 5
 Grading is the distribution of particles among various
 Grading is usually expressed in terms of cumulative
percentage passing each sieve.
 Different standards and specifications specify grading
limits for both fine and coarse aggregates. There are
several reasons for specifying grading limits, they affect:
 Cement and water requirement
 Workability
 Economy
 Shrinkage and durability of concrete

4/8/2017 6
 Proper selection of various sizes will be very
effective in reducing the total volume of voids
between aggregates.
 The cement paste requirement is related the void
content of the combined aggregates.
 Production of satisfactory; economical concrete
requires aggregates of low void content, but not the

4/8/2017 7
Sieve analysis test equipment

4/8/2017 8
Fine Aggregates grading limits

4/8/2017 9
Fineness Modulus (ASTM C 125)

 The FM is an index of the fineness of the aggregate.

The higher the FM, the coarser the aggregate.
 FM of fine aggregate is useful in estimating
proportions of fine and coarse aggregate in concrete
 The fineness modulus (FM) for both fine and coarse
aggregates is obtained by adding the cumulative
percentages by mass retained on each of a specified
series of sieves and dividing the sum by 100.

4/8/2017 10
 Maximum size of aggregate: the smallest sieve that
all of a particular aggregate must pass through.

 Nominal maximum size of an aggregate: the

smallest sieve size through which the major portion
of the aggregate must pass (90%-100%).

 Example: Aggregate size number 7 has a maximum

size of 19 mm, and a nominal maximum size of 12.5

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 Generally, strength of aggregate does not influence
the strength of conventional concrete as much as the
strength of the paste and the paste-aggregate
strength. However, aggregate strength becomes
important in high strength concrete.

 Aggregate tensile strengths range between 2 to 15

MPa, and compressive strengths range between 65
to 270 MPa.

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Particle Shape and Surface Texture
 The shape and surface texture affect the properties
of fresh concrete more than the properties of
hardened concrete.

 Rough-texture, and angular particles require more

water to produce workable concrete than do smooth,
rounded and compact particles. For both crushed or
non crushed aggregate, proper gradation gives the
same strength for the same cement factor.

4/8/2017 13
Bulk Density (ASTM C 29)
 Defined as the weight of the aggregate particles that
would fill a unit volume. The term bulk is used since
the volume is occupied by both the aggregates and
voids. The typical bulk density used in making
normal concrete ranges from 1200 to 1750 kg/m3.

 The void contents range between 30% to 45% for

coarse aggregate and 40% to 50% for fine
aggregate. Void content increases with angularity
and decreases with well graded aggregate.

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Relative Density (Specific Gravity)
 The relative density of an aggregate (ASTM C 127 and C 128)
is defined as the ratio of its mass to the mass of an equal
volume of water.
 It is used in certain computations for mixture proportioning and
 Most natural aggregates have relative densities between 2.4
and 2.9 (2400 and 2900 kg/ m3).

 The density of aggregate used in mixture proportioning

computations (not including the voids between particles) is
determined by multiplying the relative density of the aggregate
times the density of water (1000 kg/m3).

4/8/2017 15
Absorption and Surface Moisture
 The absorption and surface moisture of aggregates
should be determined using ASTM C 70, C 127, C
128, and C 566 so that the total water content of the
concrete can be controlled and the batch weights
 The moisture conditions of aggregates are:
Oven dry
Air dry
Saturated surface dry (SSD)
Damp or wet

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Moisture conditions of aggregate

4/8/2017 17
Fire Resistance and Thermal
 The fire resistance and thermal properties of
concrete depend on the mineral constituents of the
 Lightweight aggregates are more fire resistance than
normal weight aggregates due to their insulation
 Concrete containing calcareous coarse aggregates
performs better under fire exposure than siliceous
aggregate (granite or quartz).

4/8/2017 18
Bulking of Aggregates:

 The free moisture content in fine agg. Results in bulking

of volume.
 Free moisture forms a film around each particle. This film
of moisture exerts which is known as surface tension
which keeps every particles away from each other.
Hence no point of contact is possible between the
particles & this causes the bulking of the volume.
 The bulking increases with increase in moisture content
up to a certain limit & beyond that the further increase in
moisture content results in decrease in volume.

Bulking of Aggregates
 At a moisture content representing saturation point, the
fine aggregate. Shows no bulking.
 The following graph shows fine sand bulks more and
coarse sand bulks less.
 Percentage of bulking = [(h1 – h2) / h2] x 100
 Bulking may affect the yield of concrete for a given
cement content.

Surface Moisture on fine aggregate

Name Capacity Least count
Balance 500 g 0.1 g
Oven 105 to 1100C
80 mm, 63
mm, 40 mm,
31.5 mm, 25
mm, 20 mm,
16 mm, 12.5
mm, 10 mm,
Sieves 8.0 mm, 4.75
mm, 4.0 mm,
2.36 mm,
600 micron, •Sodium Sulphate Solution
300 micron, •Magnesium Sulphate Solution
150 micron
Wire mesh
9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 22
Soundness Contd..
 Wet sieve the sample through a nest of IS sieves, the lower being 300
micron and the upper being 10 mm size.
 The material passing 10 mm sieve and retained on 300 micron sieve is
then dried and taken for the test.
 The sample collected as above is again sieved through a series of sieves
such as 10 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron and 300
 The amount of sample to be taken for sieving is such that, it will yield not
less than 100 g of each of the following sizes.

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Soundness Contd…
Passing Retained
10 mm 4.75 mm
4.75 mm 2.36 mm
2.36 mm 1.18 mm
1.18 mm 600 micron
600 micron 300 micron

 Weigh 100 g of sample from each of the separated fraction

and place it in separate containers for the test.
 Note- Fine aggregates sticking in the meshes of the sieves
is not used in preparing the sample.
9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 24
Soundness Contd..
 Wash the coarse aggregate passing through 4.75 mm IS sieve and
dry the material retained on the sieve in an oven maintained at a
temp of 105 to 1100C, till it attains a constant mass.
 Sieve the dried sample to separate it into different size fractions
using sieves of sizes 80 mm, 63 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm, 4.75
 The sample should be of such an amount that it will yield not less
than the following amount of the different sizes, which shall be
available in amounts of 5 percent or more.

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 25

Soundness Contd..
Size Yield
10 mm to 4.75 mm 300 g
1000 g (consisting of 12.5 mm to 10
20 mm to 10 mm mm = 33% and 20 mm to 12.5 mm =
1500 g (consisting of 25 mm to 20
40 mm to 20 mm mm = 33% and 40 mm to 25 mm =
3000 g (consisting of 50 mm to 40
63 mm to 40 mm mm = 50% and 63 mm to 50 mm =
80 mm and larger 3000 g

 Take proper weight of sample from each fraction and place it

in separate containers for the test.
9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 26
Soundness Contd..
 Take individual samples in a wire mesh basket and immerse it in the solution of
sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate for not less than 16 hours nor more than
18 hours, in such a manner that the solution covers them to a depth of at least 15

 After completion of the immersion period, remove the samples from solution and
allow it to drain for 15 minutes and place it in drying oven.

 Dry the sample until it attains a constant mass and then remove it from oven and
cool it to room temperature.

 After cooling again immerse it in the solution as described in step-1.

 The process of alternate immersion and drying is repeated until the specified
number of cycles as agreed between the purchaser and the vendor is obtained.

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Soundness Contd..
 After completion of the final cycle and after the sample has been
cooled, wash it to free from sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate
solution. This may be determined when there is no reaction of the
wash water with barium chloride.
 Then dry each fraction of the sample to constant temp of 105 to
1100C and weigh it.
 Sieve the fine aggregates over the same sieve on which it was
retained before test.
 Sieve the coarse aggregate over the sieve shown below for the
appropriate size of particles.

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 28

Soundness Contd...
Sieve used to determine
Size of Aggregate
63 mm to 40 mm 31.5 mm

40 mm to 20 mm 16.0 mm

20 mm to 10 mm 8.0 mm

10 mm to 4.75 mm 4.0 mm

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 29

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 30
 Assess the strength of aggregate.
 Resistance offered by gradually applied compressive
 Aggregate used – 12.5 mm to 10 mm
 Normal aggregate of 6.5 kg is used
 Resistance to crushing under roller during construction
 Low ACV - Stronger aggregates
 High ACV - Soft aggregates
 Loading nature
Gradually applied compressive load
9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 31
 Steel Cylinder with open ends of 15.2 cm dia. (Internal)
on square base plate plunger with 15 cm dia. piston.

 Cylinder jar of 11.5cm dia. and height 18cm

 Steel Tamping rod – 1.6cm diameter and 45 to 60 cm


 Balance capacity 3 Kgs.

 Compressive testing machine of capacity 40 tones @

uniform loading of 4 tones/Minute.
9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 32

Metal Measures and Aggregate crushing

Tamping Rods Test Apparatus
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9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 45
 Cylindrical jar to be filled by aggregate in 3 layers each
layer should be tamped 25 times by tamping rod.
 Weigh the sample nearly equal to 6.5 Kgs.
 Place the cylinder along with plunger under
compressive testing machine
 Aggregate including the crushed portion should be
sieved on 2.36mm sieve
 Weigh the material which passes the sieve.

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 46


 Total weight of dry sample = W1 Grams

 Weight of the crushed material passing 2.36mm = W2
 Aggregate crushing value = 100 x W2/W1
 Mean of the two result is reported as aggregate crushing

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 47

Aggregate Impact Test
1. Impact Testing Machine
2. Measure : Metal Cylinder internal diameter
7.5cm and depth 5cm
3. Tamping Road
4. Sieves : IS sieves 12.5mm,10mm and 2.36mm
5. Balance : Capacity >500gms, up to 0.1gm accuracy
6. Oven

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 Determine the resistance of stone to impact loads

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9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 59
 Test sample aggregates passing through 12.5mm sieve
and retained on 10mm
 Sample over dried at 100 degree celsius for 4 hours
 Fill the aggregates in three layers in the cylinder and
tamped for 25 times with tamping rod. Repeat it 3 times
 Surplus aggregates trimmed off with tamping rod
 Weigh the sample say W1 gms
 Transfer the test sample to the cup and compact it with
25 strokes.

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 60

Procedure Contd..

 Allow free fall of hammer from 38cm above the aggregates

to a total of 15 blows at an interval of 1 second between
each blow.
 Sieve it through 2.36mm sieve, and weigh the fraction
passing 2.36m sieve (W2 gms)
 Weight the fraction retained on 2.36m sieve (say W3 gms)
 AIV = W2/W1 x 100
 Check : Weight of metal retained on 2.36mm sieve
(W3)+Weight of metal passing through 2.36mm
W2=W1(up to 1gms accuracy)

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 61

Recommended Impact value for various work

 AIV < 10% Exceptionally strong

 AIV 10% to 20% Strong
 AIV 20% to 30% Satisfactory

Work In Percentage
Wearing Course Not > 30
Bituminous Macadam Not > 35
Water Bound Macadam Not > 40

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 62


 In order to know the porosity of the metal.
 If the metal is porous the water absorption will be
more, less strength of the metal.
 IS 2386 (part III -1963)

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 63


Balance of Capacity : 3 Kgs (Accuracy up to

1. Oven : 110c
2. Wire Basket : 6.3mm mesh
3. Container :”Capacity”- C
4. Air tight container of “capacity” - C

5. Shallow Tray, Clothes.

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Buoyancy balance with


9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 65


 2 Kg of washed aggregate free from dust is weighed In

water with basket (say W1 gms)
 Measure weight of basket suspended in water (Say W2
 Wt of aggregate in Water=W in water=(W1-W2) gms.
 Weight of dry aggregates after removing its wetness by
cloth (Say W with Water, gms)

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 66

Procedure Contd..

 Place the aggregate in an oven at 110 degree Celsius for

24 hours cool it (Dry Weight W gms)
 Weight of water equal to the volume of aggregates= (W
with water-W in Water in gms)
 Specific Gravity= Dry weight of aggregate/Weight of equal
volume of water
 Water Absorption
= Wt.With water-Dry Wt.of Aggregate x 100
Dry Weight

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 67


 Specific Gravity of Aggregates Ranges from 2.5 to 3.0

 High Sp. Gravity aggregate means High Strength. Average
Value – 2.68
 Water absorption is measure of its porosity of aggregates
 Water absorption Ranges from 0.1% to 2%
 More absorption of water of aggregate, more porous
material – less strength

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 68

• Flakiness Index
• Elongation Index
• Angularity Number
 Standard Thickness guage
 I.S Sieves 63,50,40,31.5,25,20,16,12,5, 10 & 6.3mm
 Weighing balance, to an accuracy of 1 gms
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9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 71
 Flakiness index is percentage by weight of particles
whose least dimension (thickness) is less than three
times of their mean dimension.
 Not applicable for sizes of metal smaller than 6.3mm
 A minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction to be tested
are to be taken
 For conducting the test thickness gauge is required
 Thickness gauge consist of nine gauge
 Width of each gauge is 0.6 times sieve size
 Length is 1.8 times the mean sieve size

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Procedure Contd..

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 73

• Length guage
• Set of sieves as stated above
• Weighing balance 0.1 gms accuracy
 Elongation index is the percentage by weight of
aggregate particles having there longest dimension 1.8
times there mean dimension

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 74


 A minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction is taken

and Weighed
 Particles whose greatest dimension (length) is
greater than one and four fifth times (1.8 times)
their mean dimensions
 Not applicable to size smaller than 6.3mm.

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 75

Procedure Contd..
 Elongation Index= (X1+X2+X3+….) x100

 Where X1+X2+X3 are weight of materials from each

fraction retained on the specified length

 W1, W2, W3……… Total weights of each fraction

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9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 80
Angularity Number
 Theamount by which the % voids exceeds 33 after
being compacted in a prescribed manner.
 Angularity Number

= 67 – 100W/CG
 AN = 0 Highly rounded gravel
 AN = 11 Freshly Crushed Angular Aggregate

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 81

Los Angeles Abrasion Test

 Abrasion – rubbing action between different particles

 Attrition – rubbing action between similar particles

 Test is conducted to check the suitability of stone

aggregates for road work
 Other test – Deval Abrasion test, Dorry’s abrasion
 Los Angeles Test is preferred as it gives the correct

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Los Angeles Abrasion Test
 It consist of hollow cylinder 0.7m inside diameter
and 0.5m long with both ends closed
 Mounted on a frame such that it can be rotated about
the horizontal axis
 In cylindrical specified mass of material, specified
number of cast iron balls of 48mm diameter is placed
 Cylinder is rotated at a speed of 30 to 33 rpm for 500
– 1000 rotations

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Test Contd..

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 85

Los Angels Abrasion Test
Grading Sieve Range Sample Wt. Wt. Of Charge Revolutions

A 40mm-10mm 5 kg 12 spears 500

B 20mm–10mm 5 kg 11 500
C 10mm-4.75mm 5 kg 8 500

D 4.75mm- 5kg 6 500

E 80mm-40mm 10kg 12 1000
F 50mm-25mm 10kg 12 1000
G 40mm-20mm 10kg 12 1000

9/6/2017 Test On Aggregates 86

LAYERS (As per Rural Roads Manual)
Layer Test Test Method Requirement
Sub-base Aggregate Impact value IS: 2386 (Part 4) - 50
course 1963
Flakiness Index IS: 2386 (Part 1) - 40
Moisture or water IS: 2386 (Part 3) - 06
absorption 1963

Base Aggregate Impact value IS: 2386 (Part 4) - 40

course 1963
Flakiness Index IS: 2386 (Part 1) - 30
Moisture or water IS: 2386 (Part 3) - 03
absorption 1963

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LAYERS (As per Rural Roads Manual)

Bitumino Los Angeles abrasion IS: 2386 (Part 4) - 40

us value 1963
Aggregate Impact value IS: 2386 (Part 4) - 30
Combined Flakiness and IS: 2386 (Part 1) - 35
Elongation Index 1963

Stripping value IS: 6241- 1971 15

Soundness Loss with IS: 2386 (Part 5) – 12

Sodium Sulphate (5 1963
cycles) 18
Loss with Magnesium
Sulphate (5 cycles)
Water absorption IS:2386 (Part 3) – 02

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