Performance of R.C. Frames Coupled With Exponential Dampers Under Seismically Triggered Condition
Performance of R.C. Frames Coupled With Exponential Dampers Under Seismically Triggered Condition
Performance of R.C. Frames Coupled With Exponential Dampers Under Seismically Triggered Condition
In the seismically activated areas and in seismically activated conditions, the structure is liable to many forces driving the
structure into motion. These forces are large in magnitude and may cause dreadful harm to the structure. Some structural
mechanism which reduces the forces acting in such condition and improves the response of these structures by dissipating the
forces are called as dampers. In this study effects of use of exponential damping mechanism coupled with structure is studied.
Also the response of various finite element models have been shown. It was seen that the response improved by the use of
exponential dampers.
Keywords: - Dampers, Earthquake, Response, Seismic activity, Time history finite element modelling, ETABS.
1.1 Introduction
Natural hazards such as earthquakes proves to be fatal
especially due to damage or collapse of manmade structures
such as building bridges and other such infrastructures. This
is due to the fact that earthquake carries enormous forces
with them which when strikes to the structures results in
damage or complete destruction of the structures. There has
been many detailed methods which can be used to minimise
the destruction caused by such hazards. One of which is the
use of mechanical dampers. Dampers proves to be very
effective in minimising the magnitude of striking forces.
The dampers are explained below:
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 17
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
history data of two earthquakes being, El Centro Number of damper to be used will be kept constant,
(1940) and Kobe (1995) were used for structural and performance of the structure will be check. Based
analyses. Pounding effects of adjacent buildings has on result efficient location of damper will be selected.
also been considered for this study purpose. Based on For the analysis Etabs 2013 software is used. behaviour
their numerical solutions and study it was concluded of RC frame building with and without damper under
that STMD shows similar control performance as the Equivalent static and non-linear response spectra
TMD although the STMD uses only half mass analysis in ETABS – 2013 software. Model-1 building
compared to the conventional TMD system. Also the without dampers Model-2 building with dampers at
STMD can reduce relative displacement between two base Model-3 building with dampers at storey-1
example buildings more effectively in comparison with Model-4 building with dampers at storey-2 Model-5
the TMD building with dampers at storey-3 Model-6 building
Shubham Mishra, Learin Mathew [2]: Did an with dampers at storey-4 Model-7 building with
investigation on gyroscopic dampers and made a dampers at storey-5 Model-8 building with dampers at
validation of their previous study based on the same. storey-6 Model-9 building with dampers at storey- 7
For their study purpose a case study for Taipei 101 was Conclusions of papers that I had referred 1. Damper
taken where a huge gyroscopic damper, one of its kind help in reducing the effect of lateral deflection. 2.
has been used. In this case study it was shown that the Seismic performance of building after application of
Taipei 101 which stands only 660ft from a major fault damper is much better when we provide dampers. 3.
has been designed for major seismic activities and The frame is safer when damper is provided as
major wind pressures. To compensate the huge compare with other arrangements. 4. Application of
vibrations of winds and earthquakes this gyroscopic Visco-elastic damper reduces large amount of
damper has been used which was tuned mass damper displacement of the structure. 5. Story drift gets
with a heavy mass hanging from the roof of top floors reduced considerably as story displacement is reduced
by suspension cables to make a pendulum system. It after application of Visco-elastic damper in the
was lastly concluded that when a gyroscopic damper is building. 6. Base shear reduction one can make the
used in a structure during lateral activity due to the structure cost effective.
momentum conservation analogy the building reacts in
a compensating manner resulting into stability of the 3. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT
In this study, three models were modelled in the FEM
Shashank R. Bedekar, Prof. Rakesh Shinde [3]:
program ETABS. The plans of all the models were kept to
Performed time history analysis of high rise structures
be simple rectangles with total length of building 70 m in X
using different accelerograms. In this work an attempt
direction and total width of building as 50m in Y direction.
was made to analyse high rise structures with the help
The bays of the building were kept to be 7m long and 5m
of E-tab software. For analysis purpose a high rise
wide. Each side consisted of 10 no. of bays. The material
structure with G+25 stories was used. Time history
used were M30 grade of concrete and Fe-415 Grade of steel.
data of Bhuj and Koyna earthquakes was used for
The other material properties has been shown in the
analysis of selected high rise structure. Comparative
subsequent pages in table. The three models were having the
study was made between two selected places without
variation as
& with provision of visco- elastic dampers. Lastly it
was concluded that in previous research papers we can Structure-1: G+10 building without dampers
see comparative study between any two types of Structure-2: G+10 building with exponential dampers
dynamic analysis. Also we can find specific analysis of weight = 10kN
for selected building plan with changes in various Structure-3: G+10 building with exponential dampers
locations, type, shapes of shear wall. In this proposed of weight = 1kN
work we will analyse high rise structure for two
different Accelerograms (Bhuj & Koyna). Comparative The height of the structures and height of each floor were
study between two time histories can be made without kept constant. The effect of exponential dampers of 10 KN
application & with application of visco- elastic damper and 1 KN has been checked. The results of which has been
at various levels. stated in subsequent pages. The plans and extruded views
Ankit Jain1, R. S. Talikoti [4]: published a Survey has been shown below:
Paper on Study the Performance of High Rise Structure
with Dampers at different Location .This thesis
describes the results of a study on the seismic
behaviour of a structure (G+7) with and without
damper. Equivalent static and non-linear response
spectra analysis will be performed on model.
Maximum storey deflection, storey drift, maximum
moment in column has to be calculated. A RCC G+7
storey building is to be consider for the analysis.
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 18
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 19
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 20
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 21
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION displacement, Storey Shear and overturning moments has
been considered for this study. All the seismic parameters
The modelling and analysis of the all the RCC structures has which were necessary for the analytical purpose were
been done finite element based software ETABS 2016. For considered from IS 1893-(1984).
comparative study of various parameters total three RCC
structures were modelled. The parameters such as storey
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 22
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
The time history plots for all the three structures i.e.
structure without damper, structure with damper of
capacity/weight 1KN and structure with dampers of weight
10KN has been shown in figure 6, 7 and 8 respectively. The
enormous difference can be clearly seen in all the three
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 23
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig 9: Storey Displacement for Structure-I Fig 10: Storey Displacement for Structure-II
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 24
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig 12: Storey Shear for Structure-I Fig 13: Storey Shear for Structure-II
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 25
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig 15: Overturning Moments for Structure-I Fig 16: Overturning Moments for Structure-II
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 26
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
This comparative study has been carried out so as to show
the difference between the structures without dampers, with
exponential damper of weight 1KN and with exponential
damper of weight 10KN. Based on the study of all the
results the following conclusions has been drawn:
The maximum storey displacements for structure-1,
structure-2 and structure-3 were 16mm,7mm and
14mm with the provision of dampers, the storey
displacement was reduced by 56.25% (structure-2) and
12.5% (structure-3) when compared with structure-1
Storey shear and overturning moments at base of the
structures are constant for structure-1, structure-2 and
Provision of dampers increases time period of the
structures, time period for structure-1, structure-2 and
structure-3 are 2.5sec, 3.5sec and 4.7sec respectively.
Time period was increased by 40% (structure-2) and
88% (structure-3) when compared with structure-1.
Base reaction MY, for seismic zone-5 for (EL+X) max
load in structure-I, structure-II and structure-III were
87411.98 KN-m, 86348.98 KN-m and 86240.15 KN-
Base reaction MY was decreased by 12.16% in
structure-II and 13.4% in structure-III, when compared
with structure-1
[1] IS 1893:1984,"Criteria for earthquake resistant
design of structures", Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi, India.
[2] IS 456: 2000,"Plain reinforced concrete-code of
practice", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi,
[3] Hyun-Su Kim, Young-Jinn, Kim, “Control
Performance Evaluation of Shared Tuned Mass
Damper”, Advanced Science and Technology
Letters, Vol.69 (Architecture and Civil Engineering
2014), pp.1-4
[4] Shubham Mishra, Learin Mathew, “Case study of
tuned mass damper and modelling of gyroscopic
damper for corresponding effect”, International
Journal of Applied Research 2015, Volume-9,Issue-
1, PP-219-221.
[5] Shashank R. Bedekar, Prof. Rakesh Shinde, “Time
History Analysis of High Rise Structure using
Different”, IJSRD - International Journal for
Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 04,
[6] Ankit Jain1, R. S. Talikoti 2” Survey Paper on Study
the Performance of High Rise Structure with
Dampers at different Location”.
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec-2018, Available @ 27