App III Summer Final Exam
App III Summer Final Exam
App III Summer Final Exam
Dela Paz Norte, City of San Fernando (P) D. Mete out sentence of imprisonment for violation of
Final Examination in APP III Tariff and Customs Code.
Accounting Proficiency Program III 11. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue is not authorized
A. Interpret the provisions of the National Internal
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Shade the letter that corresponds to Revenue Code.
your answer. STRICTLY NO CHEATING. B. Promulgate Revenue Regulations.
C. Terminate a taxable period.
D. Prescribe presumptive gross receipts.
12. The provisions in the Constitution regarding taxation are:
A. Grants of the power to tax.
1. Which is subject to creditable withholding tax? B. Limitations to the power to tax.
A. Winnings C. Grants and limitations to the power to tax.
B. Dividends D. Limitations against double taxation.
C. Professional fees 13. Which of the following violates Constitutional
D. Royalties provisions?
2. Withholding taxes are the primary liability of the: A. Payment of salaries to priests or religious ministers
A. Earner or payee of income. employed by the Armed Forces of Philippines.
B. Payor of income.
B. Imposing tax on properties of religious institutions
C. Payee and payor of income.
which are not directly and exclusively used for
D. Collecting agency of the government.
3. A Canadian who is staying in the Philippines for more religious purposes.
than one year is a: C. Imposition of license for the sale of religious
A. Resident alien. literature.
B. Non-resident citizen. D. Authorizing the President of the Philippines to fix
C. Non-resident alien engaged in trade or business. the rates of tariffs or imposts.
D. Non-resident alien not engaged in trade or business. 14. Which of the following normally pays real property tax?
4. Which is an incorrect statement regarding situs of A. Bantay Bata, a non-profit educational institution.
income? B. Jesus Crusade Movement, a religious institution.
A. Interest income is earned in the residence of the C. University of Pangasinan, a private proprietary
debtor. educational institution.
B. Royalty is earned where the intangible is employed. D. UVS Corporation, a registered trading company.
C. Service income is earned in the domicile of the 15. Which is principally limited by the requirement of due
taxpayer. process?
D. Rent is earned in the location of the property. A. Eminent domain
5. A tax that is imposed upon the performance of an act, B. Police power
the enjoyment of privilege, or the engagement in a C. Taxation
profession is known as: D. All of these
A. Income tax. 16. Which of the following is not an inherent limitation of
B. License. the power to tax?
C. Excise tax. A. Tax should be levied for public purpose.
D. Transfer tax. B. Taxation is limited to its territorial jurisdiction.
6. Which of the following distinguishes license from tax? C. Tax laws shall be uniform and equitable.
A. Unlimited in imposition D. Government agencies and instrumentalities are
B. Imposed for revenue exempt from tax.
C. Does not necessarily renders the business illegal in 17. Which of the following is not within the scope of tax
case of non-payment legislation?
D. Pre-activity in application A. Fixing the imposable tax rate
7. Tax classifications as to object do not include: B. Assessment of the tax
A. Poll tax. C. Determining the subject to be taxed
B. Property tax. D. Determining the purpose of the tax
C. Regulatory tax. 18. Which is not subject to income tax?
D. Excise tax. A. Harvested fruits
8. Which of the following is limited in application? B. Sold crops
A. Tax Laws C. Offset of indebtedness for services rendered
B. Revenue Regulations D. Damages recovered in a patent infringement suit
C. Tax Treaties 19. Which is not subject to final tax to a corporation?
D. BIR Ruling A. Interest income from foreign currency deposits.
9. The principles of a sound tax system exclude: B. Royalty
A. Economic efficiency. C. Prizes
B. Fiscal adequacy. D. None of these
C. Theoretical justice. 20. Royalties on musical composition is subject to:
D. Administrative feasibility. A. 20% final tax
10. The Bureau of Internal Revenue is authorized to do the B. 10% final tax
following, except: C. 0% final tax
A. Assess and collect national taxes. D. Regular tax
B. Issue receipts and clearances. 21. Which is subject to final tax?
A. Share of the distributive net income of a general 28. Tax imposed on inter-corporate dividends received by a
professional partnership. domestic corporation from a resident foreign
B. Active royalties. corporation is:
C. Prizes not exceeding P10,000. A. Tax exempt.
D. Interest income from foreign bank deposits. B. Subject to 10% income tax.
22. The term “capital assets” includes: C. Subject to 15% final tax.
A. Stock in trade or other property included in the D. Subject to 30% corporate tax.
taxpayer’s inventory. 29. Which of the following statements is correct as regards a
B. Real property not used in the trade or business of resident citizen?
the taxpayer. A. Income from illegal activities is subject to final tax.
C. Real property primarily use for the sale to customers B. Income tax refunds constitute taxable income to the
in the ordinary course of trade or business. taxpayer.
D. Property used in the trade or business of the C. Recovery of bad debts previously written off is part
taxpayer and subject to depreciation. of taxable income.
23. Which is not taxable? D. As a rule, contest awards and prizes are subject to
A. Interest income in government securities. 20% final tax if they amount to more than P10,000 ,
B. Interest income in long-term deposits but pre- otherwise they will be part of taxable income.
terminated by the taxpayer prior to 5 years. 30. Which of the following statements is not correct?
C. Informer’s reward for the discovery of violations to A. Minimum wage earners shall be exempt from the
the provisions of the NIRC. payment of income tax.
D. Gains on redemption of shares in a mutual fund. B. Holiday pay, overtime pay, night shift differential
24. Facilities or privileges furnished or offered by an and hazard pay shall be exempt from income tax.
employer to his employees that are of relatively small C. Prizes and awards granted to athletes in local and
value and are offered or furnished by the employer international sports competitions and tournaments
merely as a means of promoting the health, goodwill, whether held in the Philippines or abroad, and
contentment, or efficiency of his employees. sanctioned by their national sports associations are
A. Fringe benefit exclusions from gross income.
B. Fringe benefit tax D. Benefits received from or enjoyed under the social
C. De minimis benefit security system are exclusions from gross income.
D. Grossed-up monetary value 31. Income tax payments to a foreign country, in the case of
25. The following fringe benefits are not subject to fringe a resident citizen may be claimed as
benefit tax, except: A. Tax credit and deduction from gross income.
A. Fringe benefits given to the rank and file employees, B. Tax credit.
whether granted under a collective bargaining C. Tax credit or deduction from gross income.
agreement or not. D. Deduction from gross income.
B. De minimis benefits, as defined in the rules and 32. Which of the following is taxable?
regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of A. P 100,000 interest on long-term deposit or
Finance, upon the recommendation of the investment
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. B. P 200,000 gain on sale of 10-year bonds
C. Contribution of the employer for the benefit of the C. P 12,000 prize in supermarket raffle
employees to retirement, insurance, and D. P 1M winning in Philippine Lotto
hospitalization benefit plans. 33. Which of the following statements is true?
D. Fringe benefits furnished or granted by the A. Payments which constitute bribes, kickbacks and
employer to its managerial and supervisory others of similar nature which are necessary to
employees. realize profits are allowed as deductions from gross
26. The following fringe benefits are not subject to fringe income.
benefit tax, except: B. The taxes which are deductible from gross income
include the taxes, interest and penalties incident to
A. If given for the convenience or advantage of the
tax delinquency.
C. Deductions are amounts allowed by the Tax Code to
B. Benefits given to rank and file employees. be deducted from gross income to arrive at the
C. Contribution of the employer for the benefit of the income tax liability of a taxpayer.
employees to retirement, insurance, and D. Losses from wagering transactions shall be allowed
hospitalization benefit plans. only up the extent of the gains from such
D. If required by the nature of or necessary to the transactions.
trade, business, or profession of the employer. 34. This is not deductible from gross income
27. Which of the following taxpayers whose personal A. Transportation expenses from the main office to the
exemption is subject to the law of reciprocity? branch.
A. Non-resident citizen with respect to his income B. Transportation expenses from home to the office
derived outside the Philippines. and from the office back to home.
B. Non-resident alien who shall come to the Philippines C. Travel expenses on business trips.
D. Travel expenses while away from home in the
and stay therein for an aggregate period of more
pursuit of trade, business or profession.
than 180 days.
35. The phrase “related taxpayers” will apply to the
C. Resident alien deriving income from a foreign entity. following, except:
D. Non-resident alien not engaged in trade or business A. Between members of a family.
in the Philippines whose country allows personal B. Between the grantor and a fiduciary.
exemption to Filipinos who are not residing but are C. Between a fiduciary of a trust and a beneficiary of
deriving income from the said country. such trust.
D. Between an individual and a corporation more than D. An unmarried individual with a child out of the
50% in value of the outstanding stock of which is wedlock can claim a personal exemption as a head
owned, directly or indirectly by or for such of the family plus additional exemption.
individual, in case of distributions in liquidation. 44. With regard to deduction for premiums on
36. The optional standard deduction for corporation is hospitalization and health insurance, which of the
A. 10% of the gross income following statements is wrong?
B. 10% of the gross sales/receipts A. Allowed as deduction even if income is from
C. 40% of the gross income compensation only.
D. 40% of the gross sales/receipts B. Allowed as deduction even if income is from
37. The optional standard deduction for individuals is business or practice of profession.
A. 10% of the gross income
C. Allowed as deduction even if mixed income.
B. 10% of the gross sales receipts
D. Allowed as deduction only if the taxpayer is taking
C. 40% of the gross income
D. 40% of the gross sales/receipts itemized deductions from gross income.
38. Interest expense incurred to acquire property used in 45. Which of the following dependents will qualify a single
trade or business or exercise of a profession is: taxpayer as head of the family?
A. Not allowed as a deduction against gross income. A. Taxpayer’s brother, 22 years old, unemployed,
B. Required to be treated as a capital expenditure to unmarried, living with him and dependent upon him
form part of the cost of the asset. for support.
C. Allowed as a deduction or treated as a capital B. Taxpayer’s sister, 18 years of age, unemployed,
expenditure as the option of the taxpayer. unmarried, living with their parents, but dependent
D. Allowed as a deduction or treated as a capital upon him for chief support.
expenditure at the option of the government. C. Taxpayer’s illegitimate son, 12 years old,
39. For individuals with gross compensation income, the unemployed, single, living with him and dependent
following maybe deducted, except:
upon him for support.
A. Personal exemptions.
D. Taxpayer’s godchild, 10 years old and dependent
B. Additional exemptions.
C. Optional standard deduction. upon him for chief support.
D. Premium payments on health and/or hospitalization 46. For income taxation purposes, the term “corporation”
insurance. excludes one of the following:
40. For mines other than oil and gas wells, a net operating A. Ordinary partnership
loss without the benefit of incentives under Executive B. An incorporated business organization
Order 226, as amended, otherwise known as Omnibus C. General professional partnership
Investment Code of 1987, maybe carried over as a D. Business partnership
deduction from taxable income, if incurred in any of the: 47. The taxpayer is allowed to claim additional exemptions
A. First 10 years of operation. for the following, except:
B. First 4 years of operation. A. Legitimate daughter who got married on December
C. First 3 years of operation. 31 of the taxable year, one day before she turned
D. First 5 years of operation.
41. Using the preceding number, such net operating loss can
B. Illegitimate son, minor who died December 31 of
be carried as a deduction from taxable income, within
how many years immediately following the year of such the previous year.
loss? C. Legally adopted daughter, 25 year old but incapable
A. 5 years of self-support due to mental defect.
B. 3 years D. Recognized natural son who celebrated his 21 st
C. 10 years birthday on January 1 of the taxable year.
D. 4 years 48. Which of the following is not a condition imposed by the
42. Which of the following statements is not correct? Constitution for the exercise of the power of eminent
A. In the case of married individuals, where only one of domain?
the spouses is deriving income, only such spouse A. The consent of the owner of the private property to
shall be allowed the personal exemption. sell the same to the government.
B. In the case of married individuals, the addition B. The payment of just compensation.
exemptions may be claimed by only one of the C. The observance of due process in taking of the
spouses. private property.
C. As a rule, the husband shall be deemed to be the D. The existence of public use for the taking of a
head of the family and proper claimant of the private property.
additional exemption. 49. Which statement is wrong?
D. In the case of legally separated spouses, additional A. The power of taxation maybe exercised by the
exemption may be claimed by the spouses who has government, its political subdivisions, and public
custody of the children but shall not exceed four for utilities.
each spouse. B. Generally, there is no limit on the amount of tax
43. Which of the following statements is not correct? that may be imposed.
A. If only one spouse is deriving taxable income, only C. The money contributed as tax becomes part of the
said spouse may claim the additional exemption. public fund.
B. If both spouses earn taxable income only one of the D. The power to tax is subject to certain constitutional
spouses can claim additional exemption. limitations.
C. If legally separated from the spouse, the husband 50. Income from dealings in property (real, personal, and
can claim the additional exemption unless he waives mixed) is the gain or loss derived:
the right in favor of his wife. A. Only from the cash sales of property.
B. From cash and gratuitous receipts of property.
C. From sale and lease of property.
D. Only from the sale of property. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS:
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