MDSG 2004 Annual Meeting
MDSG 2004 Annual Meeting
MDSG 2004 Annual Meeting
Previously proposed genetic models (e.g. Jowett, Cathles et al.) have been
unable to account for the 350 million tonnes of copper metal associated with the
Kupferschiefer shales in the southwest of the Polish Basin, without an
unreasonably high concentration of Cu in the fluid transport system. A new
conceptual model is presented, based in particular on basin modelling and a
more detailed understanding of the structural, stratigraphic and thermal evolution
of the Rotliegend Basin is now possible using borehole information, vitrinite
reflectance data and seismic records. These data have demonstrated that a
localized high heat flow anomaly was present at the time of the main phase of
mineralization in the early Triassic. Furthermore, deep growth faults, which would
have penetrated to the basement, were probably also active at the time and
these could have acted as important fluid conduits. Helium isotope ratios of
present-day natural gas in this region suggest a mantle origin for the gas,
supporting the deep nature of these structures.
The mechanism for mineralization proposed here involves injection of hot brine
from a deep-seated, basement fault-fracture system into Rotliegend eolian
sandstone, with up-dip flow through this porous formation to the Lubin area
where chemical conditions in the immediately overlying Kupferschiefer shales
were conducive to the precipitation of the metals from the brine. Geochemical
considerations, including Os isotopic data, indicate that metals were derived by
leaching of crustal rocks, possibly Autunian volcanics and/or Carboniferous
sediments. The copper mineralization of the Lubin area is suggested to have
resulted from a large number of short pulses of fluid, with flow triggered by
coseismic strain associated with normal faulting. It is proposed that, within the
basement, a network of fractures with high aspect ratios opened within each
interseismic period under lateral tension and filled with brine. At the time of a
normal fault-related earthquake, when fault rupture occurred, coseismic strain
resulted in the closure of fractures in the vicinity of the fault and brine was
expelled. Calculations suggest that, with fluid pressure generated by the
coseismic strain close to lithostatic, the force from hot brine injected into the
Rotliegend sandstone was sufficient to drive the brine through the aquifer at up to
63 meters per year to the site of copper deposition in the Kupferschiefer shale.
Flow from each earthquake lasting, on average, for just over a year would have
resulted in a discharge of approximately 0.07 km 3 of fluid. If earthquakes and
normal faulting occurred at 100–200 year intervals, averaging 7,000 per million
years, 6,000 km 3 of fluid could have been been mobilized in a period of 12
million years. Assuming that this was a brine containing 60 ppm dissolved
copper, this volume would have been sufficient to account for the observed
quantity of copper in the southwest of the Polish Basin.
In general, epithermal and many porphyry ore deposits are emplaced at shallow
crustal levels where pressure, temperature, and oxidation state gradients in the
hydrothermal fluid can trigger ore mineral precipitation. A dominant mechanism
to facilitate these physicochemical changes is the development of fracture
connectivity between the hydrothermal system and the surface. Not only can
repeated fracturing and sealing give rise to transient fluctuations in pressure (and
to a lesser extent, temperature), but it can also allow mixing between magmatic
and meteoric fluids. However, many intrusion-associated ore deposits with a
history of brecciation and hydro-fracturing show very little evidence for meteoric
infiltration during mineralisation. We present a fluid model based on geological,
fluid inclusion, and stable isotope data (Morrison and Andrew, 1989) for the
porphyry-related, breccia-hosted Mt. Leyshon Au deposit, Queensland (ca. 290
Ma). Despite significant vertical clast transport in breccia pipes, the development
of hydro-fracturing in host rocks, and a shallow inferred palaeodepth (< 3 km),
Mt. Leyshon appears to represent an “isolated” magmatic-hydrothermal system,
with little or no surface water input (Morrison and Orr, 2000). An ongoing fluid
inclusion study, including cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of quartz textures
and quantitative laser ablation ICP-MS analysis, is aimed at better resolving the
Mt. Leyshon deposit's fluid evolution in the framework of the existing geological
model. In particular, this study will test the possibility of groundwater incursion,
better resolve the physicochemical fluid conditions during mineralisation, and
investigate the metal budget of magmatic fluids.
A domical roof to the Mt. Leyshon complex is partially preserved at the present-
day erosional surface as a biotite-altered, variably fractured, but relatively
impermeable cap of country rock lithologies. This suggests that breccia pipes
themselves probably did not penetrate the palaeosurface, although the possibility
of vertically extensive fracture networks or a volcanic edifice remains. Economic
Au and Ag mineralisation is hosted mainly by a later stage breccia, in a high-
grade envelope confined below the complex roof in the Mount Leyshon Breccia
(MLBX). This has lead Morrison (Morrison and Orr, 2000) to suggest that
hydrothermal circulation of auriferous fluids exsolved from late dikes (LD) was
limited by a strong permeability contrast at the breccia-host rock interface.
Fluid inclusion data also support a magmatically dominated fluid regime. Fluid
inclusions have been studied from 3 paragenetically distinct vein and breccia
cavity infillings. Early pre-ore stage quartz-molybdenite-pyrite-chalcopyrite veins
contain coexisting hypersaline and vapour-rich inclusions, suggesting formation
from a boiling magmatic fluid of moderate to high salinity and temperature (370-
470 ° C). Boiling is interpreted as a depressurisation phenomenon, and may
have arisen from either passive ascent of magmatic fluid or seismically triggered
depressurisation from lithostatic to near-hydrostatic pressure. Breccia infillings
containing quartz-K-feldspar-chlorite-carbonate-fluorite-pyrite-sphalerite occur
before the Au ore stage, and contain low to moderate salinity, moderate
temperature (320-410 ° C) fluids. CL images of quartz from the mineralised
breccia matrix show secondary fracture-sealed networks overprinting primary
euhedral growth zoning. There is no clear distinction between primary and
secondary fluid compositions, however, suggesting no major change in fluid
conditions between episodes of precipitation and fracturing. Ore stage sphalerite-
pyrite-quartz-Au veins also contain low to moderate salinity, moderate
temperature (350-400 ° C) fluids. These veins also contain detectable CO 2 ,
suggesting that Au may have been transported by a distinct CO 2 -charged
Figure 1: Simplified geological map of the Mt. Leyshon Complex (Australian Map
Grid). Ore stage dacite dikes (LD) are likely responsible for gold transport from
an igneous source at the Southern Porphyry (SP) to the permeable breccia host
(MLBX). (after Morrison and Orr, 2000)
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Ablation takes place in a He gas flow, and the ablated material is mixed with Ar
make-up gas in a cyclone mixer before being introduced to the plasma. The
design of the ablation cell and mixer have been optimised to give a smooth,
stable signal during ablation of solids, and to broaden the peak arriving from a
single laser pulse to about 1 second, permitting precise multi-element analysis.
Calibration has been carried out using a combination of standard silicate glasses
(NIST 610, 612, 614, 616, and WRS 601), analysed with the sample stage slowly
moving beneath the laser, and standard multi-element solutions in glass capillary
tubes (labelled A, B, C). Capillaries are first breached with a 50 m m spot size,
and then steadily ablated with a 25 m m spot. The signal obtained during
progressive ablation for ca. 100 seconds is extremely stable, and at most
masses the %RSD over 20s blocks is around 1-3%.
Preliminary results have yielded linear calibrations for a wide range of elements
normalised to Na, including: B, Mg, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Sn, Sb, Cs,
Ba, La, and Pb. In most cases, solutions in capillary tubes plot on the same
calibration as solid standards, within errors of a few percent, suggesting matrix-
independent sensitivity. Analyses of synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz
(containing solution B and a 5x dilution, B2) generally bracket the results from the
same solutions in capillaries, with the precision and detection limits dependent on
concentration and inclusion size. Figures 1 and 2 are calibration curves for K/Na
and Mn/Na, respectively, plotted with the results of synthetic fluid inclusion
analyses. Fluid inclusion results for several binary cations, including Ca, Mg, Sr,
Ba, and Mn (Figure 2) fit less well to their calibration curves as does K (Figure 1),
but the discrepancy appears to be linked to the depth of the inclusion from the
Fluids and hydrothermal alteration assemblages in a Devonian gold-
bearing hot-spring system, Rhynie, Scotland.
1. Low to high temperature (T h 110 to 360 ° C), low salinity (0 to 2.9 wt.%
NaCl eq.) H 2 O-salt, heated meteoric fluids. This fluid was responsible for
mineralization associated with the RFZ and by its shear dominance was
probably the main gold-bearing fluid. The temperature and composition of
this fluid type is very similar to the fluid implicated in mineralization in
many other more recent Au-rich, low-sulphidation epithermal ore deposits
from other parts of the world 2 .
2. A very minor input of high temperature (T h 280 to 430 ° C), H 2 O-CO 2
-~6wt.%NaCl fluid. This fluid was also involved in mineralization along the
RFZ and was probably derived from andesitic magmatism. This fluid,
along with the low to high temperature, low salinity H 2 O-salt fluid, is only
recognised in the RFZ indicating that its migration was strongly controlled
by this fault zone.
3. Low temperature (<40 to 50 ° C), low salinity (0 to 3.5 wt.% NaCl eq.) H 2
O-salt fluids were involved in the formation of the plant and arthropod-
bearing sinters. ? 18 O,??D and noble gas composition of this fluid
indicates that it is of a meteoric origin.
4. Low temperature (T h 57 to 160 ° C), low to high salinity (0 to 18 wt.%
NaCl eq.) H 2 O-NaCl fluids. This fluid was responsible for mineralization
and cementation away from the RFZ in other areas of the basin. This fluid
is not recognised in the RFZ indicating that it was not involved in
mineralization along the RFZ or hot spring activity.
Detailed x-ray diffraction analysis in a traverse across the RFZ reveals zoned
hydrothermal alteration assemblages, which developed in response to
temperature gradients in the hydrothermal system (see fig. 1). These alteration
assemblages include:
Subsequent faulting has juxtaposed the low temperature alteration facies against
the high temperature alteration facies. The bulk of the gold-bearing, high
temperature facies has been eroded indicating that the ore potential of this
deposit is low unless a portion of the zone has been preserved by downfaulting.
The North Pennine Orefield (NPO) has produced in excess of 4 million tons of
lead as well as significant amounts of zinc, fluorite, barite and witherite (Dunham,
1990). It covers almost 4000 km 2 and is located in two fault-bound blocks: the
Alston Block to the north—the focus of this study—and the Askrigg Block to the
south, separated by a graben structure, the Stainmore Trough.
Figure 1 . Simplified geological map of the Alston Block in the Northern Pennines
showing localities studied (1. Tynebottom Mine; 2. Smallcleugh Mine; 3.
Wellheads Hush; 4. West Rigg open-cut; 5. Eastgate Cement Works quarry; 6.
Rogerley Mine; 7. Scordale (Hilton and Merton Mines)).
The British Geological Survey (BGS) has recently re-evaluated the potential for
stratiform base-metal sulphide deposits in Devon and east Cornwall (Rollin et al.,
2001) (Figure 1). On the basis of their stratigraphy and tectonic setting the Lower
Carboniferous strata between, and to the north of, Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor
are favourable targets for Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB)-type deposits (Figure 2).
Similarly, the geological setting of the Middle to Upper Devonian sediments of
Exmoor are comparable with those of the Harz basin in Germany which hosts the
major polymetallic Sedex deposits at Rammelsberg and Meggen.
Figure 1. Location of areas mentioned in text. 1. Combe Martin; 2. Exmoor; 3.
East Dartmoor; 4. Central region; 5. Egloskerry
Figure 2. Stratigraphy of IPB compared with the area between Bodmin Moor and
Dartmoor, SW England
A large amount of exploration has been carried out in the target region by
commercial companies and by BGS, ranging from regional reconnaissance
surveys to detailed prospecting. Digital data from these surveys has been used
to assess the potential for the occurrence of stratiform sulphide deposits using
knowledge-based prospectivity analysis tools including Arc SDM (Spatial Data
Modeller) (Rollin et al., 2001). Prospective targets identified in this study include
the area between the Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor granites, parts of Exmoor and
east Dartmoor, each of which is discussed below.
The central area between Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor is prospective for IPB-type
deposits due to the following features: Lower Carboniferous strata, including
many formations with black shales; strong magnetic anomaly; many thrusts;
widespread stream-sediment anomalies for Mn and Zn; and the highest
concentration of known occurrences of stratiform mineralisation in S W England,
including prospects at Egloskerry, Bridestowe and Chillaton.
Other targets for stratiform sulphide mineralisation are present in the Exmoor
district. Minor stratabound base-metal occurrences are known at Lester Point, on
the coast at Combe Martin, as well as at other localities inland to the south-east,
together with drainage geochemical anomalies for Zn, Mn and Pb (Jones et al.,
1987). A distinct linear aeromagnetic anomaly, trending west-north-west to east-
south-east, extends for at least 40km following the boundary between the
Ilfracombe Slates and the Morte Slates. Two boreholes, previously drilled to test
this anomaly at Honeymead Farm (Jones et al., 1987), showed that the source
was probably pyrrhotite that had been produced by recrystallisation of syngenetic
Other targets are found in the east Dartmoor area where Lower Carboniferous
strata are overthrusted and are associated with minor positive gravity anomalies.
High contrast, multi-site Ba anomalies in the Teign Valley may reflect known vein
baryte mineralisation, while associated Mn anomalies may be due to Pb-Zn-Cu-
As-Ba mineralisation to the east of the River Teign. In the Teign Valley, near
Bridford and Bovey Tracey, previous geochemical and geophysical surveys by
BGS, followed by drilling at some sites, supported the existence of stratiform
sulphide mineralisation (Beer et al., 1992 ).
New IP and high-resolution gravity surveys were also carried out over the Combe
Martin area and parts of Exmoor. At Combe Martin, where argentiferous galena
was mined for several centuries from predominantly vein-style mineralisation, a
low-amplitude positive gravity residual anomaly was identified along strike from
the former workings, approximately along the outcrop of the Lester Slates which
are the main host to the mineralisation. Farther east, the IP survey identified an
anomaly near the Honeymead borehole that may be related to pyrrhotite
identified in drillcore.
Beer, K. E., Ball, T. K., Cooper, D. C., Evans, A. D., Jones, R. C., Rollin, K. E.,
and Tombs, J. M. C. (1992) Mineral investigations in the Teign Valley, Devon.
Part 2: base metals. Mineral Reconnaissance Programme Report of the British
Geological Survey, No 123.
Rollin, K. E., Gunn, A. G., Scrivener, R. C. and Shaw, M. H. (2001) Potential for
stratiform massive sulphide mineralisation in south-west England. British
Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/01/240, DTI Minerals Programme
Publication No 9.
Rollin, K. E., Shaw, M. H., Benham, A. J., and Morgan, D. J. R. (2002) High-
resolution gravity surveys at Egloskerry and Combe Martin, SW England. British
Geological Survey, Internal Report . IR/02/195
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) has shown that sorption of arsenic onto
pyrite is not homogeneous. Fine grained pyrite adsorbed more arsenic onto its
surface than coarser grained and areas of an unidentified poorly-ordered iron
sulphide/oxide forms which sorbed the highest concentrations of arsenic.
X-ray absorption spectroscopy data has shown that arsenic is adsorbed onto the
surface of pyrite forming three sulphur bonds; also gold can become incorporated
into the structure of pyrite rather than being adsorbed onto the surface. In the
mixed As-Au samples the sorption of arsenic seems to inhibit the incorporation of
Au into the structure in comparison to the pyrite system containing only gold.
The county of Cumbria lies at the eastern edge of the East Irish Sea Basin and is
host to a hematite ore deposit, which was economically important during the 19
th century. The hematite occurs in both the Dinantian limestones of the area and
in veins within the Caledonian Eskdale Granite. The origin of both deposits is of
much debate, but is thought to be related to the movement of hot, relatively
reducing, iron rich brines from the East Irish Sea Basin to the Carboniferous
Limestones where they met a cool, shallow, oxidising fluid. It has not yet been
established whether these two types of deposit were formed in the same
mineralisation event.
This finding supports the theory of formation described above, that fluid mixing
occurred between a sulphatic groundwater and a warm, iron-rich, hypersaline
brine. It is proposed that fluid mixing or wall rock reaction are the most likely
modes of formation of both the granite- and limestone-hosted Cumbrian Hematite
Robert J. Bodnar
One might ask: Why do we want to analyze smaller samples? The answer lies in
the fact that ore formation is a dynamic, evolving process, with changing
temperature, pressure, fluid composition and mineral chemistry over the lifetime
of the ore deposit. Thus, analysis of a macroscopic (hand) sample of a rock from
an ore deposit will provide highly accurate and precise data on the chemistry of
that sample, but that chemistry represents the evolving chemistry integrated over
some relatively long and (perhaps) unknown period of time. Conversely, analysis
of a micro-sample from that same rock provides information concerning the
chemistry of the rock, and/or the fluids that have interacted with the rock, during
a much shorter portion of the rock history. It is this desire to understand the
manner in which the chemistry of the system changes during ore formation that is
the driving force for analyzing smaller and smaller samples.
Perhaps the question that has intrigued economic geologists more than any other
has been the concentration of metals in ore-forming fluids. The answer to this
question determines, to a large extent, the amounts of fluid and time required to
form a deposit. Recent developments involving laser ablation ICP-MS, PIXE,
PIGE and synchrotron-based XRF (SXRF) now permit metal contents of
individual fluid inclusions to be analyzed. Combined with careful petrography,
these data can be used to determine which of several different hydrothermal
fluids were transporting and depositing metals. Synchrotron-based XAFS
analysis offers the additional possibility of determining the speciation of metals in
solution. Analysis of melt inclusions and coeval fluid inclusions is providing
valuable information concerning metal contents of silicate melts associated with
magmatic-hydrothermal deposits, and mechanisms of transfer of metals from the
melt to the hydrothermal fluid. Raman analyses now permit quantitative
estimates of volatiles in ore-forming fluids.
European non-sulfide Zn ore deposits represented the historical basis for zinc
mining and smelting industry. Based on their geological characteristics, they
have been assigned mainly to the “ Calamine ” group, derived from supergene
alteration of carbonate-hosted MVT and Sedex deposits (Large, 2001; Boni &
Large, 2003) .
The word “Calamine”, originates from the Belgian locality La Calamine where a
non-sulfide Zn deposit was continuously exploited from the 14 th century up to
1884, with a production of more than 600.000 tons of Zn metal. Since its
discovery, “Calamine” became a mining expression to describe a common
mixture of zinc-ores such as Zn-carbonate {smithsonite = ZnCO 3 } and Zn-
silicate {hemimorphite = Zn 4 (Si 2 O 7 )(OH) 2 .H 2 O}, or the assemblage of
hemimorphite, smithsonite, hydrozincite {Zn 5 (CO 3 ) 2 (OH) 6 } and willemite
{Zn 2 SiO 4 } in greyish, brownish or yellowish earthy and often crustified masses
mixed with red clays. “Calamines” are grey, yellow or even black in colour and
occur as massive rock masses or with concretionary, foliated or stalactitic
shapes. They could be microcrystalline- (so-called “amorphous” in the old
literature) or coarse-grained aggregates, breccia-cementing concretions or
vuggy, with internal dissolution cavities covered by small idiomorphic smithsonite
and hemimorphite crystals. The shape of the Zn-non sulfide concentrations
observed in most mines, ranges from bulk replacement bodies of host
carbonates and/or sulfides in the deepest levels, through amorphous and
microcrystalline aggregates, to the concretionary infilling of isolated druses and
cavities in the upper zones.
Dejonghe, L., 1998, Zinc-lead deposits of Belgium. Ore Geology Reviews, v. 12,
p. 329-354.
Hitzman, M.W., Reynolds, N.A., Sangster, D.F., Allen, C.R., and Carman, C.,
2003, Classification, genesis, and exploration guides for nonsulfide zinc deposits:
Economic Geology, v. 98, p. 685–714.
Petmecky, S., Meier L., Reiser, H. and Littke, R., 1999, High thermal maturity in
the Lower Saxony Basin: intrusion or deep burial? Tectonophysics, v. 304, p.
Chronology of the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Which time scale calibration provides
the best framework for deposit modelling and exploration?
Clive A. Boulter
Those looking on from the sidelines at research in the Iberian Pyrite Belt could be
forgiven for expressing puzzlement over the conflicting interpretations seen in
contemporaneous publications. Recently many lines of evidence have been
converging on the view that the remarkable accumulation of sulphide deposits in
the Iberian Pyrite Belt formed essentially at the same time very early in the
evolution of the host sequence (Boulter 1996; Boulter et al . 2001; Pereira et al .
1996; Oliveira et al . 1997; González et al . 2002). The reinterpretation of the
physical volcanology of the host Volcano-Sedimentary Complex has concluded
that the mineralization process at Rio Tinto was initiated prior to the onset of
magmatic activity (Boulter 1996) and at Tharsis (González et al . 2002) only a
few metres of volcanogenic material underlies the massive sulphide sheet. In
stark contrast to this trend to an early timing for the deposits all recent reviews
have championed the view that the major deposits in the Pyrite Belt formed in the
waning phase of the major/latest volcanic event and Barrie et al . (2002) consider
that “The massive sulphide deposits are invariably near the top of the felsic units
and where there are several felsic units, the VMS deposits are generally above
the uppermost one.” Further divergence from the consensus that was developing
is seen in the radiometric study (ID-TIMS) of Barrie et al . (2002) where three,
apparently distinct, episodes of massive sulphide formation were claimed.
Establishing the chronology of the belt is complicated by the absence of a
definitively calibrated time scale for events around the Devonian/Carboniferous
boundary. Current uncertainties introduce variations of up to 10 m.y. in the
estimates for stage boundaries in the interval being considered. The time scale
calibration adopted by Barrie et al . (2002) places the Devonian-Carboniferous
boundary at 362.5 Ma. At the other extreme, the chronometric calibration of the
relative time scale used in Streel et al . (2000) has the D-C boundary at 354 Ma.
From their radiometric data Barrie et al . (2002) claim an age range for the
volcanogenic host sequence [and massive sulphide mineralization] of 356 to 350
Ma. However they had already noted the biostratigraphic data from Aznalcollar
and Neves Corvo which give a latest Devonian, LN biozone, age (Pereira et al .
1996; Oliveira et al . 1997), and which, on their time scale calibration of choice,
give these deposits a numerical age close to 363 Ma. Incorporation of these
older ages would have more than doubled the age range of volcanic, and related
mineralization, activity quoted in the paper.
Integration of a wide range of data supports the view that the major massive
sulphide deposits of the IPB formed in the same half million year interval very
soon after the initiation of the magmatic event. This means that deposit modelling
has to turn its focus away from magmatic associations and accept a major role
for tectonics in driving the hydrothermal convective system. The chronological
relations also show that metal sources are more probably to be found in the
upper crust than in the immediate volcanogenic host. Exploration needs to
consider the disruptive effects of the late intrusions on all aspects of the
mineralised system.
Boulter, C.A., Soriano, C. & Zimman, P. 2001. The Iberian Pyrite belt: A
mineralised system dismembered by voluminous high-level sills. Terra Nova , 13
, 99-103.
Dunning, GR, Diez Montes, A, Matas, J, Martin Parra, LM, Almarza, J, Donaire,
M, (2002) Geocronologia U/Pb del volcanismo acido y granitoides de la Faja
Piritica Iberica (Zona Surportuguesa). Geogaceta 32: 127-130.
González , F., Moreno, C., Sáez, R. & Clayton, G. 2002. Ore genesis age of the
Tharsis Mining District (Iberian Pyrite Belt): a palynological approach. Journal of
the Geological Society, London , 159 , 229-232.
Oliveira, J.T., Pacheco, N., Carvalho, P. & Ferreira, A. 1997. The Neves Corvo
mine and the Paleozoic geology of southwest Portugal. In: Barriga, F.J.A.S. &
Carvalho, D. (eds) Geology and VMS deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Society
of Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series, 27 , 21-71.
Pereira, Z., Sáez, R., Pons, J.M., Oliveira, J.T. & Moreno, C. 1996. Edad
devónica (Estruniense) delas mineralizaciones de Aznalcóllar (Faja Pirítica
Ibérica) en base a palinologia. Geogaceta , 20 , 1609-1612.
Streel, M., Caputo, M.V., Loboziak, S. & Melo, J.H.G. 2000. Late Frasnian-
Famennian climates based on playnomorph analyses and the question of the
Late Devonian glaciations. Earth-Science Reviews , 52 , 121-173.
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2 papers in Geology
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The Rare Earth Elements (REE) are commonly used in many aspects of geology;
particularly igneous petrology, although as yet their application to ore deposit
studies has been surprisingly limited and their mobility under hydrothermal
conditions is poorly constrained. This investigation explores the effects of mass
change on geochemistry of carbonates formed during hydrothermal alteration in
a carbonate-hosted base metal ore deposit, and examines the the mobility of the
REE in this system.
Fourteen RMB samples were collected from drillcore from the CW orebody,
describing a SW-NE oriented traverse perpendicular to the central fissure. These
samples were located in the immediate hanging wall of the massive sulphide ore.
Several reference samples were also collected, including unaltered Waulsortian
limestone and Waulsortian dolomite. Black dolomite matrix and clast material
were separated from the RMB samples by micro-drilling and analysed for REE
and minor elements using ICP-MS and ICP-AES, respectively at the Natural
History Museum, London.
A strong mutual positive correlation occurs between Ti, Al and K. Ti and Al are
high field-stength elements, commonly considered to be immobile in
hydrothermal systems. Their correlation with K suggests that all three elements
are rapidly incorporated into recrystallized aluminosilicates within the RMB
matrix, and are probably immobile on the scale of sampling.
When considered in relation to the known mass loss in the system, it is apparent
that all samples have undergone significant REE depletion, with HREE more
effectively removed than LREE (Figure 2). Eu is preferentially retained in all
samples, probably due to the presence of Eu 2+ , which is more effectively bound
in the carbonate lattice than trivalent REEs, due to its similar size and charge to
Ca 2+ . Therefore the observed Eu anomaly directly above the central fissure
structure (Figure 1) is attributed to less effective redistribution of Eu by outward
moving hydrothermal fluids, rather than net addition of Eu. In theory, the
redistributed REEs may form a halo surrounding an orebody, potentially
providing a useful exploration indicator.
Similar redistribution patterns are observed for Mn, which is depleted proximal to
the central fissure and enriched towards the periphery of the CW orebody.
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Arcon Mines for allowing
access to the Galmoy Mine. Imperial College London, University College Dublin,
The Natural History Museum, London and the Society of Economic Geologists
(BHP student grants), provided financial support.
Lowther J.M., Balding A.B., Dunphy S., McEvoy F.M. and Bowden A.A. (1999)
Proc. 5th Biennial SGA Meeting, London, 1999. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, v. 2,
p. 881-884.
1. GETECH, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT UK.
[email protected]
Mapping the spatial extent and boundary locations of magnetic bodies using
aeromagnetic data usually requires the data to be initially transformed i.e.
‘Reduced to Pole' (RTP), ‘Reduced to Equator' (RTE) or pseudo gravity, prior to
deriving the Total Horizontal Derivative (THDR). The maxima of the THDR help
to define the edges of magnetic bodies. The field transformation by necessity
assumes that all magnetic bodies have induced magnetisation. If this assumption
is incorrect then the inferences on edge detection can be in error. A derivative
method considered to overcome this assumption, and thus able to be applied
simultaneously to bodies containing remanent and induced magnetisation, is the
Analytic Signal. This derivative method has major practical limitations and is not
generally used.
This contribution demonstrates that the Tilt derivative overcomes the short
comings of the Analytic Signal and has several major advantages in structurally
mapping the spatial extent of mineralised bodies with internally varying
magnetisation. The theory behind the method will be show and demonstrated on
simple 2D models to show that the Tilt derivative can be used in various ways to
be more effective substitute for AGC, vertical derivative and edge detection
filters. The method is then be applied to high resolution aeromagnetic data
covering part of Namibia. Here the results of applying this new
mapping/interpretation technique may have significant implications on our
understanding of the mineralisation that occurs within the BAFEX Erindi gold
3D-seismics data has been used to define the Merensky and UG2 platinum reefs
across the entire Impala Platinum lease ground. This resource represents a
major proportion of the worlds predicted demand for the next several decades.
The 3D seismic reflection acquisition, interpretation and modelling programme
has been used to define shaft placements, decline programmes, ore delineation
borehole patterns right through to haulage locations, stope panel geometries and
extraction scheduling. A several year work programme of interpretation,
reprocessing, and advanced geological modelling has been used to define the
orebody geometry. As an example of the benefits that the seismic programme
has yielded;
Faults with offsets well below 10m of throw have been routinely mapped at
1000-2000m below surface,
Continuous dip panel blocks have been outlined and targeted for
extraction, whereas structurally complex ground has been delineated and
removed from the current extraction plans.
Clear economic benefits have been delivered by 3D-seismics in the deeper parts
of the Bushveld complex. The massive potential for this technique in other strata-
form / strat-bound deposits remains as yet either under utilised or untested.
Multi-scale fluid flow path analysis: Why there is a lot of zinc at Navan
This project funded through the NERC Micro to Macro programme looked at fluid
flow at a variety of scales to investigate the genesis of the Navan deposit. An
integrated study was carried out of field relations, especially the links between
grade and structure, petrography, stable isotope distributions and fluid
composition. Coupled physical and chemical modelling was used to investigate
the controls on the siting of the deposit.
The ore body is locally stratabound but also extends along major faults that
originated during the Carboniferous. Detailed grade mapping reveals that the
highest grade ores pick out a fracture pattern that predates the main faults
however, and is immediately earlier. The orientations indicate reactivation of
Caledonian trends in the adjacent basement. While the preponderance of
isotopically light S in the ore bodies is well known, detailed investigations have
recently shown that ore minerals in the major faults have a heavier signature.
Fluid inclusion studies provide evidence, as at other Irish orebodies, of mixing of
a hotter, less saline fluid with a cool brine.
The overall chemical model for the origin of the orebody is that a hot, metal-rich
fluid with a minor content of heavy sulphur, interacted with a cool bittern brine
generated at the Carboniferous sea bed due to evaporation, and containing
biogenic sulphide, which then sank through the sediment column. Our results
show that effective mixing of the fluids occurred prior to the development of major
through going faults, in the precursor fracture mash, that permitted more
complete mixing. Once the main faults developed they provided a fast conduit for
seismic expulsion of metal-rich fluid, which precipitated only a small part of its
metal load with the minor, heavy sulphide carried in the same fluid.
The sulfide orebody (600m long, 200-400m wide and up to 50m thick) is more or
less tabular, restricted to the lithological boundary between footwall micaschists
and hanging wall marbles of the metamorphic complex, and is situated in the
crest of an anticlinal structure that plunges southward at 30°. The sulfide ore
body is capped by up to 200m thick Zn carbonate ores that protrude discordantly
into the hanging wall marble. Both ore types are closely associated to breccias
especially at three major fault zones that flank the orebody.
Sulfide ores are generally massive and often breccia-textured containing clasts of
micaschists and marbles, as well as clasts of earlier sulfide ores indicating
multiple brecciation events during mineralization. The dominant ore mineral is
Fe-poor sphalerite often showing oscillatory zoning. Sulfide mineralization cuts
the schistosity of wall rocks. Galena, very little pyrite, and traces of Ni-Co
arsenides complete the sulfide paragenesis. Accessory gangue minerals are
euhedral quartz, muscovite, dolomite and lath-shaped anhydrite (often as relic
ghost textures). Sulfide ores are characterized by high Ag (210 ppm), As (760
ppm), Sb (300 ppm), Hg (20 ppm) , Co (400 ppm) and Ni (350 ppm) contents.
Honey-brown sphalerite contains abundant primary two-phase fluid inclusions
with homogenization temperatures of 100 to 150°C. Low first (-45°C), hydrohalite
(-35°C) and ice melting (-24 to -26°C) temperatures indicate Ca-Na-Cl brines with
high salinity (23-25 wt.% TDS) and Ca dominance. Preliminary crush-leach
analyses (D. Banks, Univ. Leeds) show very high and variable Br/Cl ratios
suggesting fluid mixing and probably the participation of highly evaporated sea
water. Sulfur isotope compositions of sphalerite and galena are homogeneous at
+7 ± 1 ‰ (V-CDT). Reconnaissance Pb isotope data are also homogeneous and
cluster around 18.921 ( 206 Pb/ 204 Pb), 15.700 ( 207 Pb/ 204 Pb), and 38.908
( 208 Pb/ 204 Pb). These isotope ratios indicate an upper crustal Pb source and
young (Cenozoic) Pb-model ages. Sulfide ores unambiguously postdate regional
metamorphism of the wall rocks , which according to preliminary 40 Ar- 39 Ar
data on sericite has a Miocene age (~20 Ma). Sulfide ores cannot be classified
as SEDEX or VMS type mineralization. The simple paragenesis, presence of
anhydrite laths, abundance of breccias, Fe-poor character, and especially the
fluid inclusion characteristics are suggestive of MVT -type mineralization.
However, homogeneous sulfur isotope values and the characteristic trace
element signature might indicate participation of magmatic components to the
ore-forming hydrothermal system.
The non-sulfide ores can be subdivided into two paragenetic stages, an early and
predominant stage I carbonate(-sulfide) ore and a late stage II carbonate(-oxide)
ore. Stage I carbonate ores are dominated by smithsonite showing a variety of
textures from massive to brecciated, from botryoidal to euhedral dog tooth-
shaped, from vuggy to dense. This mineralization stage occurs also within sulfide
ores filling cavities of former anhydrite laths or replacing marble clasts in the
sulfide ores without any apparent oxidation of the sulfides. Stage I smithsonites
exhibit abundant tiny, euhedral arsenopyrite, and less abundant quartz, galena,
pyrite and greenockite crystals along specific growth zones. In some areas, the
stage I smithsonite-arsenopyrite assemblage seems to replace earlier sulfide
ores, in others, especially at the flanking fault zones of the orebody, direct
replacement of marbles by zebra-textured smithsonite-calcite ores can be
observed. Stage I carbonate ores are enriched in Pb (7%), As (6100 ppm), and
Sb (570 ppm) with respect to sulfide ores but have similarly high Ni and Co
contents. The co-precipitation of sulfides, the absence of oxides and the
presence of reduced As species exclude the formation of stage I carbonate ores
in a supergene oxidation environment. The stability of smithsonite plus quartz
implies maximum formation temperatures of ~100°C and high CO 2 fugacities.
The paragenesis smithsonite plus arsenopyrite is stable under these conditions
in reducing environments at a pH of ~8 to 9, thus very close to the sphalerite
stability field. Highly variable oxygen isotope values of stage I smithsonites (18.3
to 23.6 ‰ V-SMOW) and very high and homogeneous d 13 C values (+5 ± 1 ‰
V-PDB) are not typical for supergene smithsonites, but suggest formation in a
subsurface hydrothermal environment. We note that the travertine deposits very
close to the Angouran mine have identical, heavy carbon isotope values (+5.4 ‰)
and are rich in Zn (970 ppm), Pb (124 ppm) and As (124 ppm).
The Bushveld Complex, South Africa, hosts over half the world's reserves and of
platinum group element (PGE) deposits (Cawthorn, 1999). The best known of the
PGE deposits of the Bushveld Complex is the stratiform Merensky Reef. The reef
is comprised of a pyroxenite, commonly pegmatoidal with variable amounts of
chromite, with PGE hosted by, or spatially associated with an assemblage of
interstitial base metal sulphides. Despite its huge economic significance, the
processes involved in concentrating the PGE are still debated, and there are
currently four generalised models. The first involves an immiscible sulphide liquid
separating from silicate magma during a magma mixing event. The sulphide
droplets scavenge base metals and PGE as they settle to the floor of the magma
chamber to form the reef (Campbell et al , 1983). The second model involves
PGE and sulphur being scavenged from the underlying cumulates by upward
percolating interstitial Cl-rich fluids, with a subsequent deposition at a chemical
reaction front (Vermaak, 1976, Boudreau & Meurer, 1999). The third model
suggests that clusters of PGE atoms suspended in the melt were collected by
carriers such as an immiscible sulphide liquid or by chromite sinking to the floor
of the magma chamber (Tredoux et al, 1995). The forth model involves PGE
being scavenged by a fluid from primary sulphides precipitated in the Critical
Zone rocks. The fluid reaches the crystal-magma interface and redissolves,
causing an immiscible sulphide, rich in PGE, to form (Boudreau, 1999).
This study investigates the base metal sulphide geochemistry in two distinctly
different parts of the Merensky Reef. Samples were taken from Impala Platinum
Holdings Ltd.'s Impala Mine, in the western Bushveld, and Marula Mine, in the
eastern Bushveld. The aim is to determine whether the sulphide assemblage has
a magmatic signature, or whether there is any evidence of later fluid overprint. It
is possible to predict the Ni and Cu content of a magmatic sulphide liquid if
certain factors are known: namely the partition coefficient of the metal between
silicate magma and sulphide liquid, the initial concentration of the metal in the
magma, and the magma/sulphide liquid ratio (R-factor), though this is of lesser
importance for Ni and Cu. For a magmatic sulphide separating from an upper
Critical Zone magma at the level of the Merensky Reef, it can be estimated that
the resulting sulphide liquid would have contained 10%Ni, 5%Cu, ~30%S and
55%Fe (Naldrett, 1981), giving S:Ni:Cu ratios of around 6:2:1. Hydrothermal
signatures would vary highly depending on the nature of the fluid and cannot be
easily predicted.
Six core sections from Impala Mine were analysed and found to have average
Ni/Cu ratios of 1.8 and S/Cu ratios of 6.2, in line with that expected for a
magmatic sulphide. The ratios show a slight enrichment of Cu with height,
possibly indicating fractionation of the sulphide liquid. PGE abundances mirror
those of Cu, Ni and S. There is no evidence of any hydrothermal or metasomatic
overprinting. Thus it can be assumed that at Impala Mine, the sulphides in the
Merensky Reef formed by separation of a sulphide liquid from silicate magma,
with no evidence of further alteration processes.
Two core sections from Marula Mine were also analysed and yielded average
Ni/Cu ratios of 1.5 and a S/Cu ratio of only 4.1, indicating significant sulphur loss
from the ideal magmatic sulphide liquid, or that the sulphides formed under
different conditions. Sulphur can be lost from a sulphide melt by oxidation, which
typically results in the formation of hydrous silicates, bornite and magnetite.
Secondary amphiboles are found in the Marula Mine samples overprinting
primary orthopyroxene and sulphides, however, no bornite or magnetite is
present. In contrast to what would be expected with an oxidising fluid, pyrite is
much more abundant than pyrrhotite. A “normal” Merensky Reef sulphide
assemblage, typified by that at Impala, contains 44% pyrrhotite, 34% pentlandite,
17% chalcopyrite and 4% pyrite. The Marula Mine assemblage is made up of
27% pyrrhotite, 36% pentlandite, 20% chalcopyrite and 17% pyrite. Also
associated with the sulphides are appreciable amounts of interstitial, Fe-rich
chromite. Iron loss from pyrrhotite to chromite via the relationship Naldrett and
Lehmann (1987):
could explain the increase in pyrite over pyrrhotite, though not the apparent loss
in sulphur. This was possibly caused by metasomatic fluids which formed the
overprint of hydrous minerals. These fluids mobilised Cu, obliterating any
fractionation trends analogous to those present in the Impala sections, that may
have been present in the Marula Mine sections, and produced veins and fracture-
fills of sulphide, rich in chalcopyrite. As at Impala Mine, PGE abundances mirror
those of Cu, Ni and S.
The evidence from this study is consistent with the model involving Merensky
Reef sulphides forming from an immiscible sulphide liquid separating from
silicate magma. Due to the intimate association of PGE with the unaltered
magmatic sulphides at Impala Mine, it is likely the PGE were collected by this
sulphide liquid. In terms of the Boudreau mode, scavenging of PGE from the
footwall ought to have also scavenged Cu and Ni, yielding anomalously high Cu
and Ni in the magma and resultant sulphide. In the Marula Mine profiles, there is
evidence for a probable post-magmatic hydrothermal event that has affected the
primary sulphide composition, but such evidence is lacking in the Impala Mine
profiles. Despite this difference, the PGE contents in the two settings are
comparable, and there is no evidence for addition or redistribution of PGE by
such fluids.
Boudreau, A. E. and Meurer, W. P., 1999. Cont. Min. Pet. 134 , 174-185.
Naldrett, A. J., 1981. in: Cabri, L. J. (ed). Can. Inst. Min. Metall., Montreal,
Canada, 23 , 197-232.
Naldrett, A. J. and Lehmann, J. 1987. in: Prichard et al, Geo-Platinum '87, 113-
Tredoux, M., Lindsay, N. M., Davies, G. and McDonald, I., 1995. S. Af. J. Geol.,
98 , 157-167.
Vermaak, C. F., 1976. Econ. Geol. 71 , 1270-1298.
The island of Cyprus, and its well-preserved Troodos ophiolite sequence, has
been an important source of copper since pre-Roman times. However, with the
diminishing market for pyrite used in sulphur extraction, the mining and
exploration industry on the island was in decline until the late 1990's. With the
reopening of mining operations in the Skouriotissa region a new phase of
exploration for VHMS copper deposits began. This exploration programme,
unlike previous programmes, aims to discover buried deposits underneath the
autochthonous sedimentary cover of the ophiolite sequence. This project seeks
to determine whether realistic regional scale exploration targets for surface and
buried VHMS mineralisation in the Troodos ophiolite sequence can be generated
using spatial data from a variety of sources.
Figure 1 Zones of high copper mineralisation potential on Cyprus compared to
current and former massive sulphide and stockwork mineralisation mining
districts. (A = Ampelikou / Apliki / Agios Epiphanos Soleas area, B = Agios
Georgious Kafkallou area, C = Klirou / Malounta area, D = Agia Varvara
Lefkosias / Sia / Mathiatis area, E = Lythrodontas area, F = Arakapas /
Dierouna / Eptagoneia area, G = Asgata area, H = Mandria Lemesou area.)
These datasets were used as evidential themes (maps) against the distribution of
known VHMS-related mineral occurrences (training point theme) to establish
areas of high mineralisation potential. Seventeen datasets produced from the
data within the GIS had identifiable relationships with mineralisation, and binary
maps showing areas of prospectivity and non-prospectivity for VHMS
mineralisation were produced. Finally, each of these datasets were integrated
into one final prospectivity map, identifying eight areas of high mineralisation
potential (Figure 1). Three of these areas are outlined as possible targets for
future exploration due to their size, lack of previously known mineral occurrences
and proximity to known mineral occurrences and mining districts. This work has
demonstrated the applicability of GIS-based approaches to exploration on
Cyprus and could prove to be a useful tool for determining areas for future
exploration work.
Kemp, LD., Bonham-Carter, GF., Raines, GL. and Looney, CG., 2001. Arc-SDM:
Arcview extension for spatial data modelling using weights of evidence, logistic
regression, fuzzy logic and neural network analysis. .
Tangestani, MH. and Moore, F., 2001. Porphyry copper potential mapping using
the weights-of evidence model in a GIS, northern Shahr-e-Babak, Iran. Australian
Journal of Earth Sciences, 48: 695-701.
Mineral textures of the Laisvall Sandstone-Hosted Pb-Zn deposit and their
implications for the Pre-ore permeability.
Previous studies of the Laisvall deposit (Rickard et al. 1979; Linblom 1982) have
neglected to identify and describe the microscopic pre-ore environment of the
Laisvall sandstones. This study identifies, by comparison of the ore hosting units
to those of uneconomic value, critical factors involved in developing a successful
host for mineralisation.
The Laisvall sandstone-hosted lead-zinc deposit is located along the present day
eastern margin to the Swedish Caledonides. The ore stage galena and sphalerite
reside within the pore spaces of two quartz arenite horizons within the
autochthonous sediments of the Laisvall Formation.
The Tjalek Member, a 8-10m thick unit separating the Upper and Lower
Sandstone ore bodies is typically un-mineralised, although composing an almost
identical primary mineralogy to the ore hosting units. The development of quartz
and illite cements prior to mineralisation reduced porosity and pore space
connectivity, plugging pore throats.
The petrology of the surrounding stratigraphy to the ore hosting horizons reveals
significant implications for possible paths for large scale fluid flow supplying the
Laisvall ore body. In particular, the underlying Saivatj Member (shale) and the
Ackerselet Formation (arkose) are unsuitable conduits due to their poor
permeabilities affected by diagenetic cementation.
This implies the fluids involved in mineralisation were either resident within the
sandstones, transported laterally along the ore hosting horizons, formed from de-
watering of the overlying silts, sourced along fractures linked to the basement
rocks or leaked directly into the sandstone at the point of origin. The next step to
understanding the genesis of the Laisvall deposit is combining this information
with structural data, grade modelling and isotope geochemistry.
Volker Lüders
Fluid inclusions yield important information for economic geology studies. The
fluid composition, pressure, and temperature prevailing at the time of ore
formation, especially in hydrothermal deposits, can be estimated, and the history
of fluid evolution and mineral formation can be reconstructed. Fluid inclusion data
can provide information not only for questions of ore deposit genesis and for ore
deposit modeling, but are also useful for prospecting and exploration, e. g., fluid
inclusion studies can assist in the determination and delineation of individual
mineralization and mineral provinces. Usually, fluid inclusions are studied in
transparent gangue minerals such as quartz, carbonates, or fluorite because
most ore minerals occurring in ore deposits are opaque for visible light.
Therefore, the assumption is made that the mineral associations (sulfides,
oxides, gangue minerals) within an occurrence deposited co-genetically when
using fluid inclusion data from gangue minerals to infer the P-T-X conditions of
ore deposition. On the other hand, it was found that transparent ore minerals
such as bright sphalerite locally contain fluids of differing composition than the
associated gangue minerals. This must be taken into consideration for
interpretation of the composition of fluids in transparent gangue minerals.
During the past 15 years it was demonstrated that some opaque ore minerals
such as wolframite, stibnite, pyrite, enargite or hematite which is normally opaque
for visible light show transparency near infrared light radiation and fluid inclusions
therein can be studied by IR microthermometry (e.g. Campbell and Panter; 1990;
Mancano and Campbell, 1995; Lüders, 1996; Lüders and Ziemann, 1999; Lüders
et al., 1999; Kouzmanov et al., 2002). In some cases the results of fluid inclusion
studies in quartz and ore minerals disprove the inferences from petrographic
studies that quartz and ore minerals deposited cogenetically.
This study presents fluid inclusion data of specular hematite from veins from four
iron ore deposits in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero: the barren veins of Córrego do
Feijão and Fábrica, which are located in the low-strain zone, and the Au-Pd–Pt-
bearing veins of Gongo Soco and Itabira. The Quadrilátero Ferrífero is a world-
class mineral province (Fe, Au, Mn) comprising a Palaeoproterozoic clastic-
sedimentary sequence (Minas Supergroup), an Archaean greenstone belt
sequence (Rio das Velhas Supergroup) and granite-gneiss domes. The Minas
Supergroup hosts a thick itabirite unit (banded iron formation) with high-grade
hematite ores. Presumedly, much of the primary (lode) gold from Minas Gerais
came from itabirite-hosted, sulphide-free, specular hematite-rich, palladian gold-
bearing ( jacutinga ) veins. Examples of this vein-style mineralization are found in
the Gongo Soco and Itabira iron ore deposits, in which gold is mined as by-
product. The jacutinga -style gold deposits are situated in the high-strain domain
of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, where the host rock (itabirite) shows a pervasive
foliation commonly attributed to the 0.8–06 Ga Brasiliano Orogeny. The
metamorphic grade increases eastwards from lower greenschist facies (Gongo
Soco) to lower amphibolite facies (Itabira). In contrast, quartz-specularite veins
from the western and south-western low-strain zone of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero
are barren.Quartz–iron oxide isotope thermometry in the foliated itabirite and iron
ore (Hoefs et al., 1982) indicated higher temperatures than those suggested by
the mineral assemblages. Both in Itabira and Gongo Soco, the jacutinga veins
cross-cut the foliated itabirite. However, Olivo et al. (1995) considered that the
Itabira jacutinga veins were synchronous with the peak metamorphic
temperatures, with quartz–iron oxide model temperatures as high as 660°C.
F luid inclusions hosted in hematite from barren veins as well as from the Au-Pd-
Pt-bearing veins of Gongo Soco are always two-phase aqueous and often
contain multiple daughter minerals of unknown composition. These inclusions
occur isolated within the studied samples and, therefore, they are assumed to be
of primary origin. They show either rounded or irregular forms and size up to 100
(!) microns. Melting of ice was observed in this type of inclusions in the
temperature range between -9.8 and -4.5°C. First melting is approximately
between -30 and -27°C. The homogenization temperatures (Th) range between
150 and 228°C. The lowest Th values were measured in samples from Gongo
Soco, whereas the highest Th values were measured in samples from a barren
vein at Fábrica. Melting of daughter minerals hosted in type I inclusions were not
observed even upon heating to temperatures as high as 450°C. Samples from
Itabira host two different types of primary inclusions. Besides aqueous inclusions
with at least one daughter (?) crystal, aqueous carbonic inclusions are also very
frequent in the studied samples. Carbonic inclusions often show hexagonal or
rounded shapes and sizes up to 35 microns. Fluid inclusions hosted in hematite
samples from Itabira have higher Th values and lower ice melting temperatures
compared to samples from the other studied sites. Carbonic inclusions show
melting of solid CO 2 between -62.9 and -56.7°C and CO 2 homogenization
temperatures to the liquid phase between 17.9 and 22.4°C, and often decrepitate
prior to total homogenization. Total homogenization temperatures are as high as
Boiron, M-C, Moisette, A., Cathelineau, M., Banks, D., Monnin, C., Dubessy, J.
(1999): Detailled determination of paleofluid chemistry: an integrated study of
sulphate-volatile rich brines and aquo-carbonic fluids in quartz veins from Ouro
Fino (Brazil). Chemical Geology , 154, 179-192.
Olivo, G. R., Gauthier, M., Bardoux, M., Sá, E. L., Fonseca, J. T. F., Santana, F.
C. (1995): Palladium-bearing gold deposit hosted by Proterozoic Lake Superior-
type iron-formation at the Cauê iron mine, Itabira district, southern São Francisco
craton, Brazil: Geologic and structural controls. Economic Geology , 90, 118-134.
Kouzmanov K., Bailly L., Ramboz C., Rouer O. and Bény J.-M. (2002):
Morphology, origin and infrared microthermometry of fluid inclusions in pyrite
from the Radka epithermal copper deposit, Srednogorie zone, Bulgaria.
Mineralium Deposita 37: 599-613.
Lüders V., Gutzmer J. and Beukes N.J. (1999): Fluid inclusion studies in
cogenetic hematite, hausmannite, and gangue minerals from high-grade
manganese ores in the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa. Economic
Geology , 94: 589-596.
Mark Moody-Stuart
Anglo American plc, 20, Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AN
[email protected]
Many of the mineral deposits of the world lie in developing countries and in
remote environments. It is unlikely that a geologist would feel at home in a mining
company if the limit of their experience was Cornwall or the Lake District. A
geologist will find themselves working with colleagues of all backgrounds and
nationalities as companies recruit and train people from countries with major
mining industries and from their main operating areas. Some experience of
another culture is practically a sine qua non – including an almost instinctive
acknowledgement that no one philosophy, culture or way of life provides all the
answers. If the mining industry is to address some of the challenges to its
legitimacy, we need people who can listen carefully to what at first hearing might
sound like ill informed or illogical positions or perceptions, but which if one is
open in one's listening and thinking one can recognise and address their point of
origin and also often acknowledge their considerable validity.
The reason that the detail of the degree is less important than the sound
grounding is because when someone comes into the mining industry, there will
almost certainly be a lot of specific learning that needs to be done to draw on the
corporate store of expertise in a particular mineral or metal. Much of the work is
done in multidisciplinary teams, or at very least working with one or two others
experienced in that particular area. Every member of a multidisciplinary team
brings their own skills – whether it be in geology, resource estimation, mining
engineering, process engineering, economics, or logistics. Whatever your team
membership is based on, you had better be good at it and at working in a team,
or else the whole team fails. That skill is your team membership ticket. But the
joy of working in such teams is the ability to acquire some of the expertise of
others, or at least an understanding of the basics so that you can communicate
and integrate more effectively. This is an essential part of ongoing further
personal development. There may also be opportunities to take courses later in
some, but this will be very much easier if you have familiarity from a
multidisciplinary team.
Now return to the question of the title. If the mining industry is to thrive and have
legitimacy, from the very first activity in an area – exploration – we need to be
sure that we are engaging with the people of the area. They may be excited at
the opportunities, but they are likely to be worried about the implications. What
will a mine look like if it happens? Will there be work? What about schools and
training? What are the environmental risks? Will their agriculture or fishing be
disturbed? Will their way of life be disrupted by incomers? We need people in the
industry, who apart from doing their own job are interested in these questions
themselves, who can think of ways of addressing some of the fears and who are
interested in arguments for mutual benefit. Who have the ability to explain their
own science in straightforward ways, who listen openly and who are honest
about the implications. We also need people who can look at our own processes
and well established ways with new eyes, and make changes such that
operations have lower impact, less footprint, use waste as feedstock and so on.
As projects go forward we need people who can reach agreements on what the
best indicators are to reflect whether or not industry is delivering on its promises,
and who can publish these indicators in easily understandable forms. We also
need people who have a geologists ability to look at processes over time, to see
what may happen to communities, services and physical legacies decades down
the line when the mine may no longer be there. And who regard all of this, not as
a pain in the backside, but as a truly important and integral part of the mineral
resource industry.
This is a long but very worthwhile job - our children and grandchildren will still be
at it. We need people with both vision and persistence.
The Genesis of Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposits: What we know and what
we don't know
Anthony J. Naldrett
lithosphere will arrive in the crust unsaturated in sulfide. MORB is the most
common exception to this generalisation, but in this case the vertical distance
between site of separation from the source and point of emplacement is
generally small, so the pressure effect is minimised. In Table 2, the sulfur isotopic
composition of the ores and nature of the country rocks are summarised for
many of the deposits cited in Figure 1. Interaction of the host magma with
country rocks has been established
on the basis of one or more of trace element and Sr, Nd, Pb, Os, O and C
isotopic data in all cases save for Jinchuan, and d 34 S and g Os values indicate
that country-rock sulfur is commonly involved. It is becoming increasingly evident
that crustal contamination, generally involving the addition of sulfur, is a
requirement for forming an Ni-Cu sulfide deposit. What is not established is
whether contamination alone, without addition of sulfur, is sufficient to cause
sulfide immiscibilty, nor is it clear how country rock sulfur is transferred into the
With regard to requirement (3), of the deposits cited in Tables 1 and 2, the
Kambalda deposits occur in lava flow channels; those at Thompson and
Pechenga occur in sills that are co-magmatic with and believed to be feeders for
overlying volcanism; those at Noril'sk are located in tubular conduits through
which several generations of magma have flowed to form the overlying flood
basalts; and those at Voisey's Bay occur both within a vertical dyke linking a
lower magma chamber, in which sulfide immiscibility developed, with an upper
chamber into which both the original magma and subsequent new magma was
flushed, and at the entrance of the dyke with the upper chamber. At Jinchuan,
economic concentrations of sulfide occur within the funnel-shaped entrants of
feeders to the overlying magma. It is only at Duluth, where there is no evidence
of focused magma flow, that the mineralization occurs as clouds of sulfide that
are too dispersed to be economic. At both Noril'sk and Voisey's Bay, the original
sulfides to form were too low in tenor to be economic, but the passage of fresh
magma along the ore-bearing conduits has upgraded the tenors to economic
levels. While the importance of hydrodynamic processes in concentrating sulfides
from magma carrying dispersed droplets, the physics of how and where this
occurs is far from understood.
Miller O'Prey
The N.E.R.C. funded Imperial College Survey was directed by Professor John
Webb and produced the Provisional Geochemical Atlas of Northern Ireland
published in 1973 as well as PhD theses by Butt and Young. In total 4,832
stream sediment samples were collected, representing a sample density of just
less than 1/ sq. mile. The sampling programme was completed in one summer
field season and sampled locations just upstream from road bridges. Typically
100g of sediment was collected from tributaries where the upstream catchment
area was less than two sq. miles. The samples were analysed for 20 elements
including base (but not precious) metals by spectrographic and chemical
methods. Analytical and sampling errors varied considerably although the ranges
of the sampling and spectrographic analytical errors were comparable.
A series of grey scale maps were produced for each element based on arbitrary
concentration intervals and also some percentile intervals. In addition a series of
subtractive colour-mixing images were developed to display co-variations for
three element suites. The data was smoothed using a moving average technique
to reduce noise resulting from sampling and analytical errors. The quality of the
analysis and map production was state of the art at its time with the colour-mixing
plots reflecting the geological map of Northern Ireland.
The survey, and in particular the thesis by Butt, identified two areas showing
anomalies possibly indicating base metal mineralisation near Keady in Co.
Armagh (unrelated to historic mine workings) and near Newtownstewart in Co.
Tyrone. Further drainage and soil sampling was completed in these areas and
the results were discussed in relation to the solid and superficial geology and the
different dispersion mechanisms present. This produced a number of conclusions
to guide later surveys and highlighted the importance of understanding the effect
of fluvio-glacial cover and the different dispersion mechanisms.
The survey was a technical success especially with respect to the rapid coverage
and the scale of sampling. Also in terms of exploration activity in Northern
Ireland, it is interesting to note the significant increase in land holdings on the
year the PhD theses were completed (and in subsequent years). On reviewing
the dataset one of the most significant images is that for arsenic. This shows
anomalies in the areas surrounding the then undiscovered Curraghinalt and
Cavanacaw deposits as well as the Co. Armagh mineralisation currently being
The second survey was funded by the then Department for Economic
Development (DED) and completed by John Arthurs of GSNI who conducted
reconnaissance geological and multi-element drainage surveys over the areas of
outcropping Dalradian lithologies of the Sperrin Mountains and northeast Antrim.
This resulted in two Mineral Potential Assessment Reports published in 1976.
BGS sampling techniques were adopted with a sample density of 1 per 2sq. km
and collection of 1.5kg wet-screened stream sediment, heavy mineral
concentrate and a 30cc water sample. The sediment samples were analysed for
up to 16 elements, including base metals, uranium and silver but excluding gold
and the stream waters were analysed for uranium. The Sperrins area was the
subject of more rigorous study with the panned concentrates analysed for Cu, Zn
and Ba and a more detailed drainage survey also completed over 34 anomalous
areas, followed up by some soil sampling.
The results of the reconnaissance stream sediment sampling were plotted for
each element on maps of the two areas, which lead to the definition of a number
of locations assessed as having good potential for base metal and barium
mineralisation (the main purpose of the study). However, Arthurs also highlighted
the prospectivity of the area in relation to gold rich deposits - although he felt the
terrane was most prospective for VMS style deposits with some later
hydrothermal reworking. The close relationship between arsenic in stream
sediments and gold observed in panned concentrates was also noted. This
observation has been confirmed by recent metallogenic studies, which showed a
positive correlation between gold and arsenic in mineralised bedrock.
Technically the survey was a success and it formed the basis of exploration
programmes into the 1980s. Indeed it was at Arthurs' recommendation that the
then exploration manager for Ulster Base Metals licenced much of the area and
initiated a programme that resulted in the discovery of the Curraghinalt gold
deposit and a number of other prospects. A significant number of the anomalous
locations highlighted are now known to contain bedrock gold and/or base metal
mineralisation, most notably at Golan Burn and Glenlark.
The most recent survey was co-funded by the Department for Enterprise, Trade
and Investment (Northern Ireland), the Department for the Environment (Northern
Ireland) and the BGS. Using the BGS G-Base methodology 2908 sites were
visited (approx 1 sample per 2.15sq. km) and 3 filtered and 3 unfiltered stream
waters, 100g of stream sediment (screened to –150 µm fraction) and 50g of
heavy mineral concentrate were collected at each site. Baseline chemical data
were obtained for 33 elements in stream sediments and 42 parameters in stream
waters along with a locational and observational database containing information
such as heavy mineral occurrences and land use at sample sites.
The stream sediment and stream water results were plotted for each parameter
as full colour images using modern imaging software. Similar to Webb, this study
found a strong correlation between certain elements and the underlying geology
and again the affect of thick glacial cover was highlighted. Both the Curraghinalt
and Cavanacaw gold deposits were identified, confirming the sensitivity and
efficiency of the technique. In addition, a number of new areas were highlighted
as having potential to host mineral deposits, one of which was followed up in
1998 and 1999. The extreme west of Co. Tyrone and in particular the
Newtownstewart area was the subject of more detailed stream sediment
sampling and some soil sampling. The results were plotted in a GIS environment
and a number of targets for further work were identified.
The mineral exploration application of this database has been heavily utilised by
companies exploring in the region. In particular Tournigan Gold Corporation used
the dataset (mainly arsenic stream sediments and gold observations from
panned concentrates) to select areas for their regional exploration programme in
Trace metal and halogen content (Cl, Br, I) of individual fluid inclusions
using synchrotron X-ray microfluorescence
Pascal Philippot
Fluid inclusions represent the only relic of past movements of fluids in the Earth's
crust, and a knowledge of the trace-element composition of individual fluid
inclusions is central to our understanding of the formation of economic and
energetic resources. Since 6 years, we have developed an experimental protocol
aimed at analyzing single fluid inclusions using the X-ray microfluorescence set
up installed on line ID22 of the European Synchrotron Research Facility (ESRF).
Calibration procedures accounting for absorption by the host mineral and the
geometry and volume of the inclusion fluids were developed. High-spatial
resolution fluorescence X-ray maps and micro-fluotomography reconstruction of
individual fluid inclusions were documented for several samples. Concentration
and spatial distribution of major (Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe) and trace elements (Ti, Cu,
Ni, Zn, V, As, Ba, Br, Rb, Sr, Au, Ce, Hf, Nb, Zr, Th, Pb, U) were determined in
individual fluid inclusions from a variety of case studies (Brusson and Pont de
Rastel gold deposits, Chivor emerald deposit, Streltsov uranium deposit, and
Dunbar oil field). Recently, halogen content (Cl, Br and I) were determined in
highly saline brines from the Dabie shan and western Alps ultra-high pressure
terranes. Interesting perspectives include in situ analysis of homogenized fluid
inclusions facilitating quantification of bulk inclusion fluids and most importantly
allowing determining the speciation of dissolved species at the time of trapping
using micro-X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (micro-XANES) analysis.
The above mentioned studies show the great potential of synchrotron techniques
for characterizing quantitatively the composition and speciation of ore fluids
during trapping. A major drawback, however, concerns beamtime availability for
performing statistically relevant fluid inclusion studies (typically several tens to
100 measurements). Owing to the automated protocol progressively installed at
ESRF, the first geologically relevant study was recently achieved for a
reasonable amount of time (48 - 72 hours beamtime allocation depending of the
size of the inclusions, down to 8-10 µm, and heterogeneity of the host matrix).
Results were obtained on Archaean quartz segregations filling inter pillow basalts
from the North Pole hydrothermal system (Pilbara, western Australia).
The sources of gold in orogenic gold deposits: Insights from the Otago Schist,
New Zealand.
escape upwards where ore deposition may occur due to changes in temperature,
pressure, redox etc. An example of this type of deposition is seen at Macraes
were ore veins were deposited near to the BDT at about 300 - 350 ° C in both
ductile and brittle structures (Teagle et al. 1990, Craw et al. 1999).
Simple mass balance calculations
suggest that 1km 3 of garnet-oligoclase grade schist with an average
composition of 0.5ppm As and 0.2ppb Au has had 10000 tonnes of As and 0.5
tonnes of Au leached from it by hydrothermal fluids. Gold is heterogeneously
distributed within rocks and this mass balance estimate would be significantly
greater if protoplacer concentrations are considered rather than just barren
protolith. There is a considerable volume of upper greenschist to amphibolite
grade rock underlying the Otago Schist and presumably other greenschist-hosted
orogenic gold terranes. The depletion of gold and arsenic reported here provides
evidence for a local source of metals hydrothermally leached from the host rock
by fluids most likely of metamorphic origin.
Craw D., Windle S. J., Angus P. V., 1999 Gold mineralisation without quartz
veins in a ductile-brittle shear zone, Macraes Mine, Otago Schist, New Zealand.
Min Deposita, 34, 382-394
deRonde C. E. J., Faure K., Bray C. J., Whitford D. J., 2000 Round Hill Shear
Zone-Hosted Gold Deposit, Macraes Flat, Otago, New Zealand: Evidence of a
magmatic Ore Fluid. Econ Geol, 95, 1025-1048
Groves, D.I., Goldfarb, R.J., Robert, F., Hart, C.J.R., 2003 Gold Deposits in
Metamorphic Belts: Overview of Current Understanding, Outstanding Problems,
Future Research, and Exploration Significance. Econ Geol, 98, 1-29
Henley, R.W., Norris, R.J., Paterson, C.J., 1976 Multistage ore genesis in the
New Zealand geosyncline: a history of post-metamorphic lode emplacement,
Min. Deposita, 11, 180-196
Holm D. K., Norris R. J., Craw D., 1989 Brittle and ductile deformation in a zone
of rapid uplift: Central Southern Alps, New Zealand. Tectonics, 8(2), 153-168
McKeag S. A., Craw D., Norris R. J., 1989 Origin and deposition of graphitic
schist-hosted metamorphogenic Au-W deposit, Macraes, East Otago, New
Zealand. Min Deposita, 24, 124-131
Sibson R. H., 1977 Fault rocks and fault mechanisms. Geol Soc Lond J., 133,
Teagle D.A.H., Norris R.J., Craw D., 1990 Structural controls on gold-bearing
quartz mineralisation in a duplex thrust system, Hyde-Macraes shear zone,
Otago Schist,New Zealand. Econ Geol 85: 1711- 1719
T.M. Seward
Hydrothermal fluids occur ubiquitously throughout the Earth's crust and upper
mantle and are involved in magmatic processes, metamorphism, tectonics and
fault movement and the formation of ore deposits. They are responsible for the
distribution of enormous amounts of material throughout the crust and facilitate
the transport of both heat and many chemical components to the Earth's surface
via hydrothermal fluids which discharge both subaerially and onto the seafloor.
These fluids are multicomponent electrolyte solutions in which the main salt
component is generally sodium chloride with lesser amounts of other alkali metal
and alkali earth metal salts together with volatile molecular species and weak
acid/base components. Trace components comprise much of the periodic table.
The chemistry of the transport and deposition of trace components such as
transition metals and lanthanides is still relatively poorly known. An
understanding of the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits is fundamentally
premised on a knowledge of the chemistry of metal complex equilibria, mineral
precipitation reactions, surface chemistry, and element partitioning in near-
magmatic fluid (phase separating systems) at extreme conditions of temperature
and pressure.
All the samples studied contain hypersaline brine inclusions. Within the Fe-oxide
deposits vein quartz typically contains liquid water (Lw) plus vapour (V) plus
halite (Sh) inclusions, whilst quartz associated with Cu-deposits hosts inclusions
with a more complex daughter mineral assemblage, commonly including
carbonates. Within the Fe-oxide deposits homogenisation temperatures
commonly range from 90-123°C, whilst halite dissolution temperatures range
from 200-300°C, corresponding to a salinity range of 32 to 38wt. % NaCl eq.
Hematite bearing quartz veins from shear zones in the surrounding sediments In
the copper deposits of the Kiruna area T h typically ranges from 110-200°C, with
halite dissolution temperatures ranging from 300-450°C, corresponding to a
salinity range of 38 to 47°C. These are typically accompanied by vapour-rich
inclusions with melting temperatures in the range -58.7 to -59.6°C, and T h in the
range -2.2 to -14.9°C, corresponding to low density liquid CO 2 possibly with
minor methane. The inclusion assemblage from the Aitik deposit is considerably
more complex, with coexisting Lw+Sh+V, Lw+Lc+V and Lc+V inclusions. These
samples are currently in the process of being investigated but suggest
considerable differences to the greenstone-hosted deposits of the Kiruna area.
Veins from copper deposits and in the surrounding stratigraphic sequence are
distinct from those within the Fe-oxide deposits. Fluid inclusions from quartz
veins within shear zones surrounding the Kiruna area ore bodies show similar
salinities to those in the ore bodies, but a range of homogenisation temperatures
extending to much higher temperatures. This can almost certainly be attributed to
active deformation syn- to post-quartz vein formation. All the copper deposit
hosted inclusions so far analysed show a much higher salinity than those
associated with the Fe ores, and so require either a different fluid, or a process of
modification to the Fe-oxide related fluids that may well be linked to copper
deposition. Such a mechanism is provided by the presence of CO 2 -rich fluid
inclusions in quartz, alongside hyper-saline brines in many of the samples so far
analysed. The addition to the fluid of CO 2 derived from interaction with
sediments within the stratigraphy, led to fluid immiscibility and consequent
increase in the salinity of the residual brine. This may have played a fundamental
role in the formation of significant Cu deposits in the region. Preliminary data
from the Aitik deposit are distinct from all other samples so far analysed, and
suggest different fluid processes in this deposit, and possibly others associated
with the NDZ.
Hitzman, M.W., Oreskes, N., and Einaudi, M.T. (1992) Geological characteristics
and tectonic setting of Proterozoic iron oxide (Cu-U-Au-REE) deposits.
Precambrian Research , 58 , 241-287.
213nm UV laser ablation provides a powerful and cost-effective new method for
the chemical microanalysis of individual fluid inclusions. Analyses of groups of
cogenetic primary and secondary inclusions yield typical relative standard
deviations for absolute element concentrations of around 20%, comparable with
those obtained by excimer laser ablation. Results are consistent with Ca
concentrations independently estimated from microthermometry, previously
published bulk chemical analyses, and give good charge balance.
The primary ore-forming fluid contains elevated Pb and Zn, and displays a high
Pb/Zn ratio. The Pb-rich tenor of the vein deposits is therefore primarily
controlled by the metal content of the basin porefluids rather than aquifer
geochemistry or selective precipitation mechanisms and is ultimately a function
of the geochemistry of the basin source.
In-Situ LA-ICP-MS dating of titanite: a new tool for mineral deposit studies
and application to the Kiruna Iron Oxide deposit
U-Pb geochronology has been the mainstay for dating key geologic events
throughout much of the history of the Earth System and much energy has been
expended into improving accuracy, precision and spatial resolution of such
analyses. At present it is possible to date areas as small as 20-30µm within U-
rich phases such as zircon and monazite by ion-probes such as the SHRIMP and
Cameca 1270. However, these methods have difficulty in dealing with matrices
containing multi-cation species due to unpredictable sputtering characteristics
and, therefore, complex or inconsistent calibration. Effectively, this rules out
efficient and rapid U-Pb measurements on many useful phases such as titanite
and allanite. Recent improvements in laser ablation (LA) of geologic materials
means that it is now possible to ablate small volumes of material with a small
particle size in a controlled manner, using UV lasers such as frequency
quintupled Nd:YAG lasers operating at 213nm or Excimer lasers operating at
193nm in a mixed Ar:He carrier gas. Coupled to an ICP-MS, these laser
innovations have been shown to drastically reduce elemental fractionation in the
plasma and allow improved reproducibility in isotope measurement. Moreover, it
has been demonstrated that standard and unknown zircons can be dated by U-
Pb isotope ratio measurement with a spatial resolution similar to ion probe
techniques and an accuracy and precision at least as good as these techniques.
Whilst zircon is undoubtedly a useful mineral for accurate and precise U-Pb
geochronology, its applicability is limited by a lack of understanding of its reaction
history and its behaviour under different P-T-x conditions. Furthermore, for the
sake of the present audience, it is extremely difficult to unequivocally
demonstrate zircon growth or recrystallisation under hydrothermal conditions and
be able to link such phenomena to discrete events in the P-T-t-x history.
The LA-ICP-MS data were performed at the Natural History Museum, London ,
on polished grains mounted in a resin block and on polished thick sections, which
were imaged and characterised in an SEM prior to analysis. The laser used was
a New-Wave UP213 (213nm), coupled to a PlasmaQuad 3 ICP-MS with an S-
option; we used a mixed Ar:He carrier gas for all analyses.
This method has been developed in order to attempt to date magmatic, tectono-
metamorphic, hydrothermal and mineralization events in the Norrbotten Ore
Province of North Sweden and is funded by Georange, an EU-RDF grant.
Titanite is a common phase in many of the exposed and drilled rocks in this
region and its petrographic context is often unequivocal. Moreover, individual
grains are often large enough to see in hand specimen, and certainly in thin
section under low power optics. We have made a series of polished thick
sections (c.150µm) from samples containing coarse titanite, the obvious
advantage being that we can ensure that the petrographic context remains intact
following in-situ dating of the grains. Here, we report the first attempt at such
dating from amygdaloidal syenites in the footwall of the Luossovaara Fe-Oxide
deposit. The amygdules are filled by titanite + magnetite and so we can be sure
that the ages will reflect a minimum age of extrusion and, most likely, the age of
Fe-Oxide mineralization. A similar sample has been dated by Romer et al. (1994)
by ID-TIMS at 1876 + 9 Ma and the nearby Kirunavaara Fe-Oxide deposit (the
largest underground mine in the world) is dated at 1880-1900 Ma by U-Pb zircon
ID-TIMS (Cliff et al., 1990). BSE images demonstrate a dark older component
within coarse individual grains, which has been altered by a patchy BSE-bright
component, which is best explained as hydrothermal alteration. The older
component is relatively extremely enriched in U compared to the replacive BSE-
bright component, representing a clear chemical distinction between the two
areas. We present data from intra-grain analyses within these two components
which clearly demonstrate a hiatus of >150 Ma, with the older, volumetrically
inferior component yielding a U-Pb concordant age of c.2100 Ma and the
younger component at c. 1930 Ma. These data question the present knowledge
of the age of magmatism in this region since the syenites are correlated with the
Porphyry Group of supracrustals, which are currently believed to be 1.91-1.88 Ga
old (Bergman et al. 2001). Based on age alone these syenites could be
genetically related to the stratigraphically underlying 2.2-1.95 Ga Greenstone
Group, otherwise the stratigraphy in the Norrbotten region requires revision. We
intend to test this hypothesis further by in-situ dating of titanite from other key
samples in the region.
Bergman, S., Kübler, L. and Martinsson, O. 2001. Description of regional
geological and geophysical maps of northern Norrbotten county (east of the
Caledonian orogen). Sveriges geologiska undersökning Ba 56 .
Cliff, R.A., Rickard, D. and Blake, K. 1990. Isotope systematics of the Kiruna
magnetite ores, Sweden : Part 1. Age of the ore. Economic Geology , 85 : 1770-
Stacey, J.S. and Kramers, J.D. 1975. Approximation of terrestrial lead isotope
evolution by a two-stage model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 26 : 207-
Telluride minerals are very widespread and occur (in low concentrations) in
nearly all types of ore deposit. They are especially prevalent in hydrothermal ore
deposits where silver or gold-bearing tellurides host the mineralization. They
occur all across the globe and can be found throughout geological time.
The telluride minerals are analyzed in Manchester in a unique, state of the art,
ultra sensitive resonance ionization time of flight mass spectrometer: RELAX
(Refrigerator Enhanced Laser Analyzer for Xenon) developed by Dr J. Gilmour
This project aims to refine the technique and hopefully constrain the half life of
130 Te decay to 130 Xe. This will be achieved by analyzing many more samples
form throughout the globe and geological time. Other aspects to consider may be
the different retention of Xe in different telluride phases, the probability of
resetting and the possibility that differing telluride ages may be an effect of the
differing modes of deposition in ore deposits.
Hydrothermal fluid flow dynamics within faults and associated ore deposition is a
complex and coupled process incorporating the advection/convection of a
(saline) fluid, heat transfer and fluid-rock interactions within a 3-dimensional
heterogeneous geologic medium. Consequently, numerical simulations can help
us to qualitatively and quantitatively understand theses processes. To date, most
simulations tend to be of generic and over-simplistic ‘base-cases' as opposed to
deposit-specific, making it difficult to extrapolate results from the simulations to
the deposit. In order to simulate a particular mineralising system, a good
understanding of its structural and mineralogical evolution is required so that
realistic boundary conditions can be ascribed and so that the model is a
physically accurate representation of the natural system.
The mineralisation is zoned and so the spatial position of the different zones will
be representative of a general flow regime within that part of the fault. For
example, provisional geochemical modelling of the system shows that barite
precipitates when the brine is diluted with meteoric water. As barite is located at
the top of the deposit, this may indicate that meteoric water is entering the
system from above and that the position of the barite represents a certain fluid
salinity (range). Similarly, the location of quartz/chalcedony is interpreted to
represent a region of fluid up-flow.
The realistic fault geometry will therefore form the basis for 3-dimensional
numerical fluid flow simulations. It is hoped that as well as accurately modelling
the Sillius mineralising system, further insights into the dynamics of hydrothermal
systems will be gained such as system lifespan and transiency.
A Nd-Sr isotope study of the Navan base metal deposit: support for the
hydrothermal convection cell model
The timing of mineralization, and its relationship to normal faulting with which it is
spatially associated, continue to be the subject of debate. Based on the
relationship between mineralization and faulting, Blakeman et al. (2002) argued
that mineralization began early in the rifting history of the area, i.e. no later than
Chadian times. On the other hand, Peace and Wallace (2000) concluded from a
diagenetic study that all ore is epigenetic and post-Arundian in age. Symons et
al. (2002) have concluded on the basis of a palaeomagnetic study that the ores
were formed during the late Arundian to early Asbian. Whatever the exact age,
the main mineralization almost certainly occurred during the Lower
In broad terms, these conclusions support the local hydrothermal convection cell
model of Russell (1986). In this model, brines ultimately of surface origin
penetrated to a depth of several kilometers, leaching metals from the rocks
through which they passed. Metals were subsequently precipitated in carbonate
rocks at sites of mixing with cooler, sulphur-rich fluids. The corollary is that the
initial Nd isotope ratios of the hydrothermal minerals so formed constrain the
crustal residence age of the leached rocks.
Ashton J.H. et al. (1986) In: Andrew C.J. et al. (eds) Geology and genesis of
mineral deposits in Ireland . IAEG Spec. Publ., 243-280.
Blakeman R.J. et al. (2002) Econ. Geol., 97, 73-91. Daly J.S. and Menuge J.F.
(1989) Terra Abstracts, 1, 12.
Hitzman M.W. (1995) In: Anderson K. et al. (eds), Irish Carbonate-Hosted Pb-Zn
Deposits, SEG Guidebook 21, 3-23.
Menuge J.F. and Daly J.S. (1990) In: Gower C.F. et al. (eds) Geol. Assoc.
Canada Spec. Paper, 38, 41-52.
Phillips W.E.A. (2001) In: Holland C.H. (ed.) The Geology of Ireland, 2 nd edition,
Academic Press, 192-196.
Russell M.J. (1986) In: Andrew C. J. et al. (eds) Geology and genesis of mineral
deposits in Ireland . IAEG Spec. Publ., 545-554.
Mineral deposits contain a record of interactions between the lithosphere and the
Earth's hydrosphere-biosphere-atmosphere. Over 25 years ago, mineral deposit
geologists recognised large-scale “flooding” of intrusive systems by meteoric
waters. Surface waters are now implicated in most crustal processes
(diagenesis, sedimentary basin development, deformation, regional
metamorphism, alteration of basement, magmagenesis and uplift). Huge
meteoric-hydrothermal systems (15000 km 2 ) have now been defined around
continental batholiths and it is postulated that the amount of fluid (H 2 O, CO 2 )
pumping in and out of the shallow crust (< 10-15 km) may be more than that
contained in the hydrosphere and atmosphere combined [5, 8]. Such fluid fluxes
have major implications for heat transfer and geochemical cycling, mineral
deposit formation, and past atmospheric compositions. Fossil hydrothermal
systems may contain a record of palaeoclimate [1, 2, 6, 7]. However, most
climate models assume an inert, dry, crust (“land”) and ignore volatile fluxes into
and out of the deep Earth. Given the close coupling of the solid Earth,
hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere in the Earth System, and the ancient
record preserved in hydrothermal rocks, the decline in funding and almost
complete lack of geoscience in recent Research Council planning are peverse,
especially given their new buzzphrase ‘Earth System Science'.
Much of the evidence for surface waters in the deep crust comes from the
inhabited tropical and temperate latitudes. Here, ‘normal' crustal rocks such as
granitoid plutons have relatively narrow stable isotopic compositions, ( 18 O
between +6 to +10 /+15 ‰, and D -40 to -80 ‰). Variations within these ranges
are primarily related to source (mantle versus crust), sedimentary contamination,
and volatile loss. High water:rock systems are relatively easily recognised, with
mineral compositions as low as -5 and -170 ‰ respectively. Recognition of low
water:rock systems is problematic because of domination of rock values and the
small contrast in D between local waters and average crust at low latitudes. To
complicate matters further, recent work on some porphyry copper deposits has
swung the meteoric-water pendulum the other way - alteration previously
ascribed to flooding by surface waters has been reassigned to primary magmatic
volatiles [4]. Another controversy is the origins of 18 O - and D-depleted primary
magmas. Are they derived from an unusual mantle source or by large-scale
assimilation of crust altered in pre-existing hydrothermal systems?
High latitudes have the greatest isotopic contrasts between average crust and
the hydrosphere and could best address the above problems, but have been
relatively unstudied. The Antarctic Peninsula contains a continental-margin
“Andean” magmatic arc formed between 230 and 10 Ma between 55° and 75°S.
The oldest plutons have an ‘S'-like geochemical character, related to
contributions of melt from Gondwana continental crust, whereas the youngest
were derived from more primitive mantle-like sources, related to magmatism in
thinner continental crust and accreted fore-arc. Although the arc formed at a high
latitude, the climate approached sub-tropical in the mid Cretaceous, and
Palaeocene–early Eocene, with cool, possibly glacial, intervals in the middle and
late Cretaceous. After continental breakup at 30 Ma, the climate deteriorated to
polar-glacial conditions.
All the plutons are D-depleted compared to normal mantle and crust. Most D data
suggest a broad decrease in D with time. This is unrelated to lithology and
source; low D values (-146 to –172 ‰) occurr in the fore-arc granites ( 18 O (+ 9
to +11 ‰). The lowest D (-209, -214 ‰) occurs in altered extension-related
gabbros (140 Ma) and arc granodiorite (120 Ma) in western Palmer Land.
1] Blattner, P. & Williams, J.G. 1991. The Largs high-latitude oxygen isotope
anomaly ( New Zealand ) and climatic controls of oxygen isotopes in magmas.
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Qinglongshan oxygen and hydrogen isotope anomaly near Donghai in Jiangsu
Province , China . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 66 , 2299-2306.
Analyses of the cation and anion concentrations in fluid inclusions have become
relatively widespread in the literature, and greatly extend the range of crustal
environments for which the fluid chemistry is known. We have compiled a
database of both saline fluid inclusion analyses, ranging from low-grade
metamorphic to magmatic systems, and bulk fluid analyses from oilfield and
geothermal drilling.
Many chemical trends are similar for both data sets. For example, suites of high-
T (magmatic) fluid inclusion analyses (obtained by both single inclusion and bulk
crush-leach techniques) show similar relationships between transition metal
concentrations and chloride to oilfield brines, indicating similar speciation despite
very different temperatures and absolute metal levels (Figure 1).
AUDETAT, A., GUNTER, D. & HEIRRICH, C.A. (2000): Causes for large-scale
metal zonation around mineralised plutons: Fluid inclusion LA-ICP-MS evidence
from the Mole granite, Australia . Economic Geology , 95, 1563-1581.
CARPENTER, A.B., TROUT, M.L. & PICKETT, E.E. (1974): Preliminary report
on the origin and chemical evolution of lead and zinc-rich oilfield brines in Central
Mississippi . Economic Geology , 69, 1191-1206.
FRITZ, P. & FRAPE, S.K. (Eds.) (1987): Saline water and gases in crystalline
rocks. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 33.
LAND, L.S., McPHERSON, G.L. & MACK, L.E. (1988): The geochemistry of
saline formation waters, Miocene offshore Louisiana . Gulf Coast Association of
Geologists Transactions, 38, 503-511.
McCAIG, A.M., TRITLLA, J. & BANKS, D.A. (2000): Fluid mixing and recycling
during Pyrenean thrusting: evidence from Fluid inclusion halogen ratios.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 64, 3395-3412.
MEERE, P.A. & BANKS, D.A. (1997): Upper crustal fluid migration: an example
from the Variscides of SW Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society, London ,
154, 975-985.
MUNZ, I.A., YARDLEY, B.W.D., BANKS, D.A. & WAYNE, D. (1995): Deep
penetration of sedimentary fluids in basement rocks from southern Norway :
evidence from hydrocarbon and brine inclusions in quartz veins. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta, 59, 239-254.
SMITH, M.P., BANKS, D.A., YARDLEY, B.W.D. & BOYCE, A. (1996): Fluid
inclusion and stable isotope constraints on the genesis of the Cligga Head Sn-W
deposit, SW England . European Journal of Mineralogy, 8, 961-974.
WILLIAMS, A.E. & McKIBBEN, M.A. (1989): A brine interface in the Salton Sea
geothermal system, California : fluid geochemical and isotopic characteristics.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 53, 1905-1920.
Mantle Derived Fluids in a Granite Associated Sn-W Deposit: He and Ar
Isotopes from Panasqueira
The distribution of He and Ar isotopes in the Earth mean that they naturally
complement each other during mixing between broadly “magmatic” and “surface”
derived fluids. Helium (especially 3 He) is practically absent in surface derived
fluids. As a consequence, the He isotopic composition of a low temperature,
groundwater type fluid will change dramatically on addition of traces of mantle-
derived “magmatic” fluid. Conversely, 36 Ar concentrations are extremely low in
mantle-derived magmas and fluids (Burnard et al., 1997), therefore the 40 Ar/ 36
Ar ratio of a predominantly magmatic fluid is sensitive to trace additions of low
temperature marine or meteoric fluids. Analyses of He and Ar isotopes from the
same sample covers mixing over the complete range of magmatic-dominated to
low-temperature-dominated hydrothermal fluids.
The fluids trapped in Panasqueira ore minerals differ from most sulfides from
continental hydrothermal deposits analyzed to date (e.g. Stuart et al., 1995; Hu et
al., 1998; Burnard et al., 1999; Ballentine et al., 2002; Kendrick et al., 2002) in
that they are characterized by comparatively high and constant 3 He/ 4 He
(excepting the wolframite sample) The He and Ar compositions of many
hydrothermal ore-forming fluids typically reflect mixing between two fluids, one
with high 40 Ar/ 36 Ar , high 3 He/ 4 He and the other with low 40 Ar/ 36 Ar and 3
He/ 4 He , (Stuart et al., 1995; Hu et al., 1998; Burnard et al., 1999; Ballentine et
al., 2002;), and it is likely that mixing accounts for the range in 40 Ar/ 36 Ar
observed in the Panasqueira arsenopyrite. The high 40 Ar/ 36 Ar , high 3 He/ 4
He fluid most likely was derived from a magmatic source while the low 3 He/ 4
He, low 40 Ar/ 36 Ar fluid was undoubtedly a surface derived (meteoric or
marine) fluid; the low temperature fluid probably had 3 He/ 4 He ratios lower than
true air saturated water (ASW) because meteoric or marine fluids will entrain
radiogenic 4 He (but not 40 Ar) from the crust during residence in shallow
aquifers. The lack of variation in 3 He/ 4 He suggests that the He concentration
of the low 3 He/ 4 He endmember is very low. However, it is not possible to
exclude the possibility that the range in measured 40 Ar/ 36 Ar in these samples
is due to variable degrees of atmospheric contamination of a single
homogeneous fluid trapped in all the arsenopyrite samples.
Ballentine C. J., Burgess R., and Marty B. (2002) Tracing fluid origin, transport
and interaction in the crust. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 47 , 539-
Burnard P. G., Graham D. W., and Turner G. (1997) Vesicle-specific noble gas
analyses of "popping rock": implications for primordial noble gases in the Earth.
Science 276 , 568 - 571.
Burnard P. G., Hu R., Turner G., and Bi X. (1999) Mantle, crustal and
atmospheric noble gases in Ailaoshan gold deposits, Yunnan Province, China.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63 (10), 1595-1604.
Hu R., Burnard P. G., Turner G., and Xianwu B. (1998) Helium and argon isotope
systematics in fluid inclusions of Machangqing copper deposit in West Yunnan
Province , China . Chem. Geol. 146 (1-2), 55-63.
Kendrick M. A., Burgess R., Leach D., and Pattrick R. A. D. (2002) Hydrothermal
fluid origins in Mississippi valley-type ore districts; combined noble gas (He, Ar,
Kr) and halogen (Cl, Br, I) analysis of fluid inclusions from the Illinois-Kentucky
fluorspar district, Viburnum Trend and Tri-State districts, Midcontinent United
States. Econ. Geol. 97 (3), 453-469.
Kendrick M. A., Burgess R., Pattrick R. A. D., and Turner G. (2001) Fluid
inclusion noble gas and halogen evidence on the origin of Cu-porphyry
mineralising fluids. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65 (16), 2651-2668.
Lupton J. E., Baker E. T., and Massoth G. J. (1989) Variable 3He/heat ratios in
submarine hydrothermal systems: evidence from two plumes over the Juan de
Fuca ridge. Nature 337 , 161 - 164.
Shail, R.K., Stuart, F.M., Wilkinson, J.J. and Boyce, A.J. (2003) The role of Post-
Variscan tectonic and mantle melting in the generation of the lower Permian
granites and the giant W-As-Sn-Cu-Zn-Pb orefied of SW England . Applied Earth
Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) , 112, B127-128 [abstract]
Simmons S. F., Sawkins F. J., and Schlutter D. J. (1987) Mantle - derived helium
in two Peruvian ore deposits. Nature 329 , 429 - 432.
Stuart F. M., Burnard P. G., Taylor R. P., and Turner G. (1995) Resolving mantle
and crustal contributions to ancient hydrothermal fluids: He - Ar isotopes in fluid
inclusions from Dae Hwa W-Mo mineralisation. S. Korea . Geochim. Cosmochim.
Acta 59 , 4663 - 4673.
Email: [email protected]
The study of mineral surfaces is critical to understanding the behaviour of
minerals during processes used in metal extraction, especially froth flotation (and
leaching). Of particular interest to sulfide mineral flotation is their behaviour in
alkaline solutions. The major aim of this study is to examine the effect of
solutions containing Ca(OH) 2 on the surface chemistry of the complex sulfide
minerals of the tetrahedrite Cu 12 Sb 4 S 13 -tennantite Cu 12 As 4 S 13 group.
Of specific interest are the changes in the amount and speciation of silver at the
mineral surface following treatment with Ca(OH) 2 . Natural samples of tennantite
(Cu 10 Zn 2 As 4 S 13 ) from Casapalca , Peru where analysed using the X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Analysis of the fresh surface of tennantite
sample showed that copper, silver, zinc, lead, arsenic, antimony and sulfur are all
present at the surface as sulfide species. Following treatment in a saturated
Ca(OH) 2 solution the surface chemistry of the tennantite changed dramatically.
The most notable change was the decrease in concentrations of all elements
except oxygen and silver, the latter being increased to at least 4 monolayer
coverage. It is clear from XPS analysis that silver at the surface of tennantite is
not a metallic species but is consistent with a silver sulfide species. The
mechanisms for the migration of silver from the bulk to the surface, and the
environment of the silver at the surface of the minerals are critical to
understanding the process of silver enrichment at the surfaces of tetrahedrites –
tennantites following alkaline leaching. A potential driving force for the
mechanism of migration of silver through the bulk to the surface is the leaching of
copper resulting in an unstable metal-depleted surface; copper concentrations
were observed in the Ca(OH) 2 solution. This could act as an ‘effective'
geochemical gradient causing the movement of silver cations through the bulk to
stabilise the surface. The enormous enrichment silver at the surface subsequent
to migration results in the formation of a layer of a new phase on the surface of
the mineral. Diffusion through sulfides is known to occur through a variety of
pathways, for example fractures, structural planes, and via vacancies, and all
these mechanisms are likely to have contributed to the migration of silver from
the bulk of the tennantite to the surface.