Research Combined Document
Research Combined Document
Research Combined Document
Supervisor: Dr.…………………………………
An Evaluation of the Prudence of Public Financial Management Systems in the
Health Sector in Zambia – A Case Study of Chainama Hills College College Hospital
Joseph Lubemba
Dissertation Submitted to
Supervisor: Dr……………………………
I, Joseph Lubemba, do hereby declare that this dissertation is the results of my own
investigation and research and that this has not been submitted in part of full for any other
degree to any other University.
Date: ……../…../…………..
The Undersigned hereby certify that they (he/she) have read and recommend the
dissertation to be accepted by UNILUS in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the award of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration in Finance.
Dr/Mr/Ms: …………………………………………………………………..
(Supervisor 1)
Date: ………………………………………………………………………..
(Supervisor 2)
Date: ………………………………………………………………………
This dissertation is dedicated to my loving wife Annie Chiluba and the entire family. Indeed,
their constant support and encouragement brought me this far. My family’s sacrifice meant
that their much needed social needs were at times denied but for a cause. To them I dedicate
this work.
For this research work. I owe much to the various authors of literature on Financial
Management Systems in the Public Sector. Special thanks go to Chainama Hills College
Hospital Board of Management and Staff for their input by providing the much needed data
for this research work. Many thanks also go to my project supervisor Dr. ………………..for
his ideas and suggestions which smoothly guided this project to its completion.
Additional thanks go to the School of Graduate Studies at UNILUS for the academic
guidance. Above all, this acknowledgement would be incomplete if I don’t recognize the
Almighty God as the source of my strength in all that I do. Lastly but not the least, I am
grateful to my entire family, my Masters in Business Administration in Finance classmate and
lecturers, friends and colleagues at work who were tolerable and accommodative as I
soldiered on with this journey.
This research was carried to evaluate the prudence of Public Financial Management Systems
in the heath sector – A Case Study of Chainama Hills College Hospital – Lusaka. The
objective of the study was to identify possible areas of weaknesses in internal control systems
in the health sector and how management can enhance the internal control environment in
safeguarding public financial resources against abuse and fraud, particularly in major
hospitals. It was conducted to appraise the existing internal control system and identify areas
of internal control deficiencies and recommend for improvement. Data were collected from 32
employees who were purposefully selected at the hospital. The study adopted a descriptive
design and targeted accounting, finance, procurement and administrative staff.
Questionnaires were used to gather data regarding financial controls at the hospital. Data
analysis and presentation were done with the aid of Microsoft Excel but carefully executed to
give the researcher a hands-on experience in carrying out such an exercise. It was discovered
from the findings that management at Chainama Hills College put in place internal controls in
conformity with Financial Regulations such as the Public Financial Management Act (2008);
and the newly revise Public Finance Act of (2018), Public Procurement Act (2008) and Public
Audit Act (2008).
The findings revealed that the level of compliance was just beginning to improve and this is
commendable and must be encouraged. However, it was discovered that the hospital has not
been taking corrective action in response to Auditor General’s findings which rendered the
appraisal activity of internal financial controls performance weak. It is recommended that
management of the hospital should now take action on the irregularities cited by government
audits in order for the hospital to improve its Financial Management Systems to save tax
payers money. Besides, management should routinely review the operation of internal control
systems at the hospital in order to find ways on how to improve on discovered weaknesses. It
would help to change weak conventions of the system. This would help to enhance and
improve the internal control to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. On Financial
Management, the study concludes that the prudential use of financial resources at the hospital
is not up to date although there is an improved asset use and classification of revenues and
expenditure. The study recommends competence of staff profiling, establishment of
information systems within the departments and improved use of finances for the operations
of the hospital.
Contents Page No.
Cover Page i
Title Page ii
Declaration iii
Approval iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Abstract vii
Table of Contents viii
List of Acronyms xi
List of Figures xii
List of Tables xiii
Operational Definition of Key Terms xiv
Bibliography 66
Appendix A Cover Letter 73
Appendix B Questionnaire 74
Figure 4.17: Hospital Generates Enough Funds from its own Operations 49
Figure 4.18: Hospital to have other Ventures of Raising of Raising Funds to Beef up the
Current Position. 50
Figure 4.19: Hospital holds Enough Cash for Immediate Operating Cash Requirements 51
Figure 4.20: Hospital is replacing its Existing Assets as quickly as they are being used Up 52
Internal Control – as defined in accounting and auditing is a process for assuring achieving of an
organization’s objectives in operational effectiveness and efficiency reliable financial reporting, and
compliance with laws, regulations and policies.
Prudent Financial Management – refers to the frugal, efficient and effective management of money
(funds) in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of the organization. It is the specialized
function directly associated with the top management.
In Zambia the health budget is significantly under resourced and is heavily dependent on
discretionary donor funding that is often ring-fenced for a specific project. This makes the
delivery of equitable, patient-centered health service particularly challenging. Financial
managers, working in partnership with clinicians can help address this challenge by
optimizing the provision of health care within available financial resources. There are
numerous questions that need answering before decisions can be taken on how and where
resources can be most appropriately invested to give best value for money. Financial
Managers, working in partnership with health professionals, can help provide answers to
these questions and, in doing so, will play a key part in helping the Zambian public health
sector meet its objectives of ensuring a more efficient and effective use of resources.
The Government of the Republic of Zambia is committed to refining the funds allocation
formula to the public health sector and is looking to the accountancy profession to provide
the necessary support (Ministry of Health, 2011). Financial managers need to gain a much
better understanding of how each health facility operates, including the local demographics,
the types and levels of service provided, and the number of patients treated. They then need
to calculate the costs of these services, which can then be fed into the allocation formula and
use a tool for monitoring and assessing performance. This is a key task for accountants as,
without this data, the Ministry of Health will not be able to achieve its objective of providing
a more equitable quality health service to the population of Zambia.
As a result of the past issues with alleged corruption, governance and accountability have
now been enhanced s priority areas at the Ministry of Health. Accountants, with their
professional expertise, have a key role to play in ensuring sound financial management by:
introducing improved governance procedures, strengthening operational procedures, ensuring
that robust systems of financial reporting and budgeting are in place, improving financial
transparency through faster reporting and instilling confidence in the financial system.
Every corporate entity, irrespective of its size maintains financial control systems if it wishes
to survive the turbulent completion in industry and most importantly, uphold the practice of
good corporate governance. The rationale is to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of
operations, reliability of financial information, and compliance with applicable rules and
regulations; since risk management in general and financial control more specifically are
considered as the fundamental elements of organizational governance. According to Ministry
of Health (2012), this has become more necessary in the wake of technology advancements,
increasing risk of financial management failures, and the frauds that emerged at Ministry of
Health headquarters; thereby encouraging health institutions to place more emphasis on their
financial control systems, internal auditing functions and risk management.
Lokko (2008) concedes that financial and administrative problems of the hospital will
increase in the near future. In view of the fact the endowments and gifts may be less plentiful
in the future, one expects an increasing attention to better organize and administer financial
operations. In the recent past, it has been observed that, hospitals were managed by medical
officers and other people who had limited knowledge in efficient public administration
(Ministry of Health, 2012). Since hospital administration entails the application of cost and
benefits principles, financial personnel and financial data are very important in health service
delivery. It is, therefore important to ensure that all transactions find their ways into financial
records and are organized into data, reports and statements. The use of such a plan by
management will enable them become accustomed to relating their decisions to the financial
effect. It is to be stressed that though the basic financial accounting concepts have been
primarily for use by profit making enterprises, they are also equally applicable to health
institutions like Chainama Hills College Hospital (CHCH), the focus of this study, and for
that matter hospital accounting in general.
The Performance of Public hospitals in Zambia and indeed the entire health sector is a cause
for worry from the perspective of the management knowledge. Bloom et al. (2014) have
stated that management in hospitals is very poor compared to that of other institutions; it is
even worse in the public than private hospitals. In the few months of the 2008/2009 fiscal
year, the performance of the health sector in general and hospitals in particular emerged as an
issue of national concern. The performance of CHCH has equally come under a barrage of
criticisms; particularly, in the area of financial management through inappropriate internal
control systems. Officials have been accused of high level of inefficiency in the discharge of
their duties by the general public. Unfortunately, recent reports (The Post, 2014) have
revealed the deplorable working conditions under which officers perform their duties. Poor
infrastructure, inadequate logistic, laxity in the upholding of ethical conducts, low salaries
and inadequate reward system are hallmarks of the Ministry of Health in general, and CHCH
in particular
Chapter three presents the design and methodology of the study. The chapter explains the
study area, the research design and methodology of the study. The chapter explains the
research design, data collection methods and data analysis technique and interpretation.
Chapter four is the heart of the study. It presents the findings of the study. Chapter five
provides the discussion on the study findings while chapter six summarizes and concludes the
study. The chapter also offers recommendations and suggests further areas for the study.