Formulating A Research Question: Overview
Formulating A Research Question: Overview
Formulating A Research Question: Overview
Knowledge base
● Theory-Theory map
○ State theory
○ Evidence
○ Competing theories?
● Main problems with information from the web is the validity of the information
● Internal validity
● Construct validity
● Statistical validity
○ Were the data analyzed properly?
○ Did they use the right test?
○ Did they test the right groups?
● Generalization
○ Good external and ecological validity?
■ Realistic enough?
● Data to conclusions
● Value of the research
Replication Research
Forms of replication
● Exact → copying the research study
● Conceptual → using the same hypothesis but not repeating the study exactly the same
○ Change types of participants, scales used, procedure, etc.
Knowledge Utilization
● Truth test
○ Quality and benefit for user
● Utility test
○ Does it challenge the status quo or can results be used
○ Perception of usefulness to be used in practice
■ Policy makers
■ Clinicians
■ Organizations and corporations
Design Considerations
● Independent variables
○ Policy variables - those that can be controlled
○ Estimator variables - affect behavior
● Dependent variables
○ Utility
● Research Population
● Research Settings
Biased theory
Avoiding bias
● Ask questions at each step
● What to measure
● Measurement strategy - what modality?
● Evaluate measures
● Apply the measures