Journal of Cleaner Production: Zhigang Jiang, Tingting Zhou, Hua Zhang, Yan Wang, Huajun Cao, Guangdong Tian
Journal of Cleaner Production: Zhigang Jiang, Tingting Zhou, Hua Zhang, Yan Wang, Huajun Cao, Guangdong Tian
Journal of Cleaner Production: Zhigang Jiang, Tingting Zhou, Hua Zhang, Yan Wang, Huajun Cao, Guangdong Tian
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Remanufacturing is a practice of growing importance as it returns the end of life products back to
Received 18 March 2015 conditions that is as good as or better than new ones. The increasingly stringent environmental legis-
Received in revised form lation and economic demands has led to the rapid development of remanufacturing industry in the
3 September 2015
world. Remanufacturing is still at its infantry. One of the major challenges faced by remanufacturing is to
Accepted 16 November 2015
guarantee the reliability of remanufactured products since they came from cores with varying condition.
Available online xxx
Process planning plays a critical role in realizing a successful remanufacturing strategy since it directly
affects the success rate of remanufacturing as well as reliability and cost. To do so, this work presents an
optimization method for remanufacturing process planning in which reliability and cost are taken into
Process planning consideration. In this method, reliability is represented by failure rate of remanufacturing operations
Reliability which is influenced by the quality of returned used products (cores), whilst process cost includes ma-
Genetic algorithm chine cost and tool cost. The multi-objective optimization problem is solved by a genetic algorithm. To
assess the usefulness and practicality of the proposed method, an illustrative example is given to
illustrate the proposed models and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results showed that
the proposed method is effective for improving reliability and reducing cost.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Jiang, Z., et al., Reliability and cost optimization for remanufacturing process planning, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
2 Z. Jiang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9
for these products (Hazen et al., 2012). Since quality is a broad perform remanufacturing operations, the parameters of these op-
term embracing availability and reliability aspects, which have erations and the order in which they will be executed (Kin et al.,
caused many issues in remanufacturing, especially in reliability of 2014).
remanufactured products (Du and Cao, 2014). Thus, overcoming In addition to the reliability, the cost in remanufacturing is
challenge of reliability is one of the major concerns for prolifer- another criterion that should be taken into consideration for pro-
ation of remanufacturing in the market. The reliability of rema- cess planning. High initial investment to build up the infrastructure
nufacturing requires consideration of several factors like quality and equipment for carrying out remanufacturing is required when
issues for returned products or components, and operating pro- starting a remanufacturing business. Remanufacturers can go for
cesses such as disassembly and reassembly. These factors deeply this only if they can make profits from the remanufacturing activ-
affect to some the extent to the reliability of remanufactured ities (Sabharwal and Garg, 2013). Thus, another key challenge of
products (Ortegon et al., 2013). While not necessarily a technical remanufacturing process planning is to optimize a process plan by
issue, the success of a remanufacturing business is yet very guaranteeing the reliability of remanufacturing whist keeping the
dependent on the acquisition of high quality used products or cost at minimum.
cores in order to satisfy the reliability for remanufactured prod- With respects to the goal of improving reliability and reducing
ucts (Jiang et al., 2011). Thus, developing a product recovery sys- process cost, this paper presents a novel optimization method for
tem and estimating influence of the reverse logistics network to remanufacturing process planning integrating these two objectives
the reliability of remanufacturing is an initial step in remanu- for the first time to the best knowledge of the authors. The method
facturing process planning. Hatefi and Jolai (2014) proposed a has two principal characteristics: (1) establishing the reliability and
reliable model for reverse logistics network based on robust cost model of remanufacturing process planning by taking the
optimization method to protect the network against uncertainty. faults of returned products into consideration; and (2) genetic al-
Vahdani et al. (2012) developed a bi-objective mathematical gorithm (GA) is used to solve the optimization problem of rema-
programming formulation to construct a model for a reliable fa- nufacturing process planning. Compared to other optimization
cility network design. Lin and Yeh (2010) focused on the optimal method, GA mimics the process of natural evolution to optimize
carrier selection problem based on network reliability criterion, multi-dimensional nonlinear problems, and has been reported by
and a GA-based algorithm is developed to determine the optimal many researchers. For instance, Ismail et al. (2008) devised and
carrier selection. Once the acquisition of returned items in the employed two modified genetic algorithms to provide the best
reverse logistics network is completed, the performance of the approximate process planning solution. Fan et al. (2012) estab-
remanufacturing process including disassembly and assembly is lished a multi-objective optimization function and applied GA for
another challenge for remanufacturing reliability. Zussman and process routing decision. Wang et al. (2004) developed an opti-
Zhou (1999) proposed a mathematically sound disassembly Petri mization method for process routing by using GA to determine the
net that can be modified to deal with the reliability of resources operation sequence with consideration of the sequence constraints.
performing the operations. Song and Wang (2014) analyzed the Thus, GA is a well-recognized multi objective optimization method
disassembly process of LCD and simulated its reliability. Suzuki and it is also feasible to be used to select and order the alternative
et al. (2003) introduced an effective new design for quality tool operations in remanufacturing process planning. The most impor-
that visualizes assembly fault potential based on product reli- tant aspect in this optimization method is that it considers the
ability. Jiang et al. (2010) defined the reliability of assembly entire reliability and cost problem from the faults of returned
connection and proposed a model to assign the assembly reli- products. The incorporation of faults impacts into process planning
ability to the parts and sub-systems. Although significant amount certainly will provide more efficient solutions for remanufacturing.
of research has been conducted in reliability related to the quality
of used cores, disassembly and assembly, not much effort is re- 2. The proposed framework of remanufacturing process
ported reliability on the impact of remanufacturing process plan planning
optimization to reliability.
Remanufacturing process planning is a vital step in remanu- The goal of the proposed strategy for remanufacturing process
facturing which provide a pivotal link between used products and planning is to identify optimal remanufacturing process plan in
remanufactured products. It is focused on specifying the machines, dynamic environments. In seeking an optimal solution, it is pro-
operations, operation sequences, tools required to recovery the posed to employ a multi-criteria optimization method to achieve
used products as good as new ones (Yin et al., 2014). Due to its the goal of improving reliability and reducing cost of remanu-
significant important of remanufacturing process planning, a great facturing process. The proposed optimization method is divided
deal of research related to it has been undertaken. Kernbaum et al. into three sequential phrases: (1) characteristic framework of
(2009) presented a mixed integer programming approach to opti- remanufacturing process planning; (2) evaluation criterion for
mize remanufacturing process plan in terms of cleaning, injecting, remanufacturing process planning; (3) optimization model of
disassembly, repairing and reassembly. Parkinson and Thompson remanufacturing process planning based on GA.
(2004) put out a systematic approach for the planning and execu-
tion of product remanufacturing based upon the failure mode and 2.1. Characteristic framework of remanufacturing process planning
effect analysis method. Li et al. (2011) adopted a Graphical Evalu-
ation and Review Technique method for remanufacturing process In remanufacturing process planning, the returned (cores) are
plan decisions, which considered the uncertainty in the quality of first disassembled into individual parts the quality of which are
incoming used components. Li et al. (2013) established remanu- subsequently inspected and evaluated. Since the parts have
facturing process model based on a fuzzy Petri net in view of the different quality levels which are infected by various damages
uncertainties in remanufacturing process routing and process time. (wear, corrosion, fatigue, etc.) at different level (slight, medium and
Undoubtedly, these studies provided a very useful reference for serious) and varying location. In responding to the type and level of
remanufacturing process planning. However, there are relatively damage of the parts that needs recovery, a variety of operations,
few studies considering the reliability of remanufacturing due to e.g., material addition (welding, thermal spraying, etc.), material
the uncertainty of returned used products. High reliability of removal (machining, laser cutting, etc.), and surface treating (heat
remanufacturing is a vital target for the process planning to treating, anodizing, etc.) are employed. For instance, if a used lathe
Please cite this article in press as: Jiang, Z., et al., Reliability and cost optimization for remanufacturing process planning, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
Z. Jiang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9 3
guide is in slight wear condition, chrome plating may be used for Table 1
the recovery whist moderate wear condition, machining Quantitative values assigned to attributes.
operations may be employed. The relationship between faults and Qualitative measure of attributes Assigned value of aij
its corresponding recovering process operations is depicted in Exceptionally low 1
Fig. 1. Extremely low 2
In fact, the faults of the cores strongly affects the type, sequence Very low 3
and time of remanufacturing processes, resulting in various Below average 4
Average 5
remanufacturing process plans, which in turn have great influences
Above average 6
on reliability and cost. Reliability of remanufacturing process is the High 7
ability to accomplish recovery mission of returned products in the Very high 8
specified processing time and condition (Zhang and Liang, 2013). Extremely high 9
Exceptionally high 10
The processing time and condition are mainly determined by the
degradation failure rate of machine (lathe, tools, etc.). However, the
machining resources decision are subject to process planning,
which cannot be specified until operation sequencing for recovery
the returned cores is performed (Huang et al., 2012). In addition, Rk ðtÞ ¼ elk ðtÞ$t (1)
the cost for each process plan is different due to the alternative
operators and machines which affected by the returned cores in Where lk(t) is the failure rate for processing resources in time t.
different failure attribution. For the faults of returned cores can range from minor scratches
to extensive damage, the quality deviations of returned compo-
nents may result in the increasing depletion of machines and tools.
2.2. Evaluation criterion of remanufacturing process planning Thus, lk(t) can be formulated as follows:
Remanufacturing process planning has different consideration lk ðtÞ ¼ l0 ðtÞ þ aðm0 ms Þ2 (2)
for different objects. For a used core, a process plan provides
detailed information about the selection of remanufacturing op- Where l0(t) is the initial failure rate, m0 is the evaluated quality of
erations and resources to guarantee the reliability of remanufac- the returned cores, ms is the desire quality of the returned cores for
tured parts. For a remanufacturer, a process plan is a method to the remanufacturer, and a is the correction factor.
return a used product to an as-good-as condition at a price that is In order to calculate the reliability of remanufacturing process,
significantly less than a new product. Thus, the criterion of max the quality evaluation of returned cores may be conducted firstly.
reliability and minimum production cost is adopted for remanu- The quality of returned components is affected by the faults
facturing process planning. F ¼ {F1,F2,/,Fi,/,Fn}. The type of faults can be classified as the inside
defect, dimension, surface roughness, geometric tolerance and
non-working surface damage and so on (Jones et al., 1997; Zhou
2.2.1. Reliability model et al., 2012). These faults can present different quality levels by
For the remanufactured products, reliability is a key concern of the types, degree and location of damage. The influence of the each
customers. The remanufactured products must be of high reliability faulty on the reliability is presented by a method of weight. To
and quality to meet the same specifications of new products in the obtain the weight of each fault, entropy weight method is used. The
market. main steps of the entropy weight method include the formation
As the reliability model of remanufacturing process is a series and standardization of the evaluation matrix, and the calculation of
system, the processing resources (machine tools, cutting tools, etc) the entropy and the entropy weight.
of the remanufacturing process system are sequential and the
failure of each process is independent (Tavakkoli-Moghaddam a. The formation of the evaluation matrix. The number of faults is
et al., 2008). The failure rate of procedure obeys index distribu- n, the number of marking criteria is m, and then a matrix
tion (He and Shen, 2014). Thus the reliability for the procedure k A ¼ (aij)mn, aij is the influence value of the ith type of fault on the
can be calculated as follows: marking criteria j to the quality of returned cores. The degree of
Fig. 1. The relationship framework of different cores with different faults and the corresponding remanufacturing process operations.
Please cite this article in press as: Jiang, Z., et al., Reliability and cost optimization for remanufacturing process planning, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
4 Z. Jiang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9
damage can be represented quantitatively by a number between in the process plan, the expense of machine tools and cutting tools
1 and 10 as shown in Table 1. Among these values, the bigger it is a key consideration in this work.
is, the more influence it is on the quality. If the influence value is
10, the quality of returned core is extremely low, and may not be (1) The total cost of machine (TMC) in remanufacturing process
suitable for remanufacturing. can be written as follows:
b. The standardization of the evaluation matrix. The
matrixA ¼ (aij)mn, is normalized to form a new matrix
P ¼ (pij)mn via the Equation (3). TMC ¼ MCIi t 0 (11)
max aij aij
rij ¼ (3)
max aij min aij Where MCIi is the machine cost for processing a core per unit time;
and t 0 is the machine time for machine to finish the ith process.
c. The calculation of the entropy. For marking element j, the en- (2) The total cost of tool (TTC) in remanufacturing process can be
tropy value for ith type of fault is defined as follows: expressed as follows:
hj ¼ k fij ln fij (4) X
j¼1 TTC ¼ TCIi t 0 (12)
Where k ¼ 1/lnn, fij ¼ rij = nj¼1 rij , and when fij ¼ 0, fijlnfij ¼ 0.
Where TCIi is the tool cost for processing a core per unit time.
d. The calculation of the entropy and the entropy weight. The However, the processing time t 0 for the ith process is largely
weight for marking criterion j can be calculated as follows: depended on the quality of returned components. The different
quality between returned products and the ideal recovery com-
1 hj X
m ponents determine the processing time. Let the rated time for
uj ¼ P 0 uj 1; uj ¼ 1 (5) machine and tool in ith process be ti, and the relationship between
m m i¼1 hj i¼1 processing time and returned products satisfies the following
The weight of fault type uj, can be calculated based on the en- function:
tropy method, the comprehensive evaluation for the ith type of fault
and the jth marking criterion are calculated by Equations. (6) and (7) t 0 ¼ ti þ hðm0 ms Þ (13)
Where h is a certain coefficient which can be achieved by the
experimental method. m0 is the evaluated quality of the returned
gi ¼ aij uj (6)
core, and ms is the ideal quality of the remanufactured core.
Thus, the total cost of the remanufacturing process can be
calculated as follows.
gj ¼ aij ui (7)
j¼1 X
C¼ ðMCIi þ TCIi Þ$½ti þ hðm0 ms Þ (14)
The weight of the faults comprehensive impact on the quality of
returned core is calculated as follows:
n X
m0 ¼ gi ui $ gj uj (8)
i¼1 j¼1
Rk ðtÞ ¼ Rk ðtÞ (10)
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Production (2016),
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Please cite this article in press as: Jiang, Z., et al., Reliability and cost optimization for remanufacturing process planning, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
6 Z. Jiang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9
Table 5
The inspection results of lathe bed.
Table 6
The alternative operators of lathe bed.
Please cite this article in press as: Jiang, Z., et al., Reliability and cost optimization for remanufacturing process planning, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),
Z. Jiang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9 7
Table 7 Table 10
Available machine information. The score for returned lathe bed.
Inside defect 3 2 2
Table 8 Surface roughness 3 5 1
Available tool information. Non-working surface damage 2 3 3
Number Tool type TCI
T1 Welding tool 8
T2 Grinding wheel 20 h i
T3 Guideway grinder sharpener 15 FðxÞ ¼ min 0:65f1 ðxÞj þ 0:35f2 ðxÞj (19)
T4 Milling tool 1 10
T5 Milling tool 2 20
T6 Milling tool 3 10
Table 9
The alternative machines, cutting tools, the initial failure rate and process time of each process stage for lathe bed remanufacturing.
Fault Operation l0 103 M&T Time/min Fault Operation l0 103 M&T Time/min
1 Crack 1 Cold welding 4.0 M1T1 9.4 3 Corrosion 7 Milling 3.6 M4T4 13.2
2 Grinding 3.0 M2T2 5.8 M4T5 10.8
M2T3 7.2 M5T5 14.3
2 Wear 3 Grinding 2.5 M2T2 10.4 M5T6 17.2
M2T3 9.8 8 Thermal spraying 2.8 M7 15.9
4 Eletrodeposited chromium 5.0 M3 4.6 M8 12.8
5 Laser cladding 7.0 M6 3.9 9 Milling 6.0 M4T4 15.5
M7 5.8 M4T5 13.6
6 Fine Grinding 3.8 M2T2 11.7 M5T5 22.3
M2T3 9.5 M5T6 16.8
M4T4 6.8 10 Grinding 4.5 M2T2 14.7
M4T5 7.6 M2T3 12.8
11 Cold welding 3.4 M1T1 8.9
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Production (2016),
8 Z. Jiang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9
Table 12
The weight of quality factor and marking criteria.
Table 13
The optimal operation sequence.
Table 14
The information of the optimal remanufacturing process plan.
4. Conclusion
Fig. 4. Comparison chart between before and after repair for the lathe guide.
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Production (2016),
Z. Jiang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production xxx (2016) 1e9 9
Table 15
Comparison of the remanufactured lathe with the standard of new lathe.
Items Accuracy value New C6132 lathe bed Remanufactured C6132 lathe bed by scheme 1 Remanufactured C6132 lathe bed by scheme 2
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Please cite this article in press as: Jiang, Z., et al., Reliability and cost optimization for remanufacturing process planning, Journal of Cleaner
Production (2016),